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The Holocene strata in the Anderson Inlet area in Victoria can be stratigraphically divided into four units, Unit I, Unit II, Unit III, and Unit IV. Unit I and Unit IV lack fossils and were deposited in non-marine, probably fluvial environments. Unit II and Unit III contain abundant foraminifera with molluscs, ostracods and bryozoans. Foraminiferal analysis suggests that Unit III was formed in a partially sheltered marine environment, while the high plankton content and relatively high diversity of benthic species in Unit II indicate that this unit was deposited in an open bay at water depths possibly less than 5 m. The foraminiferal data are integrated with radiocarbon dates to arrive at the following Holocene palaeoenvironmental history in this area: (1) low alluvial plain stage (10,000–7000 yr B.P.); (2) open bay environment stage (7000–5500 yr B.P.); (3) partially sheltered marine environment stage (5500–4500 yr B.P.); (4) alluvial plain and coastal lagoon environment stage (since about 4500 yr B.P.). The foraminiferal fauna show a clear response to these palaeoenvironmental changes. Globigerina bulloides can be used as an indicator for cold water marine environments. The high concentration of this species in these middle Holocene sediments shows a strong cold water influence on the coastal environments which reduced the effect of regional warm currents during this period. The Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area were controlled by the Holocene sea-level fluctuations associated with the deglaciation history during this period. Similar integrated studies of shallow to marginal marine strata in southern Africa, America and New Zealand will lead to a better understanding of Holocene relative sea-level change and the interplay between Holocene cold and warm water regimes in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Abstract: The last one million years are important in terms of climate development during the so‐called Mid‐Pleistocene Transition when amplification of the glacial–interglacial cycles occurred. This study describes abundance changes in fossil planktonic foraminifera in sediments from Core T89‐40, retrieved from the Walvis Ridge in the south‐east Atlantic, across this time period. Cycles between upwelling and subtropical planktonic foraminiferal assemblages are shown to mirror changes between glacial and interglacial periods, respectively. During interglacial marine isotopic stages (MIS) 9, 11 and 31, however, anomalously high abundances of the polar left‐coiled Neogloboquadrina pachyderma occur, presumably linked to unusual seasonal upwelling waters. The planktonic foraminiferal abundance record shows 41‐ky cyclic variations in the regional oceanography linked to cycles in insolation influenced by changes in the Earth’s axial tilt (obliquity). These orbitally induced oscillations in oceanographic change occurred throughout the entire record. The most conspicuous feature of the planktonic foraminiferal record is the near absence of left‐coiled Globorotalia truncatulinoides between 960 and 610 ka (MIS 26‐15). The abrupt disappearance of this species is synchronous with the onset of the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition in MIS 26.  相似文献   

Bryozoan and foraminiferal assemblages from a core drilled in the Kusdili (Kadiköy, Istanbul) Upper Pleistocene-Holocene sequence were studied. Assemblages are absent from the very basal and top parts but they are well represented all along the middle part of the sequence. All the species found presently live in the Mediterranean. In the area sedimentation seemingly started about 13?000 years ago in very shallow near-shore environments with the deposition of pebbly sediments rapidly evolving to mud. Near the base, the presence of erosional surface allows to recognize three successive sedimentary cycles. Bryozoan and foraminiferal assemblages found in the middle part of the sequence testify to a shallow water, estuarine or lagoonal paleo-environment, in which effects of low salinity waters, more obvious toward the top, could be related to the reestablishment of a connection between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea through the Bosphorus, about 7000 years BP.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲晚第四纪环境演变的微体生物记录   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
