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Ciliate assemblages are often overlooked, but ubiquitous components of microbial biofilms which require a better understanding. Ciliate, diatom and bacterial colonisation were evaluated on two fouling-release (FR) coatings, viz. Intersleek 970 and Hempasil X3, and two biocidal antifouling (AF) coatings, viz. Intersmooth 360 and Interspeed 5640, in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. A total of 15 genera were identified during the 10 week deployment. Intersleek 970 displayed the most rapid fouling by ciliates, reaching 63.3(± 5.9) cells cm?2. After 10 weeks, all four coatings were extensively fouled. However, the toxicity of the AF coatings still significantly inhibited microbial fouling compared to the FR coatings. On all treatments, colonies of sessile peritrichs dominated the ciliate assemblage in the early stage of succession, but as the biofilm matured, vagile ciliates exerted more influence on the assemblage structure. The AF coatings showed selective toxic effects, causing significant differences in the ciliate species assemblages among the treatments.  相似文献   

Polysiloxane coatings containing chemically-bound (“tethered”) quaternary ammonium salt (QAS) moieties were investigated for potential application as environmental-friendly coatings to control marine biofouling. A combinatorial/high-throughput approach was applied to the investigation to enable multiple variables to be probed simultaneously and efficiently. The variables investigated for the moisture-curable coatings included QAS composition, ie alkyl chain length, and concentration as well as silanol-terminated polysiloxane molecular weight. A total of 75 compositionally unique coatings were prepared and characterized using surface characterization techniques and biological assays. Biological assays were based on two different marine microorganisms, a bacterium, Cellulophaga lytica and a diatom, Navicula incerta, as well as a macrofouling alga, Ulva. The results of the study showed that all three variables influenced coating surface properties as well as antifouling (AF) and fouling-release (FR) characteristics. The incorporation of QAS moieties into a polysiloxane matrix generally resulted in an increase in coating surface hydrophobicity. Characterization of coating surface morphology revealed a heterogeneous, two-phase morphology for many of the coatings investigated. A correlation was found between water contact angle and coating surface roughness, with the contact angle increasing with increasing surface roughness. Coatings based on the QAS moiety containing the longest alkyl chain (18 carbons) displayed the highest micro-roughness and, thus, the most hydrophobic surfaces. With regard to AF and FR properties, coatings based on the 18 carbon QAS moieties were very effective at inhibiting C. lytica biofilm formation and enabling easy removal of Ulva sporelings (young plants) while coatings based on the 14 carbon QAS moities were very effective at inhibiting biofilm growth of N. incerta.  相似文献   

Marker gene amplicon sequencing is often preferred over whole genome sequencing for microbial community characterization, due to its lower cost while still enabling assessment of uncultivable organisms. This technique involves many experimental steps, each of which can be a source of errors and bias. We present an up-to-date overview of the whole experimental pipeline, from sampling to sequencing reads, and give information allowing for informed choices at each step of both planning and execution of a microbial community assessment study. When applicable, we also suggest ways of avoiding inherent pitfalls in amplicon sequencing.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing studies have shown the important role microbial communities play in the male reproductive tract, indicating differences in the semen microbial composition between fertile and infertile males. Most of these studies were made on human beings but little is known regarding domestic animals. Seminal bacteria studies made in stallions mostly focus on pathogenic bacteria and on their impact on reproductive technology. However, little is known about stallion commensal seminal microflora. That ultimately hinders our capacity to associate specific bacteria to conditions or seminal quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the seminal microbial composition of 12 healthy, fertile stallion using next-generation sequencing. Hypervariable region V3 was chosen for bacterial identification. A total of nine phyla was detected. The most abundant ones were Bacteroidetes (46.50%), Firmicutes (29.92%) and Actinobacteria (13.58%). At family level, we found 69 bacterial families, but only nine are common in all samples. Porphyromonadaceae (33.18%), Peptoniphilaceae (14.09%), Corynebacteriaceae (11.32%) and Prevotellaceae (9.05%) were the most representative ones, while the Firmicutes phylum displayed the highest number of families (23, a third of the total). Samples showed high inter-subject variability. Findings previously described in other species notably differ from our findings. Families found in human such as Lactobacillaceae, Staphylococcaceae and Streptococcaceae only represented a 0.00%, 0.17% and 0.22% abundance in our samples, respectively. In conclusion, Porphyromonadaceae, Prevotellaceae, Peptoniphilaceae and Corynebacteriaceae families are highly represented in the seminal microbiome of healthy, fertile stallions. A high variation among individuals is also observed.  相似文献   

