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Like many Gram-negative pathogens, Shigella rely on a type three secretion system (T3SS) for injection of effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells to initiate and sustain infection. Protein secretion through the needle-like type three secretion apparatus (T3SA) requires ATP hydrolysis by the T3SS ATPase Spa47, making it a likely target for in vivo regulation of T3SS activity and an attractive target for small molecule therapeutics against shigellosis. Here, we developed a model of an activated Spa47 homo-hexamer, identifying two distinct regions at each protomer interface that we hypothesized to provide intermolecular interactions supporting Spa47 oligomerization and enzymatic activation. Mutational analysis and a series of high-resolution crystal structures confirm the importance of these residues, as many of the engineered mutants are unable to form oligomers and efficiently hydrolyze ATP in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo evaluation of Shigella virulence phenotype uncovered a strong correlation between T3SS effector protein secretion, host cell membrane disruption, and cellular invasion by the tested mutant strains, suggesting that perturbation of the identified interfacial residues/interactions influences Spa47 activity through preventing oligomer formation, which in turn regulates Shigella virulence. The most impactful mutations are observed within the conserved Site 2 interface where the native residues support oligomerization and likely contribute to a complex hydrogen bonding network that organizes the active site and supports catalysis. The critical reliance on these conserved residues suggests that aspects of T3SS regulation may also be conserved, providing promise for the development of a cross-species therapeutic that broadly targets T3SS ATPase oligomerization and activation.  相似文献   

The conserved ATPase of type III secretion systems is critical to the export of substrates through the apparatus. We present a characterization of the native T3SS ATPase, Spa47, from the cytoplasm of Shigella flexneri, demonstrating it to be in two distinct high-molecular-weight complexes with Spa33: MxiN and MxiK.  相似文献   

【目的】鸭疫里默氏杆菌是引起鸭浆膜炎的一种革兰氏阴性病原菌,该菌编码的九型分泌系统(type IX secretion system, T9SS)参与滑动、致病等过程。前期研究结果表明,鸭疫里默氏杆菌CH-1株B739_0093基因在限铁培养条件明显上调。序列分析表明,B739_0093编码蛋白含有一个T9SS分泌蛋白保守的C端结构域,然而其具体功能未知。本研究旨在鉴定该基因编码蛋白是否被T9SS分泌,以及在该菌致病中的作用。【方法】用荧光定量PCR检测B739_0093是否被铁离子和铁转运调节子(ferric uptake regulator, Fur)调控;用大肠杆菌表达重组B739_0093截短蛋白制备多克隆抗体,通过Western blotting检测是否由T9SS分泌;构建B739_0093基因缺失株,通过毒力和定殖试验鉴定B739_0093在鸭疫里默氏杆菌致病中的功能。【结果】荧光定量PCR结果表明,B739_0093基因在铁离子限制性培养基明显上调,此调控是由调控蛋白Fur介导的;Western blotting结果显示,B739_0093基因编码蛋白在亲本株RA CH-1主要定位在分泌物中,而在T9SS缺失株定位在菌体且不能在分泌物被检测到;与亲本株RA CH-1相比,RA CH-1ΔB739_0093对雏鸭的致病力减弱,在雏鸭各组织器官的定殖能力明显降低。【结论】B739_0093基因编码蛋白是由鸭疫里默氏杆菌T9SS分泌的,其表达受铁离子及Fur调控,并且参与了该菌的致病。  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria use a complex macromolecular machine, known as the type 3 secretion system (T3SS), to transfer virulence proteins into host cells. The T3SS is composed of a cytoplasmic bulb, a basal body spanning the inner and outer bacterial membranes, and an extracellular needle. Secretion is regulated by both cytoplasmic and inner membrane proteins that must respond to specific signals in order to ensure that virulence proteins are not secreted before contact with a eukaryotic cell. This negative regulation is mediated, in part, by a family of proteins that are thought to physically block the entrance to the secretion apparatus until an appropriate signal is received following host cell contact. Despite weak sequence homology between proteins of this family, the crystal structures of Shigella flexneri MxiC we present here confirm the conservation of domain topology with the homologue from Yersinia sp. Interestingly, comparison of the Shigella and Yersinia structures reveals a significant structural change that results in substantial domain re-arrangement and opening of one face of the molecule. The conservation of a negatively charged patch on this face suggests it may have a role in binding other components of the T3SS.  相似文献   

