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The phenomenon of B6-Y(DOM) sex reversal arises when certain variants of the Mus domesticus Y chromosome are crossed onto the genetic background of the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mouse strain, which normally carries a Mus musculus-derived Y chromosome. While the sex reversal has been assumed to involve strain-specific variations in structure or expression of Sry, the actual cause has not been identified. Here we used in situ hybridization to study expression of Sry, and the critical downstream gene Sox9, in strains containing different chromosome combinations to investigate the cause of B6-Y(DOM) sex reversal. Our findings establish that a delay of expression of Sry(DOM) relative to Sry(B6) underlies B6-Y(DOM) sex reversal and provide the first molecular confirmation that Sry must act during a critical time window to appropriately activate Sox9 and effect male testis determination before the onset of the ovarian-determining pathway.  相似文献   

The swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus, is a protogynous, diandric species. During sex reversal, the ovarian germinal epithelium, which forms follicles containing an oocyte and encompassing follicle cells during the female portion of the life cycle, produces numerous invaginations, or acini, into the ovarian stroma. Within the acini, the gonia that formerly produced oocytes become spermatogonia, enter meiosis, and produce sperm. The acini are bounded by the basement membrane of the germinal epithelium. Epithelial cells of the female germinal epithelium, which formerly became follicle (granulosa) cells, now become Sertoli cells in the developing testis. Subsequently, lobules and testicular ducts form. The swamp eel testis has a lobular germinal compartment in both primary and secondary males, although the germinal compartment in testes of secondary males resides within the former ovarian lamellae. The germinal compartment, supported by a basement membrane, is composed of Sertoli and germ cells that give rise to sperm. Histological and immunohistochemical techniques were used to describe the five reproductive classes that were observed to occur during the annual reproductive cycle: regressed, early maturation, mid-maturation, late maturation, and regression. These classes are differentiated by the presence of continuous or discontinuous germinal epithelia and by the types of germ cells present. Synbranchus marmoratus has a permanent germinal epithelium. Differences between the germinal compartment of the testes of primary and secondary males were not observed.  相似文献   

Sex reversal has been suggested to have profound implications for the evolution of sex chromosomes and population dynamics in ectotherms. Occasional sex reversal of genetic males has been hypothesized to prevent the evolutionary decay of nonrecombining Y chromosomes caused by the accumulation of deleterious mutations. At the same time, sex reversals can have a negative effect on population growth rate. Here, we studied phenotypic and genotypic sex in the common frog (Rana temporaria) in a subarctic environment, where strongly female‐biased sex ratios have raised the possibility of frequent sex reversals. We developed two novel sex‐linked microsatellite markers for the species and used them with a third, existing marker and a Bayesian modelling approach to study the occurrence of sex reversal and to determine primary sex ratios in egg clutches. Our results show that a significant proportion (0.09, 95% credible interval: 0.04–0.18) of adults that were genetically female expressed the male phenotype, but there was no evidence of sex reversal of genetic males that is required for counteracting the degeneration of Y chromosome. The primary sex ratios were mostly equal, but three clutches consisted only of genetic females and three others had a significant female bias. Reproduction of the sex‐reversed genetic females appears to create all‐female clutches potentially skewing the population level adult sex‐ratio consistent with field observations. However, based on a simulation model, such a bias is expected to be small and transient and thus does not fully explain the observed female‐bias in the field.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to determine whether or not plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol reflect the various grades of sex reversal in genetic female chickens treated with Fadrozole (CGS 16949 A), a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, and whether gonadal aromatase activity and plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol in treated females can or not be modified by post-hatch treatments with Fadrozole or Fadrozole + testosterone. Eggs were injected with 1 mg Fadrozole on day 4 of incubation. In females having developed sex-reversed gonads, endocrine parameters (estradiol and testosterone) at and after 13 weeks of age were indicative of the degree of sex reversal, with, for example, sex-reversed females with two testes having the highest levels of testosterone and the lowest levels of estradiol. Among these females, eight (from a total of 13) produced ejaculates with scarce and abnormal spermatozoa. Some motility was observable in the ejaculates from five of them. None of the post-hatch treatments had a significant effect on plasma levels of testosterone or estradiol (measured at 3-week intervals from week 4 to week 28 post-hatch) or on gonadal aromatase activity (measured at 12 and 28 weeks). In conclusion, these results indicate that plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol at and after 13 weeks of age are valuable indicators of the degree of sex reversal in female chickens treated with Fadrozole prior to gonadal sex differentiation. In pre-cited conditions, post-natal treatments with either Fadrozole or Fadrozole + testosterone had no apparent effect on the degree of sex reversal in these birds. Finally, the occurrence of ejaculates with motile although scarce and abnormal spermatozoa, revealed that epididymes and ducti deferens can develop and become functional in sex-reversed female chickens.  相似文献   

