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Ban  Syuhei  Minoda  Takashi 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):185-189
Chemically mediated crowding effect on induction of diapause egg production in the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis was investigated. Two types of eggs, i.e. subitaneous and diapause eggs, produced by females that were reared in crowded culture conditions or the water from crowded culture under excess food supply were examined. 2.3% of the females that were reared at a population density of 5 or 6 animals per 10 ml of filtered lake water (FLW) produced diapause eggs. Females that were reared individually in 2-ml containers with FLW did not produce diapause eggs while 72.7% of females that were individually reared in 2-ml containers, but with water from a crowded culture (500 ind. l–1, culture medium was changed once a week), produced diapause eggs. These results demonstrate that accumulation of their own metabolic products in the medium induces diapause egg production by E. affinis.  相似文献   

Carolyn W. Burns 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):234-244
The effects of daphniid crowding on juvenile growth rate, length at first reproduction, clutch size and egg size of four species of Daphnia were compared with the effects of food level. Juvenile Daphnia were grown to primipary in a flow-through system in water conditioned by different densities of the same, or another, species. At high ambient food levels, water from Daphnia that had been crowded at densities 150 l–1 depressed growth rate and lowered body size and clutch size of D. hyalina and D. galeata; effects on the same traits of D. magna and D. pulicaria were variable (stimulation, depression, or no effect). D. hyalina and D. galeata responded to gradients of increasing daphniid density (0–300 l–1) by altering egg mass, somatic mass and clutch size to maintain a relatively constant reproductive investment; egg mass increased with crowding and then decreased in a pattern consistent with Glazier's (1992) hypothetical model of changes in offspring size in relation to food quantity and maternal demand. Effects of crowding by conspecifics were indistinguishable from those of other species. This study, which uncouples the effect of crowding per se from ambient resource depletion, shows that chemical substances released by high densities of Daphnia can cause changes in life-history traits comparable to those that occur in response to low food levels.  相似文献   

