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The presence of bat species is commonly determined by placing acoustic bat detectors that record bat echolocation calls in the habitat they are likely to use. Detection rates are affected by variables including type of detection unit used. We compared detection rates of long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) echolocation calls between two types of automated bat detectors: Wildlife Acoustics SMZC Zero Crossing Bat Recorders (ZC), and Frequency Compression Automated Bat Monitoring units (FC) produced by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation. Units were placed in locations where bats were known to be present, but not all detected bats. The median number of bat passes recorded by FC units over 10 nights was 20 compared with a median of 3 bat passes for ZC units. ZC units also detected bats over significantly fewer nights than FC units. These results suggest FC units are more sensitive and therefore better to use where long-tailed bats are expected to be at low abundance or only present infrequently. Because of inconsistencies in detection rates, we recommend the use of only one model of the detector within a monitoring project. Our data also suggests that surveys should take place over long periods to maximise likelihood of detecting bats, if present.  相似文献   

Human population growth drives intrusion and progressive conversion of natural habitats for agriculture. We evaluated human impacts on bat species diversity and distribution among four vegetation types in and around Lake Bogoria National Reserve between November 2012 and July 2013. Plants were surveyed using the Braun–Blanquet cover/abundance method, whereas bats were sampled using standard mist nets erected on poles at ground level. Floristic similarity analysis revealed three broad vegetation assemblages, namely riverine vegetation, farmland and Acacia woodland/Acacia–Commiphora woodland. Two hundred and 33 bats representing eleven species in eleven genera and seven families were recorded. These were Epomophorus minimus, Rhinolophus landeri, Hipposideros caffer, Cardioderma cor, Lavia frons, Nycteris hispida, Chaerephon pumilus, Mops condylurus, Neoromicia capensis, Scotoecus hirundo and Scotophilus dinganii. Species richness estimators indicated that sampling for bats at ground level was exhaustive. Bat species richness and diversity were highest in the more structurally complex Acacia woodland compared to more homogenous farmlands where we recorded only common and generalist species that often occur in open habitats. The higher bat species richness and diversity in the Acacia woodland as compared to farmland underscore the importance of remnant natural savannah woodlands in the conservation of bats and other elements of biodiversity .  相似文献   

Although the land mammals of Madagascar have been the subject of many studies, the island’s bats have yet to feature prominently on the research or conservation agenda. In this study we used mist nets, acoustic sampling and cave surveys to assess habitat use, seasonality and roost selection. Four microchiropteran species (Triaenops rufus, T. furculus, Miniopterus manavi and Myotis goudoti) appeared to be strongly associated with the forest interior based on trapping, but analysis of time-expanded echolocation recordings revealed that T. rufus and M.␣manavi were frequently recorded in forest edges and clearings. Bat activity was significantly lower inside the forest than at the interface between agricultural land and forest. The caves visited most often by tourists were low in bat abundance and species richness. Anjohikinakina Cave, which was visited infrequently by people, was used by five species and contained between 54% (winter) and 99% (summer) of bats counted in 16 caves and is a site of national importance for bat conservation. Hipposideros commersoni was only netted in our study area during October and may be a migrant to the site or present but inactive during the austral winter. The forest surrounding the caves is therefore important because it provides cover for emerging bats and a potential source of invertebrate prey whilst the forest edge is important to foraging bats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the diversity of ectoparasitic fungi (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) that use bat flies (Diptera, Hippoboscoidea) as hosts. Bat flies themselves live as ectoparasites on the fur and wing membranes of bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera); hence this is a tripartite parasite system. Here, we collected bats, bat flies, and Laboulbeniales, and conducted phylogenetic analyses of Laboulbeniales to contrast morphology with ribosomal sequence data. Parasitism of bat flies by Laboulbeniales arose at least three times independently, once in the Eastern Hemisphere (Arthrorhynchus) and twice in the Western Hemisphere (Gloeandromyces, Nycteromyces). We hypothesize that the genera Arthrorhynchus and Nycteromyces evolved independently from lineages of ectoparasites of true bugs (Hemiptera). We assessed phylogenetic diversity of the genus Gloeandromyces by considering the LSU rDNA region. Phenotypic plasticity and position‐induced morphological adaptations go hand in hand. Different morphotypes belong to the same phylogenetic species. Two species, G. pageanus and G. streblae, show divergence by host utilization. In our assessment of coevolution, we only observe congruence between the Old World clades of bat flies and Laboulbeniales. The other associations are the result of the roosting ecology of the bat hosts. This study has considerably increased our knowledge about bats and their associated ectoparasites and shown the necessity of including molecular data in Laboulbeniales taxonomy.  相似文献   

