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张树仁 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2089-2091
《中国植物志》中记载的薹草属高秆薹草组包括区别显著的两类植物,一类具有间断的穗状花序和叶状苞片,另一类穗状花序紧密、苞片鳞片状或刚毛状,宜分为两个不同的组:高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组。文中将高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组与近缘的薮薹草组进行了形态学比较,并提供了中国高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组的分类纲要。  相似文献   

在整理和鉴定浙闽薹草属Carex植物的过程中,发现福建薹草Cares fokienensis Dunn较早发表但并未被注意。通过文献查阅、模式标本研究和野外观察,认为闽清薹草C.minqingensis Z.P.Wang、九仙山薹草C jiuxiangshanensis L.K.Dai&Y.Z.Huang、苍绿薹草C.pallideviridis K.L.Chv(裸名)在果囊和雌花鳞片等鉴别性特征上与福建薹草并没有区别,应该处理为福建薹草的异名。  相似文献   

王泓  王绍能  宋晓军 《广西植物》2005,25(2):105-105,101,i008
根状茎短。秆丛生,高20~55cm,扁三棱形,纤细,平滑,基部具暗褐色的叶鞘。叶长于或短于秆,宽2.5~4mm,边缘粗糙。苞片短叶状,上部的刚毛状,短于小穗,具鞘。小穗4~5个,顶生小穗雄性,线形,长3~6cm,小穗柄长1~2.5cm;侧生小穗雌性,线状圆柱形,长1~3.5cm,直立,花疏生,小穗柄长0.6~5cm,最上一个雌小穗柄藏于苞鞘内。雄花鳞片狭倒披针形,顶端钝,淡褐色,  相似文献   

根据黑穗薹草组植物的外部形态、细胞染色体特征与地理分布之间的关系,结合地质历史事件推测了黑穗薹草组Sect.Racemosae G.Don.的起源、进化和迁移等问题。推测黑穗薹草组可能在早第三纪的始新世起源于我国的喜马拉雅-横断山地区;可能的迁移路径为:由起源中心向北部迁移至欧洲、中亚、俄罗斯西伯利亚地区,并通过格陵兰岛和白令陆桥到达北美洲地区;经过第四纪冰川后,一些分布于北美洲的物种又通过白令陆桥回迁到亚洲东部的俄罗斯远东地区,最终形成该组植物的现代分布格局。  相似文献   

描述了我国广西大苗山莎草科Cyperaceae一新种——大苗山薹草Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。本种形态上与花葶薹草C. scaposa C. B. Clarke接近, 区别主要在秆、秆生叶和支花序轴均无毛, 支花序数较少, 小穗疏生雌花。对秆、支花序梗、秆生叶和小坚果扫描电镜观察也显示了这二者的区别。  相似文献   

中国薹草属黑穗薹草组的数量分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国薹草属黑穗薹草组Sect.Racemosae及外类群冻原薹草组Sect.Frigidae共20种3变种采用38个形态特征进行了数量分类研究。聚类分析结果表明,黑穗薹草组应是一个自然分类群;支持了《中国植物志》将两对相似种:乌拉草(Carer meyeriana)与红原薹草(Carer hongyuanensis)、膨囊薹草(Carex lehmanii)与五台山薹草(Carex montis-wutaii)分别处理为种的观点。主成分分析结果表明,本组的分类特征较为稳定与集中,本组主成分分析散点图与聚类分析的分类结果大致吻合,并表明有关小坚果、果囊、鳞片、主茎叶和苞片的性状在本组的分类中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

摘要描述及图解了浙江薹草属Carex 5新种和1新变种,它们是:灰帽薹草组sect. Mitratae Kükenth.的天目山薹草Carex tianmushanica C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和拟三穗薹草C. pseudotristachya X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng;匏囊薹草组sect. Lageniformes (Ohwi) Nelmes的密毛薹草C. densipilosa C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;菱形果薹草组sect. Rhomboidales Kükenth.的浙南薹草C. austrozhejiangensis C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和朝芳薹草C. chaofangii C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;疏花薹草组sect. Laxiflorae Kunth的无芒长嘴薹草C. longerostrata C. A. Mey. var. exaristata X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。  相似文献   