Translocation of virulence effector proteins through the type III secretion system (T3SS) is essential for the virulence of many medically relevant Gram‐negative bacteria. The T3SS ATPases are conserved components that specifically recognize chaperone–effector complexes and energize effector secretion through the system. It is thought that functional T3SS ATPases assemble into a cylindrical structure maintained by their N‐terminal domains. Using size‐exclusion chromatography coupled to multi‐angle light scattering and native mass spectrometry, we show that in the absence of the N‐terminal oligomerization domain the Salmonella T3SS ATPase InvC can form monomers and dimers in solution. We also present for the first time a 2.05 å resolution crystal structure of InvC lacking the oligomerization domain (InvCΔ79) and map the amino acids suggested for ATPase intersubunit interaction, binding to other T3SS proteins and chaperone–effector recognition. Furthermore, we validate the InvC ATP‐binding site by co‐crystallization of InvCΔ79 with ATPγS (2.65 å) and ADP (2.80 å). Upon ATP‐analogue recognition, these structures reveal remodeling of the ATP‐binding site and conformational changes of two loops located outside of the catalytic site. Both loops face the central pore of the predicted InvC cylinder and are essential for the function of the T3SS ATPase. Our results present a fine functional and structural correlation of InvC and provide further details of the homo‐oligomerization process and ATP‐dependent conformational changes underlying the T3SS ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Type III secretion is a transport mechanism by which bacteria secrete proteins across their cell envelope. This protein export pathway is used by two different bacterial nanomachines: the flagellum and the injectisome. An indispensable component of these secretion systems is an ATPase similar to the F1-ATPase β subunit. Here we characterize EscN, an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli type III ATPase. A recombinant version of EscN, which was fully functional in complementation tests, was purified to homogeneity. Our results demonstrate that EscN is a Mg2+-dependent ATPase (kcat 0.35 s−1). We also define optimal conditions for the hydrolysis reaction. EscN displays protein concentration-dependent activity, suggesting that the specific activity changes with the oligomeric state of the protein. The presence of active oligomers was revealed by size exclusion chromatography and native gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The type 3 secretion system (T3SS) and the bacterial flagellum are related pathogenicity-associated appendages found at the surface of many disease-causing bacteria. These appendages consist of long tubular structures that protrude away from the bacterial surface to interact with the host cell and/or promote motility. A proposed “ruler” protein tightly regulates the length of both the T3SS and the flagellum, but the molecular basis for this length control has remained poorly characterized and controversial. Using the Pseudomonas aeruginosa T3SS as a model system, we report the first structure of a T3SS ruler protein, revealing a “ball-and-chain” architecture, with a globular C-terminal domain (the ball) preceded by a long intrinsically disordered N-terminal polypeptide chain. The dimensions and stability of the globular domain do not support its potential passage through the inner lumen of the T3SS needle. We further demonstrate that a conserved motif at the N terminus of the ruler protein interacts with the T3SS autoprotease in the cytosolic side. Collectively, these data suggest a potential mechanism for needle length sensing by ruler proteins, whereby upon T3SS needle assembly, the ruler protein''s N-terminal end is anchored on the cytosolic side, with the globular domain located on the extracellular end of the growing needle. Sequence analysis of T3SS and flagellar ruler proteins shows that this mechanism is probably conserved across systems.  相似文献   

