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AIMS: To carry out an assessment of the occurrence of resistance to antimicrobials in Escherichia coli that has been isolated from young Black-headed Gulls in three nesting colonies. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 257 isolates were tested for sensitivity to eight antibacterial substances by disk diffusion method. The polymerase chain reaction was used for detecting specific genes of antibacterial resistance and class 1 integrons in resistant E. coli isolates. A total 75 (29.9%) of 257 isolates were resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents. The dominant type of resistance was to tetracycline, detected in 49 (19.1%) isolates. Resistance to ampicillin was detected in 30 (11.7%), cephalothin in 11 (4.3%), streptomycin in 24 (9.3%), sulphonamides in 20 (7.8%) and chloramphenicol in 5 (1.9%) isolates. Nine isolates carrying integrons were detected. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that young Black-headed Gulls are an important host reservoir of resistant E. coli strains, probably reflecting the presence of such strains in their sources of food and/or water. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Although Black-headed Gulls do not naturally come into contact with antibiotics, these birds can be infected with resistant E. coli and potentially serve as their reservoirs, vectors and bioindicators in the environment.  相似文献   

Surface water is prone to bacterial contamination as it receives wastes and pollutants from human and animal sources, and contaminated water may expose local populations to health risks. This review provides a brief overview on the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance (AR) phenotypes of Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus, found in natural freshwaters. These bacteria are frequently detected in surface waters, sometimes as etiological agents of waterborne infections, and AR strains are not uncommonly identified in both developed and developing countries. Data relating to Salmonella, E. coli and Enterococcus present in environmental water are lacking, and in order to understand their development and dissemination using the One Health approach, understanding the prevalence, distribution and characteristics of the bacteria present in surface water as well as their potential sources is important. Furthermore, AR bacteria in natural watersheds are not well investigated and their impacts on human health and food safety are not well understood. As surface water is a receptacle for AR bacteria from human and animal sources and a vehicle for their dissemination, this is a crucial data gap in understanding AR and minimizing its spread. For this review, Salmonella, E. coli and Enterococcus were chosen to evaluate the presence of primary pathogens and opportunistic pathogens as well as to monitor AR trends in the environmental water. Studies around the world have demonstrated the widespread distribution of pathogenic and AR bacteria in surface waters of both developing and developed countries, confirming the importance of environmental waters as a reservoir for these bacteria and the need for more attention on the environmental bacteria for emerging AR.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to detect the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) in 706 isolates of Escherichia coli, largely from outpatients (75.2%). The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS)-recommended disk diffusion procedure was used to detect ESBL presence; the VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux, Marcy L’Etoile, France) was used to determine the susceptibility to antibiotics of clinical interest, and the ESBLs were characterized by biochemical study, determining the isoelectric point, and by molecular study with PCR. Clonal distribution was studied in eight hospital isolates. There were 115 ESBL-producing isolates (16.3%), with a predominance of CTX-M9 type (58.3%). We draw attention to the high resistance to quinolones (>70%) in CTX-M9 and SHV enzyme producing isolates and the lower aminoglycoside activity in the latter.  相似文献   

A multiple PCR for the detection of the integrase genes of the three classes of integrons was carried out, and their gene cassettes were characterized in 111 clinical strains of Escherichia coli isolated in Guangzhou City, China during the last 6 years. IntI1 and intI2 genes were detected in 95 isolates (85.6%) and four isolates (3.6%), respectively. No intI3 gene was detected. Six different gene cassettes were found in these strains, and a high prevalence of dfr and aad genes was observed. The E. coli isolates that contained a 1664-bp amplicon of dfrA17-aadA5 in class 1 integron were found to be phylogenetically unrelated to each other by using the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR, as the cassette could be transferred to recipient strains, indicating that the gene cassettes might be disseminated in the clinical strains by a horizontal gene transfer. Therefore, it is important that guidelines for the prudent use of antimicrobial agents are adopted and surveillance programs are established.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the numbers and selected phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the faecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli and enterococci in gull faeces at representative Great Lakes swimming beaches in the United States. METHODS AND RESULTS: E. coli and enterococci were enumerated in gull faeces by membrane filtration. E. coli genotypes (rep-PCR genomic profiles) and E. coli (Vitek GNI+) and enterococci (API rapid ID 32 Strep and resistance to streptomycin, gentamicin, vancomycin, tetracycline and ampicillin) phenotypes were determined for isolates obtained from gull faeces both early and late in the swimming season. Identical E. coli genotypes were obtained only from single gull faecal samples but most faecal samples yielded more than one genotype (median of eight genotypes for samples with 10 isolates). E. coli isolates from the same site that clustered at >/=85% similarity were from the same sampling date and shared phenotypic characteristics, and at this similarity level there was population overlap between the two geographically isolated beach sites. Enterococcus API(R) profiles varied with sampling date. Gull enterococci displayed wide variation in antibiotic resistance patterns, and high-level resistance to some antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Gull faeces could be a major contributor of E. coli (10(5)-10(9) CFU g(-1)) and enterococci (10(4)-10(8) CFU g(-)1) to Great Lakes recreational waters. E. coli and enterococci in gull faeces are highly variable with respect to their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and may exhibit temporal or geographic trends in these features. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The high degree of variation in genotypic or phenotypic characteristics of E. coli or enterococci populations within gull hosts will require extensive sampling for adequate characterization, and will influence methods that use these characteristics to determine faecal contamination sources for recreational waters.  相似文献   

