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A rapid assay is described, based upon the Marangoni effect, which detects the formation of a denatured-protein film at the air–water interface (AWI) of aqueous samples. This assay requires no more than a 20 µL aliquot of sample, at a protein concentration of no more than1 mg/ml, and it can be performed with any buffer that is used to prepare grids for electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM). In addition, this assay provides an easy way to estimate the rate at which a given protein forms such a film at the AWI. Use of this assay is suggested as a way to pre-screen the effect of various additives and chemical modifications that one might use to optimize the preparation of grids, although the final proof of optimization still requires further screening of grids in the electron microscope. In those cases when the assay establishes that a given protein does form a sacrificial, denatured-protein monolayer, it is suggested that subsequent optimization strategies might focus on discovering how to improve the adsorption of native proteins onto that monolayer, rather than to prevent its formation. A second alternative might be to bind such proteins to the surface of rationally designed affinity grids, in order to prevent their diffusion to, and unwanted interaction with, the AWI.  相似文献   

We present the first single-molecule atomic force microscopy study on the effect of chemical denaturants on the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of a small protein GB1 (the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G from Streptococcus). Upon increasing the concentration of the chemical denaturant guanidinium chloride (GdmCl), we observed a systematic decrease in the mechanical stability of GB1, indicating the softening effect of the chemical denaturant on the mechanical stability of proteins. This mechanical softening effect originates from the reduced free-energy barrier between the folded state and the unfolding transition state, which decreases linearly as a function of the denaturant concentration. Chemical denaturants, however, do not alter the mechanical unfolding pathway or shift the position of the transition state for mechanical unfolding. We also found that the folding rate constant of GB1 is slowed down by GdmCl in mechanical folding experiments. By combining the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of GB1 in GdmCl solution, we developed the “mechanical chevron plot” as a general tool to understand how chemical denaturants influence the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics and free-energy diagram in a quantitative fashion. This study demonstrates great potential in combining chemical denaturation with single-molecule atomic force microscopy techniques to reveal invaluable information on the energy landscape underlying protein folding/unfolding reactions.  相似文献   

Sticholysin I (St I) is a pore-forming toxin (PFT) produced by the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus belonging to the actinoporin protein family, a unique class of eukaryotic PFT exclusively found in sea anemones. As for actinoporins, it has been proposed that the presence of sphingomyelin (SM) and the coexistence of lipid phases increase binding to the target membrane. However, little is known about the role of membrane structure and dynamics (phase state, fluidity, presence of lipid domains) on actinoporins' activity or which regions of the membrane are the most favorable platforms for protein insertion. To gain insight into the role of SM on the interaction of St I to lipid membranes we studied their binding to monolayers of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and SM in different proportions. Additionally, the effect of acyl chain length and unsaturation, two features related to membrane fluidity, was evaluated on St I binding to monolayers. This study revealed that St I binds and penetrates preferentially and with a faster kinetic to liquid-expanded films with high lateral mobility and moderately enriched in SM. A high content of SM induces a lower lateral diffusion and/or liquid-condensed phases, which hinder St I binding and penetration to the lipid monolayer. Furthermore, the presence of lipid domain borders does not appear as an important factor for St I binding to the lipid monolayer.  相似文献   

Chronic psychosocial stress is increasingly being recognised as a risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) is the major stress response pathway in the body and tightly regulates the production of cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormone. Dysregulation of the HPA axis and increased levels of cortisol are commonly found in AD patients and make a major contribution to the disease process. The underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In addition, within the general population there are interindividual differences in sensitivities to glucocorticoid and stress responses, which are thought to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These differences could ultimately impact an individuals’ risk of AD. The purpose of this review is first to summarise the literature describing environmental and genetic factors that can impact an individual's HPA axis reactivity and function and ultimately AD risk. Secondly, we propose a mechanism by which genetic factors that influence HPA axis reactivity may also impact inflammation, a key driver of neurodegeneration. We hypothesize that these factors can mediate glucocorticoid priming of the immune cells of the brain, microglia, to become pro-inflammatory and promote a neurotoxic environment resulting in neurodegeneration. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms and identifying these genetic factors has implications for evaluating stress-related risk/progression to neurodegeneration, informing the success of interventions based on stress management and potential risks associated with the common use of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

An important question that is addressed here is whether the modeling of protein folding can catch the difference between the folding of proteins with similar structures but with different folding mechanisms. In this work, the modeling of folding of four α-helical proteins from the homeodomain family, which are similar in size, was done using the Monte Carlo and dynamic programming methods. A frequently observed order of folding of α-helices for each protein was determined using the Monte Carlo method. A correlation between the experimental folding rate and the number of Monte Carlo steps was also demonstrated. Amino acid residues that are important for the folding were determined using the dynamic programming method. The defined regions correlate with the order of folding of secondary-structure elements in the proteins both in experiments and in modeling.  相似文献   

