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A fossil plant discovery from the Price (Pocono) Formation of southeastern West Virginia provides new information on the poorly known compression floras of the Lower Mississippian of North America. The new plant described herein consists of long tapering bipinnate fronds with imbricate basal pinnae, planate apical pinnae, and unlobed, elliptical to obovate pinnules with open dichotomous venation. Veins concentrated in the medial region of the pinnule curve toward the lateral margin, suggestive of an early stage in the evolution of a midrib. Pinnules exhibit a distinctly revolute or otherwise reinforced margin. The exceptional length of some fronds (over 1m) and pinnule size (some over 3cm by 2cm) strongly contrast with the generally diffusely branched fronds and small or highly dissected pinnule morphology that typify Early Mississippian leaf taxa. A new generic assignment, Charbeckia macrophylla, is thereby justified. The rigid appearance of the tapering rachis, the imbricate pinnae that appear to have resisted compression, and the reinforced pinnule margins imply thick evergreen leaves, perhaps adapted for drought tolerance. A possible Calamopityalean affinity is indicated by the size of the fronds and the stout petioles, which fall within the expected size range of the Kalymma-type petiole bases described from the nearby New Albany Shale of Tournaisian age.  相似文献   

The final event of leaf ontogeny in Acacia cornigera is the production of a Beltian body at the tip of each rachis and pinnule. This structure serves as a food source for an ant, Pseudomyrmex ferruginea F. Smith, that lives in a mutualistic relationship with the plant. The mature Beltian body consists of an epidermis, hypodermis, cortex and central vascular bundle. Anatomical and cytohistological comparisons between the shoot apex and leaf ontogeny in A. cornigera and similar developmental aspects of the phyllode of A. longifolia Willd. and of the leaf of A. decurrens var. dealbata F.v.M. indicate that each type of photosynthetic organ is characterized by a different period of longevity of its group of sub-apical initials. The phylogenetic history of Beltian bodies is also discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative development of the narrow pinnules of rheophyticOsmunda lancea and of the broad pinnules of a related dryland species,O. japonica, was examined and the origin of rheophytic stenophylly was discussed. The mature leaves and their various parts ofO. lancea are smaller and narrower than those ofO. japonica. The young pinnules ofO. lancea at the initiation of cell expansion are smaller than those ofO. japonica. The growth pattern of the pinnules is fundamentally the same in the two species, but pinnule growth period is shorter inO. lancea than inO. japonica. While the largest growth rate in pinnule length is quite similar, inO. lancea the pinnules are less elongated and much less broadened during ontogeny. Cell expansion in the mesophyll and epidermis proceeds acropetally and toward the margin along the axes of costules and veins. Although the numbers of mesophyll and epidermal cells between two adjacent veinlets are almost the same inO. lancea andO. japonica, during the subsequent growth period inO. lancea, the cells expand to a smaller extent and the veinlets become more narrowly oblique to the costule. This oblique distortion of laminar segments framed by veins causes stenophylly, an allometric modification. The stenophylly ofO. lancea is believed to have arisen by heterochronic evolution, in particular, progenesis.  相似文献   

The morphology of the fertile pinnules of Fascipteris densata Gu et Zhi have been subjected to a detailed morphological investigation based on recently collected specimens from the Upper Permian of Yunnan Province, south China. These investigations have revealed that this species possesses synangia of the Asterotheca-type, situated in two or three rows either side of the midrib on a Fascipteris-type pinnule. This arrangement of Asterotheca-type synangia is extremely unusual considering that all other reports of this genus are with a single row of synangia located on each side of the midrib of a pecopteroid-type pinnule. As a consequence of this unique morphological arrangement, a new genus, Zhutheca densata Liu, Li et Hilton gen. et comb. nov. has been created to distinguish this material from other specimens of the Asterotheca and Fascipteris types. The structure and arrangement of the fertile pinnule of Zhutheca are compared with other Palaeozoic and Mesozoic marattialean taxa with which it shares certain features of its morphology. In addition, the stratigraphic, evolutionary and phylogenetic significance of Zhutheca are considered in detail.  相似文献   

