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Two different types of contacts (or interfaces) exist between the plant host and the fungus during the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, depending on whether the fungus is intercellular or intracellular. In the first case, the walls of the partners are in contact, while in the second case the fungal wall is separated from the host cytoplasm by the invaginated host plasmamembrane and by an interfacial material. In order to verify the origin of the interfacial material, affinity techniques which allow identification in situ of cell-wall components, were used. Cellobiohydrolase (CBH I) that binds to cellulose and a monoclonal antibody (JIM 5) that reacts with pectic components were tested on roots ofAllium porrum L. (leek) colonized byGlomus versiforme (Karst.) Berch. Both probes gave a labelling specific for the host cell wall, but each probe labelled over specific and distinct areas. The CBH I-colloidal gold complex heavily labelled the thick epidermal cell walls, whereas JIM 5 only labelled this area weakly. Labelling of the hypodermis was mostly on intercellular material after treatment with JIM 5 and only on the wall when CBH I was used. Suberin bands found on the radial walls were never labelled. Cortical cells were mostly labelled on the middle lamella with JIM 5 and on the wall with CBH I. Gold granules from the two probes were found in interfacial material both near the point where the fungus enters the cell and around the thin hyphae penetrating deep into the cell. The ultrastructural observations demonstrate that cellulose and pectic components have different but complementary distributions in the walls of root cells involved in the mycorrhizal symbiosis. These components show a similar distribution in the interfacial material laid down around the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus indicating that the interfacial material is of host origin.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of corn (Zea mays L. cv. Garant) root elongation zones were investigated by means of a computer-controlled extensiometer. Creep closely followed a logarithmic time function, which was used to quantify creep activity. Pretreatment with auxin, which inhibits extension growth in roots, lowered the creep activity and the apparent plastic extensibility. While the time course of the inhibition of apparent plastic extensibility lagged behind the cessation of elongation growth, the drop in creep activity matched the growth inhibition more closely. Creep activity and apparent plastic extensibility were not significantly affected by pH. These data support the view that the auxin-induced cell wall stiffening (e.g. by cross-linking processes), while causal for the growth inhibition, is not brought about by a cell wall alkalinization. Received: 10 December 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

The effects of excess Cd on the contents of free cysteine, total glutathione and phytochelatin (PC) were measured in roots of intact maize seedlings. Exposure to 3 /tmM Cd for 15 min caused PCs to appe substrates for formation of longer PCs. Total glutathione levels declined with PC synthesis, free cysteine contents changed little. The reactions to excess Cd differed along the length of roots. In the 1 cm apical region a high production of PCs occurred with a moderate loss of total glutathione. In the mature region, PC content was 2.5-fold less than in apices, several unidentified thiols accumulated, and total glutathione levels declined drastically. Exposure to 0.05 μM Cd for 24 h induced PCs, the contents rose as Cd concentrations were increased. The roots produced PCs in excess of that required to chelate the Cd present, as if some PCs were compartmentalized or had not yet formed Cd-PC complexes. Phytochelatin formation was stimulated most effectively by Cd, less by Zn and Cu and negligibly by Ni. Total glutathione declined with Cd and Zn exposure, however, with excess Cu the roots contained 45% more total glutathione than did the controls.  相似文献   

Four Achillea species collected from Turkey and Egypt have been shown to contain a mixture of C-glycosylflavones in their aerial parts. In addition A. fragrantissima and A. lycaonica had such compounds in their roots: these were absent from A. spinulifolia and A. aleppica.  相似文献   

Abstract Experiments with isolated roots of wheat plants suggested that when water uptake rates are low, low concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) may increase the flux of water into roots. This increase was recorded despite an ABA-stimulated reduction in the hydraulic conductance of the whole root system. Hydraulic conductances were measured under steady-state conditions. A system is described where the stomatal behaviour and water movement through roots of a single intact plant may be concurrently monitored. Experiments with intact plants confirmed that application of ABA could increase the rate of water movement into roots when uptake rates were low. No such increase was observed at high flux rates. Application of ABA to roots caused partial stomatal closure and caused conductance to oscillate around a reduced mean value. An ABA-stimulated increase in the turgor sensitivity of stomata is postulated and the significance of this effect is discussed.  相似文献   

