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Summary Pink-flowered tubular Penstemon roseus (Plantaginaceae), which has shifted partially to hummingbird pollination, blooms on high-elevation slopes in the mountains in Tlaxcala, Mexico. We studied the interactions between pollinator visitation rates to flowers, pollen removal and deposition, flower size, and nectar removal frequency on seed production in P. roseus. We combine observational and experimental studies in two contrasting natural populations. Our manual pollinations revealed that P. roseus is fully self-compatible. Autonomous self- and manual self-pollinated flowers matured as many seeds as when outcrossed, but outcrossing seems to become better than selfing as the flowering season progressed. Early in the season flowers that were bagged and hand-selfed, hand-outcrossed, or autonomously selfed, or unbagged and naturally pollinated had equal seed set in all four treatments. But later in the season, outcross pollen gave approximately twice as much seed set as the two self-treatments. Low levels of pollen receipt and pollen removal were consistent with the long time elapsed for a given plant to be visited by hummingbirds, which suggests pollen shortage in both sites. Despite differences in pollinator visitation rates to flowers, probability of flower visitation, removal and deposition of pollen, and nectar production rates between populations, we found that total nectar production had no effect on seed production at either site. The daily nectar secretion rate of 0.3–0.65 mg sugar per flower per 1–3 days was low relative to other hummingbird-adapted Penstemon species (typical range: 1.5–5 mg sugar per flower), and it might be intermediate between hummingbird- and bee-adapted Penstemon flowers. Our results support the hypothesis about a shift toward hummingbird pollination, and provide an example of a ‘despecialized’ Penstemon species, which attracts high-energy pollinators (hummingbirds) and profits from outcrossing, but retains bee-syndrome floral traits and low sugar production rates.  相似文献   

Nectary depth in Aconitum columbianum Nutt. in T. & G. shows little variation within populations but much continuous variation among populations. Mean nectary depth in populations studied ranges from 3.4 mm (SD = ±0.32) to 9.4 mm (SD = ±0.75). Correlations of nectary depths with the foraging behaviors and tongue lengths of bees visiting A. columbianum flowers indicate that populations with shallow nectaries are adapted to pollination by both short- and long-tongued bees. Bumblebee species with short tongues are not usually pollinators of flowers in populations with deep nectaries. Nectary depth is geographically correlated in California, and populations over large areas have similar nectary depths. Nectary depth is also correlated with bulbifery. Bulbiferous plants have strictly shallow nectaries, and are confined to two regions near the western extreme of the range of A. columbianum. The range of bulbiferous Aconitum in California is contiguous with the range of non-bulbiferous populations with shallow nectaries.  相似文献   

Three southern Spanish populations of Helleborusfoetidus L. (Ranunculaceae) were sampled for nectar content in the absence of nectarivorous flower visitors. Nectar volume was measured in individual nectaries of flowers at the same stage in the anthesis cycle. Total nectar content per flower was extremely variable between plants within populations and between flowers within plants, but much less so between populations. Average sugar content per flower was roughly similar in the three populations sampled. High variances in nectar abundance occurred also among nectaries within the same flower. Heterogeneity in pollinator rewards thus occurs simultaneously at several spatial scales, namely between nectaries, between flowers and between plants. This implies a strong component of uncertainty to foraging pollinators, which may therefore tend to avoid Helleborus flowers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Floral nectaries and nectar features were compared between six Argentinian Ipomoea species with differences in their pollinator guilds: I. alba, I. rubriflora, I. cairica, I. hieronymi var. hieronymi, I. indica, and I. purpurea. METHODS: Pollinators were recorded in natural populations. The morpho-anatomical study was carried out through scanning electron and light microscopy. Nectar sugars were identified via gas chromatography. Nectar production and the effect of its removal on total nectar sugar amount were determined by using sets of bagged flowers. KEY RESULTS: Hymenopterans were visitors of most species, while hummingbirds visited I. rubriflora and sphingids I. alba. All the species had a vascularized discoidal nectary surrounding the ovary base with numerous open stomata with a species-specific distribution. All nectar samples contained amino acids and sugars. Most species had sucrose-dominant nectars. Flowers lasted a few hours. Mean nectar sugar concentration throughout the lifetime of the flower ranged from 34.28 to 39.42 %, except for I. cairica (49.25 %) and I. rubriflora (25.18 %). Ipomoea alba had the highest nectar volume secreted per flower (50.12 microL), while in the other taxa it ranged from 2.42 to 12.00 microL. Nectar secretion began as soon as the flowers opened and lasted for a few hours (in I. purpurea, I. rubriflora) or it was continuous during the lifetime of the flower (in the remaining species). There was an increase of total sugar production after removals in I. cairica, I. indica and I. purpurea, whereas in I. alba and I. rubriflora removals had no effect, and in I. hieronymi there was a decrease in total sugar production. CONCLUSIONS: The chemical composition, production dynamics and removal effects of nectar could not be related to the pollinator guild of these species. Flower length was correlated with nectary size and total volume of nectar secreted, suggesting that structural constraints may play a major role in the determination of nectar traits of these species.  相似文献   

