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The identification of protein mutations that enhance binding affinity may be achieved by computational or experimental means, or by a combination of the two. Sources of affinity enhancement may include improvements to the net balance of binding interactions of residues forming intermolecular contacts at the binding interface, such as packing and hydrogen-bonding interactions. Here we identify noncontacting residues that make substantial contributions to binding affinity and that also provide opportunities for mutations that increase binding affinity of the TEM1 beta-lactamase (TEM1) to the beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (BLIP). A region of BLIP not on the direct TEM1-binding surface was identified for which changes in net charge result in particularly large increases in computed binding affinity. Some mutations to the region have previously been characterized, and our results are in good correspondence with this results of that study. In addition, we propose novel mutations to BLIP that were computed to improve binding significantly without contacting TEM1 directly. This class of noncontacting electrostatic interactions could have general utility in the design and tuning of binding interactions.  相似文献   

The cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases constitute a complex superfamily of enzymes responsible for catalyzing the hydrolysis of cyclic nucleotides. Regulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases is one of the two major mechanisms by which intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels are controlled. In many cases the fluctuations in cyclic nucleotide cAMP-specific, calmodulin-stimulated and cGMP-binding phosphodiesterases have been demonstrated to be substrates for protein kinases. Here we review the evidence that hormonally responsive phosphorylation acts to regulate cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. In particular, the cGMP-inhibited phosphodiesterases, which can be phosphorylated by at least two different protein kinases, are activated as a result of phosphorylation. In contrast, phosphorylation of the calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterases, which coincides with, a decreased sensitivity to activation by calmodulin, results in decreased phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone ghrelin requires Ser-3 acylation for receptor binding, orexigenic and anti-inflammatory effects. Functions of desacylghrelin are less well understood. In vitro kinase assays reveal that the evolutionarily conserved Ser-18 in the basic C-terminus is an excellent substrate for protein kinase C. Circular dichroism reveals that desacylghrelin is 12% helical in aqueous solution and 50% helical in trifluoroethanol. Ser-18-phosphorylation, Ser-18-Ala substitution, or Ser-3-acylation reduces the helical character in trifluoroethanol to 24%. Both ghrelin and desacylghrelin bind to phosphatidylcholine:phosphatidylserine sucrose-loaded vesicles in a phosphatidylserine-dependent manner. Phosphoghrelin and phosphodesacylghrelin show greatly diminished phosphatidylserine-dependent binding. These results are consistent with binding of ghrelin and desacylghrelin to acidic lipids via the basic face of an amphipathic helix with Ser-18 phosphorylation disrupting both helical character and membrane binding.  相似文献   

Calf thymus Topo I is found to be associated with three active breakdown products, resolved from intact enzyme, which do not appear to be unique to one extraction procedure. They are phosphoproteins, whose enzymatic activity can be modulated through changes in phosphorylation, and which can be phosphorylated 'in vitro', by N II protein kinase, in the same five sites as the intact enzyme. Different amounts of 32P incorporated are observed however, in the corresponding sites. We conclude: 1. proteolysis is probably an 'in vivo' phenomenon, as the Topo I smaller species are observed, during isolation from the earlier crude fractions, and as a minimum of them is always present, even if precautions are taken to minimize proteolysis; 2. a specific regulatory role in the DNA relaxational activity might be played by N II protein kinase phosphorylation, indeed, in the smaller species; 3. the different degrees of 32P incorporation, in analogous phosphorylation sites, might represent a different signal for modulating the gene expression.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the large desolvation penalty required for polar and charged groups frequently precludes their involvement in electrostatic interactions that contribute strongly to net stability in the folding or binding of proteins in aqueous solution near room temperature. We have previously developed a theoretical framework for computing optimized electrostatic interactions and illustrated use of the algorithm with simplified geometries. Given a receptor and model assumptions, the method computes the ligand-charge distribution that provides the most favorable balance of desolvation and interaction effects on binding. In this paper the method has been extended to treat complexes using actual molecular shapes. The barnase-barstar protein complex was investigated with barnase treated as a target receptor. The atomic point charges of barstar were varied to optimize the electrostatic binding free energy. Barnase and natural barstar form a tight complex (K(d) approximately 10(-14) M) with many charged and polar groups near the interface that make this a particularly relevant system for investigating the role of electrostatic effects on binding. The results show that sets of barstar charges (resulting from optimization with different constraints) can be found that give rise to relatively large predicted improvements in electrostatic binding free energy. Principles for enhancing the effect of electrostatic interactions in molecular binding in aqueous environments are discussed in light of the optima. Our findings suggest that, in general, the enhancements in electrostatic binding free energy resulting from modification of polar and charged groups can be substantial. Moreover, a recently proposed definition of electrostatic complementarity is shown to be a useful tool for examining binding interfaces. Finally, calculational results suggest that wild-type barstar is closer to being affinity optimized than is barnase for their mutual binding, consistent with the known roles of these proteins.  相似文献   