A. Kikuchi  Y. Edashige  T. Ishii  T. Fujii  S. Satoh 《Planta》1996,198(4):634-639
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) embryogenic callus (EC) loses its embryogenic competence and becomes nonembryogenic callus (NC) during long-term culture. With the loss of embryogenic competence, the cell clusters become smaller and the extent of intercellular attachments is reduced. Pectic fractions prepared from EC and NC were separated into two subfractions by gel filtration. A difference in sugar composition between EC and NC was found only in the high-molecular-mass (ca. 1300 kDa) subfraction, and the ratio of the amount of arabinose to that of galactose (Ara/Gal) was strongly and positively correlated with the size of cell clusters in several different cultures. From the results of sugar-composition and methylation analyses, and the results of treatment with exo-arabinanase, models of the neutral sugar chains of pectins from EC and NC are proposed. Both neutral sugar chains are composed of three regions. The basal region is composed of linearly linked arabinan 5-Araf> moieties in both types of callus. The middle galactan region is composed of 6-linked galactose, some of which branches at the 3 and 4 positions, and this region is larger and more frequently branched in NC than in EC. Finally, the terminal arabinan region is composed of 5-linked arabinose, branched at the 3 position, and the size of the terminal arabinan is larger in EC than in NC. The significance of the neutral sugar chains of pectins in the interaction of cell wall components and intercellular attachment is discussed.Abbreviations Ara/Gal ratio (w/w) of the amount of arabinose to that of galactose - EC embryogenic callus - NC non-embryogenic callus - T-Araf terminal arabinose The authors are grateful to Dr. Naoto Shibuya of the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources for his gift of exo-arabinanase.  相似文献   

R. Behl  K. Raschke 《Planta》1986,167(4):563-568
Excised Na+-starved barley roots were suspended in solutions of Na+ in combination with NO 3 - , Cl-, and SO 4 2- , and effects of the added phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA), to the medium were determined. Abscisic acid increased the rate of Na+ (22Na+) accumulation and the amount of Na+ deposited in the vacuoles. These stimulating effects of ABA were modified by anions following the sequence NO 3 - >Cl->SO 4 2- . Testing whether the magnitude of the pH gradient across the plasmalemma of the cells of the root cortex affects rates of Na+ accumulation and their dependence upon ABA, we observed that, in the pH range from 4 to 8, the ABA-induced stimulation was strongest at pH 5.8, and least at pH 4. Changes in pH during the experiment caused changes in the rates of Na+ accumulation in agreement with experiments performed at constant pH values. Simultaneously with ABA-enhanced accumulation, loss of Na+ occurred. Loss of Na+ was strongest at pH 4 and was affected by anions, being greatest with SO 4 2- and following the sequence SO 4 2- >Cl->NO 3 - . On the basis of the finding that initial acceleration of uptake as well as loss of Na+ depended on the pH of the medium we suggest that, in barley roots, ABA stimulates an exchange of Na+ for H+ at the plasmalemma of the cortical cells. The results indicate that ABA-stimulated expulsion of Na+, in combination with ABA-stimulated sequestration in the vacuoles, constitutes one of the mechanisms which enable barley plants to tolerate higher than normal levels of Na+.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

The speciation and distribution of Zn(II) and the effect of Gd(III) on Zn(II) speciation in human blood plasma were studied by computer simulation. The results show that, in normal blood plasma, the most predominant species of Zn(II) are [Zn(HSA)] (58.2%), [Zn(IgG)](20.1%), [Zn(Tf)] (10.4%), ternary complexes of [Zn(Cit)(Cys)] (6.6%) and of [Zn(Cys)(His)H] (1.6%), and the binary complex of [Zn(Cys)2H] (1.2%). When zinc is deficient, the distribution of Zn(II) species is similar to that in normal blood plasma. Then, the distribution changes with increasing zinc(II) total concentration. Overloading Zn(II) is initially mainly bound to human serum albumin (HSA). As the available amount of HSA is exceeded, phosphate metal and carbonate metal species are established. Gd(III) entering human blood plasma predominantly competes for phosphate and carbonate to form precipitate species. However, Zn(II) complexes with phosphate and carbonate are negligible in normal blood plasma, so Gd(III) only have a little effect on zinc(II) species in human blood plasma at a concentration above 1.0×10−4 M.  相似文献   

