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1. Significant differences were detected by 31P NMR spectroscopic techniques in the intrinsic rate of ATP hydrolysis by crystalline lenses from adult Macaca mulatta, Saimiri sciureus, Felis catus, Sus, Canis familiaris, Cavia rodentia and Oryctalagis cuniculus during exogenous glucose deprivation. 2. These differences were not attributable to differences in endogenous glycogen stores, and appear instead to emanate from comparative species differences in lenticular enzyme activities.  相似文献   

The adenylate energy charge in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells increases when cells are cultivated in serum-limiting medium and decreases when they are incubated in glucose- or amino acid-limited media. Protein synthetic rates decrease in cells deprived of serum, glucose, or amino acids. Supplementation of deprived cells with respective nutrients restores normal protein synthetic rates and adenylate energy charge values. Serum-deprived cells incubated in depleted serum media do not increase their rates of protein synthesis and their adenylate energy charge remains elevated. These results suggest that serum factors regulate protein synthetic rates by mechanisms other than those regulating the availability in cells of glucose or of amino acids. The increased rates of utilization of glucose and of amino acids following the addition of serum are probably due to increased biosynthetic requirements.  相似文献   

Glycerol can be utilized by cultured cells of Novikoff rat hepatoma, Hela and HEP-2. Glucose inhibits the rate of glycerol uptake by the first two cell lines but stimulates the process in the third. The transport process of glycerol, particularly by its insensitivity to phloridzin, is distinguishable from that of glucose. The inhibitory effect of glucose on glycerol uptake which is competitive in nature is at the membrane transport and not phosphorylation step, since in vitro glycerol kinase is sensitive to neither glucose nor hexose phosphates.  相似文献   

Nil and Nilpy hamster cells exposed to temperatures of 44 degrees C to induce the heat-shock proteins survive such exposure for 2 h or more when incubated in Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium with 10% undialyzed fetal calf serum. If D-glucose and L-glutamine are withdrawn from the medium during heat treatment, nearly all the cells are killed by as little as 20 min at 44 degrees C. Several alpha-keto acids, pyruvate, alpha-ketobutyrate, oxaloacetate, and alpha-ketoglutarate, protect cells from the lethal action of the heat treatment in the absence of D-glucose and L-glutamine. L-Glucose and D-glutamine are without effect. Efforts to reverse lethal effects have not been successful.  相似文献   

Rapid chemosensitivity assay with human normal and tumor cells in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Neutral red assay, as an index of cytotoxicity, has been applied to predictive screening of chemotherapeutic agents. Human hepatoma and melanoma tumor cells and normal melanocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts were incubated for 2, 24, and 48 h with graded concentrations of cis-platinum (0.1 to 80 μM), doxorubicin (0.01 to 100 μM), and 5-fluorouracil (1 to 1000 μM). Cells were most sensitive after 48 h. Tumor cells, based on 50% toxicity values, were 2–4 times more sensitive than the normal cells, except for cis-platinum, where only melanoma cells, as compared to normal melanocytes, showed a marked difference in cytotoxic response. Methotrexate (1 to 10 μM) toxicity could be reversed in the presence of 100 μM of leucovorin. This sensitive, rapid, and economical assay is suitable for preclinical screening and drug development. This work has been supported, in part, by funds from Schering Corporation, New Jersey, and Chevron Environmental Health Center, Inc., California.  相似文献   

Depletion of energy stores of human red cells decreases the maximum transport capacity, Jm, for glucose transport to a value one-third or less of that found in red cells from freshly drawn blood. There is no change in Km. Hemolysis and resealing of red cells with ATP or ADP reverses the decrease in Jm. The maximum effect occurs at concentrations of ATP in the normal range for red cells, however, there is little effect from ADP concentrations in its normal range in freshly drawn red cells. Hemolysis and resealing with ATP gives an increase in Jm and an increase in differential labeling by photolytic labeling with tritiated cytochalasin B. Most of the activation is lost after a second hemolysis-reseal without ATP but about 25% of the activation remains.  相似文献   

