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Spontaneous and EMS-induced alpha-amanitin-resistant CHO cells have been isolated and characterized. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II in cell-free extracts from a mutant (ARM-1) was partially resistant to alpha-amanitin. Growing mutants for several generations in the presence or absence of alpha-amanitin did not change the pattern of inhibition. The mutants grew with a lag following transfer to medium with or without alpha-amanitin. The mutants have an altered RNA polymerase II, and possibly an altered cell membrane.  相似文献   

Purified membranes from surface-labelled phytohemagglutinin-resistant (PhaR) and wild-type chinese hamster ovary cells have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis. Gel patterns were compared for cells labelled via galactose oxidase and B3H4 or lactoperoxidase and radioactive iodide. The results suggest that PhaR cells are altered in the carbohydrate portion of a number of their membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Cells with a genetic defect affecting a biological activity and/or a cell phenotype are generally called "cell mutants" and are a highly useful tool in genetic, biochemical, as well as cell biological research. To investigate peroxisome biogenesis and human peroxisome biogenesis disorders, more than a dozen complementation groups of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants defective in peroxisome assembly have been successfully isolated and established as a model system. Moreover, successful PEX gene cloning studies by taking advantage of rapid functional complementation assay of CHO cell mutants invaluably contributed to the accomplishment of isolation of pathogenic genes responsible for peroxisome biogenesis diseases. Molecular mechanisms of peroxisome assembly are currently investigated by making use of such mammalian cell mutants.  相似文献   

The production of glycoproteins with carbohydrates of defined structure and minimal heterogeneity is important for functional studies of mammalian carbohydrates. To facilitate such studies, several Chinese hamster ovary mutants that carry between two and four glycosylation mutations were developed. All of the lines grew readily in culture despite the drastic simplification of their surface carbohydrates. Therefore, both endogenous glycoproteins and those introduced by transfection can be obtained with specifically tailored carbohydrates. The lectin resistance properties of the mutants showed that each line expresses a novel array of cell surface carbohydrates useful for identifying specific roles for carbohydrates in cellular interactions. In addition, they showed that the epistatic relationships among different glycosylation mutations are not entirely predictable, providing insight into the complexity of the carbohydrate structures at the Chinese hamster ovary cell surface.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants defective in myo-inositol transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By means of an in situ colony autoradiographic assay for the incorporation of [14C]inositol into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction, we have isolated a mutant of cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells defective in inositol transport, named mutant 648. Through comparison of the inositol uptake activity of 648 cells with that of the parental cells with various concentrations of inositol and sodium, it has been demonstrated that Chinese hamster ovary cells possess a sodium-dependent transport system for inositol, and that 648 cells lack this system. The sodium-dependent uptake is inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol and ouabain, and the intracellular concentration of inositol exceeds the extracellular concentration during the uptake period, indicating that it is active transport, at least partially driven by the sodium gradient generated by Na+,K(+)-ATPase. The apparent Km for inositol has been estimated to be 12.0 microM. It is inhibited by hyperglycemic concentration of D-glucose in a competitive fashion.  相似文献   

Transfection of UV-hypersensitive, DNA repair-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines and parental, repair-proficient CHO cells with UV-irradiated pHaprt-1 or pSV2gpt plasmids resulted in different responses by recipient cell lines to UV damage in transfected DNA. Unlike results that have been reported for human cells, UV irradiation of transfecting DNA did not stimulate the genetic transformation of CHO recipient cells. In repair-deficient CHO cells, proportionally fewer transformants were produced with increasing UV damage than in repair-proficient cells in transfections with the UV-irradiated hamster adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene contained in plasmid pHaprt-1. However, transfection of CHO cells with UV-irradiated pSV2gpt resulted in neither decline in transformation frequencies in repair-deficient cell lines relative to repair-proficient cells nor stimulation of genetic transformation by UV damage in the plasmid. Blot hybridization analysis of DNA samples isolated from transformed cells showed no dramatic changes in copy number or arrangement of transfected plasmid DNA with increasing UV dose. We conclude that the responses of recipient cells to UV-damaged transfecting plasmids depend both on the type of recipient cell and the characteristics of the genetic sequence used for transfection.  相似文献   

