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Most habitat fragmentation studies have focused on the effects of population size on reproductive success of single species, but studies assessing the effects of both fragment size and connectivity, and their interaction, on several coexisting species are rare. In this study, we selected 20 fragments along two continuous gradients of size and degree of isolation in a gypsum landscape in central Spain. In each fragment, we selected 15 individuals of each of three dominant gypsophiles (Centaurea hyssopifolia, Lepidium subulatum and Helianthemum squamatum, 300 plants per species, 900 plants in total) and measured several reproductive traits: inflorescence number, fruit set, seed set and seed mass. We hypothesised that plant fitness would be lower on small and isolated fragments due to an interaction between fragment size and connectivity, and that response patterns would be species‐specific. Overall, fragment size had very little effect on reproductive traits compared to that of connectivity. We observed a positive effect of fragment connectivity on C. hyssopifolia fitness, mediated by the increased seed predation in plants from isolated fragments, resulting in fewer viable seeds per capitulum and lower seed set. Furthermore, seed mass was lower in plants from isolated fragments for both C. hyssopifolia and L. subulatum. In contrast, few reproductive traits of H. squamatum were affected by habitat fragmentation. We discuss the implications of species‐specific responses to habitat fragmentation for the dynamics and conservation of gypsum plant communities. Our results highlight the complex interplay among plants and their mutualistic and antagonistic visitors, and reinforce the often‐neglected role of habitat connectivity as a key component of the fragmentation process.  相似文献   

  • Due to ongoing human impacts, plant species increasingly occur in landscapes that are highly fragmented, with remaining natural habitats occupying small areas, resulting in populations that are smaller and more isolated than in previous time periods. This changed metapopulation structure is expected to have negative impacts on seed production. For example, the proportion of female plants within gynodioecious populations may be more volatile due to genetic drift in small populations associated with small habitat fragments, with concomitant impacts on seed production. My aims were to determine: (i) if variation in proportion of females is larger in smaller fragments; and (ii) if such changes in female frequency in small fragments result in reduced seed production.
  • Thirty‐two populations of Lobelia spicata Lam., a gynodioecious species, were surveyed in 2000, 2001 and 2009 in the tallgrass prairie region of Midwestern North America (Illinois and Indiana, USA). Data were collected for: proportion of female plants, total number of flowering plants (measure of population size), seed set per plant and prairie fragment size (another measure of population size).
  • The proportion of females is more variable in smaller prairie fragments. Seed number per fruit decreases as the proportion of females increases in a population, but only significantly for female plants. The number of flowering plants is positively associated with fruit production for both genders. Populations within larger prairie fragments have higher seed production.
  • The reproductive consequences of habitat fragmentation depend on the plant breeding system. While both sexes were negatively impacted, females were more adversely affected.

Tropical late‐successional tree species are at high risk of local extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Population‐growth rates in fragmented populations are predicted to decline as a result of reduced fecundity, survival and growth. We examined the demographic effects of habitat fragmentation by comparing the population dynamics of the late‐successional tree Poulsenia armata (Moraceae) in southern Mexico between a continuous forest and several forest fragments using integral projection models (IPMs) during 2010–2012. Forest fragmentation did not lead to differences in population density and even resulted in a higher population‐growth rate (λ) in fragments compared to continuous forests. Habitat fragmentation had drastic effects on the dynamics of P. armata, causing the population structure to shift toward smaller sizes. Fragmented populations experienced a significant decrease in juvenile survival and growth compared to unaltered populations. Adult survival and growth made the greatest relative contributions to λ in both habitat types during 2011–2012. However, the relative importance of juvenile survival and growth to λ was highest in the fragmented forest in 2010–2011. Our Life Table Response Experiment analysis revealed that positive contributions of adult fecundity explained most of the variation of λ between both habitats and annual periods. Finally, P. armata has a relatively slow speed of recovery after disturbances, compromising persistence of fragmented populations. Developing a mechanistic understanding of how forest fragmentation affects plant population dynamics, as done here, will prove essential for the preservation of natural areas.  相似文献   