The efficacy of central neuron L7 to elicit gill pinnule contractions was tested in mature and old Aplysia. The difference in age between groups was no less than 70 days and as much as 150 days. Spike trains in L7 were necessary to elicit pinnule contractions in both age groups. Spike rates of 8 spikes per second and higher elicited pinnule contractions that were significantly smaller in old than in mature animals. Synaptic acitivity in the pinnule muscles innervated by L7 was recorded extracellularly during contractions, and it was significantly less facilitated by spike trains in old as compared to that in mature Aplysia. This suggests that the reduction of facilitated synaptic transmission between L7 and pinnule muscles results in diminished motor neuron function.  相似文献   

Eoangiopteris goodii sp. n. is described from Upper Pennsylvanian coal balls from Ohio (Shade locality) containing isolated pecopterid pinnules approx. 7 × 9 mm that bear up to 20 linear synangia on the lower surface. The synangia extend at right angles from the midrib to the downturned pinnule margins and measure 2.0–3.5 mm in length. Individual synangia are compact and are composed of 10–19 sporangia that have their bases embedded in an elongate parenchymatous pad. In longitudinal section sporangia measure 0.4 × 2.0 mm and have acute elongate, curved apices. Spores average 70 μm in diam and are most similar to the dispersed spore genus Verrucosisporites. Eoangiopteris goodii differs from the generitype E. andrewsii Mamay in its greater size, pinnule histology, and spore type. Sporangium wall complexity and spore type of the two presently known species of Eoangiopteris are considered to be at about the same evolutionary level as the more primitive species of Scolecopteris. Construction of the synangia in Eoangiopteris is different from that of Scolecopteris and indicates that at least two evolutionary lines are recognizable within the Pennsylvanian Marattiales.  相似文献   

Pinnule development was investigated in two fern species, Adiantum raddianum Presl cv. Decorum and Cheilanthes viridis (Forsk.) Swartz, by using clearings to facilitate the recording of mitotic divisions. Both species were found to possess a marginal meristem. This meristem consists of both a marginal row of large initials and a submarginal meristematic zone. The marginal meristem in these ferns is responsible for establishing the layers of the lamina, providing new cells which by enlargement will expand the pinnule, establishing general pinnule form, initiating the procambial stands, and forming the false indusia. The cells of the submarginal meristem were found to divide parallel to the pinnule margin more frequently if they were to become ground tissue, while dividing perpendicular to the margin more frequently if they were to become procambial. Details of vein dichotomies were also studied. Perimeter expansion was found to be associated with dichotomy of the veins, and venation pattern was found to be correlated with leaf form. The marginal meristem is active from the time of pinnule initiation until the pinnule reaches about 50% of its final length or width. Leaf development in leptosporangiate ferns resembles the traditional concept of development in angiosperms somewhat more than it does the more recent concepts. It is clear, though, that there is not a high degree of convergence in the marginal growth of fern and angiosperm leaves.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世晋囊蕨属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chansitheca (Sphenopteris) wudaensis sp. nov. is described based on the materials collected from the Lower Permian Shansi Formation of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China. The frond is small and at least two times pinnate. The pinnule is sphenopteroid. The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule, arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein, elliptic,and composed of 4-10 round sporangia. The indusium is absent. The annulus is transverse and complete, and consists of about 18 thickened cells. The features of the fertile parts, sori, sporangia and annulus and the absence of indusium indicate that the new species belongs to the Gleicheniaceae.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世晋囊蕨属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过扫描电镜研究,建立了内蒙古中部乌达地区下二叠统山西组晋囊蕨诉一个新种Chansitheca wudaensis sp .onv.。新种的小心片Sphenopteris型,囊群椭圆形,由4~10个孢子囊组成,着生一示羽片背面,位于中脉的两侧。环带横列于孢子囊的上部,完全,单排细胞,细胞数目约为18个,这些特征表明新种属于里白科。  相似文献   