Anne Botrel  Werner M. Kaiser 《Planta》1997,201(4):496-501
The NADH-dependent nitrate reductase (NR, EC in roots of hydroponically grown barley seedlings was extracted, desalted and the activity measured in buffer containing either Mg2+ (10 mM) or EDTA (5 mM). The former gives the actual NR activity (NRact) equivalent to dephospho-NR, whereas the latter gives the maximum NR capacity of the dephospho-form (NRmax). Both values together permit an estimation of the NR-phosphorylation state. Changes in NRact and NRmax were followed in response to root aeration or to shoot illumination or shoot removal, and were correlated with sugar contents and adenylate levels. Ethanol formation was also measured in roots differing in NR activity in order to obtain information on the relation between anaerobic alcoholic fermentation and nitrate reduction. In aerated roots, NR was highly phosphorylated (about 80%) and largely inactive. It was partly dephosphorylated (activated) by anoxia or by cellular acidification (pH 4.8 plus propionic acid). Anaerobic activation (dephosphorylation) of NR was stronger at acidic external pH (5) than at slightly alkaline pH (8), although ATP levels decreased and AMP levels increased at pH 5 and at pH 8 to the same extent. Thus, rapid changes in the NR-phosphorylation state in response to anaerobiosis were not directly triggered by the adenylate pool, but rather by cytosolic pH. Under prolonged darkness (24 h) or after shoot removal, NRmax decreased slowly without a large change in the phosphorylation state. This decrease of NRmax was correlated with a large decrease in the sugar content, and was prevented by glucose feeding, which had only minor effects on the phosphorylation state. Cycloheximide also prevented the decrease in NRmax without affecting the phosphorylation state. In contrast, anaerobiosis or cellular acidification prevented the decrease of NRmax and at the same time decreased the NR-phosphorylation state. It is suggested that NR turnover in roots is controlled by several factors: NR synthesis appears to depend on sugar availability, which has little effect on the phosphorylation state; in addition, NR degradation appears to be strongly affected by the phosphorylation state in such a way that the inactive phospho-NR is a better substrate for NR degradation than the dephospho-form. The rate of anaerobic ethanol formation was not affected by NR activity, indicating that the purpose of NR activation under hypoxia or anoxia is not to decrease or prevent alcoholic fermentation. Received: 29 August 1996 / Accepted: 8 November 1996  相似文献   

Pereira LA  Schoor S  Goubet F  Dupree P  Moffatt BA 《Planta》2006,224(6):1401-1414
Pectin methyl-esterification is catalysed by S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases. As deficiency in adenosine kinase (ADK; EC activity impairs SAM recycling and utilization, we investigated the relationship between ADK-deficiency and the degree of pectin methyl-esterification in cell walls of Arabidopsis thaliana. The distribution patterns of epitopes associated with methyl-esterified homogalacturonan in leaves and hypocotyls of wild-type (WT) and ADK-deficient plants were examined using immunolocalization and biochemical techniques. JIM5 and LM7 epitopes, characteristic of low esterified pectins, were more irregularly distributed along the cell wall in ADK-deficient plants than in WT cell walls. In addition, epitopes recognized by JIM7, characteristic of pectins with a higher degree of methyl-esterification, were less abundant in ADK-deficient leaves and hypocotyls. Since de-esterified pectins have enhanced adhesion properties, we propose that the higher abundance and the altered distribution of low methyl-esterified pectin in ADK-deficient cell walls lead to the leaf shape abnormalities observed in these plants.  相似文献   

The presence of polygalacturonase and its correlation with the formation of lateral roots in leek (Allium porrum L.) seedlings have been investigated. During root growth, a steady increase in polygalacturonase activity was associated with that of the lateral root primordia. Fractionation of root extract by fast protein liquid chromatography resolved at least two polygalacturonase isoforms. One of the isoforms, a 75-kdalton protein, strongly reacted on Western blots probed with a polyclonal antibody raised against tomato polygalacturonase. It also reacted with both polyclonal and monoclonal antisera raised against Fusarium moniliforme polygalacturonase. In situ localization with these three antibodies showed that polygalacturonase was present over the meristems of lateral root primordia. Antibodies against pectins (Knox et al. 1990, Planta 181, 512–521) detected large amounts of pectic material filling the area between the apex of the primordium and the mother root tissues. We suggest that a polygalacturonase plays an important role in leek root morphogenesis, particularly during lateral root outgrowth.Abbreviations FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - RGU one unit of polygalacturonase activity - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis The Authors are grateful to Dr. Dean Della Penna (Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis, Calif., USA) for generously providing the polyclonal antibody raised against the tomato polygalacturonase. This research was supported by National Research of Italy, Special project RAISA, Subproject N2, N360.  相似文献   

