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Anion-sensitive, h-pumping ATPase in membrane vesicles from oat roots   总被引:2,自引:18,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
H+-pumping ATPases were detected in microsomal vesicles of oat (Avena sativa L. var Lang) roots using [14C]methylamine distribution or quinacrine fluorescent quenching. Methylamine (MeA) accumulation into vesicles and quinacrine quench were specifically dependent on Mg,ATP. Both activities reflected formation of a proton gradient (ΔpH) (acid inside) as carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, nigericin (in the presence of K+), or gramicidin decreased MeA uptake or increased quinacrine fluorescence. The properties of H+ pumping as measured by MeA uptake were characterized. The Kmapp for ATP was about 0.1 millimolar. Mg,GTP and Mg, pyrophosphate were 19% and 30% as effective as Mg,ATP. MeA uptake was inhibited by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and was mostly insensitive to oligomycin, vanadate, or copper. ATP-dependent MeA was stimulated by anions with decreasing order of potency of Cl > Br > NO3 > SO42−, iminodiacetate, benzene sulfonate. Anion stimulation of H+ pumping was caused in part by the ability of permeant anions to dissipate the electrical potential and in part by a specific requirement of Cl by a H+ -pumping ATPase. A pH gradient, probably caused by a Donnan potential, could be dissipated by K+ in the presence or absence of ATP. MeA uptake was enriched in vesicles of relatively low density and showed a parallel distribution with vanadate-insensitive ATPase activity on a continuous dextran gradient. ΔpH as measured by quinacrine quench was partially vanadate-sensitive. These results show that plant membranes have at least two types of H+ -pumping ATPases. One is vanadate-sensitive and probably enriched in the plasma membrane. One is vanadate-resistant, anion-sensitive and has many properties characteristic of a vacuolar ATPase. These results are consistent with the presence of electrogenic H+ pumps at the plasma membrane and tonoplast of higher plant cells.  相似文献   

Potential-dependent anion movement into tonoplast vesicles from oat roots (Avena sativa L. var Lang) was monitored as dissipation of membrane potentials (Δψ) using the fluorescence probe Oxonol V. The potentials (positive inside) were generated with the H+-pumping pyrophosphatase, which is K+ stimulated and anion insensitive. The relative rate of ΔΨ dissipation by anions was used to estimate the relative permeabilities of the anions. In decreasing order they were: SCN (100) > NO3 (72) = Cl (70) > Br (62) > SO42− (5) = H2PO4 (5) > malate (3) = acetate (3) > iminodiacetate (2). Kinetic studies showed that the rate of Δψ dissipation by Cl and NO3, but not by SCN, was saturable. The Km values for Cl and NO3 uptake were about 2.3 and 5 millimolar, respectively, suggesting these anions move into the vacuole through proteinaceous porters. In contrast to a H+-coupled Cl transporter on the same vesicles, the potential-dependent Cl transport was insensitive to 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbene disulfonate. These results suggest the existence of at least two different mechanisms for Cl transport in these vesicles. The potentials generated by the H+-translocating ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase were nonadditive, giving support to the model that both pumps are on tonoplast vesicles. No evidence for a putative Cl conductance on the anion-sensitive H+-ATPase was found.  相似文献   

The effect of a low molecular size (<5 KDa) humic fraction, essentially fulvic acids, on microsomal and tonoplast ion-stimulated ATPase activity was studied. After 20 min of pre-incubation with microsomal vesicles from oat roots, humic substances at organic C concentration of up to 0.5 μg cm-3 increased KCl-stimulated ATPase activity, while they inhibited enzyme activity at higher concentrations. Cl--stimulated ATPase activity of tightly sealed tonoplast-enriched vesicles was similarly affected by <5 KDa humic substances. This behaviour was not observed when gramicidin D was added to the assay medium. Proton transport by vesicles incubated up to 5 min with <5 KDa humic molecules was affected in a concentration-dependent manner, strongly resembling that observed for ATP hydrolysis, whereas it was severely reduced when the assay conditions were close to those used for measuring ATP hydrolysis (20 min pre-incubation of vesicles with humic substances). The transmembrane electrical potential was negatively affected, irrespective of the concentration of humic molecules. Furthermore, a 15-min pre-incubation strongly reduced the formation of a potential gradient. The size and concentrations of humic substances employed make an interaction with the vacuolar membrane of root cells plausible. The results show that the main target of humic molecules is the electrical membrane potential and suggest a possible way of interference of these naturally occurring substances with the biochemical mechanisms involved in plant mineral nutrition.  相似文献   

