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This work reports the isolation and molecular characterization of CDC42 and RAC1 cDNAs from the ectomycorrhiza forming filamentous homobasidiomycete Suillus bovinus. Previously, no RAC gene was described from filamentous fungi and no CDC42 gene was described from homobasidiomycetes. Southern hybridization with SbCDC42 and SbRAC1 cDNAs indicated that the S. bovinus genome contains only one CDC42 and one RAC1 gene. The predicted amino acid sequence of SbRaclp is 77% identical with the Rac1B protein of chick, whereas SbCdc42p is most identical with Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc42p, showing 88% identity. In the predicted amino acid sequences of SbRaclp and SbCdc42p, the five guanine nucleotide binding regions, switch I and II, and the effector domain are highly identical to those known in other small GTPases. These domain structures suggest that in S. bovinus, SbRac1p and SbCdc42p function as molecular switches regulating the organization of actin cytoskeleton, similar to yeasts and mammals. SbRAC1 and SbCDC42 were expressed in vegetative and ectomycorrhizal hyphae, and SbCdc42p was detected in ectomycorrhiza-forming hyphae if growth and differentiation of the symbiotic hyphae took place. Cdc42p and actin were localized at the tips of S. bovinus vegetative hyphae. Similar to yeast, in filamentous fungi Cdc42p may be necessary to maintain the actin cytoskeleton at hyphal tips, making the polarized growth of the hyphae possible. In developing ectomycorrhiza, Cdc42p and actin were visualized in association with plasma membrane in swollen cells typical to the symbiotic hyphae. The role of Cdc42p and actin in regulation of the growth pattern and morphogenesis of ectomycorrhizal hyphae is discussed.  相似文献   

TGFbeta is a potent regulator of cell differentiation in many cell types. On aortic endothelial cells, TGFbeta1 displays angiogenic properties in inducing capillary-like tube formation in collagen I gels, in vitro. We investigated cytoskeletal changes that precede tube formation and related these alterations to the effects of TGFbeta1 on the activation state of members of the RhoGTPase family. TGFbeta1 promotes cell elongation and stress fiber formation in aortic endothelial cells. Using cell lines with inducible expression of Rac1 mutants, we show that these events are mimicked by expression of dominant-negative Rac1 whereas the constitutively active mutant prevents the TGFbeta1-mediated change of phenotype. Although TGFbeta1 induces an initial rise in the Rac1-GTP content, this phase is followed by a prolonged loss of the active form. In contrast, RhoA activity increases progressively and reaches a plateau when Rac1-GTP is no longer detectable. Prolonged inhibition of Rac1 appears necessary and sufficient for the increase in RhoA-GTP. In situ examination of Rho activity in TGFbeta1-treated cells provides evidence that active RhoA relocalizes to the tips of elongated cells. Inhibiting the Rho effector ROCK abrogates tube formation. Thus, Rac1 and RhoA are regulated by TGFbeta1 in the process of endothelial tube formation in collagen I gels.  相似文献   

The matricellular glycoprotein Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC) plays an important role in the regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation as well as in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Earlier, we reported that, in addition to its potent anti-angiogenic functions, SPARC also induces apoptosis in medulloblastoma cells, mediated by autophagy. We therefore sought to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism through which SPARC inhibits migration and invasion of Daoy medulloblastoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo. For this study, we used SPARC-overexpressing stable Daoy medulloblastoma cells. SPARC overexpression in Daoy medulloblastoma cells inhibited migration and invasion in vitro. Additionally, SPARC overexpression significantly suppressed the activity of Rho, Rac and Cdc42, which all regulate the actin cytoskeleton. This suppression was accompanied by an increase in the phosphorylation of Src at Tyr-416, which led to a loss of actin stress fibers and focal contacts and a decrease in the phosphorylation level of cofilin. The reduced phosphorylation level of cofilin, which is indicative of receding Rho function, in turn led to inhibition of active Rho A. To confirm the role of SPARC in inhibition of migration and invasion of Daoy medulloblastoma cells, we transfected parental and SPARC-overexpressing Daoy cells with a plasmid vector carrying siRNA against SPARC. Transfection with SPARC siRNA reversed Src-mediated disruption of the cytoskeleton organization as well as dephosphorylation of cofilin and activation of Rho A. Taken together, these results establish SPARC as an effector of Src-induced cytoskeleton disruption in Daoy medulloblastoma cells, which subsequently led to decreased migration and invasion.  相似文献   

Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, is an opportunistic pathogen that causes devastating infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. The ability of B. cenocepacia to survive within host cells could contribute significantly to its virulence in immunocompromised patients. In this study, we explored the mechanisms that enable B. cenocepacia to survive inside macrophages. We found that B. cenocepacia disrupts the actin cytoskeleton of infected macrophages, drastically altering their morphology. Submembranous actin undergoes depolymerization, leading to cell retraction. The bacteria perturb actin architecture by inactivating Rho family GTPases, particularly Rac1 and Cdc42. GTPase inactivation follows internalization of viable B. cenocepacia and compromises phagocyte function: macropinocytosis and phagocytosis are markedly inhibited, likely impairing the microbicidal and antigen‐presenting capability of infected macrophages. The type VI secretion system is essential for the bacteria to elicit these changes. This is the first report demonstrating inactivation of Rho family GTPases by a member of the B. cepacia complex.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling is required for numerous aspects of neural development, including neural induction, CNS patterning and neurogenesis. The ability of FGFs to activate Ras/MAPK signaling is thought to be critical for these functions. However, it is unlikely that MAPK signaling can fully explain the diversity of responses to FGFs. We have characterized a Cdc42-dependent signaling pathway operating downstream of the Fgf8a splice isoform. We show that a Cdc42 effector 4-like protein (Cdc42ep4-l or Cep4l) has robust neuronal-inducing activity in Xenopus embryos. Furthermore, we find that Cep4l and Cdc42 itself are necessary and sufficient for sensory neurogenesis in vivo. Furthermore, both proteins are involved in Fgf8a-induced neuronal induction, and Cdc42/Cep4l association is promoted specifically by the Fgf8a isoform of Fgf8, but not by Fgf8b, which lacks neuronal inducing activity. Overall, these data suggest a novel role for Cdc42 in an Fgf8a-specific signaling pathway essential for vertebrate neuronal development.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that actin ligands inhibit the fusion of yeast vacuoles in vitro, which suggests that actin remodeling is a subreaction of membrane fusion. Here, we demonstrate the presence of vacuole-associated actin polymerization activity, and its dependence on Cdc42p and Vrp1p. Using a sensitive in vitro pyrene-actin polymerization assay, we found that vacuole membranes stimulated polymerization, and this activity increased when vacuoles were preincubated under conditions that support membrane fusion. Vacuoles purified from a VRP1-gene deletion strain showed reduced polymerization activity, which could be recovered when reconstituted with excess Vrp1p. Cdc42p regulates this activity because overexpression of dominant-negative Cdc42p significantly reduced vacuole-associated polymerization activity, while dominant-active Cdc42p increased activity. We also used size-exclusion chromatography to directly examine changes in yeast actin induced by vacuole fusion. This assay confirmed that actin undergoes polymerization in a process requiring ATP. To further confirm the need for actin polymerization during vacuole fusion, an actin polymerization-deficient mutant strain was examined. This strain showed in vivo defects in vacuole fusion, and actin purified from this strain inhibited in vitro vacuole fusion. Affinity isolation of vacuole-associated actin and in vitro binding assays revealed a polymerization-dependent interaction between actin and the SNARE Ykt6p. Our results suggest that actin polymerization is a subreaction of vacuole membrane fusion governed by Cdc42p signal transduction.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the Arf family are best known for their role in vesicular transport, wherein they nucleate the assembly of coat proteins at sites of carrier vesicle formation. However, accumulating evidence indicates that the Arfs are also important regulators of actin cytoskeleton dynamics and are involved in a variety of actin-based processes, including cell adhesion, migration and neurite outgrowth. The mechanisms of this regulation are remarkably diverse, ranging from the integration of vesicular transport with cytoskeleton assembly to the direct regulation of Rho-family GTPase function. Here, we review recent progress in our understanding of how Arfs and their interacting proteins function to integrate membrane and cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

