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The complete nucleotide sequence of a woodchuck hepatitis virus genome cloned in Escherichia coli was determined by the method of Maxam and Gilbert. This sequence was found to be 3,308 nucleotides long. Potential ATG initiator triplets and nonsense codons were identified and used to locate regions with a substantial coding capacity. A striking similarity was observed between the organization of human hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus. Nucleotide sequences of these open regions in the woodchuck virus were compared with corresponding regions present in hepatitis B virus. This allowed the location of four viral genes on the L strand and indicated the absence of protein coded by the S strand. Evolution rates of the various parts of the genome as well as of the four different proteins coded by hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus were compared. These results indicated that: (i) the core protein has evolved slightly less rapidly than the other proteins; and (ii) when a region of DNA codes for two different proteins, there is less freedom for the DNA to evolve and, moreover, one of the proteins can evolve more rapidly than the other. A hairpin structure, very well conserved in the two genomes, was located in the only region devoid of coding function, suggesting the location of the origin of replication of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

The surface antigens of human hepatitis B (HBsAg), ground squirrel hepatitis (GSHsAg), and woodchuck hepatitis (WHsAg) viruses were compared serologically, and their major polypeptides were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and tryptic peptide mapping. Results showed that both GSHsAg and WHsAg are antigenically cross-reactive, that their major pairs of polypeptides have identical mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, and that the major polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg migrate faster in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than do the corresponding bands of HBsAg. The peptide maps of the major (P-22) surface antigen polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg showed that they shared over half of their spots. Peptide mapping of HBsAg subtypes indicated a close relationship between the major polypeptides (P-24) of adw and adr and a more distal relationship to ayw. Only about 25% of the spots shared by the combined HBsAg subtypes were also found in the peptide maps of GSHsAg and WHsAg, indicating at least some structural homology among the major polypeptides of the human and animal virus surface antigen particles. This is also reflected in the serological cross-reactivity among HBsAg, GSHsAg, and WHsAg. Further, the detection of ground squirrel and woodchuck antigens by Ausria II radioimmunoassay, combined with peptide mapping data indicating the common origin of these viruses, suggests that the common a determinant is shared by each and is restricted to approximately 25% of the sequences in their major polypeptides.  相似文献   

We obtained two lines of evidence that monolayer cultures of primary woodchuck hepatocytes support replication of the genome of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV). (i) From a Northern (RNA blot) analysis of the HDV-related RNA in infected cultures, both genomic and antigenomic 1.7-kilobase RNA species were detected at 11 days after infection. The ratio of genomic RNA to antigenomic RNA was 2:1 to 10:1, comparable to that previously reported in studies of experimentally infected chimpanzees and woodchucks. (ii) Replication in culture was also demonstrated by in situ hybridization with a strand-specific probe. Such studies showed that only a small fraction of the cultured cells supported replication and that in such cells the relative and absolute levels of the HDV RNAs were comparable to those in liver cells infected in vivo. Furthermore, as with the in vivo studies, the HDV RNAs were predominantly localized to the nucleus. In summary, we demonstrated that cultured cells supported both the early events of HDV adsorption and penetration and the intermediate events of genome replication.  相似文献   

Two chimpanzees immunized with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) surface antigen (WHsAg) developed antibodies cross-reactive with hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg). After challenge with HBV, one animal was completely protected and the other experienced a subclinical infection, without evidence of liver disease. Three woodchucks immunized with HBsAg developed antibodies to HBsAg which did not cross-react with WHsAg. After challenge with WHV, all three woodchucks developed typical acute infections with associated hepatic lesions. Serological studies with the cross-reactive antibodies raised in chimpanzees suggested that the protective epitopes of WHsAg were related to the group a specificity of HBsAg. These studies indicated that cross-protective epitopes are shared by HBV and WHV; however, the humoral response to these epitopes can vary among species.  相似文献   

Five nonoverlapping antigenic sites (sites I through V) of woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen were identified with competitive binding assays involving monoclonal antibodies. Site I contributed to cross-reactions among surface antigens of hepatitis B-like viruses infecting woodchucks, ground squirrels, and humans. At least three distinct sites (sites I, II, and III) are responsible for cross-reactions between woodchuck and ground squirrel hepatitis virus surface antigens. Sites IV and V of woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen are not major cross-reactive sites, suggesting that these elicit virus-specific antibodies. There were no cross-reactions with duck hepatitis B virus surface antigen.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a cloned DNA of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), the most oncogenic virus among hepadnaviruses. The genome, designated WHV2, is 3,320 base pairs long and contains four major open reading frames (ORFs) coded on the same strand of nucleotide sequence as in the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequences deduced from it among the genomes of various hepadnaviruses demonstrates that each protein shows an intrinsic property in conserving its amino acid sequence. A parameter, the ratio of the number of triplets with one-letter change but no amino acid substitution to the total number of triplets in which one-letter change occurred, was introduced to measure the intrinsic properties quantitatively. For each ORF, the parameter gave characteristic values in all combinations. Therefore, the relative evolutional distance between these hepadnaviruses can be measured by the amino acid substitution rate of any ORF. These comparisons suggest that (i) the difference between two WHV clones, WHV1 and WHV2, corresponds to that among clones of a HBV subtype, HBVadr, and (ii) WHV and ground squirrel hepatitis virus can be categorized in a way similar to the subgroups of HBV.  相似文献   

