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Summary Seasonal variation in the pattern of torpor and temperature regulation was investigated in the closely related arid zone dasyurid marsupialsSminthopsis crassicaudata (17 g),S. macroura (24 g), andDasyuroides byrnei (120 g). The tendency to enter torpor was greater, torpor commenced earlier, torpor duration was longer, and body temperatures (T b) were lower inSminthopsis spp. than inD. byrnei. The minimum mass-specific rate of oxygen consumption ( ) of torpid animals was similar among the three species despite the differences in minimumT b. The mass-specific oxygen consumption of normothermic animals was reduced during winter when compared with the summer values in all species, but there was no seasonal variation in normothermicT b in any species. The tendency to enter torpor was incrased during winter. TorpidSminthopsis spp. had lower values ofT b and during winter than during summer;D. byrnei did not show seasonal changes in these variables. These results suggest that seasonal changes in the pattern of thermoregulation and torpor in small dasyurids may be more distinct than in larger species.Abbreviations RMR resting metabolic rate - BMR basal metabolic rate  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids have been obtained between HPRT Chinese hamster cells and cells from several dasyurid marsupial species. These hybrids show the extensive loss of marsupial chromosomes characteristic of the majority of marsupial-eutherian somatic cell hybrids. Although all of the hybrids expressed the selected marsupial marker, HPRT, the only other markers observed were PGK, GLA, and G6PD, consistent with the conservation of X-linked genes extending to this major group of marsupials. Counterselection confirmed the synteny of PGK and GLA with HPRT, whereas G6PD showed decreased concordance.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies have provided estimates of phylogeny for nearly all living and recently extinct species in the Order Dasyuromorphia, the dominant clade of insectivorous‐carnivorous marsupials in Australasia. We review these studies along with morphology‐based ones, and present an analysis of all cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and protamine Pl gene sequences available. In light of these results, we provide a revised suprageneric classification and assess the implications of molecular and paleontological data for dasyurid cladogenesis. Molecular results divide extant dasyurids (Dasyuridae) into four major clades apart from the numbat (Myrmecobiidae) and thylacines (Thylacinidae). We recognize these clades as tribes Dasyurini (Dasyurus, Phascolosorex, and allied genera) and Phascogalini (Antechinus, Murexia, Phascogale) in the Subfamily Dasyurinae, and tribes Sminthopsini (Sminthopsis, Ningaui, Antechinomys) and Planigalini (Planigale) in the Subfamily Sminthopsinae. Each tribe shows a basal radiation of lineages corresponding to genera or species groups. Our results concur with the most recent previous synthesis of dasyurid phylogeny in many respects, but subsumption of New Guinean ‘phascolosoricines’ and ‘muricines’ within Dasyurini and Phascogalini, respectively, constitute significant differences. In particular, the sister‐pairing of ‘phascolosoricines’ with a Dasyurus‐Sarcophilus clade implied by molecular data is difficult to reconcile with anatomy. Divergence rates of mitochondrial sequences are calibrated approximately by comparing thylacine‐to‐dasyurid distances with the age of the oldest thylacinid (Badjcinus, latest Oligocene). Estimated cladogenic dates suggest that extant subfamilies shared a common ancestor around 24 Mya and that major radiations began late in the mid‐Miocene, consistent with the results of previous paleontological studies. The late‐middle and late Miocene corresponds to an episode of faunal turnover in Australian marsupials (including the decline of thylacinid and bandicoot genera, as well as the rise of dasyurids) and to a time when uplift of the New Guinean highlands accelerated the transition from rainforest to drier habitats. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that continent‐wide climate changes modulated macroevolution across these independent marsupial clades.  相似文献   

Dasyurids are a diverse group of Australian native carnivores and insectivores that contains several threatened species. Despite successful cryopreservation of sperm from several marsupials, only 3% postthaw motility is reported for dasyurid marsupials. This study examined sperm preservation in the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), an experimental model, with supplementary observations on the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) and northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus). In S. crassicaudata, a toxicity trial demonstrated that incubation with up to 40% glycerol did not reduce sperm viability, suggesting that glycerol is not toxic to dasyurids. On the basis of this finding, S. crassicaudata, D. viverrinus, and D. hallucatus sperm were extended to a final concentration of 20% or 40% glycerol in Tris-citrate fructose and frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor. Postthaw sperm from all three species were nonmotile, and vital staining (SYBR14 and propidium iodide) indicated that sperm were nonviable. However, there was no evidence suggesting disruption of normal gross morphology or loss of acrosomal integrity when assessed by Bryan's staining. After freeze drying, Bryan's staining indicated that approximately 80% of S. crassicaudata sperm had normal acrosomes and no head loss. Despite being nonviable, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated dUTP nick-end labeling showed that S. crassicaudata sperm frozen in 40% glycerol or freeze-dried had no DNA damage compared with fresh controls. This study has described a method for preservation of the dasyurid sperm nuclei, but continued studies are required to achieve viable motile sperm and establish tools for the long-term storage of dasyurid sperm.  相似文献   