We recently reported that transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta induced the neural crest stem cell line Monc-1 to differentiate into a spindle-like contractile smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype and that Smad signaling played an important role in this phenomenon. In addition to Smad signaling, other pathways such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphoinositol-3 kinase, and RhoA have also been shown to mediate TGF-beta actions. The objectives of this study were to examine whether these signaling pathways contribute to TGF-beta-induced SMC development and to test whether Smad signaling cross-talks with other pathway(s) during SMC differentiation induced by TGF-beta. We demonstrate here that RhoA signaling is critical to TGF-beta-induced SMC differentiation. RhoA kinase (ROCK) inhibitor Y27632 significantly blocks the expression of multiple SMC markers such as smooth muscle alpha-actin, SM22alpha, and calponin in TGF-beta-treated Monc-1 cells. In addition, Y27632 reversed the cell morphology and abolished the contractility of TGF-beta-treated cells. RhoA signaling was activated as early as 5 min following TGF-beta addition. Dominant negative RhoA blocked nuclear translocation of Smad2 and Smad3 because of the inhibition of phosphorylation of both Smads and inhibited Smad-dependent SBE promoter activity, whereas constitutively active RhoA significantly enhanced SBE promoter activity. Consistent with these results, C3 exotoxin, an inhibitor of RhoA activation, significantly attenuated SBE promoter activity and inhibited Smad nuclear translocation. Taken together, these data point to a new role for RhoA as a modulator of Smad activation while regulating TGF-beta-induced SMC differentiation.  相似文献   

Cell motility is actuated by a host of intracellular signaling cascades that result in movement of the cell in one direction, even without an external gradient. Phospholipase C-gamma (PLCgamma) has been shown to be important for growth factor-induced lamellipodial protrusion at the front of the cell while Cdc42 has been implicated in both filopodium formation at the leading edge and control of polarity of migrating cells. We asked whether these asymmetries in effector molecules may be linked. When we overexpressed either constitutively active, dominant negative, or GFP-tagged Cdc42, wild-type NR6 fibroblasts lost directionality, as expected. On epidermal growth factor (EGF) exposure these cells produced multiple, transient protrusions in every direction; these extensions failed to result in productive motility. GFP-tagged Cdc42 appeared transiently at edges of newly formed protrusions in EGF-stimulated cells while they moved haphazardly. While PLCgamma is distributed throughout the cell, the ratio of active, tyrosyl-phosphorylated PLCgamma was increased at the leading edge, where phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) hydrolysis is concentrated. This co-localization of activities may be due to Cdc42 directing PLCgamma to the cell front, as PLCgamma associated with Cdc42 in an EGF-dependent manner. We conclude that Cdc42 controls cell polarity, likely in part, through its binding to active PLCgamma.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of Rho GTPase in cell growth by generating stable cells that express the wild-type RhoA (RhoA(wt)) under the control of an inducible promoter. Induction of RhoA(wt) had a biphasic effect on the actin cytoskeleton. At low levels of expression, RhoA(wt) stimulated the assembly of actin stress fibers without affecting cell growth. At high levels, there was a paradoxical disruption of the actin cytoskeleton accompanied by a growth arrest. Cell cycle analysis revealed a dual block at the G(1)/S and G(2)/M checkpoints. The G(1)/S arrest correlated with the accumulation of p21(Cip1), resulting in the inhibition of cdk2 activity, whereas the G(2)/M block correlated with the loss of microtubules. The cyclin B level and the cdc2 kinase activity, however, were increased, suggesting that the progression through mitosis rather than entry into the G(2)/M is defective when RhoA(wt) is overexpressed. Similar cell cycle defects and the loss of microtubules were observed after a cytochalasin D treatment, indicating that the ability of RhoA to regulate the integrity of actin cytoskeleton may be critical for the cell cycle transition through both the G(1)/S and M phase checkpoints.  相似文献   

Recently, the truncated TrkB receptor, T1, has been reported to be involved in the control of cell morphology via the regulation of Rho proteins, through which T1 binds Rho guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (Rho GDI) 1 and dissociates it in a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-dependent manner. However, it is unclear whether T1 signaling regulates the downstream of Rho signaling and the actin cytoskeleton. In this study, we investigated this question using C6 rat glioma cells, which express T1 endogenously. Rho GDI1 was dissociated from T1 in a BDNF-dependent manner, which also causes decreases in the activities of Rho-signaling molecules such as RhoA, Rho-associated kinase, p21-activated kinase, and extracellular-signal regulated kinase1/2. Moreover, BDNF treatment resulted in the disappearance of stress fibers in the cells treated with lysophosphatidic acid, an activator of RhoA, and in morphological changes in cells. Furthermore, a competitive assay with cyan fluorescent protein fusion proteins of T1-specific sequences reduced the effects of BDNF. These results suggest that T1 regulates the Rho-signaling pathways and the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