Activation of specific sets of protein kinases by intracellular signal molecules has become more and more apparent in the past decade. Phosphorylation, one of key posttranslational modification events, is activated by kinase or regulatory protein and is vital for controlling many physiological functions of eukaryotic cells such as cell proliferation, differentiation, malignant transformation, and signal transduction mediated by external stimuli. Moreovers, the reversible modification of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation can result in different features of the target substrate molecules including DNA binding, protein-protein interaction, subcellular location and enzymatic activity, and is often hijacked by viral infection. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi’s sarcomaassociated herpesvirus (KSHV), two human oncogenic gamma-herpesviruses, are shown to tightly associate with many malignancies. In this review, we summarize the recent progresses on understanding of molecular properties and regulatory modes of cellular and viral proteins phosphorylation influenced by these two tumor viruses, and highlight the potential therapeutic targets and strategies against their related cancers.

SincethefirstreportbyBennett[1]thatmultiplechloroplastproteinscouldbephosphorylatedbyanendogenouskinasewhichwasstimulatedbylightandreducingagents,mostinvestigationsregardingfunctionandregulationofthylakoidproteinphosphorylationhavebeenconcentratedonthe…  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TyrH), the catalyst for the key regulatory step in catecholamine biosynthesis, is phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) on a serine residue in a regulatory domain. In the case of the rat enzyme, phosphorylation of Ser40 by PKA is critical in regulating the enzyme activity; the effect of phosphorylation is to relieve the enzyme from inhibition by dopamine and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). There are four isoforms of human tyrosine hydroxylase (hTyrH), differing in the size of an insertion after Met30. The effects of phosphorylation by PKA on the binding of DOPA and dopamine have now been determined for all four human isoforms. There is an increase of about two-fold in the Kd value for DOPA for isoform 1 upon phosphorylation, from 4.4 to 7.4 microM; this effect decreases with the larger isoforms such that there is no effect of phosphorylation on the Kd value for isoform 4. Dopamine binds more much tightly, with Kd values less than 3 nM for all four unphosphorylated isoforms. Phosphorylation decreases the affinity for dopamine at least two orders of magnitude, resulting in Kd values of about 0.1 microM for the phosphorylated human enzymes, due primarily to increases in the rate constant for dissociation of dopamine. Dopamine binds about two-fold less tightly to the phosphorylated isoform 1 than to the other three isoforms. The results extend the regulatory model developed for the rat enzyme, in which the activity is regulated by the opposing effects of catecholamine binding and phosphorylation by PKA. The small effects on the relatively high Kd values for DOPA suggest that DOPA levels do not regulate the activity of hTyrH.  相似文献   

[目的]气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins,OBPs)在昆虫寄主定位、产卵地选择等行为中发挥着重要作用,明确中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana AcerOBP14与配体的结合特性有助于阐明中华蜜蜂嗅觉识别的分子机制.[方法]通过qRT-PCR测定OBP14在20日龄中华蜜蜂成年工蜂...  相似文献   

A retinoic acid binding protein isolated from the lumen of the rat epididymis (ERABP) is a member of the lipocalin superfamily. ERABP binds both the all-trans and 9-cis isomers of retinoic acid, as well as the synthetic retinoid (E)-4-[2-(5,6,7,8)-tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2 napthalenyl-1 propenyl]-benzoic acid (TTNPB), a structural analog of all-trans retinoic acid. The structure of ERABP with a mixture of all-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid has previously been reported. To elucidate any structural differences in the protein when bound to the all-trans and 9-cis isomers, the structures of all-trans retinoic acid-ERABP and 9-cis retinoic acid ERABP were determined. Our results indicate that the all-trans isomer of retinoic acid adopts an 8-cis structure in the binding cavity with no concomitant conformational change in the protein. The structure of TTNPB-ERABP is also reported herein. To accommodate this all-trans analog, which cannot readily adopt a cis-like structure, alternative positioning of critical binding site side chains is required. Consequently, both protein and ligand adaption are observed in the formation of the various holo-proteins.  相似文献   

