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In the pregnant domestic rabbit, scent marking (“chinning”) and sexual behavior are inhibited by ovarian-derived progesterone (P). In order to distinguish behavioral effects of P that are PR-dependent from those mediated by its ring A reduced metabolites, we administered P, P+RU486 (PR antagonist), chlormadinone acetate (CA, synthetic progestin that does not form ring A reduced metabolites), or vehicle to ovariectomized (ovx) estradiol-benzoate (EB)-treated female rabbits, via sc injection, on experimental day 0. Chinning was quantified daily, and mating tests were done on days -1, 1, 3, 5, and 7. On day 1, chinning was significantly decreased, and the latency to be mounted by the male was significantly increased (indicating decreased sexual attractivity of the female) in P-treated females. The effect of P on chinning, but not its effect on sexual attractivity, was completely blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. Although CA had no effect on attractivity on day 1, it decreased both sexual receptivity and attractivity on day 3. In a preference test in which the male could interact with either an ovx EB-treated female or an ovx female that had received one of the above hormone treatments 24 h earlier, P decreased sexual attractivity and increased aggression. The effect of P on aggression, but not its effect on attractivity, was blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. These results indicate that both PR-dependent and PR-independent mechanisms decrease sexual attractivity, whereas PR activation is necessary for the inhibition of chinning and sexual receptivity, and for the stimulation of aggression.  相似文献   

The female rabbit is an exceptional experimental model to define mechanisms by which progesterone (P) controls the expression of reproductive behaviors. In the rabbit, the rise in P levels during pregnancy inhibits estrous scent marking ("chinning"), stimulates the excavation of a nest burrow ("digging"), and primes behaviors later used for nest construction. The pre-parturient fall of P triggers the construction of a straw nest ("straw carrying") that is lined with hair that she pulls from her own body ("hair pulling"). These behaviors can be replicated in ovariectomized (ovx) females given a schedule of estradiol (E) and P that mimics hormone levels during pregnancy (E from days 0 to 4, E + P from days 5 to 17, E from days 18 to 27). We administered PR antagonists RU486 or CDB(VA)2914 to ovx female rabbits during either the initial (days 5-11) or late (days 12-17) phases of P treatment, to determine the role of PR activation in coordinating the expression of these behaviors. Both antiprogestins attenuated the P-mediated decline in chinning and increase in digging when administered during days 5-11. When given across days 12-17, both antiprogestins triggered an early decline in digging, the onset of nest building in some Ss, and the reinstatement of chinning. These results point to a central role of PR activation for establishing and maintaining the behavioral phenotype of pregnancy, and for the behavioral transition from pregnancy to estrus.  相似文献   

In this review, we compare the neuroendocrine control of estrous behavior in the rabbit, a reflex ovulator, and the rat, a more commonly studied spontaneous ovulator. Although the hormonal control of estrous behavior in both species is similar, notable differences include the absence of a stimulatory effect of progesterone (P) on sexual behavior in the rabbit and the retention of sexual behavior in a substantial proportion of female rabbits after ovariectomy. The ventrolateral component of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) and an adjacent region caudal to it appear to be critical estrogen (E)-responsive regions for lordosis in the rat and rabbit, respectively. In both species the effects of E and P are largely mediated by the genomic action of their receptors (ER and PR), and in both species E similarly regulates the expression of these receptors. The prolonged, E-stimulated estrous of the rabbit is terminated after mating by unknown mechanisms, while the brief estrous of the rat is triggered by the proestrous peak of P and terminated by both the decline in P and the downregulation of hypothalamic PR. In both species, P most likely inhibits estrous behavior during pregnancy, and postpartum estrous may be triggered by a stimulatory effect of E coinciding with the withdrawal of P-mediated inhibition. Estrous behavior is inhibited in both species during lactation, most likely by the suckling-induced inhibition of gonadotropin secretion. This comparative approach can reveal neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying estrous behavior that are common to all mammals, while highlighting evolutionary adaptations unique to each species.  相似文献   