Factors that contribute to variation in nectar sugar composition, nectar concentration and volume have been a central concern in studies of pollinator assemblages in angiosperms. In an effort to better understand the mechanisms underlying variation in nectar traits, we designed a series of experiments with flowering Helleborus foetidus individuals under natural and glasshouse conditions, to identify intraplant variation in nectar traits which depend on both intrinsic (sexual phases of individual flowers) and external (pollinator visits and plant growth conditions) factors. The results showed that nectar volume, sugar composition and concentration in Helleborus foetidus varied between floral sexual phases, environmental growing conditions, and levels of flower exposure to pollinator visits. Processes of mate-limitation in male reproductive success or pollen-limitation in female success, as well as flower protogyny and holocrine secretion of nectaries may be involved in nectar variability between floral phases. By comparing different environments we observed that nectar volume and concentration at the nectary and flower level were plastic traits sensitive to external conditions, emphasizing responsiveness to environmental changes and a consequent plasticity in nectar traits such as sugar concentration and volume. Nectar sugar composition did not respond to different growing conditions, suggesting that this is an intrinsic characteristic of this species, but pollinator exposure produced significant changes in the nectar of single nectaries, particularly in the sucrose-fructose balance. Future research on nectar ecology and nectar chemistry will need to consider that nectar traits exhibit different kinds of variation at the intraplant level and under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Floral nectar sugar composition, nectary anatomy, and visitors are studied in five Argentine Orchidaceae, from 18 populations. Hand-pollinations were performed to evaluate their breeding system. We found two different types of perigonal nectaries located either in the spur (Habenaria gouriieana, H. hieronymi, Habenariinae), or in the basal lateral parts of the labellum (Beadlea dutraei, Pelexia bonariensis, Stenorrhynchos orchioides, Spiranthinae). The spur ofHabenaria is a nonvascularised and nonstructural nectary. The inner epidermis bears one-celled long papillae. In bud stage, the papillae are filled with starch grains, but when the flower opens and nectar secretion starts, they show no starch grains. This fact may indicate that starch is a source for some of the secreted nectar. In the remainder genera, the lateral basal parts of the labellum are secretory. The two glands are located in the adaxial basal lateral faces of the labellum. These nectaries are structural and nonvascularised.Stenorrhynchos produces abundant, concentrated nectar (40–50%).Habenaria gourlieana accumulates copious nectar in a lower concentration (<20%), whereas the other species produce small quantities of concentrated nectar (ca. 50%). Three of the studied species have sucrose predominant nectar (Beadlea dutrael, Habenaria gourlieana, andPelexia bonariensis) whileH. hieronymi, Stenorrhynchos orchioides have hexose predominant ones. Nectar removal and/or pollination induce flower senescence.H. gouriieana is visited by sphingids,S. orchioides by hummingbirds, andB. dutrael by bees. For the two other species we did not record flower visitors.Pelexia bonariensis, B. dutrael, andS. orchiodes are self-compatible species but a pollinator is needed.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