Decreased cellular accumulation of cisplatin is a frequently observed mechanism of resistance to the drug. Beside passive diffusion, several cellular proteins using ATP hydrolysis as an energy source are assumed to be involved in cisplatin transport in and out of the cell. This investigation aimed at clarifying the contribution of intracellular ATP as an indicator of energy-dependent transport to cisplatin resistance using the A2780 human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line and its cisplatin-resistant variant A2780cis. Depletion of intracellular ATP with oligomycin significantly decreased cellular platinum accumulation (measured by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry) in sensitive but not in resistant cells, and did not affect cisplatin efflux in both cell lines. Inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase with ouabain reduced platinum accumulation in A2780 cells but to a lesser extent compared with oligomycin. Western blot analysis revealed lower expression of Na+,K+-ATPase α1 subunit in resistant cells compared with sensitive counterparts. The basal intracellular ATP level (determined using a bioluminescence-based assay) was significantly higher in A2780cis cells than in A2780 cells. Our results highlight the importance of ATP-dependent transport, among other processes mediated by Na+,K+-ATPase, for cisplatin influx in sensitive cells. Cellular platinum accumulation in resistant cells is reduced and less dependent on energy sources, which may partly result from Na+,K+-ATPase downregulation. Our data suggest the involvement of other ATP-dependent processes beside those regulated by Na+,K+-ATPase. Higher basal ATP level in cisplatin-resistant cells, which appears to be a consequence of enhanced mitochondrial ATP production, may represent a survival mechanism established during development of resistance.  相似文献   

We have measured uptake of 3H-hexoses into diploid human cells by exposing them to brief pulses of isotopic sugar during the log-growth, subconfluent-growth, and confluent-growth (contact inhibited) phases of the strain HSWP derived from human skin. 3H-deoxyglucose appears to be taken up three times faster than 3H-glucose. After exposure to 3H-glucose for longer than one minute, the cells excrete ~70% of the isotope into the medium as lactate. If lactate production (and hence excretion) is abolished by treating the cells with iodoacetic acid or dinitrofluorobenzene, neither of which inhibits transport, the uptake of 3H-glucose is found to be in fact somewhat larger than that of 3H-deoxyglucose. If cells are deprived of glucose for 24 hours, apparent uptake of 3H-glucose is enhanced 10-fold or more. This latter increase is accounted for by 2- to 3-fold enhancement of true transport plus retention of > 90% of the radioactivity, since little lactate is formed or excreted in glucose-deprived cells. Deoxyglucose, galactose, or pyruvate when present during glucose deprivation each have quantitatively different effects on the cells' capacity to produce lactate from a short pulse of glucose, but none of them prevents the enhancement of hexose transport. After restoration of 5 mM glucose to starved cells, their metabolism returns to normal (in the sense that ~70% of the glucose taken up in a pulse is again excreted as lactate), with a half-time of 0.5 hour; but the transport of hexoses returns to control levels much more slowly, with a half-time of ~6 hours. The two processes appear to be independently regulated.  相似文献   

The development of T cells and the selection of the TCR repertoire in the absence of exogenous antigenic stimulation were investigated. For this purpose germfree BALB/c mice fed an ultrafiltered solution of chemically defined low m.w. nutrients (GF-CD) were used. Previous studies on B cell development and differentiation in GF-CD mice have demonstrated a high reduction in the number of cells secreting Ig of the non-IgM isotypes but an Ig-VH gene usage and a B cell specificity repertoire that is substantially different from that observed in conventional adult mice and more closely resembles that of neonatal conventional mice. In contrast, the present comparison of the various lymphocyte populations in the thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen from GF-CD and conventional mice using flow cytometry analysis revealed no significant differences. Analysis of the TCR-V beta expression on both mature thymocytes and lymph node T cells showed a high degree of similarity between GF-CD and conventional mice. These findings indicate a marked difference in the influence of exogenous antigenic stimulation on the development of B and T cells. Additionally, development in an environment free of exogenous antigenic stimulation allows for full functional maturation of T cells to occur, because MLC showed that GF-CD splenic T cells could mount allogeneic responses in a way similar to T cells generated in a conventional environment. Most importantly, full Th cell function is generated, because activation of GF-CD spleen cells by cross-linking with mAb against CD3 resulted in the induction of cells secreting IFN-gamma and Ig of the non-IgM isotypes, which cannot be detected in GF-CD sera. These findings demonstrate that functional T and B cells develop in mice that have not been exposed to exogenous Ag, and that the TCR repertoire, in contrast to the B cell compartment, is predominantly shaped by endogenously expressed Ag.  相似文献   