We report the complete DNA sequences of the protamine P1 gene and flanking regions for 13 species of the marsupial family Dasyuridae. The structure of the protamine locus is conserved in dasyurids and consists of two exons (of lengths 142–151 and 47 bp) separated by an intron (208–240 bp). A key feature of the dasyund intron is a 38–40 by duplication found in all species examined to date. This duplication apparently predates the radiation of modern dasyurid lineages and may be homologous to a similar feature in the marsupial mole (Notoryctes). Sequences from a species of Planigale demonstrate that this genus is unique among marsupials in possessing cysteine residues in its protamine P1 molecules. Cysteines may provide enhanced chemical stability for condensed sperm nuclei, a physiological feature that would converge on the common eutherian pattern. Phylogenetic analysis of the protamine genes yields a tree that is largely congruent with previous molecular systematic studies in two areas: (1) There are three main dasyurid lineages corresponding to the Sminthopsinae, Dasyurinae, and Phascogalinae; (2) Dasyurinae and Phascogalinae are sister groups. This study is the first estimate of dasyurid relationships based on a nuclear DNA sequence. Correspondence to: J.D. Retief  相似文献   

Histological analysis of an ontogenetic series of the dasyurid marsupial,Sminthopsis virginiae, from birt to 60 days old, was undertaken to assess the developmental homologies of the deciduous and successional teeth. This period covers the time from the initiation of all teeth as epithelial buds up until the time of early eruption of some teeth. In addition, two older specimens, aged 81 and 97 days, were examined to provide additional information on the state of differentiation of the unerupted third premolar. In the postcanine dentition, only a single tooth position, dP3, was characterized by the later development of a replacing successional tooth (P3), following developmental pathways identical to those in eutherian mammals. In contrast, the anterior dentition is characterized by the formation of rudimentary, nonerupting deciduous incisors and canines, and by the accelerated development of normal, erupting successional incisors and canines in both jaws. Comparison of relative developmental stages for each tooth position throughout its preeruptive ontogeny suggests thatheterochrony (both developmental acceleration and retardation) has played an important role in the evolutionary history of the dasyurid dentition. Differing aspects of this phenomenon are identified and discussed for the anterior dentition, the anterior two premolars, P3, and the lower molars. Further evidence is presented to corroborate the identification of the anterior two premolars in the adult as dP1 and dP2, based on the relative retardation of their initiation and their lack of successor tooth germs. This developmental heterochrony has probably occurred in all three-premolared marsupials.  相似文献   

Spool-and-line tracking was used to study the nesting habits of three species of dasyurid marsupial, tentatively identified as Murexia longicaudata, Antechinus naso and A. habbema . Five nests were located; those of M. longicaudata (two individuals) were arboreal and those of A. naso (one individual) and A. habbema (two individuals) subterranean. The roughly spherical nests, approximately 20 cm in diameter, were formed of interwoven plant material (broad leaves, bamboo leaves and ferns). Arboreal nests had a single entrance hole on one side. Subterranean nests were situated from 65 to 100 cm below the ground surface and they were reached through tunnels approximately 4 cm in diameter. Only A. habbema was found nesting communally. All nests contained a variety of invertebrates. The leaf composition and invertebrate fauna of the nests are tabulated.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in sperm are one aspect of a maturation process during epididymal transit in marnrnals. The literature mentions only, for different strains of rats, a remodeling and decrease in size of the acrosome. In the present work, the sperm were obtained from caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis of the albino rat. Samples were processed for scanning electron microscopy, with routine techniques, and for light microscopy and video microscopy. It appeared, with these techniques, that the acrosomal curvature and the whole head surface area of the rat sperm decrease during the epididymal transit. To measure these changes, a geometrical method was designed, and surface measurements were made using a computer program. It was found that the caput sperm head has the greatest surface area and a sharper acrosome bend than the cauda sperm. In an attempt to explain the above-mentioned changes, the suggestion is offered that some compactation of the nucleus and acrosomal material could be related to the decrease of the surface area.  相似文献   

