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The objective of this study was to understand the role of Cosmopolites sordidus in the dispersal of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 1 (Foc) and more specifically to determine whether C. sordidus is preferentially attracted to Foc-contaminated banana plant material vs. Foc-free material. The attraction of C. sordidus to healthy and Foc-contaminated Gros Michel banana bulbs and pseudostems, as well as to pure cultures of Foc, was compared using four-choice olfactometers. Males and females were studied separately. After storage in a dark room, weevils were placed in the central chamber of olfactometers. After 15 min, the orientation of each of the weevil was determined according to the food source located in each of the four peripheral chambers of the olfactometer. Overall, 560 olfactometer assays were carried out. Weevils were found to prefer Foc-infected plant tissues. Weevil preference was not significantly affected by weevil sex. The attraction of C. sordidus to Foc-contaminated plant material suggests that this insect could be important for the dissemination of Foc, especially in early stages of epidemics, when Foc-infected plants are scarce.  相似文献   

Two exotic fungal isolates, one of Beauveria bassiana (268–86) and another of Metarhizium anisopliae (100–82), three local isolates of B. bassiana (isolates I, II, III) and one of the entomogenous bacteria Serratia marcescens, were tested for pathogenicity against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. All four isolates of B. bassiana and the one of M. anisopliae were found to be pathogenic to third—instar larvae of C. sordidus, causing mortalities of 98–100% by 9 days post—exposure to dry fungal spores. M. anisopliae was the least pathogenic to larvae with LT50 of 4.2 days, compared to 3.5, 3.3, 3.6 and 4.0 respectively for isolates I, II, III and 268–86. B. bassiana was also pathogenic to adult C. sordidus, causing mortalities varying from 63–97% by 35 days post—exposure depending on isolate. As for larvae M. anisopliae exhibited low pathogenicity for the adult C. sordidus. In general, all the fungi tested were less pathogenic to adult weevils (LT50 = 17.5; 12.5; 8.0 and 22.0 days) for isolates I, II, III and 268–86 respectively, while isolate 100–82 failed to kill 50% of adults even by 35 days post—exposure. Incubation of dead weevils in a moist environment led to development of surface mycelia starting from intersegmental junctions. Histopathology revealed extensive destruction of internal organs by hyphae which invaded most of the organs. The LT50 for S. marcescens against C. sordidus larvae was 2.8 days. However, the bacterium did not kill adult C. sordidus even at 10 times the concentration applied on larvae.  相似文献   

The general potential of plant cystatins for the development of insect‐resistant transgenic plants still remains to be established given the natural ability of several insects to compensate for the loss of digestive cysteine protease activities. Here we assessed the potential of cystatins for the development of banana lines resistant to the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus, a major pest of banana and plantain in Africa. Protease inhibitory assays were conducted with protein and methylcoumarin (MCA) peptide substrates to measure the inhibitory efficiency of different cystatins in vitro, followed by a diet assay with cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks to monitor the impact of two plant cystatins, oryzacystatin I (OC‐I, or OsCYS1) and papaya cystatin (CpCYS1), on the overall growth rate of weevil larvae. As observed earlier for other Coleoptera, banana weevils produce a variety of proteases for dietary protein digestion, including in particular Z‐Phe‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin L–like) and Z‐Arg‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin B–like) proteases active in mildly acidic conditions. Both enzyme populations were sensitive to the cysteine protease inhibitor E‐64 and to different plant cystatins including OsCYS1. In line with the broad inhibitory effects of cystatins, OsCYS1 and CpCYS1 caused an important growth delay in young larvae developing for 10 days in cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks. These promising results, which illustrate the susceptibility of C. sordidus to plant cystatins, are discussed in the light of recent hypotheses suggesting a key role for cathepsin B–like enzymes as a determinant for resistance or susceptibility to plant cystatins in Coleoptera. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

外源茉莉酸和茉莉酸甲酯诱导植物抗虫作用及其机理   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
综述了茉莉酸(jasmonic acid, JA)和茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmo nate, MJA)的分子结构和应用其诱导的植物抗虫作用及其机制。植物受外源茉莉酸或茉莉酸甲酯刺激后,一条反应途径是由硬脂酸途径激活防御基因,另一条途径是直接激活防御基因。防御基因激活后导致代谢途径重新配置,并可能诱导植物产生下列4种效应:(1)直接防御,即植物产生对害虫有毒的物质、抗营养和抗消化的酶类,或具驱避性和妨碍行为作用的化合物;(2)间接防御,即产生吸引天敌的挥发物;(3)不防御,即无防御反应;(4)负防御,即产生吸引害虫的挥发物。  相似文献   