The plant vacuole has long been suspected of being a site for accumulation of Ni in plant roots, but testing this hypothesis directly by vacuole isolation is technically difficult and has not been reported. Here, we have attempted to determine if Ni can be transported into isolated oat (Avena sativa L.) root tonoplast vesicles as an alternative approach toward understanding the importance of the vacuole in Ni accumulation in roots. We found that, in contrast to Ca and Cd, Ni did not affect the proton gradient of vesicles (MgATP energized or artificially created), and further, that Cd/H antiport activity was not affected by the presence of Ni. Nickel was associated with vesicles, but relative rates of accumulation/association of metals with vesicles were Ca > Cd Ni. Protonophores and the potential Ni ligands citrate and histidine, and nucleoside triphosphates or PPi did not stimulate Ni association with vesicles. Comparison of Ni versus Ca and Cd associated with vesicles using various membrane perturbants indicated that while Ca and Cd are rapidly and principally antiported to the vesicle sap, Ni is only slowly associated with the membrane in a not-easily dissociated condition. Our results indicate the absence of an Ni/H antiport or Ni-nucleotide-dependent pump in oat root tonoplasts, and support the contention that the vacuole is not a major compartment for Ni accumulation in oat roots. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 July 1997  相似文献   

Microsomal vesicles of oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang) were separated with a linear dextran (0.5-10%, w/w) or sucrose (25-45%, w/w) gradient to determine the types and membrane identity of proton-pumping ATPases associated with plant membranes. ATPase activity stimulated by the H+/K+ exchange ionophore nigericin exhibited two peaks of activity on a linear dextran gradient. ATPase activities or ATP-generated membrane potential (inside positive), monitored by SCN distribution, included a vanadate-insensitive and a vanadate-sensitive component. In a previous communication, we reported that ATP-dependent pH gradient formation (acid inside), monitored by quinacrine fluorescence quenching, was also partially inhibited by vanadate (Churchill and Sze 1983 Plant Physiol 71: 610-617). Here we show that the vanadate-insensitive, electrogenic ATPase activity was enriched in the low density vesicles (1-4% dextran or 25-32% sucrose) while the vanadate-sensitive activity was enriched at 4% to 7% dextran or 32% to 37% sucrose. The low-density ATPase was stimulated by Cl and inhibited by NO3 or 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbene disulfonic acid (DIDS). The distribution of Cl-stimulated ATPase activity in a linear dextran gradient correlated with the distribution of H+ pumping into vesicles as monitored by [14C]methylamine accumulation. The vanadate-inhibited ATPase was mostly insensitive to anions or DIDS and stimulated by K+. These results show that microsomal vesicles of plant tissues have at least two types of electrogenic, proton-pumping ATPases. The vanadate-insensitive and Cl-stimulated, H+-pumping ATPase may be enriched in vacuolar-type membranes; the H+-pumping ATPase that is stimulated by K+ and inhibited by vanadate is most likely associated with plasma membrane-type vesicles.  相似文献   

Higher plant cells have one or more vacuoles important for maintaining cell turgor and for the transport and storage of ions and metabolites. One driving force for solute transport across the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) is provided by an ATP-dependent electrogenic H+ pump. The tonoplast H+-pumping ATPase from oat roots has been solubilized with Triton X-100 and purified 16-fold by Sepharose 4B chromatography. The partially purified enzyme was sensitive to the same inhibitors (N-ethylmaleimide, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbene disulfonic acid, and NO-3) as the native membrane-bound enzyme. The partially purified enzyme was stimulated by Cl- (Km(app) = 1.0 mM) and hydrolyzed ATP with a Km(app) of 0.25 mM. Thus, the partially purified tonoplast ATPase has retained the properties of the native membrane-bound enzyme. [14C]DCCD labeled a single polypeptide (14-18 kDa) in the purified tonoplast ATPase preparation. Two major polypeptides, 72 and 60 kDa, that copurified with the ATPase activity and the 14-18-kDa DCCD-binding peptide are postulated to be subunits of a holoenzyme of 300-600 kDa (estimated by gel filtration). Despite several catalytic similarities with the mitochondrial H+-ATPase, the major polypeptides of the tonoplast ATPase differed in mass from the alpha and beta subunits (58 and 55 kDa) and the [14C] DCCD-binding proteolipid (8 kDa) of the oat F1F0-ATPase.  相似文献   

