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The role of hydrodynamic wall shear stresses on the development of the fouling community structure and resulting frictional drag were examined using a commercially available fouling release coating. Immersed test panels were exposed to three different hydrodynamic treatments, one static and two dynamic (corresponding to an estimated wall shear stress of 7.0 and 25.5 Pa). The drag of the panels was measured in a hydrodynamic test chamber at discrete time intervals over 35 days. The fouling community composition on the static panels was significantly different from the organisms observed on the dynamic panels. Despite different fouling community composition, the drag forces measured on the panels were very similar. This suggests that the frictional drag of low form and soft fouling communities are similar and that there may be a stepwise increase in frictional drag associated with the presence of mature calcareous organisms.  相似文献   

Diatoms are an important component of marine biofilms found on ship hulls. However, there are only a few published studies that describe the presence and abundance of diatoms on ships, and none that relate to modern ship hull coatings. This study investigated the diatom community structure on two in-service cruise ships with the same cruise cycles, one coated with an antifouling (AF) system (copper self-polishing copolymer) and the other coated with a silicone fouling-release (FR) system. Biofilm samples were collected during dry docking from representative areas of the ship and these provided information on the horizontal and vertical zonation of the hull, and intact and damaged coating and niche areas. Diatoms from the genera Achnanthes, Amphora and Navicula were the most common, regardless of horizontal ship zonation and coating type. Other genera were abundant, but their presence was more dependent on the ship zonation and coating type. Samples collected from damaged areas of the hull coating had a similar community composition to undamaged areas, but with higher diatom abundance. Diatom fouling on the niche areas differed from that of the surrounding ship hull and paralleled previous studies that investigated differences in diatom community structure on static and dynamically exposed coatings; niche areas were similar to static immersion and the hull to dynamic immersion. Additionally, diatom richness was greater on the ship with the FR coating, including the identification of several new genera to the biofouling literature, viz. Lampriscus and Thalassiophysa. These results are the first to describe diatom community composition on in-service ship hulls coated with a FR system. This class of coatings appears to have a larger diatom community compared to copper-based AF systems, with new diatom genera that have the ability to stick to ship hulls and withstand hydrodynamic forces, thus creating the potential for new problematic species in the biofilm.  相似文献   

A test coupon coated with light calcareous tubeworm fouling was scanned, scaled and reproduced for wind-tunnel testing to determine the equivalent sand grain roughness ks. It was found that this surface had a ks = 0.325 mm, substantially less than the previously reported values for light calcareous fouling. This result was used to predict the drag on a fouled full scale ship. To achieve this, a modified method for predicting the total drag of a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer (TBL), such as that on the hull of a ship, is presented. The method numerically integrates the skin friction over the length of the boundary layer, assuming an analytical form for the mean velocity profile of the TBL. The velocity profile contains the roughness (fouling) information, such that the prediction requires only an input of ks, the free-stream velocity (ship speed), the kinematic viscosity and the length of the boundary layer (the hull length). Using the equivalent sandgrain roughness height determined from experiments, a FFG-7 Oliver Perry class frigate is predicted to experience a 23% increase in total resistance at cruise, if its hull is coated in light calcareous tubeworm fouling. A similarly fouled very large crude carrier would experience a 34% increase in total resistance at cruise.  相似文献   

Smita Mitbavkar 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):415-426
Seasonal variations in the fouling diatom community from a monsoon influenced tropical estuary were investigated. The community composition did not differ significantly between stainless steel and polystyrene substrata due to dominance by Navicula spp. The experimental evidence suggests that Amphora, which is a dominant fouling diatom in temperate waters, ultimately dominates the community in tropical regions when conditions are favourable. These observations reveal that a faster onset of macrofouling interferes with the microfouling community wherein the faster recruiters that have a higher abundance in ambient waters, dominate the community. Seasonal variations were observed in the fouling diatom community. Navicula delicatula dominated during the post-monsoon and tychopelagic diatoms (Melosira and Odontella) were observed during the monsoon. Low diatom abundance was recorded during the pre-monsoon season. The results indicate that although the fouling diatom community composition does not vary between substrata, there is a seasonal change in the community depending on the physical, chemical and biological interactions.  相似文献   