珠江三角洲是主要由西江、北江和东江在珠江口湾内堆积而成的复合三角洲,自晚更新世开始形成。微体生物是珠江河口三角洲晚第四纪沉积记录中的重要组分,是重建第四纪环境变化极为有效的指标。本文样品取自PD孔岩心,钻孔位于珠江三角洲中部(113°28′35″E, 22°53′41″N),孔深16.7 m。代表约25 100年以来的沉积。PD孔中见有孔虫6属10种,其中以Ammonia beccani为优势种。根据地层分布特征,可识别3个有孔虫层位。介形类共7属9种,丰度较低,以Sinocytheridea impressa和Neomonoceratina delicata为代表,在5个层位相对富集。根据微体生物分布特征,并结合有机碳、氮以及磁化率数据,PD孔晚第四纪沉积可划分为6个沉积环境阶段。A.三角洲前缘阶段(-16.7~-13.5 m;25 100~24 000 aB.P.):岩性为粗砂、砂至砂质粉砂。主要含Ammonia属的4个种(A.beccarii、A.sp.、A.tepida、A.annectens),丰度均较低,其中Ammonia beccarii为优势种。不见适应于正常浅海的Elphidium属。介形类以滨岸类型Sinocytheridea impressa为主。出现少量双壳类。代表河口附近水深10 m以内软泥底质、受河流影响大、水体动荡的半咸水环境。有机碳含量和磁化率较低,同样指示低海平面时期的沉积。B.河口湾阶段(-13.5~-10.6 m;24 000~22 400 aB.P.):岩性为粘土质粉砂至粘土。前一阶段出现的Ammonia 4个种的丰度比较高,且出现浅海底栖分子Elphidium advenum和E.hispidulum,以及浮游有孔虫分子Globigerinoides sp.。介形类出现Bicornucythere leizhouensis、B.bisanensis、Alocopocythere goujoni、Pistocythereis bradyformis等适应水深较大的分子,而滨岸浅水分子较少。有机碳含量和磁化率相对升高。代表海平面相对较高时期的沉积。C.三角洲平原阶段(-10.6~-9.2 m;22 400~21 700 aB.P.):底部为一薄层花斑状风化粘土,表明曾短期露出水面。向上变为富含有机质的深灰色粉沙质粘土。不含微体生物和双壳类,反映不稳定的环境条件。由于海平面降低,磁化率表现为持续低值。有机碳和C/N比值很高,表明有丰富的陆源有机质输入,海洋影响较小。D.陆地风化阶段(-9.2~-7.4 m;21 700~3 700 aB.P.):岩性为1.6 m厚的杂色粘土,不含任何生物化石,有机碳含量极低,是长期强烈风化作用的产物,对应于末次冰盛期。E.潮坪沉积阶段(-7.4~-2.5 m;3 700~2 600 aB.P.):互层状深灰色粉沙质粘土、灰色粉沙和细沙,含广盐性有孔虫Ammonia beccarii和Arenoparrella asiatica,以及少量介形类,如Sinocytheridea impressa。典型的半咸水双壳类Potamocorbula amurensis较为丰富,另外还见藤壶和虫管碎片,指示盐度频繁波动的潮间带环境。F.上三角洲平原阶段(2 600 aB.P.以来):未见任何有孔虫和双壳类,顶部见少量陆相介形类Cypria yanchengensis,磁化率变化频繁,C/N比值较高,表明陆相影响不断增强,且环境条件不稳定。研究区晚第四纪古环境的演化是由海平面升降变化控制的。上述沉积环境变化序列表现出两次海进一海退旋回,分别对应阶段A至阶段D和阶段E至阶段F,相应于晚更新世和全新世的两次海平面上升事件。  相似文献   

Within the Gavrovo–Tripolitza area (southern continental Greece), marine carbonate platforms existed from the Late Triassic to the Late Eocene. The Middle–Upper Eocene marine shallow-water carbonates of the Klokova Mountain represent remnants of the large volumes of sediment that were produced on a middle ramp sedimentary system which culminated in the Lower Oligocene terrigenous deposits. Facies analysis of Bartonian–Priabonian shallow-water carbonate successions and the integration with palaeoecological analysis are used to produce a detailed palaeoenvironmental model. In the proximal middle ramp, porcelaneous foraminiferal packstone facies is characterised by larger foraminifera such as Praturlonella and Spirolina. These forms thrived in a shallow-water setting with low turbidity, high-light intensity and low-substrate stability. The foraminiferal packstone facies, the thin coralline wacke–packstone facies and the rhodolith packstone facies deposited approximately in the same depth range adjacent to one another in the middle-ramp. Nummulitids (Nummulites, Assilina, Pellatispira, Heterostegina and Spiroclypeus) increase in abundance in the middle to distal mid-ramp together with the orthophragminids. Coralline algae, represented by six genera, are present in all facies. Rhodoliths occur in all facies but they show different shapes and growth forms. They develop laminar sub-ellipsoidal shapes in higher turbulence conditions on mobile sand substrates (foraminiferal packstones and rhodolith rudstones), whilst sub-discoidal shapes often bound by thin encrusting coralline plants in lower hydrodynamic settings. The distinctive characteristics of the palaeoecological middle-ramp gradient are an increase in dominance of melobesioids, a thinning of the encrusting coralline plants and a flattening of the larger benthic foraminiferal shells.  相似文献   

Recent palaeogenetic studies have demonstrated the occurrence of preserved ancient DNA (aDNA) in various types of fossilised material. Environmental aDNA sequences assigned to modern species have been recovered from marine sediments dating to the Pleistocene. However, the match between the aDNA and the fossil record still needs to be evaluated for the environmental DNA approaches to be fully exploited. Here, we focus on foraminifera in sediments up to one thousand years old retrieved from the Hornsund fjord (Svalbard). We compared the diversity of foraminiferal microfossil assemblages with the diversity of aDNA sequenced from subsurface sediment samples using both cloning and high‐throughput sequencing (HTS). Our study shows that 57% of the species archived in the fossil record were also detected in the aDNA data. However, the relative abundance of aDNA sequence reads and fossil specimens differed considerably. We also found a limited match between the stratigraphic occurrence of some fossil species and their aDNA sequences, especially in the case of rare taxa. The aDNA data comprised a high proportion of non‐fossilised monothalamous species, which are known to dominate in modern foraminiferal communities of the Svalbard region. Our results confirm the relevance of HTS for studying past micro‐eukaryotic diversity and provide insight into its ability to reflect fossil assemblages. Palaeogenetic studies including aDNA analyses of non‐fossilised groups expand the range of palaeoceanographical proxies and therefore may increase the accuracy of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

