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Positive sense single-stranded RNA viruses undergo three mutually exclusive processes to replicate within a cell. These are translation to produce proteins, replication to produce RNA viral genomes, and packaging to form virions. The allocation of newly synthesised viral genomes to these processes, which can be regarded as life-history traits, may be subject to natural selection for efficient reproduction. Here, we develop a mathematical model of the process of intracellular viral replication to study alternative strategies for the allocation and reallocation of viral genomes to these processes. We explore four cases of the model: (1) Free Movement, in which viral genomes can freely be allocated and reallocated among translation, replication and packaging; (2) Unidirectional Reallocation, in which allocation occurs freely but reallocation can only proceed from translation to replication to packaging; (3) Conveyor Belt, in which viral genomes are first allocated to translation, then passed on to replication and finally to packaging; and (4) Permanent Allocation in which new genomes are allocated to the three processes but not reallocated between them. We apply this model to hepatitis C virus and study changes in the production of virus as the rates of allocation and reallocation are varied. We find that high viral production occurs when allocation and reallocation of the genome are weighted towards the translation and replication processes. The replication process in particular is favoured. The most productive strategy is a form of the Free Movement model in which genomes are allocated entirely to the replication-translation cycle while allowing some genomes to be packaged through reallocation.  相似文献   

The narrow host range of infection supporting the long-term propagation of hepatitis B and C viruses is a major limitation that has prevented a more thorough understanding of persistent infection and t...  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒( HEV)体外细胞培养模型的建立有助于阐明HEV的感染、复制及其致病机理,有利于新型抗病毒药物和疫苗的研发与评估。近年来国内外对HEV细胞培养模型的报道很多,但所用细胞系、感染方法及病毒的复制效果等不尽相同。因此,对近年来HEV细胞培养模型的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Lipid droplets play an important part in the life cycle of hepatitis C virus and also are markers for steatosis, which is a common condition that arises during infection. These storage organelles are targeted by the viral core protein, which forms the capsid shell. Attachment of core to lipid droplets requires a C-terminal domain within the protein that is highly conserved between different virus isolates. In infected cells, the presence of core on lipid droplets creates loci that contain viral RNA and non-structural proteins involved in genome replication. Such locations may represent sites for initiating assembly and production of nascent virions. In addition to utilising lipid droplets as part the virus life cycle, hepatitis C virus induces their accumulation in infected hepatocytes. The mechanisms involved in this process are not understood but evidence from patient-based studies and model systems suggests the involvement of both viral and host factors.  相似文献   

The influenza C virus is spread worldwide and causes diseases of the upper and (less frequently) lower respiratory tract in human. The virus is not pandemic, but it circulates together with pandemic influenza A and B viruses during winter months and has quite similar clinical manifestations. The influenza C virus is also encountered in animals (pigs and dogs) and is known to override the interspecific barriers of transmssion. The immune system of mammals often fails to recognize new antigenic variants of influenza C virus, which invariably arise in nature, resulting in outbreaks of diseases, although the structure of antigens in influenza C virus in general is much more stable than those of influenza viruses A and B. Variability of genetic information in natural isolates of viruses is determined by mutations, reassortment, and recombination. However, recombination events very rarely occur in genomes of negative-strand RNA viruses, including those of influenza, and virtually have no effect on their evolution. Unambiguous explanations for this phenomenon have thus far not been proposed. There is no proof of recombination processes in the influenza C virus genome. On the contrary, reassortant viruses derived from different strains of influenza C virus frequently appear in vitro and are likely to be common in nature. The genome of influenza C virus comprises seven segments. Based on the comparison of sequences in one of its genes (HEF), six genetic or antigenic lineages of this virus can be distinguished (Yamagata/26/81, Aichi/1/81, Mississippi/80, Taylor/1233/47, Sao Paulo/378/82, and Kanagawa/1/76). However, the available genetic data show that all the seven segments of the influenza C virus genome evolve independently.  相似文献   