Populations of ectothermic vertebrates are vulnerable to environmental pollution and climate change because certain chemicals and extreme temperatures can cause sex reversal during early ontogeny (i.e. genetically female individuals develop male phenotype or vice versa), which may distort population sex ratios. However, we have troublingly little information on sex reversals in natural populations, due to unavailability of genetic sex markers. Here, we developed a genetic sexing method based on sex‐linked single nucleotide polymorphism loci to study the prevalence and fitness consequences of sex reversal in agile frogs (Rana dalmatina). Out of 125 juveniles raised in laboratory without exposure to sex‐reversing stimuli, 6 showed male phenotype but female genotype according to our markers. These individuals exhibited several signs of poor physiological condition, suggesting stress‐induced sex reversal and inferior fitness prospects. Among 162 adults from 11 wild populations in North‐Central Hungary, 20% of phenotypic males had female genotype according to our markers. These individuals occurred more frequently in areas of anthropogenic land use; this association was attributable to agriculture and less strongly to urban land use. Female‐to‐male sex‐reversed adults had similar body mass as normal males. We recorded no events of male‐to‐female sex reversal either in the laboratory or in the wild. These results support recent suspicions that sex reversal is widespread in nature, and suggest that human‐induced environmental changes may contribute to its pervasiveness. Furthermore, our findings indicate that sex reversal is associated with stress and poor health in early life, but sex‐reversed individuals surviving to adulthood may participate in breeding.  相似文献   

The age of sex reversal of the venus tusk fish Choerodon venustus , caught by line fishing at various locations on the southern Great Barrier Reef, indicated that C. venustus is capable of modifying its life cycle in response to increased mortality. The evidence suggests Masthead Reef fish, which experience the highest mortality, underwent sex reversal at a smaller size and younger age than at the other sites. The largest female fish, sexually transitional fish and males were smaller at Masthead Reef than at the Swains Reefs or One Tree Reef at Masthead Reef. There was also considerable overlap in the size of males and females within the exploited populations indicating that sex reversal is not initiated at a particular length but may have a social cause. The sex ratio of fish was essentially the same for fish fully susceptible to line fishing in the Swains and Masthead samples. Circumstantial evidence suggested that the absence of large males in a population may initiate sex reversal, indicating the maintenance of a constant sex ratio may have a social basis.  相似文献   

Gonadally undifferentiated Tilapia nilotica fry were fed with methyl testosterone at the dosage of 50 mg/kg of dry diet. The fry used in the investigation belonged to two age groups with a mean total length of 10 mm and 13.5 mm. Treatment lasted for a minimum of four weeks and a maximum of six weeks. 100% males were obtained in all the various groups under androgen treatment.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in vertebrates range from highly heteromorphic (as in most birds and mammals) to strictly homomorphic (as in many fishes, amphibians, and nonavian reptiles). Reasons for these contrasted evolutionary trajectories remain unclear, but species such as common frogs with polymorphism in the extent of sex chromosome differentiation may potentially deliver important clues. By investigating 92 common frog populations from a wide range of elevations throughout Switzerland, we show that sex chromosome differentiation strongly correlates with alleles at the candidate sex-determining gene Dmrt1. Y-specific Dmrt1 haplotypes cluster into two main haplogroups, YA and YB, with a phylogeographic signal that parallels mtDNA haplotypes: YA populations, with mostly well-differentiated sex chromosomes, occur primarily south of the main alpine ridge that bisects Switzerland, whereas YB populations, with mostly undifferentiated (proto-)sex chromosomes, occur north of this ridge. Elevation has only a marginal effect, opposing previous suggestions of a major role for climate on sex chromosome differentiation. The Y-haplotype effect might result from differences in the penetrance of alleles at the sex-determining locus (such that sex reversal and ensuing X-Y recombination are more frequent in YB populations), and/or fixation of an inversion on YA (as supported by the empirical observation that YA haplotypes might not recombine in XYA females).  相似文献   

Environmental sex reversal (ESR) occurs when environmental factors overpower genetic sex-determining factors. The phenomenon of ESR is observed widely in teleost species, where it can be induced by exposing developing fish to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). EDC-induced ESR has been exploited by the aquaculture industry, while ecological and evolutionary models are also beginning to elucidate the potential roles that sex-reversed individuals play in influencing population dynamics. However, how EDC exposure affects individual fitness remains relatively unknown. To date, many experimental studies have induced sex reversal in fish and measured fitness-as indicated by related traits such as size, survival and gonadal somatic index (GSI), but the reported results vary. Here, we meta-analytically combine the results of 78 studies of induced ESR to gain insight into the fitness of sex-reversed individuals. Overall, our results suggest that the fitness of fish exposed to EDCs is reduced at the time of exposure, with exposed individuals having a smaller size and likely a smaller GSI. Given a period of non-exposure, fish treated with EDCs can regain a size equal to those not exposed, although GSI remains compromised. Interestingly, survival does not appear to be affected by EDC treatment. The published reports that comprise our dataset are, however, based on captive fish and the general small size resulting from exposure is likely to lead to reduced survival in the wild. Additionally, reduced fitness-related parameters are likely to be due to exposure to EDCs rather than ESR itself. We suggest that theoretical models of ESR should account for the fitness-related effects that we report. Whilst we are able to shed light on the physical fitness of EDC-exposed fish, the behaviour of such individuals remains largely untested and should be the focus of future experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