AIMS: Isolates obtained from various regions in Korea in 2002 were identified and their susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins, monobactams and/or cephamycins was studied along with any production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs). METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteria identified by the conventional techniques and Vitek GNI card were Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Using disk diffusion and double-disk synergy tests, we found that 39.2% of strains produced ESBLs. About 52% of isolates transferred resistance to ceftazidime by conjugation. Banding patterns of PCR amplification with the designed primers showed that 837- and 259-bp fragments specific to bla(TEM) genes were amplified in 63.3% of strains. 929- and 231-bp fragments (bla(SHV)), 847- and 520-bp fragments (bla(CMY)), 597- and 858-bp fragments (bla(CTX-M)) were amplified in 61.5, 17.3 and 7.7% of strains respectively. About 51.9% of strains contained more than two types of beta-lactamase genes. Especially, one strain contained bla(TEM), bla(CMY) and bla(CTX-M) genes. SIGNIFICANCE: Resistance mechanisms to beta-lactams, comprising mostly ESBL production, lead to the resistance against even recently developed beta-lactams in enterobacteria, which is now a serious threat to antibiotic therapy. The high prevalence of bla(CMY) genes and multidrug-resistant genes may also make therapeutic failure and lack of eradiation of these strains by extended-spectrum cephalosporins or cephamycins.  相似文献   

Several collections of natural isolates of the genus Salmonella and of the species Escherichia coli were studied for the release of viable temperate phages. The results indicated that functional prophage genomes may be a common constituent of all bacterial genomes of the investigated strains. About 99% of the Salmonella phages are capable of generalized transduction of chromosomal host markers and plasmids. The ratio of transducing E. coli phages is significantly lower.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli and Salmonella isolates in rooks wintering in the Czech Republic. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three hundred and sixty-three faeces samples from rooks were examined for antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Altogether 13.7%E. coli isolates were resistant to antimicrobial agents tested. The dominant type of resistance was to tetracycline. Resistant E. coli isolates were examined for antibiotic resistance genes and class 1 integrons. Five of 29 antibiotic resistant isolates possessed the int1 gene. Nine Salmonella isolates (2.5%) were found in rook faeces. All the isolates belonged to serotype Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis phage type PT8 and PT23. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that rooks can be infected by antibiotic resistant E. coli and Salmonella isolates, probably reflecting the presence of such isolates in their sources of food and/or water in the environment. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Rooks can serve as reservoirs and vectors of antibiotic resistant E. coli and Salmonella isolates and potentially transmit these isolates over long distances.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize the diversity of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL)‐producing Escherichia coli isolates recovered within the faecal microbiota of Iberian lynx. The identification of other associated resistance genes and the analysis of clonal relationship were also focused in this study. Methods and Results: From 2008 to 2010, 128 faecal samples of Iberian lynx (wild and captive animals) were collected. Eleven tested samples contained cefotaxime‐resistant E. coli isolates (all belonging to captive animals) and 10 ESBL‐producing isolates were showed. CTX‐M‐14 and SHV‐12 ESBL‐types were detected and seven different patterns were identified by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis analysis. Conclusions: The occurrence of unrelated multiresistant E. coli in faecal flora of captive specimens of Iberian lynx, including the presence of ESBLs, resistant genes in integrons and virulence determinants was showed in this study. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results obtained in this study highlight the environmental problem as future reintroductions of Iberian lynx could lead to a spread of resistant bacteria. Additionally, ESBL‐producing bacteria can represent a health problem for this endangered species.  相似文献   