Gudima S  He Y  Chai N  Bruss V  Urban S  Mason W  Taylor J 《Journal of virology》2008,82(15):7276-7283
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) share the HBV envelope proteins. When woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) are superinfected with HDV, they produce HDV with a WHV envelope, wHDV. Several lines of evidence are provided that wHDV infects not only cultured primary woodchuck hepatocytes (PWH) but also primary human hepatocytes (PHH). Surprisingly, HBV-enveloped HDV (hHDV) and wHDV infected PHH with comparable efficiencies; however, hHDV did not infect PWH. The basis for these host range specificities was investigated using as inhibitors peptides bearing species-specific pre-S (where S is the small envelope protein) sequences. It was found that pre-S1 contributed to the ability of wHDV to infect both PHH and PWH. In addition, the inability of hHDV to infect PWH was not overcome using a chimeric form of hHDV containing WHV S protein, again supporting the essential role of pre-S1 in infection of target cells. One interpretation of these data is that host range specificity of HDV is determined entirely by pre-S1 and that the WHV and HBV pre-S1 proteins recognize different receptors on PHH.  相似文献   

Binding sites for polymerized albumin on hepatitis B virus components were reported in human hepatitis B virus chronic carriers predominantly with active viral replication (HB e antigen positive). The presence of comparable albumin-binding sites in the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) model was examined on WHV components obtained from woodchucks with active viral replication (DNA polymerase positive). Binding sites for polymerized woodchuck serum albumin were not detected on the intact WHV virion, on 22-nm woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen (WHsAg), or on WHsAg polypeptides. Woodchuck albumin was not detected in purified 22-nm WHsAg, and anti-albumin antibodies were not detected in WHV chronic-carrier woodchucks. Our results in the WHV model argue against a role for viral polyalbumin-binding sites in tissue- and host-specific virus infectivity.  相似文献   

We cloned several unique forms of woodchuck hepatitis virus, a DNA virus closely related to hepatitis B virus, from a chronically infected woodchuck liver. Each of the three clones contained more than two genome equivalents of viral sequences with extensive rearrangements and no detectable cellular sequences. From the frequency by which they were isolated from a library of recombinant clones, we estimate that they are present in approximately one copy per cell. Of a total of 11 sites at which rearrangements were mapped in the clones, 10 occurred between segments of opposite polarity, and 1 occurred between segments of the same polarity. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of virus production in infected cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Replication strategy of human hepatitis B virus.   总被引:17,自引:38,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a subviral agent of humans which is dependent upon hepatitis B virus as a helper for transmission. HDV can be experimentally transmitted to woodchucks by using woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) as the helper. We used this model system to study two types of HDV infections: those of animals already chronically infected with WHV and those of animals without any evidence of prior exposure to WHV. At 5 to 10 days after infection with HDV, liver biopsies of these two groups of animals indicated that around 1% of the hepatocytes were infected (HDV antigen positive). Moreover, similar amounts of replicative forms of HDV RNA were detected. In contrast, by 20 days postinfection, the two groups of animals were quite different in the extent of the HDV infection. The animals chronically infected with WHV showed spread of the infection within the liver and the release of high titers of HDV into the serum. In contrast, the animals not previously exposed to WHV showed a progressive reduction in liver involvement, and at no time up to 165 days postinfection could we detect HDV particles in the serum. However, if these animals were inoculated with a relatively high titer of WHV at either 7 or even 33 days after the HDV infection, HDV viremia was observed. Our data support the interpretation that in these animals, hepatocytes were initially infected in the absence of helper virus, HDV genome replication took place, and ultimately these replicating genomes were rescued by the secondary WHV infection. The observation that HDV can survive in the liver for at least 33 days in the absence of coinfecting helper virus may be relevant to the reemergence of HDV infection following liver transplantation.  相似文献   

The presence in serum of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and hepatitis B virus DNA, which are each regarded as reflecting multiplication of hepatitis B virus, were looked for one to five days after the onset of hepatic encephalopathy in 64 patients with fulminant hepatitis B. HBeAg and hepatitis B virus DNA were found in the serum of only 24 (37%) and six (9%) patients, respectively. Hepatitis B virus DNA was absent from the serum in all 13 patients positive for anti-HBs. These findings indicate that replication of hepatitis B virus stopped after the onset of hepatic encephalopathy in most of the patients and support the view that an enhanced immune response stops the replication. Agents that inhibit viral multiplication would probably not have any effect at this stage of the disease.  相似文献   

Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection is known to be endemic in areas of the mid-Atlantic states but is apparently absent from populations in New York and much of New England. Blood samples of 40 woodchucks (Marmota monax) from New York and from Delaware were examined by starch gel electrophoresis, and 18 monomorphic and six polymorphic protein-coding genetic systems were identified. Mendelian inheritance of variants of the six polymorphic systems was confirmed in 52 laboratory offspring of the original samples. Average heterozygosity of 0.066 in New York woodchucks and 0.039 in Delaware woodchucks were high values for mammals, although similar to those of other sciurids. Significant heterogeneity between samples from New York and Delaware woodchucks was observed at two loci (peptidase with glycyl leucine-4 and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase), suggesting that these populations were genetically distinct. Whether there are genetically determined differences in response to WHV infection remains to be determined experimentally.  相似文献   

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