Peripheral and integral subunits of the tonoplast H+-ATPase from oat roots   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The subunit organization of the tonoplast H+-pumping ATPase from oat roots (Avena sativa L. var. Lang) was investigated. Tonoplast vesicles were treated with low ionic strength solutions (0.1 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid buffer or 0.1 mM Na EDTA), carbonate, or a chaotropic reagent (KI), and then centrifuged to give a soluble fraction and a pellet. Treatments with low ionic strength solutions or KI resulted in 70-80% reduction in the membrane-associated ATPase activity, but did not affect the K+-stimulated pyrophosphatase activity. Polypeptides of 72, 60, and 41 kDa were solubilized from tonoplast vesicles by these wash treatments. These polypeptides reacted with polyclonal antibodies against the holoenzyme of tonoplast ATPase (anti-ATPase) and copurified with the tonoplast ATPase activity during gel filtration chromatography (Sepharose CL-6B). Mono-specific antibody against the 72- or 60-kDa polypeptide reacted with the solubilized 72- or 60-kDa polypeptide, respectively. However, the N,N-[14C]dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding 16-kDa polypeptide and a 13-kDa polypeptide that also reacted with anti-ATPase and copurified with the tonoplast ATPase activity during gel filtration remained in the pellets after the wash treatments. We conclude that the 72- and 60-kDa polypeptides appear to be peripheral subunits of the tonoplast ATPase and that the 16-kDa polypeptide is probably embedded in the membrane bilayer. Additional subunits of the ATPase complex may include a 41-kDa (peripheral) and a 13-kDa (integral) polypeptide. Based on these results, a working model of the tonoplast ATPase analogous to the F1F0-ATPase is proposed.  相似文献   

Sze H  Hodges TK 《Plant physiology》1976,58(3):304-308
The passive influx and efflux of inorganic ions across plasma membrane vesicles purified from extracts of Avena sativa roots were investigated. Uptake was measured by incubating the vesicles in a radioisotope for various times. The “loaded” vesicles were separated from the external solution by gel filtration. Efflux was measured by dialyzing the preloaded vesicles.  相似文献   

Hans Peter Getz 《Planta》1991,185(2):261-268
Sucrose uptake into tonoplast vesicles, which were prepared from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vacuoles isolated by two different methods, was stimulated by MgATP. Using the same medium as for osmotic disruption of vacuoles, membrane vesicles were prepared from tissue homogenates of dormant red beet roots and separated by high-speed centrifugation through a discontinuous dextran gradient. A low-density microsomal fraction highly enriched in tonoplast vesicles could be further purified from contaminating ER vesicles by inclusion of 5 mM MgCl2 in the homogenization medium. These vesicles were able to transport sucrose in an ATP-dependent manner against a concentration gradient, whereas vesicles from regions of other densities lacked this feature, indicating that ATP stimulation of sucrose uptake took place only at the tonoplast membrane. Sucrose uptake was optimal at pH 7 in the presence of MgATP and could be stimulated by superimposed pH gradients (vesicle interior acidic) in the absence of MgATP, which is consistent with the operation of a sucrose/H+-antiporter at the tonoplast. Tonoplast vesicles, obtained in high yield from tissue homogenates of red beet roots, exhibited sugar-uptake characteristics comparable to those of intact vacuoles; these characteristics included similarities in K m (1.7 mM), sensitivity to inhibitors and specificity for sucrose.Many experiments were carried out at the Experiment Station of the HSPA, Aiea, Hawaii and financed by an NSF grant to Dr. Maretzki and Mrs. M. Thom.  相似文献   

Oat root tonoplast vesicles were used to determine if tonoplast transport of the divalent cations Zn and Mn occurs via an antiport mechanism, like that described for Ca and Cd. Also, inhibitors reported to affect Ca transport were tested for their effects on Cd versus Ca transport and tonoplast ATPase activity. The ability of Ca, Cd, Zn, and Mn to alter the proton gradient was monitored using both the fluorescent probe acridine orange and C-methylamine accumulation. After the proton gradient was established in MgATP-energized vesicles, addition of Ca, Cd, and Zn to the reaction restored the fluorescence of acridine orange, indicating dissipation of the proton gradient. Fluorescence recovery was linearly correlated with metal concentration and followed the order Ca>Cd≧Zn. Addition of Mn did not restore the fluorescence of acridine orange. All four ions released C-methylamine from MgATP-energized vesicles in an ion-concentration-dependent manner, and with relative initial rates in the order of Ca>Cd>Zn>Mn. The observed ion-concentration-dependent release of protons from sealed vesicles suggests that Zn and Mn, like Ca and Cd, can be antiported into the plant vacuole. In an effort to assess whether Ca and Cd use the same carrier, we tested the effects of verapamil, Do-Tea-Br, nifedipine, ruthenium red, and LaCl2 on Ca versus Cd transport, and also on MgATPase activity. These compounds are shown to alter Ca transport in plants. Although some of the inhibitors had a negative effect on MgMAPase activity, the decrease in this activity did not account for the decrease in Ca or Cd transport observed in any case. Particularly verapamil had a much greater effect on Ca transport than Cd transport activity while not inhibiting ATPase substantially. Data presented provide evidence for Zn and Mn antiport activity in oat root tonoplast and show differences in responses of Ca and Cd antiport activities to several transport inhibitors.  相似文献   

