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The study of wildlife health greatly contributes to understanding population dynamics and detecting conservation threats. The determination of the different fractions of plasma proteins (proteinogram) is an important laboratory tool to study wildlife health. The aim of this study was to characterize protein electrophoresis in wild Andean condors (Vultur gryphus) from north‐western Patagonia and to evaluate differences according to age and sex classes. Once reference values of wild, apparently healthy individuals, were established, we compared these values to those of individuals received at the Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina for rehabilitation due to various health problems. Reference proteinograms from wild Andean condors differed only in the α 1 and β 2‐fractions between sex categories. Males showed higher concentrations of these protein fractions than females. We found clear differences between wild birds and rehabilitating individuals. Total proteins, globulins, α 1‐globulins, total α‐globulins, β 2‐globulins, total β‐globulins, and γ‐globulins were significantly higher in rehabilitating than in wild individuals, whereas albumin, α 2, and β1‐globulins were similar between these groups. The albumin/globulin ratio, as a general indicator of health, was significantly lower in rehabilitating than in wild individuals. The results indicate the effects on different protein fractions of pathologic processes occurring in individuals undergoing rehabilitation. Our results provide useful insights, contributing to improving diagnoses and prognoses in this species. This information may also be useful to assess the health status of Andean condors in studies of wild populations and for comparisons with other bird species.  相似文献   

Critical priority pathogens have globally disseminated beyond clinical settings, thereby threatening wildlife. Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are essential for ecosystem health and functioning, but their populations are globally near threatened and declining due to anthropogenic activities. During a microbiological and genomic surveillance study of critical priority antibiotic‐resistant pathogens, we identified pandemic lineages of multidrug‐resistant extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase (ESBL)‐producing Escherichia coli colonizing Andean Condors admitted at two wildlife rehabilitation centres in South America. Genomic analysis revealed the presence of genes encoding resistance to hospital and healthcare agents among international E. coli clones belonging to sequence types (STs) ST162, ST602, ST1196 and ST1485. In this regard, the resistome included genes conferring resistance to clinically important cephalosporins (i.e., CTX‐M‐14, CTX‐M‐55 and CTX‐M‐65 ESBL genes), heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, silver), pesticides (glyphosate) and domestic/hospital disinfectants, suggesting a link with anthropogenic environmental pollution. On the other hand, the presence of virulence factors, including the astA gene associated with outbreak of childhood diarrhoea and extra‐intestinal disease in animals, was identified, whereas virulent behaviour was confirmed using the Galleria mellonella infection model. E. coli ST162, ST602, ST1196 and ST1485 have been previously identified in humans and food‐producing animals worldwide, indicating that a wide resistome could contribute to rapid adaptation and dissemination of these clones at the human–animal–environment interface. Therefore, these results highlight that Andean Condors have been colonized by critical priority pathogens, becoming potential environmental reservoirs and/or vectors for dissemination of virulent and antimicrobial‐resistant bacteria and/or their genes, in associated ecosystems and wildlife.  相似文献   

The complete amino-acid sequence of the alpha A- and the beta-chains of the major component (HbA) and the alpha D- and the beta-chains of the minor component (HbD) of Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is presented. The minor component with the alpha D-chains is present in smaller amounts (17%) than in other birds (25%). The comparison with the corresponding chains of Greylag Goose (Anser anser) shows 17 different amino acids (17 nucleotides, only one-point mutations) in the alpha A-chains and 8 (8 nucleotides) in the beta-chains. The alpha D-chains differ from those of the pheasant (Phasanius cholchicus cholchicus) in 24 amino acids (27 nucl., 3 two-point mutations). Seven alpha 1 beta 1-, one alpha 1 beta 2-, three alpha 1 alpha 1-contacts and one beta 1 beta 1-contact are exchanged. The systematy of Cathartiformes, Ciconiiformes and Phoenicopteriformes is discussed, based on the amino-acid exchanges of all known adult hemoglobins of birds.  相似文献   