Many experiments utilize static immersion tests to evaluate the performance of ship hull coatings. These provide valuable data; however, they do not accurately represent the conditions both the hull and fouling organisms encounter while a ship is underway. This study investigated the effect of static and dynamic immersion on the adhesion and settlement of diatoms to one antifouling coating (BRA 640), four fouling-release coatings (Intersleek® 700, Intersleek® 900, Hempasil X3, and Dow Corning 3140) and one standard surface (Intergard® 240 Epoxy). Differences in community composition were observed between the static and dynamic treatments. Achnanthes longipes was present on all coatings under static immersion, but was not present under dynamic immersion. This was also found for diatoms in the genera Bacillaria and Gyrosigma. Melosira moniformis was the only diatom present under dynamic conditions, but not static conditions. Several common fouling diatom genera were present on panels regardless of treatment: Amphora, Cocconeis, Entomoneis Cylindrotheca, Licmophora, Navicula, Nitzschia, Plagiotropis, and Synedra. Biofilm adhesion, diatom abundance and diatom diversity were found to be significantly different between static and dynamic treatments; however, the difference was dependent on coating and sampling date. Several coatings (Epoxy, DC 3140 and IS 700) had significantly higher biofilm adhesion on dynamically treated panels on at least one of the four sampling dates, while all coatings had significantly higher diatom abundance on at least one sampling date. Diversity was significantly greater on static panels than dynamic panels for Epoxy, IS 700 and HX3 at least once during the sampling period. The results demonstrate how hydrodynamic stress will significantly influence the microfouling community. Dynamic immersion testing is required to fully understand how antifouling surfaces will respond to biofilm formation when subjected to the stresses experienced by a ship underway.  相似文献   

KJ Wynne  GW Swain  RB Fox  S Bullock  J Uilk 《Biofouling》2013,29(2-4):277-288

Two silicone coatings have been evaluated for barnacle adhesion. One coating is an unfilled hydrosilation cured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) network, while the other is a room temperature vulcanized (RTV), filled, ethoxysiloxane cured PDMS elastomer, RTV11?. The adhesion strength of one species of barnacle, Balanus eburneus, to the hydrosilation coatings is in the range of 0.37–0.60 kg cm‐2 while the corresponding range for RTV11 is 0.64–0.90 kg cm‐2. The easier release of B. eburneus from the hydrosilation cured network compared to RTV11 is discussed in relationship to differences in bulk and surface properties. Preliminary results suggest bulk modulus may be the most important parameter in determining barnacle adhesion strength. In light or mechanical property analysis, a re‐evaluation of surface properties and chemical stability is presented.  相似文献   


Little is known about the performance of fouling‐release coatings at different geographical locations. An investigation was designed to measure the differences in biofouling and biofouling adhesion strength on three known silicone formulations and an epoxy control at seven static immersion sites located in California, Florida, Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Italy and Singapore. The study found that whilst the relative performance of the coatings was similar at each site, there were statistically significant differences in the type and intensity of fouling that developed on the coatings and in barnacle adhesion strength among sites. The results emphasize the importance of evaluating potential coatings at more than one static immersion site.  相似文献   

Recent demands for non-toxic antifouling technologies have led to increased interest in coatings based on silicone elastomers that ‘release’ macrofouling organisms when hydrodynamic conditions are sufficiently robust. However, these types of coatings accumulate diatom slimes, which are not released even from vessels operating at high speeds ( > 30 knots). In this study, adhesion strength and motility of three common fouling diatoms (Amphora coffeaeformis var. perpusilla (Grunow) Cleve, Craspedostauros australis Cox and Navicula perminuta Grunow) were measured on a polydimethylsiloxane elastomer (PDMSE) and acid-washed glass. Adhesion of the three species was stronger to PDMSE than to glass but the adhesion strengths varied. The wall shear stress required to remove 50% of cells from PDMSE was 17 Pa for Craspedostauros, 24 Pa for Amphora and >> 53 Pa for Navicula; the corresponding values for glass were 3, 10 and 25 Pa. In contrast, the motility of the three species showed little or no correlation between the two surfaces. Craspedostauros moved equally well on glass and PDMSE, Amphora moved more on glass initially before movement ceased and Navicula moved more on PDMSE before movement ceased. The results show that fouling diatoms adhere more strongly to a hydrophobic PDMSE surface, and this feature may contribute to their successful colonization of low surface energy, foul-release coatings. The results also indicate that diatom motility is not related to adhesion strength, and motility does not appear to be a useful indicator of surface preference by diatoms.  相似文献   

