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酞酸酯污染农田土壤生物修复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酞酸酯是目前世界上产量最大、应用面积最广的人工合成有机物,作为塑化剂被广泛应用于塑料制品中。近年来发现酞酸酯是一类典型的环境内分泌干扰物。随着生活中塑料制品日益增多,尤其是农用薄膜和有机肥的大量使用,农田土壤中酞酸酯污染日益加剧,酞酸酯污染土壤的修复逐渐引起国内外学者的广泛关注。生物修复具有价格低廉、效果良好和环境友好等特点,尤其适合于大面积污染农田土壤修复。从植物修复、微生物修复、植物微生物联合修复和动物修复等方面综述了国内外酞酸酯污染土壤生物修复的研究现状,并从高效修复植物筛选及机理探讨、实际污染土壤的降解菌修复研究、高效降解菌群的构建和作用机制等方面对该领域的研究进行了展望,以期为酞酸酯污染土壤的修复研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路。  相似文献   

Restoration of a weathered crude oil contaminated site undergoing phytoremediation was evaluated using nematodes as bioindicators. Samples were collected twice per year equating to spring and fall/winter. Mean annual total abundances ranged from 18–130 in the non-fertilized non-vegetated control (CTR) to 69–728 in tall fescue-ryegrass (FES) to 147–749 (100 g?1) in the fertilized bermudagrass-fescue (BER) treatment. Proportions of plant-parasitic (PP) and free-living (FL) nematodes were significantly impacted by treatment, but not year, with PP nematodes accounting for 27, 59, and 68% of CTR, FES, and BER communities, respectively. There was no significant year by season by treatment or treatment by year effect for total, PP, or FL nematode abundances. Diversity did not increase over time. The BER and FES treatments had more mature communities as indicated by higher plant-parasitic index (PPI) values. Phytoremediation accelerates petroleum degradation and alters the soil habitat which is reflected in the nematode community. However, low numbers and inconsistent presence of persister strategist omnivores and predators, and the lack in improvement over time in treatment effects for total and PP nematode abundances, PP and FL proportions, or PPI indicate the system is being rehabilitated but has not been restored after 69 months of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

抗生素的环境污染问题日益严峻,如何对抗生素污染的水体和土壤进行有效的原位处理已然成为亟待解决的问题.植物修复是具有处理成本低、二次污染可控、易于后续处理、不破坏土壤和河流生态环境等优势的绿色、原位修复技术,已被证明是可用于抗生素污染治理的处理技术之一.因此,通过文献搜索和总结分析,作者们对植物修复在抗生素污染治理中的应...  相似文献   

Broad beans (Vicia faba)could tolerate up to 10% (w)w) crude oil in desert soil (sand), therefore, the potential of this crop for cleaning oily desert soil via rhizosphere technology was investigated. The amounts of hydrocarbons recovered from oily desert soil samples supporting V. faba plants were less than the amounts extracted from uncultivated oily soil samples. Excised fresh V. faba roots with their intact rhizospheres resulted in the attenuation of n-octadecane, phenanthrene, and crude oil when shaken into sterile desert soil extract containing these hydrocarbons. The amounts of hydrocarbons eliminated were greater with roots of plants previously raised in oily soil than with roots of plants raised in clean soil. Similar hydrocarbon attenuation effects were recorded when, instead of excised roots, whole plants were used with their roots submerged in the hydrocarbon containing soil extract. The various parts of plants raised in oily desert soil contained more linolenic acid in their total lipids than did the same parts of plants raised in clean desert soil. This was much more pronounced for the roots than for shoots and seeds. The hydrocarbons of roots and shoots of V. faba plants were not as affected by oil pollution as were those of seeds, in which the proportions of very long chain hydrocarbons increased with increasing oil concentration in the soil. Those hydrocarbons are not recommended for human and animal nutrition.  相似文献   