Estrous female domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) display scent marking (“chinning”) and sexual receptivity. Mating induces ovulation, which occurs approximately 12 h later, and also decreases chinning and receptivity. In the present study, we explored the participation of mating-associated stimuli, ovulation, and the progesterone receptor (PR) in mediating such behavioral effects. We found that copulatory stimuli were not necessary, and that ovulation alone was sufficient, as these behavioral changes were replicated in unmated females by intravenous administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The post-mating administration (s.c.) of 5 μg/day estradiol benzoate (EB), prevented the decline in chinning and receptivity. A lower dose of EB (1 μg/day) had no effect, nor did the antiprogestin RU486 (20 mg, s.c., administered 3 h before mating). However, the combination of a single pre-mating administration of RU486 plus the post-mating administration of 1 μg/day EB completely blocked the decline in estrous behavior. We propose that PR activation around the time of mating and a post-mating decline in ovarian estradiol secretion and/or estradiol responsiveness act in parallel to terminate estrus in this species.  相似文献   

Progesterone regulates diverse functions in the rabbit brain through the interaction with its nuclear receptor (PR). Although PR protein has been detected in some regions of the rabbit forebrain, PR mRNA expression and distribution in the rabbit brain are unknown. Hence, we investigated these issues by in situ hybridization. New Zealand adult female rabbits were ovariectomized and treated with vehicle or estradiol (5 μg/(kg day)) for 3 days. The results show an extended distribution of PR mRNA expression in the rabbit brain. The highest expression was detected in preoptic area and hypothalamic anterior nuclei such as paraventricular, periventricular and arcuate nuclei. A high expression was also detected in thalamic and telencephalic areas, including hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Estradiol treatment induced an increase in PR mRNA expression in many brain areas, particularly in the hippocampus and the hypothalamic and preoptic area regions. The wide distribution of PR mRNA in the rabbit brain suggests that progesterone through PR activation is involved in several functions apart from reproductive behavior in rabbits, and that PR expression is up-regulated by estradiol in the rabbit brain.  相似文献   

The involvement of the adrenal progesterone and corticosterone in the early gonadotropin secretion associated with the pheromonal restoration of ovarian cyclic activity (PRCA) in aging female rats is studied. PRCA is induced by male urinary pheromones and is preceded by an alpha-adrenergic-mediated release of the hypothalamic decapeptide luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and plasma increases of estradiol, progesterone and the gonadotropins luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. Aging reproductive Wistar female rats were used to study the effects of bilateral adrenalectomy and of a subcutaneous injection of the antisteroid RU486 on plasma levels of corticosterone, progesterone and gonadotropins in rats stimulated with nasal spraying of male urine (MU) or saline. The results demonstrate that progesterone and corticosterone released by MU are from adrenal origin, and that these adrenal secretory products are critical for MU-induced increase of gonadotropins. This suggests that olfactory stimulation of ACTH release stimulates adrenal release of progesterone and corticosterone, and both trigger the events that initiate the activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis that leads to PRCA.  相似文献   

Lactation is associated with suppression of reproductive function, the duration of which depends on the number of young suckled and food availability. Although previous studies have documented increasing responsivity to the positive feedback effects of estrogen on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion with time postpartum, changes in the ability of estrogen to stimulate sexual behavior across these time points and the influence of food restriction on response to estrogen have not been investigated. Thus, we compared the ability of exogenous estrogen administration to stimulate proceptive and receptive behavior in ad libitum fed and food restricted rats on Days 15 and 20 postpartum. Because the ability of estrogen to induce sexual behavior depends on activation of both estrogen receptors and estrogen-induced progesterone receptors, a second study compared estrogen and progesterone-ir within the VMH and MPOA in similar groups. Finally, we investigated the role of the high levels of progesterone typical of lactation in the suppression of estrogen-induced sexual behavior by transient blockade of the progesterone receptor using RU486. As expected there was an increase across time in the ability of estrogen to stimulate sexual behavior that correlated with an increased ability of estrogen to induce progesterone receptors in the MPOA that was most evident in ad libitum fed rats. RU486 administration concomitant with estrogen administration increased solicitation behavior and was most effective in ad libitum fed rats suggesting an inhibitory role of progesterone on estrogen-induced sexual proceptivity in lactating rats.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of the progestin receptor (PR) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in the facilitation of lordosis behavior by the delta opioid receptor agonist [D-Pen(2), D-Pen(5)]-enkephalin (DPDPE). Ovariectomized, estrogen-primed rats were treated with the PR antagonist RU486 or the MAPK inhibitor PD98059 prior to intraventricular (icv) infusion of DPDPE. Both RU486 and PD98059 blocked receptive and proceptive behaviors induced by DPDPE at 60 min, and RU486 continued to inhibit estrous behavior at 90 min. Because delta opioid receptors can activate the p42/44 MAPKs, extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERK), we determined the effects of DPDPE on ERK phosphorylation. Icv infusion of DPDPE increased the levels of phosphorylated ERK in the hypothalamus and preoptic area of female rats, assessed by immunoblotting. These results support the participation of the PR and the MAPK pathway in the facilitation of lordosis behavior by delta opioid receptors.  相似文献   