Gender plays a significant role in influencing people's attitudes toward animals, however, little is known about how it influences their attribution of emotions to animals. To investigate the role that gender plays in public attitudes toward animals' experience of emotions and beliefs about whether animals can grieve, a face-to-face survey of 1,000 members of the general public was carried out in Brisbane, Australia. Potential respondents were asked to complete a 10-min “social attitudinal” survey. Males were significantly less likely than females to believe that animals experience complex emotions, including depression (p < 0.05), anxiety (p < 0.05), love (p < 0.01), and grief (p < 0.05), but did not differ in regard to basic emotions including distress, fear, happiness, anger, sadness, and fear. Males were also less likely to believe that animals show some behavioral (eating p < 0.05; vocalizing p < 0.01) changes when they experience grief (p < 0.05) and that animals grieve as a result of separation from a conspecific (p < 0.005). These results demonstrate a greater skepticism in males, compared with females, regarding the attribution of emotions to animals.  相似文献   

We measured species richness, diversity, and diel activity patterns of insectivorous bats at four sites within Dhana Biosphere Reserve. A total of seven species belonging to five families at varying species compositions were recorded. Four to six species were present at these sites and total diversity ranged between 0.32 at Ain Lahtha and 0.65 at Al Khararah. Overall frequency of passes was highest at Shaq Kalbeh. The Common Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, was the most prevalent at three sites, followed by the Arabian Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus clivosus, and Botta’s Serotine, Eptesicus bottae. Natterer’s Bat, Myotis nattereri, and the European Free-tailed Bat, Tadarida teniotis, occurred at low abundance. The Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros, occurred at a higher abundance within Finan site (arid site at lower altitude), whereas the Egyptian Mouse-tailed Bat, Rhinopoma cystops, was restricted to Finan. The overall mean number of bat passes was not significantly different between sites. Average seasonal species diversity was low during winter (none at Ain Lahtha and Shaq Kalbeh) and highest during summer (0.68 at Al Kharrarah). Seasonal activity patterns for each site in terms of frequencies of bat passes on an hourly basis are given.  相似文献   