报道了中国莎草科(Cyperaceae)薹草属一新记录种——菊芳薹草(Carex trongii K.K.Nguyen)。该种分布于我国广西与越南交界地区的石灰岩地区。菊芳薹草与宽叶薹草组(Carex sect.Siderostictae Ohwi)的种类在形态上近似,但以秆中生和果囊密被糙毛而易于区别。提供了菊芳薹草的形态描述和线条图。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对少花薹草组(Carex sect. Paniceae)27种及4变种(东亚14种4变种,北美13种)小坚果形态与微形态特征进行比较观察。结果表明(:1)所有材料小坚果的形状为倒卵球形和钝三棱状,组内很一致,长度为1.53~3.59 mm,同种不同居群个体差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)表皮细胞一般为五至七边形,偶有四边形或八边形,丝柄薹草(C. rouyana)不同个体间有变异;垂周璧式样直或微波状;硅质台平,偶有凹或略凸,具1个中心体,C. filipes var. kuzakaiensis和C. filipes var. tremula中偶见2个中心体,无卫星体,这些性状种内稳定。(3)利用表皮细胞形状、硅质台凹凸情况和中心体个数对于区分近似种具有价值,如白马薹草(C. baimaensis)和线柄薹草(C. filipes),且可以区分一些种下等级,如线柄薹草及其变种var. kuzakaiensis、var. oligostachys和var. tremula。(4)sect. Paniceae s.s.和sect. Laxiflorae小坚果形态和微形态...  相似文献   

首次报道老挝泽泻科(Alismataceae)一新记录属——泽薹草属(Caldesia),及新记录种——宽叶泽薹草(Caldesia grandis)。宽叶泽薹草为旧世界广布属泽薹草属中唯一叶宽大于叶长的物种,原记载分布在中国、孟加拉国、印度和马来西亚。同时,还提供了宽叶泽薹草的描述和其原生境图片。  相似文献   

中国薹草属二柱薹草亚属(莎草科)增补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了发现于新疆布尔津的一个中国新记录种——卵形薹草Carex leporina L.,提供了其形态描述和线描图。该种因具有雌雄顺序的小穗和鳞片状的苞片而与卵果薹草C. maackii Maxim.近缘,但花序较短、小穗较少而与后者不同。这两种植物隶属于薹草属二柱薹草亚属卵形薹草组subgen. Vignea sect. Ovales。  相似文献   

Carex nodosa (Cyperaceae), a new species from Chongqing and Sichuan, southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles C. hebecarpa C. A. Mey., but differs in having sheath‐like bracts, 4.0–7.5 cm long male spikes, oblanceolate 7.1–8.6 mm long male scales, and perigynia that are glabrous except for ciliate beaks.  相似文献   

Carex sect. Confertiflorae s.l. is a medium-sized species group (ca. 40 species) with its center of diversity in E Asia (China and Japan). According to morphological traits, the section has been proposed to split into two sections (sects. Confertiflorae sensu Ohwi and Molliculae Ohwi) up to five different ones (sects. Confertiflorae s.s., Molliculae, Dispalatae Ohwi, Ischnostachyae Ohwi, and Alliiformes Akiyama). Recent phylogenetic reconstructions showed Confertiflorae s.l. not to be monophyletic, as species traditionally considered part of it were found to belong to other clades, whereas species traditionally ascribed to other sections were nested within it. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic structure, morphological affinities, and biogeographic history of sect. Confertiflorae s.l. We employed a taxon-based approach to explore the morphological affinities of the species considered in sect. Confertiflorae and compared the micromorphology of the nutlets of almost all the taxa using SEM. We included 40 samples representing 31 species/subspecies of sect. Confertiflorae s.l. and used two nuclear (ETS and ITS) and three plastid (trnL-F, matK, and rpl32-trnL UAG) molecular markers to reconstruct the phylogeny of the group. The phylogenetic analyses confirmed the polyphyly of sect. Confertiflorae s.l., whose representatives were found within five distinct clades. From these, two clades, sect. Confertiflorae and sect. Molliculae, were found to be closely related and contained the majority of the species. The composition of the two clades agreed with the morphological structure of the group, and we confirmed an exclusive combination of features (namely color of basal sheaths, presence of bract sheath, peduncle of lowest spike, inflorescence sex distribution, shape of pistillate glume apex, and color and veins of utricle, among others) characterizing each of the two clades. The origin of the two clades was found to be in the early Pliocene; however, the majority of the diversification events within each clade took place during the Pleistocene. This illustrates that although Asia has been regarded as having little potential ecological space for Carex to diversify due to its climate stability, groups of sedges sub-endemic from that area may have a fairly recent origin related to glaciations. We proposed the rearrangement of sect. Confertiflorae as previously conceived as three independent sections: the monotypic Alliiformes, sect. Molliculae, and sect. Paludosae.  相似文献   

报道了浙江薹草属一新种,即近头状薹草Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding。新种以秆侧生,叶片狭,小穗1-2个生于各节及小穗雄雌顺序,而与大舌薹草C.grandiligulata K kenth.相近,区别在于苞鞘无毛,小穗宽卵形,近头状,长5-7mm,具4-7 朵雌花,雌花鳞片近卵形,果囊的喙长1.5-2mm。  相似文献   

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