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Roles of transition nuclear proteins in spermiogenesis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The transition nuclear proteins (TPs) constitute 90% of the chromatin basic proteins during the steps of spermiogenesis between histone removal and the deposition of the protamines. We first summarize the properties of the two major transition nuclear proteins, TP1 and TP2, and present concepts, based on their time of appearance in vivo and in vitro properties, regarding their roles. Distinct roles for the two TPs in histone displacement, sperm nuclear shaping, chromatin condensation, and maintenance of DNA integrity have been proposed. More definitive information on their roles in spermiogenesis has recently been obtained using mice with null mutations in the Tnp1 or Tnp2 genes for TP1 and TP2, respectively. In these mice, histone displacement and sperm nuclear shaping appear to progress quite normally. Spermatid nuclear condensation occurs, albeit in an abnormal fashion, and the mature sperm of the Tnp -null mutants are not as condensed as wild-type sperm. There is also evidence that sperm from these mutant mice contain an elevated level of DNA strand breaks. The mutant sperm showed several unexpected phenotypes, including a high incidence of configurational defects, such as heads bent back on midpieces, midpieces in hairpin configurations, coils, and clumps, other midpiece defects, reduced levels of proteolytic processing of protamine 2 during maturation, and reduced motility. The two TPs appear partly to compensate for each other as both Tnp1 - and Tnp2 -null mice were able to produce offspring, and appear to have largely overlapping functions as the two mutants had similar phenotypes.  相似文献   

In dog-fish spermatid nuclei two intermediate proteins S1 and S2 replace histones before the setting down of protamines. These spermatid-specific proteins were isolated by carboxymethyl-cellulose chromatography and purified by high pressure liquid chromatography. S1 and S2 are characterized by a high content of basic residues and by the lack of cysteine and phenylalanine. The determination of their amino acid composition and of their N- and C-terminal sequences prove that each protein corresponds to a specific molecule which can be considered neither as a histone hydrolytic product nor as a protamines precursor.  相似文献   

During dog-fish spermatogenesis, chromatin undergoes a continuous processing which involves two basic protein transitions: the first from somatic-type histones to spermatid-specific proteins and the second leading to protamines. Two spermatid-specific proteins S1 and S2 were isolated from nuclei of spermatid-enriched testis zone and the amino acid sequence of S1 has been determined. S1 contains 87 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 11179 Da. It is mainly characterized by a high content of basic residues (45%) and the presence of one residue of cysteine. Its primary structure shows that the N-terminal half is highly basic while the hydrophobic residues are preferentially localized in the C-terminal region. Three forms of S1 are present in testis which correspond to di-, mono- and nonphosphorylated molecules. This spermatid-specific protein shares no common structural feature with either histones and dog-fish protamines or rat spermatid-specific protein which has been previously described.  相似文献   

The remodeling of nucleoproteins during dog-fish spermiogenesis involves two successive nuclear protein transitions: the first from somatic-type histones to transition proteins during the nuclear elongation of spermatids and the second leading to protamine-DNA association in mature spermatozoa. The chromatin of elongating spermatids contains two transition proteins called S1 and S2. The amino acid sequence of protein S1, a polypeptide of 87 residues was determined previously [Chauvière, M., Martinage, A., Briand, G., Sautière, P. & Chevaillier, Ph. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 169, 105-111]. In the present paper, we report the elucidation of the primary structure of the minor transition protein S2 established by automated Edman degradation of the protein and of its fragments generated by cleavage at methionine and aspartate residues. S2 contains 80 residues and has a molecular mass of 9726 Da. S2 is mainly characterized by a high content of basic amino acids mostly represented by lysine, a relatively high level of hydrophobic residues, the presence of six phosphorylatable residues and the lack of cysteine. Its amino acid sequence shows that the N-terminal half is highly basic, while the acidic residues are located in the C-terminal part of the protein where more diversity in amino acids is noticed. The two transition proteins S1 and S2 share striking structural similarities. Few but significative similarities have been detected with the mammalian transition protein TP1 [Kistler, W. S., Noyes, C., Hsu, R. & Heinrikson, R. L. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1847-1853], suggesting similar functions for all these proteins in chromatin remodeling during sperm differentiation. By contrast, the two dog-fish spermatid-specific proteins are structurally unrelated to sperm protamines and cannot be considered as their precursors.  相似文献   