An important consequence of cell swelling is the reorganization of the F-actin cytoskeleton in different cell types. We demonstrate in this study by means of rhodamine-phalloidin labeling and fluorescence microscopy that a drastic reorganization of F-actin occurs in swollen Rat-1 fibroblasts: stress fibers disappear and F-actin patches are formed in peripheral extensions at the cell border. Moreover, we demonstrate that activation of both Rac and Cdc42, members of the family of small Rho GTPases, forms the link between the hypotonic stimulation and F-actin reorganization. Indeed, inhibition of the small GTPases RhoA, Rac, and Cdc42 (by Clostridium difficile toxin B) prevents the hypotonicity-induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, whereas inhibition of RhoA alone (by C. limosum C3 exoenzyme) does not preclude this rearrangement. Second, a direct activation and translocation toward the actin patches underneath the plasma membrane is observed for endogenous Rac and Cdc42 (but not for RhoA) during cell swelling. Finally, transfection of Rat-1 fibroblasts with constitutively active RhoA, dominant negative Rac, or dominant negative Cdc42 abolishes the swelling-induced actin reorganization. Interestingly, application of cRGD, a competitor peptide for fibronectin-integrin association, induces identical membrane protrusions and changes in the F-actin cytoskeleton that are also inhibited by C. difficile toxin B and dominant negative Rac or Cdc42. Moreover, cRGD also induces a redistribution of endogenous Rac and Cdc42 to the newly formed submembranous F-actin patches. We therefore conclude that hypotonicity and cRGD remodel the F-actin cytoskeleton in Rat-1 fibroblasts in a Rac/Cdc42-dependent way. Rho; actin; swelling  相似文献   

Vertebrate oocyte maturation is an extreme form of asymmetric cell division, producing a mature egg alongside a diminutive polar body. Critical to this process is the attachment of one spindle pole to the oocyte cortex prior to anaphase. We report here that asymmetric spindle pole attachment and anaphase initiation are required for localized cortical activation of Cdc42, which in turn defines the surface of the impending polar body. The Cdc42 activity zone overlaps with dynamic F-actin and is circumscribed by a RhoA-based actomyosin contractile ring. During cytokinesis, constriction of the RhoA contractile ring is accompanied by Cdc42-mediated membrane outpocketing such that one spindle pole and one set of chromosomes are pulled into the Cdc42 enclosure. Unexpectedly, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Ect2, which is necessary for contractile ring formation, does not colocalize with active RhoA. Polar body emission thus requires a classical RhoA contractile ring and Cdc42-mediated membrane protrusion.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) plays an important role in cell growth and differentiation. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGFbeta inhibits skeletal myogenesis remain largely undefined. By measuring GTP-loading of Rho GTPases and the organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane, we analyzed the effect of TGFbeta addition on the activity of three GTPases, Rac1, Cdc42Hs and RhoA. We report that TGFbeta activates Rac1 and Cdc42Hs in skeletal muscle cells, two GTPases previously described to inhibit skeletal muscle cell differentiation whereas it inactivates RhoA, a positive regulator of myogenesis. We further show that TGFbeta activates the C-jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway in myoblastic cells through Rac1 and Cdc42Hs GTPases. We propose that the activation of Rho family proteins Rac1 and Cdc42Hs which subsequently regulate JNK activity participates in the inhibition of myogenesis by TGFbeta.  相似文献   

IQGAP1 is a component of Cdc42 signaling to the cytoskeleton   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Ras-GAP related protein IQGAP1 binds several proteins, including actin, calmodulin, E-cadherin and the Rho family GTPase Cdc42. To gain insight into its in vivo function, IQGAP1 was overexpressed in mammalian cells. Transfection of IQGAP1 significantly increased the levels of active, GTP-bound Cdc42, resulting in the formation of peripheral actin microspikes. By contrast, transfection of an IQGAP1 mutant lacking part of the GAP-related domain (IQGAP1deltaGRD) substantially decreased the amount of GTP-bound Cdc42 in cell lysates. Consistent with these findings, IQGAP1DeltaGRD blocked Cdc42 function in cells that stably overexpress constitutively active Cdc42 and abrogated the effect of bradykinin on Cdc42. In cells transfected with IQGAP1deltaGRD, bradykinin was unable to activate Cdc42, translocate Cdc42 to the membrane fraction, or induce filopodia production. IQGAP1deltaGRD transfection altered cellular morphology, producing small, round cells that closely resemble Cdc42-/- cells. Some insight into the mechanism was provided by in vitro analysis, which revealed that IQGAP1deltaGRD increased the intrinsic GTPase activity of Cdc42, thereby increasing the amount of inactive, GDP-bound Cdc42. These data imply that IQGAP1 has a crucial role in transducing Cdc42 signaling to the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Binding partners for the Cdc42 effector CIP4 were identified by the yeast two-hybrid system, as well as by testing potential CIP4-binding proteins in coimmunoprecipitation experiments. One of the CIP4-binding proteins, DAAM1, was characterised in more detail. DAAM1 is a ubiquitously expressed member of the mammalian diaphanous-related formins, which include proteins such as mDia1 and mDia2. DAAM1 was shown to bind to the SH3 domain of CIP4 in vivo. Ectopically expressed DAAM1 localised in dotted pattern at the dorsal side of transfected cells and the protein was accumulated in the proximity to the microtubule organising centre. Moreover, ectopic expression of DAAM1 induced a marked alteration of the cell morphology, seen as rounding up of the cells, the formation of branched protrusions as well as a reduction of stress-fibres in the transfected cells. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that DAAM1 bound to RhoA and Cdc42 in a GTP-dependent manner. Moreover, DAAM1 was found to interact and collaborate with the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src in the formation of branched protrusions. Taken together, our data indicate that DAAM1 communicates with Rho GTPases, CIP4 and Src in the regulation of the signalling pathways that co-ordinate the dynamics of the actin filament system.  相似文献   