A trial to determine yield losses in East African highland banana (cv. Atwalira) to banana weevil was run between 1994 and 2001 at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture's Sendusu Farm in Namulonge, Uganda. Banana weevil adults were released into weevil‐infestation plots, while weevils were excluded from controls by trapping and later application of chlorpyrifos. Weevil migration and reproduction in control plots reduced treatment differences in damage during the first 3 yr. Thereafter, weevil damage was heavy in infested plots and negligible in controls. High levels of weevil attack resulted in reduced bunch weights, plant losses, mat disappearance and fewer harvested bunches, with estimated yield losses averaging 42% over the final 4 yr of the trial. The data confirm the importance of banana weevil as an important production constraint of highland banana and support farmer reports that banana weevil attack contributes to shortened plantation life.  相似文献   

The banana weevil (also known as banana root borer) Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera Curculionidae) is the major pest of banana and plantain. Because banana ranks 2nd in fruit production worldwide, this pest has substantial social and economic importance. The biological control of the C. sordidus remains challenging because of its behaviour and resistance to parasitism and predation. The last review concerning the biological control of C. sordidus was published two decades ago, and relevant knowledge and methods have developed in the interim. The present paper provides an update of that knowledge and summarizes past and current challenges as well as providing perspectives on achieving sustainable control of C. sordidus. We first discuss studies on the classical biological control of C. sordidus, underlining the limits of classical biological control methods such as the importation of predators, parasitoids or pathogens. Next, we consider conservation biological control of C. sordidus, with a focus on ants. We also highlight an ‘arthropod bias’ that has led to a lack of information on the role of vertebrates in the regulation of C. sordidus.  相似文献   

The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a major pest of banana cropping systems, as larvae bore into the corm of banana plants and damage the insertion points of primary roots, leading to plant snapping and toppling. Plant infestation by the banana weevil is assessed only via invasive techniques, such as plant cutting that highlights larval tunnels. We present here a non‐invasive technique based on a bioacoustic sensor with a band‐pass filter to detect larval activity inside banana corm. On the basis of a test under controlled conditions, we observed that the range of larval activity was between 1.4 and 2.6 kHz. Pulses lasted ca. 168 ms and were separated by intervals of 300 ms. The technique enables detection of more than 90% of infested suckers. The use of this technique to understand larval development of banana weevil is discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of microorganisms were used to hydrolyze racemic methyl jasmonate [I] with varying degrees of enantioselectivity. The fungi tested included species from the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Talaromyces. All fungi tested showed a preference for the [1S,2S(Z)]-(+)-isomer. The yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans showed no activity. A number of bacterial genera were also tested. No activity could be shown for members of the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Nocardia, and Thermoactinomyces. Hydrolytic activity was found in the genera Streptomyces and Mycobacterium. S. henetus showed the same enantioselectivity as the fungi, while M. phlei hydrolyzed the [1R,2R(Z)]-(−)-isomer preferentially. A number of isolated enzymes were also screened for activity. Varying degrees of hydrolytic activity and enantioselectivity were found.  相似文献   

【目的】明确MeJA对茶树挥发物的诱导作用。【方法】采用顶空活体取样法对不同浓度MeJA处理后的茶苗挥发物进行抽提,并利用GC-MS对挥发物进行鉴定。【结果】不同剂量MeJA显著地影响茶树挥发物的种类组成和释放量,50μL MeJA处理可显著诱导茶树释放香叶烯、萜品油烯、罗勒烯等10种单萜类化合物,法呢烯、橙花叔醇和红没药烯等7种倍半萜类化合物,苯甲醇、苯乙腈和吲哚等5种氨基酸衍生物,以及3种未知化合物;而100μL MeJA处理仅能诱导茶树释放7种化合物。不同挥发物对MeJA处理的响应时间不同,但其释放量都具有昼高夜低的趋势。并且,释放量的大小明显受到光照强度的影响。【结论】外用MeJA喷雾处理可诱导茶树挥发物的产生和释放。  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) at 10–3 M completely inhibited Amaranthus caudatus seed germination. Exogenous ethylene could totally reverse this inhibition. The inhibitor of ethylene action, 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD), increased the sensitivity of seeds to JA-Me. Methyl jasmonate inhibited ethylene production and also decreased both 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and malonyl ACC (MACC) content. Likewise, ACC oxidase activity in vivo was decreased by jasmonate. Similarly ACC oxidase activity in vitro isolated from seeds incubated in the presence of JA-Me was lower than that isolated from untreated seeds.The inhibitory JA-Me action on seed germination seems to be mainly associated with the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis. Both inhibition of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase activity and/or synthesis can be involved.  相似文献   