【背景】16S rRNA基因扩增子测序技术是一种不依赖培养而获得样本中细菌种群结构、相对丰度等信息的方法。高通量测序技术实验步骤较多,每一步骤细微的差别都可能在最终的测序结果中放大,并造成测序结果与实际情况的偏差。【目的】基于MiSeq测序平台,探讨PCR反应体系中扩增引物序列、退火温度、模板起始量、扩增循环数和变性时间等5个因素对16S rRNA基因测序结果的影响。【方法】对mock DNA的16S rRNA基因扩增子进行测序,分别分析不同的扩增引物、退火温度、模板起始量、循环数和变性时间对数据准确性的影响。【结果】不同的扩增引物对检测结果有较大的影响,采用的4组引物中,引物B (V3–V4,341F/806R)的准确性最好,引物A(V3–V4,341F/805R)次之。比较不同退火温度(52、55和60℃)对检测准确性的影响,退火温度60℃的结果最接近理论值。模板起始量(2、10和50 ng)的检测结果显示,mock DNA起始量为2ng的结果准确性最高。相较于其他3组(15+18、25+8和30+8),循环数为(20+8)的检测结果最接近mock DNA的理论值。不同变性时间(3...  相似文献   

病原宏基因组高通量测序技术理论上能够检测几乎所有病原体基因组核酸,且适用于几乎所有类型的临床样本,尤其适用于病原不明的疑难感染性疾病的诊断。因此该技术正逐渐成为实验室常规检测方法的重要补充和不可替代的项目。然而,基于该技术的诊断试剂不仅检测流程繁琐复杂、技术更新迭代速度较快,同时相关质量控制与评价的方法和标准也有待明确,这些因素均给该技术的临床转化应用、行业发展以及监管带来挑战和不确定性。文中简述了该技术的原理和优势,以及检测流程和关键质量控制环节,最后着重介绍了关于该技术的质量评价方法和标准的相关思考。  相似文献   

The potential importance of DNA methylation in the etiology of complex diseases has led to interest in the development of methylome-wide association studies (MWAS) aimed at interrogating all methylation sites in the human genome. When using blood as biomaterial for a MWAS the DNA is typically extracted directly from fresh or frozen whole blood that was collected via venous puncture. However, DNA extracted from dry blood spots may also be an alternative starting material. In the present study, we apply a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein enrichment-based technique in combination with next generation sequencing (MBD-seq) to assess the methylation status of the ~27 million CpGs in the human autosomal reference genome. We investigate eight methylomes using DNA from blood spots. This data are compared with 1,500 methylomes previously assayed with the same MBD-seq approach using DNA from whole blood. When investigating the sequence quality and the enrichment profile across biological features, we find that DNA extracted from blood spots gives comparable results with DNA extracted from whole blood. Only if the amount of starting material is ≤ 0.5µg DNA we observe a slight decrease in the assay performance. In conclusion, we show that high quality methylome-wide investigations using MBD-seq can be conducted in DNA extracted from archived dry blood spots without sacrificing quality and without bias in enrichment profile as long as the amount of starting material is sufficient. In general, the amount of DNA extracted from a single blood spot is sufficient for methylome-wide investigations with the MBD-seq approach.  相似文献   