In weekly exploited populations of the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae Humes, the dynamics of population development and the effect of the rate of water renewal were studied under conditions of surplus food supply, constant temperature (22° C) and salinity (30 ‰). At exploitation rates of 10, 30, 50, 70 or 90% per week, the populations maintained stable mean populations sizes. None of the populations established stationary equilibria. Reduced rates of water renewal resulted in a reduction of mean population density, in the course of which the density of adults plus copepodids was diminished to a lesser degree when low, as opposed to high, percentages of specimens were removed. The density of nauplii was distinctly reduced at all exploitation levels. The age structure shifted in favour of the adults and copepodids and was subject to higher variability at moderate exploitation rates and lowered rate of water renewal. To avoid and to remove difficulties inherent to current concepts of population dynamics, the populations were regarded as a component of a feedback control system, and an attempt has been made to describe the observed processes by analogy to technical control systems. According to not yet completed series of experiments, populations undergoing higher exploitation rates seem to compensate more succesfully for perturbations of their environment, than populations exploited at lower rates.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. An wöchentlich mit Raten von 0,10; 0,30; 0,50; 0,70 oder 0,90 exploitierten Populationen des harpacticoiden CopepodenTisbe holothuriae Humes wurde unter konstanten Bedingungen (22° C, 30 S) die Abhängigkeit der Reproduktionsleistung, des Geschlechtsverhältnisses, der Entwicklungsdauer und der Überlebenszeit von der Exploitationsrate untersucht.2. Es lassen sich drei Klassen von Eisäcken unterscheiden: (a) Eisäcke mit Entwicklung aller Eier bis zum schlüpfenden Nauplius, (b) Eisäcke mit Entwicklung nur eines Teils der Eier und (c) Eisäcke, aus denen keine Nauplien hervorgehen. Eine Abhängigkeit von der Entnahmerate besteht bei den Anteilen an Eisäcken, bei denen aus allen Eiern oder aus keinem Ei Nauplien hervorgehen.3. Der Anteil an Eisäcken, aus denen keine adulten Individuen hervorgehen, ist bei allen Entnahmeraten größer als der Anteil, aus dem keine Nauplien schlüpfen. Der Unterschied entsteht durch Eisäcke, bei denen unmittelbar nach dem Schlupf sämtliche Nauplien sterben.4. Die Zahl der pro 100 Eisäcke im Mittel produzierten Eier, Nauplien und adulten Individuen ist abhängig von dem Mittel der mittleren Populationsdichten zwischen den Entnahmen.5. Bei allen Befunden wird die durch die Exploitationsrate beeinflußte mittlere Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen als die unmittelbarer wirkende Einflußgröße angesehen.6. Bei höherer Entnahmerate beziehungsweise geringer mittlerer Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen werden im Mittel pro Eisack mehr Eier, Nauplien und adulte Individuen produziert als bei geringer Entnahmerate beziehungsweise höherer mittlerer Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen. Es scheint die Tendenz zu bestehen, unabhängig von der Entnahmerate einen durch die Kulturbedingungen als Führungsgröße vorgegebenen Sollwert der Biomasse zu erreichen und konstant zu halten.7. Die Sterberate der Nauplien ist bei der Entnahmerate von 0,90 herabgesetzt. Das Reproduktionspotential wird allerdings selbst bei dieser Entnahmerate nur etwa zur Hälfte ausgenutzt.8. Außer bei der Entnahmerate von 0,90 werden im Mittel pro Eisack mehr Embryonen gefunden als Nauplien schlüpfen. Die relative Häufigkeit der Eier und Eisäcke, in denen keine Embryonen gefunden werden, zeigt keine Anhängigkeit von der Entnahmerate beziehungsweise der mittleren Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen.9. Bei isolierten zeigt sich unmittelbar nach der Isolierung eine Abhängigkeit der Frequenz der Eisackbildung von der Entnahmerate beziehungsweise der mittleren Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen. Es scheint, als erführen die Individuen durch die Populationen, aus denen sie stammen, eine Prägung, die in der Isolation allerdings bald verlorengeht.10. Das Geschlechtsverhältnis ist abhängig von der Entnahmerate beziehungsweise der mittleren Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen. Bei der Entnahmerate von 0,90 überwiegt die Zahl der , bei der Entnahmerate von 0,10 die der .11. Bei isolierten Brutsätzen konnte eine Abhängigkeit der embryonalen Entwicklungsdauer von der Entnahmerate beziehungsweise der mittleren Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen beobachtet werden. Eine Beeinflussung der Überlebenszeit adulter sowie der Geschwindigkeit der Entwicklung vom geschlüpften Nauplius bis zum adulten Individuum konnte bei den isolierten Brutsätzen nicht festgestellt werden.12. Das mittlere Gewicht eines Individuums im adulten oder Copepoditstadium und die mittlere Länge des adulten stehen in inverser Beziehung zur mittleren Populationsdichte zwischen den Entnahmen.
On the dynamics of exploited populations ofTisbe holothuriae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida)III. Reproduction, sex ratio, rate of development and survival time
In weekly exploited populations of the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae Humes, effects of exploitation rate on production of eggs, embryos, nauplii and adults, as well as frequency of egg-sac formation, rate of development of embryos and nauplii and survival time of adult females were studied under conditions of surplus food supply at 22° and 30 S. Three classes of egg sacs could be distinguished: (a) Egg sacs in which all eggs developed until hatching of the nauplii, (b) egg sacs in which only part of the eggs developed, and (c) egg sacs with eggs that did not hatch at all. The fraction of egg sacs giving rise to no adult individual is larger at all exploitation rates than the fraction of egg sacs giving no nauplius. This difference is caused by the fact that some egg sacs produce nauplii, all of which die shortly after hatching. The mean number of eggs, nauplii and adults produced per egg sac depends on the mean average population densities between exploitations. In general, the mean average population densities between exploitations are considered to be a more immediate causal agent than the removal rate. At a higher removal rate or a lower density between exploitations, more eggs, nauplii and adults are produced per egg sac than at a lower removal rate or at a higher density. There seems to be a tendency to reach and to keep constant a set point of biomass, rather than population size, the culture conditions being the controlling variable. Death rate of nauplii is lowered at the exploitation rate of 0.90, and even at this highest removal rate only half of the eggs gave rise to adult individuals. Except at the exploitation rate of 0.90, more embryos per egg sac are found on the average than hatched nauplii, implying death of a certain number of embryos during development. The relative frequency of eggs and egg sacs in which no embryos could be detected shows no dependency upon the removal rate or mean population density between exploitations. In isolated females, an inverse relationship has been found between the frequency of egg-sac formation and the average population density between exploitations shortly after isolation. There seems to be some imprinting by the populations in which the specimens are living. Sex ratio is influenced by the removal rate or the average population density between exploitations in such a way that at the removal rate of 0.90 there is a surplus of males while at the rate of 0.10 a surplus of females is found. In isolated broods an inverse relationship between embryonic developmental rate and average population density between exploitation could be established. No influence of population density on rate of development of juvenile stages and survival time of adult females could be observed in equally isolated broods. The average weight of an individual in the adult or copepodid stage, and the average length of an adult female are inversely related to the average population density between exploitations.