At least six major genotypes of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cause liver diseases worldwide.The efficacy rates with current standard of care are about 50% against genotype 1,the most prevalent strain in the...  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito‐transmitted flavivirus, linked to microcephaly and fetal death in humans. Here, we investigate whether host‐mediated RNA editing of adenosines (ADAR) plays a role in the molecular evolution of ZIKV. Using complete coding sequences for the ZIKV polyprotein, we show that potential ADAR substitutions are underrepresented at the ADAR‐resistant GA dinucleotides of both the positive and negative strands, that these changes are spatially and temporally clustered (as expected of ADAR editing) for three branches of the viral phylogeny, and that ADAR mutagenesis can be linked to its codon usage. Furthermore, resistant GA dinucleotides are enriched on the positive (but not negative) strand, indicating that the former is under stronger purifying selection than the latter. ADAR editing also affects the evolution of the rhabdovirus sigma. Our study now documents that host ADAR editing is a mutation and evolutionary force of positive‐ as well as negative‐strand RNA viruses.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the polyprotein deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the Japanese hepatitis C virus genome (N. Kato et. al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 9524–9528)indicated that this virus is a member of a new class of positive-stranded RNA viruses. Several domains of this polyprotein also showed weak homology with those of flaviviruses and pestiviruses including the chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase. NTPase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase  相似文献   

Viral infections frequently cause endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in host cells leading to stimulation of the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway, which subsequently targets unassembled glycoproteins for ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. However, the role of the ERAD pathway in the viral life cycle is poorly defined. In this paper, we demonstrate that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection activates the ERAD pathway, which in turn controls the fate of viral glycoproteins and modulates virus production. ERAD proteins, such as EDEM1 and EDEM3, were found to increase ubiquitylation of HCV envelope proteins via direct physical interaction. Knocking down of EDEM1 and EDEM3 increased the half-life of HCV E2, as well as virus production, whereas exogenous expression of these proteins reduced the production of infectious virus particles. Further investigation revealed that only EDEM1 and EDEM3 bind with SEL1L, an ER membrane adaptor protein involved in translocation of ERAD substrates from the ER to the cytoplasm. When HCV-infected cells were treated with kifunensine, a potent inhibitor of the ERAD pathway, the half-life of HCV E2 increased and so did virus production. Kifunensine inhibited the binding of EDEM1 and EDEM3 with SEL1L, thus blocking the ubiquitylation of HCV E2 protein. Chemical inhibition of the ERAD pathway neither affected production of the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) nor stability of the JEV envelope protein. A co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that EDEM orthologs do not bind with JEV envelope protein. These findings highlight the crucial role of the ERAD pathway in the life cycle of specific viruses.  相似文献   

The acquired prion disease kuru was restricted to the Fore and neighbouring linguistic groups of the Papua New Guinea highlands and largely affected children and adult women. Oral history documents the onset of the epidemic in the early twentieth century, followed by a peak in the mid-twentieth century and subsequently a well-documented decline in frequency. In the context of these strong associations (gender, region and time), we have considered the genetic factors associated with susceptibility and resistance to kuru. Heterozygosity at codon 129 of the human prion protein gene (PRNP) is known to confer relative resistance to both sporadic and acquired prion diseases. In kuru, heterozygosity is associated with older patients and longer incubation times. Elderly survivors of the kuru epidemic, who had multiple exposures at mortuary feasts, are predominantly PRNP codon 129 heterozygotes and this group show marked Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium. The deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is most marked in elderly women, but is also significant in a slightly younger cohort of men, consistent with their exposure to kuru as boys. Young Fore and the elderly from populations with no history of kuru show Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. An increasing cline in 129V allele frequency centres on the kuru region, consistent with the effect of selection in elevating the frequency of resistant genotypes in the exposed population. The genetic data are thus strikingly correlated with exposure. Considering the strong coding sequence conservation of primate prion protein genes, the number of global coding polymorphisms in man is surprising. By intronic resequencing in a European population, we have shown that haplotype diversity at PRNP comprises two major and divergent clades associated with 129M and 129V. Kuru may have imposed the strongest episode of recent human balancing selection, which may not have been an isolated episode in human history.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that biodiversity has an important impact on parasite evolution and emergence. The vast majority of studies in this area have only considered the diversity of species within an environment as an overall measure of biodiversity, overlooking the role of genetic diversity within a particular host species. Although theoretical models propose that host genetic diversity in part shapes that of the infecting parasite population, and hence modulates the risk of parasite emergence, this effect has seldom been tested empirically. Using Rabies virus (RABV) as a model parasite, we provide evidence that greater host genetic diversity increases both parasite genetic diversity and the likelihood of a host being a donor in RABV cross‐species transmission events. We conclude that host genetic diversity may be an important determinant of parasite evolution and emergence.  相似文献   