The completion of spermiogenesis requires condensation of the haploid spermatid genome. This task is accomplished in a gradual and relentless manner by first erasing the nucleosomal organization of chromatin while the DNA is protected by transient nuclear proteins TP1 and TP2. Then, the more permanent protamines come into play to stabilize the spermatid genome until fertilization occurs. Mice lacking TPI manage to produce relatively structurally normal sperm, although fertility is reduced and chromatin condensation is abnormal despite the compensatory expression of TP2. TP1 and TP2 appear to have the house-keeping function of reestablishing continuity when chromatin breaks take place during the remodeling process. DNA single-strand breaks are frequently observed when spermiogenesis is half completed. There is a temporal relationship between TP1 and DNA breaks: TP1 nuclear levels increase and the frequency of DNA breaks become less prominent as spermiogenesis is reaching completion. TP1 seems to hold the broken ends together until an as-yet-unidentified ligase bridges the gap.  相似文献   

Dog-fish sperm nuclei contain four low molecular weight basic proteins called scylliorhinines. Protein Z3 is a typical arginine-rich protamine, whilst the three other components, Z1, Z2 and S4, are characterized by high arginine and cysteine contents. In contrast to protamine Z3, which can be directly solubilized by 0.25 M HCl, the three other protamines must be reduced and alkylated before acid extraction. They were further purified by ion-exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl-cellulose. The amino acid compositions and the N-terminal sequences reveal significant differences between scylliorhinines, particularly in their molecular size and amino acid diversity. Moreover, they show no common feature with other sperm-specific protamines previously described.  相似文献   

Boissonneault G 《FEBS letters》2002,514(2-3):111-114
An important chromatin remodeling process is taking place during spermiogenesis in mammals and DNA strand breaks must be produced to allow the accompanying change in DNA topology. Endogenous DNA strand breaks are indeed detected at mid-spermiogenesis steps but are no longer present in mature sperm. Both in vitro and in vivo evidence suggests that the DNA-binding and condensing activities of a set of basic nuclear "transition proteins" may be crucial to the integrity of the chromatin remodeling process. We propose that these proteins are necessary for the repair of the strand breaks so that DNA fragmentation is minimized in the mature sperm.  相似文献   

Regulated exocytosis is controlled by internal and external signals. The molecular machinery controlling the sorting from the newly synthesized vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane play a key role in the regulation of both the number and spatial location of the vesicles. In this context the mammalian acrosome is a unique vesicle since it is the only secretory vesicle attached to the nucleus. In this work we have studied the membrane trafficking between the Golgi apparatus and the acrosome during mammalian spermiogenesis. During bovine spermiogenesis, Golgi antigens (mannosidase II) were detected in the acrosome until the late cap-phase spermatids, but are not found in testicular spermatozoa (maturation-phase spermatids). This suggests that Golgiacrosome flow may be relatively unselective, with Golgi residents retrieved before spermination is complete. Surprisingly, rab7, a protein involved in lysosome/endosome trafficking was also found associated with the acrosomal vesicle during mouse spermiogenesis. Our results suggest that the acrosome biogenesis is associated with membrane flow from both the Golgi apparatus and the endosome/lysosome system in mammalian spermatids.  相似文献   

Cytodifferentiation during spermiogenesis in Hydra littoralis was studied at the fine structural level. Concentration of nuclear material as well as specific orientation of granular and filamentous nuclear elements are apparent in two regions of the early spermatid: where the nuclear envelope is in contact with mitochondrial membranes at one pole of the cell and at an opposite region where the nucleus is closely apposed to the plasma membrane. Ultimately the mass of condensed nuclear material becomes concentrated at the mitochondrial pole of the cell. Additional electron-dense material is extruded from the nucleus into a large vacuole which is in continuity with the nuclear membrane as well as associated with Golgi lamellae and vesicles. Eventually all residual cytoplasm is sloughed, leaving the nucleus, mitochondria, and flagellum. These observations are suggestive of nucleocytoplasmic interactions during development, especially influences of mitochondria and plasma membranes on chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