The influence of salinity on the performance of the sibling species Tisbe holothuriae and T. battagliai in pure and mixed cultures was studied, using laboratory stocks adapted to 32 for over 175 generations. Cohort studies show that T. holothuriae has higher growth rates (Ro and r) at 32, T. battagliai at 20 The latter's life cycle is much less affected by the difference in salinity. De Wit replacement series were used to study competitive interactions. Without water renewal, T. holothuriae eliminates its sibling species in less than 2 generations, apparently through chemical interference. With water renewal, i.e. when exploitation competition becomes relatively more important, T. holothuriae still proves superior at 27 but the two species are competitively almost equal at 20. The two species cooccur in situ during autumn, but their differential predominance at different sites is not explained by the effect of salinity.  相似文献   

Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus(Macquart 1838) (Diptera: Culicidae) is a neotropical flood water mosquito, incriminated as the main vector of the western equine encephalitis virus, and which affects beef and milk production in central Argentina. The short time required to hatch and develop from egg to adult, usually in temporary pools, suggests a strategy which allows for exploitation of transient pools, thus evading predation and interspecific competition. Under these conditions intra specific competition could represent a major density-dependent source of larval mortality, but the relative importance of density-dependent regulation of mosquito populations has generated controversy. Therefore we examined the effects of larval density on basic population characteristics of Ae. albifasciatusin the laboratory. Larvae were obtained by synchronous hatching of eggs laid by field-trapped females. Emerging larvae (L1) were used to build cohorts of different initial densities, kept in plastic trays with 400 ml of distilled water, and food supplied daily during the first 10 days (0.1 g per larvae day–1). Age-specific development time and specific and relative mortality were estimated, and their relation to initial larval density was assessed through linear and non-linear regressions and correlation analysis. First hatching was registered 3 h after flooding the eggs. Higher levels of pre-adult mortality were detected in groups with higher densities. Specific mortality and average time to enter a stage of L1 to L3 could directly be related to initial larval density, but no significant relations were found for L4 and pupae. Results suggest that crowding could be a factor capable of regulating the density of natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus.  相似文献   

The harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae was collected from Saronicos Gulf (Greece) and reared under constant laboratory conditions. In order to study the effects of food on the population dynamics, seven diets were tested: the seaweedUlva; five artificial compound feeds: the liquid Fryfood® (Waterlife), a powder ofMytilus, yeast, soya andSpirulina, respectively; and a mixed diet consisting ofUlva and Fryfood. The life cycle parameters (mortality, sex ratio, generation time, offspring production) were measured, and the demographic variables [mean generation time (T), net reproductive rate (Ro), and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm)] were determined. As to their efficiency regarding population dynamics, the diets ranked as follows: (1)Ulva+Fryfood, (2),Ulva, (3) Fryfood, (4)Mytilus, (5) soya, (6) yeast, and (7)Spirulina. In this order they cause a progressive increase of both larval mortality and generation time, a progressive decrease of sex ratio, number of offspring per egg sac, number of egg sacs per female and, consequently, of Ro and rm. The observed differences between diets were most pronounced with respect to offspring production. Of the compound diets, those containing animal extracts were more efficient than those containing vegetable materials.Ulva plays an important role in the nutrition ofT. holothuriae, favouring offspring production as well as larval survival, development and pigmentation.Ulva in combination with Fryfood led to a greater copepodid survival and offspring production. This mixed diet proved to be the most favourable for rearing the Greek population oft. holothuriae, resulting in an efficient intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.304) of the population.  相似文献   

