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When retinal pigmented epithelial cells (PEC) of chick embryos are cultured under appropriate conditions, the phenotype changes to that of lens cells through a process known as transdifferentiation. The first half of the process, characterized by dedifferentiation of PEC, is accompanied by a marked decrease in adhesiveness of PEC to collagen type I- or type IV-coated dishes. To understand the underlying mechanisms of this change, we analyzed the expression of integrins, which are major receptors for extracellular matrix components. Northern blot analysis with cDNA probes for chicken α3, α6, α8, αv, β1 and β5 integrin mRNA showed that the genes for all these integrins are transcribed at similar levels in PEC and dedifferentiated PEC (dePEC). Further analysis of β1 integrin, which is a major component of integrin heterodimers, showed that although the protein amount of β1 integrin was not changed, its localization at focal contacts seen in PEC was lost in dePEC. When anti-β1 integrin antibody was added to the PEC culture medium, a decrease of cell-substrate adhesiveness occurred, followed by a gradual change in both morphology and gene expression patterns to ones similar to those of dePEC. These findings suggest that an appropriate distribution of β1 integrin plays an essential role in maintaining the differentiated state of PEC through cell-substrate adhesion.  相似文献   

Human retinal pigment epithelium (HRPE) cells are important in maintaining the normal physiology within the neurosensory retina and photoreceptors. Recently, transplantation of HRPE has become a possible therapeutic approach for retinal degeneration. By negative immunoselection (CD45 and glycophorin A), in this study, we have isolated and cultivated adult human bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) with multilineage differentiation potential. After a 2- to 4-week culture under chondrogenic, osteogenic, adipogenic, and hepatogenic induction medium, these BMSCs were found to differentiate into cartilage, bone, adipocyte, and hepatocyte-like cells, respectively. We also showed that these BMSCs could differentiate into neural precursor cells (nestin-positive) and mature neurons (MAP-2 and Tuj1-positive) following treatment of neural selection and induction medium for 1 month. Furthermore, the plasticity of BMSCs was confirmed by initiating their differentiation into retinal cells and photoreceptor lineages by co-culturing with HRPE cells. The latter system provides an ex vivo expansion model of culturing photoreceptors for the treatment of retinal degeneration diseases.  相似文献   

Summary The dedifferentiated phenotype of pigmented epithelial cells in vitro is bipotential and is effected by environmental alterations mediated by the cell surface and associated cytoskeleton. We have begun an investigation into the role that contractile microfilaments play in maintaining cell contact and cell shape in retinal pigmented epithelial cells in vitro. In this paper, we report a structural analysis of the intersection of the circumferential microfilament bundle with the cell membrane of cultured pigmented epithelial cells from chick retina. Techniques of electron microscopy, including freezefracturing and deep-etching, reveal that microfilaments of this bundle associate with a junctional complex in the apical cell compartment and with membrane domains which are not components of the junction. Microfilaments link with the cell membrane either at their termini or along the membrane-apposed surface of the circumferential bundle. Furthermore, we report the immunocytochemical localization of filamin (a high molecular weight actin-binding protein, which forms fiber bundles and sheet-like structures when bound with Factin in solution) in the circumferential/microf相似文献   



Blood-barrier systems are essential in controlling iron levels in organs such as the brain and eye, both of which experience hypoxia in pathological conditions. While hypoxia's effects on numerous iron regulatory and storage proteins have been studied, little is known about how hypoxia affects iron metabolism. Iron also controls glutamate production and secretion; therefore the effects of hypoxia on iron metabolism and glutamate secretion were studied in polarized retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells.


Primary canine RPE were cultured in Millicells to create polarized cell cultures. Iron uptake and efflux were measured in hypoxic and normoxic conditions. RPE were loaded with 59Fe-transferrin. Glutamate concentrations in the cell conditioned media were also measured.


Hypoxia induced a large increase in iron efflux from RPE in the basolateral direction. Glutamate secretion occurred mainly in the basolateral direction which is away from the retina and out of the eye in vivo. Glutamate secretion was doubled under hypoxic conditions.