The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) in Ecuador is classified as Critically Endangered. Before 2015, standardized and systematic estimates of geographic distribution, population size and structure were not available for this species, hampering the assessment of its current status and hindering the design and implementation of effective conservation actions. In this study, we performed the first quantitative assessment of geographic distribution, population size and population viability of Andean Condor in Ecuador. We used a methodological approach that included an ecological niche model to study geographic distribution, a simultaneous survey of 70 roosting sites to estimate population size and a population viability analysis (PVA) for the next 100 years. Geographic distribution in the form of extent of occurrence was 49 725 km2. During a two-day census, 93 Andean Condors were recorded and a population of 94 to 102 individuals was estimated. In this population, adult-to-immature ratio was 1:0.5. In the modeled PVA scenarios, the probability of extinction, mean time to extinction and minimum population size varied from zero to 100%, 63 years and 193 individuals, respectively. Habitat loss is the greatest threat to the conservation of Andean Condor populations in Ecuador. Population size reduction in scenarios that included habitat loss began within the first 15 years of this threat. Population reinforcement had no effects on the recovery of Andean Condor populations given the current status of the species in Ecuador. The population size estimate presented in this study is the lower than those reported previously in other countries where the species occur. The inferences derived from the population viability analysis have implications for Condor management in Ecuador. This study highlights the need to redirect efforts from captive breeding and population reinforcement to habitat conservation.  相似文献   

From the fall of 1987 to the spring of 1994, data on reproductive behavior were collected on seven different pairs of California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) housed at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Behavioral data were collected from videotaped activities in their flight pens. Behaviors for this report include male and female displays and incomplete and complete copulations. Data on the time it took for females to recycle and lay another egg after egg removal were acquired from the California Condor Studbook. Male display rates were significantly higher than female rates throughout the breeding season. Males began displaying 52–132 days before the start of copulations. Copulations slowly increased from Day -51 and peaked ∼ Day -8, prior to egg laying. Female display rates were significantly more frequent at the end of the season after the last egg was laid. An average of 26.8 (±3.1 SEM) copulations occurred prior to egg laying. Copulations occurred throughout the day, with the higher mean percentages occurring between 0700 and 0900 hours. After egg removal, the interval between laying of the first and second eggs and between the second and third eggs had a mean of 34.1 (±10.1 SD) days. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three years of behavioral data were collected on incubation behavior in one pair of captive condors (Gymnogyps californianus) at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Data were collected from daily video tape reviews of the nest box. The amount of time each bird was in the nest box, and whether it was on or off the egg were recorded, along with any aggressive interactions observed in the nest. For the first 2 years, the female incubated the egg(s) significantly more than the male. During the third year, the male increased his incubation time on the egg, resulting in no difference between the two sexes in incubation time. Changes in male incubation behavior may be a result of several factors: increased compatibility between the pair, social maturation, and/or increased dominance on the part of the male. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diego Mndez  Stuart Marsden  Huw Lloyd 《Ibis》2019,161(4):867-877
The Andean Condor Vultur gryphus is a globally threatened and declining species. Problems of surveying Andean Condor populations using traditional survey methods are particularly acute in Bolivia, largely because only few roosts are known there. However, similar to other vulture species, Andean Condors aggregate at animal carcasses, and are individually recognizable due to unique morphological characteristics (size and shape of male crests and pattern of wing coloration). This provided us with an opportunity to use a capture‐recapture (‘sighting‐resighting’) modelling framework to estimate the size and structure of an Andean Condor population in Bolivia using photographs of individuals taken at observer‐established feeding stations. Between July and December 2014, 28 feeding stations were established in five different zones throughout the eastern Andean region of Bolivia, where perched and flying Andean Condors were photographed. Between one and 57 (mean = 20.2 ± 14.6 sd) Andean Condors were recorded visiting each feeding station and we were able to identify 456 different individuals, comprising 134 adult males, 40 sub‐adult males, 79 juvenile males, 80 adult females, 30 sub‐adult females and 93 juvenile females. Open population capture‐recapture models produced population estimates ranging from 52 ± 14 (se) individuals to 678 ± 269 individuals across the five zones, giving a total of 1388 ± 413 sd individuals, which is roughly 20% of the estimated Andean Condor global population. Future trials of this method need to consider explicitly knowledge of Andean Condor movements and home‐ranges, habitat preferences when selecting suitable sites as feeding stations, juvenile movements and other behaviours. Sighting‐resighting methods have considerable potential to increase the accuracy of surveys of Andean Condors and other bird species with unique individual morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The lack of breeding behavior seen in some pairs of adult California condors, Gymnogyps californianus, is of great concern for the captive breeding program. One possible cause for absent or delayed breeding in what are otherwise seemingly compatible animals is inbreeding avoidance behavior. To examine this possibility, housing and reproduction records were examined for all adult California condors. The influence of housing on reproduction of birds that had been exclusively paired for at least one full breeding season was examined with linear regression, and the age of females at the age of exclusive pairing was shown to have a significant influence on fertility, which increased with increased age at pairing. Behavioral data from adult pairs at the San Diego Wild Animal Park corroborated these findings, as mounts and copulations were observed at significantly lower frequencies in pairs that had been formed when the female was less than two years old. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

