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The discovery of the arsenic hyperaccumulator, Pteris vittata (Chinese brake fern), has contributed to the promotion of its application as a means of phytoremediation for arsenic removal from contaminated soils and water. Understanding the mechanisms involved in arsenic tolerance and accumulation of this plant provides valuable tools to improve the phytoremediation efficiency. In this review, the current knowledge about the physiological and molecular mechanisms of arsenic tolerance and accumulation in P. vittata is summarized, and an attempt has been made to clarify some of the unresolved questions related to these mechanisms. In addition, the capacity of P. vittata for remediation of arsenic-contaminated soils is evaluated under field conditions for the first time, and possible solutions to improve the remediation capacity of Pteris vittata are also discussed.  相似文献   

砷超富集植物蜈蚣草原生质体的分离及其抗砷性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹宝  徐文忠  麻密 《植物学通报》2006,23(4):363-367
蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)是一种砷超富集植物,能够通过根从土壤中吸收砷,并将其输送至羽叶中富集.为了探索蜈蚣草单个细胞在砷积累和砷抗性中的特性,本文首次通过酶解方法获得了这一砷超富集蕨类植物的原生质体,并研究了原生质体在不同浓度砷胁迫下的生活力.结果显示,蜈蚣草原生质体的抗砷性远高于烟草原生质体的抗砷性,与其整体植株的抗性一致.这为探索砷抗性和超富集机理提供了一个新的研究体系.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of diammonium phosphate (DAP), single superphosphate (SSP) and two growing cycles on arsenic removal by Chinese Brake Fern (Pteris vittata L.) from an arsenic contaminated Typic Haplustept of the Indian state of West Bengal. After harvest of Pteris vittata the total, Olsen's extractable and other five soil arsenic fractions were determined. The total biomass yield of P. vittata ranged from 10.7 to 16.2 g pot(-1) in first growing cycle and from 7.53 to 11.57 g pot(-1) in second growing cycle. The frond arsenic concentrations ranged from 990 to 1374 mg kg(-1) in first growing cycle and from 875 to 1371 mg kg(-1) in second growing cycle. DAP was most efficient in enhancing biomass yield, frond and root arsenic concentrations and total arsenic removal from soil. After first growing cycle, P. vittata reduced soil arsenic by 10 to 20%, while after two growing cycles Pteris reduced it by 18 to 34%. Among the different arsenic fractions, Fe-bound arsenic dominated over other fractions. Two successive harvests with DAP as the phosphate fertilizer emerged as the promising management strategy for amelioration of arsenic contaminated soil of West Bengal through phyotoextraction by P. vittata.  相似文献   

High-arsenic groundwater in inland basins usually contains high concentrations of fluoride. In the present study, the effects of fluoride on arsenic uptake by Pteris vittata and on arsenic transformation in growth media were investigated under greenhouse conditions. After P. vittata was hydroponically exposed to 66.8 μM As (V) in the presence of 1.05 mM F? in the form of NaF, KF, or NaF+KF for 10 d, no visible toxicity symptoms were observed, and there were not significant differences in the dry biomass among the four treatments. The results showed that P. vittata tolerated F? concentrations as high as 1.05 mM but did not accumulate fluoride in their own tissues. Arsenic uptake was inhibited in the presence of 1.05 mM F?. However, in hydroponic batches with 60 μM As (III) or 65 μM As (V), it was found that 210.6 and 316.0 μM F? promoted arsenic uptake. As(III) was oxidized to As(V) in the growth media in the presence and absence of plants, and F? had no effect on the rate of As(III) transformation. These experiments demonstrated that P. vittata was a good candidate to remediate arsenic-contaminated groundwater in the presence of fluoride. Our results can be used to develop strategies to remediate As-F-contaminated water using P. vittata.  相似文献   

