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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) results from nonradiative coupling of two fluorophores and reports on distances in the range 10-100 A. It is therefore a suitable probe to determine distances in RNA molecules and define their global structure, to follow kinetics of RNA conformational changes during folding in real time, to monitor ion binding, or to analyze conformational equilibria and assess the thermodynamic stability of tertiary structure conformers. Along with the basic principles of steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements, approaches to investigate RNA conformational transitions and folding are described and illustrated with selected examples. The versatility of FRET-based techniques has recently been demonstrated by implementations of FRET in high-throughput screening of potential drugs as well as studies of energy transfer that monitor RNA conformational changes on the single-molecule level.  相似文献   

It is emerging that DNA tetraplexes are pivotal for many major cellular processes, and techniques that assess their structure and nature to the point are under development. Here we show how the structural conversion of largely unstructured single-stranded DNA molecules into compact intrastrand DNA tetraplexes can be monitored by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. We recently reported that intrastrand tetraplex formation takes place in a nuclease hypersensitive element upstream of the human c-myc proto-oncogene. Despite the highly repetitive guanine-rich sequence of the hypersensitive element, fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements indicate that only one well defined tetraplex structure forms therein. The proposed structure, which is specifically stabilized by potassium ions in vitro, has a core of three stacked guanine tetrads that is capped by two intrastrand A-T base pairs.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a technique used for quantifying the distance between two molecules conjugated to different fluorophores. By combining optical microscopy with FRET it is possible to obtain quantitative temporal and spatial information about the binding and interaction of proteins, lipids, enzymes, DNA, and RNA in vivo. In conjunction with the recent development of a variety of mutant green fluorescent proteins (mtGFPs), FRET microscopy provides the potential to measure the interaction of intracellular molecular species in intact living cells where the donor and acceptor fluorophores are actually part of the molecules themselves. However, steady-state FRET microscopy measurements can suffer from several sources of distortion, which need to be corrected. These include direct excitation of the acceptor at the donor excitation wavelengths and the dependence of FRET on the concentration of acceptor. We present a simple method for the analysis of FRET data obtained with standard filter sets in a fluorescence microscope. This method is corrected for cross talk (any detection of donor fluorescence with the acceptor emission filter and any detection of acceptor fluorescence with the donor emission filter), and for the dependence of FRET on the concentrations of the donor and acceptor. Measurements of the interaction of the proteins Bcl-2 and Beclin (a recently identified Bcl-2 interacting protein located on chromosome 17q21), are shown to document the accuracy of this approach for correction of donor and acceptor concentrations, and cross talk between the different filter units.  相似文献   

The four-way DNA (Holliday) junction is an important postulated intermediate in the process of genetic recombination. Earlier studies have suggested that the junction exists in two alternative conformations, depending upon the salt concentration present. At high salt concentrations the junction folds into a stacked X structure, while at low salt concentrations the data indicate an extended unstacked conformation. The stereochemical conformation of the four-way DNA junction at low salt (low alkali ion concentration and no alkaline earth ions) was established by comparing the efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in three permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms. A new variation of FRET was implemented based upon a systematic variation of the fraction of donor labeled single strands. The FRET results indicate that the structure of the four-way DNA junction at low salt exists as an unstacked, extended, square arrangement of the four duplex arms. The donor titration measurements made in the presence of magnesium ions clearly show the folding of the junction into the X stacked structure. In addition, the FRET efficiency can be measured. The fluorescence anisotropy of the acceptor in the presence of Mg2+ during donor titrations was also measured; the FRET efficiency can be calculated from the anisotropy data and the results are consistent with the folded, stacked X structure.  相似文献   