California condors are one of the most endangered species native to the mainland United States and are subject of intense effort regarding captive breeding and reintroduction. We analyzed 20 years of California condor egg records from the wild and from three captive propagation facilities for fertility, hatchability, and chick survivability, along with changes in egg size due to multiple clutching. Overall annual mean percent of fertile eggs was 80.2%, hatchability was 87.3%, and chick survivability to ≥60 days was 95.5%. One egg-laying site had a significantly lower fertility rate (P ≤ 0.0001) than the other sites, which was probably due to pair incompatibility rather than any physiological factors. Egg volume of the first egg was significantly greater than both the second (t=6.73, P=0.0001) and third egg (t=6.62, P ≤ 0.0001) of the season, while the second egg had a significantly greater volume (t=3.20, P=0.0084) than the third egg. Chicks from the second egg (t=3.24, P=0.029) and third egg (t=7.94, P=0.0014) of the season were significantly smaller than chicks from the first egg of the season. The decrease in egg measures and chick hatch weight due to multiple clutching did not affect hatchability or chick survivability. There were significant positive relationships (P<0.0001) between fresh egg weight and chick hatch weight and between egg volume and chick hatch weight, as well as between fresh egg weight and egg volume. In spite of the decrease in fresh egg weight, egg volume and chick hatch weights, due to egg removal to stimulate double and sometimes triple clutching, the captive propagation program has been successful in producing birds for the restoration of this species. Zoo Biol 23:489–500, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) recovery plan entails increasing the reproductive rate via replacement-clutch manipulation and artificial incubation of eggs. During the period from 1983 to 1990, 37 eggs have been artificially incubated; 32 of these were known to be fertile and 28 hatched (fertility: 86.5%; hatchability: 87.5%).  相似文献   

Lead poisoning in zoo-dwelling primates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lead intoxication was diagnosed in 42 primates at the National Zoological Park. Diagnoses were made clinically by the observation of signs of encephalopathy and the finding of 200 μg lead or more/100 ml blood, or postmortem by the presence of renal acid-fast intranuclear inclusion bodies and excess lead in liver specimens. Twenty-five of the primates had signs or lesions of lead encephalopathy. Lead poisoning was most common in the Cercopithecidae, and in the summer months. Lead encephalopathy was most frequent in juveniles. Leaded paint on the monkey cages was determined to be the source of poisoning. Blood studies revealed slight hypochromic anemia and immature and stippled erythrocytes. Postmortem lesions included acid-fast intranuclear inclusions in renal tubular and other epithelial cells; metaphyseal bone changes (lead lines); necrosis of striated muscle fibers; and other lesions. Treatment of one monkey for encephalopathy was attempted and proved successful.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning was demonstrated in two gray-headed woodpeckers (Picus canus) and one white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopus leucotos) in Sweden; they had liver lead levels between 9.4 and 26.2 mg(-1) wet weight. At necropsy one gray-headed woodpecker showed signs of emaciation and the other one had severe traumatic injuries, caused by a cat. The white-backed woodpecker died in the transportation box during a translocation program. The source of the lead could not be determined, but it was suspected that it may have originated from lead pellets shot into trees and picked out by the woodpeckers during food search.  相似文献   

We collected 430 harvested ducks (Anas sp. and Aythya sp.) from nine prefectures in Japan between 1994 and 1997. Fifteen (4%) of 363 birds harvested during and after hunting seasons had one lead pellet each in the proventriculus and gizzard. In addition, 32 (34%) of 93 swans (Cygnus sp.) and two of 14 geese (Anser sp.) found dead from various wetlands had lesions consistent with lead poisoning. One to nine swans suspected of having toxicosis from ingestion of lead shot were found dead each year. Twenty-seven (84%) of the 32 lead-exposured swans were found in Hokkaido Prefecture. We concluded that lead poisoning is still a serious threat to waterfowl in Japan and that there is considerable need for environmental improvement concerning this problem.  相似文献   

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