Plebejus argyrognomon is one of the grassland‐dwelling butterflies undergoing rapid decline in recent decades. Grassland habitats for butterflies are generally threatened by fragmentation and invasive species, hence are among the most vulnerable ecosystems. We studied the seasonal abundance of P. argyrognomon at habitat patches along the banks of the Kinugawa River in eastern Japan, to identify environmental factors suitable for population persistence of this species, including habitat patch connectivity. Results showed that the patch's host plant cover had a positive effect on abundance in all three seasons, while the shading of the host plants by surrounding non‐host plants and nearby forested area showed negative effects. Additionally, habitat patch connectivity and nectar richness could be considered as positive factors in autumn and summer, respectively. Analysis of habitat connectivity also showed that the Kinugawa River did not appear to act as a dispersal barrier for P. argyrognomon. Our findings emphasize the importance of understanding environmental factors that may vary among seasons, and such understanding could contribute to habitat management of multivoltine butterflies in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

  • Environments experienced by parent ramets of clonal plants can potentially influence fitness of clonal offspring ramets. Such clonal parental effects may result from heritable epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation, which can be removed by application of DNA de‐methylation agents such as 5‐azacytidine.
  • To test whether parental shading effects occur via clonal generation and whether DNA methylation plays a role in such effects, parent plants of the clonal herb Alternanthera philoxeroides were first subjected to two levels of light intensity (high versus low) crossed with two levels of DNA de‐methylation (no or with de‐methylation by application of 5‐azacytidine), and then clonal offspring taken from each of these four types of parent plant were subjected to the same two light levels.
  • Parental shading effects transmitted via clonal generation decreased growth and modified morphology of clonal offspring. Offspring responses were also influenced by DNA methylation level of parent plants. For clonal offspring growing under low light, parental shading effects on growth and morphology were always negative, irrespective of the parental de‐methylation treatment. For clonal offspring growing under high light, parental shading effects on offspring growth and morphology were negative when the parents were not treated with 5‐azacytidine, but neutral when they were treated with 5‐azacytidine.
  • Overall, parental shading effects on clonal offspring performance of A. philoxeroides were found, and DNA methylation is likely to be involved in such effects. However, parental shading effects contributed little to the tolerance of clonal offspring to shading.

  • Plant species that are effective colonisers of transient habitats are expected to have a capacity for uniparental reproduction and show flexibility in pollination systems. Such traits may enable populations to be established from a small number of founding individuals without these populations succumbing to reductions in fecundity arising from pollinator limitation.
  • We tested these predictions for Aloe thraskii (Xanthorrhoeaceae), a succulent treelet that colonises shifting coastal dunes and has both bird and bee pollinators. We performed hand‐pollination experiments, and selectively excluded bird visitors to determine differences in pollinator effectiveness. We measured pollinator visitation rates and fecundity in populations varying in their size, density and isolation distance.
  • Controlled hand‐pollinations revealed that unlike most other Aloe species, A. thraskii is self‐compatible and thus capable of uniparental reproduction. The species does however depend on pollinators and is visited by various bird species as well as by bees. Fruit and seed set are not affected by selective exclusion of birds, thus indicating that bees are effective pollinators. Bird visitation rates increased with increasing plant height and population size, while bee visitation rates increased with increasing population size and density. We found that seed set per flower was lower in large populations than in small populations.
  • These results suggest that establishment of populations of A. thraskii from a small number of individuals is unlikely to be limited by the fecundity of individual plants.

The process of habitat fragmentation results in the breaking apart of originally continuous habitats, causing multiple changes in biotic and abiotic interactions. Alterations in resource availability and in mutualistic and antagonistic plant–animal interactions may impact plant offspring quantity and quality. Currently, several old fragmented systems evidence a process of flora homogenization, where shade‐tolerant species are replaced by pioneer light‐demanding species. Notably, the relationship between quantity and quality parameters of plant offspring production and the successful recruitment of pioneer species in fragmented forests has been poorly explored. Here, we assess population size, sapling recruitment and offspring performance of one of the most widespread tree species of subtropical South America, the native pioneer Acacia caven (Fabaceae). Population size of adults and saplings increased from small to continuous forests, whereas the sapling recruitment per adult tree (sapling/adult ratio) showed no significant differences among forests of different size. Seedling performance was negatively related to forest area and population size, implying potential superior competitive ability of seedlings produced in smaller populations compared to larger ones. Our results show that A. caven is resilient to habitat fragmentation effects, which may be ascribed to a set of advantageous ecological traits such as outcrossing, massive flowering, generalist pollination, drought resistance, rapid growth and re‐sprouting. Thus, this pioneer tree benefits from the availability of vacant sites and resources released by declining plant populations of other species, eventually becoming the dominant species in fragmented habitats. Pioneer native plant species with ecological traits such as A. caven may represent the silent successful survivors and new colonizers of fragmented habitats, the ubiquitous landscapes of the future.  相似文献   