In weekly exploited populations of the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae Humes, effects of exploitation rate on population density, age distribution, growth, as well as numerical and biomass yields were studied under conditions of surplus food supply at 22° C and 30 ‰ S. Increase of exploitation rate lowered the adult plus copepodid density and raised the density of nauplii, thus shifting the age distribution in favour of the nauplii. Total population density was almost equal at exploitation rates of 0.10, 0.50 and 0.70, but lower at rates of 0.30 and 0.90. Experiments, which have not yet been completed, have shown a higher resistance against the toxic effect of cadmium in populations exploited at rates of 0.30 or 0.90; populations exploited at the lower rate displayed a lesser degree of resistance than populations exploited at the rate of 0.90. Variability of densities was least at intermediate exploitation rates, whereas the variability of the age structure and the intrinsic rate of natural increase was less at higher rates, indicating smaller fluctuations in the ratio of the regulating variables mortality and fecundity with increasing exploitation. The assumption is made that an appropriate exploitation rate contributes to the achievement of favourable culture conditions for copepods, which are subjected to intense predation in natural populations. Within the range of the exploitation rates selected, biomass yields of nauplii and adults plus copepodids were approximately proportional to exploitation rate; therefore, the maximum rate sustainable by aTisbe holothuriae population cannot be established. From data on adult numerical yield, however, it may be concluded that exploitation rates exceeding 0.90 will not result in increased productivity.  相似文献   

Summary Single-species cultures of D. melanogaster Oregon-R-C and D. simulans v were set up with 5, 50, 100, 200, 300 or 400 pairs of parents. These parents were discarded after 48 hours, and the numbers and wet weights of emerging progeny recorded twice daily. For each culture, the fitness components estimated were total number of progeny, total progeny biomass, average male and average female wet weights, mean developmental period, and sex ratio. D. melanogaster had higher progeny productivity and longer mean developmental period. For both species, as adult density increased, progeny number per culture increased to a maximum and then decreased, but the average number of progeny per female decreased rapidly from the lowest density. The cause of this decreased progeny number per female differed in the two species. For simulans, it was due to decreased fecundity per female, possibly a behavioural response to crowding. For melanogaster, the decreased progeny number per female was mainly due to reduced immature stage viability as a result of increased larval crowding. Reduction in fecundity per female was relatively small, as compared with simulans.  相似文献   

Species with complex life cycles pose challenges for understanding what processes regulate population densities, especially if some life stages disperse. Most studies of such animals that are thought to be recruitment limited focus on the idea that juvenile mortality limits the density of recruits (and hence population density), fewer consider the possibility that egg supply may be important. For species that oviposit on specific substrata, environmental constraints on oviposition sites may limit egg supply. Female mayflies in the genus Baetis lay egg masses on the underside of stream rocks that emerge above the water’s surface. We tested the hypothesis that egg mass densities are constrained by emergent rock densities within and between streams, by counting egg masses on emergent rocks. All emergent rocks were counted along 1-km lengths of four streams, revealing significant variation in emergent rock density within streams and a more than three-fold difference between streams. In each stream, egg mass density increased with the density of emergent rocks in 30-m stretches. We used regression equations describing these small-scale relationships, coupled with the large-scale spatial variation of emergent rocks, to estimate egg mass densities for each 1-km stream length, a scale relevant to population processes. Scaled estimates were positively associated with emergent rock density and provided better estimates than methods that ignored environmental variation. Egg mass crowding was inversely related to emergent rock density at the stream scale, a pattern consistent with the idea that oviposition substrata were in short supply in streams with few emergent rocks, but crowding did not compensate entirely for differences in emergent rock densities. The notion that egg supply, not larval mortality, may limit population density is an unusual perspective for stream insects. Environmental constraints on egg supply may be widespread among other species with specialised oviposition behaviours.  相似文献   