DNA microarray and next-generation DNA sequencing technologies are important tools for high-throughput genome research, in revealing both the structural and functional characteristics of genomes. In the past decade the DNA microarray technologies have been widely applied in the studies of functional genomics, systems biology and pharmacogenomics. The next-generation DNA sequencing method was first introduced by the 454 Company in 2003, immediately followed by the establishment of the Solexa and Solid techniques by other biotech companies. Though it has not been long since the first emergence of this technology, with the fast and impressive improvement, the application of this technology has extended to almost all fields of genomics research, as a rival challenging the existing DNA microarray technology. This paper briefly reviews the working principles of these two technologies as well as their application and perspectives in genome research. Supported by the National High-Tech Research Program of China (Grant No.2006AA020704) and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Grant No. 05DZ22201)  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing technologies have led to recognition of a so-called ‘rare biosphere''. These microbial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) are defined by low relative abundance and may be specifically adapted to maintaining low population sizes. We hypothesized that mining of low-abundance next-generation 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene data would lead to the discovery of novel phylogenetic diversity, reflecting microorganisms not yet discovered by previous sampling efforts. Here, we test this hypothesis by combining molecular and bioinformatic approaches for targeted retrieval of phylogenetic novelty within rare biosphere OTUs. We combined BLASTN network analysis, phylogenetics and targeted primer design to amplify 16S rRNA gene sequences from unique potential bacterial lineages, comprising part of the rare biosphere from a multi-million sequence data set from an Arctic tundra soil sample. Demonstrating the feasibility of the protocol developed here, three of seven recovered phylogenetic lineages represented extremely divergent taxonomic entities. These divergent target sequences correspond to (a) a previously unknown lineage within the BRC1 candidate phylum, (b) a sister group to the early diverging and currently recognized monospecific Cyanobacteria Gloeobacter, a genus containing multiple plesiomorphic traits and (c) a highly divergent lineage phylogenetically resolved within mitochondria. A comparison to twelve next-generation data sets from additional soils suggested persistent low-abundance distributions of these novel 16S rRNA genes. The results demonstrate this sequence analysis and retrieval pipeline as applicable for exploring underrepresented phylogenetic novelty and recovering taxa that may represent significant steps in bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组与转录组研究策略简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组与转录组研究越来越广泛,选择合适的研究策略变得越来越重要.就基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组和转录组研究策略进行综述,并简要介绍细菌基因组和转录组研究中的机遇和挑战.综述细菌基因组与转录组研究的常规方法及步骤,并简要地介绍存在的问题.细菌基因组和转录组研究策略为大多数细菌的研究提供了一个...  相似文献   

A laminar flow biofilm-monitoring system was used to determine the efficacies of three antifouling (AF) coatings and five fouling-release (FR) coatings againstVibrio harveyi attachment. On-line measurements of tryptophan fluorescence and bioluminescence from each coating, normalized to an upstream stainless steel coupon, were used to determine the effects of AF and FR surfaces on biofilm formation. The AF coatings consisted of 5, 10, and 35 wt% Sea Nine 211 (C9211) incorporated into a vinyl copolymer. Both the 10 and 35 wt% coatings significantly inhibited biofilm biomass development measured by tryptophan fluorescence compared to the stainless steel control.V. harveyi bioluminescence was significantly greater than tryptophan fluorescence in cells attached to these coatings, suggesting that bioluminescence expression may be a marker for cellular stress or toxicity in biofilms. Five different polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) FR coatings did not inhibit biofilm formation under low flow conditions. However, four PDMS coatings demonstrated decreased biomass levels compared to stainless steel after exposure to a shear stress of 330 dynes cm–2. There was no toxic additive in these coatings; bioluminescence and tryptophan fluorescence were proportional.  相似文献   

