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The cells of Chlorella ellipsoidea were grown synchronously,and at different stages of their life cycle, the cells wereanalysed for their contents in amino acids existing in freeforms as well as in the fractions of bulk protein and peptides.Throughout the algal life cycle, the content of bulk protein(per unit dry weight of cells) remained relatively constant,being about 20 to 40 times those of peptides and free aminoacids. The amino acid composition of the protein fraction alsoremained fairly constant, the predominant amino acids beingalanine, glutamic acid, glycine and leucine. The contents inthe bulk peptides increased appreciably during the periods ofgrowth and "ripening" (light period), and decreased markedlyduring the periods of "post-ripening" and cellular division(dark period). Similar modes of change in content were alsoobserved in most of the individual amino acids contained inthe peptide fraction. The most abundant component in the peptidefraction was arginine followed by glutamic acid, glycine andcyst(e)ine. Rather irregular was the mode of change of the levelsof individual free amino acids, although, as a whole, theirbehavior was similar to that of bulk peptides, increasing duringthe light period and decreasing during the dark period. Themost predominant free amino acids were glutamic acid and alaninefollowed by proline. Experimental evidence showed that the processes of formationof free amino acids and peptides are for the most part lightdependent, while the synthesis of protein, which is thoughtto be effected using as building blocks mostly free amino acids—formeddirectly or indirectly from early photosynthates or derivedfrom pre-formed peptides—is essentially a light-independentprocess. Peptides, as a whole, seem to have significance asreservoirs of building blocks for the syntheses in the darkof protein and other nitrogenous cellular substances. The synthesisof protein in the dark takes place not only by consuming thefree amino acids and peptides that have been accumulated duringthe light period, but also by assimilating the exogenous nitrogensource (nitrate). The distribution of individual amino acidsin the three main fractions mentioned above as it changed duringthe course of algal cell cycle was followed in detail, and theresults obtained were discussed in relation to various relevantdata reported by other workers. (Received June 29, 1964; )  相似文献   

PRODUCTION OF LIFE IN THE SEA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. By the VAN WISSELINGH color reaction and the chitosan sulfatetest it was revealed that Chlorella cells contain chitosan probablyin their cell walls. 2. By fractionating the cell material into several fractionsfollowed by their hydrolysis, it was revealed that the majorityof glucosamine was present in the residue material remaininginsoluble in ethanol-ether and perchloric acid (PCA) solution.Conceivably, this glucosamine has derived, for the most part,from the chitosan contained in the cell wall material. 3. During the course of life cycle of the algal cells, the increasein content of glucosamine occurred in three steps: first, inproportion to the growth of smaller (young) cells into largercells; second, corresponding to the formation of autosporeswithin ripened cells; and third, in parallel with the growthof newly born daughter cells. 4. Between the first and second phase mentioned above, thereoccurred an abrupt breach in the increase of glucosamine. Thisphenomenon was presumed to be closely related to the profoundchange in the permeability of cell walls occuring at this transitionalstage of cell development. (Received September 5, 1960; )  相似文献   

