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Phenylalanine in conjunction with p-chlorophenylalanine or alpha-methylphenylalanine was administered to suckling rats to induce hyperphenylalaninemia reminiscent of untreated phenylketonuria, and developmental parameters were monitored. The experimental model utilizing p-chlorophenylalanine was found to be unsatisfactory, in that the drug had general deleterious effects on growth, numerous side effects including increased mortality, and affected brain levels of biogenic monoamine neurotransmitters. The model utilizing alpha-methylphenylalanine was relatively free from nonspecific effects and thus, changes observed in the animals were attributable to experimental phenylketonuria. The latter animals had slightly decreased body and brain weights, and exhibited grossly elevated serum phenylalanine and urinary excretion of phenylketone metabolites. Hyperphenylalaninemia produced greatly disrupted brain amino acids at 10 days of age (prior to the formalization of the blood-brain barrier and specific transport systems) which was limited by 30 days of age to changes in glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and the aliphatic and aromatic amino acids which compete for uptake in the brain by a common carrier. These animals also exhibited a myelin deficit and changes in proteins from isolated nerve cell preparations. Mature animals which had daily treatment up to 60 days of age exhibited a long-term learning impairment. These observations are consistent with many aspects of the clinical picture of untreated phenylketonuric patients, and suggest that this animal model will be beneficial in studying the disease.  相似文献   

The phenylalanine analogues p-chlorophenylalanine and alpha-methylphenylalanine were used to inhibit phenylalanine hydroxylase in animal models for phenylketonuria. The present report examines the affects of these analogues on the metabolism of neuroblastoma cells. p-Chlorophenylalanine inhibited growth and was toxic to neuroblastoma cells. Although in vivo this analogue increased cell monoribosomes by 42%, it did not significantly affect poly(U)-directed protein synthesis in vitro. P-Chlorophenylalanine did not compete with phenylalanine or tyrosine for aminoacylation of tRNA and was therefore not substituted for those amino acids in nascent polypeptides. The initial cellular uptake of various large neutral amino acids was inhibited by this analogue but did not affect the flux of amino acids already in the cell; this suggested that an alteration of the cell's amino acid pools was not responsible for the cytotoxicity of the analogues. In contrast with p-chlorophenylalanine, alpha-methylphenylalanine did not exert these direct toxic effects because the administration of alpha-methylphenylalanine in vivo did not affect brain polyribosomes and a comparable concentration of this analogue was neither growth inhibitory nor cytotoxic to neuroblastoma cells in culture. The suitability of each analogue as an inhibitor of phenylalanine hydroxylase in animal models for phenylketonuria is discussed.  相似文献   

The brains of 3--16-day-old rats that were rendered hyperphenylalaninaemic by daily injections of alpha-methylphenylalanine plus phenylalanine were subjected to biochemical analysis. Fluctuations throughout the treatment period in the concentrations of branched-chain amino acids, methionine and serotonin were in agreement with the known interference of excess plasma phenylalanine with transport. The glycine content, however, became abnormal only by day 5, remained so through the treatment, and the elevation was equally apparent at 4, 8 or 24 h after the last daily injections. On the last day of treatment there were small increases in the taurine, glutamate, aspartate and 4-aminobutyrate concentrations, attributable mainly to the diencephalon or brain stem. After day 3 of treatment there were persistent elevations in the specific activity of phosphoserine phosphatase and glycine synthase (but not serine hydroxymethyltransferase) of the brain in each of the regions analysed. The observations indicate that chronic hyperphenylalaninaemia interferes with the normal regulation of intracerebral glycine metabolism during a critical period of early postnatal development, and suggest that the resulting excess in this amino acid (particularly marked in the cortex) contributes to the behavioural abnormalities that these animals exhibit in later life.  相似文献   

Ganglion cells and paraganglionic (PG) cells in the developing rat superior cervical ganglion were studied following postnatal treatment with p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA) for 5 to 8 days. Litter mates, injected with saline solution, served as controls. Ganglion cells of control animals were differentiated ultrastructurally according to L. Er?nk? (1972a) into late sympathicoblasts and young sympathetic nerve cells. In both maturation stages treatment with pCPA caused marked swelling of mitochondria, concomitant with minor changes of other cell organelles. Parallel to the ultrastructural alterations, fluorescence microscopy and cytophotometry revealed a slight diminution of diffuse fluorescence intensity in sympathetic neurons as the expression of a mainly extragranular amine depletion. In distinction from ganglion blocking agents the alterations are regarded as a general toxic effect of pCPA upon maturing sympathetic neurons, which secondarily influences catecholamine storage sites. Following treatment with pCPA, in PG-cells an alteration of mitochondria was scarcely to recognize. Specific granules were distinctly decreased in number, in some cases to an almost complete degree. Concordant to ultrastructural observations a marked diminution of fluorescence intensity was demonstrable in SIF-cells. In addition in these elements the fluorescence spectrum shifted towards the green field. Fluorescence cytophotometric evaluations confirmed the optical impression. Provided, that PG-cells, demonstrated with electron microscopy, are identical with SIF-cells in fluorescence microscopy, the results are discussed on the basis of a specific decrease of primary catecholamines due to an enzyme inhibition involved in catecholamine synthesis.  相似文献   

p-Chlorophenylalanine treatment eliminated the normal male rat preference for the female preputial gland odor. Oral administration of hydrocortisone had a similar effect on dimethyl sulfite preference, which slowly reappeared after the discontinuance of the treatment. These changes of behavior are discussed in relation to possible serotonin alterations resulting from the treatments.  相似文献   