We have recently isolated a novel actin filament-binding protein, named frabin. Frabin has one actin filament-binding domain (ABD), one Dbl homology domain (DHD), first pleckstrin homology domains (PHD) adjacent to DHD, one cysteine rich-domain (CRD), and second PHD from the N terminus to the C terminus in this order. Full-length frabin induces microspike formation and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. We found here that the fragment of frabin containing DHD and first PHD stimulated guanine nucleotide exchange of Cdc42Hs small G protein, but not that of RhoA or Rac1 small G protein. However, this fragment of frabin did not induce microspike formation, and ABD was additionally necessary for microspike formation. Frabin having ABD was associated with the actin cytoskeleton, whereas frabin lacking ABD was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. In contrast, ABD was not necessary for JNK activation but CRD and second PHD were additionally necessary for this activation. These results indicate that the association of frabin with the actin cytoskeleton is essential for microspike formation but not for JNK activation and that different domains of frabin are involved in microspike formation and JNK activation through Cdc42 activation.  相似文献   

We have used a modified, dual pipette assay to quantify the strength of cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesion. The force required to separate E-cadherin-expressing paired cells in suspension was measured as an index of intercellular adhesion. Separation force depended on the homophilic interaction of functional cadherins at the cell surface, increasing with the duration of contact and with cadherin levels. Severing the link between cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton or disrupting actin polymerization did not affect initiation of cadherin-mediated adhesion, but prevented it from developing and becoming stronger over time. Rac and Cdc42, the Rho-like small GTPases, were activated when E-cadherin-expressing cells formed aggregates in suspension. Overproduction of the dominant negative form of Rac or Cdc42 permitted initial E-cadherin-based adhesion but affected its later development; the dominant active forms prevented cell adhesion outright. Our findings highlight the crucial roles played by Rac, Cdc42, and actin cytoskeleton dynamics in the development and regulation of strong cell adhesion, defined in terms of mechanical forces.  相似文献   

An enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is elicited during neuronal growth cone remodeling and requires the maintenance of agonist-sensitive pools of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Rho family GTPases are putative regulators of both PIP2 synthesis and growth cone remodeling, including neurite outgrowth elicited by muscarinic cholinergic receptor (mAChR) stimulation. In this study, we investigated the interrelationships among Rho family GTPases, PIP2 synthesis, and mAChR signaling to FAK in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Preincubation with Clostridium difficile toxin B (Tox B), an inhibitor of Rho, Rac, and Cdc42, attenuated mAChR-stimulated FAK and paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-induced FAK phosphorylation to a similar extent (75% decreases at 200 pg/ml Tox B) but did not affect mitogen-activated protein kinase activation elicited by either phorbol ester or an mAChR agonist. In contrast, preincubation with selective inhibitors of either Rho (C3 exoenzyme) or Rho kinase (HA-1 077) resulted in 80-90% reductions in LPA-induced FAK phosphorylation but only 40-50% decreases in mAChR-stimulated phosphorylation. Moreover, mAChR-mediated FAK phosphorylation was significantly attenuated in cells scrape-loaded with dominant-negative N17Cdc42 but not N17Rac1. Tox B had little or no effect on agonist-sensitive pools of PIP2 but inhibited mAChR-driven actin cytoskeletal remodeling. The results suggest that the Rho family GTPases, Rho and Cdc42, link mAChR stimulation to increases in FAK phosphorylation independently of effects on PIP2 synthesis.  相似文献   

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