Hypoxia is known to induce oxidative damage. The current results show that iron, a key catalyst of free radical generation, is removed from RPE under hypoxic conditions which may help protect RPE from oxidative stress. Results obtained here indicate the importance of using polarized tight junctional cells as more physiologically relevant models for blood-barrier-like systems.

General significance

While the effects of hypoxia on iron efflux and glutamate secretion may be protective for RPE cells and retina, increased glutamate secretion in the brain could cause some of the damaging neurological effects seen in stroke.  相似文献   

Chicken retinal pigmented epithelial cells have circumferential microfilament bundles (CMBs) at the zonula adherens region. We have isolated these CMBs in intact form and characterized them structurally and biochemically. Pigmented epithelia obtained from 11-d-old chick embryos were treated with glycerol and Triton. Then, the epithelia were homogenized by passing them through syringe needles. Many isolated CMBs were found in the homogenate by phase-contrast microscopy. They formed polygons, mostly pentagons and hexagons, or fragments of polygons. Polygons were filled with meshwork structures, i.e. they were polygonal plates. Upon exposure to Mg-ATP, isolated CMBs showed clear and large contraction. The contraction was inhibited by treatment with N- ethylmaleimide-modified myosin subfragment-1. After purification by centrifugation with the density gradient of Percoll, CMBs were analyzed by SDS PAGE. The electrophoretic pattern gave three major components of 200, 55, and 42 kdaltons and several minor components. Electron microscopy showed that the polygons were composed of thick bundles of actin-containing microfilaments, and the meshworks were composed primarily of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

Using alpha and beta spectrin mammalian antibodies on Western blotting, we demonstrated that lizard ovarian follicles contain two isoforms of alpha spectrin, Mr 94 and 134 kDa, and a 230 kDa beta spectrin, and that their pattern modifies in relation to pyriform cell differentiation. In fact, a positive immunoreaction is firstly evident within follicular epithelium of previtellogenic follicles when small cells differentiate into pyriform cells via intermediate cells. Later on, immunostain is present in pyriform cells and in the oocyte cortex that previously appears unstained. It is noteworthy that immunostain is also present on small cells located in contact with the oocyte membrane, but not on those located under the basal lamina and among pyriform cells, not engaged in pyriform cell differentiation. During the subsequent stages of previtellogenic phase, spectrin immunostain over the follicular epithelium and in the oocyte cortex does not change. By contrast, in vitellogenic follicles, when the follicular epithelium is constituted only by small cells, immunostain is evident at the level of the oocyte cortex and the cytoplasm of regressing pyriform cells. The present data strongly suggest that the alpha and beta spectrin pattern put in evidence during the different phases of lizard oocyte growth is related to the differentiation of small into pyriform cells, where such protein may guarantee a relationship between surface glycoproteins (Andreuccetti et al., 2001: Anat Rec 263:1-9), and the cytoskeleton distribution (Maurizii et al., 2000: Raf Mol Reprod Dev 57:159-166). Furthermore, the distribution of spectrin mRNA, similar to that observed for the protein, demonstrates that spectrin, once synthesized within pyriform cells, is transferred through intercellular bridges in the oocyte cortex, thus confirming that pyriform cells are nurse that significantly are involved in the oocyte growth. Finally, the present data demonstrate that alpha spectrin of lizard ovarian follicles has Mr quite different from those so far reported and may constitute a new group of isoforms. This important result will be the focus of future experiments. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 67: 101-107, 2004.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells of the airways can, under pathological conditions, undergo squamous metaplasia. The accumulation of cholesterol sulfate has recently been described as a new marker for squamous cell differentiation in rabbit tracheal epithelial cells. We now report that normal human bronchial epithelial cells in culture metabolically incorporated [35S]-sulfate and [3H]-mevalonate into material indistinguishable from cholesterol sulfate by the criteria of solubility in organic solvents, behavior on ion-exchange chromatography, susceptibility to solvolysis, and behavior on thin-layer chromatography before and after solvolysis. The accumulation of cholesterol [35S]-sulfate correlated well with squamous cell differentiation (as measured by cross-linked envelope formation), which occurred when the cells reached confluency. The increase in the level of cholesterol sulfate could be inhibited by the inclusion of retinoic acid in the cell-culture medium. The addition of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate or the presence of high Ca2+ concentration in the medium stimulated the accumulation of cholesterol sulfate. An increased activity of cholesterol sulfotransferase seems to account for the cholesterol sulfate accumulation. The original observation of cholesterol sulfate accumulation during squamous differentiation thus extends across species lines and strengthens the suggestion that the cholesterol sulfate may play an important role in this type of differentiation. Moreover, cholesterol sulfate provides a sensitive biochemical marker to study this pathway of differentiation of human bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The structural and biochemical changes of cytoskeletal components of retinal pigmented epithelial cells were studied during the development of chicken eyes. When the cytoskeletal components of the pigmented epithelial cells from various stages of development were examined by SDS PAGE, actin contents in the cells markedly increased between the 15-d-old and hatching stages. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that chicken pigmented epithelial cells have two types of actin bundles. One is the circumferential bundle associated with the zonula adherens region as previously reported (Owaribe, K., and H. Masuda, 1982, J. Cell Biol., 95:310-315). The other is the paracrystalline bundle forming the core of the apical projections. The increase in actin contents after the 15-d-old stage is accompanied by the formation and elongation of core filaments of apical projections in the cells. During this period the apical projections extend into extracellular space among outer and inner segments of photoreceptor cells. Accompanying this change is an elongation of the paracrystalline bundles of actin filaments in the core of the projection. By electron microscopy, the bundles decorated with muscle heavy meromyosin showed unidirectional polarity, and had transverse striations with approximately 12-nm intervals, as determined by optical diffraction of electron micrographs. Since the shape of these bundles was not altered in the presence or absence of Ca2+, they seemed not to have villin-like proteins. Unlike the circumferential bundles, the paracrystalline bundles did not contract when exposed to Mg-ATP. These observations indicate that the paracrystalline bundles are structurally and functionally different from the circumferential actin bundles.  相似文献   