Abstract We report a new pathway for galactose metabolism in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . Growth of gal mutants on galactose is restored by the addition of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ) to the medium. In such strains galactose is oxidized to galactonate by a PQQ-dependent, membrane-bound dehydrogenase. A pathway for galactonate metabolism in these organisms has already been described.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty clinical and commensal Escherichia coli strains isolated in Switzerland from humans and from companion and farm animals were analysed for the prevalence of integrons of classes 1, 2, and 3 and for the characterization of their gene cassettes. The relationships between integron carriage and host category, and between integron carriage and phylogenetic E. coli lineage were also analysed. Integrons were detected in 48 (40%) of the isolates and were thus widely disseminated in the human and animal E. coli strains considered. Moreover, the association between integron carriage and certain animal categories (farm animals) suggests that animals that are raised for economic purposes might be exposed to a major antibiotic pressure. Finally, our data confirm that E. coli commensal strains represent a significant source of antibiotic-resistant determinants.  相似文献   

ESAC beta-lactamases have increased catalytic efficiencies toward extended-spectrum cephalosporins and to a lesser extent toward imipenem as compared with the wild-type cephalosporinases. We show here that ESAC expression associated with the loss of both OmpC and OmpF porins conferred in Escherichia coli a high level of resistance to ertapenem and reduced the susceptibility to imipenem. On the contrary, ESAC expressed in the OmpC- or OmpF-deficient E. coli strains or narrow-spectrum cephalosporinase expressed in the OmpC-and OmpF-deficient strain do not confer reduced susceptibility to any of the carbapenems. The production of ESAC beta-lactamase in favorable E. coli background may represent an additional mechanism of resistance to ertapenem.  相似文献   

The distribution of plasmids as a function of aerobactin production, antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial agents production was studied in 139 Escherichia coli strains obtained from clinical sources. Ninety eight per cent of the strains analyzed presented plasmids with a median value of 2.97 plasmids per cell. Differences in the number of plasmids were observed for aerobactin production (3.52 for aerobactin producing strains, 2.56 (for non-producing ones) and antibiotic resistance (3.19 for antibiotic resistant strains and 2.58 for the sensitive ones). But this was not the case for antibacterial agent production (2.96 for the producing strains, 2.98 for the non-producing ones. Ecological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The availability of bacterial genome sequences raises an important new problem - how can one move from completely sequenced microorganisms as a reference to the hundreds and thousands of other strains or isolates of the same or related species that will not be sequenced in the near future? An efficient way to approach this task is the comparison of genomes by subtractive hybridization. Recently we developed a sensitive and reproducible subtraction procedure for comparison of bacterial genomes, based on the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). In this work we demonstrate the applicability of subtractive hybridization to the comparison of the related but markedly divergent bacterial species Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Clone libraries representing sequence differences were obtained and, in the case of completely sequenced E. coli genome, the differences were directly placed in the genome map. About 60% of the differential clones identified by SSH were present in one of the genomes under comparison and absent from the other. Additional differences in most cases represent sequences that have diverged considerably in the course of evolution. Such an approach to comparative bacterial genomics can be applied both to studies of interspecies evolution - to elucidate the "strategies" that enable different genomes to fit their ecological niches - and to development of diagnostic probes for the rapid identification of pathogenic bacterial species.  相似文献   