Fungal nucleic acids as interferon inducers.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nucleic acids isolated from the fungi Aspergillus niger x11, Piptoporus betulinus and Ganoderma applanatum reduced the number of vaccinia virus plaques in chick embryo fibroblast (CEF) tissue culture and when administered intravenously to white mice protected them against lethal infection with tick borne encephalitis virus strain K5 (TBE). In CEF tissue culture the nucleic acids of the studied fungi were found to induce small but detectable amounts of a substance with the character of interferon. In vivo only ribonucleic acid from G. applanatum induced a substance showing interferon properties in the spleen of mice.  相似文献   

The cell wall component of Pseudomonas solanacearum that induces disease resistance in tobacco was highly heat stable at neutral or alkaline pH but highly labile at acid pH. Activity was unaffected by nucleases and proteases but destroyed by a mixture of beta-glycosidases. Washing of bacterial cell walls released a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction with high inducer activity. Purified LPS, extracted by a variety of procedures from whole cells, isolated cell walls, and culture filtrates of both smooth and rough forms of P. solanacearum, induced disease resistance in tobacco at concentrations as low as 50 microgram/ml. The LPS from the non-plant pathogens Escherichia coli B, E. coli K, and Serratia marcescens was also active. Cell wall protein, free phospholipid, and nucleic acids were not necessary for activity. Moreover, since LPS from rough forms was active, the O-specific polysaccharide of the LPS was not required for activity. Hydrolysis of the remaining core-lipid A linkage or deacylation of lipid A destroyed inducer activity. When injected into tobacco leaves, purified LPS attached to tobacco mesophyll cell walls and induced ultrastructural changes in the host cell similar to those induced by attachment of whole heat-killed bacteria.  相似文献   

The cell wall component of Pseudomonas solanacearum that induces disease resistance in tobacco was highly heat stable at neutral or alkaline pH but highly labile at acid pH. Activity was unaffected by nucleases and proteases but destroyed by a mixture of beta-glycosidases. Washing of bacterial cell walls released a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction with high inducer activity. Purified LPS, extracted by a variety of procedures from whole cells, isolated cell walls, and culture filtrates of both smooth and rough forms of P. solanacearum, induced disease resistance in tobacco at concentrations as low as 50 microgram/ml. The LPS from the non-plant pathogens Escherichia coli B, E. coli K, and Serratia marcescens was also active. Cell wall protein, free phospholipid, and nucleic acids were not necessary for activity. Moreover, since LPS from rough forms was active, the O-specific polysaccharide of the LPS was not required for activity. Hydrolysis of the remaining core-lipid A linkage or deacylation of lipid A destroyed inducer activity. When injected into tobacco leaves, purified LPS attached to tobacco mesophyll cell walls and induced ultrastructural changes in the host cell similar to those induced by attachment of whole heat-killed bacteria.  相似文献   

Moderately high molecular weight polycations stimulate arachidonic acid release with concomitant synthesis and release of prostaglandins in cultured 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. We have examined a series of synthetic polycations for prostaglandin synthesis-inducing activity as an approach to defining the structural features required for activity. Extensive (>80%) acetylation of poly(vinylamine) was tolerated without loss of activity, indicating that a uniform high density of charges is not required. However, complete acetylation of poly(vinylamine) abolished activity, indicating that some positive charges are required for activity. Full activity was observed for charge densities in the range of one per two to one per six atoms of polymer backbone. Branched and linear polycations activated equally well. Location of the charge with respect to the polymer backbone did not affect activity in polymers bearing charges located up to seven atoms away from the backbone. Polycations lacking primary or secondary amino groups exhibited full activity, indicating that Schiff base formation is not required for activity. These results are consistent with a model in which activation involves electrostatic interactions with discrete anionic sites on the target cell.  相似文献   