Land conversion and modification threatens many wildlife and plant species in the northern Great Plains, including bats. Our objective was to assess the association of bat species with landscape features in the northern Great Plains of North Dakota, USA, taking the first step towards understanding the habitat needs of bats in this region. We examined patterns of bat activity across different landscapes, identified those landscape features associated with high levels of bat activity, and determined which specific land features (i.e., vegetation and water types) were most commonly associated with each bat species. We used passive acoustic monitoring to measure bat activity at sites across North Dakota, and assessed detailed land characteristics at each site. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multivariate regression tree analysis to examine relationships between bat activity and landscape variables. Bat foraging activity was influenced by structural landscape characteristics and the availability of specific water resources. High levels of bat activity were associated with riparian forested areas of varying structural complexity, ponds, and, to a lesser extent, open riparian lands. Individual bat species were influenced by land type and water resources differently. We identified big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) and little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) as indicators of open riparian and pond landscapes, respectively. These results highlight the importance of prairie riparian landscapes and maintaining heterogeneity across the landscape for conservation and management of bat communities. Further, we identified ponds as an important landscape feature for little brown bats, a species of conservation concern, indicating that this specific feature should be a focus of conservation efforts on prairie wetlands. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and non-native species are 2 of the most important factors that influence native species persistence and behaviors globally. The insectivorous Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus semotus) is the only extant terrestrial mammal native to the Hawaiian Islands. Non-native invasive insectivore species, which are potential competitors of bats for prey, may influence hoary bat behavior. The goal of this study was to determine how small-scale suppression of invasive insectivores (rodents, ants, and yellowjacket wasps [Vespula pensylvanica]) influenced bat activity in grasslands and woodlands. We measured bat activity as a function of the number of distinct minutes in a night containing bat echolocations (bat call minutes) at 20 experimental plots (each 2.25 ha) in a dryland ecosystem on Hawaiʻi Island, November 2016–January 2018. We included 3 predictor variables: vegetation type (woodland, grassland), season (bat reproductive cycle periods: lactation, mating, pre-pregnancy, and pregnancy), and insectivore treatment type (ant suppressed, yellowjacket wasp suppressed, rodent suppressed, combined ant+wasp+rodent suppressed, and no treatment). Bat activity was associated with all 3 predictors using a negative binomial generalized linear model. Bat call minutes and feeding buzzes were twice as high in woodlands than in the grasslands (2.4 and 2.3 times as high, respectively). Bat activity was slightly lower (0.47 bat call min/night fewer) in plots receiving the combined ant + wasp + rodent treatment compared to all other treatment plots. Feeding buzzes did not differ significantly among treatments. Mean activity was lowest during lactation (mid-Jun–Aug). Although woodlands appear particularly important for the Hawaiian hoary bat, small-scale bat activity and foraging do not appear to be strongly affected by resource competition with the invasive insectivores in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract: We compared bat activity levels in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina among 5 habitat types: forested riparian areas, clearcuts, young pine plantations, mature pine plantations, and pine savannas. We used time-expansion radio-microphones and integrated detectors to simultaneously monitor bat activity at 3 heights (30, 10, 2 m) in each habitat type. Variation in vegetative clutter among sampling heights and among habitat types allowed us to examine the differential effect of forest vegetation on the spatial activity patterns of clutter-adapted and open-adapted bat species. Moreover, monitoring activity at 30, 10, and 2 m permitted us to also compare bat activity above and below the forest canopy. We detected calls of 5 species or species groups: eastern red/Seminole bats (Lasiurus borealis/L. seminolus), eastern pipistrelles (Pipistrellus subflavus), evening bats (Nycticeius humeralis), big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), and hoary bats (Lasiurus cinerius). At 2 and 10 m, bat activity was concentrated in riparian areas, whereas we detected relatively low levels of bat activity in upland habitats at those heights. Activity was more evenly distributed across the landscape at 30 m. Bat activity levels above the forest canopy were almost 3 times greater than within or below the canopy. We detected significantly greater activity levels of 2 open-adapted species (hoary and big brown bats) above rather than within or below the forest canopy. However, activity levels of 2 clutter-adapted species (eastern red/Seminole bats and eastern pipistrelles) did not differ above, within, or below the forest canopy. Despite classification as a clutter-adapted species, evening bat activity was greater above rather than within or below the forest canopy. We believe our results highlight the importance of riparian areas as foraging habitat for bats in pine-dominated landscapes in the southeastern United States. Although acoustical surveys conducted below forest canopies can provide useful information about species composition and relative activity levels of bats that forage in cluttered environments, our results showing activity above canopy suggest that such data may not accurately reflect relative activity of bats adapted to forage in more open conditions, and therefore may provide an inaccurate picture of bat community assemblage and foraging habitat use.  相似文献   