Diatoms are a major component of the slime layers that form on artificial surfaces in marine environments. In this article, the role played by diatoms during the pioneering stages of colonization of three marine antifouling (AF) coatings, viz Intersmooth 360®, Super Yacht 800® and a fouling-release (FR) coating Intersleek 700®, was investigated. The study was conducted over three distinct seasons in two very different marine environments in Australia, ie temperate Williamstown, Victoria and tropical Cairns, Queensland. Diatom fouling occurred more rapidly on the FR coating Intersleek 700, compared to both biocidal AF paints. However, colonization by diatoms on all three coatings was generally slow during the 16-day study. Benthic diatoms do not subsist by floating around in the water column, rather they only gain the opportunity to colonize new surfaces when they either voluntarily release or are displaced from their benthic habitat, thereafter entering the water column where the opportunity to adhere to a new surface presents itself. However, once settled, fouling diatoms grow exponentially from the site of attachment, spreading out until they populate large areas of the surface. This mode of surface colonization correlates more with an ‘infection’ type, epidemiology model, a mechanism that accounts for the colonization of significant regions of the coating surface from a single fouling diatom cell, forming ‘clonal patches’. This is in comparison to the bacterial colonization of the surface, which exhibits far more rapid recruitment and growth of cells on the substratum surface. Therefore, it is hypothesized that fouling diatoms may be characterized more by their ability to adhere and grow on surfaces already modified by bacterial biofilms, rather than on their strength of adhesion. Cell morphology and the ability to avoid shear may also be an important factor.  相似文献   

In the era of metagenomics and amplicon sequencing, comprehensive analyses of available sequence data remain a challenge. Here we describe an approach exploiting metagenomic and amplicon data sets from public databases to elucidate phylogenetic diversity of defined microbial taxa. We investigated the phylum Chlamydiae whose known members are obligate intracellular bacteria that represent important pathogens of humans and animals, as well as symbionts of protists. Despite their medical relevance, our knowledge about chlamydial diversity is still scarce. Most of the nine known families are represented by only a few isolates, while previous clone library-based surveys suggested the existence of yet uncharacterized members of this phylum. Here we identified more than 22 000 high quality, non-redundant chlamydial 16S rRNA gene sequences in diverse databases, as well as 1900 putative chlamydial protein-encoding genes. Even when applying the most conservative approach, clustering of chlamydial 16S rRNA gene sequences into operational taxonomic units revealed an unexpectedly high species, genus and family-level diversity within the Chlamydiae, including 181 putative families. These in silico findings were verified experimentally in one Antarctic sample, which contained a high diversity of novel Chlamydiae. In our analysis, the Rhabdochlamydiaceae, whose known members infect arthropods, represents the most diverse and species-rich chlamydial family, followed by the protist-associated Parachlamydiaceae, and a putative new family (PCF8) with unknown host specificity. Available information on the origin of metagenomic samples indicated that marine environments contain the majority of the newly discovered chlamydial lineages, highlighting this environment as an important chlamydial reservoir.  相似文献   

微生物在人类生活中无处不在, 过去人们对微生物的认识仅停留在单菌培养和定性研究上, 而测序技术的发展极大地促进了微生物组学的研究。越来越多的证据表明: 人体共生微生物、特别是肠道微生物与人类健康息息相关。 二代测序技术凭借其高通量、高准确率和低成本的特点, 成为微生物组学研究中的主流测序技术。但是随着研究的深入, 二代测序技术的短读长(< 450 bp)增加了后续数据分析和基因组拼接难度, 也限制了该技术在未来研究中的应用。在此背景下, 第三代测序技术应运而生。第三代测序技术又称单分子测序, 能够直接对单个DNA分子进行实时测序, 而不需要经过PCR扩增。第三代测序技术的平均读长在2-10 kb左右, 最高可以达到2.2 Mb, 实现了长序列的高通量测序。凭借其超长的测序读长、无GC偏好性等优势, 三代测序技术为微生物基因组全长测序, 组装完整可靠的基因组提供了新的方法。本文在描述三代测序的技术特点和原理的基础上, 重点介绍了三代测序技术在微生物16S/18S rRNA基因测序、单菌的基因组组装以及宏基因组中的研究应用和进展。  相似文献   



Influenza viruses exist as a large group of closely related viral genomes, also called quasispecies. The composition of this influenza viral quasispecies can be determined by an accurate and sensitive sequencing technique and data analysis pipeline. We compared the suitability of two benchtop next-generation sequencers for whole genome influenza A quasispecies analysis: the Illumina MiSeq sequencing-by-synthesis and the Ion Torrent PGM semiconductor sequencing technique.