Intact chimpanzee caput and cauda epididymal sperm, sperm cell lysates, and caput and cauda epididymal fluid were radiolabeled by enzymatic iodination with lactoperoxidase and Na125 I and were compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Caput epididymal sperm showed nine labeled macromolecular components of 90, 64, 56, 48, 38, 31, 20, 18 and 16 Kd and cauda epididymal sperm showed eleven macromolecular components of 90, 64, 55, 47, 42, 33, 27, 18, 17, 15 and 11 Kd. Six of the components labeled on caput sperm (90, 64, 56, 48, 18 and 16 Kd) were detected in equal amounts of cauda sperm and two (38 and 20 Kd) were detected at greatly reduced labeling intensities. In the cauda epididymidis, four new components (33, 27, 17 and 11 Kd) became prominent features of the sperm surface. Analysis of labeled caput and cauda sperm cell lysates resolved components distinct from those detected on sperm surfaces. Electrophoresis of caput epididymal fluid showed five labeled components of 66, 56, 47, 41 and 37 Kd, while electrophoresis of cauda epididymal fluid showed eight labeled components of 92, 66, 56, 48, 31, 27, 24 and 11 Kd. Three components (66, 56 and 47 Kd) were present in both caput and cauda fluid, two (41 and 37 Kd) in caput fluid only, and five (92, 31, 27, 24 and 11 Kd) in cauda fluid only. Components of 37 Kd were labeled in caput fluid and on caput sperm but not on cauda sperm, whereas components of 27 Kd and 11 Kd were labeled in cauda fluid and on cauda sperm but not on caput sperm. These data show that chimpanzee sperm undergo extensive surface modifications during epididymal maturation and that some of these modifications may be related to exogenous proteins/glycoproteins in epididymal fluids.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa undergo changes in morphology, composition, and function during transit through the epididymis. These changes correlate with acquisition by sperm of the ability to fertilize ova. It has been found that sperm from the cauda epididymidis, but not those from the caput epididymidis, are able to bind to the zona pellucida. This would imply a modification in sperm surface characteristics. Biochemical and immunological studies have demonstrated changes in sperm surface composition during epididymal maturation. These changes involve addition of epididymal secretory products to the sperm surface, loss or alteration of existing sperm surface molecules, and possibly the unmasking of preexisting molecules or epitopes. Several laboratories have studied the epididymal secretory proteins in the rat, but a consensus has not been reached on the identification, characterization, source, and sperm surface association of these proteins. Monoclonal antibodies are beginning to be used to characterize sperm surface components and sperm maturation antigens. They are proving to be valuable tools for the dissection of epididymal maturation when used in conjunction with biochemical and physiological approaches.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of post mortem time and season on sperm subpopulation pattern and characteristics. We used epididymal samples from free-ranging Iberian red deers harvested during the hunting season. We studied samples at different moments of the year (rut, transition period and post-rut), and at different times post mortem (up to 4 days). Sperm were extracted from the cauda epididymis and their motility was evaluated by means of a CASA system. A principal component and clustering analysis were carried out to identify subpopulations. Post mortem time caused a significant decrease in motility quality, and a general deterioration in subpopulation characteristics. We found three subpopulations the first day, and the one indicating good sperm quality decreased with post mortem time until it disappeared on the fourth day. This may indicate considerable impairment of the samples after 72 h post mortem, which could compromise their use in AI programs. With regard to season, subpopulation pattern and characteristics were better in the transition and post-rut periods. Moreover, we found one subpopulation formed by mature spermatozoa, which increased from rut to post-rut. This might be a negative fact, because samples collected after the rut may undergo hypermaturation, which possibly impairs fertility. Our results are of interest for the management of wildlife germplasm banks based on post mortem sperm recovery.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the subcellular compartmentalization of arylsulfatase-A (AS-A) in the testis and epididymis as well as the surface distribution in rat epididymal sperm. Testicular AS-A was compartmentalized specifically to the area underneath the outer acrosomal membrane of the acrosomal granule and to the dorsal aspect of the sperm acrosome. Epididymal AS-A was synthesized in the endoplasmic reticular (ER) network of principal cells and secreted into epididymal lumen as evident by its reactivity in the apical cytoplasm and vesicles therein underneath stereocilia. In clear cells, AS-A reactivity was found throughout the cytoplasmic machineries involved in endocytosis. Surface distribution of AS-A was initially detectable at the concave ridge as early as in sperm of the initial segment (IS). AS-A was additionally localized to the post-acrosomal region in caput (CP), corpus (CO) and cauda (CD) epididymal sperm. The expression levels of surface AS-A gradually increased during sperm transit from IS to CD epididymidis. These results favored the adsorption of AS-A from epididymal fluid onto the sperm surface, rather than shunting from the acrosome as a consequence of capacitation-associated membrane priming.This work was supported by Research Initiate Grant funded by Faculty of Science, Mahidol University to W.W.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterized estrogenic effects of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on reproductive parameters in male rats to identify a minimal dose level that alters epididymal and sperm functions but has little or no effect on sperm production and/or spermatogenesis. Adult rats (five animals/group) received s.c. injections of 0.2 ml of corn oil containing DES at a rate of 1.0 mg, 200 microg, 40 microg, 8 microg, 1.6 microg, or 320 ng x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days. The control group received corn oil only. DES effects were similar in the 8-microg group and higher dose groups and included significant (P < or = 0.05) reductions in 1) absolute and relative weights of the head and body of the epididymis (EP), tail of the EP, and seminal vesicle, 2) numbers of sperm in both regions of the EP, and 3) motility characteristics in sperm collected from the tail of the EP. Conversely, no significant changes were observed in relative testis weight, daily sperm production, spermatogenesis, seminiferous epithelial height in stage VII, and sperm morphology. All of the above parameters in the 1.6-microg group (except seminal vesicle weight) and 320-ng group were comparable to those of controls. Plasma testosterone (T) level was reduced to an almost undetectable level in the > or = 8-microg groups and to a very low level in the 1.6-microg group (0.35 vs. 2.36 ng/ml in controls or 320-ng group), but LH level was unaltered. In a parallel fertility study, males received DES at a rate of 40, 8, or 1.6 microg x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days prior to and 12 days during cohabitation (1:1) with untreated females. Of the 15 females cohabited with treated males (5 females/dose), none in the 40-microg and 8-microg groups and 1 in the 1.6-microg group formed a copulatory plug and delivered 8 pups, in contrast to 5/5 copulatory plugs and 13-15 pups/litter in the controls. DES at a rate of 8 microg x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days reduced EP weights, sperm numbers in the EP, and sperm motility patterns but caused minimal to no alterations in daily sperm production, spermatogenesis, or sperm morphology. Factors other than T, or in addition to lower T, may be responsible for DES-induced reproductive disorders (despite lower T, sperm contents and sperm motility patterns in the EP were normal in the 1.6-microg group). Deficits in EP sperm functions and/or sexual behavior (as evident from absence of copulatory plugs) probably accounted for reduced fertility in treated males.  相似文献   