Inga species present brush‐type flower morphology allowing them to be visited by distinct groups of pollinators. Nectar features in relation to the main pollinators have seldom been studied in this genus. To test the hypothesis of floral adaptation to both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, we studied the pollination ecology of Inga sessilis, with emphasis on the nectar secretion patterns, effects of sequential removals on nectar production, sugar composition and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in its reproductive success. Inga sessilis is self‐incompatible and pollinated by hummingbirds, hawkmoths and bats. Fruit set under natural conditions is very low despite the fact that most stigmas receive polyads with sufficient pollen to fertilise all ovules in a flower. Nectar secretion starts in the bud stage and flowers continually secreting nectar for a period of 8 h. Flowers actively reabsorbed the nectar a few hours before senescence. Sugar production increased after nectar removal, especially when flowers were drained during the night. Nectar sugar composition changed over flower life span, from sucrose‐dominant (just after flower opening, when hummingbirds were the main visitors) to hexose‐rich (throughout the night, when bats and hawkmoths were the main visitors). Diurnal pollinators contributed less than nocturnal ones to fruit production, but the former were more constant and reliable visitors through time. Our results indicate I. sessilis has floral adaptations, beyond the morphology, that encompass both diurnal and nocturnal pollinator requirements, suggesting a complementary and mixed pollination system.  相似文献   

An account is given of the flower of Echium plantagineum in south-eastern Australia, including stages and timing of flowering, behaviour of raindrops in the flower and aspects of floral microclimate. The concentration of nectar solutes varied with time and site, with means varying from 2 to 62% (as g sucrose/100 g solution). There was a significant negative correlation between nectar solute concentration and ambient relative humidity: the drier the air, the more concentrated the nectar. Rates of nectar secretion per flower varied with the bagging method, with long-term bagging reducing net secretion rates, possibly because of re-absorption. Rates varied with time, day and site, with a temporal pattern of change suggesting a link between rates of photosynthesis and secretion. Maximum nectar secretion rates in short-term bagging experiments were ca. 300 μg sugar/flower/hr (equivalent to > 2 mglflower/24 hr). Secretion rate was correlated with flower density. As flower density increased, secretion rate per flower decreased; rate of sugar production per unit area increased relatively more slowly than flower density. E. plantagineum could produce > 500 mg sugar/m2/day. Honeybees foraged on E. plantagineum only at ambient air temperatures above ca. 17°C unless irradiance exceeded ca. 750 W m-2. Foragers collected nectar or pollen alone, or both, with the type of visit significantly correlated with nectar solute concentration. Below 35% (as g sucrose/100 g solution) most bees took pollen only; above 40%, most took nectar. Mean standing crop of nectar was generally < 100 μg/flower when most bees were taking nectar, but could exceed 1000 μg/flower when bees were absent or foraging mainly for pollen. Honeybees did not always remove all nectar from flowers they probed. Reabsorption of residual nectar may augment the following day's secretion.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions provide highly important ecological functions, and are influenced by floral nectar characteristics. The night blooming Datura ferox is an excellent model to test general hypotheses on the relationship between nectar traits (e.g., nectar secretion patterns, nectar chemical composition), pollinators and reproductive success for invasive, weedy species in highly modified ecosystems as crop fields. We hypothesized an adjustment between nectar composition and secretion dynamics through flower anthesis and the activity and requirements of nocturnal pollinators. Nectar chemical analyses showed low quantities of amino acids and lipids, phenolics, and alkaloids were not detected. D. ferox showed sucrose-dominant nectar with comparable amount of hexoses. Sugar proportions did not vary between populations or during flowering season. Most nectar is secreted before flower opening. Nectar resorption was detected at the end of anthesis. Experimentally drained flowers of both populations increased nectar production up to 50 % in the total amount of sugar per flower compared to control flowers. Nectar standing crop was relatively constant during the flowering season, but differences were detected between populations. Nectar traits of D. ferox would be favoring cross-pollination and maintaining seed production of this weed, since recently open flowers display a higher amount of nectar and they can renew nectar after a pollinator visit or reabsorb it at the end of anthesis. This nectar source may be important for native pollinators considering that human-induced forest fragmentation is related with the impoverishment of native flora from agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nectar production and flower visitors of the night-flowering Saponaria officinalis L. (Caryophyllaceae) were studied in relation to the reproductive success. Nectar production was worthwhile for nocturnal flower visitors. Nectar standing crop was about 267 μg sugar per flower, and comparison of nectar offering of covered and freely exposed flowers revealed that main nectar secretion time is mainly during the night up to the morning hours. In both covered and freely exposed flowers nectar volumes decreased over the day. In covered flowers, nectar volume, sugar concentration, and sugar amount per flower increased up to the third day; in older flowers sugar secretion ceased. In 1996 Autographa gamma (Noctuidae) was the exclusive nocturnal flower visitor, but pollen transfer experiments proved that A. gamma (Noctuidae) is a very ineffective pollinator of S. officinalis. In 1999 up to 50% of the observed visitors were Sphingidae, which resulted in a significantly higher seed set. Fruit set was constantly high independent of pollinator availability. In the nectar manipulation experiments seed set was highest in non-emasculated flowers filled with unnaturally high concentrated sucrose solutions. Differences to seed set on stalks treated with a sucrose solution mimicking naturally concentrated nectar were significant. Lowest fruit and seed set were found on inflorescences with emasculated flowers filled with a sucrose solution mimicking naturally concentrated nectar.  相似文献   