We have carried out fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on four-way DNA junctions in order to analyze the global structure and its dependence on the concentration of several types of ions. A knowledge of the structure and its sensitivity to the solution environment is important for a full understanding of recombination events in DNA. The stereochemical arrangement of the four DNA helices that make up the four-way junction was established by a global comparison of the efficiency of FRET between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in all possible permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms of the four-way structure. The conclusions are based upon a comparison between a series of many identical DNA molecules which have been labeled on different positions, rather than a determination of a few absolute distances. Details of the FRET analysis are presented; features of the analysis with particular relevance to DNA structures are emphasized. Three methods were employed to determine the efficiency of FRET: (1) enhancement of the acceptor fluorescence, (2) decrease of the donor quantum yield, and (3) shortening of the donor fluorescence lifetime. The FRET results indicate that the arms of the four-way junction are arranged in an antiparallel stacked X-structure when salt is added to the solution. The ion-related conformational change upon addition of salt to a solution originally at low ionic strength progresses in a continuous noncooperative manner as the ionic strength of the solution increases. The mode of ion interaction at the strand exchange site of the junction is discussed.  相似文献   

Tóth K  Brun N  Langowski J 《Biochemistry》2001,40(23):6921-6928
While the structure of the nucleosome core is known in atomic detail, the precise geometry of the DNA beyond the core particle is still unknown. We have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for determining the end-to-end distance of DNA fragments assembled with histones into nucleosomes. The DNA of a length of 150-220 bp was labeled with rhodamine-X on one end and fluorescein or Alexa 488 on the other. Assembling nucleosomes on these DNA fragments leads to a measurable energy transfer. The end-to-end distance computed from the FRET increases from 60 +/- 5 A at 150 bp to 75 +/- 5 A at 170 bp without measurable change above it. These distances are compatible with different geometries of the linker DNA, all having in common that no crossing can be observed up to 220 bp. Addition of H1 histone leads to an increase in energy transfer, indicating a compaction of the linker DNA toward the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Helical junctions are common architectural features in RNA. They are particularly important in autonomously folding molecules, as exemplified by the hairpin ribozyme. We have used single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy to study the dynamic properties of the perfect (4H) four-way helical junction derived from the hairpin ribozyme. In the presence of Mg(2+), the junction samples parallel and antiparallel conformations and both stacking conformers, with a bias towards one antiparallel stacking conformer. There is continual interconversion between the forms, such that there are several transitions per second under physiological conditions. Our data suggest that interconversion proceeds via an open intermediate with reduced cation binding in which coaxial stacking between helices is disrupted. The rate of interconversion becomes slower at higher Mg(2+) concentrations, yet the activation barrier decreases under these conditions, indicating that entropic effects are important. Transitions also occur in the presence of Na(+) only; however, the coaxial stacking appears incomplete under these conditions. The polymorphic and dynamic character of the four-way RNA junction provides a source of structural diversity, from which particular conformations required for biological function might be stabilised by additional RNA interactions or protein binding.  相似文献   

1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and 1-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene are fluorophores used to explore different hydrophobic domains of membrane bilayers (Andrich, M.P. and Vanderkooi, J.M. (1976) Biochemistry 15, 1257-1265; Prendergast, F.G., Haugland, R.P. and Callahan, P.J. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 7333-7338). Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between these fluorophores, acting as energy donors, and the anthracycline, daunomycin, as the acceptor, was used to analyze the interaction of the drug with natural membranes, and its relative location within the membrane bilayer. The transfer process was demonstrated by: (1) emission fluorescence of the acceptor when the samples were excited at the excitation maximum of the donor (360 nm); and (2) progressive quenching of the energy donor (at 428 nm) when in the presence of increasing acceptor concentration. Also, the disruption of the energy transfer by solubilization of the membrane with Triton X-100 evidences a role for the membrane in providing the appropriate site(s) for energy transfer to occur. At moderately low daunomycin/membrane lipid ratios, the different efficiencies of resonance energy transfer between the two donors and daunomycin predicts a preferential, but not exclusive, location of the drug at membrane 'surface' domains, i.e., those regions of the bilayer explored by the 1-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene probe. In support of this observation, a large fraction (approx. 75%) of membrane-associated daunomycin was rapidly sequestered away from the membrane upon addition of excess DNA, which forms high-affinity complexes with daunomycin (Chaires, J.B., Dattagupta, n. and Crothers, D.M. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 3927-3932), thus acting as a drug 'sink'. Also, a large fraction of drug was accessible to fluorescence quenching by iodide, a collisional water-soluble quencher. On the other hand, a smaller population of the membrane-associated daunomycin was characterized by slow sequestering by the added DNA and inaccessibility to quenching by iodide. We conclude that the daunomycin, which is only slowly sequestered, is located deep within the hydrophobic domains of the bilayer, likely to be those probed by 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene.  相似文献   