The frequency of both spontaneous and X-ray- (95 rad) induced cytogenetical aberrations has been determined for 2 X-ray-sensitive strains (xrs-6 and xrs-7) of the Chinese hamster ovary cell line, and their wild-type parent (CHO-K1). Increased levels of spontaneous aberrations were not a general feature of the xrs strains, although xrs-7 did show a 2-fold increase in chromatid gaps. Unsynchronied populations of xrs cells, estimated to have been irradiated in late S and G2, showed a 3-5-fold increase in chromatid gaps, breaks and exchanges compared to CHO-K1. The irradiation of synchronised populations of xrs-7 and CHO-K1 in G1 demonstrated a 3-5-fold increase in chromosome breaks, gaps and exchanges in xrs-7. In addition xrs-7 displayed a large increase in chromatid-type aberrations, particularly triradials. These X-ray-sensitive strains have previously been shown to have a defect in double-strand break rejoining (Kemp et al., 1984), and an increased number of double-strand breaks (DBSs) remain in their DNA after irradiation compared to wild-type cells. The increased number of DSBs remaining in these strains 20 min after irradiation, correlates well with the increase in chromosome breaks.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants resistant to the microtubule stabilizing drug taxol were isolated in a single step. Of these 139 drug-resistant mutants, 59 exhibit an absolute requirement for taxol for normal growth and division, 13 have a partial requirement, and 69 grow normally without the drug. Two-dimensional gel analysis of whole cell proteins reveal "extra" spots representing altered tubulins in 13 of the mutants. Six of these have an altered alpha-tubulin and seven have an altered beta-tubulin. Cells with an absolute dependence on taxol become large and multinucleated when deprived of the drug. In contrast, partially dependent cells exhibit some multinucleation, but most cells appear normal. In one mutant that has an absolute dependence on taxol, the cells appear to die more quickly and their nuclei do not increase in size or number. As previously found for another taxol-dependent mutant (Cabral, F., 1983, J. Cell. Biol., 97:22-29), the taxol dependence of the mutants described in this paper behaves recessively in somatic cell hybrids, and the cells are more susceptible to being killed by colcemid than are the wild-type parental cells. When compared with wild-type cells, taxol-dependent mutants have normal arrays of cytoplasmic microtubules but form much smaller mitotic spindles in the presence of taxol. When deprived of the drug, however, these mutants cannot complete assembly of the mitotic spindle apparatus, as judged by tubulin immunofluorescence. Thus, the defects leading to taxol dependence in these mutants with defined alterations in alpha- and beta-tubulin appear to result from the cell's inability to form a functional mitotic spindle. Reversion analysis indicates that the properties of at least one alpha-tubulin mutant are conferred by the altered tubulin seen on two-dimensional gels.  相似文献   

Human CG, a member of the glycoprotein hormone family that includes LH, FSH, and TSH, is composed of two nonidentical subunits each containing two asparagine linked (N-linked) oligosaccharides. The role of the oligosaccharides in the action of these hormones is unclear. To examine the structure-activity relationships of the glycoprotein hormone oligosaccharides using nonenzymatic and nonchemical methods, we transfected CG subunit genes into mutant cell lines derived from Chinese hamster ovary cells. Two mutant cell lines that synthesize truncated oligosaccharides were used. Cell line 15B, lacking N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, synthesizes N-linked carbohydrates containing Man5 oligomannosyl structures, and 1021, defective in transporting CMP-sialic acid into the Golgi, results in sialic-acid deficient glycoproteins. The binding of these derivatives to the LH/CG receptor did not differ significantly from purified CG (CR119), but the ability of the mutant hormones to stimulate cAMP biosynthesis in vitro is reduced compared to wild-type CG or CR119. Since the amino acid sequence of CG from the mutant and wild-type cells is identical, these data indicate that oligosaccharide structures, while not influencing receptor binding, directly affect signal transduction.  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin-resistance markers in two translational mutants, CH-RE1.22c, possessing no toxin-sensitive EF-2 (class IIa), and CH-RE1.32, with 50% toxin-sensitive and 50% toxin-resistant EF-2 (class IIb), behaved codominantly in somatic cell hybrids. There was no complementation in hybrids formed between the two resistant mutants. The mutant parents and their hybrids, except those formed by fusion of CH-RE1.32 and wild-type cells, grew in the presence of toxin. To explain these results we suggest that CHO-K1 cells possess two functional copies of the gene for EF-2 and that CH-RE1.22c and CH-RE1.32 represent the homozygous (R/R) and heterozygous (R/S) states of resistance at the EF-2 gene locus. The failure of hybrids formed between CH-RE1.32 and wild-type cells to grow in toxin is a gene dosage effect. Codominant class IIa translational resistance is a selectable marker for the isolation of hybrids. It can be combined with a second, recessive, marker to provide a cell which is a "universal hybridizer" (10).  相似文献   