对狭义芭蕉科3个属的代表性种芭蕉(Musa basjoo)、象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)和地涌金莲(Musella lasiocarpa)的花蜜腺形态进行了比较研究。结果表明它们的蜜腺属于隔膜蜜腺。雌花的蜜腺着生于子房的上部, 胚珠的上方; 雄花蜜腺占据了整个败育子房的位置。蜜腺结构由许多腔道组成, 这些腔道在横切面上呈现出复杂的发散式迷宫状结构。这3种植物花蜜腺的栅栏状表皮细胞、维管束和蜜腺开口方式相似, 而从纵切面和横切面上观察其结构存在一些差异。PAS反应显示象腿蕉泌蜜组织中淀粉粒含量高于其他两个种; 芭蕉和象腿蕉的蜜腺腔里有许多纤维状物质存在。3种植物的传粉综合征多样化, 花序和花的特征(如花序下垂或直立、苞片的颜色、泌蜜量和泌蜜时间等)和传粉样式之间有密切关系。它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性, 但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。  相似文献   

任宗昕  王红 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):652-657
对狭义芭蕉科3个属的代表性种芭蕉(Musa basjoo)、象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)和地涌金莲(Musella lasiocarpa)的花蜜腺形态进行了比较研究。结果表明它们的蜜腺属于隔膜蜜腺。雌花的蜜腺着生于子房的上部,胚珠的上方;雄花蜜腺占据了整个败育子房的位置。蜜腺结构由许多腔道组成,这些腔道在横切面上呈现出复杂的发散式迷宫状结构。这3种植物花蜜腺的栅栏状表皮细胞、维管束和蜜腺开口方式相似,而从纵切面和横切面上观察其结构存在一些差异。PAS反应显示象腿蕉泌蜜组织中淀粉粒含量高于其他两个种;芭蕉和象腿蕉的蜜腺腔里有许多纤维状物质存在。3种植物的传粉综合征多样化,花序和花的特征(如花序下垂或直立、苞片的颜色、泌蜜量和泌蜜时间等)和传粉样式之间有密切关系。它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性,但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。  相似文献   

