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Chromosomal replication is sensitive to the presence of DNA-damaging alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). MMS is known to inhibit replication though activation of the DNA damage checkpoint and through checkpoint-independent slowing of replication fork progression. Using Xenopus egg extracts, we now report an additional pathway that is stimulated by MMS-induced damage. We show that, upon incubation in egg extracts, MMS-treated DNA activates a diffusible inhibitor that blocks, in trans, chromosomal replication. The downstream effect of the inhibitor is a failure to recruit proliferating cell nuclear antigen, but not DNA polymerase alpha, to the nascent replication fork. Thus, alkylation damage activates an inhibitor that intercepts the replication pathway at a point between the polymerase alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen execution steps. We also show that activation of the inhibitor does not require the DNA damage checkpoint; rather, stimulation of the pathway described here results in checkpoint activation. These data describe a novel replication arrest pathway, and they also provide an example of how subpathways within the DNA damage response network are integrated to promote efficient cell cycle arrest in response to damaged DNA.  相似文献   

The recent advent in single-molecule imaging and manipulation methods has made a significant impact on the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying many essential cellular processes. Single-molecule techniques such as electron microscopy and DNA fiber assays have been employed to study the duplication of genome in eukaryotes. Here, we describe a single-molecule assay that allows replication of DNA attached to the functionalized surface of a microfluidic flow cell in a soluble Xenopus leavis egg extract replication system and subsequent visualization of replication products via fluorescence microscopy. We also explain a method for detection of replication proteins, through fluorescently labeled antibodies, on partially replicated DNA immobilized at both ends to the surface.  相似文献   

The origin of replication of the c-myc gene in HeLa cells was previously identified at low resolution within 3.5 kb 5' to the P1 promoter, based on replication fork polarity and the location of DNA nascent strands. To define the initiation events in the c-myc origin at higher resolution the template bias of nascent DNAs in a 12 kb c-myc domain has been analyzed by hybridization to strand specific probes. Strong switches in the asymmetry of nascent strand template preference confirm that replication initiates non-randomly at multiple sites within 2.4 kb 5' to the c-myc P1 promoter, and at other sites over a region of 12 kb or more. The strongest template biases occur in the 2.4 kb region 5' of the P1 promoter, shown earlier to contain sequences which allow the autonomous semiconservative replication of c-myc plasmids. An asymmetric pyrimidine heptanucleotide consensus sequence has been identified which occurs 12 times in the c-myc origin zone, and whose polarity exactly correlates with the polarity of nascent strand synthesis.  相似文献   

Soluble Xenopus egg extracts efficiently replicate added plasmids using a physiological mechanism, and thus represent a powerful system to understand vertebrate DNA replication. Surprisingly, DNA replication in this system is highly sensitive to plasmid concentration, being undetectable below ∼10 pM and highly efficient above ∼75 pM. DNA replication at the high plasmid concentration does not require plasmid–plasmid contacts, since replication is not inhibited when plasmids are immobilized in agarose prior to addition of egg extract. The absence of replication at low plasmid concentration is due to a defect in the assembly of pre-replication complexes (pre-RCs). pre-RC assembly requires contact-independent communication between plasmids. Our results show that in Xenopus egg extracts, aggregation of multiple replication forks is not required for efficient replication of plasmid DNA, and they suggest that DNA functions as a co-factor for its own duplication.  相似文献   

We describe an improved model of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts, in which a circular plasmid immobilized on paramagnetic beads is used as a template. DNA synthesis occurred on either circular or linear plasmids coupled to the beads, but only DNA synthesis on the circular plasmid was inhibited by geminin and a CDK inhibitor, p21. DNA synthesis on the circular plasmid occurred after a time lag, during which nuclear formation was probably occurring. Although pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) were formed soon after mixing plasmids with egg extracts, binding of CDC45, RPA, Pol α, δ and , and PCNA to the circular plasmid was delayed, but still correlated with DNA synthesis. Moreover, p21 inhibited binding of these replication fork proteins to the circular plasmid. Therefore, the circular plasmid, but not the linear plasmid, assembles bona fide replication forks in egg extracts. We conclude that this improved replication system will be useful for studying the mechanism of formation of replication forks in eukaryotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