Cellular functions are regulated by molecules that interact with proteins and alter their activities. To enable such control, protein activity, and therefore protein conformational distributions, must be susceptible to alteration by molecular interactions at functional sites. Here we investigate whether interactions at functional sites cause a large change in the protein conformational distribution. We apply a computational method, called dynamics perturbation analysis (DPA), to identify sites at which interactions have a large allosteric potential D(x), which is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between protein conformational distributions with and without an interaction. In DPA, a protein is decorated with surface points that interact with neighboring protein atoms, and D(x) is calculated for each of the points in a coarse-grained model of protein vibrations. We use DPA to examine hundreds of protein structures from a standard small-molecule docking test set, and find that ligand-binding sites have elevated values of D(x): for 95% of proteins, the probability of randomly obtaining values as high as those in the binding site is 10(-3) or smaller. We then use DPA to develop a computational method to predict functional sites in proteins, and find that the method accurately predicts ligand-binding-site residues for proteins in the test set. The performance of this method compares favorably with that of a cleft analysis method. The results confirm that interactions at small-molecule binding sites cause a large change in the protein conformational distribution, and motivate using DPA for large-scale prediction of functional sites in proteins. They also suggest that natural selection favors proteins whose activities are capable of being regulated by molecular interactions.  相似文献   

Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are iron-regulated RNA binding proteins that, along with iron-responsive elements (IREs), control the translation of a diverse set of mRNA with 5′ IRE. Dysregulation of IRP action causes disease with etiology that may reflect differential control of IRE-containing mRNA. IREs are defined by a conserved stem–loop structure including a midstem bulge at C8 and a terminal CAGUGH sequence that forms an AGU pseudo-triloop and N19 bulge. C8 and the pseudo-triloop nucleotides make the majority of the 22 identified bonds with IRP1. We show that IRP1 binds 5′ IREs in a hierarchy extending over a ninefold range of affinities that encompasses changes in IRE binding affinity observed with human L-ferritin IRE mutants. The limits of this IRE binding hierarchy are predicted to arise due to small differences in binding energy (e.g., equivalent to one H-bond). We demonstrate that multiple regions of the IRE stem not predicted to contact IRP1 help establish the binding hierarchy with the sequence and structure of the C8 region displaying a major role. In contrast, base-pairing and stacking in the upper stem region proximal to the terminal loop had a minor role. Unexpectedly, an N20 bulge compensated for the lack of an N19 bulge, suggesting the existence of novel IREs. Taken together, we suggest that a regulatory binding hierarchy is established through the impact of the IRE stem on the strength, not the number, of bonds between C8 or pseudo-triloop nucleotides and IRP1 or through their impact on an induced fit mechanism of binding.  相似文献   

Human placental Choline Acetyltransferase (ChAT) has been shown to be phosphorylated in vitro by kinases present in rat brain. Phosphorylation occurs at a single site with the exclusive phosphoamino acid being serine. ChAT phosphorylation was shown to be calcium, and not cyclic nucleotide, dependent and was inhibited by inhibitors of calcium/calmodulin protein kinases including anti-calmodulin anti-sera. ChAT phosphorylation was stimulated by calmodulin (9 fold) and, to a lesser extent, by phosphatidylserine (4 fold). These results indicate the involvement of a calcium/calmodulin and possibly also a calcium/phosopholipid kinase. This finding was confirmed by demonstrating ChAT phosphorylation using both purified multifunctional calcium/calmodulin protein kinase (CaMK) and calcium/phospholipid protein kinase C (PKC) from rat brain. A stoichiometric incorporation of 0.9 mol phosphate/mol ChAT was achieved by CaMK. Phosphorylated ChAT could be isolated from freshly prepared rat brain synaptosomes. The results obtained with this model system support the hypothesis that in vivo a fraction of ChAT exists phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Recently we described the use of riboflavin binding protein extracted from quail egg-white, as a new HPLC chiral stationary phase. In this study we show the further results obtained with the use of high-performance affinity chromatography to provide a better understanding of the chiral recognition mechanism for the observed enantioselectivity and to gain a deeper knowledge into the binding site that has been recently characterised by X-ray crystallography for chicken egg-white. High-performance affinity chromatography provides information on the potential protein structural changes occurring upon its immobilisation and enables competitive binding studies as well as the assessment of binding constants through frontal analysis experiments.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the net effect of electrostatics is generally to destabilize protein binding due to large desolvation penalties. A novel method for computing ligand-charge distributions that optimize the tradeoff between ligand desolvation penalty and favorable interactions with a binding site has been applied to a model for barnase. The result is a ligand-charge distribution with a favorable electrostatic contribution to binding due, in part, to ligand point charges whose direct interaction with the binding site is unfavorable, but which make strong intra-molecular interactions that are uncloaked on binding and thus act to lessen the ligand desolvation penalty.  相似文献   