RNA performs a multitude of essential cellular functions involving the maintenance, transfer, and processing of genetic information. The reason probably is twofold: (a) Life started as a prebiotic RNA World, in which RNA served as the genetic information carrier and catalyzed all chemical reactions required for its proliferation and (b) some of the RNA World functions were conserved throughout evolution because neither DNA nor protein is as adept in fulfilling them. A particular advantage of RNA is its high propensity to form alternative structures as required in subsequent steps of a reaction pathway. Here I describe fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) as a method to monitor a crucial conformational transition on the reaction pathway of the hairpin ribozyme, a small catalytic RNA motif from a self-replicating plant virus satellite RNA and well-studied paradigm of RNA folding. Steady-state FRET measurements in solution allow one to measure the kinetics and requirements of docking of its two independently folding domains; time-resolved FRET reveals the relative thermodynamic stability of the undocked (extended, inactive) and docked (active) ribozyme conformations; while single-molecule FRET experiments will highlight the dynamics of RNA at the individual molecule level. Similar domain docking events are expected to be at the heart of many biological functions of RNA, and the described FRET techniques promise to be adaptable to most of the involved RNA systems.  相似文献   

We have developed a continuous fluorescence assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for the monitoring of RNA helicase activity in vitro. The assay is tested using the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase as a model. We prepared a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) substrate with a 5′ fluorophore-labeled strand hybridized to a 3′ quencher-labeled strand. When the dsRNA is unwound by helicase, the fluorescence of the fluorophore is emitted following the separation of the strands. Unlike in conventional gel-based assays, this new assay eliminates the complex and time-consuming steps, and can be used to simply measure the real-time kinetics in a single helicase reaction. Our results demonstrate that Alexa Fluor 488 and BHQ1 are an effective fluorophore-quencher pair, and this assay is suitable for the quantitative measurement of the RNA helicase activity of HCV NS3. Moreover, we found that several extracts of marine organisms exhibited different inhibitory effects on the RNA and DNA helicase activities of HCV NS3. We propose that this assay will be useful for monitoring the detailed kinetics of RNA unwinding mechanisms and screening RNA helicase inhibitors at high throughput.  相似文献   

Small catalytic RNAs like the hairpin ribozyme are proving to be useful intracellular tools; however, most attempts to demonstrate trans-cleavage of RNA by ribozymes in cells have been frustrated by rapid cellular degradation of the cleavage products. Here, we describe a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay that directly monitors cleavage of target RNA in tissue-culture cells. An oligoribonucleotide substrate was modified to inhibit cellular ribonuclease degradation without interfering with ribozyme cleavage, and donor (fluorescein) and acceptor (tetramethylrhodamine) fluorophores were introduced at positions flanking the cleavage site. In simple buffers, the intact substrate produces a strong FRET signal that is lost upon cleavage, resulting in a red-to-green shift in dominant fluorescence emission. Hairpin ribozyme and fluorescent substrate were microinjected into murine fibroblasts under conditions in which substrate cleavage can occur only inside the cell. A strong FRET signal was observed by fluorescence microscopy when substrate was injected, but rapid decay of the FRET signal occurred when an active, cognate ribozyme was introduced with the substrate. No acceleration in cleavage rates was observed in control experiments utilizing a noncleavable substrate, inactive ribozyme, or an active ribozyme with altered substrate specificity. Subsequently, the fluorescent substrates were injected into clonal cell lines that expressed cognate or noncognate ribozymes. A decrease in FRET signal was observed only when substrate was microinjected into cells expressing its cognate ribozyme. These results demonstrate trans-cleavage of RNA within mammalian cells, and provide an experimental basis for quantitative analysis of ribozyme activity and specificity within the cell.  相似文献   

