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A perifusion system using a plastic column into which isolated rat adrenal cells had been installed was attempted. After ACTH or cAMP was administered to the column, the corticosterone concentration in the eluate was determined. ACTH in 10(-13) and 10(-12) M did not promote corticosterone production, whereas 10(-11) and 10(-10) M showed a dose dependent production of corticosterone. By iterative infusion of 10(-11) or 10(-9) M of ACTH, very clear responses to restimulation of ACTH were noted. Following the administrations of 10(-3) or 10(-2) M of dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (dbcAMP), the production of corticosterone increased dose-dependently. These results suggest that this perifusion system is effective for examining the effects of ACTH or cAMP on steroidogenesis of cells.  相似文献   

The involvement of cyclic AMP in corticosteroidogenesis was investigated by using isolated adrenal cell column perfusion. Steroids were produced in response to 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 mg of cyclic AMP/ml. Analysis of the shape of the response curves indicated an inverse relationship between rate of onset of steroid production and dose. A further increase in steroid production during the washout period after the 5 mg/ml dose was considered to indicate an intracellular inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP. Release of cyclic AMP into the perfusate only occurred in response to supramaximal steroidogenic doses of ACTH (adrenocorticotrophin). A connexion between dose and response was demonstrated over a narrow concentration range. Variation in the time-lag before cyclic AMP production and in the duration of the response was marked; further, no reproducible ratio of steroid output to cyclic AMP output was shown at any level of stimulation. These results are discussed together with those of other recent investigations. It is considered that these findings do not support an obligatory role for cyclic AMP as mediator of ACTH action in the adrenal.  相似文献   

The possible role of membrane sialic acid in the action of ACTH was investigated in rat adrenal cells. After treatment with neuraminidase, the cells showed a diminished steroidogenic response to ACTH while the response to cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic AMP was unaffected. 11β-hydroxylation of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) was also not impaired. Dose response curves for three ACTH peptides (ACTH1–39′, ACTH1–24 and ACTH1–10) with neuraminidase treated cells suggest that sialic acid residues on the glycoproteins of the plasma membrane may either impart affinity to the plasma membrane for ACTH molecule or facilitate transmission of the signal arising from ACTH-receptor interaction to the catalytic site of adenyl cyclase.  相似文献   

K Moriwaki  Y Itoh  S Iida  K Ichihara 《Life sciences》1982,30(25):2235-2240
Forskolin, a unique diterpene which directly activates the adenylate cyclase, stimulated production of both cyclic AMP and corticosterone in isolated rat adrenal cells, in vitro. This agent also potentiated the action of adrenocorticotropin and/or cholera toxin on cyclic AMP production and steroidogenesis at lower concentrations. It augmented both an early (cyclic AMP production) and a late (steroidogenesis) action of the hormone in the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

In a sensitive ACTH bioassay system using isolated rat adrenal cells, we tested the effect of gamma-MSH related peptides on ACTH-induced steroidogenesis. Peptides, including synthetic gamma1-, gamma2-, gamma3- and Lys-gamma3-MSH, exerted no effect in augmenting ACTH-induced steroidogenesis. None of the 16 kilodalton fragment of ACTH/beta-lipotropin precursor and its cleaved fragment had such an activity. The results are in contrast with previous reports concerning ACTH-potentiating activity of gamma-MSH related peptides and, therefore, indicate the necessity of further investigation of the principle involved in this unique biological activity.  相似文献   

