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朱爽  华涛  周启星  吴琼 《应用生态学报》2009,20(5):1209-1213
以A/DAT-IAT工艺出水的常规指标和生态毒性指标为考察对象,对A/DAT-IAT工艺处理城市污水的运行周期(T)、外回流比(R1)、内回流比(R2)和混合液污泥浓度(MLSS)4个控制参数进行了3个水平的正交试验.结果表明:混合液污泥浓度(MLSS)是4个控制参数中对考察对象影响最大的因素;去除常规指标的最优运行条件为运行周期3 h,外回流比20%,内回流比150%,MLSS 5000 mg·L-1;去除生态毒性指标的最优运行条件为运行周期3 h,外回流比20%,内回流比150%,MLSS 3000 mg·L-1.分析表明,造成去除两类指标的最优运行条件不同的主要原因可能是污水中存在具有一定生态毒性的难生物降解有机物和经水解酸化后毒性增强的有机物.本试验研究为该工艺今后的生态安全调控改进提供了参考方向.建议投加絮凝剂,同时适当选择运行控制参数,以共同提高对常规指标和生态毒性指标的去除效果.  相似文献   

The deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide and no nitrous oxide emissions. This review paper provides an overview of the current state of research and development of deammonification in terms of strategies for the process start-up and recovery after accidental failures as well as model-based developments of those strategies. The paper discusses the following issues: (1) current status of research and development of the deammonification process; (2) functional microbial groups involved in the process and their synergistic and competitive relationships; (3) influence of the operational factors, such as the substrates such as nitrite, ammonium and toxic compounds, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, aeration patterns temperature, inorganic carbon (IC), pH/free ammonia (FA)/free nitrous acid (FNA) and hydraulic retention time (HRT)/solids retention time (SRT); (4) strategies for the process start-up; (5) strategies for the process recovery after accidental failures; (6) model-based developments of the start-up and recovery strategies; and (7) perspectives on the future trends in the technological applications and developments of deammonification.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, a number of fish species, including the zebrafish, medaka, and platyfish/swordtail, have become important models for human health and disease. Despite the increasing prevalence of these and other fish species in research, methods for health maintenance and the management of diseases in laboratory populations of these animals are underdeveloped. There is a growing realization that this trend must change, especially as the use of these species expands beyond developmental biology and more towards experimental applications where the presence of underlying disease may affect the physiology animals used in experiments and potentially compromise research results. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop, improve, and implement strategies for managing health and disease in aquatic research facilities. The purpose of this review is to report the proceedings of a workshop entitled "Animal Health and Disease Management in Research Animals" that was recently held at the 5th Aquatic Animal Models for Human Disease in September 2010 at Corvallis, Oregon to discuss the challenges involved with moving the field forward on this front.  相似文献   

Cho S  Luong TT  Lee D  Oh YK  Lee T 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(18):8639-8645
This study assessed the usability of effluent water discharged from a secondary municipal wastewater treatment plant for mass cultivation of microalgae for biofuel production. It was observed that bacteria and protozoa in the effluent water exerted a negative impact on the growth of Chlorella sp. 227. To reduce the effect, filtration or UV-radiation were applied on the effluent water as pre-treatment methods. Of all the pretreatment options tested, the filtration (by 0.2 μm) resulted in the highest biomass and lipid productivity. To be comparable with the growth in the autoclaved effluent water, the filtration with a proper pore size filter (less than 0.45 μm) or UV-B radiation of a proper dose (over 1620 mJ cm−2) are proposed. These findings led us to conclude that the utilization can be realized only when bacteria and other microorganisms are greatly reduced or eliminated from the effluent prior to its use.  相似文献   

This study examined the hydrolysis of lignocellulose extracted from municipal wastewater treatment process residuals for the purpose of investigating low-cost feedstocks for ethanol production, while providing an alternative solid waste management strategy. Primary and thickened waste activated sludges and anaerobically digested biosolids underwent various pre-treatments to enhance subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. Half of the pre-treated samples were dried and grinded, while the other half were used as is (wet). The wet primary sludge yielded the highest reducing sugar conversions. When wet primary sludge without pre-treatment was hydrolyzed at 40 °C and an enzyme loading of 800 U/g substrate, 31.1 ± 2.7% was converted to reducing sugars in 24 h. This increased to 54.2 ± 4.0% when HCl and KOH pre-treatments were applied. FTIR analyses were used to examine differences in the sludge compositions. These indicated that the cellulose content in the primary sludge was higher than that of the thickened waste activated sludge and biosolids, which was consistent with the higher reducing sugar yields observed in the primary sludge.  相似文献   