Pigmented epithelial cells of chicken and human dedifferentiate in the medium containing phenylthiourea and testicular hyaluronidase, and then trans-differentiate into lens cells in vitro. To understand the molecular mechanisms of transdifferentiation, gene expression during lens transdifferentiation was analyzed. As the first step, pigment cell and lens specific genes were isolated and expression of these gene was analyzed by Northern blotting . These results clearly shown that lens transdifferentiation proceeds via neutral cell state in which both pigment and lens specific genes are repressed. Oncogene expression was also analyzed. An elevated expression of the c-myc gene was observed during dedifferentiation process. It is expected that elevated expression of c-myc gene might prevent the cells from entering the G0 phase and thus lead to dedifferentiated state.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the relative distribution of vinculin, talin, and fibronectin in cultured retinal pigmented epithelial cells from chick embryo eyes. We show that in these cells vinculin is present in both focal cell-substratum and cell-cell contacts, whereas talin is present only in the cell-substratum contacts. When cells are double-labeled for talin and fibronectin and viewed at the substratum level, fibronectin is not detectable and talin is concentrated in plaques corresponding to focal contacts. However, when the same cells are viewed at the apical level, both talin and fibronectin are present in a fibrillar pattern. In addition to fibrils which are both talin- and fibronectin-positive, there are areas which are either talin-positive and fibronectin-negative or, vice versa, talin-negative and fibronectin-positive. These observations indicate an interesting variability in the composition of transmembrane linkages in retinal pigmented epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution and organization of the extracellular glycoproteins, fibronectin and laminin, in clonal cultures of chick retinal pigmented epithelial cells have been investigated using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Fibronectin is located on the apical and basal cell surfaces and between the cells in the undifferentiated regions of the colony (outer edge and stratified region). It seems to run parallel to intracellular microfilament bundles and to be associated with them across the cell membrane. In the differentiated region of thecolony (center), it is located exclusively on the basal cell surface and seems to be primarily associated with the collagen bundles of the basement membrane. The locations suggest that it may be necessary to stabilizing the sheet of differentiated cells in the colony center. In all regions except the outer edge of the colony, laminin is associated with the basal cell surfaces where it forms a meshwork of short, fine strands. The laminin has a totally different staining pattern from the fibronectin and does not seem to be associated with collagen bundles. The location suggests that laminin may be present in the basal lamina and may be involved in adhesion of the cells to the substratum. This work was supported by Medical Research Council of Canada (MA-6337).  相似文献   

The retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) is a monolayer of polarized cells located between retinal photoreceptors and blood vessels of the choroid. The basal surface of RPE cells rests on Bruch's membrane, a complex extracellular matrix structure which becomes abnormal in several disease processes, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Ruptures or abnormalities in Bruch's membrane are frequently accompanied by choroidal neovascularization. Disturbed interaction of RPE cells with their extracellular matrix (ECM) could play a role in this process. The present study was undertaken to examine the complex interactions between hypoxia, integrin, and ECM in the regulation of RPE functions. Antibody blocking experiments demonstrated that RPE cell adhesion to vitronectin is mediated primarily through alphavbeta5 and adhesion to fibronectin occurs through alpha5beta1. RPE adhesion to immobilized laminin demonstrated highest level of non-RGD-mediated adhesion as compared to that with collagen IV or the RGD matrices such as vitronectin (alphavalpha5) , fibronectin (alpha5beta1), or thrombospondin (alpha5beta1 + alphavbeta5). Addition of soluble vitronectin, or fibrinogen to RPE cell cultures resulted in a small to moderate increase in VEGF and FGF2 in the media, while each of these growth factors was dramatically increased after addition of thrombospondin 1 (TSP1). In contrast, soluble fibronectin resulted in differential upregulation of VEGF but not FGF2. Similarly, immobilized TSP1 resulted in differential greater upregulation in VEGF but not FGF2 release from RPE as compared to other ECMs under either normoxic or hypoxic conditions. Additionally, hypoxia resulted in a time-dependent increase in VEGF, but not FGF2 release in the media. RPE cells grown on TSP1-coated plates showed increased VEGF and FGF2 in their media compared to cells grown on plates coated with type IV collagen, laminin, vitronectin, or fibronectin. The TSP1-induced increase in secretion of growth factors was partially blocked by anti-alpha5beta1, anti-alphavbeta3, and anti-alphavbeta5 antibodies indicating that it may be mediated in part by TSP1 binding to those integrins. These data suggest that alterations in oxygen levels (hypoxia/ischemia) and ECM of RPE cells, a prominent feature of AMD, can cause increased secretion of angiogenic growth factors that might contribute to the development of choroidal neovascularization. These data also suggest the potential modulatory role of VEGF release from RPE by ECM and alphavbeta5 and alpha5beta1 integrins.  相似文献   