Production of helical integral membrane proteins (IMPs) in a folded state is a necessary prerequisite for their functional and structural studies. In many cases large-scale expression of IMPs in cell-based and cell-free systems results in misfolded proteins, which should be refolded in vitro. Here using examples of the bacteriorhodopsin ESR from Exiguobacterium sibiricum and full-length homotetrameric K+ channel KcsA from Streptomyces lividans we found that the efficient in vitro folding of the transmembrane domains of the polytopic and multimeric IMPs could be achieved during the protein encapsulation into the reconstructed high-density lipoprotein particles, also known as lipid–protein nanodiscs. In this case the self-assembly of the IMP/nanodisc complexes from a mixture containing apolipoprotein, lipids and the partially denatured protein solubilized in a harsh detergent induces the folding of the transmembrane domains. The obtained folding yields showed significant dependence on the properties of lipids used for nanodisc formation. The largest recovery of the spectroscopically active ESR (~ 60%) from the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was achieved in the nanodiscs containing anionic saturated lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPG) and was approximately twice lower in the zwitterionic DMPC lipid. The reassembly of tetrameric KcsA from the acid-dissociated monomer solubilized in SDS was the most efficient (~ 80%) in the nanodiscs containing zwitterionic unsaturated lipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC). The charged and saturated lipids provided lower tetramer quantities, and the lowest yield (< 20%) was observed in DMPC. The overall yield of the ESR and KcsA folding was mainly restricted by the efficiency of the protein encapsulation into the nanodiscs.  相似文献   

Basharov MA 《Biofizika》2002,47(6):989-995
The possibility to derive the analogs of native proteins by the chemical synthesis is considered to be a serious argument for the concept of posttranslational protein folding. The present paper analyzes for the first time chemically synthesized proteins to reveal whether they are relevant to the problem of protein folding. The results enable the following conclusions to be drawn. The acquisition of the peculiar conformations by the chemically synthesized proteins to exhibit the specific functions is conditioned by the highly marked features of the secondary and tertiary structures of the corresponding native proteins. These features will make themselves evident only if favorable conditions are carefully chosen during the experiments for each individual protein. Thus, in our opinion, the possibility to derive a synthetic protein is hardly evidence for the posttranslational folding of proteins.  相似文献   

Brylinski M  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2008,70(2):363-377
It is well known that ligand binding and release may induce a wide range of structural changes in a receptor protein, varying from small movements of loops or side chains in the binding pocket to large‐scale domain hinge‐bending and shear motions or even partial unfolding that facilitates the capture and release of a ligand. An interesting question is what in general are the conformational changes triggered by ligand binding? The aim of this work is analyze the magnitude of structural changes in a protein resulting from ligand binding to assess if the state of ligand binding needs to be included in template‐based protein structure prediction algorithms. To address this issue, a nonredundant dataset of 521 paired protein structures in the ligand‐free and ligand‐bound form was created and used to estimate the degree of both local and global structure similarity between the apo and holo forms. In most cases, the proteins undergo relatively small conformational rearrangements of their tertiary structure upon ligand binding/release (most root‐mean‐square‐deviations from native, RMSD, are <1 Å). However, a clear difference was observed between single‐ and multiple‐domain proteins. For the latter, RMSD changes greater than 1 Å and sometimes larger were found for almost 1/3 of the cases; these are mainly associated with large‐scale hinge‐bending movements of entire domains. The changes in the mutual orientation of individual domains in multiple‐domain proteins upon ligand binding were investigated using a mechanistic model based on mass‐weighted principal axes as well as interface buried surface calculations. Some preferences toward the anticipated mechanism of protein domain movements are predictable based on the examination of just the ligand‐free structural form. These results have applications to protein structure prediction, particularly in the context of protein domain assembly, if additional information concerning ligand binding is exploited. Proteins 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Host–parasitoid metapopulation models have typically been deterministic models formulated with population numbers as a continuous variable. Spatial heterogeneity in local population abundance is a typical (and often essential) feature of these models and means that, even when average population density is high, some patches have small population sizes. In addition, large temporal population fluctuations are characteristic of many of these models, and this also results in periodically small local population sizes. Whenever population abundances are small, demographic stochasticity can become important in several ways. To investigate this problem, we have reformulated a deterministic, host–parasitoid metapopulation as an integer-based model in which encounters between hosts and parasitoids, and the fecundity of individuals are modelled as stochastic processes. This has a number of important consequences: (1) stochastic fluctuations at small population sizes tend to be amplified by the dynamics to cause massive population variability, i.e. the demographic stochasticity has a destabilizing effect; (2) the spatial patterns of local abundance observed in the deterministic counterpart are largely maintained (although the area of ''spatial chaos'' is extended); (3) at small population sizes, dispersal by discrete individuals leads to a smaller fraction of new patches being colonized, so that parasitoids with small dispersal rates have a greater tendency for extinction and higher dispersal rates have a larger competitive advantage; and (4) competing parasitoids that could coexist in the deterministic model due to spatial segregation cannot now coexist for any combination of parameters.  相似文献   