A synthetic progestin, 16α-ethyl-21-hydroxy-19-nor-4-pregnene-3,20-dione (ORG 2058), was utilized to measure progesterone receptors from the rabbit uterus. This steroid has a high affinity for both cytosol and nuclear receptors, with KD values of 1.2 nM (at 0–4°C) and 2.3 nM (at 15°C), respectively. Administration of estradiol-17β or a non-steroidal antiestrogen, tamoxifen, for 5 days to estrous rabbits led to a progressive rise in the cytosol receptor levels: from 34 000 to 120 000 (estradiol-17β) and 80 000 (tamoxifen) receptors/ cell, without any major influence on the nuclear receptor content. A single intravenous injection of progesterone (5 mg/kg) elicited a 3-fold increase in the mean nuclear receptor content at 30 min after injection (from 18 000 to 48 000 receptors/nucleus). Nuclear receptor accumulation was short-lived and returned to control levels within 4 h after treatment. A second dose of progesterone given 24 h later doubled the nuclear receptor level (from 18 000 to 35 000 receptor/nucleus). The concomitant decline in the cytosol receptor content was twice that accounted for by the nuclear receptor accumulation (70 000 vs. 30 000, and 40 000 vs. 17 000 receptors/cell, after the first and second progesterone injection, respectively). Following progesterone administration, the cytosol receptor level reached a nadir by 30 min, exhibited minimal replenishment within the ensuing 24 h, and remained at approx. 50% of the pretreatment values. After a single dose or two consecutive doses of progesterone, total uterine progesterone receptor content declined to about 60% of the level prior to each dose, a nadir being reached at 2 h after treatment.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that pre-ovulatory LH and post-ovulatory progesterone (P4) concentrations in plasma were low and embryo development was retarded when sows were induced to ovulate during lactation by submitting them to intermittent suckling (IS). The present study investigated whether this was due to: (1) stage of lactation when IS was initiated, and (2) continuation of IS post-ovulation. Multiparous Topigs40 sows were studied under three conditions: conventional weaning at Day 21 of lactation (C21; n = 30), intermittent suckling from Day 14 of lactation (IS14; n = 32), and intermittent suckling from Day 21 of lactation (IS21; n = 33). Sows were separated from piglets for 12 h daily during IS. IS sows were either weaned at ovulation or 20 d following ovulation. One-third (21/63) of the IS21 and C21 sows had already ovulated or had large pre-ovulatory follicles at Day 21 and were excluded from further study. Initiation of IS at Day 14 instead of Day 21 of lactation tended to reduce P4 at 7 d post-ovulation (P = 0.07), did not affect pregnancy rate, and tended to reduce embryo survival (P = 0.06). Continuation of IS during pregnancy resulted in lower P4 at 7 and 12 d post-ovulation, tended to reduce embryo weight and pregnancy rate (P < 0.10), whereas embryo survival was not affected. This study presents data for a population of sows in which follicle growth and ovulation are easily triggered under suckling conditions. Further, when these sows are bred during lactation, initiation of IS at 21 rather than 14 d of lactation with weaning at ovulation yields the most desirable reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Chinning consists of rubbing the chin against an object, thereby depositing secretions from the submandibular glands. As mating, chinning is stimulated in male and female rabbits by testosterone and estradiol, respectively. To investigate the brain sites where steroids act to stimulate chinning and mating we implanted into the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) or the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of gonadectomized male and female rabbits testosterone propionate (TP; males) or estradiol benzoate (EB; females) and quantified chinning and sexual behavior. EB implants into the VMH or MPOA reliably stimulated chinning in females. Most of those implanted into the VMH and around half of the ones receiving EB into MPOA or diagonal band of Broca (DBB) showed lordosis. Chinning, but not sexual behavior, was stimulated in males by TP implants into the MPOA or DBB. Neither chinning nor mounting were reliably displayed by males following TP implants into the VMH. Results indicate that, in females, the VMH is an estrogen-sensitive brain area that stimulates both chinning and lordosis while the MPOA seems to contain subpopulations of neurons involved in either behavior. In males, androgen-sensitive neurons of the MPOA, but not the VMH, are involved in chinning stimulation but it is unclear if these areas also participate in the regulation of copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