In order to develop a new accurate method for sexing in Sorex species (Soricidae, Insectivora), we synthesized a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer set to amplify a part of Sry HMG box in the long‐clawed shrew, Sorex unguiculatus. When the primers were applied to the samples of known sex, PCR products were successfully obtained for males as a clear, single band on 3% agarose gels after electrophoresis in Sorex unguiculatus and five other Sorex species, but not for females of these six species. Thus, PCR amplification using the primer set may be applicable to discern sex in the six Sorex species.  相似文献   

At Arapaho Prairie, in the sandhills of western Nebraska, the dioecious annual Croton texensis (Euphorbiaceae) exhibits biased sex ratios. Moreover, the direction of bias changes from year to year: in 1994 the study population was significantly female biased, in 1995 and 1996 it was significantly male biased, and in 1997 and 1998 the sex ratio did not differ from 1 : 1. Such variation in the observed sex ratio in plants is frequently attributed to environmental sex determination (ESD), which is favored by natural selection if the rate of fitness gain across an environmental gradient is greater for one sex than the other. We performed experiments to determine: (1) whether variation in the sex ratio is correlated with environmental conditions, as would be expected if ESD is operating, and (2) whether ESD, if present, would be favored by natural selection. In a common garden experiment in which water and fertilizer were manipulated the sex ratio was marginally male biased in treatments in which water was added, but not different from 1 : 1 in other treatments. In field plots into which seeds were planted none of several soil characteristics, nor overall plot quality for C. texensis (measured as average plant biomass) were correlated with plot sex ratio. However, plots in which a large number of planted seeds emerged tended to be female biased. These results provide very weak evidence for sex ratio bias across an environmental gradient, and thus provide little evidence for ESD. Moreover, sex-by-environment interactions for fitness, which are required for the evolution of ESD, were absent for all measured variables. Thus, ESD does not appear to be favored by natural selection in this population. Instead, these biases may have been caused by differences between the sexes in germination and/or early mortality.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, there is accumulating evidence that environmental factors as triggers for sex determination and genetic sex determination are not two opposing alternatives but that a continuum of mechanisms bridge those extremes. One prominent example is the model fish species Oryzias latipes which has a stable XX/XY genetic sex determination system, but still responds to environmental cues, where high temperatures lead to female‐to‐male sex reversal. However, the mechanisms behind are still unknown. We show that high temperatures increase primordial germ cells (PGC) numbers before they reach the genital ridge, which, in turn, regulates the germ cell proliferation. Complete ablation of PGCs led to XX males with germ cell less testis, whereas experimentally increased PGC numbers did not reverse XY genotypes to female. For the underlying molecular mechanism, we provide support for the explanation that activation of the dmrt1a gene by cortisol during early development of XX embryos enables this autosomal gene to take over the role of the male determining Y‐chromosomal dmrt1bY.  相似文献   

In most bird species males compete over access to females and have elevated circulating androgen levels when they establish and defend a breeding territory or guard a mate. Testosterone is involved in the regulation of territorial aggression and sexual display in males. In few bird species the traditional sex-roles are reversed and females are highly aggressive and compete over access to males. Such species represent excellent models to study the hormonal modulation of aggressive behavior in females. Plasma sex steroid concentrations in sex-role reversed species follow the patterns of birds with "traditional" sex-roles. The neural mechanisms modulating endocrine secretion and hormone-behavior interactions in sex-role reversed birds are currently unknown. We investigated the sex differences in the mRNA expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha, and aromatase in two brain nuclei involved in reproductive and aggressive behavior in the black coucal, the nucleus taeniae and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In the bed nucleus there were no sex differences in the receptor or aromatase expression. In the nucleus taeniae, however, we show for the first time, that females have a higher mRNA expression of androgen receptors than males. These results suggest that the expression of agonistic and courtship behavior in females does not depend on elevated blood hormone levels, but may be regulated via increased steroid hormone sensitivity in particular target areas in the brain. Hence, aggression in females and males may indeed be modulated by the same hormones, but regulated at different levels of the neuroendocrine cascade.  相似文献   

Environmental sex determination by temperature could be revealed significantly in 33 Apistogramma-species and in Poecilia melanogaster . In some, but not all, Apistogramma-species pH also influences the sex ratio, whereas neither temperature nor pH affect the sex ratio of Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae . The sex in offspring of A. trifasciata is determined within a sensitive period of about 30 to at least 40 days after spawning.  相似文献   

Gonadal development is described in detail for coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) between hatching and 1000 degree-days, post-hatch, to aid sex reversal research. Germ cell morphology and sequence, vascular and reproductive duct development, and gross characteristics of the gonads are presented. Sex differentiation occurs by 380 degree-days, post-hatch (800 degree-days, post-fertilization) and is direct to male and female. Oocytes proliferate rapidly after differentiation while the testes enter a period of quiescence. Fry immersed for short durations in oestradiol (200 μg −1) are also examined. Hormone immersion advanced sex differentiation by 70 degree-days. The immersions were applied early, at 20 and 90 degree-days, post-hatch, yet still altered the sex ratio and timing of differentiation. Definitive germ cells, which are abundant during this period, may be the type most receptive to steroid treatment.  相似文献   

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