The distribution of trait values in many populations is not homogenous but creates a mosaic of patches. This may lead to differences in selection on the patch level compared to selection on the population level. As an example we investigated the spatial distribution of nectar production and its effects on pollinator behaviour in a natural population of Echium vulgare. Nectar production per flower, number of flowers and total nectar production showed a hierarchy and spatial aggregation as expressed by Gini coefficients and significant Moran's I values. Plants in patches of high nectar production received significantly more pollinator visits and had a significant emanating effect on pollinator visits of neighbouring plants. The same was true for plants in patches with high number of flowers. To disentangle these effects a path analysis was applied, which suggested that the direct effect of nectar production per flower although present, seems to be small compared to the effect of the number of flowers. Nectar production per flower affected pollinator visits mainly indirectly by way of total nectar production, which includes the effect of number of flowers. Assuming a minor pollinator-mediated selection for number of flowers, pollinator-mediated selection for total nectar production equals that for nectar production per flower. If so, the observed spatial structure of nectar production and its emanating effect on pollinator behaviour is of importance for natural selection. Plants of low nectar production occurring close to patches of plants with high nectar production benefited from the enhanced pollinator service of their neighbours while saving costs of increased nectar production. Consequently, plants with low nectar production may have a selective advantage at patch level while plants with high nectar production may have a selective advantage at population level. Results presented stress the importance of small-scale patterns for ecological relationships and evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Floral nectar composition has been explained as an adaptation to factors that are either directly or indirectly related to pollinator attraction. However, it is often unclear whether the sugar composition is a direct adaptation to pollinator preferences. Firstly, the lower osmolality of sucrose solutions means that they evaporate more rapidly than hexose solutions, which might be one reason why sucrose‐rich nectar is typically found in flowers with long tubes (adapted to long‐tongued pollinators), where it is better protected from evaporation than in open or short‐tubed flowers. Secondly, it can be assumed that temperature‐dependent evaporation is generally lower during the night than during the day so that selection pressure to secrete nectar with high osmolality (i.e. hexose‐rich solutions) is relaxed for night‐active flowers pollinated at night. Thirdly, the breeding system may affect selection pressure on nectar traits; that is, for pollinator‐independent, self‐pollinated plants, a lower selective pressure on nectar traits can be assumed, leading to a higher variability of nectar sugar composition independent of pollinator preferences, nectar accessibility and nectar protection. To analyse the relations between flower tube length, day vs. night pollination and self‐pollination, the nectar sugar composition was investigated in 78 European Caryophylloideae (Caryophyllaceae) with different pollination modes (diurnal, nocturnal, self‐pollination) using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All Caryophylleae species (Dianthus and relatives) were found to have nectar with more than 50% sucrose, whereas the sugar composition of Sileneae species (Silene and relatives) ranged from 0% to 98.2%. In the genus Silene, a clear dichotomous distribution of sucrose‐ and hexose‐dominant nectars is evident. We found a positive correlation between the flower tube length and sucrose content in Caryophylloideae, particularly in day‐flowering species, using both conventional analyses and phylogenetically independent contrasts.  相似文献   

The nectar resource environment across which nectarivores forage may be patchy and variable. To understand the sources and consequences of such a variation, nectar production was investigated in Calliandra longipedicellata . Nectar was measured once a month throughout a 3-mo winter season in two successive years at three sites. We also conducted diurnal and nocturnal field observations to describe visitation rates of floral visitors, and a pollinator exclusion experiment to evaluate diurnal and nocturnal pollination at the three sites. In all populations, nectar secretion was primarily nocturnal, although flowers produced some nectar during the day. Sugar production per flower varied significantly at both the seasonal and population levels, although nectar production rates and a well-defined afternoon to morning production pattern were consistent across months, populations, and years. Average nectar production rates were high compared to other Calliandra species, and to most hummingbird- or hawkmoth-pollinated plants in the region. Flowers were regularly visited by hawkmoths, bats, hummingbirds and various diurnal insects, and all populations had similar rates of visitation. Nocturnal insects had the highest overall visitation rates (three times as high as those by diurnal insects). Fruit production varied among pollination treatments and populations, and significant differences were found in fruit production when flowers exposed to both diurnal and nocturnal visitation were compared to flowers exposed only to diurnal visitation. Our results and the bright-red staminal filaments of C. longipedicellata indicate lack of specialization for particular pollinators.  相似文献   

We tested whether phylogeny, flower size and/or altitude were significant predictors of interspecific variation in nectar production of hummingbird-visited plants in an assembled database (289 species, in 22 orders, 56 families and 131 genera). Although the study is focused on hummingbird-pollinated plants (241 plant species), plants with different pollinator syndromes (48 species) are also included in the analyses. Nectar volume secreted in a given time period (usually 24 h) by a given flower, its sugar concentration and corolla length were compiled mainly from the literature. Altitude was also obtained from the original references. Sugar production was computed basically as the product of nectar secretion and sugar concentration, and expressed on a per 24-h basis. All nectar traits and corolla length (all log transformed), as well as altitude, showed statistically significant phylogenetic signal. Both nonphylogenetic and phylogenetically informed (independent contrasts) analyses indicated a highly significant positive correlation between corolla length and both nectar volume and sugar production. In addition, altitude (which is partially a surrogate for temperature) was significantly negatively correlated with both sugar concentration and production. Possible reasons for coadaptation of nectar production and sugar production with corolla length are discussed.  相似文献   