We first compared the accuracy and sensitivity of both sequencers using plasmid DNA and different ratios of wild type and mutant plasmid. Illumina MiSeq sequencing reads were one and a half times more accurate than those of the Ion Torrent PGM. The majority of sequencing errors were substitutions on the Illumina MiSeq and insertions and deletions, mostly in homopolymer regions, on the Ion Torrent PGM. To evaluate the suitability of the two techniques for determining the genome diversity of influenza A virus, we generated plasmid-derived PR8 virus and grew this virus in vitro. We also optimized an RT-PCR protocol to obtain uniform coverage of all eight genomic RNA segments. The sequencing reads obtained with both sequencers could successfully be assembled de novo into the segmented influenza virus genome. After mapping of the reads to the reference genome, we found that the detection limit for reliable recognition of variants in the viral genome required a frequency of 0.5% or higher. This threshold exceeds the background error rate resulting from the RT-PCR reaction and the sequencing method. Most of the variants in the PR8 virus genome were present in hemagglutinin, and these mutations were detected by both sequencers.


Our approach underlines the power and limitations of two commonly used next-generation sequencers for the analysis of influenza virus gene diversity. We conclude that the Illumina MiSeq platform is better suited for detecting variant sequences whereas the Ion Torrent PGM platform has a shorter turnaround time. The data analysis pipeline that we propose here will also help to standardize variant calling in small RNA genomes based on next-generation sequencing data.  相似文献   

Long-term grooming tests were conducted on two large-scale test panels, one coated with a fluorosilicone fouling-release (FR) coating, and one coated with a copper based ablative antifouling (AF) coating. Mechanical grooming was performed weekly or bi-weekly using a hand operated, electrically powered, rotating brush tool. The results indicate that weekly grooming was effective at removing loose or heavy biofilm settlement from both coatings, but could not prevent the permanent establishment of low-profile tenacious biofilms. Weekly grooming was very effective at preventing macrofouling establishment on the AF coating. The effectiveness of weekly grooming at preventing macrofouling establishment on the FR coating varied seasonally. The results suggest that frequent mechanical grooming is a viable method to reduce the fouling rating of ships’ hulls with minimal impact to the coating. Frequent grooming could offer significant fuel savings while reducing hull cleaning frequencies and dry dock maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

为探明桃蚜Myzus persicae体内微生物群落结构及其种类多样性,采用Illumina HiSeq二代测序技术检测桃蚜体内细菌16S rRNA基因和真菌ITS基因序列的方法,分析取食白菜Brassica pekinensis和甘蓝Brassica oleracea的无翅孤雌桃蚜成虫体内微生物群落结构及多样性。研究结果获得桃蚜体内细菌16S rDNA和真菌ITS1优质序列分别为473 750条和472 980条,并根据序列相似性对其进行聚类分析,分别获得959个和1 424个OTUs。基于OTUs分类结果,共注释鉴定细菌类群26个门、55个纲、128个目、227个科、419属、451种,真菌类群10个门、31个纲、77个目、172个科、343属、441种。其中,在门级水平上,取食白菜和甘蓝的桃蚜体内细菌类群均以变形菌门Proteobacteria内的细菌(占73.11%,80.10%)为优势菌;真菌类群均以子囊菌门Ascomycota真菌(占51.91%,50.98%)为优势菌。在属级水平上,取食白菜和甘蓝的桃蚜体内细菌均以布赫纳氏菌属Buchnera(占60.82%,56.11%...  相似文献   

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