The irruptive population dynamics of rodents are a globally renowned wildlife phenomenon; however, the dynamics of other small mammals with which rodents are sympatric are poorly understood. Dryland Australia supports a high diversity of small (<200 g) arthropod‐eating marsupials (Dasyuridae). Here, we test the hypothesis that dasyurid marsupials do not exhibit the same degree of irruptive population dynamics that are shown by rodents. We addressed this question by sampling small mammal assemblages on 20 permanent trapping sites in the Simpson Desert on 20 occasions from 2007 to 2017. Sampling was stratified across three broad habitat types: sandridge, gibber plain and clay plain. We captured 478 dasyurid marsupials of nine species, ranging in mean body mass from 5.75 to 93.50 g, at a capture rate of 1.71 per 100 trap‐nights. Capture rate varied across habitat and over time and the interaction between these two effects was also significant. Capture rate was highest on clay plain (3.35 captures/100 trap‐nights), followed by gibber plain (2.16 captures/100 trap‐nights) and lowest on sand habitat (0.54 captures/100 trap‐nights). Each species had a clear preference for one of the dominant habitat types. Dasyurid assemblages responded to high rainfall pulses in November–December 2008 and January 2015; however, the largest rainfall period in 2010–2011 resulted in very low captures. Likewise, a peak in abundance occurred in April 2008 although it was not preceded by high rainfall. We conclude that, although dasyurid marsupial capture rates varied up to 34 fold during the study period, population changes are not strongly tied to rainfall. Heterothermic physiology in this family, in particular the ability to use daily torpor to save energy, may be central to the decoupling of population dynamics from rainfall‐driven primary productivity.  相似文献   