One consequence of human‐driven habitat degradation in general, and habitat fragmentation in particular, is loss of biodiversity. An often‐underappreciated aspect of habitat fragmentation relates to changes in the ecology of species that persist in altered habitats. In Bahamian wetlands, ecosystem fragmentation causes disruption of hydrological connectivity between inland fragmented wetlands and adjacent marine areas, with the consequent loss of marine piscivores from fragmented sections. We took advantage of this environmental gradient to investigate effects of ecosystem fragmentation on patterns of resource use in the livebearing fish Gambusia hubbsi (Family Poeciliidae), using both population‐ and individual‐level perspectives. We show that fragmentation‐induced release from predation led to increased G. hubbsi population densities, which consequently led to lower mean growth rates, likely as a result of higher intraspecific competition for food. This was accompanied by a broadening of dietary niches via increased interindividual diet variation, suggesting a negative effect of predation and a positive effect of intraspecific competition on the degree of diet variation in natural populations. Our results therefore indicate that habitat fragmentation can greatly impact the ecology of resilient populations, with potentially important ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to the maintenance of genetic diversity in many plant populations. Genetic effects of population size have received far more attention than the effects of isolation—or connectivity—but both are key components of the fragmentation process. To analyze the consequences of fragment size and connectivity on the neutral genetic variation and population genetic structure of the dominant gypsophile Lepidium subulatum, we selected 20 fragments along two continuous gradients of size and degree of isolation in a fragmented gypsum landscape of Central Spain. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite markers, and analyzed a total of 344 individuals. Populations were characterized by high levels of genetic diversity and low inbreeding coefficients, which agrees with the mainly outcrossing system of L. subulatum and its high abundance in gypsum landscapes. Bayesian clustering methods, pairwise F ST values and analysis of molecular variance revealed low among-population differentiation, with no significant isolation by distance. However, several genetic diversity indices such as allelic richness, number of effective alleles, expected heterozygosity and number of private alleles were negatively related to population isolation. The higher genetic diversity found on more connected fragments suggests higher rates of gene flow among more connected populations. Overall, our results highlight that fragmentation can have important effects on intra-population genetic processes even for locally abundant, dominant species. This, together with previously documented effects of connectivity on fitness of gypsophile species highlights the importance of including habitat connectivity in management and conservation strategies of this type of semiarid systems.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that habitat fragmentation, including reduced area and connectivity of suitable habitat, changes multitrophic interactions. Species at the bottom of trophic cascades (host plants) are expected to be less negatively affected than higher trophic levels, such as herbivores and their parasitoids or predators. Here we test this hypothesis regarding the effects of habitat area and connectivity in a trophic system with three levels: first with the population size of the larval food plant Hippocrepis comosa, next with the population density of the monophagous butterfly species Polyommatus coridon and finally with its larval parasitism rate. Our results show no evidence for negative effects of habitat fragmentation on the food plant or on parasitism rates, but population density of adult P. coridon was reduced with decreasing connectivity. We conclude that the highly specialized butterfly species is more affected by habitat fragmentation than its larval food plant because of its higher trophic position. However, the butterfly host species was also more affected than its parasitoids, presumably because of lower resource specialization of local parasitoids which also frequently occur in alternative hosts. Therefore, conservation efforts should focus first on the most specialized species of interaction networks and second on higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Fragmentation theory predicts that population persistence should be positively correlated with the size of habitat fragments. The patterns of occurrence of many species are consistent with this prediction, but the demographic processes that determine how species respond to fragmentation are poorly understood. In addition, habitat quality may interact with fragment size as an influence on demographic performance. We investigated these predictions for the native bush rat Rattus fuscipes by testing the following hypotheses: 1) population performance (i.e. viability as determined by various demographic parameters) is positively correlated with fragment size; and 2) population performance is positively correlated with habitat quality. Populations of R. fuscipes were censused in two large (>49 ha) and eight small (<2.5 ha) forest fragments in an agricultural region of southeastern Australia. Fragments with high and low quality habitat were included in each size category. Fragment size influenced multiple aspects of population demography; populations in large fragments had higher densities, older age structures, received more potential immigrants, and were more likely to recruit adults than those in small fragments. Reproductive patterns were more predictable in large fragments. Habitat quality per se had less marked effects; adult females were heavier and subadults more prevalent in fragments with high quality habitat. However, high quality habitat enhanced population performance in small fragments more so than in large ones. Despite being widespread in the study area, R. fuscipes populations are profoundly impacted by habitat fragmentation, with population performance declining with fragment size. Studies based on patterns of species occurrence should be interpreted with caution as they may mask critical processes occurring at the population level. For a thorough understanding of the effects of habitat fragmentation, population‐level studies are required.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation increasingly threatens the services provided by natural communities and ecosystem worldwide. An understanding of the eco‐evolutionary processes underlying fragmentation‐compromised communities in natural settings is lacking, yet critical to realistic and sustainable conservation. Through integrating the multivariate genetic, biotic and abiotic facets of a natural community module experiencing various degrees of habitat fragmentation, we provide unique insights into the processes underlying community functioning in real, natural conditions. The focal community module comprises a parasitic butterfly of conservation concern and its two obligatory host species, a plant and an ant. We show that both historical dispersal and ongoing habitat fragmentation shape population genetic diversity of the butterfly Phengaris alcon and its most limited host species (the plant Gentiana pneumonanthe). Genetic structure of each species was strongly driven by geographical structure, altitude and landscape connectivity. Strikingly, however, was the strong degree of genetic costructure among the three species that could not be explained by the spatial variables under study. This finding suggests that factors other than spatial configuration, including co‐evolutionary dynamics and shared dispersal pathways, cause parallel genetic structure among interacting species. While the exact contribution of co‐evolution and shared dispersal routes on the genetic variation within and among communities deserves further attention, our findings demonstrate a considerable degree of genetic parallelism in natural meta‐communities. The significant effect of landscape connectivity on the genetic diversity and structure of the butterfly also suggests that habitat fragmentation may threaten the functioning of the community module on the long run.  相似文献   