Li J  Yang F  Liu Y  Song H  Li D  Cheng F 《Bioresource technology》2012,103(1):43-47
In MBR, severe membrane fouling is often observed in the initial phase in which biomass is yet fully acclimated and stabilized in terms of microbial community structure and biomass characteristics. The focus of this study was to investigate the microbial community development and its influence on biomass characteristics and membrane fouling during start-up of a hybrid anoxic-oxic MBR. PCR-DGGE analysis indicated that the microbial community shifted in start-up period when a severe membrane fouling was observed. Small particle size, high fractal dimension (DF) and high EPS production, which were closely associated with microbial community, were found to be the major contributors to the severe fouling. Microbial community development was most likely the ultimate factor responsible for the severe membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Material science provides a direct route to developing a new generation of non-toxic, surface effect-based antifouling technologies with applications ranging from biomedical science to marine transport. The surface topography of materials directly affects fouling resistance and fouling removal, the two key mechanisms for antifouling technologies. However, the field is hindered by the lack of quantified surface characteristics to guide the development of new antifouling materials. Using a biomimetic approach, key surface parameters are defined and quantified and correlated with fouling resistance and fouling removal from the shells of marine molluscs. Laser scanning confocal microscopy was used to acquire images for quantitative surface characterisation using three-dimensional surface parameters, and field assays correlated these with fouling resistance and fouling release. Principle component analysis produced a major component (explaining 54% of total variation between shell surfaces) that correlated with fouling resistance. The five surface parameters positively correlated to increased fouling resistance were, in order of importance, low fractal dimension, high skewness of both the roughness and waviness profiles, higher values of isotropy and lower values of mean surface roughness. The second component (accounting for 20% of variation between shells) positively correlated to fouling release, for which higher values of mean waviness almost exclusively dictated this relationship. This study provides quantified surface parameters to guide the development of new materials with surface properties that confer fouling resistance and release.  相似文献   


This study compared the shear adhesion strength of barnacles, oysters and tubeworms on eight RTV 11‐based silicone fouling‐release coatings containing different silicone oil additives. It was found that adhesion strength differed among species and coating types. In most cases, oysters and tubeworms had higher adhesion strengths than barnacles. Barnacle adhesion strength was reduced on all coatings containing oil additives; however, this was not generally true for oysters and tubeworms. The difference in the adhesion strength among the three organisms tested in this study emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental interaction between marine invertebrate adhesives and the substratum.  相似文献   

目的利用硅酸盐细菌分离培养基,从昆明白泥山土壤样品中分离获得一株硅酸盐细菌——BN1。方法对分离获得的硅酸盐细菌——BM进行革兰染色、生理生化特征和16SrDNA测序分析,并对其解钾活性进行了初步研究。结果BN1初步鉴定为类芽胞杆菌属的菌株。结论该菌株——BN1对云母具有较强的解钾活性,为空白对照组的1.79倍。  相似文献   

Abstract: The mechanisms by which Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli secrete bacteriocins into the culture medium is unique and quite different from the mechanism by which other proteins are translocated across the two bacterial membranes, namely through the known branches of the general secretory pathway. The release of bacteriocins requires the expression and activity of a so-called bacteriocin release protein and the presence of the detergent-resistant phospholipase A in the outer membrane. The bacteriocin release proteins are highly expressed small lipoproteins which are synthesized with a signal peptide that remains stable and which accumulates in the cytoplasmic membrane after cleavage. The combined action of these stable, accumulated signal peptides, the lipid-modified mature bacteriocin release proteins (BRPs) and phospholipase A cause the release of bacteriocins. The structure and mode of action of these BRPs as well as their application in the release of heterologous proteins by E. coli is described in this review.  相似文献   

Biofouling on ships has been linked to the spread of invasive species, which has been identified as one of the current primary threats to the environment. Previous research on antifouling coatings suggested that the quantity of fouling, as well as community composition, on biocidal coatings was modified by prior fouling settlement. The experiment reported in this paper was designed to determine how preconditioning affected the rate and composition of subsequent fouling on transplanted silicone coatings. A series of 10 × 20?cm panels coated with Intersleek 700 or DC3140 were placed at three locations in Florida (Ponce Inlet, Sebastian Inlet, and Port of Miami), which were characterized by distinct fouling communities. Panels were immersed for four months, cleaned, and reciprocally transplanted among the three sites. Fouling community composition and coverage were characterized at bimonthly intervals both before and after transplantation. The original fouling community affected the subsequent fouling composition and recolonization by tunicates, sea anemones, barnacles, sponges, hydroids, and arborescent bryozoans. The community-level effects were short-term, lasting 2–4?months, but specific responses lasted up to 14?months post-transplant.  相似文献   