T P Liu 《Tissue & cell》1973,5(2):323-331
The nuclear envelope in the earliest stage of spermatid development possesses double membranes with pores aggregated in certain areas and arranged in a hexagonal pattern. The convex face of the outer nuclear membrane is relatively smooth and the convex face of the inner nuclear membrane carries many particles which are arranged in net-like pattern. In the later developmental stages, nuclear pores were not observed, the convex face of the inner nuclear membrane being covered with densely packed particles and the convex face of the outer nuclear membrane having a rough appearance. During the final stage of spermatid development, the cross-fractured face of the nucleus reveals the profiles of the nuclear fibres, the granular appearance of the convex face of the outer nuclear membrane, and the convex face of the inner nuclear membrane carrying more densely packed particles.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic, cytochemical and biochemical techniques were applied to study structural aspects and changes in nuclear components during the spermiogenesis of Scyliorhinus caniculus. Five major stages of nuclear differentiation were recognized and characterized by variations in the organization and chemical properties of chromatin. Stage I is analogous to a somatic nucleus with heterogeneous chromatin. At the second stage, the nuclear content is dispersed but the chromatin fibers are of the same diameter as those of the stage I. The nuclear elongation begins at stage III, the DNP fibers running preferentially parallel to the long axis of the nucleus. During these early modifications of chromatin structure appear two new basic nuclear proteins (S 1 and S 2) which migrate faster than histones but typical histones remain assosciated with these nuclei. In later elongation stage (stage IV), the chromatin fibers organize in a helical form and fuse side by side giving lamellar systems which have a reticular structure. At the end of this stage, the nuclear material has become uniformly compact. These late variations in chromatin organization are parallel to the association of chromatin with new basic nuclear proteins (S 3, S 4, Z 1, Z 2 and Z 3). The cytochemical and electrophoretical properties of one of these proteins (S 4) which appears at the end of spermiogenesis are similar to those of a protamine. In stage V, the chromatin is homogeneous and the nucleus assumes a helical configuration beginning at the posterior end. The deoxyribonucleoproteins of the mature sperm show some novel chemical characters, including the appearance of a stable nuclear acidophilia with the ALFERT and GESCHWIND method and extraction with 0.25 N HCl of one of the basic protein fractions newly appeared in late spermiogenesis (Z 3), two other fractions (Z 1 and Z 2) being extracted with a more drastic procedure. The other fractions described before are no more detectable.  相似文献   

In this article we study the proteins responsible for chromatin condensation during spermiogenesis in the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris. The DNA of ripe sperm nuclei in this species is condensed by a set of five different proteins. Four of these proteins are protamines. The main protamine (Po2), a protein of 44 amino acid residues, is extraordinarily simple (composed of only three different amino acid types: arginine (R), serine (S), and glycine (G). It is a basic molecule consisting of 79.5 mol% arginine residues. The rest of the protamines (Po3, Po4, Po5) are smaller molecules (33, 28, and 30 amino acid residues, respectively) that are homologous among themselves and probably with the main Po2 protamine. The ripe sperm nucleus of O. vulgaris also contains a small quantity of a molecule (Po1) that is similar to Po2 protamine. This protein could represent a Po2 protamine-precursor in a very advanced step of its processing. We discuss the characteristics of these proteins, as well as the relation between the complexity of chromatin condensation and the transitions of nuclear proteins during spermiogenesis in O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Summary In several coronet cells of the saccus vasculosus of Scylliorhinus large quantities of glycogen occur, as shown by light and electron microscopy. The significance of glycogen as an energy storage necessary for a transcellular ion transport process taking place in the coronet cells is discussed.The authors thank Dr. F.C.G. van de Veerdonk, W. F. Jansen and W. F. G. Flight for reading the manuscipt and for their critical remarks. They are also indebted to Mr. H. van Kooten and his staff for their valuable photographic assistance.  相似文献   

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