Exposure of porcine vascular smooth muscle cells to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF; 18-180 ng/ml) but not epidermal growth factor (EGF; 30 ng/ml), somatomedin C (SmC; 30 ng/ml), or insulin (10 microM), results in a rapid, reversible, time- and concentration-dependent disappearance of vinculin staining in adhesion plaques; actin-containing stress fibers also become disrupted following exposure of cells to PDGF. Disappearance of vinculin staining from adhesion plaques is also caused by 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA; 200-400 nM), though the time course of the disappearance of vinculin staining under these conditions takes longer than in cells exposed to PDGF. The PDGF-induced removal of vinculin from adhesion plaques was inhibited in a concentration-dependent fashion by 8-(N,N-diethylamino) octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8; 0.25-4 microM) and leupepetin (2-300 microM), and by n-alpha-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethylketone (TLCK; 100 microM) and trifluoperazine (TFP; 2.5 microM). Addition of PDGF to vascular smooth muscle cells caused a rapid, transient increase in cytosolic free calcium, from a basal resting level of 146 +/- 6.9 nM (SEM, n = 62) to 414 +/- 34 nM (SEM, n = 22) as determined using the calcium-sensitive indicator Fura-2 and Digitized Video Microscopy. This increase in cellular calcium preceded the disappearance of vinculin from adhesion plaques and was partially blocked by pretreatment of cells with TMB-8 but not leupeptin. This rise in cytosolic free calcium was found to occur in approximately 80% of the sample population and displayed both spatial and temporal subcellular heterogeneity. Exposure of cells to TPA (100 nM) did not result in a change in cytosolic free calcium. Both PDGF (20 ng/ml) and TPA (100 nM) caused cytosolic alkalinization which occurred after PDGF-induced disruption of vinculin from adhesion plaques, as determined using the pH-sensitive indicator BCECF and Digitized Video Microscopy. PDGF stimulated DNA synthesis and vinculin disruption in a similar dose-dependent fashion. Both could be inhibited by leupeptin or TMB-8. These results suggest that 1) exposure of vascular smooth muscle cells to PDGF is associated with the disruption of vinculin from adhesion plaques, 2) PDGF-induced vinculin disruption is regulated by an increase in cytosolic calcium (but not cytosolic alkalinization), and involves proteolysis; 3) activation of protein kinase C also causes vinculin removal from adhesion plaques but by a calcium-independent mechanism, and 4) the cellular response to PDGF-stimulated increases in cytosolic free calcium is heterogeneous.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether mice exposed to chronic cigarette smoke develop features of early age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Two month old C57Bl6 mice were exposed to either filtered air or cigarette smoke in a smoking chamber for 5 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 months. Eyes were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde/2% paraformaldehyde and examined for ultrastructural changes by transmission electron microscopy. The contralateral eye was fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and examined for oxidative injury to the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) immunolabeling and apoptosis by TUNEL labeling. Mice exposed to cigarette smoke had immunolabeling for 8-OHdG in 85+/-3.7% of RPE cells counted compared to 9.5+/-3.9% in controls (p<0.00001). Bruch membrane was thicker in mice exposed to smoke (1086+/-332 nm) than those raised in air (543+/-132 nm; p = 0.0069). The two most pronounced ultrastructural changes (severity grading scale from 0-3) seen were a loss of basal infoldings (mean difference in grade = 1.98; p<0.0001), and an increase in intracellular vacuoles (mean difference in grade = 1.7; p<0.0001). Ultrastructural changes to Bruch membrane in cigarette-smoke exposed mice were smaller in magnitude but consistently demonstrated significantly higher grade injury in cigarette-exposed mice, including basal laminar deposits (mean difference in grade = 0.54; p<0.0001), increased outer collagenous layer deposits (mean difference in grade = 0.59; p = 0.002), and increased basal laminar deposit continuity (mean difference in grade = 0.4; p<0.0001). TUNEL assay showed a higher percentage of apoptotic RPE from mice exposed to cigarette smoke (average 8.0+/-1.1%) than room air (average 0+/-0%; p = 0.043). Mice exposed to chronic cigarette smoke develop evidence of oxidative damage with ultrastructural degeneration to the RPE and Bruch membrane, and RPE cell apoptosis. This model could be useful for studying the mechanism of smoke induced changes during early AMD.  相似文献   

The mechanism of neurite initiation and elongation was studied using nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment of PC12 cells. The distribution of focal adhesion sites and of the cytoskeletal protein vinculin was determined in large, fused, multinucleated PC12 cells. In the absence of NGF, focal adhesion sites as seen by interference reflection microscopy were restricted to the cell periphery in a regular distribution. Vinculin assemblies (foci), observed by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using affinity purified anti-vinculin antibodies, were restricted to the cell periphery at focal adhesion sites. Within 4 hr after NGF treatment of the cells, the distribution of both vinculin and focal adhesion sites began to change. Focal adhesion sites became restricted to discrete protruding portions of the cell periphery. Larger, brighter vinculin foci appeared at the tips of the cell margin extensions, concomitant with the loss of foci at locations between the protrusions. As neurites elongated focal adhesion sites and vinculin foci remained with the tips of the growth cone extensions. Both focal adhesion sites and vinculin foci were rarely seen in the perikarya of cells with elongating neurites, and these were always confined to extended portions of the cell body margin. Occasionally, vinculin foci could be seen at the proximal portion of the neurite, at bending elbows, and at discrete expansions along the length. By immunoprecipitation of vinculin from 32P-labeled cells, vinculin phosphorylation was found to be increased within 1 hr of NGF treatment. The role of vinculin phosphorylation and assembly in the formation and directional elongation of neuritic processes in response to NGF is discussed.  相似文献   

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