The cellular content of carbon, nitrogen, amino acids, polysaccharides, phosphorus and adenosine trtphosphate (ATP) was determined at several stages during the life cycle of the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich. Carbon per cell decreased slightly between exponential and stationary phase growth in vegetative cells whereas nitrogen per cell did not change. Both of these cellular components increased markedly on encystment and then decreased to vegetative cell levels during dormancy and germination. C/N ratios increased gradually during cyst dormancy and activation, reflecting a more rapid decrease in N than in C pools, even though both decreased through time. Amino acid composition was relatively constant during the vegetative cell stages; glutamic acid was the dominant component. Arginine was notably higher in cysts than in vegetative cells but decreased significantly during germination, suggesting a role in nitrogen storage. The ratio of neutral ammo acids to total ammo acids (NAA/TAA) decreased as cysts were formed and then gradually increased during storage and germination. The ratio of basic ammo acids to total ammo acids (BAA/TAA) changed in the opposite direction of NAA/TAA, whereas the ratio of acidic acids to total amino adds (AAA/TAA) was generally invariant. Ammo acid pools were not static during the resting slate in the cysts: there was degradation or biosynthesis of certain, but not all, classes of these compounds. The monosacchande composition of cold and hot water extracted polysaccharides was quite different between cells and cysts. A high percentage of glucose in cysts suggests that the storage carbohydrate is probably in the form of glucan. Total cellular phosphorus was higher in all cyst stages than in vegetative cells. However, ATP-cell?1 decreased as vegetative cells entered stationary phase and encysted, and continued to decrease in cysts during dark cold storage. ATP increased only as the cysts were activated at warm temperatures in the light and began to germinate. The above data demonstrate that dormancy and quiescence are not periods of inactive metabolism but instead are times when numerous biochemical transformations are occurring that permit prolonged survival in a resting state.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 5-3H-uridine and 5-3H-cytidine into nucleolar and nonnucleolar RNA in the nucleus of monkey and pig kidney cells was measured in vitro during the cell life cycle. Time-lapse cinematographic records were made of cells during asynchronous exponential proliferation, in order to identify the temporal position of individual cells in relation to the preceding mitosis. Immediately following cinematography, cells were labeled with uridine-3H and cytidine-3H for a short period, fixed, and analyzed by radioautography. Since the data permit correlation of the rate of RNA labeling with the position of a cell within the cycle, curves could be constructed describing the rate of RNA synthesis over the average cell cycle. RNA synthesis was absent in early telophase, and rose very abruptly in rate in late telophase and in very early G1 in both the nucleus and the reconstituting nucleolus. Thereafter, through the G1 and S periods the rate of nuclear RNA synthesis rose gradually. When we used a 10-min pulse, there was no detectable change in the rate for nucleolar RNA labeling in monkey kidney cells during G1 or S. When we used a 30-min labeling time, the rate of nucleolar RNA labeling rose gradually in pig kidney cells. With increasing time after mitosis, the data became more variable, which may, in part, be related to the variation in generation times for individual cells.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of perinuclear crystals of Lychnis chalcedonica and intranuclear crystals of Dianthus barbatus in leaf tissue embedded in glycol methacrylate was tested by differential enzyme digestion of ultra-thin sections. The Lychnis crystals were digested readily by pepsin but with great difficulty and never to completion by trypsin. The Dianthus crystals were rapidly and completely digested by pronase; inconsistently and with difficulty by pepsin; and were unaffected by trypsin. Pre-incubation with water increased the effectiveness of pepsin digestion. Neither RNase nor DNase had any effect, either alone, or when preceded or followed by the proteinases. It was concluded that the Lychnis crystals are composed of protein that is probably high in aromatic amino acid content, and possibly low in the basic amino acids arginine and lysine. The Dianthus crystals also seem to be protein, but because of their amino acid composition or conformation, and possibly because of complex reactions with the fixative, these crystals are not readily hydrolyzed by pepsin and trypsin.  相似文献   

Micromeres and mesomeres isolated from 16-cell embryos of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermedius , were cultured in vitro , and changes in the cells surface architecture during the differentiation of the micromere- and mesomere-derived cells were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Two types of the distribution of the surface microvilli were observed in both blastomere-derived cell masses. One type showed a uniform distribution of the microvilli and the other type showed an uneven one. Though many microvilli were observed in most of both mesomere and micromere-derived cells at the 64-cell stage and the early blastula stage (16 hr after the 16-cell stage at 6°C) respectively, the microvilli decreased in number at the later stages in both blastomere-derived cell masses as compared with the 64-cell stage and the early blastula stage respectively. Rapid disappearance of the surface microvilli was observed in the micromere-derived cells in contrast with the mesomere-derived cells which still had many microvilli even at the midmesenchyme stage.  相似文献   

小鼠排卵前后卵巢纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子活性的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘以训  冯强 《生理学报》1989,41(3):284-290
给幼龄小鼠注射PMSG刺激滤泡生长,随后注射hCG以诱发排卵。在激素处理的不同时间取出卵巢,制备卵巢匀浆液或从卵巢中分离颗粒细胞和卵丘-卵母细胞复合体,并做离体培养。样品中组织型(tPA)和尿激酶型(uPA)纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子经SDS-凝胶电泳分离,用纤蛋白铺盖技术测定。实验结果表明,注射hCG 8h后15%的受试动物排卵,而卵巢匀浆液和颗粒细胞中tPA和uPA活性分别也在hCG注射后4和8h达到高峰。排卵后酶活性下降。卵丘-卵母细胞复合体主要含tPA,注射hCG 12—24h达到高峰。上述资料证明,tPA和uPA都参入小鼠排卵过程。因为排出的卵子中仍含有大量tPA,卵细胞的tPA除参与排卵外,可能对排卵后的一些生理过程也起重要作用。  相似文献   