AIMS: Investigate the interaction of bioluminescent Escherichia coli and Salmonella Montevideo with germinating mung bean sprouts. METHODS AND RESULTS: E. coli or Salm. Montevideo introduced on mung beans became established both internally and externally on sprouts after the initial 24 h germinating period. In both cases the inoculated bacterium formed the predominant microflora on the sprouted beans throughout. From the bioluminescent profile of inoculated sprouting beans, bacterial growth was found to be in close proximity to the roots but not on the hypocotyls. Clumps (biofilms) of cells with low viability were observed within the grooves between epidermal cells on hypocotyls. Treatment with 20,000 ppm sodium hypochlorite removed the majority of bacteria from the surface of hypocotyls although nonviable single cells were occasionally observed. However, viable bacteria were recovered from the apoplastic fluid, and extracts of surface-sterilized sprouts indicating that the internal bacterial populations had been protected. This was confirmed using in situ beta-glucuronidase staining of surface-sterilized sprouts where cleaved enzyme substrate (by the action of internalized E. coli) was visualized within the plant vascular system. CONCLUSIONS: E. coli or Salmonella present on seeds become internalized within the subsequent sprouts and cannot be removed by postharvest biocidal washing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Mung bean production should be carefully controlled to prevent contamination occurring in order to minimize the health risk associated with raw bean sprouts.  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare in vitro the inhibitory activity of four bacteriocin-producing Escherichia coli to a well-characterized panel of Salmonella strains, recently isolated from clinical cases in Switzerland.
Methods and Results:  A panel of 68 nontyphoidal Salmonella strains was characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis and susceptibility to antibiotics. The majority of tested strains were genetically different, with 40% resistant to at least one antibiotic. E. coli Mcc24 showed highest in vitro activity against Salmonella (100%, microcin 24), followed by E. coli L1000 (94%, microcin B17), E. coli 53 (49%, colicin H) and E. coli 52 (21%, colicin G) as revealed using a cross-streak activity assay.
Conclusions:  Escherichia coli Mcc24, a genetically modified organism producing microcin 24, and E. coli L1000, a natural strain isolated from human faeces carrying the mcb -operon for microcin B17-production, were the most effective strains in inhibiting in vitro both antibiotic resistant and sensitive Salmonella isolates.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Due to an increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistant Salmonella strains, alternative strategies to fight these foodborne pathogens are needed. E. coli L1000 appears to be a promising candidate in view of developing biotechnological alternatives to antibiotics against Salmonella infections.  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence and epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates in pigs during production cycle on a Czech farm with the history of previous use of ceftiofur. ESBL-producing E. coli isolates were obtained from rectal swabs from pigs of different age groups (suckling piglets, weaned piglets, growers and sows). Collected samples were directly cultivated on MacConkey agar with cefotaxime (2 mg l−1), whereas intestinal swabs of slaughtered pigs and surface swabs from pig carcasses were also pre-enriched in buffered peptone water without antimicrobials before the cultivation. Clonal relationship of selected isolates was determined by XbaI pulse-field gel electrophoresis and multi-locus sequence typing. The transferability of plasmids carrying blaCTX-M genes was tested by conjugation experiments. From all examined samples, 141 (43·7%, n = 323) were positive for ESBL-producing E. coli. All ESBL-producing isolates showed resistance to multiple antimicrobials and were positive for blaCTX-M genes. The blaCTX-M-1 was carried by conjugative IncN/ST1 plasmids (c. 40–45 kb) while the blaCTX-M-15 was located on conjugative F plasmids with F:18:A5:B1 formula (c. 165 kb). This study demonstrated the persistence of CTX-M-positive E. coli isolates 2 months after banner of ceftiofur usage and indicated possible risk of transmission of these isolates to humans via the food chain.  相似文献   

AIMS: Cattle are a known main reservoir for acid-resistant Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104. We studied the response of S. Typhimurium DT104 to extreme low pH environments and compared their response to that of acid-resistant E. coli O157 and other S. Typhimurium phage types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteria were grown in nutrient-rich medium and subsequently acid challenged at pH 2.5. We found that stationary phase cultures of various S. Typhimurium strains were able to survive a challenge for 2 h at pH 2.5. As in E. coli, the ability of S. Typhimurium to survive at pH 2.5 was shown to be dependent on the presence of amino acids, specifically arginine. The amount of proton pumping H+/ATPase, both in E. coli O157 and S. Typhimurium strains, was lower when grown at pH values <6 than after growth at pH 7.5. Cyclo fatty acid content of membranes of bacteria grown at pH values <6 was higher than that of membranes of bacteria grown at pH 7.5. CONCLUSIONS: Various S. Typhimurium strains, both DT104 and non-DT104, are able to survive for a prolonged period of time at pH 2.5. Their response to such low pH environment is seemingly similar to that of E. coli O157. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Food-borne pathogens like S. Typhimurium DT104 and E. coli O157 form a serious threat to public health since such strains are able to survive under extreme low pH conditions as present in the human stomach. The emergence these acid-resistant strains suggests the presence of a selection barrier. The intestinal tract of ruminants fed a carbohydrate-rich diet might be such a barrier.  相似文献   

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