化学农药的高毒性、生物积累性和扩散性极易对环境及人类健康造成危害,环境中化学农药的去除尤为重要。植物-微生物联合修复技术因其高效、环境友好和修复成本低等优点受到越来越多的关注,植物-微生物联合修复化学农药污染土壤是一种很有前景的方法。植物为根际和内生细菌提供养分,而细菌通过化学农药的降解和解毒来支持植物生长。本文综述了影响化学农药在植物体内吸收和转运的因素以及植物-微生物修复技术的原理,并讨论了植物与微生物在化学农药污染土壤修复中的协同效应,并对植物-微生物联合修复法在化学农药污染土壤修复中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤生物修复过程中微生物生态研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
石油是重要的工业原料 ,同时又是燃料与能源。随着工业的发展 ,需求量大幅度增加 ,使得开采面积不断扩大 ,在开采、运输、贮藏、加工过程中 ,由于意外事故或管理不当 ,排放到农田、地下水、海洋 ,使环境遭受石油污染 ,直接危害人类生产与生活[10 ] 。石油主要成份有烷烃、苯、甲苯、二甲苯等多种复杂芳香烃 ,这些物质毒性大 ,有的有致癌、致突变等作用 ,因此被列为重要污染物[11] 。石油对土壤的污染主要是破坏土壤结构 ,影响土壤通透性。损害植物根部 ,阻碍根的呼吸与吸收 ,最终导致植物死亡。其次 ,污染物进入食物链造成人体损伤。鉴于以…  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to select plant species that could be effective in the phytoremediation of a former oil-sludge pit. Seven crop plants (Triticum aestivum L., Secale cereale L., Avena sativa L., Hordeum vulgare, Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, Panicum miliaceum L., and Zea mays L.), five wild grasses (Lolium perenne L., Bromopsis inermis, Agropyron cristatum L., Agropyrum tenerum L., and Festuca pratensis Huds.), and three legumes (Medicago sativa L., Trifolium pratense L., and Onobrychis antasiatica Khin.) were screened for phytotoxicity, including the assessment of germination, shoot biomass, and root biomass, in a pot experiment. The estimation of oil-sludge degradation in the root zone of the tested plants showed that rye accelerated cleanup most effectively, degrading all of the main contaminant fractions in the oil sludge by a total of 52%. Although alfalfa had a lower phytoremediation potential than did rye, it maintained large numbers of soil microorganisms, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degraders, in its rhizosphere. Rye and alfalfa were chosen for a large-scale study to remediate an oil-sludge pit on the grounds of a petroleum refinery. Remediation monitoring confirmed the effectiveness of rye: the oil-sludge content decreased consistently for 3 years and remained low in comparison with the results from other plant species.  相似文献   

为了研究铅污染菜地土壤施用石灰对小白菜-土壤生态系统的影响及持续效果,探讨石灰修复铅污染菜地土壤的可行性,采集铅污染菜地土壤开展连续盆栽试验,设置5个石灰用量处理(0、1.5 g/kg、3.0 g/kg、4.5 g/kg、6.0 g/kg)。石灰施入土壤中平衡2周后移栽小白菜,连续种植3茬。同时采集小白菜样本和土壤样本,测定土壤pH、土壤Pb有效态含量和微生物活性等指标,并分别测定小白菜地上和地下部的生物量和铅含量。结果显示:石灰对降低土壤铅有效态和小白菜中铅含量的持效性较差,但施用石灰可增加土壤中的微生物活性,特别是种植小白菜后对增加土壤中微生物活性效果更明显,研究发现对羧酸类和胺类等碳源利用能力强的微生物可增加土壤中铅有效态的含量,对聚合物类、糖类、氨基酸类和其他类碳源利用能力强的微生物可以降低小白菜中的铅含量。研究结果为石灰修复重金属污染土壤的使用提供了更合理的理论支撑。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤的生物修复技术   总被引:54,自引:6,他引:48  
1 前 言在石油生产、贮运、炼制加工及使用过程中 ,由于事故 ,不正常操作及检修等原因 ,都会有石油烃类的溢出和排放。例如 ,油田开发过程中的井喷事故 ;输油管线和贮油罐的泄漏事故 ;油槽车和油轮的泄漏事故 ;油井清蜡和油田地面设备检修 ;炼油和石油化工生产装置检修等。石油烃类大量溢出 ,应当尽可能予以回收 ,但有的情况下回收很困难 ,即使尽力回收 ,仍会残留一部分 ,对环境 (土壤、地面和地下水 )造成污染。其进入土壤后 ,会破坏土壤结构 ,分散土粒 ,使土壤的透水性降低。其富含的反应基能与无机氮、磷结合并限制硝化作用和脱磷酸作…  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal pollution has become a worldwide environmental issue that has attracted considerable public attention, largely from the increasing concern for the security of agricultural products. Heavy metals refer to some metals and metalloids possessing biological toxicity, such as cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead, and chromium. These elements enter the soil agro-ecosystem through natural processes derived from parent materials, and through anthropogenic activities. Heavy metal pollution poses a great threat to the health and well-being of organisms and human beings due to potential accumulation risk through the food chain. Remediation using chemical, physical, and biological methods has been adopted to solve the problem. Phytoremediation has proven to be a promising alternative to conventional approaches as it is cost effective, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. To date, based on the natural ability of extraction, approximately 500 taxa have been identified as hyperaccumulators of one or more metals. In addition, further research integrating biotechnological approaches with comprehensive multidisciplinary research is needed to improve plant tolerance and reduce the accumulation of toxic metals in soils. This review discusses harmful effects, sources of heavy metals, and the remediation technologies for soil contaminated by heavy metals.  相似文献   