Cyclical changes in microfossil (mainly foraminiferal) assemblages were analysed for sixteen boreholes from three stratigraphical levels in the Lower and Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys. The following characteristics of assemblages were quantified and used for interpretation of cyclical changes in assemblages: (1) abundance of foraminifers, calcareous nannoplankton, sponge spicules and diatoms; (2) similarity, diversity and epifauna/infauna ratio of benthonic foraminiferal assemblages; (3) planktic/benthic ratio of foraminiferal assemblages. The palaeoecology (mainly palaeobathymetry) fluctuations were interpreted from the species composition of assemblages. Values of the mentioned quantitative characteristics as well as palaeoecological interpretations may be influenced by postmortem transport and resedimentation of foraminiferal tests. Therefore, prior to the interpretation of cyclical changes of quantitative characteristics, the studied sections were classified on the basis of the intensity of taphonomical changes in foraminiferal assemblages. Three different categories of sections were obtained. For every category, those quantitative characteristics of foraminiferal assemblages were chosen which reflect cyclical changes most efficiently: (1) cyclical changes of abundance of foraminifers, calcareous nannoplankton and sponge spicules, as well as the fluctuations in palaeobathymetry for sections dominated by indigenous foraminifers; (2) percentage of indigenous, suspension-transported, bedload-transported and reworked foraminiferal tests and changes in the abundance of indigenous tests for sections dominated by transported tests; (3) different modes of test preservation used for the identification of a cycle boundary for sections with only transported or reworked tests. The distinguished cycles were interpreted predominantly as manifestations of relative sea-level changes. If comparable data exist from other Paratethys regions, the determined cycles can be correlated with the other basins.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphic correlation based on microfossil datum levels, directly or indirectly tied to the paleomagnetic time scale, provides a high resolution time control for the Miocene in the equatorial and middle latitude North Pacific. Faunal changes and abundance fluctuations of planktic foraminiferal species combined with the oxygen Pacific. Faunal changes and abundance fluctuations of planktic foraminiferal species combined with the oxygen isotope record of foraminifers, reveal the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history. The planktic foraminiferal assemblage change in the early Miocene, extinction of Oligocene fauna and rise of a highly diverse Neogene fauna, appears to be related to increased water mass stratification in the world oceans presumably resulting from the establishment of circum-Antarctic circulation. An increase in the siliceous productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific region between 20 and 18 Ma suggests that the vertical and horizontal circulation was intensified at that time. Climates cooled rapidly during the middle Miocene between 14 and 13 Ma suggesting the growth of a major east Antarctic ice sheet. Paleoclimatic conditions remained generally cool, although oscillating, during the late Miocene. In the late early to middle Miocene faunal provincialism developed between low and middle latitudes, and by late Miocene time a distinct provincialism similar to the present was established.  相似文献   