In vitro binding affinities of various progestins to cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors of rabbit uterus were determined and correlated with the biological potency of these steroids. In addition, cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptor levels were measured after a 5-day administration of different progestins (0.5 mg/kg daily) with variable biologic activites. The receptor levels were compared with the bilological response; the induction of uteroglobin synthesis. Cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors had identical steroid binding properties (r = 0.98). The correlation between the in vitro binding affinity (cytosol or nuclear) and the in vivo biologic activity of the steroids was good (r = 0.73). After a 5-day treatment with progestins, the nuclear receptor concentration correlated in an inverse manner (r = ?0.84) with the uterine fluid unteroglobin concentration. A similar, but slightly weaker correlation (r = ?0.81) was also found for the cytosol receptor content and uteroglobin secretion. These data indicate that not only nuclear, but also cytosol progesterone receptor levels decrease in the rabbit uterus during chronic hormone action. Decline in the nuclear progesterone receptor content seemed to occur during treatment with all progestational steroids, while onlyi progestins with high biological potency were capable of decreasing the cytosol receptor content.  相似文献   

The progesterone receptor (PR) plays a pivotal role in the maturation process of the secretory endometrium, implantation and maintenance of pregnancy in rabbits. To determine the dynamics of PR gene expression and its physiological significance, the endometrial expression of PR and PR mRNA were evaluated and compared with the expression of the progesterone-regulated uteroglobin (UG) gene during 0–5 days post-coitus in rabbits. The results of immunoblot experiments indicated the presence of PR in endometrial cell extracts from days 1–4 of pregnancy with maximum PR immunostaining on day 2, followed by a marked diminution until its complete disappearance on day 5. When endometrial PR mRNA content was assessed by Northern blots, the results were similar to those of PR immunostaining, with maximal concentrations on the second day after mating. However, PR mRNA levels were still high on day 3, despite the concomitant decrease in immunostainable PR. Endometrial UG gene expression, on the other hand, exhibited a different time sequence. Thus, the UG content in uterine flushings progressively increased from day 3 after mating, reaching maximal levels on the fifth day. The endometrial UG mRNA content presented a similar profile, as its maximum concentration occurred on days 4–5. The overall results indicate that endometrial PR is down-regulated at both the mRNA and protein levels, possibly by endogenous progesterone during early pregnancy. The striking observation that maximal expression of endometrial UG gene products occurred when PR and its mRNA are no longer detectable suggests an important role for this progesterone-binding uterine protein during the preimplantation period. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the requirement of luteal progesterone or luteal estrogen for the establishment of pregnancy in the Cebus monkey and to test in a primate species the synergism between RU 486 and letrozole (LTZ) found in rodents for inhibiting implantation. Exposure of target tissues to either hormone was suppressed during the mid-luteal phase of mating cycles by subcutaneous administration of the antiprogestin (RU 486), the aromatase inhibitor LTZ or the antiestrogen (ICI 182780) on days 4-7 of the luteal phase. Administration of 0.1 or 0.5 mg/kg of LTZ on days 5-7 of the luteal phase caused a profound drop in the levels of E(2) in all animals, whereas administration of ICI 182780 0.2 mg/kg on days 4-6 of the luteal phase had the opposite effect. The pregnancy rate in vehicle treated cycles of the same females was (58.3%). Treatment with RU 486, 0.8 mg/kg/day on days 5-7 of the luteal phase-induced endometrial bleeding in 3/5 mated females none of which became pregnant, whereas pregnancy was confirmed in one of the two animals that did not bled. Treatment with RU 486, 0.4 mg/kg/day alone or with LTZ on days 5-7 or ICI 182780 alone, on days 4-6 of the luteal phase failed to induce bleeding, allowing the establishment of pregnancy in 50.0-66.6% of the animals in these groups. We conclude that in Cebus monkeys, progesterone but not luteal estradiol is required for the establishment of pregnancy and that RU 486 and LTZ do not exhibit in this species the synergism found in rodents.  相似文献   