Jaborosa integrifolia exhibits stigma-height polymorphism. There are individuals with flowers where anthers and stigma are at the same height but the rule is variable herkogamy, the most common type (75%) being that with an exerted stigma. Self- and cross-tubes did not differ in their capability to reach the ovary (t = –0.67,P < 0.53); they had a high growth rate (6.95 ± 2.28 mm h–1). There is not autogamy but mostly self-incompatibility. Fruits from controlled cross-pollination showed the highest seed set and seed viability. The nectar sugar is characterized by a similar amount of glucose and fructose, and by the absence of sucrose. Although nectar secretion was continuous throughout the life of the flower, most nectar was secreted during the first 24 h after flower opening. Nectar production costs appear to be lower than in other species since nectar secretion is neither inhibited after a removal (i.e. a pollinator visit) nor reabsorbed as the flower ages. Sphingids visit the flowers mainly after midnight. They insert their proboscis down to the base of the corolla tube to reach the nectar. The upper limit to fruit production is set by pollinator visits. Fruits produced from open-pollinated flowers are often predated by numerous larvae (mainly lepidopteran ones). Considering that this species is mostly self-incompatible and pollination is limited, that each plant displays only a low number of flowers throughout the flowering season, and that there is a high rate of fruit predation, it is not surprising that fruits ofJ. integrifolia are so rare.  相似文献   

Large floral displays favour pollinator attraction and the import and export of pollen. However, large floral displays also have negative effects, such as increased geitonogamy, pollen discounting and nectar/pollen robber attraction. The size of the floral display can be measured at different scales (e.g. the flower, inflorescence or entire plant) and variations in one of these scales may affect the behaviour of flower visitors in different ways. Moreover, the fragmentation of natural forests may affect flower visitation rates and flower visitor behaviour. In the present study, video recordings of the inflorescences of a tree species (Tabebuia aurea) from the tropical savannah of central Brazil were used to examine the effect of floral display size at the inflorescence and tree scales on the visitation rate of pollinators and nectar robbers to the inflorescence, the number of flowers approached per visit, the number of visits per flower of potential pollinators and nectar robbers, and the interaction of these variables with the degree of landscape disturbance. Nectar production was quantified with respect to flower age. Although large bees are responsible for most of the pollination, a great diversity of flower insects visit the inflorescences of T. aurea. Other bee and hummingbird species are highly active nectar robbers. Increases in inflorescence size increase the visitation rate of pollinators to inflorescences, whereas increases in the number of inflorescences on the tree decrease visitation rates to inflorescences and flowers. This effect has been strongly correlated with urban environments in which trees with the largest floral displays are observed. Pollinating bees (and nectar robbers) visit few flowers per inflorescence and concentrate visits to a fraction of available flowers, generating an overdispersed distribution of the number of visits per inflorescence and per flower. This behaviour reflects preferential visits to young flowers (including flower buds) with a greater nectar supply.  相似文献   

Long‐term variation in the population density of honey bees Apis mellifera across landscapes has been shown to correlate with variation in the floral traits of plant populations in these landscapes, suggesting that variations in pollinator population density and foraging rates can drive floral trait evolution of their host plants. However, it remained to be determined whether this variation in plant traits is associated with adaptive variation in plant reproductive strategies under conditions of high and low pollinator densities. Here we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to examine how this variation in floral traits, under conditions of either high and low pollinator density, impacted seed production in the Tibetan lotus Saussurea nigrescens. In 2014 and 2015, we recorded the floral traits, pollinator visitation rates, and seed production of S. nigrescens populations grown in both home sites and foreign sites, where sites varied in honey bee population density. Our results demonstrated that the floral traits reflected those of their original population, regardless of their current location. However, seed production varied with both population origin and transplant site. Seed number was positively correlated with flower abundance in the pollinator‐rich sites, but with nectar production in the pollinator‐poor sites. Pollinator visitation rate was also positively correlated with flower number at pollinator‐rich sites, and with nectar volume at pollinator‐poor sites. Overall, the local genotype had higher seed production than nonlocal genotypes in home sites. However, when pollen is hand‐supplemented, plants from pollinator‐rich populations had higher seed production than plants from pollinator‐poor populations, regardless of whether they were transplanted to pollinator‐rich or ‐poor sites. These results suggest that the plant genotypic differences primarily drive variation in pollinator attraction, and this ultimately drives variation in seed: ovule ratio. Thus, our results suggest that flowering plant species use different reproductive strategies to respond to high or low pollinator densities.  相似文献   

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