Many Gram‐negative bacteria pathogenic to plants and animals deploy the type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject virulence factors into their hosts. All bacteria that rely on the T3SS to cause infectious diseases in humans have developed antibiotic resistance. The T3SS is an attractive target for developing new antibiotics because it is essential in virulence, and part of its structural component is exposed on the bacterial surface. The structural component of the T3SS is the needle apparatus, which is assembled from over 20 different proteins and consists of a base, an extracellular needle, a tip, and a translocon. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the structure and assembly of the needle, tip, and translocon.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia spp. possess a protein secretion system, designated as type 3, that plays a clear role in promoting their survival vis-à-vis the macrophage. Inductive expression of the Yersinia type 3 secretion system (T3SS), triggered either by host cell contact, or, in the absence of host cells, by a reduction in extracellular calcium ion levels, is accompanied by a withdrawal from the bacterial division cycle. Here, we analyzed Ca(2+)-dependent induction of the T3SS at the single-cell level to understand how Yersinia coordinates pro-survival and growth-related activities. We utilized a novel high-throughput quantitative microscopy approach as well as flow cytometry to determine how Ca(2+) levels, T3SS expression, and cellular division are interrelated. Our analysis showed that there is a high degree of homogeneity in terms of T3SS expression levels among a population of Y. pseudotuberculosis cells following the removal of Ca(2+), and that T3SS expression appears to be independent of the cellular division cycle. Unexpectedly, our analysis showed that Ca(2+) levels are inversely related to the initiation of inductive T3SS expression, and not to the intensity of activation once initiated, thus providing a basis for the seemingly graded response of T3SS activation observed in bulk-level analyses. The properties of the system described here display both similarities to and differences from that of the lac operon first described 50 years ago by Novick and Weiner.  相似文献   

副溶血弧菌是典型的食源性病原菌,也是全球范围内引起肠胃炎的主要病原菌。针筒状的Ⅲ型分泌系统(T3SS)为该菌主要的毒力因子,细菌感染时可将其效应蛋白直接注射至宿主细胞中,通过效应蛋白操纵宿主细胞,介导毒力的发挥。多数临床分离的副溶血弧菌含有2套T3SSs,其中T3SS1分泌的效应蛋白主要通过诱导细胞自噬、变圆和裂解等过程来发挥其细胞毒性,而T3SS2分泌的效应蛋白则主要通过破坏细胞骨架和操控细胞信号传导来发挥肠毒性。本文主要对副溶血弧菌T3SSs的组成和目前已发现的效应蛋白及其对宿主细胞的操控进行介绍。该研究不仅对深入了解该菌的致病机制有重要意义,而且也为宿主细胞信号转导机制研究提供新视角。  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae uses a type III secretion system to inject virulence proteins directly into the cytoplasm of its hosts. The P. syringae type III secretion apparatus is encoded, in part, by the HrpZ operon, which carries the hrpA gene encoding the pilin subunit of the pilus, various components of the structural apparatus, and the HrpZ harpin protein that is believed to produce pores in the host cell membrane. The pilus of the type III system comes into direct contact with the host cell and is, therefore, a likely target of the host's pathogen surveillance systems. We sequenced and analyzed 22 HrpZ operons from P. syringae strains spanning the diversity of the species. Selection analyses, including K(a)/K(s) tests and Tajima's D, revealed strong diversifying selection acting on the hrpA gene. This form of selection enables pathogens to maintain genetic diversity within their populations and is often driven by selection imposed by host defense systems. The HrpZ operon also revealed a single significant recombination event that dramatically changed the evolutionary relationships among P. syringae strains from 2 quite distinct phylogroups. This recombination event appears to have introduced genetic diversity into a clade of strains that may now be undergoing positive selection. The identification of diversifying selection acting on the Hrp pilus across the whole population sample and positive selection within one P. syringae lineage supports a trench warfare coevolutionary model between P. syringae and its plant hosts.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (T4P) are virulence factors in various pathogenic bacteria of animals and plants that play important roles in twitching motility, swimming motility, biofilm formation, and adhesion to host cells. Here, we genetically characterized functional roles of a putative T4P assembly protein TapV (Rsc1986 in reference strain GMI1000) and its homologue Rsp0189, which shares 58% amino acid identity with TapV, in Ralstonia solanacearum. Deletion of tapV, but not rsp0189, resulted in significantly impaired twitching motility, swimming motility, and adhesion to tomato roots, which are consistent as phenotypes of the pilA mutant (a known R. solanacearum T4P-deficient mutant). However, unlike the pilA mutant, the tapV mutant produced more biofilm than the wild-type strain. Our gene expression studies revealed that TapV, but not Rsp0189, is important for expression of a type III secretion system (T3SS, a pathogenicity determinant of R. solanacearum) both in vitro and in planta, but it is T4P independent. We further revealed that TapV affected the T3SS expression via the PhcA–TapV–PrhG–HrpB pathway, consistent with previous reports that PhcA positively regulates expression of pilA and prhG. Moreover, deletion of tapV, but not rsp0189, significantly impaired the ability to migrate into and colonize xylem vessels of host plants, but there was no alteration in intercellular proliferation of R. solanacearum in tobacco leaves, which is similar to the pilA mutant. The tapV mutant showed significantly impaired virulence in host plants. This is the first report on the impact of T4P components on the T3SS, providing novel insights into our understanding of various biological functions of T4P and the complex regulatory pathway of T3SS in R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