低放核素污染土-水介质的植物修复研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张晓雪  王丹  闻方平 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2571-2574
植物修复技术是利用植物根系吸收水分和养分的过程来吸收和转化土壤和水体中的污染物,以期达到清除,修复和治理的目的,是用于对土壤-水体中重金属和放射性核素污染清除的生态技术.本文就放射性核素的来源、污染现状、植物对放射性核素的积累筛选以及对污染土壤的修复研究进行综述,以明确植物修复技术在改善环境中的作用,为进一步筛选超积累植物并探讨植物对放射性核素污染的修复机理提供参考.  相似文献   

This laboratory study measured growth of one plant species, Lycopersicon esculentum Big Girl (tomato), that is sensitive to the presence of soil contamination, in Kuwait soil amended with crude-oil-contaminated soil. Germinated tomato seeds were placed in containers with soil containing 0, 0.12, 0.24, 0.36, 0.48, 0.60, 1.2, and 2.4% crude oil and were grown in an indoor growth chamber. Plants grew in Kuwait soil containing up to 0.36% crude oil; however, growth and fruit production were compromised at crude oil concentrations greater than 0.12% when compared with control plants. Plants did not grow in Kuwait soil amended with 0.48% crude oil or higher.  相似文献   

西北黄土区石油污染土壤原位微生物生态修复试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对西北黄土石油开采区石油污染土壤生物强化原位微生物生态修复方法的试验研究,充分利用强化原位微生物菌群辅以物理和化学方法与土壤环境相结合的微生物生态技术,进行了土壤中石油的降解与修复试验研究,试验结果显示,土壤中平均石油含量在2754mg/kg时,经过lld~32d强化原位微生物生态修复技术的修复,土壤中石油含量降解可达40.92%~80.37%,验证了微生物生态修复技术在西北黄土区土壤石油污染修复的有效性,探索了推广应用的可行性.  相似文献   

通过对西北黄土石油开采区石油污染土壤生物强化原位微生物生态修复方法的试验研究, 充分利用强化原位微生物菌群辅以物理和化学方法与土壤环境相结合的微生物生态技术, 进行了土壤中石油的降解与修复试验研究, 试验结果显示, 土壤中平均石油含量在2754 mg/kg时, 经过11 d~32 d强化原位微生物生态修复技术的修复, 土壤中石油含量降解可达40.92%~80.37%, 验证了微生物生态修复技术在西北黄土区土壤石油污染修复的有效性, 探索了推广应用的可行性。  相似文献   

Enhanced Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soil   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil samples taken from a contaminated site in Northern Quebec, Canada, exhibited a low capacity for biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), despite a high capacity for the mineralization of aromatic hydrocarbons and a low toxicity of soil leachates as measured by Microtox assay. Toxicity assays directly performed on surface soil, including earthworm mortality and barley seedling emergence, indicated moderate to high levels of toxicity. Soil biostimulation did not improve the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons, while bioaugmentation of soil with a developed enrichment culture increased the efficiency of hydrocarbon removal from 20.4% to 49.2%. A considerable increase in the removal of TPH was obtained in a bioslurry process, enhancing the mass transfer of hydrocarbons from soil to the aqueous phase and increasing the efficiency of hydrocarbon removal to over 70% after 45 days of incubation. The addition of ionic or nonionic surfactants did not have a significant impact on biodegradation of hydrocarbons. The extent of hydrocarbon mineralization during the bioslurry process after 45 days of incubation ranged from 41.3% to 58.9%, indicating that 62.7% to 83.1% of the eliminated TPH were transformed into CO2 and water.  相似文献   

Soil samples taken from a contaminated site in Northern Quebec, Canada, exhibited a low capacity for biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), despite a high capacity for the mineralization of aromatic hydrocarbons and a low toxicity of soil leachates as measured by Microtox assay. Toxicity assays directly performed on surface soil, including earthworm mortality and barley seedling emergence, indicated moderate to high levels of toxicity. Soil biostimulation did not improve the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons, while bioaugmentation of soil with a developed enrichment culture increased the efficiency of hydrocarbon removal from 20.4% to 49.2%. A considerable increase in the removal of TPH was obtained in a bioslurry process, enhancing the mass transfer of hydrocarbons from soil to the aqueous phase and increasing the efficiency of hydrocarbon removal to over 70% after 45 days of incubation. The addition of ionic or nonionic surfactants did not have a significant impact on biodegradation of hydrocarbons. The extent of hydrocarbon mineralization during the bioslurry process after 45 days of incubation ranged from 41.3% to 58.9%, indicating that 62.7% to 83.1% of the eliminated TPH were transformed into CO2 and water.  相似文献   