In leaves of Pilea cadierei lithocysts, trichomes and hydathodesin the upper epidermis, and lithocysts, trichomes and anomocyticstomata in the lower epidermis are components of a regular distributionpattern in which spacing probably depends upon inhibitory interactionsbetween initial cells during leaf development. Anisocytic stomata,which also occur in the lower epidermis, show a clumped distributionpattern that results from their relatively late formation aftercell division in the epidermis is otherwise complete, and fromthe inhibitory influence of established lithocysts, trichomesand anomocytic stomata. Ordered spacing of anisocytic stomatawithin groups probably results from mutual inhibition betweeninitial cells at the time of inception. Lithocysts associatedwith primary and secondary veins are elongated along the veinaxis. Elsewhere in the leaf lithocyst, orientation is obliquerelative to the midrib and shows a correlation with vein orientationaround the time of lithocysts elongation. Lithocyst, cystolith, trichome, hydathode, stomata, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   

Isolated pinnules of the gill of Aplysia contract when dopamine (DA) is perfused through the bath. The contraction is not blocked by high-Mg2+ seawater, and reflects excitatory receptors for DA on the smooth muscle cells of the gill. The pinnule often shows irregular, spontaneous contractions which are blocked by high-Mg2+ seawater and 30 mM CoCl2. These contractions reflect spontaneous activity of a peripheral nerve plexus. No other transmitter was found to be directly excitatory on the muscle fibers, although there are inhibitory receptors for serotonin (5-HT). Tactile stimulation of the pinnule evoked a two-component contractile reflex contraction due to activation of the peripheral nerve plexus. Acetylcholine, octopamine, and 5-HT but not several other transmitters depressed these responses, presumably due to inhibitory receptors on the neurons of the peripheral plexus.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of arsenic (As) in the tissues of a lesser-known As hyperaccumulating fern Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link var. austroamericana (Domin) Farw. (Pteridaceae) have been studied. Quantitative micro-proton-induced X-ray emission (micro-PIXE) spectroscopy was employed to examine As localization in pinnule and stipe cross-sections of this species. In addition, As hyperaccumulation status of P. calomelanos var. austroamericana was compared with the well-known As hyperaccumulating fern Pteris vittata L. Both species were grown in pots under controlled conditions and exposed to four levels of As (0–500 mg As kg−1) for 20 weeks. Pityrogramma calomelanos var. austroamericana accumulated up to 16 415 mg As kg−1 dry weight (DW), however, phytotoxicity symptoms such as necrotic pinnule tips and margins, appeared in fronds with concentrations >3,008 mg As kg−1 DW. Arsenic was readily translocated to fronds, with concentrations up to 75 times greater in fronds than in roots. Quantitative elemental maps of As generated using micro-PIXE analysis revealed that As concentrations in pinnule cross-sections were higher than in stipe cross-sections with concentrations of 3.7 × 103 and 1.6 × 103 mg As kg−1 DW, respectively (as determined by region selection analysis; RSA). In pinnules, RSA revealed variable concentrations of As, however did not resolve a clear pattern of compartmentalization across different anatomical regions. In stipe tissues, As concentrations followed the order vascular bundle > cortex > epidermis (as determined by RSA). Our results show that P. calomelanos var. austroamericana is an As hyperaccumulator and has the potential for use in phytoremediation of soils with low levels (up to 50 mg kg−1) of As contamination.  相似文献   

山茶属金花茶组金花茶系植物叶表皮形态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在光学显微镜下观察山茶属金花茶组金花茶系25个分类群的叶表皮形态。结果表明:25个分类群的叶上表皮形态结构相似,气孔仅分布于下表皮。下表皮的细胞垂周壁式样和气孔形状在一些种间存在着明显的差异。分布于不同地貌类型的金花茶种类的气孔密度存在显著差异,分布在石灰岩山地的种类的气孔密度在整体上明显高于分布在非石灰岩山地的种类。  相似文献   