A potent neutralizing antibody to a conserved hepatitis C virus (HCV) epitope might overcome its extreme variability, allowing immunotherapy. The human monoclonal antibody HC-1 recognizes a conformational epitope on the HCV E2 glycoprotein. Previous studies showed that HC-1 neutralizes most HCV genotypes but has modest potency. To improve neutralization, we affinity-matured HC-1 by constructing a library of yeast-displayed HC-1 single chain Fv (scFv) mutants, using for selection an E2 antigen from one of the poorly neutralized HCVpp. We developed an approach by parallel mutagenesis of the heavy chain variable (VH) and κ-chain variable (Vk) genes separately, then combining the optimized VH and Vk mutants. This resulted in the generation of HC-1-related scFv variants exhibiting improved affinities. The best scFv variant had a 92-fold improved affinity. After conversion to IgG1, some of the antibodies exhibited a 30-fold improvement in neutralization activity. Both surface plasmon resonance and solution kinetic exclusion analysis showed that the increase in affinity was largely due to a lowering of the dissociation rate constant, Koff. Neutralization against a panel of HCV pseudoparticles and infectious 2a HCV virus improved with the affinity-matured IgG1 antibodies. Interestingly, some of these antibodies neutralized a viral isolate that was not neutralized by wild-type HC-1. Moreover, propagating 2a HCVcc under the selective pressure of WT HC-1 or affinity-matured HC-1 antibodies yielded no viral escape mutants and, with the affinity-matured IgG1, needed 100-fold less antibody to achieve complete virus elimination. Taken together, these findings suggest that affinity-matured HC-1 antibodies are excellent candidates for therapeutic development.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that hepatitis C virus (HCV) perturbs the autophagic pathway to induce the accumulation of autophagosomes in cells. To understand the role of autophagosomes in the HCV life cycle, we established a stable Huh7 hepatoma cell line that contained an HCV subgenomic RNA replicon and also expressed a GFP-LC3 fusion protein. The GFP-LC3 protein is localized to autophagosomes during autophagy and served as a convenient marker for autophagosomes. Our results indicate that the silencing of the expression of LC3 or Atg7, two protein factors critical for the formation of autophagosomes, suppresses the replication of HCV RNA. Confocal microscopy studies revealed the localization of HCV NS5A and NS5B proteins, which are two important components of the HCV RNA replication complex, and nascent HCV RNA to autophagosomes. The association of the HCV RNA replication complex with the autophagosomal membranes was further confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and immunoelectron microscopy studies. Interestingly, inhibition of Class III PI3K activity had no effect on the autophagosomes induced by HCV. These results indicate that HCV induces autophagosomes via a Class III PI3K-independent pathway and uses autophagosomal membranes as sites for its RNA replication.  相似文献   