We searched for novel Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants defective in peroxisome biogenesis by an improved method using peroxisome targeting signal 2 (PTS2)-tagged enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). From mutagenized TKaEG2 cells, the wild-type CHO-K1 stably expressing rat Pex2p and PTS2-EGFP, cell colonies resistant to the 9-(1(')-pyrene)nonanol/ultraviolet treatment were examined for intracellular location of PTS2-EGFP. Of six mutant cell clones two, ZPEG227 and ZPEG231, showed cytosolic PTS2-EGFP, indicative of impaired PTS2 import, and numerous PTS1-positive particles. PEX7 expression restored the impaired PTS2 import in both mutants. Cell fusion with fibroblasts from a patient with PEX7-defective rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata did not complement PTS2 import defect of ZPEG227 and ZPEG231, confirming that these two are pex7 mutants. Mutation analysis of PEX7 by reverse transriptase (RT)-PCR indicated that ZPEG227-allele carried an inactivating nonsense mutation, Trp158Ter. Therefore, ZPEG227 is a pex7 mutant possessing a newly identified mutation in mammalian pex7 cell lines.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary mutants simultaneously resistant to ricin and Pseudomonas toxin have been isolated. Two mutant cell lines (4-10 and 11-2) were found to retain normal levels of binding of both ricin and Pseudomonas toxin. They were defective in the internalization of [125I]ricin into the mutant cells, as measured by both a biochemical assay for ricin internalization and electron microscopic autoradiographic studies. Although pretreatment of Chinese hamster ovary cells with a Na+/K+ ionophore, nigericin, resulted in an enhancement of the cytotoxicities of ricin and Pseudomonas toxin in the wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells, preculture of the mutant cells did not alter the susceptibility of the mutant cells to either toxin. These results provide further evidence that there is a common step in the internalization process for ricin and Pseudomonas toxin.  相似文献   

After 4 h at 41 degrees C, B3853 and M311, temperature-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary cell End1 and End2 mutants, respectively, are pleiotropically defective in endocytosis and trans-Golgi network-associated activities (Roff, C. F., R. Fuchs, I. Mellman, and A. R. Robbins. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 103:2283-2297). We have measured recovery of function after return to the permissive temperature. Based on return of normal transferrin-mediated Fe uptake and sensitivity to diphtheria toxin both mutants had restored endosomal function at 10 h; based on delivery of endocytosed lysosomal enzymes to lysosomes and normal sensitivity to modeccin both had functional late endocytic organelles at 10-12 h; and based on retention of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes and sialylation of secreted glycoproteins both had functional trans-Golgi network at 6 h. At 10 h, M311 had recovered almost all of its ability to endocytose lysosomal enzymes; B3853 required 30 h to recover fully its ability to endocytose lysosomal enzymes. Slow recovery of mannose 6-phosphate-dependent uptake in B3853 reflected altered trafficking of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors. Although B3853 had normal amounts of receptor at 6-8 h, it had greatly diminished amounts of receptor at the cell surface. Altered trafficking was also suggested by the finding that B3853 rapidly degraded receptor that had been present before the shift to the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized insulin receptors on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Insulin binds in a time, temperature and pH dependent fashion and insulin analogues compete for 125I-insulin binding in order of their biological potencies. Furthermore, two CHO cell glycosylation mutants, B4-2-1, lacking high mannose containing glycoproteins, and Lec 1.3c, lacking complex carbohydrate containing glycoproteins, bind insulin with a much higher and lower affinity respectively than wild type cells. This is the first report of insulin receptors on CHO cells and the first to use glycosylation mutants to study the effects of abnormal carbohydrates on insulin binding.  相似文献   