As tropical landscapes become increasingly human-dominated, conflicts between people and wildlife threaten ecological processes. Old World fruit bats such as flying foxes are especially susceptible to extinction risk because there is low interest in their conservation, particularly when they are considered pests. In order to arrest fruit bat declines, there is an urgent need to understand human-bat conflict and its implications. On a tropical island in Peninsular Malaysia, we conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate coexistence between people and the island flying fox (Pteropus hypomelanus). Among 119 respondents, knowledge of ecosystem services provided by flying foxes was extremely low. Most respondents held negative attitudes towards the bats, and older male locals were more likely to support killing them. This was also true for older owners of fruit trees who derived income from selling fruit, and experienced flying fox raids. Our results can be used to design appropriate interventions to support conservation efforts, and has important implications for managing conflicts between humans and synanthropic wildlife.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the relationship between the size and isolation of islands and bat species richness in a near‐shore archipelago to determine whether communities of vagile mammals conform to predictions of island biogeography theory. We compared patterns of species richness in two subarchipelagos to determine whether area per se or differences in habitat diversity explain variations in bat species richness. Location Islands in the Gulf of California and adjacent coastal habitats on the Baja California peninsula in northwest Mexico. Methods Presence–absence surveys for bats were conducted on 32 islands in the Gulf of California using acoustic and mist‐net surveys. We sampled for bats in coastal habitats of four regions of the Baja peninsula to characterize the source pool of potential colonizing species. We fitted a semi‐log model of species richness and multiple linear regression and used Akaike information criterion model selection to assess the possible influence of log10 area, isolation, and island group (two subarchipelagos) on the species richness of bats. We compared the species richness of bats on islands with greater vegetation densities in the southern gulf (n = 20) with that on drier islands with less vegetation in the northern gulf (n = 12) to investigate the relationship between habitat diversity and the species richness of bats. Results Twelve species of bats were detected on islands in the Gulf of California, and 15 species were detected in coastal habitats on the Baja peninsula. Bat species richness was related to both area and isolation of islands, and was higher in the southern subarchipelago, which has denser vegetation. Log10 area was positively related to bat species richness, which increased by one species for every 5.4‐fold increase in island area. On average, richness declined by one species per 6.25 km increase in isolation from the Baja peninsula. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate that patterns of bat species richness in a near‐shore archipelago are consistent with patterns predicted by the equilibrium theory of island biogeography. Despite their vagility, bats may be more sensitive to moderate levels of isolation than previously expected in near‐shore archipelagos. Differences in vegetation and habitat xericity appear to be associated with richness of bat communities in this desert ecosystem. Although observed patterns of species richness were consistent with those predicted by the equilibrium theory, similar relationships between species richness and size and isolation of islands may arise from patch‐use decision making by individuals (optimal foraging strategies).  相似文献   

A survey of people's needs and attitudes around Kasungu National Park shows that there are 11 resources that the people want to utilize from the Park. Bee-keeping is the most popular activity. Others include collection of caterpillars, firewood, building materials and mushrooms. There is no significant difference in demand for all these resources between subsistence and commercial farmers (t=3.26, n=11, p>0.01). Also, the difference between commercial farmers and urban respondents is not significant (t=1.92, n=11, p>0.01). On the other hand significantly more commercial than subsistence farmers need land from the Park, while more subsistence than commercial farmers wish to harvest resources that satisfy basic needs (t=3.34, n=11, p<0.01). Therefore, we recommend that the Department should extend the resource use programme and diversify its activities. The main target communities should be the subsistence farmers in Chulu and Kaphaizi villages.Most respondents to the survey believe that bee-keeping and tree caterpillar collection are beneficial as a source of food and income. About 90% of the respondents would like to participate in these activities. This is a reflection of positive attitudes towards these activities and it is enough justification for encouragement of bee-keeping and caterpillar collection. Although the respondents' attitudes towards the project are not negative, we recommend the involvement of local people in all stages of future activities.  相似文献   

Bats are commonly found all over the world and provide significant ecosystem services. These animals are facing serious threats due to various anthropogenic activities, including hunting. Additionally, bats are often not particularly well liked due to their non-aesthetic characteristics. A positive attitude to these animals is essential to protect them through appropriate conservation measures involving public intervention. Current high school students are the conservationists of the future, and the extent of support for bat conservation received from this and future generations is dependent upon their attitude toward these animals. It is therefore important to assess their perceptions of bats so that appropriate awareness programs can be devised, and negative attitudes (if any) rectified. The present study aimed to understand this aspect in order to provide inputs for shaping positive attitudes toward bat conservation. The study was undertaken in Barak Valley, Assam, India, where 65 bat colonies had already been recorded. A total of 3,059 high school students from 36 schools situated in their vicinity were questioned using a close-ended questionnaire to determine their perceptions. The responses received were divided among three categories: familiarity with bats, opinion on bats, and attitudes toward conservation, and were ranked on a scale of 10, based on selected aspects. Most students were awarded a score of four, indicating an average knowledge and opinion of bats. These findings suggest that awareness programs are urgently needed in schools to improve the general knowledge of and attitudes toward bats, and to inspire the next generation of bat conservationists.  相似文献   