The lack of a culture system that efficiently produces progeny virus has hampered hepatitis C virus (HCV) research. Recently, the discovery of a novel HCV isolate JFH1 and its chimeric derivative J6/JFH1 has led to the development of an efficient virus productive culture system. To construct an easy monitoring system for the viral life cycle of HCV, we generated bicistronic luciferase reporter virus genomes based on the JFH1 and J6/JFH1 isolates, respectively. Transfection of the J6/JFH1-based reporter genome to Huh7.5 cells produced significantly greater levels of progeny virus than transfection of the JFH1 genome. Furthermore, the expression of dominant-negative Vps4, a key molecule of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport machinery, inhibited the virus production of JFH1, but not that of J6/JFH1. These results may account for the different abilities to produce progeny virus between JFH1 and J6/JFH1. Using the J6/JFH1/Luc system, we showed that the two polyanions heparin and polyvinyl sulfate decreased the infectivity of J6/JFH1/Luc virus in a dose-dependent manner. We also analyzed the function of microRNA on HCV replication and found that miR-34b could affect the replication of HCV. The reporter virus generated in this study will be useful for investigating the nature of the HCV life cycle and for identification of HCV inhibitors.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) nonstructural 5A (NS5A) is a pleiotropic protein involved in viral RNA replication and modulation of the cellular physiology in HCV-infected cells. To elucidate the mechanisms of the HCV life cycle, we identified cellular factors interacting with the NS5A protein in HCV-infected cells. Huh7.5 cells were electroporated with HCV Jc1 RNA. Cellular factors associated with HCV NS5A were identified by immunoprecipitation with Dynabead-conjugated NS5A antibody and LC-MS/MS. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type IIIα (PI4KIIIα) was identified as a binding partner for the NS5A protein. NS5A derived from both genotypes 1b and 2a interacted with PI4KIIIα. NS5A interacted with PI4KIIIα through amino acids 401-600 of PI4KIIIα and domain I of NS5A. Interference of the protein interaction between NS5A and PI4KIIIα decreased HCV propagation. Knockdown of PI4KIIIα significantly reduced HCV replication in Huh7 cells harboring the subgenomic replicon and in Huh7.5 cells infected with cell culture grown virus (HCVcc). Silencing of PI4KIIIα further inhibited HCV release into the tissue culture medium. NS5A may recruit PI4KIIIα to the HCV RNA replication complex. These data suggest that PI4KIIIα is an essential host factor that supports HCV proliferation and therefore PI4KIIIα may be a legitimate target for anti-HCV therapy.  相似文献   

Vaughan R  Fan B  You JS  Kao CC 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2012,18(8):1541-1552
Understanding how the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) interacts with nascent RNA would provide valuable insight into the virus's mechanism for RNA synthesis. Using a peptide mass fingerprinting method and affinity capture of peptides reversibly cross-linked to an alkyn-labeled nascent RNA, we identified a region below the Δ1 loop in the fingers domain of the HCV RdRp that contacts the nascent RNA. A modification protection assay was used to confirm the assignment. Several mutations within the putative nascent RNA binding region were generated and analyzed for RNA synthesis in vitro and in the HCV subgenomic replicon. All mutations tested within this region showed a decrease in primer-dependent RNA synthesis and decreased stabilization of the ternary complex. The results from this study advance our understanding of the structure and function of the HCV RdRp and the requirements for HCV RNA synthesis. In addition, a model of nascent RNA interaction is compared with results from structural studies.  相似文献   

The nucleotide (nt) sequence was determined for an isolate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) derived from cirrhotic tissue of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. The 9408-nt sequence (EMBL Acq. No. X61596) showed homology of 90.7-91.4% on the nt level, as compared to two Japanese isolates from patients with a high titer of serum transaminase, 78.4-78.8% to those obtained in the United States, and 65.0% to that from an asymptomatic Japanese carrier. The phylogenetic tree of the six isolates classified them into three groups.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a phenomenon in which small interfering RNA (siRNA), an RNA duplex 21 to 23 nucleotides (nt) long, or short hairpin RNA (shRNA) resembling siRNA, mediates degradation of the target RNA molecule in a sequence-specific manner. RNAi is now expected to be a useful therapeutic strategy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In the present study we compared the efficacy of a number of shRNAs directed against different target regions of the HCV genome, such as 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR) (nt 286 to 304), Core (nt 371 to 389), NS3-1 (nt 2052 to 2060), NS3-2 (nt 2104 to 2122), and NS5B (nt 7326 to 7344), all of which except for NS5B are conserved among most, if not all, HCV subtype 1b (HCV-1b) isolates in Japan. We utilized two methods to express shRNAs, one utilizing an expression plasmid (pAVU6+27) and the other utilizing a recombinant lentivirus harboring the pAVU6+27-derived expression cassette. Although 5'UTR has been considered to be the most suitable region for therapeutic siRNA and/or shRNA because of its extremely high degree of sequence conservation, we observed only a faint suppression of an HCV subgenomic replicon by shRNA against 5'UTR. In both plasmid-and lentivirus-mediated expression systems, shRNAs against NS3-1 and NS5B suppressed most efficiently the replication of the HCV replicon without suppressing host cellular gene expression. Synthetic siRNA against NS3-1 also inhibited replication of the HCV replicon in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, the present results imply the possibility that the recombinant lentivirus expressing shRNA against NS3-1 would be a useful tool to inhibit HCV-1b infection.  相似文献   

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