杨青  唐岫 《生理学报》1996,48(2):141-148
本研究用结扎盲肠及穿刺(CLP)引起败血症。结果证明:大鼠心肌钙通道在早期败血症(ES,CLP后9h)时由心肌轻型囊泡向心肌肌膜转运增多;在晚期败血症(LS,CLP后18h)时由心肌肌膜向心肌轻型囊泡转运增多。败血症时大鼠心肌肌膜和心肌轻型囊泡钙通道的再分布与cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶(PKA),Ca(2+)/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶(PKM)和蛋白激酶C(PKC)磷酸化作用无关。败血症时大鼠心肌肌膜和心肌轻型囊泡上肾上腺能β-受体、M-胆碱受体和Na+/K+ATPase的变化规律和钙通道的一样,它们可能是败血症时的一种非特异性变化。  相似文献   

Reifel  K. M.  Tiffany  M. A.    McCoy  M.P.  & Hurlbert  S.H. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):56-57
Phytoplankton blooms have been implicated in mortality events of diverse groups of organisms including fish, birds and humans. About 300 species have been reported to form "red tides," or surface discolorations due to high densities, but only 60–80 of these species produce harmful blooms. In marine systems, dinoflagellates account for 75% of all harmful algal bloom species. The Salton Sea is a large saline lake located in southeastern California, USA. The lake is eutrophic largely because it is in a closed basin and receives most of its input from agricultural and municipal wastewaters. Dinoflagellates comprise a significant portion of the phytoplankton biomass, particularly in winter, often resulting in "red" or "brown" tides. To date, 16 species of dinoflagellates have been identified from the Salton Sea, and many other unidentified forms have also been documented. In 1992, 150,000 eared grebes were found dead over a period of several months at the Salton Sea. This mortality event was among the largest of any bird species. The principal cause remains unknown, but algal toxins were suspected. A survey of the composition and toxicity of algal blooms was undertaken in 1999, and we report results from blooms where dinoflagellates dominated. Dominant species included Gonyaulax grindleyi , Gymnodinium spp., Gyrodinium uncatenum , Heterocapsa niei , and an unidentified scrippsielloid. Although most samples showed activity in a brine shrimp lethality assay, all were negative in a mouse bioassay. This evidence suggests that toxins from dinoflagellate blooms in the Salton Sea are not responsible for eared grebe mortality events.  相似文献   

Whole bovine nuchal ligaments, or portions thereof (in the case of commercially valuable animals), were obtained from 45 animals (28 fetal and 17 postnatal) ranging in age from 110 days of gestation to 10 yr. Insoluble elastin was quantitatively prepared from the fresh ligaments by extraction with hot alkali and by a combination of multiple extractions with alkaline buffer and then repeated autoclaving. When adult samples were examined, the yields of insoluble residue by these two methods were very similar, but with young fetal samples the second method gave significantly higher values, because of incomplete purification of the elastin residue. The changes in the concentration of collagen, alkali-insoluble elastin, and DNA have been examined. DNA concentration, and, thus, cell population density, fell progressively during the fetal period of development, to reach a steady value soon after birth. Collagen appeared in appreciable quantities before elastin, but its concentration was rapidly halved at about the time of birth. Insoluble elastin concentration was low until the end of the 7th fetal month, at which time it began to rise rapidly. The rate of increase in elastin concentration remained high throughout the next 10–12 wk, by which time the adult value had been reached. Quantitative studies, on the basis of the whole ligament, showed that the total cell content rises to a maximum at birth, but falls soon after to a level about half that at birth. Total collagen production and elastin deposition continue at a steady, maximal rate over the interval from 235 days of gestation to the end of the 1st postnatal month. It is concluded that the immediate postnatal period would be the most favorable phase in which to attempt the isolation of the soluble precursor elastin.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin was isolated from the brains of mice at various ages by a procedure involving a final purification on a continuous CsCl gradient. Myelin protein accumulated throughout development, increasing from 0.25 mg of protein/brain at 8 days of postnatal age to 3.5 mg of protein/brain at 300 days, although the rate of accumulation was greatest at about 21 days of age. Quantitative studies of the protein composition of these samples were carried out, utilizing discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium lauryl sulphate. Mouse brain myelin, contained (in order of increasing molecular weight) two basic proteins, an uncharacterized doublet, proteolipid protein, and a group of high molecular weight proteins. There were marked changes in the quantitative distribution of these proteins with increasing postnatal age. The basic protein fraction of total myelin protein increased from about 18 per cent at 8 days to 30 per cent at 300 days of age. Proteolipid protein increased even more dramatically, from 7 to 27 per cent in the same time interval. These chemical studies were correlated with ultrastructural investigations, both of the developing myelin sheath in situ and the isolated myelin obtained from mice of various ages. A hypothesis, relating the observed changes in protein composition of myelin during development to its mode of formation, is developed. Another subcellular fraction, separated from myelin, by virtue of its greater density in a CsCl gradient, was also studied. It was a vesicular, membranous fraction present at a level of 0.35 mg of protein/brain at all ages and was related to myelin in terms of protein composition.  相似文献   