More than 50 specimens of permineralized fertile pinnules with abaxially borne sporangia have been discovered in calcareous marine nodules from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) Comox Formation from the Eden Main localities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Isolated pinnules 1.6–3.0 mm wide × 1.6–2.8 mm long are lobed and abaxially enrolled to form irregular globose structures. Pyriform sporangia 216–300 μm wide × 360–468 μm long occur in two rows on the abaxial surface of pinnule lobes. Sporangia have an apical annulus of 15–18 cells. Spores are tetrahedral and trilete, 33–42 μm in diameter, with straight to concave interradial sides, laesurae extending nearly to the equator, and a psilate exine. Spores are assignable to the sporae dispersae genus Deltoidospora. Fertile pinnules are compared to fossils of Anemia poolensis and two previously described species of Paralygodium, and show closest similarities to P. vancouverensis from the Eocene of British Columbia. The Cretaceous Eden Main specimens differ in number of pinnule lobes and their morphology and are described as a new taxon: P. meckertii sp. nov. This discovery extends the Cretaceous geographic range of Paralygodium from Japan to North America and adds to our knowledge of the diversity of extinct schizaeaceous ferns.  相似文献   

李学梅  杨扬  徐成东 《广西植物》2016,36(2):224-230
以铁角蕨属(Asplenium)两种不同植物的孢子体为材料(石生铁角蕨和变异铁角蕨),通过常规形态解剖方法和水分生理指标测定,分析探讨了这两种植物的形态特征与水分生理特点之间的适应性。结果表明:(1)石生铁角蕨和变异铁角蕨相比较,石生铁角蕨叶面积指数较大,叶片更为饱满。(2)两种铁角蕨表皮细胞的垂周壁均为不规则形,分别呈现出深波状或浅波状。(3)两种铁角蕨的气孔器全为下生气孔,且气孔器类型、形状、气孔大小及长宽比都很稳定。但是,二者之间气孔密度有很大差异,而气孔器类型以不规则四细胞型、腋下细胞型和极细胞型为主。(4)木质部维管束均为椭圆形的双柱型管状中柱,中柱内含有管状分子,呈背对月牙形分布,中柱大小约为80μm。(5)维管束内的管状分子次生壁出现不同程度的木质化增厚,以网纹、梯纹、孔纹的形式表现出来,管状分子的直径都较小,变异铁角蕨的木质部管状分子比石生铁角蕨的稍大。(6)石生铁角蕨的自然含水量较低,相对含水量较自然含水量变化较小,束缚水与自由水比值和水势较高。从石生铁角蕨和变异铁角蕨的叶表皮形态、气孔器特征、管状中柱和管状分子特征来看,将二者划分在同一属下是比较合理的。两种植物自然生境不同,其水分生理特征差异明显,但均与各自的形态特征相适应;石生铁角蕨的抗旱性比变异铁角蕨更强。该研究结果可为铁角蕨属植物的系统分类和抗旱性研究提供更多的资料。  相似文献   

麦冬、土麦冬和阔叶土麦冬叶表皮形态结构的观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus(L.f)Ker—Gawl.]、土麦冬(Liriope spicata Lour.)和阔叶土麦冬(L.platyphylla Wanget Tang)叶表皮显微结构、亚显微结构和角质层内表面的形态结构。结果表明,气孔主要分布于麦冬、土麦冬和阔叶土麦冬叶片的下表皮,气孔密度分别为76.4、114.3和99.8个·mm^-2;仅阔叶土麦冬叶片上表皮有少量气孔分布。3种植物的气孔器均不具有副卫细胞,并在叶脉间形成纵向气孔带。表皮细胞长方形,气孔带与非气孔带处表皮细胞的形态和大小差异较明显。麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁具明显瘤状突起,导致气孔下陷;土麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁呈波浪状突起,使气孔相对下陷;阔叶土麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁基本无突起,气孔不下陷。3种植物的叶表皮均有发达的角质层和丰富的蜡质,且蜡质主要分布于下表皮气孔带处。这些结构特征可能与它们所具有的喜阳、耐阴和耐旱等特性有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