We have exploited a property of chicken erythrocyte nuclei to analyze the regulation of DNA replication in a cell-free system from Xenopus eggs. Many individual demembranated nuclei added to the extract often became enclosed within a common nuclear membrane. Nuclei within such a "multinuclear aggregate" lacked individual membranes but shared the perimeter membrane of the aggregate. Individual nuclei that were excluded from the aggregates initiated DNA synthesis at different times over a 10-12-h period, as judged by incorporation of biotinylated dUTP into discrete replication foci at early times, followed by uniformly intense incorporation at later times. Replication forks were clustered in spots, rings, and horseshoe-shaped structures similar to those described in cultured cells. In contrast to the asynchronous replication seen between individual nuclei, replication within multinuclear aggregates was synchronous. There was a uniform distribution and similar fluorescent intensity of the replication foci throughout all the nuclei enclosed within the same membrane. However, different multinuclear aggregates replicated out of synchrony with each other indicating that each membrane-bound aggregate acts as an individual unit of replication. These data indicate that the nuclear membrane defines the unit of DNA replication and determines the timing of DNA synthesis in egg extract resulting in highly coordinated triggering of DNA replication on the DNA it encloses.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(5):1207-1218
Xenopus egg extracts initiate DNA replication specifically at the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) origin locus with intact nuclei from late G1-phase CHO cells as a substrate, but at nonspecific sites when purified DNA is assembled by the extract into an embryonic nuclear structure. Here we show that late G1-phase CHO nuclei can be cycled through an in vitro Xenopus egg mitosis, resulting in the assembly of an embryonic nuclear envelope around G1-phase chromatin. Surprisingly, replication within these chimeric nuclei initiated at a novel specific site in the 5' region of the DHFR structural gene that does not function as an origin in cultured CHO cells. Preferential initiation at this unusual site required topoisomerase II-mediated chromosome condensation during mitosis. Nuclear envelope breakdown and reassembly in the absence of chromosome condensation resulted in nonspecific initiation. Introduction of condensed chromosomes from metaphase- arrested CHO cells directly into Xenopus egg extracts was sufficient to elicit assembly of chimeric nuclei and preferential initiation at this same site. These results demonstrate clearly that chromosome architecture can determine the sites of initiation of replication in Xenopus egg extracts, supporting the hypothesis that patterns of initiation in vertebrate cells are established by higher order features of chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), damage DNA and activate the DNA damage checkpoint. Although many of the checkpoint proteins that transduce damage signals have been identified and characterized, the mechanism that senses the damage and activates the checkpoint is not yet understood. To address this issue for alkylation damage, we have reconstituted the checkpoint response to MMS in Xenopus egg extracts. Using four different indicators for checkpoint activation (delay on entrance into mitosis, slowing of DNA replication, phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein, and physical association of the Rad17 checkpoint protein with damaged DNA), we report that MMS-induced checkpoint activation is dependent upon entrance into S phase. Additionally, we show that the replication of damaged double-stranded DNA, and not replication of damaged single-stranded DNA, is the molecular event that activates the checkpoint. Therefore, these data provide direct evidence that replication forks are an obligate intermediate in the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

We have achieved efficient in vitro reactivation and replication of human sperm nuclei in frog egg extracts by constructing a 4-step protocol that mimics the events of fertilization and pronucleus formation in mammalian eggs. With use of this protocol, 78-97% of human sperm nuclei from fertile donors synchronously swelled and completed full genome replication in about 2 h. We document the changes in nuclear structure that accompany efficient DNA synthesis and discuss future research and potential clinical implications of this new system.  相似文献   

We have used Xenopus egg extracts to investigate the effects of the antitumor drug daunomycin on DNA replication in vitro. Xenopus sperm nuclei replicated nearly synchronously in our egg extracts, thereby allowing us to determine the effects of the drug on both replication initiation and elongation. Titration experiments demonstrated that daunomycin effectively inhibited replication in the extract, with 50% inhibition at a total drug concentration of 2.7 μM. However, a high concentration of daunomycin 150 μM) also inhibited nuclear envelope assembly, a prerequisite for the initiation of replication in this system. Therefore, to bypass the effects of daunomycin on nuclear envelope assembly, sperm nuclei were preassembled in extract prior to drug addition. Initiation of replication in preassembled nuclei was also inhibited by daunomycin, with 50% inhibition at a drug concentration of 3.6 μM. At low drug concentrations, where replication did occur, the synchrony of initiations within individual nuclei was lost. This drug-induced disruption of initiation events may provide important clues regarding the mechanism(s) by which these events are coordinated in eukaryotic cells. Daunomycin also inhibited replication elongation in preassembled, preinitiated nuclei. However, the concentration of drug required for 50% inhibition of elongation was nearly fourfold higher than that required for inhibition of initiation. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Xenopus egg extract can be used to investigate the effects of DNA-binding antitumor drugs on a number of interrelated cellular processes, many of which are less tractable in whole cell systems. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:476–491. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Xenopus egg extracts: a model system for chromatin replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cell-free system derived from Xenopus eggs enables in vitro reproduction of the steps occurring during eukaryotic DNA replication. With a circular single-stranded DNA template, extracts obtained from high-speed centrifugation perform complementary DNA strand synthesis coupled to chromatin assembly. Nucleosomes are formed on the newly replicated DNA and the overall reaction mimics the events occurring during chromosomal replication on the lagging strand at the replication fork. ATP is necessary at all steps examined individually, including RNA priming, elongation of DNA strands and chromatin assembly. Although not required for nucleosome formation, ATP is involved in the correct spacing of nucleosomes and the stability of the assembled chromatin. Replication of double-stranded DNA was observed only with extracts obtained from low-speed centrifugation using demembraned sperm nuclei as substrate. Nuclei are reconstituted around the DNA and then undergo a series of events characteristic of a cell cycle. In contrast, neither DNA elongation or chromatin assembly require formation of the nucleus, and both are independent of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