Rhizoremediation of petroleum contaminants is a phytoremediation process that depends on interactions among plants, microbes, and soils. Trees and grasses are commonly used for phytoremediation, with trees typically being chosen for remediation of BTEX while grasses are more commonly used for remediation of PAHs and total petroleum hydrocarbons. The objective of this review was to compare the effectiveness of trees and grasses for rhizoremediation of hydrocarbons and address the advantages of each vegetation type. Grasses were more heavily represented in the literature and therefore demonstrated a wider range of effectiveness. However, the greater biomass and depth of tree roots may have greater potential for promoting environmental conditions that can improve rhizoremediation, such as increased metabolizable organic carbon, oxygen, and water. Overall, we found little difference between grasses and trees with respect to average reduction of hydrocarbons for studies that compared planted treatments with a control. Additional detailed investigations into plant attributes that most influence hydrocarbon degradation rates should provide data needed to determine the potential for rhizoremediation with trees or grasses for a given site and identify which plant characteristics are most important.  相似文献   

Dissipation of petroleum contaminants in the rhizosphere is likely the result of enhanced microbial degradation. Plant roots may encourage rhizosphere microbial activity through exudation of nutrients and by providing channels for increased water flow and gas diffusion. Phytoremediation of crude oil in soil was examined in this study using carefully selected plant species monitored over specific plant growth stages. Four sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes with differing root characteristics and levels of exudation were established in a sandy loam soil contaminated with 2700 mg crude oil/kg soil. Soils were sampled at three stages of plant growth: five leaf, flowering, and maturity. All vegetated treatments were associated with higher remediation efficiency, resulting in significantly lower total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations than unvegetated controls. A relationship between root exudation and bioremediation efficiency was not apparent for these genotypes, although the presence of all sorghum genotypes resulted in significant removal of crude oil from the impacted soil.  相似文献   

Enhanced microbial activity and xenobiotic transformations take place in the rhizosphere. Degradation and binding of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) were determined in two rhizosphere soils (RS) and compared to respective unplanted control soils (CS). The rhizosphere soils were obtained after growing corn for 70 d in soils containing 2.8% (Soil A) or 5.9% (Soil B) organic matter. Aerobically agitated soil slurries (3:1, solution/soil) were prepared from RS and CS and amended with 75 mg TNT L-1 (14C-labeled). TNT degraded more rapidly and formed more un-extractable bound residue in RS than in CS. In Soil A, total extractable TNT decreased from 225 to 1.0 mg kg-1 in RS, whereas 11 mg kg-1 remained in CS after 15 d. Unextractable bound 14C residues accounted for 40% of the added 14C-TNT in RS and 28% in CS. The smaller differences in Soil B were attributed partially to the higher organic matter content. The predominant TNT degradation products were monoaminodinitrotoluenes (ADNT), which accumulated and disappeared more rapidly in RS than in CS, and hydroxylaminodinitrotoluenes (HADNT). When sterilized by γ-irradiation, no significant differences between RS and CS were observed in TNT loss or bound residue formation. More rapid TNT degradation and enhanced bound residue formation in the unsterilized RS was attributed to micro-bial-facilitated production and transformation of HADNT and ADNT, which are potential precursors to bound residue formation. If plants can be established on TNT-contaminated soil, these results indicate that the rhizosphere can accelerate reductive transformation of TNT and promote bound residue formation.  相似文献   

为明确分子筛、硅灰石作为钝化剂修复粤北Cd污染农田土壤的效果,采用盆栽生菜(Lactuca sativa)试验,评估钝化剂应用潜力和对作物营养元素吸收可能的负面效应。结果表明,高剂量(≥660 mg Si/kg)分子筛和硅灰石分别降低了土壤Cd和Pb的有效性,而低剂量(220 mg Si/kg)反而使土壤Cd和Pb有效性上升,添加≥660 mg Si/kg的钝化剂使生菜对Cd和Pb积累具有显著抑制效应。硅灰石通过显著提高土壤有效Ca,增强Ca-Cd竞争吸收来抑制生菜Cd累积,而非通过降低土壤Cd有效性起作用。施用分子筛会降低生菜的Ca、Mg、Mn和Zn含量,小幅增加Cu含量。施用硅灰石则降低生菜的Mn、Zn含量,小幅增加Ca、Cu含量。高剂量(880 mg Si/kg)的分子筛会使生菜产量降低29%,而添加≥660 mg Si/kg硅灰石可使产量提高10%~12%。因此,硅灰石具增产抑Cd效能,在大面积Cd污染土壤的修复中有应用前景,但需适度补充Zn、Mn养分。  相似文献   

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