茉莉酮酸甲酯对水稻化感物质的诱导效应   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
在室内和田间条件下 ,外源茉莉酮酸甲酯均能显著地诱导水稻化感物质的合成 ,而且这种诱导效应与施用茉莉酮酸甲酯的浓度和诱导时间显著相关。 0 .4 m mol/L浓度和处理后 4 8h,茉莉酮酸甲酯对水稻化感物质的诱导效应最强。同样 ,不同的水稻品种对茉莉酮酸甲酯的诱导响应也有显著差异。水稻化感品种 PI312 777和丰华占在茉莉酮酸甲酯的诱导下能很快合成大量的化感物质 ,而水稻非化感品种华粳籼的化感物质的含量虽也有所增加 ,但达不到能显示化感作用的浓度。进一步实验证明 :茉莉酮酸甲酯在处理 4 8h后虽能诱导水稻品种合成大量的化感物质 ,但这一诱导效应并不能长期维持。研究揭示 :水稻化感物质的合成可在外部因子的作用下动态变化 ,这对揭示和充分利用水稻的化感作用机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

化学农药仍是目前蔬菜烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci防控的重要措施,研发有效的非化学措施防控烟粉虱是蔬菜绿色生产亟待解决的问题。本文以苏椒15号(感性品种)和新苏椒五号(抗性品种)辣椒Capsicum annuum L.为对象,通过在辣椒上喷施茉莉酸甲酯,研究外源茉莉酸甲酯对烟粉虱发育历期、存活率、消化酶活性和田间烟粉虱种群动态的影响。研究发现,取食茉莉酸甲酯处理的辣椒后烟粉虱的发育历期显著延长、存活率明显下降。其中取食感性品种辣椒和抗性品种辣椒的烟粉虱发育历期分别延长7.66 d和9.66 d,存活率分别下降10.5%和9.89%;取食感性品种辣椒的烟粉虱主要是延长卵期、4龄若虫期和伪蛹期,而取食抗性品种辣椒的烟粉虱各历期均延长。外源茉莉酸甲酯对烟粉虱体内消化酶的活性也有明显的影响,取食茉莉酸甲酯处理的辣椒后烟粉虱的消化酶活性显著下降,取食感性品种辣椒和抗性品种辣椒24 h后,胰蛋白酶活力分别较对照下降了61.86%和45.0%,糜蛋白酶活性分别较对照下降了47.29%和40.11%。大田辣椒上喷施茉莉酸甲酯后,烟粉虱的种群数量迅速下降,但在抗性品种和感性品种上烟粉虱的校正虫口减退率没有明显的差异。研究发现,外源茉莉酸甲酯处理,可以延缓烟粉虱的发育速率,降低胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶的活性,对田间烟粉虱种群也有较好的控制作用。  相似文献   