The proteoglycans of animal cells typically contain one or more heparan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate chains. These glycosaminoglycans assemble on a tetrasaccharide primer, -GlcAbeta1, 3Galbeta1,3Galbeta1,4Xylbeta-O-, attached to specific serine residues in the core protein. Studies of Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants defective in the first or second enzymes of the pathway (xylosyltransferase and galactosyltransferase I) show that the assembly of the primer occurs by sequential transfer of single monosaccharide residues from the corresponding high energy nucleotide sugar donor to the non-reducing end of the growing chain. In order to study the other reactions involved in linkage tetrasaccharide assembly, we have devised a powerful selection method based on induced resistance to a mitotoxin composed of basic fibroblast growth factor-saporin. One class of mutants does not incorporate 35SO4 and [6-3H]GlcN into glycosaminoglycan chains. Incubation of these cells with naphthol-beta-D-xyloside (Xylbeta-O-Np) resulted in accumulation of linkage region intermediates containing 1 or 2 mol of galactose (Galbeta1, 4Xylbeta-O-Np and Galbeta1, 3Galbeta1, 4Xylbeta-O-Np) and sialic acid (Siaalpha2,3Galbeta1, 3Galbeta1, 4Xylbeta-O-Np) but not any GlcA-containing oligosaccharides. Extracts of the mutants completely lacked UDP-glucuronic acid:Galbeta1,3Gal-R glucuronosyltransferase (GlcAT-I) activity, as measured by the transfer of GlcA from UDP-GlcA to Galbeta1,3Galbeta-O-naphthalenemethanol (<0.2 versus 3.6 pmol/min/mg). The mutation most likely lies in the structural gene encoding GlcAT-I since transfection of the mutant with a cDNA for GlcAT-I completely restored enzyme activity and glycosaminoglycan synthesis. These findings suggest that a single GlcAT effects the biosynthesis of common linkage region of both heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells convert [9,10-3H]myristic acid ([3H]14:0) to several lipid-soluble, radioactive metabolites that are released into the medium. The main products are lauric (12:0) and decanoic (10:0) acids. Some of the 12:0 formed also is retained in cell lipids. Similar metabolites are not synthesized from palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1), or arachidonic (20:4) acids, and the addition of these fatty acids does not reduce the conversion of [3H]14:0 to 12:0. Two peroxisome-deficient CHO cell lines do not convert [3H] 14:0 to any polar metabolites, but, they elongate, desaturate, and incorporate [3H]14:0 into intracellular lipids and proteins normally. While BC3H1 muscle cells convert some [3H]14:0 to 12:0, they also produce at least nine lipid-soluble polar products from [3H]12:0. These findings suggest that a previously unrecognized function of myristic acid is to serve as a substrate for the synthesis of 12:0, which can be either secreted into the medium or converted to other oxidized metabolites. The absence of this peroxisomal oxidation pathway, however, does not interfere with other aspects of myristic acid metabolism, including protein myristoylation.  相似文献   

Three nitrogen mustard-sensitive lines of Chinese hamster ovary cells were isolated from mutagenized cultures using the procedure of Thompson et al. (1980). The lines, designated NM1, NM2 and NM3, were 2.1-, 17- and 6.8-fold more sensitive to nitrogen mustard, respectively, than their parent, wild-type, line as determined by the dose required to kill 90% of the cells, IC90. Patterns of cross-sensitivity to other DNA-damaging agents including ultraviolet light, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, and other alkylating agents were determined for each line. Analysis of these results suggests that the phenotypes of the mutant lines are different from those lines reported previously.  相似文献   

5 mutants of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, which exhibit similar levels of sensitivity to killing by mitomycin C, have been analysed genetically to determine whether they represent one or more genetic complementation groups. Hybrids were constructed by fusing cells carrying either the neo or the Ecogpt marker and selecting in medium containing G418 and mycophenolic acid. Selectable markers were introduced into the cells by DNA transfection using pSV5-neo or pSV5-gpt, which represents a quick and convenient method for generating resistant derivatives. Hybrids generated by crosses between any one mutant and the parental cell line exhibited near wild-type resistance to mitomycin C, indicating that the mutants are phenotypically recessive. Self-cross hybrids for all 5 mutants had D37 values for killing by mitomycin C of between 20 and 30 ng/ml. The values obtained for crosses between different mutants were 60-105 ng/ml, with the exception of 1 pairing which gave a value of 33 ng/ml. These results indicate that that the mutants represent at least 4 different genetic complementation groups, suggesting that cellular resistance to mitomycin C is mediated via a number of different mechanisms.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in two mutants of Chinese hamster overy cells, ts 13A and ts 15C, which were temperature sensitive for growth, was found to be shut off rapidly at the nonpermissive temperature. The mutants did not complement each other and the ts lesion was not located on the X chromosome. Both isolates were found to be considerably more sensitive to the alkylating agents, ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) and methylmethanesulfonate (MMS), as compared to the parental cells, but showed normal sensitivity to UV irradiation. The mutants also showed interesting differences in their response to EMS-induced mutation frequencies at the ouabain-resistant and thioguanine-resistant loci. At high survival (50%) the frequencies of mutations at these genetic loci were markedly low in the ts mutants as compared to the parental cells. In ts+ revertants isolated from the mutants, the ts phenotype and the increased sensitivity to EMS and MMS were affected simultaneously, indicating that both these characteristics resulted from a single genetic lesion.  相似文献   

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