When animals are under stress, glucocorticoids commonly inhibit adult neurogenesis by acting through glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). However, in some cases, conditions that elevate glucocorticoids promote adult neurogenesis, and the role of glucocorticoid receptors in these circumstances is not well understood. We examined the involvement of GRs in social enhancement of brain cell addition and aggressive signaling in electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. In this species, long-term social interaction simultaneously elevates plasma cortisol, enhances brain cell addition and increases production of aggressive electrocommunication signals (“chirps”). We implanted isolated and paired fish with capsules containing nothing (controls) or the GR antagonist, RU486, recorded chirp production and locomotion for 7 d, and measured the density of newborn cells in the periventricular zone. Compared to isolated controls, paired controls showed elevated chirping in two phases: much higher chirp rates in the first 5 h and moderately higher nocturnal rates thereafter. Treating paired fish with RU486 reduced chirp rates in both phases to those of isolated fish, demonstrating that GR activation is crucial for socially induced chirping. Neither RU486 nor social interaction affected locomotion. RU486 treatment to paired fish had a partial effect on cell addition: paired RU486 fish had less cell addition than paired control fish but more than isolated fish. This suggests that cortisol activation of GRs contributes to social enhancement of cell addition but works in parallel with another GR-independent mechanism. RU486 also reduced cell addition in isolated fish, indicating that GRs participate in the regulation of cell addition even when cortisol levels are low.  相似文献   

Expression of PIK3IP1 in the murine uterus during early pregnancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ovarian steroid hormones, estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4), are essential regulators of uterine functions necessary for development, embryo implantation, and normal pregnancy. ARID1A plays an important role in steroid hormone signaling in endometrial function and pregnancy. In previous studies, using high density DNA microarray analysis, we identified phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase interacting protein 1 (Pik3ip1) as one of the genes up-regulated by ARID1A. In the present study, we performed real-time qPCR and immunohistochemistry analysis to investigate the regulation of PIK3IP1 by ARID1A and determine expression patterns of PIK3IP1 in the uterus during early pregnancy. The expression of PIK3IP1 was strong at the uterine epithelial and stromal cells of the control mice. However, expression of PIK3IP1 was remarkably reduced in the Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f mice and progesterone receptor knock-out (PRKO) mice. During early pregnancy, PIK3IP1 expression was strong at day 2.5 of gestation (GD 2.5) and then slightly decreased at GD 3.5?at the epithelium and stroma. After implantation, PIK3IP1 expression was detected at the secondary decidualization zone. To determine the ovarian steroid hormone regulation of PIK3IP1, we examined the expression of PIK3IP1 in ovariectomized control, Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f, and PRKO mice treated with P4 or E2. P4 treatment increased the PIK3IP1 expression at the luminal and glandular epithelium of control mice. However, the PIK3IP1 induction was decreased in both the Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f and PRKO mice, compared to controls. Our results identified PIK3IP1 as a novel target of ARID1A and PGR in the murine uterus.  相似文献   

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