  • 1 The severe and early destruction and fragmentation of woodland habitats due to human activities is thought to have been a leading factor in the extirpation from Britain of several large, forest‐dependent mammal species, such as the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx. However, during the 20th century, Scotland in particular has experienced rapid, large‐scale reafforestation. In order to assess if this reafforestation has been sufficient to permit the potential restoration of extirpated forest mammal species with large spatial requirements, a Geographical Information System (GIS) analysis of potential habitat of one species, the Eurasian lynx, was performed for the Scottish mainland.
  • 2 A rule‐based analysis, incorporating data and expert opinion from Switzerland, an environmentally similar area where lynx now occur, was used to identify patches of suitable lynx habitat in Scotland. A connectivity analysis was used to investigate whether and how these patches are connected to form larger interconnected networks of potential lynx habitat that would allow lynx to sufficiently interact with one another to form a single interbreeding population.
  • 3 Scotland has over 20 000 km2 of suitable lynx habitat split into two main networks of interconnected patches: the Highlands (c. 15 000 km2) and the Southern Uplands (c. 5000 km2). A further 800 km2 of potential habitat, contiguous with the Southern Uplands lynx habitat network, lies across the border in England. Although connectivity between the Highlands and Southern Uplands networks is currently weak, the implementation of measures to mitigate the barrier effects of busy roads in central Scotland could facilitate the movement of lynx between the two areas.
  • 4 Based on the availability of prey resources, Scotland could support around 400 adult and subadult lynx in the Highlands and around 50 in the Southern Uplands. A Scottish population of this size would be the fourth largest lynx population in Europe considering current population estimates.

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