Cholesterol side-chain cleavage (CSCC) in isolated rat adrenal mitochondria is enhanced by prior corticotropin (ACTH) stimulation in vivo (8-fold). Part of this stimulation is retained in vitro by addition of cytosol from ACTH-stimulated adrenals to mitochondria from unstimulated rats (2.5- to 6-fold). In vivo cycloheximide (CX) treatment fully inhibits the in vivo response and resolves the in vitro cytosolic stimulation into components: (i) ACTH-sensitive, CX-sensitive; (ii) ACTH-sensitive, CX-insensitive; and (iii) ACTH-insensitive, CX-insensitive. These components contribute approximately equally to stimulation by ACTH cytosol. Components (i) and (iii) most probably correspond to previously identified cytosolic constituents steroidogenesis activator peptide and sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP2). SCP2, as assayed by radioimmunoassay or ability to stimulate 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, was not elevated in adrenal cytosol or other subcellular fractions by ACTH treatment. Complete removal of SCP2 from cytosol by treatment with anti-SCP2 IgG decreased cytosolic stimulatory activity by an increment that was independent of ACTH or CX treatment. Addition of an amount of SCP2, equivalent to that present in cytosol, restored activity to SCP2-depleted cytosol but had no effect alone or when added with intact cytosol, suggesting the presence of a factor in cytosol that potentiates SCP2 action. Pure hepatic SCP2 stimulated CX mitochondrial CSCC 1.5- to 2-fold (EC50 0.7 microM) but was five times less potent than SCP2 in adrenal cytosol. Two pools of reactive cholesterol were distinguished in these preparations characterized, respectively, by succinate-supported activity and by additional isocitrate-supported activity. ACTH cytosol and SCP2 each stimulated cholesterol availability to a fraction of mitochondrial P450scc that was reduced by succinate but failed to stimulate availability to additional P450scc reduced only by isocitrate.  相似文献   

The stimulation of steroidogenesis by antimitotic drugs has been studied in wild-type (Y-1) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase-deficient (kin-8) mouse adrenal tumor cell lines. Unlike some other cells, Y-1 cells do not increase their cAMP output upon exposure to antimitotic drugs such as colchicine, vinblastine or podophyllotoxin, which readily increase steroidogenesis. Moreover, no increase in cAMP can be detected over an extended time span. Stabilization of tubulin polymers by taxol or high concentrations of vinblastine blocks ACTH-, cholera toxin- or colchicine-stimulated steroidogenesis without major effects on cAMP levels. Colchicine and podophyllotoxin stimulate steroidogenesis in the cAMP-dependent protein kinase-deficient mutant to the same degree as in the wild-type Y-1 cells, although absolute steroid yields are lower in the mutant cells. We suggest that the antimitotic agents stimulate adrenal steroidogenesis by a cAMP-independent pathway that may involve facilitation of cholesterol access to the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

An interaction between ACTH and vasopressin on steroidogenesis was observed in isolated rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cell preparations. 1. The presence of 10(-11) M vasopressin further increased by 52% the output of aldosterone produced by 10(-12) M ACTH on those cells. 2. At a pharmacological concentration of ACTH (10(-7) M), the aldosterone output was increased 5 fold while the addition of 10(-12) M or 10(-8) M vasopressin decreased it by 17% and 48% respectively. 3. Vasopressin also produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the stimulatory effect of ACTH on the output of corticosterone. 4. We have thus shown for the first time, that vasopressin acts directly on adrenal zona glomerulosa cell preparations to modify the aldosterone output by modulating the action of ACTH. It is postulated that, in addition to other known aldosterone regulating factors, ACTH and vasopressin might synergistically act to regulate the secretion of aldosterone in vivo.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of amino acid analogues of serine and threonine to inhibit the increase in steroidogenesis elicited by addition of ACTH or cAMP in cells isolated from the rat adrenal cortex. We have found that the serine analogues, D, L-isoserine, alpha-methyl-D, L-serine and L-homoserine, are almost totally ineffective in inhibiting this process but that the threonine analogue, D, L-beta-hydroxynorvaline, at a concentration of 300 microM inhibits stimulated steroid hormone biosynthesis by ca 95%, while inhibiting overall protein synthesis by only ca 40%. This inhibition was found to occur in a dose-dependent manner and to be reversible by a stoichiometric concentration of threonine. These studies suggest that beta-hydroxynorvaline is functioning as a threonine analogue in our experimental system. Both the onset of inhibition by analogue and reversal of this inhibition by the natural amino acid occurred rapidly, without detectable lag. Since results obtained using cAMP as stimulant parallel those obtained using ACTH, the inhibitory effect of the analogue seems to occur subsequent to the synthesis of cAMP. Additionally, the analogue does not inhibit the conversion of pregnenolone to corticosterone, suggesting the site of action of analogue occurs prior to the synthesis of pregnenolone from cholesterol. Thus, the analogue may be exerting its effect on a protein that is synthesized subsequent to ACTH addition and is important in the acute phase of stimulated steroid hormone biosynthesis. Further, since ACTH action on adrenal cortex cells causes the activation of protein kinase A, which phosphorylates serine and threonine residues, it is possible that the effect of the analogue is to prevent the phosphorylation of a newly-synthesized protein.  相似文献   

