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The cholinergic hypothesis has long been a “polar star” in drug discovery for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), resulting in many small molecules and biological drug candidates. Most of the drugs marketed for AD are cholinergic. Herein, we report our efforts in the discovery of cholinesterases inhibitors (ChEIs) as multi-target-directed ligands. A series of tacrine-ferulic acid hybrids have been designed and synthesised. All these compounds showed potent acetyl-(AChE) and butyryl cholinesterase(BuChE) inhibition. Among them, the optimal compound 10g, was the most potent inhibitor against AChE (electrophorus electricus (eeAChE) half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50)?=?37.02?nM), it was also a strong inhibitor against BuChE (equine serum (eqBuChE) IC50?=?101.40?nM). Besides, it inhibited amyloid β-protein self-aggregation by 65.49% at 25?μM. In subsequent in vivo scopolamine-induced AD models, compound 10g obviously ameliorated the cognition impairment and showed preliminary safety in hepatotoxicity evaluation. These data suggest compound 10g as a promising multifunctional agent in the drug discovery process against AD.  相似文献   

A series of novel Benzofuran-tetrazole derivatives were successfully synthesised by integrating multicomponent Ugi-azide reaction with the molecular hybridization approach. Interestingly, a number of synthesized derivatives (5c, 5d, 5i, 5l, 5q and 5s) exhibited significant reduction of aggregation of “human” amyloid beta peptide, expressing on transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) strain CL4176. Further, in silico docking results have evidenced the exquisite interaction of active compounds with the help of TcAChE–E2020 complex. These findings underscore the potential of these hybrids as lead molecules against Alzheimers’s disease.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a preserved cytoplasmic self-degradation process and endorses recycling of intracellular constituents into bioenergetics for the controlling of cellular homeostasis. Functional autophagy process is essential in eliminating cytoplasmic waste components and helps in the recycling of some of its constituents. Studies have revealed that neurodegenerative disorders may be caused by mutations in autophagy-related genes and alterations of autophagic flux. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irrevocable deleterious neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the formation of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) in the hippocampus and cortex. In the central nervous system of healthy people, there is no accretion of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides due to the balance between generation and degradation of Aβ. However, for AD patients, the generation of Aβ peptides is higher than lysis that causes accretion of Aβ. Likewise, the maturation of autophagolysosomes and inhibition of their retrograde transport creates favorable conditions for Aβ accumulation. Furthermore, increasing mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling raises tau levels as well as phosphorylation. Alteration of mTOR activity occurs in the early stage of AD. In addition, copious evidence links autophagic/lysosomal dysfunction in AD. Compromised mitophagy is also accountable for dysfunctional mitochondria that raises Alzheimer’s pathology. Therefore, autophagic dysfunction might lead to the deposit of atypical proteins in the AD brain and manipulation of autophagy could be considered as an emerging therapeutic target. This review highlights the critical linkage of autophagy in the pathogenesis of AD, and avows a new insight to search for therapeutic target for blocking Alzheimer’s pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A series of novel flurbiprofen-clioquinol hybrids were designed and synthesized as multifunctional agents for Alzheimer’s disease therapy, and their potential was evaluated through various biological experiments. In vitro studies showed that most target compounds exhibited significant ability to inhibit self- and Cu2+-induced β-amyloid aggregation. Furthermore, some target compounds, especially 7i and 7r, also showed biometal chelating abilities, antioxidant activity, anti-neuroinflammatory activity and appropriate BBB permeability. These biological activities indicated that the representative compound 7i and 7r might be promising multifunctional agents for AD treatment.  相似文献   