Although the debate about coral reef decline focuses on global disturbances (e.g., increasing temperatures and acidification), local stressors (nutrient runoff and overfishing) continue to affect reef health and resilience. The effectiveness of foraminiferal and hard-coral assemblages as indicators of changes in water quality was assessed on 27 inshore reefs along the Great Barrier Reef. Environmental variables (i.e., several water quality and sediment parameters) and the composition of both benthic foraminiferal and hard-coral assemblages differed significantly between four regions (Whitsunday, Burdekin, Fitzroy, and the Wet Tropics). Grain size and organic carbon and nitrogen content of sediments, and a composite water column parameter (based on turbidity and concentrations of particulate matter) explained a significant amount of variation in the data (tested by redundancy analyses) in both assemblages. Heterotrophic species of foraminifera were dominant in sediments with high organic content and in localities with low light availability, whereas symbiont-bearing mixotrophic species were dominant elsewhere. A similar suite of parameters explained 89% of the variation in the FORAM index (a Caribbean coral reef health indicator) and 61% in foraminiferal species richness. Coral richness was not related to environmental setting. Coral assemblages varied in response to environmental variables, but were strongly shaped by acute disturbances (e.g., cyclones, Acanthaster planci outbreaks, and bleaching), thus different coral assemblages may be found at sites with the same environmental conditions. Disturbances also affect foraminiferal assemblages, but they appeared to recover more rapidly than corals. Foraminiferal assemblages are effective bioindicators of turbidity/light regimes and organic enrichment of sediments on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Time-series sediment trap experiments at subtropical (WCT-1) and subarctic (WCT-2) stations in the northwestern Pacific indicate seasonal, latitudinal and depth variations in total particulate, biogenic and foraminiferal fluxes. At the subtropical station, the average total mass flux was 19.4 mg m−2 day−1 in the shallow trap (1060 m) and 21.5–26.1 mg m−2 day−1 in the deep trap (3930 m) during the sampling period. At subarctic station, these values were 91.5–176.9 mg m−2 day−1 in the shallow and 68.6–112.3 mg m−2 day−1 in the deep trap. We recognized 12 and 15 planktonic foraminiferal species at Station WCT-1 and Station WCT-2, respectively. The planktonic foraminiferal flux and species turnover are related to seasonal and interannual changes in source water and water column conditions at both stations. At Station WCT-1, the highest flux was recorded during the summer, with a peak in mid to late June associated with similar flux patterns of the dominant species, Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinita glutinata. The total flux of foraminiferal tests at the shallow and deep traps is similar in numbers and magnitude. At Station WCT-2, the peaks of total flux of foraminiferal tests at the two trap depths differ in number, and their magnitude in the deep trap is almost half of that in the shallow trap. A distinctive seasonal pattern occurred in the shallow and the deep trap, with a peak in total foraminiferal flux in mid June to mid July. Globigerina quinqueloba, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei dominate the planktonic population throughout the year.Subtropical Station WCT-1 was characterized by low total foraminiferal fluxes and low total mass flux, which is dominated by calcium carbonate and depleted in opal, whereas high foraminiferal fluxes and a high total mass flux dominated by high biogenic opal, and less calcium carbonate and organic matter characterize subarctic Station WCT-2. The foraminiferal carbonate that reaches the seafloor accounts for an average 20–27% and 22–23% of the total calcium carbonate at Station WCT-1 and Station WCT-2, respectively. The primary reason for the difference in flux at both stations thus lies in the different contributions of siliceous and calcareous planktonic assemblages. The seasonal variation in biogenic particulate flux at both stations implies that temporal changes in biological productivity are governed by large-scale seasonal climatic variability and local hydrography.  相似文献   