The role of end-product glucocorticoids in the regulation of corticosteroidogenesis in isolated adrenocortical cells was investigated. Trypsin-isolated cells from male rat adrenal glands were incubated with or without corticotropin (ACTH) and with or without corticosterone. Endogenous corticosterone production was determined by radioimmunoassay at the end of incubation. Cessation of ACTH-induced corticosterone production was apparent after 2-4 h of incubation. The suppression occurred later with lower cell concentrations. Corticosterone production was partially restored after washing the suppressed cells. Supernatant fluid from suppressed cell suspensions also suppressed steroidogenesis of a fresh population of cells. However, the suppressing property of the supernatant fluid was abolished after the removal of corticosterone by charcoal-dextran treatment, suggesting that corticosterone or other steroids caused the suppression. Exogenous corticosterone induced suppression over a wide range of ACTH concentrations, but did not change the half-maximal steroidogenic concentration of ACTH, indicating that the suppression does not change the sensitivity of the cells to ACTH. Suppression occurred within 30-60 min after corticosterone had been added to the incubation medium either at the start of incubation or while steroidogenesis was in progress. Suppression varied directly with the concentration of exogenous corticosterone. These data indicate that glucocorticoids can directly and acutely suppress corticosteroidogenesis and thus control adrenocortical function in concert with other regulators such as ACTH and Ca2+.  相似文献   

Isolated fasciculata cells of rat adrenal cortex, when incubated with atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), stimulated the levels of cyclic GMP and corticosterone production in a concentration-dependent manner without a rise in the levels of cyclic AMP. The ANF-dependent elevation of cyclic GMP was rapid, with a detectable increment in 30 s. ANF also stimulated the particulate guanylate cyclase. These results not only indicate the coupling of cyclic GMP and corticosterone production with ANF signal, but also demonstrate that, like the ACTH signal, cyclic AMP is not the mediator of ANF-induced adrenocortical steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

In isolated bovine adrenal zona fasciculata cells, the use of adenosine deaminase to remove endogenous adenosine had no effect on basal or angiotensin II-stimulated steroidogenesis but enhanced ACTH1-24-stimulated steroidogenesis over the entire dose response range without appreciable change in potency of ACTH1-24. 8-Phenyl-theophylline, an adenosine antagonist, mimicked all of the actions of adenosine deaminase. High concentrations (greater than 1 microM) of N6-phenylisopropyl-adenosine (PIA) increased basal, angiotensin II and cyclic AMP-stimulated steroidogenesis, whilst inhibiting the ACTH1-24-stimulated condition. PIA also increased the potency of angiotensin II approx 20-fold. These observations are consistent with the possibility that adenosine exerts effects on two different signalling systems within zona fasciculata cells.  相似文献   

Corticosterone production and adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate levels in collagenase prepared isolated rat adrenal cells have been measured in response to adrenocorticotrophin in the presence and absence of theophylline. Theophylline (1mM) was found to potentiate the steroidogenic effect of submaximal concentrations of adrenocorticotrophin. This concentration of theophylline was without effect on protein synthesis in this system. Potentiation of adrenocorticotrophin stimulated adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate levels was also observed in the presence of theophylline (0.5 and 1.0mM). Phosphodiesterase activity in collagenase prepared adrenal cells was 67% of that in intact glands, while the activity in trypsin prepared cells was 37% of that in intact glands.  相似文献   

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