It has been reported that beta amyloid induces production of radical oxygen species and oxidative stress in neuronal cells, which in turn upregulates β-secretase (BACE-1) expression and beta amyloid levels, thereby propagating oxidative stress and increasing neuronal injury. A series of resveratrol derivatives, known to be inhibitors of oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death (oxytosis) were biologically evaluated against BACE-1 using homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) assay. Correlation between oxytosis inhibitory and BACE-1 inhibitory activity of resveratrol derivatives was statistically significant, supporting the notion that BACE-1 may act as pivotal mediator of neuronal cell oxytosis. Four of the biologically evaluated resveratrol analogs demonstrated considerably higher activity than resveratrol in either assay. The discovery of some “hits” led us to initiate detailed docking studies associated with Molecular Dynamics in order to provide a plausible explanation for the experimental results and understand their molecular basis of action.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a multi-factorial disease, which can be simply outlined as an irreversible and progressive neurodegenerative disorder with an unclear root cause. It is a major cause of dementia in old aged people. In the present study, utilizing the structural and biological activity information of ligands for five important and mostly studied vital targets (i.e. cyclin-dependant kinase 5, β-secretase, monoamine oxidase B, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, acetylcholinesterase) that are believed to be effective against AD, we have developed five classification models using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) technique. Considering the importance of data curation, we have given more attention towards the chemical and biological data curation, which is a difficult task especially in case of big data-sets. Thus, to ease the curation process we have designed Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) workflows, which are made available at http://teqip.jdvu.ac.in/QSAR_Tools/. The developed models were appropriately validated based on the predictions for experiment derived data from test sets, as well as true external set compounds including known multi-target compounds. The domain of applicability for each classification model was checked based on a confidence estimation approach. Further, these validated models were employed for screening of natural compounds collected from the InterBioScreen natural database (https://www.ibscreen.com/natural-compounds). Further, the natural compounds that were categorized as ‘actives’ in at least two classification models out of five developed models were considered as multi-target leads, and these compounds were further screened using the drug-like filter, molecular docking technique and then thoroughly analyzed using molecular dynamics studies. Finally, the most potential multi-target natural compounds against AD are suggested.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a most common neurodegenerative disorder, which associates with impaired cognition. Gut microbiota can modulate host brain function and behavior via microbiota-gut-brain axis, including cognitive behavior. Germ-free animals, antibiotics, probiotics intervention and diet can induce alterations of gut microbiota and gut physiology and also host cognitive behavior, increasing or decreasing risks of AD. The increased permeability of intestine and blood-brain barrier induced by gut microbiota disturbance will increase the incidence of neurodegeneration disorders. Gut microbial metabolites and their effects on host neurochemical changes may increase or decrease the risk of AD. Pathogenic microbes infection will also increase the risk of AD, and meanwhile, the onset of AD support the “hygiene hypothesis”. All the results suggest that AD may begin in the gut, and is closely related to the imbalance of gut microbiota. Modulation of gut microbiota through personalized diet or beneficial microbiota intervention will probably become a new treatment for AD.  相似文献   

This brief review discusses copper transport in humans, with an emphasis on knowledge learned from one of the simplest model organisms, yeast. There is a further focus on copper transport in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Copper homeostasis is essential for the well-being of all organisms, from bacteria to yeast to humans: survival depends on maintaining the required supply of copper for the many enzymes, dependent on copper for activity, while ensuring that there is no excess free copper, which would cause toxicity. A virtual orchestra of proteins are required to achieve copper homeostasis. For copper uptake, Cu(II) is first reduced to Cu(I) via a membrane-bound reductase. The reduced copper can then be internalised by a copper transporter where it is transferred to copper chaperones for transport and specific delivery to various organelles. Of significance are internal copper transporters, ATP7A and ATP7B, notable for their role in disorders of copper deficiency and toxicity, Menkes and Wilson’s disease, respectively. Metallothioneins and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase can protect against excess copper in cells. It is clear too, increasing age, environmental and lifestyle factors impact on brain copper. Studies on AD suggest an important role for copper in the brain, with some AD therapies focusing on mobilising copper in AD brains. The transport of copper into the brain is complex and involves numerous players, including amyloid precursor protein, Aβ peptide and cholesterol.  相似文献   


Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B have been used for many years in the therapy of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Owing to the safety concerns of the currently used agents, the discovery of novel scaffolds is of considerable interest. MAO-B inhibitory potential of rutin, a flavonoid derived from natural sources, has been established in experimental findings. Hence, the current study seeks to examine the interactions between rutin and crystal structure of human MAO-B enzyme. Molecular docking calculations, as well as molecular dynamics simulations, were employed to investigate the binding mode and the stability of the rutin/MAO-B complex. Energies of highest occupied/lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals were computed through DFT studies and used to calculate electron affinity, hardness, chemical potential, electronegativity, and electrophilicity index in order to investigate the capability of these parameters to influence the ligand–receptor interactions. It was found that rutin traverses both the entrance cavity and the substrate cavity, forcing the Ile-199 ‘gate’ to rotate into its open conformation. It results in the fusion of the two cavities of the MAO-B binding site and directly leads to better binding interactions. Results of the current study can be used for lead modification and development of novel drugs for the treatment of PD.  相似文献   