Bat boxes are often installed as substitute habitats to offset the loss of large, hollow-bearing trees. However, emerging evidence suggests that they are failing to achieve intended conservation outcomes as they only support generalist species. Despite these concerns, the effect of bat boxes on the dynamics of bat communities remains understudied. We assessed the bat community in reserves where bat boxes had been installed in comparison with reserves where they had not using ultrasonic surveys in 16 small bushland reserves throughout Sydney, Australia. Reserves containing bat boxes and those without had comparable species diversity and composition; however, the activity of the dominant species, Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii), was significantly higher at sites with bat boxes. Species that commonly forage in open vegetation, including C. gouldii, were significantly positively associated with sites that had bat boxes. Occupation of boxes by bats was not recorded in the study due to limited information on their locations, so further research is required to understand the direct effects of boxes and the bats that occupy them on the bat community. If bat boxes continue to be recommended as a biodiversity offset, a greater understanding of the potential impact they have on altered competitive relationships and community dynamics is essential.  相似文献   


We surveyed the attitudes of people toward captive elephants in australia, where importation into zoos has been controversial recently, compared with India, where elephants are indigenous. Both australian (AR, n = 101) and Indian (IR, n = 101) respondents rated conservation as the most important reason for the role of zoos and sanctuaries. Australian respondents were more concerned about the husbandry conditions for keeping wild animals in zoos and sanctuaries than Indian respondents (p = 0.02). This concern for captive animals increased with the higher educational level of the respondents. Female australian respondents were more concerned about the practice of keeping elephants in captivity than australian men. More australian respondents were prepared to pay extra to visit a zoo with elephants (AR 42.6%, IR 7.9%, p < 0.001). Indian respondents believed more than their australian counterparts that it was important for any zoo to display elephants, and wanted to interact with elephants by feeding, touching, and riding on them. While australian respondents? perceptions of captive elephants acknowledged their scientific value, Indian respondents viewed elephants primarily of religious, cultural, and historical significance. We conclude that australians and Indians have different requirements for keeping elephants in zoos, which should inform zoo directors about the best way to present them to the public.  相似文献   

Many local scale studies have shown that bats respond to water quality degradation or urbanization in a species‐specific manner. However, few have separated the effects of urbanization versus water quality degradation on bats, in single city or single watershed case studies. Across North Carolina, USA, we used the standardized North American Bat Monitoring Program mobile transect protocol to survey bat activity in 2015 and 2016 at 41 sites. We collected statewide water quality and urban land cover data to disentangle the effects of urbanization and water quality degradation on bats at the landscape scale. We found that statewide, water quality degradation and urbanization were not correlated. We found that bats responded to water quality degradation and urbanization independently at the landscape scale. Eptesicus fuscus and Lasiurus cinereus negatively responded to water quality degradation. Lasiurus borealis and Perimyotis subflavus positively responded to water quality degradation. Lasionycteris noctivagans did not respond to water quality degradation but was more active in more urbanized areas. Tadarida brasiliensis positively responded to urbanization and was less active in areas with degraded water quality. We show that bat–water quality relationships found at the local scale are evident at a landscape scale. We confirm that bats are useful bioindicators for both urbanization and water quality degradation. We suggest that water quality can be used to predict the presence of bat species of conservation concern, such as P. subflavus, in areas where it has not been studied locally.  相似文献   