A depolymerizing effect of anti-microtubule drug oryzalin on the roots of three winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in their frost-resistance was studied. The influence of plant cold acclimation (3°C, 7 days) and ABA treatment (30 μM) on oryzalin action was evaluated. Plant growing in the presence of 10 μM oryzalin under optimum temperature of 23°C resulted in the root-length decrease by 19–24% and root-apex swelling. All cells, especially in the root cortex, changed their radial dimensions. The cells acquired a rounded or irregular shape and increased in size. This indicates the loss of correct cell growth polarity. Most pronounced changes in the root apex diameter and most severe linear growth suppression were observed in the cultivar of moderate frost-resistance. The roots of this cultivar contained the highest amounts of actin and tubulins, as was evident from the immunoblot analysis. The effect of oryzalin on root growth and apex swelling was correlated with the content of actin in the roots of different wheat cultivars. Cold acclimation and exogenous ABA reduced (or prevented) oryzalin action on roots in a cultivar-specific manner. The conclusion was made that the bulk of the cytoskeletal net determined the efficiency of the cytoskeletal control of plant growth and morphogenesis. During autumn and winter periods, this is important for a better adaptation to temperature fluctuations of moderately frost-resistant plants, which are characterized by a high ecological plasticity.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given on light and electron microscopic investigations about the reactions of various genotypes to nutritional disorders such as mineral deficiency and mineral toxicity. Microscopic investigations have been carried out to find initial symptoms of nutritional disorders in plant tissue in order to improve diagnosis and to gain information about disturbed metabolism. Recent investigations have been focussed on changes of cell structure which indicate adaptive mechanisms towards mineral stress in order to explain tolerance and efficiency mechanisms. The influence of mineral deficiency or excess of minerals on the cell structure of different genotypes will be described. Special attention will be drawn to cytological changes in connection with the adaptation of plant genotypes towards mineral stress.  相似文献   

S. Harran  D. B. Dickinson 《Planta》1978,141(1):77-82
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells were cultured in a liquid medium which contained sucrose as a source of carbon and energy. Various cell-wall constituents and wall precursors (L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-mannose, D-glucuronate, myo-inositol) were added to cells growing in this medium to by-pass possible rate-limiting steps in the relevant metabolic pathways. None of these compounds stimulated growth as measured by increase in fresh weight; myo-inositol did cause a slight increase and L-arabinose a decrease in dry weight accumulation compared to controls grown on sucrose only. Although myo-inositol was not needed for rapid growth, tracer level amounts of [2-3H]myo-inositol were rapidly absorbed and metabolized. Label was incorporated into the uronide and pentose residues of cell walls and exocellular polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Peng L  Hocart CH  Redmond JW  Williamson RE 《Planta》2000,211(3):406-414
 Three non-allelic radial swelling mutants (rsw1, rsw2 and rsw3) of Arabidopsisthaliana L. Heynh. were shown to be specifically impaired in cellulose production. Fractionation methods that identify, characterise and quantify some of the major cell wall polysaccharides in small quantities of seedlings demonstrated that changes in the production of cellulose are much more pronounced than changes in the production of non-cellulosic polysaccharides. A crude cell wall pellet was sequentially extracted with chloroform methanol (to recover lipids), dimethyl sulphoxide (starch), ammonium oxalate (pectins) and alkali (hemicelluloses). Crystalline cellulose remained insoluble through subsequent treatments with an acetic/nitric acid mixture and with trifluoroacetic acid. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide precipitation resolved neutral and acidic polymers in the fractions, and precipitation behaviour, monosaccharide composition and glycosidic linkage patterns identified the major polysaccharides. The deduced composition of the walls of wild-type seedlings and the structure and solubility properties of the major polymers were broadly typical of other dicots. The three temperature-sensitive, radial swelling mutants produced less cellulose in their roots than the wild type when grown at their restrictive temperature (31 °C). There were no significant differences at 21 °C where no radial swelling occurs. The limited changes seen in the monosaccharide compositions, glycosidic linkage patterns and quantities of non-cellulosic polysaccharides support the view that the RSW1, RSW2 and RSW3 genes are specifically involved in cellulose synthesis. Reduced deposition of cellulose was accompanied by increased accumulation of starch. Received: 15 December 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) has become an illuminating model for the study of plant adaptation to phosphorus (P) deficiency. It adapts to -P stress with a highly coordinated modification of root development and biochemistry resulting in short, densely clustered secondary roots called proteoid (or cluster) roots. In order to characterize genes involved in proteoid root formation and function in a homologous system, we have developed an Agrobacterium rhizogenes-based transformation system for white lupin roots that allows rapid analysis of reporter genes as well as RNA interference (RNA(i))-based gene silencing. We used this system to characterize a lupin multidrug and toxin efflux (Lupinus albus MULTIDRUG AND TOXIN EFFLUX, LaMATE) gene previously shown to have enhanced expression under -P stress. Here, we show that LaMATE had high expression in proteoid roots not only under -P, but also under -Fe, -N, -Mn and +Al stress. A portion containing the putative LaMATE promoter was fused to GUS and enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) reporter genes, and a translational LaMATE::EGFP fusion was constructed under control of the LaMATE promoter. The LaMATE promoter directed P-dependent GUS and EGFP expression to proteoid roots. Confocal microscopy in white lupin and Arabidopsis point to the plasma membrane as the likely location of the LaMATE protein. LaMATE displayed homology to FRD3 in Arabidopsis, but did not complement an Arabidopsis ferric reductase defective 3 (FRD3) mutant. RNA(i)-based gene silencing was shown to effectively reduce LaMATE expression in transformed white lupin roots. LaMATE RNAi-silenced plants displayed an about 20% reduction in dry weight.  相似文献   