Quick and reliable testing is crucial for the development of new fouling release (FR) coatings. Exposure of these coatings to natural multispecies communities is essential in evaluating their efficacy. To this end, we present a rotating disk setup for dynamic field exposure. To achieve a well-defined flow on the surface of the disk, an easy to use sample mounting system was developed that provides a smooth and even surface. We related the angular velocity of the disk to the wall shear stress on the surface with a hydrodynamic model. The wall shear stress was adjusted to values previously found to be suitable to discriminate dynamic diatom attachment on different coating chemistries in the lab. The effect of the dynamic conditions was shown by comparing polystyrene slides under static and dynamic exposure. Using a set of self-assembled monolayers, the discrimination potential of the assay in a multispecies environment was demonstrated.  相似文献   


Biodegradable polymers are promising binders and carriers for natural antifoulants. In the present study, an antifouling (AF) coating was developed by adding a non-toxic AF compound (butenolide) to a bio-based and biodegradable poly(lactic acid)-based polyurethane. Mass loss measurement showed that the polymer degraded in seawater at a rate of 0.013?mg cm?2?day?1. Measurements showed that butenolide was released from the coatings into seawater over a period of at least three months. Both the concentration of butenolide in the coatings and the ambient temperature determined the release rate of butenolide. The results further demonstrate that incorporating rosin into the coatings increase the self-renewal rate of the polymer and facilitated the long-term release of butenolide from the coating. The results show that poly(lactic acid)-based polyurethane is a suitable polymer for butenolide-based AF coatings.  相似文献   

The structure and composition of microbial communities inhabiting the soft coral Alcyonium antarcticum were investigated across three differentially contaminated sites within McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Diverse microbial communities were revealed at all sites using culture-based analysis, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), 16S rRNA gene clone-library analysis, and FISH. Phylogenetic analysis of isolates and retrieved sequences demonstrated close affiliation with known psychrophiles from the Antarctic environment and high similarity to Gammaproteobacteria clades of sponge-associated microorganisms. The majority of bacteria detected with all techniques reside within the Gammaproteobacteria, although other phylogenetic groups including Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinomycetales, Planctomycetes, and Chlorobi and bacteria from the functional group of sulfate-reducing bacteria were also present. Multivariate (nMDS) analysis of DGGE banding patterns and principal component analysis of quantitative FISH data revealed no distinct differences in community composition between differentially contaminated sites. Rather, conserved coral-associated bacterial groups were observed within and between sites, providing evidence to support specific coral-microbial interactions. This is the first investigation of microbial communities associated with Antarctic soft corals, and the results suggest that spatially stable microbial associations exist across an environmental impact gradient.  相似文献   

How zinc oxide influences copper release has been tested and the lowest release rate of copper from various combinations of copper and zinc in a paint matrix evaluated, whilst still deterring macrofouling, including barnacles and bryozoans. Copper (I) oxide was added to a generic AF paint in 0, 8.5, 11.7 or 16.3 wt% copper oxide in combination with 0, 10 or 20 wt% zinc oxide and applied on PMMA panels. The results show that zinc influences the release rate of copper. When 10 and 20 wt% zinc was added, the total amount of copper released significantly increased by on average 32 and 47% respectively. All treatments that included copper were successful in deterring macrofouling, including the treatment with the lowest average Cu release rate, ie 4.68 μg cm?2 day?1.  相似文献   

Long-term grooming tests were conducted on two large-scale test panels, one coated with a fluorosilicone fouling-release (FR) coating, and one coated with a copper based ablative antifouling (AF) coating. Mechanical grooming was performed weekly or bi-weekly using a hand operated, electrically powered, rotating brush tool. The results indicate that weekly grooming was effective at removing loose or heavy biofilm settlement from both coatings, but could not prevent the permanent establishment of low-profile tenacious biofilms. Weekly grooming was very effective at preventing macrofouling establishment on the AF coating. The effectiveness of weekly grooming at preventing macrofouling establishment on the FR coating varied seasonally. The results suggest that frequent mechanical grooming is a viable method to reduce the fouling rating of ships’ hulls with minimal impact to the coating. Frequent grooming could offer significant fuel savings while reducing hull cleaning frequencies and dry dock maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

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