The intensity of nest-defence aggression by female redwinged black birds (Agelaius phoeniceus) with eggs decreased late in the breeding season, while aggression at this time increased amongst females defending broods. High predation pressure late in the breeding season decreased the probability of survival of the late nesting attempts, so that females with young had a much greater chance of success than females with eggs at this time. The observed changes in aggressive responses are predicted by the theory of parental investment.  相似文献   

Dasyurid marsupials show a remarkable diversity of reproductive patterns ranging from aseasonal polyoestry to restricted annual breeding in which males synchronously die after a brief mating season. Previous studies have categorized dasyurid reproduction into six strategies, defined on the basis of five life-history characters. We provide an up-to-date summary of reproductive traits in dasyurid species and examine the evolution of these characters on a phylogeny for the family recently obtained from DNA sequence data. Our results suggest that reproductive evolution in modern dasyurids is characterized by a basal separation of subfamily lineages employing Strategy II (monoestrous females, restricted breeding season, 11 months to maturity; Dasyurinae) and Strategy V (polyoestrous females, extended breeding season, 8–11 months to maturity; Sminthopsinae). Strategies I (male die-off) and III (facultative polyoestry) appear to have arisen several times from Strategy II or V ancestors, and Strategy IV appears to have arisen within Sminthopsis from a Strategy V ancestor. Strategy VI (aseasonal breeding) has arisen independently in each of the four major dasyurid lineages (tribes), and is highly (but not perfectly) correlated with New Guinean endemism. This scenario is not strongly affected if reproductive characters are optimized on an alternative phylogeny more consistent with morphology-based opinions on species relationships. When evaluated in light of current habitat associations and geographic distributions, the reproductive data suggest that the Miocene diversification of modern dasyurids may have been correlated with the invasion of dry forest or woodland habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Many birds undergo bare part color changes during the breeding season. Most investigators have focused on color as a signal of individual quality. An alternative, but not exclusive, function of bare part color may be signaling readiness to breed, especially in colonial, asynchronous breeders. White Ibises ( Eudocimus albus ) are colonial waterbirds that show vivid bare part colors on their bills and legs during reproduction. We quantified bill and leg colors to describe color changes and their possible relationship to reproductive status during the breeding season of White Ibises in the Florida Everglades from 1998 to 2001. We also examined the correlation between bare part colors and circulating concentrations of sex steroids to understand the factors that regulate bare part colors. During the display stage, male and female ibises developed dark pink bills and scarlet legs. As the breeding season progressed, bills and legs faded and developed a muted pink hue. The bare part colors of female ibises were correlated with testosterone concentrations, but those of male ibises were not correlated with any hormones. A discriminant function analysis based on principal component scores (representing variation in saturation and hue) and the amount of black on the bill successfully classified ibis reproductive stage 94% of the time. The use of bare part colors to determine reproductive status may be useful for studying reproduction in colonially nesting birds, where access to breeding sites can be difficult and potential for researcher disturbance is high.  相似文献   

Changes that occur to mammalian sperm upon epididymal transit and maturation render these cells capable of moving progressively and capacitating. Signaling events leading to mammalian sperm capacitation depend on the modulation of proteins by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cascades. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the Src family of kinases plays an important role in the regulation of these events. However, sperm from cSrc null mice display normal tyrosine phosphorylation associated with capacitation. We report here that, despite normal phosphorylation, sperm from cSrc null mice display a severe reduction in forward motility, and are unable to fertilize in vitro. Histological analysis of seminiferous tubules in the testes, caput and corpus epididymis do not reveal obvious defects. However, the cauda epididymis is significantly smaller, and expression of key transport proteins in the epithelial cells lining this region is reduced in cSrc null mice compared to wild type littermates. Although previously, we and others have shown the presence of cSrc in mature sperm from cauda epididymis, a closer evaluation indicates that this tyrosine kinase is not present in sperm from the caput epididymis, suggesting that this protein is acquired by sperm later during epididymal maturation. Consistent with this observation, cSrc is enriched in vesicles released by the epididymal epithelium known as epididymosomes. Altogether, these observations indicate that cSrc is essential for cauda epididymal development and suggest an essential role of this kinase in epididymal sperm maturation involving cSrc extracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

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