When applied in vitro, methyl jasmonate is sensed by the red seaweed Grateloupia imbricate, substantially and visually affecting its carposporogenesis. However, although there is some understanding of the morphological changes induced by methyl jasmonate in vitro, little is known about the genes that are involved in red seaweed carposporogenesis and how their protein products act. For the work reported herein, the expression of genes in red seaweed that encode enzymes involved in the synthesis of methyl jasmonate (jasmonic acid carboxyl methyl transferase and a putative methyl transferase) was monitored. Additionally the genes involved in oxidation (cytochrome P450 and WD40), jasmonate synthesis, signal transduction, and regulation of reactive oxygen species (MYB), and reproduction (ornithine decarboxylase) were monitored. To determine when or if the aforementioned genes were expressed during cystocarp development, fertilized and fertile thalli were exposed to methyl jasmonate and gene expression was measured after 24 and 48 h. The results showed that methyl jasmonate promoted differential gene expression in fertilized thalli by 24 h and upregulated expression of the ornithine decarboxylase gene only by 48 h in fertile thalli (0.75 ± 003 copies · μL?1 at 24 h vs. 1.11 ± 0.04 copies · μL?1 at 48 h). We conclude that Ornithine decarboxylase expression involves methyl jasmonate signaling as well as development and maturation of cystocarps.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ) on growth of rice seedlings were compared. The lowest tested concentration of ABA and MJ that inhibited seedling growth was found to be 4.5 and 0.9 µM, respectively. Growth inhibition by ABA is reversible, whereas that by MJ is irreversible. GA3 was found to be more effective in reversing inhibition of shoot growth by ABA than by MJ. KCl partially relieved MJ-inhibited, but not ABA-inhibited, growth of rice seedlings. The beneficial effect of K+ on growth of rice seedlings in MJ medium could not be replaced by Li+, Na+ or Cs+. MJ treatment caused a marked release of K+ into the medium. In order to understand whether cell wall-bound peroxidase activity was inversely related to rice seedling growth, effects of ABA and MJ on cell wall-bound peroxidase activity were also examined. Results indicated that both ABA and MJ increased cell wall-bound peroxidase activity in roots and shoots of rice seedlings. Although MJ (4.5 µM) was less effective in inhibiting root growth than ABA (9 µM), MJ was found to increase more cell wall-bound peroxidase activity in roots than ABA.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) is damaging to plants, inducing signalling pathways involving antagonism between jasmonates and ethylene. These pathways mediate O3 responses, particularly to acute exposure, and their manipulation protected several species against acute and chronic O3. We use chronic daily exposure of up to 163 ppb O3, and twice weekly application of up to 320 µg plant?1 methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to test two hypothesizes: 1) a low rate of MeJA does not affect growth but increases O3 sensitivity; 2) a high rate inhibits growth but reduces O3 sensitivity. Both hypotheses were rejected. Growth declined with increases in both MeJA and O3. MeJA at 40 µg plant?1 caused no direct effect, and at 160 µg plant?1 reduced growth similarly at all O3. Neither rate altered O3 sensitivity. These additive responses are not consistent with protection by MeJA in this system. They may reflect inter‐specific differences in signalling, since O3 concentrations used here exceeded some reported acute exposures. Alternatively, parallel responses to O3 and MeJA may suggest that O3‐induced jasmonates play a developmental role in chronic response but no protective role in the absence of lesions characteristic of acute exposure. MeJA appears useful as a probe of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate effects of application of 200 micromol l(-1) methyl jasmonate [MeJA (200)] and Cryptococcus laurentii alone or in combination against postharvest diseases (Monilinia fructicola and Penicillium expansum) in peach fruit stored at 25 and 0 degrees C, and to evaluate the possible mechanisms involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: The efficacy of controlling postharvest diseases by resistance induced in peach fruit treated with MeJA (200) and C. laurentii alone or in combination and the relationship between activities of defence-related enzymes in peach fruit and lesions caused by M. fructicola and P. expansum were examined. At the same time, the effects of MeJA (200) on the population of C. laurentii in the peach wounds and on the mycelial growth of M. fructicola and P. expansumin vitro were investigated. The results indicated that treatment of peach fruit with C. laurentii at 1 x 10(8) CFU ml(-1) alone, or combining C. laurentii at 5 x 10(7) CFU ml(-1) with MeJA (200) all resulted in a lower lesion diameter of brown rot and blue mould caused by M. fructicola and P. expansum compared with the controls in peach fruit. MeJA (200) enhanced the population of C. laurentii, and inhibited mycelial growth of P. expansum. However, it had a little effect on M. fructicolain vitro. MeJA and C. laurentii alone or in combination induced higher activities of Chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and peroxidase (POD) than applying the yeast alone at both 25 and 0 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: MeJA (200) not only directly inhibited mycelial spread of postharvest pathogens, but also increased population of C. laurentii, which induced stronger disease resistance in fruit than MeJA or yeast alone, and resulted in a lower lesion diameter of brown rot and blue mould caused by M. fructicola and P. expansum. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: MeJA (200) in combination with C. laurentii was beneficial for controlling brown rot and blue mould caused by M. fructicola and P. expansum in peach fruit. The inhibitory mechanism was mainly because of resistance induced in peach fruit by MeJA and C. laurentii. In addition, direct inhibition of MeJA on P. expansum also played a role in controlling blue mould.  相似文献   

宋佳  王骏  叶茂 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5433-5440
茉莉酸甲酯(Methyl jasmonate, MeJA)与植物间的防御通讯密切相关,其挥发性强,可以在空气中传播而诱导邻近植物产生防御反应,为探明MeJA诱导邻近植株抗虫性的浓度和距离效应,本研究在大棚(长4 m×宽1 m×高1 m)进口处喷以不同浓度MeJA,检测离气味源60 cm、120 cm、180 cm、240 cm和300 cm远的番茄植株叶片多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase, PPO),过氧化物酶(Peroxidase, POD)和脂氧合酶(Lipoxygenase, LOX)的活性以及斜纹夜蛾幼虫取食不同处理番茄植株叶片后的体重增长率,研究结果表明1 mmol/L和10 mmol/L MeJA挥发物可以显著诱导增强邻近番茄植株叶片PPO,POD和LOX酶的活性,以离10 mmol/L MeJA气味源60 cm处植株叶片的酶活性最高,并随着距离的增加而呈降低的趋势;取食60 cm和300 cm对照组植株叶片的斜纹夜蛾幼虫其体重增长率没有显著差异,然而1 mmol/L和10 mmol/L MeJA处理下,取食300 cm处植株叶片的斜纹夜蛾幼虫其体重增长率显...  相似文献   

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