RNA helicase A (RHA) as a member of DExH‐box subgroup of helicase superfamily II, participates in diverse biological processes involved in RNA metabolism in organisms, and these RNA‐mediated biological processes rely on RNA structure conversion. However, how RHA regulate the RNA structure conversion was still unknown. In order to unveil the mechanism of RNA structure conversion mediated by RHA, single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer was adopted to in our assay, and substrates RNA were from internal ribosome entry site of foot‐and‐mouth disease virus genome. We first found that the RNA structure conversion by RHA against thermodynamic equilibrium in vitro, and the process of dsRNA YZ converted to dsRNA XY through a tripartite intermediate state. In addition, the rate of the RNA structure conversion and the distribution of dsRNA YZ and XY were affected by ATP concentrations. Our study provides real‐time insight into ATP‐dependent RHA‐assisted RNA structure conversion at the single molecule level, the mechanism displayed by RHA may help in understand how RHA contributes to many biological functions, and the basic mechanistic features illustrated in our work also underlay more complex protein‐assisted RNA structure conversions.  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a powerful technique for studying conformational distribution and dynamics of biological molecules. Some conformational changes are difficult to synchronize or too rare to detect using ensemble FRET. FRET, detected at the single-molecule level, opens up new opportunities to probe the detailed kinetics of structural changes without the need for synchronization. Here, we discuss practical considerations for its implementation including experimental apparatus, fluorescent probe selection, surface immobilization, single-molecule FRET analysis schemes, and interpretation.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) detects the proximity of fluorescently labeled molecules over distances >100 A. When performed in a fluorescence microscope, FRET can be used to map protein-protein interactions in vivo. We here describe a FRET microscopy method that can be used to determine whether proteins that are colocalized at the level of light microscopy interact with one another. This method can be implemented using digital microscopy systems such as a confocal microscope or a wide-field fluorescence microscope coupled to a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. It is readily applied to samples prepared with standard immunofluorescence techniques using antibodies labeled with fluorescent dyes that act as a donor and acceptor pair for FRET. Energy transfer efficiencies are quantified based on the release of quenching of donor fluorescence due to FRET, measured by comparing the intensity of donor fluorescence before and after complete photobleaching of the acceptor. As described, this method uses Cy3 and Cy5 as the donor and acceptor fluorophores, but can be adapted for other FRET pairs including cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein.  相似文献   

Xia Z  Liu Y 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(4):2395-2402
Green fluorescence protein (GFP)-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is increasingly used in investigation of inter- and intramolecular interactions in living cells. In this report, we present a modified method for FRET quantification in cultured cells using conventional fluorescence microscopy. To reliably measure FRET, three positive control constructs in which a cyan fluorescence protein and a yellow fluorescence protein were linked by peptides of 15, 24, or 37 amino acid residues were prepared. FRET was detected using a spectrofluorometer, a laser scanning confocal microscope, and an inverted fluorescence microscope. Three calculation methods for FRET quantification using fluorescence microscopes were compared. By normalization against expression levels of GFP fusion proteins, the modified method gave consistent FRET values that could be compared among different cells with varying protein expression levels. Whole-cell global analysis using this method allowed FRET measurement with high spatial resolutions. Using such a procedure, the interaction of synaptic proteins syntaxin and the synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) was examined in PC12 cells, which showed strong FRET on plasma membranes. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the modified method for FRET measurement in live cell systems.  相似文献   