To assess the potential of the hymenopteran ectoparasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor Say as a biological control agent, we evaluated its response to different larval densities of two pyralid hosts, Palpita unionalis Hbn. and Galleria mellonella L. The former host is a serious pest of olive trees, whereas the latter is used as a factitious host in parasitoid mass rearing. In order to study the functional response of the parasitoid, five host densities (1, 2, 3, 5, 7) of either late instar larva per Petri dish were used. The shape of the functional response curve was determined using logistic regression and could be described as a type II response for both hosts, characterised by a monotonic decelerating increase in the number of hosts attacked with increasing host density. Female parasitoids allocated more eggs to the first larva attacked than all the remaining larvae. Aggregated dispersion patterns for parasitoid egg distribution at different host densities were estimated using the Green index. Multiple visits and ovipositions by females did not significantly affect the total number of progeny produced or their sex ratio. This study has generated novel information on egg laying, egg distribution and sex ratio of H. hebetor when reared on G. mellonella and has the potential to be used in the development of sustainable biological control programmes aimed at P. unionalis in olive orchards.  相似文献   

Summary Pelagic copepod populations under the pack ice of the Antarctic Weddell Sea were sampled with a 50 m net between October 2 and December 7, 1986, to study their abundance and developmental stage composition before and at the onset of the vernal phytoplankton bloom. Subadult stages and adult females were incubated to estimate rates of development and egg production. Copepod densities in the upper 200 m were highest for the small-sized species Oithona similis, Oncaea curvata and Ctenocalanus citer. About 95% of the copedite stages belonged to these species, dominated by Oithona. The copepodids were outnumbered by the nauplii in all species, except in Oncaea. The stage distribution in the small-sized species was bimodal with peaks in N3 and C4. The larger species Calanus propinquus and Metridia gerlachei showed peaks in nauplii only. Eggs were relatively abundant in all small and large species. Animals smaller than 1 mm not only were more abundant than the larger ones, but also had a higher total potential respiration. Eggs were produced by incubated females in sea water virtually without food at 0°C. Eggs hatched, and Oithona nauplii developed at a rate of about 7 days per stage. Copepodite stages did not develop significantly. Reproduction in the most abundant species commonly occurred before the algal spring increase when food levels were very low. Maintenance of a stable stage distribution at the expense of a high juvenile mortality seemed to be characteristic for the overwintering strategy of Antarctic copepods.  相似文献   

Summary A series of experiments have been carried out to identify those factors that affect the number of altered populations detected in control, nonexposed, and radiation-exposed primary cultures of rat tracheal epithelial cells. The number of colony forming cells per milliliter of culture medium and the frequency with which the culture medium is changed seemed to be the most critical factors regulating the emergence of induced and spontaneous variants. Increasing the number of cells plated so that of colony forming cells increase from 25 to 200 per ml, regardless of the dish size used, was associated with a 200-fold decline in the frequency of spontaneous variants and a 40-fold decline in X-ray-induced variants. Increasing the interval between medium changes from 3 to 7 days after the first week of culture was associated with a 10-fold decrease in the frequency of spontaneous variants. The frequency of spontaneous and induced variants is markedly less dependent on culture density at densities between 150 and 600 colony forming cells per ml. The type of medium used to establish primary cultures had little effect on the frequency of variants detected. Similarly, when assays were performed at densities in excess of 150 colony forming cells per ml the frequency of spontaneous and x-ray-induced variants was not affected by the absence of epidermal growth factor, increased levels of calcium (final concentration, 0.8 mM), or by removal of pyruvate from the selection medium.  相似文献   