Marker events to define the stratotype for the base of the Lutetian Stage are poorly defined. To elucidate such markers and characterize palaeoenvironmental turnovers, we conducted an integrated study of the Ypresian–Lutetian (Y–L; early-middle Eocene) transition at the continuous Agost section (southeastern Spain). This 115-m-thick section, which consists of hemipelagic marls intercalated with hemipelagic limestones and turbidity sandstones, spans from planktic foraminiferal Zones P9 to P12 (E7 to E10) and calcareous nannofossil Zones CP11 to CP14a (NP13 to NP16). We report quantitative analyses of planktic and benthic foraminifera and characterization of trace fossil assemblages that are integrated with mineralogical analyses.Relative to benthic forms, planktic foraminifera constitute more than 80% of the foraminiferal assemblage. We found that the most abundant planktic species belong to the genera Acarinina, Morozovella, Subbotina, and Pseudohastigerina. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are strongly dominated by calcareous taxa, with bolivinids being the most abundant group. Trace fossils showed the succession Nereites–Zoophycos–Cruziana ichnofacies throughout the Agost section. In addition to changes in palaeobathymetry, we deduced that quantity and quality of organic matter flux influenced by turbidity currents are the main factors controlling benthic assemblages. We distinguished several mineralogical boundaries at the Agost section, each associated with lithological facies changes suggesting a change in provenance rather than changes in weathering conditions. We made three observations that indicate an increase in sea water temperatures or a possible hyperthermal event related to the first occurrence (FO) of hantkeninids (i.e., the P9/P10 boundary): 1) a distinct peak in abundance of the benthic foraminifera Aragonia aragonensis; 2) the low-diversity of benthic foraminiferal assemblages; and 3) the occurrence of the planktic foraminifera Clavigerinella eocenica and Clavigerinella jarvisi. Benthic foraminiferal and trace fossil assemblages also suggest an associated relative fall of sea level from upper-middle bathyal to sublittoral depths. These characteristic indicators point to this boundary as a promising feature for defining the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Lutetian Stage. However, complementary magnetobiostratigraphic studies carried out at the Agost section point to the FO of calcareous nannofossil Blackites inflatus (base of CP12b), which occurred 3–5 Myr before the P9/P10 boundary, as the most suitable primary marker event. Whatever the marker event chosen, all the successive events recognized at the Agost section allow a complete characterization of the Y–L transition, and thus this section may be a suitable candidate to locate the GSSP for the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary.  相似文献   

Bas Auran, in south‐eastern France, is the candidate area for Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Bathonian Stage (Middle Jurassic). In the Bas Auran area, upper Bajocian and lower Bathonian deposits are made up of limestone beds alternating with marls that correspond to the ‘Marno‐calcaires àCancellophycus’, below the ‘Terres Noires’ Formation. Taphonomic analyses of the successive ammonoid fossil assemblages provide new and complementary data for biostratigraphic completeness, palaeoenvironmental setting and sequence stratigraphy. Lithologic differentiation between limestone and marl intervals resulted from alternating episodes of carbonate input and starvation. Both lithologic phases may contain evidence for sedimentary and taphonomic reworking, associated with scours, that reflects low rates of sedimentation and stratigraphic condensation. Three successive types of elementary cycles resulted from increasing rates of stratigraphic condensation, sedimentary condensation and substrate stabilization during early Bathonian. The occurrence of reelaborated ammonoids (i.e. exhumed and displaced before their final burial) implies that tractive current flows or winnowing affected the burial of concretionary internal moulds. In the lower Bathonian strata, the dominance of homogeneous concretionary internal moulds of phragmocones, completely filled with sediment, is indicative of low rates of sedimentation and sediment accumulation, respectively associated with low degrees of stratigraphic and sedimentary condensation. However, at the Bajocian/Bathonian transition, hemipelagic, bed‐scale limestone–marl alternations show a maximum value of biostratigraphic completeness and there is no evidence for taphonomic condensation in the ammonoid fossil assemblages. Taphonomic analyses of the successive ammonoid fossil assemblages and taphofacies confirm the development of a deepening phase associated with sedimentary starvation, which characterizes the last episode within the deepening half‐cycle of third and second order cycles, in the Bas Auran area of French Subalpine Basin during early Bathonian.