Moderately high molecular weight polycations stimulate arachidonic acid release with concomitant synthesis and release of prostaglandins in cultured 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. We have examined a series of synthetic polycations for prostaglandin synthesis-inducing activity as an approach to defining the structural features required for activity. Extensive (greater than 80%) acetylation of poly(vinylamine) was tolerated without loss of activity, indicating that a uniform high density of charges is not required. However, complete acetylation of poly(vinylamine) abolished activity, indicating that some positive charges are required for activity. full activity was observed for charge densities in the range of one per two to one per six atoms of polymer backbone. Branched and linear polycations activated equally well. Location of the charge with respect to the polymer backbone did not affect activity in polymers bearing charges located up to seven atoms away from the backbone. Polycations lacking primary or secondary amino groups exhibited full activity, indicating that Schiff base formation is not required for activity. These results are consistent with a model in which activation involves electrostatic interactions with discrete anionic sites on the target cell.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on the effects of phenylalanine loading on ribosomal protein phosphorylation in cerebral cortices of infant rats. Administration of L-phenylalanine intraperitoneally, in doses of 1 or 2 mg/g body wt., resulted within 30 min in a significant decrease in incorporation of radioactivity from intracisternally administered [32P]Pi into constitutive ribosomal proteins of the cerebral 40S subunit. This phenomenon was not accompanied by significant variations in 32P uptake into the cerebral cytosol. Incorporation of radioactivity into ribosomal proteins of the cerebral 60S subunit exhibited only minor variations under these circumstances. Alterations in the phosphorylation state of cerebral 40S ribosomal proteins induced by phenylalanine loading involved principally the S6 protein, which exists in multiple states of phosphorylation. The proportions of the more highly phosphorylated congeners of this protein were markedly decreased, as detected by two-dimensional electrophoretograms and autoradiographs of the cerebral 40S ribosomal proteins. Phenylalanine loading also altered the relative extent of phosphorylation of the S6 protein in cerebral polyribosomes and monoribosomes. In control animals, the specific radioactivity of 40S proteins in cerebral polyribosomes was five to ten times that of 40S proteins in the monoribosome population. At 1 h after phenylalanine administration, the specific radioactivities of 40S proteins in the two ribosome populations tended to approach equality. These alterations in ribosomal protein phosphorylation were accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of polyribosomes in purified ribosome preparations isolated from cerebral cortices of phenylalanine-treated infant rats. In animals given the higher dose of phenylalanine (2 mg/g body wt.), subsequent administration of a mixture of seven neutral amino acids, which resulted in partial recovery of polyribosomes, also tended to reverse the changes in ribosomal protein phosphorylation. Variations in the activities of ribonuclease enzymes in the cerebral cytosol were also observed under these conditions. Administration of phenylalanine increased the activities of cerebral ribonucleases, whereas subsequent treatment with the amino acid mixture partly reversed this effect. The results suggest that alterations in cerebral ribosomal protein phosphorylation, ribosome aggregation and ribosome function are interrelated in experimental hyperphenylalaninaemia.  相似文献   

Hyperphenylalaninaemia induced by daily injections of alpha-methylphenylalanine plus phenylalanine caused 20-40% decreases in cerebral dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) and noradrenaline in 7- and 11-day-old rats. alpha-Methylphenylalanine alone as well as phenylalanine alone caused cerebral dopamine depletion. However, the effects were not additive, in that the depletion caused by alpha-methylphenylalanine was greater, not less, than that after treatment with both it and phenylalanine. Increased concentrations of tyrosine in the brain, owing to administered or endogenously formed tyrosine, could overcome the effect of excess phenylalanine on cerebral dopamine content. The fact that the inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by phenylalanine (or alpha-methylphenylalanine) in vitro was overcome by tyrosine concentrations similar to those effective in vivo further implicates the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition as the mechanism underlying the dopamine depletion in hyperphenylalaninaemia. These results provide a theoretical basis for elevation, by tyrosine supplementation, of the cerebral phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio as a possible treatment modality for phenylketonuria.  相似文献   

Effects of acute administration of L-tryptophan (L-TRP. 250.0 mg/kg, i.p.) on active avoidance conditioning and "open-field" behavior were studied in male rats after adrenalectomy of dexamethasone administration. L-TRP inhibited the acquisition and reproduction of active avoidance reaction in adrenalectomized and dexamethasone-treated rats. Moreover, L-TRP decreased horizontal locomotor activity and grooming behavior in the "open field" on adrenalectomized rats. On the contrary, p-CPA restored the active avoidance conditioning in adrenalectomized rats and rats with excess of glucocorticoids. Also, p-CPA increased the total locomotor activity and grooming behavior in the "open field" in adrenalectomized rats, but decreased horizontal locomotor activity and enhanced emotional reaction in dexamethasone-treated rats in the "open field".  相似文献   

Yeast cell viability was evaluated microscopically following exposure to heat shock for 30 min at 53°C. The cells were previously grown in the presence of potential stressors (anticancer drugs;e.g., 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate, cisplatin, bleomycin, mitomycin-C and camptothecin-11). The induction of thermotolerance was documented by significantly increased viability after heat shock. This effect, which was reversed by cycloheximide, was comparable to that observed following exposure to a mild heat stress. These data demonstrate that pretreatment with sub-toxic concentrations of some of the clinically used antineoplastic agents conferres thermotolerance to yeast, possibly through the synthesis of protein components.  相似文献   

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