The proton pumping activity of the tonoplast (vacuolar membrane) H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) has been studied on a tonoplast-enriched microsomal fraction and on intact vacuoles isolated from a heterotrophic cell suspension culture of Chenopodium rubrum L. in the presence of the lysosphingolipids D-sphingosine, psychosine (galactosylsphingosine) and lysosulfatide (sulfogalactosyl-sphingosine). Sphingosine strongly stimulates (Ka= 0.16 μ M ) the PPase activity, assayed both as ΔpH formation across the tonoplast vesicle membrane, and as reversible clamp current measured by the whole-vacuolar mode of the patch-clamp technique. Psychosine showed a minor, and lysosulfatide no stimulatory effect. No effect upon the ATPase activity has been observed. No sphingosine-induced change could be observed in the affinity of the PPase for its substrate (apparent Km= 10 μ M MgPPi). We tentatively conclude that sphingosine, which is known as a potent inhibitor of the protein kinase C in animal cells, may be a regulator of the plant vacuolar PPase.  相似文献   

Sodium/proton antiporter activity in the plasma membrane and tonoplast of cucumber seedling roots treated with 200 mM NaCl for 24 h was determined. It was observed that plasma membrane and tonoplast antiporter activity was only present in membranes from salt-treated plants. In addition, the plasma membrane antiporter protein was present in membranes after induction with NaCl, whereas tonoplast antiporter protein was observed in control and at elevated level in NaCl-treated plants. Moreover, based on the affinity of studied antiporter proteins to sodium ions, it could be assumed that excess sodium ions are firstly translocated from the cytosol to the vacuole and then excluded to the apoplast through the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In plant cells, transient changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels can modulate numerous developmental processes. Ca2+ is accumulated in the vacuole via a H+/Ca2+ antiport system that is energized by the tonoplast H+-pumping ATPase. Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3), but not inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, myo-inositol 1-phosphate, or fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, caused a transient reduction of Ca2+ levels in tonoplast vesicles. The decrease was dependent on InsP3 concentration (Km apparent = 0.6 microM). The InsP3-induced Ca2+ release was blocked by the Ca2+ antagonist, 8-(N,N-diethylamino)-octyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate-HCl. These results suggest that the vacuolar membrane is one target site for InsP3 action and that InsP3 may operate as a second messenger in the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ in plant cells.  相似文献   

Isolation of tonoplast vesicles from tobacco protoplasts   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Vacuoles were isolated from protoplasts of Nicotiana glutinosa by the method of Mettler and Leonard (Plant Physiol 1979 64: 1114-1120) with minor modifications so that the number of intact protoplasts contaminating the vacuole preparation was reduced to less than 1% (by number). Isopycnic centrifugation of a [3H]choline-labeled, sonicated vacuole preparation on linear 5 to 40% sucrose gradients indicated that tonoplast vesicles equilibrated at a density of about 1.12 grams per cubic centimeter. When tonoplast vesicles were isolated on discontinuous sucrose density gradients substrate specific ATPase activity was not found to be associated with this membrane fraction. These results are discussed in terms of the energetics of ion transport through the tonoplast membrane.  相似文献   

ATP-induced sucrose efflux from red-beet tonoplast vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Echeverría E  Gonzalez PC 《Planta》2000,211(1):77-84
 Sucrose efflux from the vacuole of mobilizing red-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hypocotyl cells was investigated using purified tonoplast vesicles. Tonoplast vesicle purity was assured by the immunoreactivity to antibodies raised against the vacuolar ATPase and by the strong inhibition exhibited by the H+-ATPase to bafilomycin-A and NO3 . Inhibition of the H+-ATPase by vanadate and azide was negligible. Sucrose was loaded into tonoplast vesicles by using the pH-jump method of energization. Addition of ATP to sucrose-loaded vesicles in the presence of bafilomycin-A resulted in efflux of a significant amount of sucrose. During ATP-induced sucrose efflux, bafilomycin-insensitive ATPase activity increased significantly with no increase in H+-translocating activity. The additional bafilomycin-A insensitive ATPase activity observed in sucrose-loaded vesicles was completely inhibited by vanadate as was the efflux of sucrose. Similar to vanadate, thapsigargin was also inhibitory to sucrose efflux and to the bafilomycin-A insensitive ATPase activity. The data indicate that vacuolar sucrose can be actively mobilized by a specific ATP-dependent efflux mechanism. Received: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 18 November 1999  相似文献   