蜈蚣草砷超富集机制及其在砷污染修复中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蕨类植物蜈蚣草能够从土壤中吸收砷,并储存于地上部分羽叶的液泡中。蜈蚣草具有高效的抗氧化系统,以降低砷的毒害;其砷酸还原系统和液泡区隔化是蜈蚣草进行砷解毒和砷超富集的重要机制。本文综述了目前蜈蚣草砷超富集机制研究的主要进展,并对其在修复砷污染环境的应用中进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment evaluated the effect of phytoextraction of arsenic from a contaminated soil by Chinese Brake Fern (Pteris vittata L.) and its subsequent effects on growth and uptake of arsenic by rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop. Pteris vittata was grown for one or two growing cycles of four months each with two phosphate sources, using single super phosphate (SSP) and di-ammonium phosphate (DAP). Rice was grown on phytoextracted soils followed by measurements of biomass yield (grain, straw, and root), arsenic concentration and, uptake by individual plant parts. The biomass yield (grain, straw and rice) of rice was highest in soil phytoextracted with Pteris vittata grown for two cycles and fertilized with diammonium phosphate (DAP). Total arsenic uptake in contaminated soil ranged from 8.2 to 16.9 mg pot(-1) in first growing cycle and 5.5 to 12.0 mg pot(-1) in second growing cycle of Pteris vittata. There was thus a mean reduction of 52% in arsenic content of rice grain after two growing cycle of Pteris vittata and 29% after the one growing cycle. The phytoextraction of arsenic contaminated soil by Pteris vittata was beneficial for growing rice resulted in decreased arsenic content in rice grain of <1 ppm. There was a mean improvement in rice grain yield 14% after two growing cycle and 8% after the one growing cycle of brake fern.  相似文献   

In the present study, Pteris cretica ‘Albo-Lineata’ (PC), Pteris fauriei (PF), Humata tyermanii Moore (HT), and Pteris ensiformis Burm (PE), were selected to explore additional plant materials for the phytoremediation of As and Sb co-contamination. To some extent, the addition of As and Sb enhanced the growth of HT, PE, and PF. Conversely, the addition of As and Sb negatively affected the growth of PC and was accompanied with the accumulation of high levels of As and Sb in the roots. The highest concentration of Sb was recorded as 6405 mg kg?1 in the roots of PC, and that for As was 337 mg kg?1 in the rhizome of PF. To some degree, As and Sb stimulated the uptake of each other in these ferns. Arsenic was mainly stored in the cytoplasmic supernatant (CS) fraction, followed by the cell wall (CW) fraction. In contrast, Sb was mainly found in the CW fraction and, to a lesser extent, in the CS fraction, suggesting that the cell wall and cytosol play different roles in As and Sb accumulation by fern plants. This study demonstrated that these fern plants show a good application potential in the phytoremediation of As and Sb co-contaminated environments.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to explore arsenic (As) tolerance and phytostabilization potential of the two tree species, buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Both plant species were grown in pots and were exposed to various soil As levels (control, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg kg?1). The plants were harvested after 9 months for the evaluation of growth parameters as well as root and shoot As concentrations. With increasing soil As levels, plant height stress tolerance index (PHSTI) was significantly decreased in both tree species, whereas root length stress tolerance index (RLSTI) and dry matter stress tolerance index (DMSTI) were not affected. Root and shoot As concentrations significantly increased in both tree species with increasing soil As levels. Translocation factor and bioconcentration factor were less than 1.0 for both plant species. This study revealed that both tree species are non-hyperaccumulators of As, but they could be used for phytostabilization of As-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

刈割对蜈蚣草的砷吸收和植物修复效率的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
以野生苗移栽的蜈蚣草为试材 ,通过盆栽试验研究了收获次数对蜈蚣草生长、砷吸收和植物修复效率的影响。结果表明 :在 3次收获中 ,随着收获次数的增加 ,不同砷浓度处理之间蜈蚣草生物量的差异逐步缩小 ;不加砷的对照处理中 ,每次收获后的砷吸收速率下降趋势 ,而在 3个加砷处理中 ,第 2次收获和第 3次收获的蜈蚣草的吸砷速率为 6 3~ 75 μg/ (plant· d)、4 4~ 5 5μg/ (plant· d) ,均显著高于第 1次收获时的吸收速率。表明多次收获并没有降低砷的积累速度。由此可见 ,通过适当增加蜈蚣草的收获次数是提高砷修复效率的一种策略  相似文献   