The benthic harpacticoid copepodParamphiascella fulvofasciata Rosenfield & Coull was collected from holdfasts ofLaminaria hyperborea from a subtidal area of Helgoland (North Sea). All developmental stages ofP. fulvofasciata are raptorial feeders. The feeding of the nauplii is advanced by a marginal setule-crest of the labrum which prevents food-particles from being swept away. The oral appendages of the copepodites circumscribe a frustal space ventral to the mouth which facilitates uptake of food-particles. The nauplii are not able to swim and perform stalking movements with their antennal endopodites. Good swimming ability as well as digging-in-behaviour and negative phototaxis of the copepodites indicate epi- as well as inbenthic mode of life. Several life-cycle characters are described. Precopula lasts ca. one day. The mean egg-number is 27, and mean egg-diameter is 87 × 75 µm. The number of nauplii per egg (double)-sac amounts to 25–30. Developmental time at 19°C is 6–9 days (nauplii) and 20–24 days (copepodites). The whole developmental period lasts 28 days. The maximal lifespan in the laboratory is 193 days. Sex-ratio is almost balanced. Females produce egg-sacs more than 3.5 times during their life period. Seasonal effects on reproductive activity have not been detected in laboratory cultures.  相似文献   

Several experiments with Brachionus plicatilis have been conducted to test the existence of chemical-mediated induction of mixis. In a first experimental set, bioassays were used to test relationships between preconditioning of culture medium to high population density and the occurrence of mixis in mass cultures with these media. The results show that a preconditioned medium has inducing properties that are comparable to the crowding effect.In order to isolate the effect on mixis of the preconditioning, we also carried out an experiment involving individual cultures. Isolated individuals of B. plicatilis, CU strain, placed in 1 ml of medium renewed daily showed no mixis, but mixis was induced when medium preconditioned to high density was used following the same experimental procedure.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive mosquito species found across the southern U.S. with range expansion into many northern states. Intra‐ and interspecific larval competition have been evaluated for Ae. albopictus with respect to subsequent adult size, immature and adult survivability, and its capacity to vector pathogens as an adult. However, limited data are available on egg production as related to larval rearing conditions. Because Ae. albopictus is a container‐inhabiting mosquito that oviposits in resource‐limited habitats, it is found under variable density‐dependent conditions. Therefore, we examined the impact of specific rearing conditions on Ae. albopictus clutch size and adult body size; comparing the egg production values and wing lengths from known developmental densities to those from field‐collected populations. Field populations varied significantly among collection sites in mean clutch size (23 to 46). These clutch sizes were comparable to the mean clutch sizes of females reared at the larval densities of nine (20 eggs) and three (53 eggs) larvae per 3 ml of water in the laboratory. Field populations experienced density‐dependent effects impacting adult mosquito size. Mosquitoes from the four sample sites had mean wing lengths of 1.99, 2.47, 2.51, and 2.54 mm, which were less than the mean wing length of mosquitoes reared at larval densities of three larvae per 3 ml of water (2.57 mm).  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that iteroparous animals adaptively partition reproductive effort between current and future reproduction. When rearing costs of current offspring exceed the potential benefits, parental care should be terminated and deferred toward future reproduction. We tested two related predictions that follow from life history theory: (a) parents should be sensitive to offspring viability and withhold parental care if offspring survival probability drops and future reproductive opportunities are likely, and (b) parents should be less sensitive to offspring survival probability when future reproduction is unlikely and maximize parental care late in life. The wolf spider, Pardosa milvina, demonstrates extensive parental care; however, they may also abandon or cannibalize their egg sacs. We tested the effects of egg sac damage and production of a previous egg sac on egg sac abandonment and cannibalism decisions. Among four egg sac groups (1st egg sac intact, 1st egg sac damaged, 2nd egg sac intact, 2nd egg sac damaged), we daily monitored egg sac abandonment and cannibalism and measured differences in egg sac searching, protection, and grooming among removed and damaged egg sacs (N = 116 with 1st egg sac and 88 with 2nd egg sac). Females with first egg sacs abandoned and cannibalized damaged egg sacs significantly more compared to unmanipulated egg sacs; however, females with second egg sacs were insensitive to egg sac damage. Females also spent significantly more time protecting second egg sacs compared to first egg sacs and groomed damaged egg sacs significantly more than undamaged. These results support the general predictions of life history theory that indicate that abandonment and cannibalism should decrease with diminished future reproductive potential and that parents should be less sensitive to indicators of offspring survival probability late in life.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis (L.) larvae were affected by both abundance of eggs that were initially stocked in 75 1 rearing systems and by the concentration of copepod nauplii and copepodites that were fed to larvae. Stocking levels were 2, 4, 8,16 or 32 per litre while food abundance was maintained at approximately 100, 500, 1500 or 3000 per litre. Experiments were of 16 days duration at 26° C. Survival was best, often exceeding 60%, when food levels were 1500 or 3000 per litre and when stocking density did not exceed 8 eggs per litre. Growth was best at the lowest stocking densities and highest food levels. The highest total yields in wet weight occurred at 8 per litre stock density and 3000 per litre food level. Mean wet weight per survivor and yield per stocked egg were greatest at the lowest stocking densities and highest food levels. A 500 per litre food level was marginal for growth and survival, and 100 per litre produced significant survival only at the 2 per litre stocking density. Two experiments at 6000 and 10 000 per litre food levels at 4 per litre stock density gave the best observed growth, and survival as good as in any other experiments. Possible relations between sea bream larvae and their food supply in the natural environment are discussed. Results also are discussed in terms of their possible contribution to aquaculture efforts.  相似文献   