The HMG domains of the chromosomal high mobility group proteins homologous to the vertebrate HMG1 and HMG2 proteins preferentially recognize distorted DNA structures. DNA binding also induces a substantial bend. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we have determined the changes in the end-to-end distance consequent on the binding of selected insect counterparts of HMG1 to two DNA fragments, one of 18 bp containing a single dA(2) bulge and a second of 27 bp with two dA(2) bulges. The observed changes are consistent with overall bend angles for the complex of the single HMG domain with one bulge and of two domains with two bulges of approximately 90-100 degrees and approximately 180-200 degrees, respectively. The former value contrasts with an inferred value of 150 degrees reported by Heyduk et al. (1) for the bend induced by a single domain. We also observe that the induced bend angle is unaffected by the presence of the C-terminal acidic region. The DNA bend of approximately 95 degrees observed in the HMG domain complexes is similar in magnitude to that induced by the TATA-binding protein (80 degrees), each monomeric unit of the integration host factor (80 degrees), and the LEF-1 HMG domain (107 degrees). We suggest this value may represent a steric limitation on the extent of DNA bending induced by a single DNA-binding motif.  相似文献   

Based on the x-ray crystal structure of lipid-free Delta43 apoA-I, two monomers of apoA-I were suggested to bind to a phospholipid bilayer in an antiparallel paired dimer, or "belt orientation." This hypothesis challenges the currently held model in which each of the two apoA-I monomers fold as antiparallel alpha-helices or "picket fence orientation." When apoA-I is bound to a phospholipid disc, the first model predicts that the glutamine at position 132 on one apoA-I molecule lies within 16 A of glutamine 132 in the second monomer, whereas, the second model predicts glutamines at position 132 to be 104 A apart. To distinguish between these models, glutamine at position 132 was mutated to cysteine in wild-type apoA-I to produce Q132C apoA-I, which were labeled with thiol-reactive fluorescent probes. Q132C apoA-I was labeled with either fluorescein (donor probe) or tetramethylrhodamine (acceptor probe) and then used to make recombinant phospholipid discs (recombinant high density lipoprotein (rHDL)). The rHDL containing donor- and acceptor-labeled Q132C apoA-I were of similar size, composition, and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase reactivity when compared to rHDL-containing human plasma apoA-I. Analysis of donor probe fluorescence showed highly efficient quenching in rHDL containing one donor- and one acceptor-labeled Q132C apoA-I. rHDL containing only acceptor probe-labeled Q132C apoA-I showed rhodamine self-quenching. Both of these observations demonstrate that position 132 in two lipid-bound apoA-I monomers were in close proximity, supporting the "belt conformation" hypothesis for apoA-I on rHDL.  相似文献   

We have used time-resolved fluorescence to study proposed conformational transitions in the Ca-ATPase in skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Resonance energy transfer was used to measure distances between the binding sites of 5-[[2-[(iodoacetyl)amino]ethyl]amino]naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS) and fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) as a function of conditions proposed to affect the enzyme's conformation. When 1.0 +/- 0.15 IAEDANS is bound per Ca-ATPase, most (76 +/- 4%) of the probes have an excited-state lifetime (tau) of 18.6 +/- 0.5 ns, and the remainder have a lifetime of 2.5 +/- 0.9 ns. When FITC is bound to a specific site on each IAEDANS-labeled enzyme, most of the long-lifetime component is quenched into two short-lifetime components, indicating energy transfer that corresponds to two donor-acceptor distances. About one-third of the quenched population has a lifetime tau = 11.1 +/- 2.5 ns, corresponding to a transfer efficiency E = 0.40 +/- 0.07 and a donor-acceptor distance R1 = 52 +/- 3 A. The remaining two-thirds exhibit lifetimes in the range of 1.2-4.2 ns, corresponding to a second distance 31 A less than or equal to R2 less than or equal to 40 A. Addition of Ca2+ (in the micromolar to millimolar range), or vanadate (to produce a phosphoenzyme analogue), had no effect on the donor-acceptor distances. Addition of decavanadate results in the quenching of IAEDANS fluorescence but has no effect on the energy-transfer distance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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