超富集植物蜈蚣草中砷化学形态的EXAFS研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用同步辐射扩展X射线吸收精细结构(SREXAFS)技术研究了超富集植物蜈蚣草(PterisvittataL.)中As的化学形态及其在转运过程中的变化。结果表明,蜈蚣草中的As主要以As(Ⅲ)与O配位的形态存在。As(V)被植物吸收后,很快转化为As(Ⅲ),其转化过程主要发生在根部。As(Ⅲ)向地上部转运的过程中价态基本不变。在植物的根部和部分叶柄中存在少量与As-GSH相似的As-S结合方式,但是在As含量最高的羽叶中基本上未发现这种结合方式。与需要提取和分离过程的化学方法相比,采用EXAFS方法研究植物中的砷形态不需经过预分离或化学预处理就可以直接测定植物样品中元素的化学形态,因此可以避免样品预处理过程对As形态的干扰,并获得可靠的砷化学形态方面的信息。  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken, in arsenic (As) contaminated area of the Nadia district, West Bengal, India, to find native As accumulator plants. As was determined both in soil and plant parts. The results showed that the mean translocation factor of Pteris vittata L, Phragmites karka (Cav.) Trin. Ex. Steud and Christella dentata Forssk were higher than 1. It thus appeared that these plants can be efficient accumulators of As.

Phytoremediation ability of C. dentata and P. karka was evaluated and compared with known As-hyperaccumulators -P. vittata and Adiantum capillus veneris L. Plants were grown in the As spiked soil (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg kg?1). As accumulation was found to be highest in P. vittata, 117.18 mg kg?1 in leaf at 100 mg kg?1 As treatment, followed by A. capillus veneris, P. karka and C. dentata being 74, 83.87 and 40.36 mg kg?1, respectively. Lipid peroxidation increased after As exposure in all plants. However, the antioxidant enzyme activity and molecules concentration also increased which helped the plants to overcome As-induced oxidative stress. The study indicates that P. karka and C. dentata could be considered as As-accumulators and find application for As-phytoextraction in field conditions.  相似文献   

超富集植物蜈蚣草中砷化学形态的EXAFS研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用同步辐射扩展X射线吸收精细结构(SR EXAFS)技术研究了超富集植物蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata L.)中As的化学形态及其在转运过程中的变化.结果表明,蜈蚣草中的As主要以As(Ⅲ)与O配位的形态存在.As(Ⅴ)被植物吸收后,很快转化为As(Ⅲ),其转化过程主要发生在根部.As(Ⅲ)向地上部转运的过程中价态基本不变.在植物的根部和部分叶柄中存在少量与As-GSH相似的As-S结合方式,但是在As含量最高的羽叶中基本上未发现这种结合方式.与需要提取和分离过程的化学方法相比,采用EXAFS方法研究植物中的砷形态不需经过预分离或化学预处理就可以直接测定植物样品中元素的化学形态,因此可以避免样品预处理过程对As形态的干扰,并获得可靠的砷化学形态方面的信息.  相似文献   


The role of glutathione and dithiothreitol as reductants supporting arsenate reductase activity in root extract from the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata was examined. The two reductants in combination enhanced arsenate reduction in vitro more than glutathione alone. The implications of these results for in vivo arsenate reduction are discussed.  相似文献   


Using biodegradable chelators to assist in phytoextraction may be an effective approach to enhance the heavy-metal remediation efficiencies of plants. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of ethylenediamine disuccinic acid (EDDS), citric acid (CA), and oxalic acid (OA) on the growth of the arsenic (As) hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L., its arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) uptake and accumulation, and soil microbial responses in multi-metal(loid)-contaminated soil. The addition of 2.5-mmol kg?1 OA (OA-2.5) produced 26.7 and 14.9% more rhizoid and shoot biomass, respectively compared with the control, while EDDS and CA treatments significantly inhibited plant growth. The As accumulation in plants after the OA-2.5 treatment increased by 44.2% and the Cd and Pb accumulation in plants after a 1-mmol kg?1 EDDS treatment increased by 24.5 and 19.6%, respectively. Soil urease enzyme activities in OA-2.5 treatment were significantly greater than those in the control and other chelator treatments (p?<?0.05). A PCR–denatured gradient gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that with the addition of EDDS, CA and OA enhanced soil microbial diversity. It was concluded that the addition of OA-2.5 was suitable for facilitating phytoremediation of soil As and did not have negative effects on the microbial community.  相似文献   