Bernard Marin 《Planta》1983,157(4):324-330
The function of the Mg-dependent ATPase of Hevea tonoplast in active proton transport was investigated by using a purified tonoplast fraction containing tightly sealed vesicles. In the used experimental conditions, the uptake of [14C]triphenylmethyl-phosphonium ion ([14C]TPMP+) and [3H]tetraphenyl-phosphonium ion ([3H]TPP+) by the vesicles indicated a transmembrane potential difference, negative inside. In parallel, the uptake of [14C]methylamine into the vesicles monitored a transmembrane pH gradient, interior acid. The addition of 5 mM Mg-ATP markedly depolarized the membrane and increased the magnitude of trnasmembrane pH gradient. These ATP-driven events were substrate specific for Mg-ATP. They were strongly inhibited by ATPase inhibitors such as N, N′-dicyclohexylcar-bodiimide. They were completely eliminated by proton conductors such as carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone and 5-chloro-3-tert-butyl-2′-chloro-4-nitro-salicylanilide. They depended on the pH of the medium, the maximum being reached at about pH 7.0. These data provide in vitro evidence that the Mg-ATPase localized at tonoplast level is an electrogenic pump. They are consistent with the hypothesis that an electrogenic H+ pump is catalyzed by the tonoplast ATPase of higher plants.  相似文献   

Electrical potential changes in pure synaptic vesicles from Torpedo californica were monitored with the fluorescent dye 3,3'-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide. Vesicles resuspended in variable external sodium ion in the presence of gramicidin established sodium ion membrane diffusion potentials. Vesicles resuspended in choline or acetylcholine chloride became hyperpolarized upon addition of gramicidin. Hyperpolarization was subsequently partially reversed spontaneously by choline or acetylcholine influx, which was confirmed by gel filtration, to yield a new, less negative, stable membrane potential. Thus, acetylcholine and choline are taken up electrogenically by synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Kuo SY  Pan RL 《Plant physiology》1990,93(3):1128-1133
Tonoplast membrane of etiolated mung bean (Vinga radiata. L.) seedlings contained H+-translocating pyrophosphatase (PPase). Modification of tonoplast vesicles and partially purified PPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings with arginine-specific reagents, phenylglyoxal (PGO) and 2,3-butanedione (BD), resulted in a marked decline in H+-translocating PPase activity. The half-maximal inhibition was brought about by 20 millimolar PGO and 50 millimolar BD for membrane bound and 1.5 millimolar PGO and 5.0 millimolar BD for soluble PPase, respectively. The substrate, Mg2+-pyrophosphate, provided partial protection against inactivation by these reagents. Loss of activity of partially purified PPase followed pseudo-first order kinetics. The double logarithm plots of pseudo-first order rate constant versus reagent concentrations gave slopes of 0.88 (PGO) and 0.90 (BD), respectively, suggesting that the inactivation may possibly result from reaction of at least one arginyl residue at the active site of H+-translocating PPase.  相似文献   

The effects of anions on inorganicpyrophosphate-dependent H+-transport in isolated tonoplast vesicles from oat (Avena sativa L.) roots were determined. Both fluorescent and radioactive probes were used to measure formation of pH gradients and membrane potential in the vesicles. Pyrophosphate hydrolysis by the H+-translocating pyrophosphatase was unaffected by anions. Nonetheless, some anions (Cl-, Br- and NO3-) stimulated H+-transport while others (malate, and iminodiacetate) did not. These differential effects were abolished when the membrane potential was clamped at zero mV using potassium and valinomycin. Stimulation of H+-transport by Cl- showed saturation kinetics whereas that by NO3- consisted of both a saturable component and a linear phase. For Cl- and NO3-, the saturable phase had a K m of about 2 mol·m-3. The anions that stimulated H+-transport also dissipated the membrane potential (.) generated by the pyrophosphatase. It is suggested that the stimulatory anions cross the tonoplast in response to the positive generated by the pyrophosphatase, causing dissipation of and stimulation of pH, as expected by the chemiosmotic hypothesis. The work is discussed in relation to recent studies of the effects of anions on ATP-dependent H+-transport at the tonoplast, and its relevance to anion accumulation in the vacuole in vivo is considered.Abbreviations and symools BTP 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)-methylamino]-propane - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulphonic acid - IDA iminodiacetate - membrane potential - pH pH gradient - PPase inorganic pyrophosphatase - PPi morganic pyrophosphate  相似文献   

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