【背景】肽聚糖(Peptidoglycan,PG)是细菌细胞壁的重要组成部分,而霍乱弧菌Ⅵ型分泌系统(Type Ⅵ Secretion System,T6SS)可以分泌具有肽聚糖水解酶活性的效应蛋白到受体细菌中杀死细胞,这类水解酶的作用机制尚未研究清楚。【目的】通过对细菌细胞壁的PG成分进行研究,建立细胞壁PG成分分析方法,并对霍乱弧菌T6SS分泌的2个破坏细胞壁的效应蛋白TseH和VgrG3的作用机制进行解析。【方法】使用显微镜观察TseH和VgrG3异位表达对宿主细菌生长的影响;纯化大肠杆菌细胞壁,使用透射电子显微镜(Transmission Electron Microscope,TEM)观察提纯的细胞壁形态;使用纯化的TseH和VgrG3分解消化PG,利用超高效液相色谱-飞行时间质谱(Ultra-Performance LiquidChromatography-Time-of-FlightMassSpectrometry,UPLC-TOFMS)分析鉴定消化后的产物成分;通过分析结果推导结构。【结果】通过透射电子显微镜观察,发现提纯的PG呈现半透明的薄膜泡状;通过UPLC-TOFMS的分析以及逆向推导,得到了提纯的PG被VgrG3水解酶降解之后的3种主要产物,分别是二糖二肽(Disaccharide,Di)、二糖三肽(Disaccharide Tripeptide,Tri)和二糖四肽(Disaccharide Tetrapeptide,Tetra)。【结论】建立了提纯PG和UPLC-TOFMS分析PG成分的方法,揭示了效应蛋白VgrG3而非TseH可以降解PG多糖链N-乙酰葡糖胺和N-乙酰胞壁酸之间的β(1-4)糖苷键的功能。由于攻击细胞壁的效应蛋白在革兰氏阴性细菌中广泛存在,本研究不仅为鉴定这类重要效应蛋白的功能提供了有效的方法,而且对研究靶向细胞壁的新型抗生素也有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

The ywpF gene (SAV2097) of the Staphylococcus aureus strain Mu50 encodes the YwpF protein, which may play a role in antibiotic resistance. Here, we report the first crystal structure of the YwpF superfamily from S. aureus at 2.5‐Å resolution. The YwpF structure consists of two regions: an N‐terminal core β‐barrel domain that shows structural similarity to type VI secretion system (T6SS) proteins (e.g., Hcp1, Hcp3, and EvpC) and a C‐terminal two‐helix pair. Although the monomer structure of S. aureus YwpF resembles those of T6SS proteins, the dimer/tetramer model of S. aureus YwpF is distinct from the functionally important hexameric ring of T6SS proteins. We therefore suggest that the S. aureus YwpF may have a different function compared to T6SS proteins. Proteins 2015; 83:781–788. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

型分泌系统(typeⅥsecretion system,T6SS)是一种强大的细菌分子武器,它通过将效应蛋白注入原核或真核细胞而介导细菌间竞争并影响宿主的生命活动。T6SS广泛分布于革兰氏阴性菌中,主要存在于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。尽管T6SS的研究大多集中在动物相关细菌上,但它在植物相关细菌中的作用不能被忽视。本文对植物相关细菌的T6SS进行了较为详细的介绍,主要从T6SS的发现、T6SS在植物相关细菌间竞争中的作用、在细菌与植物互作中的作用以及在植物生物防治中的作用等4个方面综述了最新的研究成果,旨在为今后更好地研究植物相关细菌T6SS的生物学功能及其应用提供指导。  相似文献   

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