The addition of glucose or other sugars to resting cells of Serratia maurcescens induced rapid acidification of the extracellular medium. This acidification was due to the catabolism of sugars. The rate of acidification depended on the carbon source and its concentration. HPLC analysis of the supernatants demonstrated that the progressive fall in pH resulted from the rapid production of lactic, acetic, pyruvic and citric acids. Other microorganisms were tested for their ability to produce this rapid acidification of the medium. This study may provide a rapid and simple method for metabolism studies.  相似文献   

The binding of Line 10 hepatoma cells to normal syngeneic guinea pig macrophages is increased when the tumor cells are treated with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase (NAGO) before they are added to the macrophage monolayers. The effect is abolished by exposure of the NAGO-treated tumor cells to sodium borohydride. Line 1 hepatoma cells treated with NAGO or with sodium periodate are killed to a greater extent than untreated tumor cells. This effect can also be reversed by sodium borohydride. Further, periodate-treated macrophages become cytotoxic for unmodified tumor cells. These results demonstrate that increased tumor cell killing occurs when artificial contacts (presumably via Schiff bases) are established between normal macrophages and tumor cells. They are consistent with the hypothesis that close cell to cell contact is necessary for macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Normal diploid human cells with a limited life-span in culture, as well as primary or secondary cell cultures of mouse or rat embryos, can be transformed in vitro (i.e. grow in soft-agar or low-serum medium) after a single exposure to metaphase chromosomes from SV40-transformed human or rat cells, Ad5-transformed human cells and several spontaneous human or mouse tumor cells. Chromosomes from normal diploid cells do not show any such transforming activity. As judged from the number of colonies formed in selective medium, the efficiency of transformation is, with some exceptions, of the order of 10(-5)--10(-6) and is generally higher for homologous than for heterologous transfers. A fraction of the colonies demonstrate abortive transformation. Nevertheless, using chromosomes from all but one donor cell population, at least one transferent cell line expressing a stable transformed phenotype has been established. Our results demonstrate that transformation of normal diploid cells by a presumptive chromosome-mediated gene transfer can be obtained with a variety of donor and recipient cells.  相似文献   

It has been shown that a dialyzable substance produced by normal and tumor cells can stimulate the growth of a myeloid, erythroid, and two lymphoid leukemias, and a sarcoma. The growth stimulation of the tumor cells was observed as an increase in cloning efficiency and number of cells per colony. Rat granulocytes stimulated the growth of mouse tumor cells as efficiently as a variety of mouse cells. The stimulating substance was found in conditioned medium, and it was produced by all the normal and tumor cells tested.  相似文献   