为探究水下噪音对杂交鲟行为变化(游泳速率、摄食速率、空间分布)及其肠道微生物的影响,在(145±5) dB, 400 Hz的噪音条件下对杂交鲟进行了0、24h、48h、7d和14d的噪音刺激,随后置于无胁迫噪音的自然环境中恢复48h。结果显示,噪音刺激后杂交鲟游泳速度和摄食速度显著减慢,空间分布发生改变,噪音刺激开始时杂交鲟聚集于远离噪音源的一侧, 3min后却逐渐接近噪音源。噪音对杂交鲟的肠道微生物的丰富度无显著性影响;不同时间段的各组肠道微生物的优势种群存在差异,且随时间变化优势种群反复改变;以上微生物分析结果通过COG预测显示,噪音胁迫48h和7d时“细胞信号传递过程”,“碳水化合物的转运”及“氨基酸的运输和代谢功能”显著低于其他组。结果表明,噪音对杂交鲟摄食速率、游泳速率及空间分布影响显著,改变了其肠道微生物组成和占比,影响了其氨基酸代谢等多条生命活动相关通路。实验模拟了水下各类噪音源的混合噪音对杂交鲟行为和肠道微生物的影响,为探讨杂交鲟的健康生态养殖和逆境生理响应机制提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The effect of tricyano-amino-propene, a dimer of malononitrile, on the base composition of the RNA in isolated Deiters' nerve cells and their oligodendroglial cells has been studied using a microelectrophoretic method. Tri-a-p in a dose of 20 mg/kg has the effect of increasing the RNA and protein content per nerve cell by 25 per cent and decreasing the glia RNA by 45 per cent. The RNA base composition of the nerve cells from the control animals differs from that of their glial cells. The guanine of the nerve cell is significantly higher than that of the glia, but the content of cytosine is higher in the glia than in the RNA of nerve cell. The cytosine of nerve cells decreased significantly after tri-a-p administration. In the glial cells the cytosine showed a 20 per cent increase, and the guanine a 25 per cent decrease. Tri-a-p sharpened the difference in RNA composition already existing between the control nerve cells and their glial cells by almost 300 per cent for the guanine and by 400 per cent for the cytosine. The chemical and functional relationship between the nerve cell and its oligodendroglial cells is discussed.  相似文献   

WI-38 and HeLa cells in mitosis have been selected from fixed monolayer cultures and serially sectioned for electron microscopy. Sections perpendicular to the spindle axis permit counting of the number of microtubules at each position on the spindle axis and hence the preparation of tubule distribution profiles. Errors intrinsic to this method are discussed. The changes in the tubule distributions from one mitotic stage to another provide evidence concerning the behavior of the spindle tubules during mitosis. The ratio of the number of tubules passing the chromosomes on the metaphase plate to the maximum number in each half spindle is about 1/2. This ratio changes little in early anaphase, and then decreases in late anaphase at about the same time that a zone of increased tubule number develops at the middle of the interzone. The region where the stem bodies form contains about 3/2 the number of tubules seen elsewhere in the interzone. This ratio is almost constant as the mid-body forms in telophase and then increases to 2/1 in early interphase before the final stages of cytokinesis occur.  相似文献   

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