A novel series of benzylisoquinoline derivatives were designed, synthesized, and evaluated as multifunctional agents against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The screening results showed that most of the compounds significantly inhibited cholinesterases (ChEs), human cholinesterases (h-ChEs) and self-induced β-amyloid (Aβ) aggregation. In particular, compound 9k showed the strongest acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity, being 1000-fold and 3-fold more potent than its precursor benzylisoquinoline (10) and the positive control galanthamine, respectively. In addition, 9k was a moderately potent inhibitor for h-ChEs. Compared with precursor benzylisoquinoline (36.0% at 20 μМ), 9k (78.4% at 20 μМ) could further inhibit Aβ aggregation. Moreover, 9k showed low cell toxicity in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Therefore, compound 9k might be a promising lead compound for AD treatment.  相似文献   

The mevalonate–isoprenoid–cholesterol biosynthesis pathway plays a key role in human health and disease. The importance of this pathway is underscored by the discovery that two major isoprenoids, farnesyl and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, are required to modify an array of proteins through a process known as protein prenylation, catalyzed by prenyltransferases. The lipophilic prenyl group facilitates the anchoring of proteins in cell membranes, mediating protein–protein interactions and signal transduction. Numerous essential intracellular proteins undergo prenylation, including most members of the small GTPase superfamily as well as heterotrimeric G proteins and nuclear lamins, and are involved in regulating a plethora of cellular processes and functions. Dysregulation of isoprenoids and protein prenylation is implicated in various disorders, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancers, bone diseases, infectious diseases, progeria, and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Therefore, isoprenoids and/or prenyltransferases have emerged as attractive targets for developing therapeutic agents. Here, we provide a general overview of isoprenoid synthesis, the process of protein prenylation and the complexity of prenylated proteins, and pharmacological agents that regulate isoprenoids and protein prenylation. Recent findings that connect isoprenoids/protein prenylation with AD are summarized and potential applications of new prenylomic technologies for uncovering the role of prenylated proteins in the pathogenesis of AD are discussed.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease is the fourth biggest killer in developed countries. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays a central role in the development of the disease, through the generation of a peptide called Aβ by proteolysis of the precursor protein. APP can function as a metalloprotein and modulate copper transport via its extracellular copper binding domain (CuBD). Copper binding to this domain has been shown to reduce Aβ levels and hence a molecular understanding of the interaction between metal and protein could lead to the development of novel therapeutics to treat the disease. We have recently determined the three-dimensional structures of apo and copper bound forms of CuBD. The structures provide a mechanism by which CuBD could readily transfer copper ions to other proteins. Importantly, the lack of significant conformational changes to CuBD on copper binding suggests a model in which copper binding affects the dimerisation state of APP leading to reduction in Aβ production. We thus predict that disruption of APP dimers may be a novel therapeutic approach to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Australian Society for Biophysics Special Issue: Metals and Membranes in Neuroscience.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, afflicting more than 30 million people worldwide. Currently, there is no cure or way to prevent this devastating disease. Extracellular plaques, containing various forms of amyloid-β protein (Aβ), and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), composed of hyper-phosphorylated tau protein, are two major pathological hallmarks of the AD brain. Aggregation, deposition, and N-terminal modification of Aβ protein and tau phosphorylation and aggregation are thought to precede the onset of cognitive decline, which is better correlated with tangle formation and neuron loss. Active and passive vaccines against various forms of Aβ have shown promise in pre-clinical animal models. However, translating these results safely and effectively into humans has been challenging. Recent clinical trials showed little or no cognitive efficacy, possibly due to the fact that the aforementioned neurodegenerative processes most likely pre-existed in the patients well before the start of immunotherapy. Efforts are now underway to treat individuals at risk for AD prior to or in the earliest stages of cognitive decline with the hope of preventing or delaying the onset of the disease. In addition, efforts to immunize against tau and other AD-related targets are underway.  相似文献   

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