An extract from activated Xenopus eggs joins both matching and nonmatching ends of exogenous linear DNA substrates with high efficiency and fidelity (P. Pfeiffer and W. Vielmetter, Nucleic Acids Res. 16:907-924, 1988). In mammalian cells, such nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) is known to require the Ku heterodimer, a component of DNA-dependent protein kinase. Here I investigated whether Ku is also required for the in vitro reaction in the egg extract. Immunological assays indicate that Ku is very abundant in the extract. I found that all NHEJ was inhibited by autoantibodies against Ku and that NHEJ between certain combinations of DNA ends was also decreased after immunodepletion of Ku from the extract. The formation of a joint between a DNA end with a 5'-protruding single strand (PSS) and an end with a 3'-PSS, between two ends with 3'-PSS, and between two blunt ends was most Ku dependent. On the other hand, NHEJ between two DNA ends bearing 5'-PSS was Ku independent. These results show that the Xenopus cell-free system will be useful to biochemically dissect the role of Ku in eukaryotic NHEJ.  相似文献   

The use of cell-free extracts prepared from eggs of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, has led to many important discoveries in cell cycle research. These egg extracts recapitulate the key nuclear transitions of the eukaryotic cell cycle in vitro under apparently the same controls that exist in vivo. DNA added to the extract is first assembled into a nucleus and is then efficiently replicated. Progression of the extract into mitosis then allows the separation of paired sister chromatids. The Xenopus cell-free system is therefore uniquely suited to the study of the mechanisms, dynamics and integration of cell cycle regulated processes at a biochemical level. In this article we describe methods currently in use in our laboratory for the preparation of Xenopus egg extracts and demembranated sperm nuclei for the study of DNA replication in vitro. We also detail how DNA replication can be quantified in this system. In addition, we describe methods for isolating chromatin and chromatin-bound protein complexes from egg extracts. These recently developed and revised techniques provide a practical starting point for investigating the function of proteins involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

DNA replication origins are located at random with respect to DNA sequence in Xenopus early embryos and on DNA replicated in Xenopus egg extracts. We have recently shown that origins fire throughout the S phase in Xenopus egg extracts. To study the temporal regulation of origin firing, we have analyzed origin activation in sperm nuclei treated with the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin. Sperm chromatin was incubated in Xenopus egg extracts in the presence of aphidicolin and transferred to a fresh extract, and digoxigenin-dUTP and biotin-dUTP were added at various times after aphidicolin release to selectively label early and late replicating DNA. Molecular combing analysis of single DNA fibers showed that only a fraction of potential origins were able to initiate in the presence of aphidicolin. After release from aphidicolin, the remaining origins fired asynchronously throughout the S phase. Therefore, initiation during the S phase depends on the normal progression of replication forks assembled at earlier activated origins. Caffeine, an inhibitor of the checkpoint kinases ATR and ATM, did not relieve the aphidicolin-induced block to origin firing. We conclude that a caffeine-insensitive intra-S phase checkpoint regulates origin activation when DNA synthesis is inhibited in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1321-1331
Xenopus egg extracts prepared before and after egg activation retain M- and S-phase specific activity, respectively. Staurosporine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase, converted M-phase extracts into interphase- like extracts that were capable of forming nuclei upon the addition of sperm DNA. The nuclei formed in the staurosporine treated M-phase extract were incapable of replicating DNA, and they were unable to initiate replication upon the addition of S-phase extracts. Furthermore, replication was inhibited when the staurosporine-treated M- phase extract was added in excess to the staurosporine-treated S-phase extract before the addition of DNA. The membrane-depleted S-phase extract supported neither nuclear formation nor replication; however, preincubation of sperm DNA with these extracts allowed them to form replication-competent nuclei upon the addition of excess staurosporine- treated M-phase extract. These results demonstrate that positive factors in the S-phase extracts determined the initiation of DNA replication before nuclear formation, although these factors were unable to initiate replication after nuclear formation.  相似文献   

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