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal and clay mineral records were studied in the upper Paleocene to lower Eocene Dababiya section (Egypt). This section hosts the GSSP for the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and as such provides an expanded and relatively continuous record across the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Deposition of illite–smectite clay minerals is interpreted as a result of warm and arid conditions in the southern Tethys during the latest Paleocene. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are indicative of seasonal variation of oxygen and food levels at the seafloor. A sea-level fall occurred in the latest Paleocene, followed by a rise in the earliest Eocene. Foraminiferal diversity and densities decreased strongly at the P/E boundary, coinciding with the level of global extinction of benthic foraminifera (BEE) and start of the Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) and PETM. In the lower CIE, the seafloor of the stratified basin remained (nearly) permanently anoxic and azoic. A sudden increase in mixed clay minerals (kaolinite and others) suggests that warm and perennial humid conditions prevailed on the continent. High levels of TOC and phosphathic concretions in the middle CIE are evidence for increased organic fluxes to the sea floor, related to upwelling and to augmented continental runoff. Low densities of opportunistic taxa appeared, indicating occasional ephemeral oxygenation and repopulation of the benthic environment. The planktic community diversified, although conditions remained poor for deep-dwelling taxa. An increase in illite–smectite dominated clay association is considered to mark the return of a seasonal signature on climatic conditions. During the late CIE environmental conditions changed to seasonally fluctuating mesotrophic conditions and diverse and rich benthic and planktic foraminiferal communities developed. Post-CIE planktic faunas consisted of both deep and shallow-dwelling taxa and buliminid-dominated benthic assemblages reflect fluctuating mesotrophic conditions.The frequent environmental perturbations during the CIE/PETM at Dababiya provided a rather specialized group of foraminiferal taxa (i.e., Anomalinoides aegyptiacus) the opportunity to repopulate, survive and subsequently dominate by a hypothesized capacity to switch to an alternative life strategy (population dynamics, habitat shift) or different metabolic pathway. The faunal record of Dababiya provides insight into the cause and development of the BEE: various severe global changes during the PETM (e.g., ocean circulation, CaCO3-dissolution, productivity and temperature changes) disturbed a wide range of environments on a geologically brief timescale, explaining together the geographically and temporally variable character of the BEE. This allowed a number of specific but different foraminiferal assemblages composed of stress-tolerant and opportunistic taxa to be successful during and after the periods of environmental perturbations associated with the PETM.  相似文献   

Thanetian–Ilerdian carbonate deposits from the Lakadong Limestone in Assam Shelf, Meghalaya, northeast India, are studied with respect to microfacies distributions and controlling ecological factors on dominant biogenic components. Palaeoenvironmental implications are inferred following the detailed analysis of microfacies characterized by rich assemblages of coralline red algae and benthic foraminifera. The carbonate sediments have been interpreted as lagoonal to outer shelf facies. It is envisaged that the analysed benthic communities thrived in a meso‐oligotrophic regime above the fair‐weather wave base. The Lakadong Limestone constitutes a well‐preserved record of Late Palaeocene–earliest Eocene shallow marine carbonate ecosystem and has high potential to decipher its response to an interval of distinct changes in climate and tectonic settings. The abundance of oligotrophic larger benthic foraminifera in the Lakadong Limestone is comparable to the foraminiferal assemblages of west Tethys. The phylogenetic changes (‘Larger Foraminiferal Turnover’, LFT) and subsequent rapid radiation of typical Eocene larger benthic foraminifera (Alveolina, Nummulites) usually observed in the west Tethys have also been observed in the upper part of the Lakadong Limestone. The eastward migration of Eocene foraminifera from the west coincided with the India‐Asia collision and global warming events at the Palaeocene–Eocene boundary that may have produced a wide array of modifications in biogeography, seasonal run‐offs and ocean circulation pathways. The data indicate that rapid rate of migration from west before the onset of geographic barriers and/or timely restoration of pan‐Tethyan environmental conditions ensured the incidence of these forms in the earliest Eocene sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A moderately diverse larger foraminiferal fauna from the north-east Italian 'Arenarie e calcari di S. Urbano' formation with important stratigraphic, palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical implications is described with respect to its position in the Western Tethys area. The fauna is dominated by hyaline perforated and porcellaneous forms including Amphistegina , Archaias , Austrotrillina , Miogypsinoides , Neoplanorbulinella , Neorotalia , Nummulites , Operculina and Spiroclypeus. The presence of Miogypsinoides complanatus allows the age of the formation to be determined as late Chattian (Shallow Benthic Zone SBZ 23). The palaeoenvironmental setting is interpreted as a shallow ramp environment ranging from (1) well lit, highly translucent, shallowest part of the photic zone characterized by Archaias and Austrotrillina , the deeper part of the inner ramp with Nummulites , to (2) the shallow part of the middle ramp with Spiroclypeus and miogypsinids and Operculina , to (3) a deeper middle-ramp setting dominated by coralline rhodoliths along with lepidocylinids. The presence of Archaias hensoni Smout and Eames shows that members of much more diverse Middle Eastern associations of shallow-water larger porcellaneous foraminifera are also present in the north-western parts of the Western Tethys, and reveals a corresponding diversity gradient among larger foraminiferal faunas in the Western Tethys, which is related to a decrease in temperature.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages from the Bifurcatus Zone (Oxfordian, Upper Jurassic) are studied in the Navalperal section (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). A total of 24 sampling stations and around 5,700 specimens of foraminifera were recognized on thin-section analysis and classified into two major categories: planktonic and benthic. The abundance of foraminifera (number of specimens/cm2) was calculated for both categories and the cyclic pattern was studied by spectral analysis, considering the autochthonous and para-autochthonous character of the studied assemblages. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram together with a permutation test were tested for performing the high-resolution spectral analysis, being particularly well suited for working with short time series and uneven sampling. Spectral analysis reveals the influence of orbital-scale Milankovitch cyclicity at the eccentricity, obliquity, and precession bands. Moreover, this incidence is significantly different depending on the analyzed group (benthic versus planktonic). Whereas the long-range eccentricity band is not distinguishable from a trend and the short-range eccentricity band is not statistically significant (at 90% confidence level), the obliquity band is better represented in the planktonic component and the precession band is better developed in the benthic group. Variations in temperature affecting upper waters, determined by obliquity-scale fluctuations, could be responsible for changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblage, while changes in nutrient availability and substrate oxygenation, as a consequence of input variations from source areas at the precession-scale cycles, could affect the benthic foraminiferal assemblage.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions and productivity changes in the southeastern Okhotsk Sea have been reconstructed for the last 20 ka using planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records and calcium carbonate, organic carbon and opal content data from two sediment cores. Species variability in benthic foraminiferal and diatom assemblages provides additional palaeoceanographic evidence. AMS radiocarbon dating of the sediments and oxygen isotope stratigraphy serve as the basis for the age models of the cores for the last 20 14C kyr and for correlation between environmental variations in the Okhotsk Sea, and regional and global climate changes. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the two cores (depth 1590 and 1175 m) varied with time, so that we could recognise seven zones with different species composition. Changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages parallel major environmental and productivity variations. During the last glaciation, fluxes of organic matter to the sea floor showed strong seasonal variations, indicated by the presence of abundant A. weddellensis and infaunal Uvigerina spp. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages changed with warming at 12.5–11 and 10–8 14C kyr BP, when productivity blooms and high organic fluxes were coeval with global meltwater pulses 1A and 1B. Younger Dryas cooling caused a decline in productivity (11–10 kyr BP) affecting the benthic faunal community. Subsequent warming triggered intensive diatom production, opal accumulation and a strong oxygen deficiency, causing significant changes in benthic fauna assemblages from 5.26–4.4 kyr BP to present time.  相似文献   

A survey of 96 sites in a range of riparian habitats in the catchments of five rivers during June–August 1998 used the bait tube method to investigate the geographical distribution and habitat occurrence of Water Shrews (Neomys fodiens) in the Weald of South‐East England. Water Shrews were found at 42% of sites, and were widely distributed in all river catchments except the Mole. They occurred in many riparian habitats, including rivers, streams, canals and ditches, with a range of physical and biotic characteristics. There were no signs of habitat avoidance in response to human disturbance but Water Shrews were absent from the river catchment with lowest water quality. Logistic regression analysis was used to model the effect of habitat variables on the presence of Water Shrews, with current speed, water depth, bank incline and bank‐side vegetation identified as important variables. Fast‐flowing shallow waters had a significant positive effect on their presence, whereas scarce herbaceous vegetation and a bank of low incline had a significant negative effect. These habitat variables appear to be reliable indicators of the probability of finding Water Shrews at a particular site, and have implications for habitat management and conservation.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,58(2):103-113
Sediments from the western and southern part of the Arabian Sea were collected periodically in the spring intermonsoon between March and May 1997 and additionally at the end of the Northeast Monsoon in February 1998. Assemblages of Rose Bengal stained, living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity were analysed after the Northeast Monsoon and short-time changes were recorded. In the western Arabian Sea, foraminiferal numbers increased steadily between March and the beginning of May, especially in the smaller size classes (30–63 μm, 63–125 μm). At the same time, the deepening of the foraminiferal living horizon, variable diversity and rapid variations between dominant foraminiferal communities were observed. We interpret these observations as the time-dependent response of benthic foraminifera to enhanced organic carbon fluxes during and after the Northeast Monsoon. In the southern Arabian Sea, constant low foraminiferal abundances during time, no distinctive change in the vertical distribution, reduced diversity, and more stable foraminiferal communities were noticed, which indicates no or little influence of the Northeast Monsoon to benthic foraminifera in this region.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of distribution of Middle-Late Jurassic foraminifers of the western Caucasus in each particular paleotectonic zone, the evolutionary dynamics of foraminiferal assemblages and their relationships are reconstructed. The evolutionary rates of Callovian-Tithonian foraminiferal assemblages in the paleotectonic zones are considered against a background of facies changes. Common and distinctive features in the change of foraminiferal communities and facies at different stages of foraminiferal evolution and the quality of environments for the development of foraminiferal associations are recognized.  相似文献   

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