We reported previously that chick myocardial cells placed into monolayer cell culture lost tetrodotoxin (TTX) sensitivity when tested at 72 h. To further characterize the change, ventricular myocardial cells were dispersed from chick embryos 14–16 days old; these hearts are TTX-sensitive before dispersal. Intracellular microelectrode penetrations were made into spontaneously beating cells at 9–72 h after culturing. No TTX-sensitive cells were found. Spontaneous action potentials with concomitant contractions continued in the presence of TTX (8 μg/ml), and the maximum rate of rise of the action potentials (+ max) (control of 2–20 V/sec) was not reduced. Since the cells did not adhere to the vessel before 9 h, suspensions of cells were studied 1–8 h after dispersal to determine the rapidity of the loss of TTX sensitivity; all cells which contracted spontaneously or responded to electrical stimulation continued to beat in TTX. Addition of cycloheximide or actinomycin D did not prevent the loss of TTX sensitivity. The loss is not due to the use of trypsin (0.01 %) because dispersal by collagenase also resulted in loss of TTX sensitivity. Furthermore, cells separated mechanically (from 8-day-old hearts) also lost TTX sensitivity. In addition, loss of TTX sensitivity did not occur in frog sartorius muscles organ cultured for several days in 0.01 % trypsin. The loss of TTX sensitivity occurred even in multilayered cell cultures. Chronic exposure to carbachol or isoproterenol did not prevent the loss. However, elevation of K+ in the medium (12–60 mM) prevented or reversed the loss of TTX sensitivity in some cells (˜50 %), although + max remained low. Hence, the loss of TTX-sensitive fast Na+ channels upon cell dispersal (a) occurs very rapidly (less than 60 min), (b) is not due to the use of trypsin, (c) is independent of protein synthesis, (d) is not solely a function of cell association, (e) is not influenced by neurotransmitters, and (f) is prevented or reversed by culturing in elevated [K+]0. The mechanism of the changes in characteristics of the cation channels remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Injection of mice with polyclonal goat anti-mouse IgD antibody (G alpha M delta) stimulates a potent T cell-dependent immune response characterized by large increases in serum IgG1 and IgE concentrations and by the generation of substantial numbers of membrane (m)IgG1+ B cells. The onset of this response occurs 6 days after G alpha M delta injection and peaks by day 7 to 8. Utilizing two color fluorescence analysis and cell sorting we demonstrate that most mIgG1-expressing B cells lack mIgM during the period of onset of Ig isotype switching (day 6). Both IgG1 and IgE are produced predominantly by mIgM- cells. On day 6, IgG1 and IgE are secreted predominantly by cells expressing mIgG1 and mIgE, respectively. By day 8, a majority of the IgG1 secretion occurs among the mIgG1- cells but virtually all IgE secretion continues to come from the mIgE+ population. B cells that strongly express mIgG1 secrete little IgM or IgE. Freshly harvested B cells expressing mIgG1, 6 days after G alpha M delta injection, have undergone substantial deletion of CH mu-specific DNA in contrast to their mIgG1- counterparts. Hence, the great majority of B cells that switch to the IgG1 or IgE isotypes in vivo rapidly lose their expression of IgM.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that mitochondrial bound hexokinase is markedly elevated in highly glycolytic hepatoma cells (Parry, D. M., and Pedersen, P.L. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 10904-10912). A pore-forming protein, porin, within the outer membrane appears to comprise at least part of the receptor site (Nakashima, R.A., Mangan, P.S., Colombini, M., and Pedersen, P.L. (1986). Biochemistry 25, 1015-1021). In studies reported here experiments were carried out to assess the functional significance of mitochondrial bound tumor hexokinase. Two approaches were used to determine whether the bound enzyme has preferred access to mitochondrially generated ATP relative to cytosolic ATP. The first approach compared the time course of glucose 6-phosphate formation by AS-30D hepatoma mitochondria under conditions where ATP was regenerated endogenously via oxidative phosphorylation or exogenously by added pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate. The second approach involved the measurement of the specific radioactivity of glucose 6-phosphate formed following the addition of [gamma-32P]ATP to either phosphorylating or nonphosphorylating AS-30D mitochondria. Both approaches provided results which show that the source of ATP for bound hexokinase is derived preferentially from the ATP synthase residing within the inner mitochondrial membrane compartment rather than from the medium (i.e. from the cytosolic compartment). These results provide the first direct demonstration that the exceptionally high level of hexokinase bound to mitochondria of highly glycolytic tumor cells has preferred access to mitochondrially generated ATP, a finding that may have rather profound metabolic significance for such tumors.  相似文献   

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