Most emerging pathogens can infect multiple species, underlining the importance of understanding the ecological and evolutionary factors that allow some hosts to harbour greater infection prevalence and share pathogens with other species. However, our understanding of pathogen jumps is based primarily around viruses, despite bacteria accounting for the greatest proportion of zoonoses. Because bacterial pathogens in bats (order Chiroptera) can have conservation and human health consequences, studies that examine the ecological and evolutionary drivers of bacterial prevalence and barriers to pathogen sharing are crucially needed. Here were studied haemotropic Mycoplasma spp. (i.e., haemoplasmas) across a species‐rich bat community in Belize over two years. Across 469 bats spanning 33 species, half of individuals and two‐thirds of species were haemoplasma positive. Infection prevalence was higher for males and for species with larger body mass and colony sizes. Haemoplasmas displayed high genetic diversity (21 novel genotypes) and strong host specificity. Evolutionary patterns supported codivergence of bats and bacterial genotypes alongside phylogenetically constrained host shifts. Bat species centrality to the network of shared haemoplasma genotypes was phylogenetically clustered and unrelated to prevalence, further suggesting rare—but detectable—bacterial sharing between species. Our study highlights the importance of using fine phylogenetic scales when assessing host specificity and suggests phylogenetic similarity may play a key role in host shifts not only for viruses but also for bacteria. Such work more broadly contributes to increasing efforts to understand cross‐species transmission and the epidemiological consequences of bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Most studies on frugivorous bat assemblages in secondary forests have concentrated on differences among successional stages, and have disregarded the effect of forest management. Secondary forest management practices alter the vegetation structure and fruit availability, important factors associated with differences in frugivorous bat assemblage structure, and fruit consumption and can therefore modify forest succession. Our objective was to elucidate factors (forest structural variables and fruit availability) determining bat diversity, abundance, composition and species-specific abundance of bats in (i) secondary forests managed by Lacandon farmers dominated by Ochroma pyramidale, in (ii) secondary forests without management, and in (iii) mature rain forests in Chiapas, Southern Mexico. Frugivorous bat species diversity (Shannon H’) was similar between forest types. However, bat abundance was highest in rain forest and O. pyramidale forests. Bat species composition was different among forest types with more Carollia sowelli and Sturnira lilium captures in O. pyramidale forests. Overall, bat fruit consumption was dominated by early-successional shrubs, highest late-successional fruit consumption was found in rain forests and more bats consumed early-successional shrub fruits in O. pyramidale forests. Ochroma pyramidale forests presented a higher canopy openness, tree height, lower tree density and diversity of fruit than secondary forests. Tree density and canopy openness were negatively correlated with bat species diversity and bat abundance, but bat abundance increased with fruit abundance and tree height. Hence, secondary forest management alters forests’ structural characteristics and resource availability, and shapes the frugivorous bat community structure, and thereby the fruit consumption by bats.  相似文献   

We document white‐nose syndrome (WNS), a lethal disease of bats caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd), and hibernacula microclimate in New Brunswick, Canada. Our study area represents a more northern region than is common for hibernacula microclimate investigations, providing insight as to how WNS may impact bats at higher latitudes. To determine the impact of the March 2011 arrival of Pd in New Brunswick and the role of hibernacula microclimate on overwintering bat mortality, we surveyed bat numbers at hibernacula twice a year from 2009 to 2015. We also collected data from iButton temperature loggers deployed at all sites and data from HOBO temperature and humidity loggers at three sites. Bat species found in New Brunswick hibernacula include Myotis lucifugus (Little Brown Bat) and M. septentrionalis (Northern Long‐eared Bat), with small numbers of Perimyotis subflavus (Tricolored Bat). All known hibernacula in the province were Pd‐positive with WNS‐positive bats by winter 2013. A 99% decrease in the overwintering bat population in New Brunswick was observed between 2011 and 2015. We did not observe Psubflavus during surveys 2013–2015 and the species appears to be extirpated from these sites. Bats did not appear to choose hibernacula based on winter temperatures, but dark zone (zone where no light penetrates) winter temperatures did not differ among our study sites. Winter dark zone temperatures were warmer and less variable than entrance or above ground temperatures. We observed visible Pd growth on hibernating bats in New Brunswick during early winter surveys (November), even though hibernacula temperatures were colder than optimum for in vitro Pd growth. This suggests that cold hibernacula temperatures encountered near the apparent northern range limit for Pd do not sufficiently slow fungal growth to prevent the onset of WNS and associated bat mortality over the winter.  相似文献   

Bear bile is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for millennia. Several arguments support and oppose the use of bear farming in terms of conservation and nonhuman animal welfare. This study involved designing a questionnaire and surveying a random sample of general citizens and college students in Beijing to elicit their attitudes on bile extraction from living bears. Older people and people with lower education levels used more bear bile medicines. In total, 29.47% (n = 204) of citizens and 23.14% (n = 81) of students surveyed used bear bile medicine since 1990. Students were less willing to use bear bile medicines than citizens (p < .05). The level the respondents agreed with the blue side (against the extraction of bile from living bears; anti for short) was significantly higher than that for the red side (support the extraction of bile from living bears; pro for short; p < .05). Additionally, college students had a more distinct attitude toward the opposing views, which indicates they were more inclined to oppose bile extraction from living bears.  相似文献   

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