在黑龙江省嘉荫县乌云镇古新世乌云植物群中新发现的Woodwardia bureiensis, Dryopteris sp. 和 Osmunda sachalinensis在中国也是新记录。Woodwardia bureiensis Fedotov与其他种的主要区别是小羽片排列紧密且边缘彼此靠合。Osmunda sachalinensis小羽片基部宽楔, 而以前乌云植物群所报道的Osmunda greenlandica小羽片基部平展。  相似文献   

Species status cannot be adequately determined when partitions are based on only a single morphological character. For instance, the sympatry of plants with broad and narrow pinnules in the fern Asplenium hookerianum sensu lato from New Zealand creates the impression that two entities are present. The narrow-pinnuled plants are sometimes segregated as a distinct species, A. colensoi. However, this variation in pinnule morphology could equally be infraspecific, and only additional data can resolve this uncertainty. Analyses using AFLP DNA-fingerprinting and DNA sequencing of the chloroplast trnL-trnF region indicate that genetic variation in A. hookerianum sensu lato is not concordant with pinnule morphology. Consequently, the recognition of A. colensoi is not supported.  相似文献   

An electronic flash unit is used to deliver, at the beginning of a 10 min dark period and within a few ms, large doses of light to Albizzia julibrissin pinnules, to ascertain their effects on the rate of pinnule closing. In a series of alternating light flashes at 710 and 550 nm, the first 710 nm light flash significantly retards closing. A following light flash at 550 nm negates the far-red induced delay. The second 710 nm light flash delays closing less effectively than the first when given within 4 s after the green flash, but is just as effective when given after 30 s. The delay brought about by the second 710 nm light flash is again abolished by a light flash at 550 nm. A light flash at 660 nm has no effect on pinnule closing by itself and is also ineffective in reversing the far-red induced delay. A series of ten 710 nm light flashes becomes most effective in delaying closure when there is a dark interval of one min between flashes. The closing delay induced by a 710 nm light flash escapes reversal by a 550 nm light flash when the dark interval between the two flashes exceeds 2–3 min. A 750 nm light flash has no retarding effect on pinnule closing, but it becomes effective when preceded by a 660 nm or 550 nm light flash. The results obtained are suggested to be due to light absorbed by phytochrome and an unknown photoreceptor with green, far-red photoreversal property.  相似文献   

以藏东南色季拉山9个不同海拔梯度的薄毛海绵杜鹃(Rhododendron aganniphum var.schizopeplum)叶片为试验材料,采用石蜡切片技术,测定10项叶片解剖结构指标,应用叶片解剖结构指标的可塑性指数和相关性分析方法探索薄毛海绵杜鹃对藏东南色季拉山强紫外辐射和高寒环境的适应性。结果表明:(1)薄毛海绵杜鹃叶片为异面叶,上表皮有明显的角质层,下表皮有表皮毛,栅栏组织细胞2~3层。(2)随着海拔的升高,叶片角质层厚度、上下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度呈现明显增大趋势,而组织结构紧密度和疏松度变化不显著,主脉突起度呈现下降趋势。(3)各项叶片解剖结构指标的可塑性指数显示,薄毛海绵杜鹃在解剖结构上表现出较小的可塑性,对外界环境的适应能力较弱。(4)依据薄毛海绵杜鹃各项叶片解剖结构指标的相关性分析结果,除海绵组织厚度与栅栏组织厚度、下表皮厚度与上角质层厚度之间相关性不显著外,其余各指标之间均呈显著相关关系,且叶片的解剖结构指标方面也存在明显的协同进化现象。研究发现,藏东南色季拉山薄毛海绵杜鹃通过增加叶片角质层厚度、表皮厚度和叶肉厚度等解剖结构指标的方式增强对外界极端环境的适应能力,从而有利于其在恶劣的高山生境下生存繁衍,使该物种成为生态位理论中的广幅种。  相似文献   

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