* Several fern species can hyperaccumulate arsenic, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigate the roles of root absorption, translocation and tolerance in As hyperaccumulation by comparing the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and the nonhyperaccumulator Pteris tremula. * The two species were grown in a pot experiment with 0-500 mg As kg-1 added as arsenate, and in a short-term (8 h) uptake experiment with 5 microM arsenate under phosphorus-sufficient conditions. * In the pot experiment, P. vittata accumulated up to 2500 mg As kg-1 frond d. wt and suffered no phytotoxicity. P. tremula accumulated<100 mg As kg-1 frond d. wt and suffered severe phytotoxicity with additions of >or=25 mg As kg-1. In the short-term uptake experiment, P. vittata had a 2.2-fold higher rate of arsenate uptake than P. tremula, and distributed more As taken up to the fronds (76%) than did P. tremula (9%). * Our results show that enhanced root uptake, efficient root-to-shoot translocation, and a much elevated tolerance through internal detoxification all contribute to As hyperaccumulation in P. vittata.  相似文献   

Recently, evidence has increased for both long- and short-distance transport of polyamines (PAs) in living organisms, but the mechanisms involved and physiological significance of PAs translocation are still not well understood. This review deals with various aspects of polyamine uptake and transport in higher plant tissues.  相似文献   

砷对土壤-蜈蚣草系统中磷生物有效性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
磷是植物必需的大量营养元素,而其同族元素砷却不是植物生长发育所必需的。通过等温吸附平衡实验发现土壤中存在的砷可以降低褐土对磷的吸附,褐土对砷的吸附率大于等于褐土对磷的吸附率。对砷超富集植物蜈蚣草而言,土壤中砷的添加量不超过800mg/kg时,蜈蚣草地上部和地下部磷含量显著提高,结果初步表明,砷可以提高土壤中磷的生物有效性。  相似文献   

Brake fern, Pteris vittata, not only tolerates arsenic but also hyperaccumulates it in the frond. The hypothesis that arsenic hyperaccumulation in this fern could function as a defense against insect herbivory was tested. Fronds from control and arsenic-treated ferns were presented to nymphs of the grasshopper Schistocerca americana. Feeding damage was recorded by visual observation and quantification of the fresh weight of frond left uneaten and number of fecal pellets produced over a 2-d period. Grasshopper weight was determined before and after 5 d of feeding. Grasshoppers consumed significantly greater amounts of the frond tissue, produced more fecal pellets and had increased body weight on control plants compared with grasshoppers fed arsenic-treated ferns. Very little or none of the arsenic-treated ferns were consumed indicating feeding deterrence. In a feeding deterrent experiment with lettuce, sodium arsenite at 1.0 mm deterred grasshoppers from feeding whereas 0.1 mm did not. In a choice experiment, grasshoppers preferred to feed on lettuce dipped in water compared with lettuce dipped in 1.0 mm sodium arsenite. Our results show that arsenic hyperaccumulation in brake fern is an elemental defense against grasshopper herbivory.  相似文献   

水稻对砷的吸收及代谢机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
砷(As)是一种广泛存在的致癌的微量元素。环境中日益严重的As污染问题,影响了水稻的生长和品质,并通过食物链进一步威胁着人类健康。为降低食物链中As的污染并提高水稻对As的耐性,需要深入了解水稻对As的吸收及As在水稻体内转运、代谢过程的生理及分子生物学机制。本文就以上几个问题综述了近些年来国内外的研究结果,并对今后深入研究提出建议。  相似文献   

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