Simulations and experiments that monitor protein unfolding under denaturing conditions are commonly employed to study the mechanism by which a protein folds to its native state in a physiological environment. Due to the differences in conditions and the complexity of the reaction, unfolding is not necessarily the reverse of folding. To assess the relevance of temperature initiated unfolding studies to the folding problem, we compare the folding and unfolding of a 125-residue protein model by Monte Carlo dynamics at two temperatures; the lower one corresponds to the range used in T -jump experiments and the higher one to the range used in unfolding simulations of all-atom models. The trajectories that lead from the native state to the denatured state at these elevated temperatures are less diverse than those observed in the folding simulations. At the lower temperature, the system unfolds through a mandatory intermediate that corresponds to a local free energy minimum. At the higher temperature, no such intermediate is observed, but a similar pathway is followed. The structures contributing to the unfolding pathways resemble most closely those that make up the "fast track" of folding. The transition state for unfolding at the lower temperature (above Tm) is determined and is found to be more structured than the transition state for folding below the melting temperature. This shift towards the native state is consistent with the Hammond postulate. The implications for unfolding simulations of higher resolution models and for unfolding experiments of proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Folding of aggregation prone recombinant proteins through co-expression of chaperonin GroEL and GroES has been a popular practice in the effort to optimize preparation of functional protein in Escherichia coli. Considering the demand for functional recombinant protein products, it is desirable to apply the chaperone assisted protein folding strategy for enhancing the yield of properly folded protein. Toward the same direction, it is also worth attempting folding of multiple recombinant proteins simultaneously over-expressed in E. coli through the assistance of co-expressed GroEL–ES. The genesis of this thinking was originated from the fact that cellular GroEL and GroES assist in the folding of several endogenous proteins expressed in the bacterial cell. Here we present the experimental findings from our study on co-expressed GroEL–GroES assisted folding of simultaneously over-expressed proteins maltodextrin glucosidase (MalZ) and yeast mitochondrial aconitase (mAco). Both proteins mentioned here are relatively larger and aggregation prone, mostly form inclusion bodies, and undergo GroEL–ES assisted folding in E. coli cells during over-expression. It has been reported that the relative yield of properly folded functional forms of MalZ and mAco with the exogenous GroEL–ES assistance were comparable with the results when these proteins were overexpressed alone. This observation is quite promising and highlights the fact that GroEL and GroES can assist in the folding of multiple substrate proteins simultaneously when over-expressed in E. coli. This method might be a potential tool for enhanced production of multiple functional recombinant proteins simultaneously in E. coli.  相似文献   

Two forces are generally hypothesised as being responsible for conditioning the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships (relationships between precursor and product amino acids). If we assume that the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids were fundamental in defining the genetic code, then it is reasonable to expect that the distribution of physicochemical properties among the amino acids in precursor-product relationships cannot be random but must, rather, be affected by some selective constraints imposed by the structure of primitive proteins. Analysis shows that measurements representing the size of amino acids, e.g. bulkiness, are specifically associated to the pairs of amino acids in precursor-product relationships. However, the size of amino acids cannot have been selected per se but, rather, because it reflects the-sheets of proteins which are, therefore, identified as the main adaptive theme promoting the origin of genetic code organization. Whereas there are no traces of the-helix in the genetic code table.The above considerations make it necessary to re-examine the relationship linking the hydrophilicity of the dinucleoside monophosphates of anticodons and the polarity and bulkiness of amino acids. It can be concluded that this relationship seems to be meaningful only between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids. The latter relationship is supposed to have been operative on hairpin structures, ancestors of the tRNA molecule. Moreover, it is on these very structures that the biosynthetic links between precursor and product amino acids might have been achieved, and the interaction between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids might have had a role in the concession of codons (anticodons) from precursors to products.  相似文献   

Proteins can begin the conformational search for their native structure in parallel with biosynthesis on the ribosome, in a process termed co-translational folding. In contrast to the reversible folding of isolated domains, as a nascent chain emerges from the ribosome exit tunnel during translation the free energy landscape it explores also evolves as a function of chain length. While this presents a substantially more complex measurement problem, this review will outline the progress that has been made recently in understanding, quantitatively, the process by which a nascent chain attains its full native stability, as well as the mechanisms through which interactions with the nearby ribosome surface can perturb or modulate this process.  相似文献   

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