The role of protein phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation in the redox regulation of mitochondrial functioning was investigated. Incubation of isolated mitochondria of maize (Zea mays L.) in the presence of γ-32P-ATP revealed phosphorylation of polypeptides with mol wt of 66, 60, 55, 48/50 doublet, 45, 29, 22, and 19 kD. The presence in the incubation medium of oxidized glutathione significantly reduced the level of protein phosphorylation. The addition of reduced glutathione diminished phosphorylation of proteins with mol wt of 60 and 48/50 kD and slightly increased phosphorylation of proteins with mol wt of 66, 55, and 45 kD. The reducing agent, sodium dithionite decreased phosphorylation of proteins with mol wt of 60, 45, 29, 22, and 19 kD but increased phosphorylation of 55 kD protein. The inhibitors of protein kinases and protein phosphatases significantly modified the effects of redox agents. For example, simultaneous action of an oxidant K3[Fe(CN)6] and NaF enhanced phosphorylation level compared to separate treatments with these agents. The combined application of sodium dithionite and NaF elevated phosphorylation level of 55 kD protein. Phosphoprotein with mol wt of about 66 kD was identified immunochemically as a heat shock protein (HSP 60). The results indicate the presence in mitochondria of redox-sensitive protein kinases and protein phosphatases. Differential changes in the pattern of mitochondrial phosphoproteins under the action of various redox agents suggest that phosphorylation is probably involved in the transduction of redox signal in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

Differential redox regulation of thylakoid phosphoproteins was studied in winter rye plants in vivo. The redox state of chloroplasts was modulated by growing plants under different light/temperature conditions and by transient shifts to different light/temperature regimes. Phosphorylation of PSII reaction centre proteins D1 and D2, the chlorophyll a binding protein CP43, the major chlorophyll a/b binding proteins Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 (LHCII) and the minor light‐harvesting antenna protein CP29 seem to belong to four distinct regulatory groups. Phosphorylation of D1 and D2 was directly dependent on the reduction state of the plastoquinone pool. CP43 protein phosphorylation generally followed the same pattern, but often remained phosphorylated even in darkness. Phosphorylation of CP29 occurred upon strong reduction of the plastoquinone pool, and was further enhanced by low temperatures. In vitro studies further demonstrated that CP29 phosphorylation is independent of the redox state of both the cytochrome b6/f complex and the thiol compounds. Complete phosphorylation of Lhcb1 and 2 proteins, on the contrary, required only modest reduction of the plastoquinone pool, and was subject to inhibition upon increase in the thiol redox state of the stroma. Furthermore, the reversible phosphorylation of Lhcb1 and 2 proteins appeared to be an extremely dynamic process, being rapidly modulated by short‐term fluctuations in chloroplast redox conditions.  相似文献   

Light‐harvesting complex II (LHCII) contains three highly homologous chlorophyll‐a/b‐binding proteins (Lhcb1, Lhcb2 and Lhcb3), which can be assembled into both homo‐ and heterotrimers. Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 are reversibly phosphorylated by the action of STN7 kinase and PPH1/TAP38 phosphatase in the so‐called state‐transition process. We have developed antibodies that are specific for the phosphorylated forms of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2. We found that Lhcb2 is more rapidly phosphorylated than Lhcb1: 10 sec of ‘state 2 light’ results in Lhcb2 phosphorylation to 30% of the maximum level. Phosphorylated and non‐phosphorylated forms of the proteins showed no difference in electrophoretic mobility and dephosphorylation kinetics did not differ between the two proteins. In state 2, most of the phosphorylated forms of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 were present in super‐ and mega‐complexes that comprised both photosystem (PS)I and PSII, and the state 2‐specific PSI–LHCII complex was highly enriched in the phosphorylated forms of Lhcb2. Our results imply distinct and specific roles for Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 in the regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting.  相似文献   

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