Affordable biological technology for the reclamation of wastes and water of the waste streams from intensive livestock units is important in a country short of water. This study tested the concept of reclamation of waste by Streptocephalus macrourus (Crustacea: Anostraca) from the effluent of a high rate algal pond processing livestock wastes. S. macrourus showed a growth efficiency of 39% to 74% when fed optimal rations and cultured at densities between 10 and 400 1–1. The maximum daily growth rates (0.15–0.21) approximate the growth rates of cladoceran or rotifer cultures managed for maximal biomass production. S. macrourus' ability to withstand crowding enabled the production from S. macrourus cultures (up to 91.8 mg dry mass l–1 d–1, or 1241 mg wet mass l–1 d–1) to exceed production recorded from cladoceran or rotifer cultures. Temperature influenced growth rate, with the highest growth rate occurring at 24 °C. The dilution rate of continuously fed cultures influenced growth rate, with the optimum dilution rate tested being 10 ml organism –1 d–1. Mass mortality occurred when organisms were held at a density of 4000 l–1. S. macrourus is able to convert algae grown on livestock waste efficiently into anostracan biomass, and is able to give a very high daily production.  相似文献   

Patterns of life history among cyclopoid copepods of central Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Life history characters (body size of adults, egg diameter, egg sac length and breadth) of nineteen species of central European cyclopoid copepods were measured and sexual size dimorphism (adult female length x adult male length?1), relative egg size (egg weight X body weight?1), weight of adult females and of eggs, egg sac shape (egg sac length x egg sac breadth?1), and reproductive effort (clutch weight produced per female weight per day) were calculated to detect trends in life history strategies.
  • 2 Typical planktonic species exhibited the lowest reproductive effort. Among planktonic species, the value for egg sac shape increased with clutch size.
  • 3 Large species and small species exhibited different trends in life history characters. Large species had larger clutches, larger eggs, and a greater sex size dimorphism than small species. However, small species had a greater relative egg size.
  • 4 Large species live in cold water and reproduce during the spring bloom of phytoplankton where the production of large clutches with relatively small eggs is advantageous. Reserves are unnecessary for juveniles because food is abundant. Small species generally are most abundant during the warm season, when conditions are less predictable, and relatively large eggs, possibly provided with reserves, are advantageous.

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