At concentrations inhibitory to the elongation of corn (Zea mays L.) roots, the auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (α-NAA), cause an increase in the pH of the bathing medium; this increase occurs with an average latent period shorter than the latent period for the inhibitory effect of these auxins on elongation. Indole-2-carboxylic acid, an inactive structural analogue of IAA, and β-naphthaleneacetic acid, an inactive analogue of α-NAA, affect neither growth nor the pH of the medium. Since acid pH is known to promote and basic pH to inhibit root elongation, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that hormone-induced modification of cell-wall pH plays a role in the control of elongation of roots, as has been proposed for elongation of stems and coleoptiles.  相似文献   

采用PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理,测定了紫穗槐幼苗根系的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、丙二醛、游离脯氨酸含量及SOD、POD酶活性变化以及解剖结构特征,旨在比较不同干旱程度对紫穗槐幼苗根系生理指标、内部解剖结构的影响,探索紫穗槐幼苗对水分胁迫的适应能力,揭示紫穗槐幼苗根系对土壤水分胁迫的响应和调控机制。结果表明:丙二醛含量变化显示当PEG-6000溶液浓度超过50g/L以后,紫穗槐幼苗根的膜系统开始受到损伤,并在PEG-6000溶液浓度达到250g/L受损程度显著增强,达到了对照的1.6倍,同时启动渗透调节作用(游离脯氨酸含量显著增加),达到了对照的3.8倍,在PEG-6000溶液浓度低于200g/L时,紫穗槐幼苗根系中至少没有启动以游离脯氨酸为主的渗透调节过程。可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量及SOD、POD酶活性的变化印证了胞内发生的生理代谢变化,在PEG-6000溶液浓度为200g/L时,可溶性糖含量仅为0.121mg/g,达到最低点,随后上升,当PEG-6000溶液浓度进一步增加到250g/L时,紫穗槐幼苗根系中的可溶性糖含量则迅速回升到0.64mg/g,为对照组的63.37%。可溶性蛋白质含量在低浓度PEG-6000溶液(50g/L)处理下即有明显反应,下降到对照的61.5%,随后呈波动性变化。SOD和POD活性对PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫的响应规律类似,均对PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理迅速响应且活性增加。当PEG-6000溶液浓度达到50g/L至100g/L时,抗氧化酶的合成量最高,而后活性下降。60d的PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理影响了紫穗槐幼苗根系的生长发育,随着PEG-6000溶液浓度增加,维管柱的直径变大,木质部厚度增大,导管直径变小、但导管密度增加,当PEG-6000溶液浓度达到250g/L时,导管密度比对照组增加了41.3%,木质部厚度比对照组增加了91.5%。以上结果表明,PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理下,不同胁迫程度紫穗槐内部生理和根系解剖结构变化不同,通过改变自身生理代谢和根系内部解剖结构,以适应土壤水分胁迫的逆境条件,来满足自身生长和发育的需求平衡。  相似文献   

Abstract. Rape ( Brassica napus [L.]) plants were cultivated for 25 d with axenic roots in a growth system with quartz sand and circulating nutrient solution. After a water stress period of 24h. fresh nutrient solution was added and root exudates were collected 3d later. The stress did not cause significant differences in the weights between the stressed and the control plants. The stressed plants tended to exude more soluble organic carbon than the control plants. This was not reflected in the amounts of low molecular weight carbohydrates exuded. A significantly lower proportion of the soluble organic carbon exuded by the stressed plants was made up of amino acids in comparison with the control plants, 7% and 28% respectively. Exuded hydrophobic substances could be recovered from the sand particles. The stressed plants exuded more sterols than the control plants, and an increased number of polar lipid types. The exudates of the stressed and control plants also differed regarding their fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

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