In this work, raw municipal wastewater was electro-coagulated for the removal of total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and particulate BOD using stainless steel electrodes. The removal efficiency of TSS and turbidity is shown to depend on the amount of iron generated from the anode of the reactive electrode used in this study, when applying the lower currents of 0.05 A and 0.1A. For such lower currents, the results suggested that the removal is consistent with charge neutralization coagulation mechanism. When applying higher currents of 0.2 A, 0.4 A, and 0.8 A, the results suggested that the dominant removal mechanism is sweep-floc coagulation as the generated soluble ferrous ions are converted to insoluble ferric ions due to oxidation with chlorine generated during the electrochemical process at the higher currents. The highest TSS removal efficiency of 95.4% occurred at a current of 0.8A and contact time of 5 min. The effect of electro-coagulation on the removal of particulate BOD was shown to depend on the TSS removal efficiency.  相似文献   

城市污水处理生态系统能值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小洪    蒋文举 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2300-2300~2308
脱水污泥的污染问题影响了城市污水处理厂的生存和发展,中水的不同处置方式对当地的水资源和水环境影响也不一样,将污水处理、脱水污泥和中水处置结合起来构建污水处理生态系统有利于研究污水处理的综合效益、探索促进污水处理事业可持续发展的途径.能值分析方法可作为分析这一复合系统的工具,传统能值分析方法由于对废物处理处置和排放的影响没有考虑,因此提出了针对污水处理生态系统的改进的能值分析方法和指标体系,以明镜滩污水处理生态系统作为案例用两种方法进行了对比分析.结果表明,改进的能值分析方法更适合于污水处理生态系统的实际情况;不可更新资源能值流比值(NR)和废物排放能值流比值(WR)对污水处理生态系统的可持续性影响最大,其次是中水回用能值流比值(IR),污水处理生态系统的可持续性最终取决于NR、WR和IR三者的共同贡献;废物利用可提高污水处理生态系统的可持续性.不同废物利用方式由于对废物利用的程度不同以及对不可更新资源的消耗不同,因此对污水处理生态系统的可持续性影响不一样;在提出的8个方案中,"脱水污泥填埋 中水排放"方案的可持续性最低,而"脱水污泥制堆肥 中水回用"方案的可持续性最高.  相似文献   

A wastewater tertiary treatment system based on membrane ultrafiltration and fed with secondary-treated municipal wastewater was evaluated for its Giardia cyst and Cryptosporidium oocyst removal efficiency. Giardia duodenalis (assemblages A and B) and Cryptosporidium parvum were identified in feed water but were found in filtered water only during occasional failure of the filtration system.  相似文献   

Mice (CD-1 strain) were placed on diets containing either municipal drinking water (Durham, North Carolina) or water that had been distilled and passed through cartridges to reduce organics and remove inorganics. After a two-week acclimation period, animals were bred and pregnancy confirmed by the presence of a sperm plug. During the 8-month course of the study, approximately 500 pregnant mice were sacrificed on day 18 of gestation and their fetuses examined for visceral and skeletal anomalies. No significant water-related effects were found on any fetal parameter studied except for a 28.1% incidence of supernumerary ribs in the tap-water group as compared to 21.1% in the purified-water group. No differences were noted in the type or occurrence of anomalies between the two groups. A month to month variation was observed in a number of parameters. The degree of variation was similar for the treatment groups, suggesting that these changes might be random fluctuations.  相似文献   

Pellet softening reactors are used in centralized and decentralized drinking water treatment plants for the removal of calcium (hardness) through chemically induced precipitation of calcite. This is accomplished in fluidized pellet reactors, where a strong base is added to the influent to increase the pH and facilitate the process of precipitation on an added seeding material. Here we describe for the first time the opportunistic bacterial colonization of the calcite pellets in a full-scale pellet softening reactor and the functional contribution of these colonizing bacteria to the overall drinking water treatment process. ATP analysis, advanced microscopy, and community fingerprinting with denaturing gradient gel electrophoretic (DGGE) analysis were used to characterize the biomass on the pellets, while assimilable organic carbon (AOC), dissolved organic carbon, and flow cytometric analysis were used to characterize the impact of the biological processes on drinking water quality. The data revealed pellet colonization at concentrations in excess of 500 ng of ATP/g of pellet and reactor biomass concentrations as high as 220 mg of ATP/m(3) of reactor, comprising a wide variety of different microorganisms. These organisms removed as much as 60% of AOC from the water during treatment, thus contributing toward the biological stabilization of the drinking water. Notably, only a small fraction (about 60,000 cells/ml) of the bacteria in the reactors was released into the effluent under normal conditions, while the majority of the bacteria colonizing the pellets were captured in the calcite structures of the pellets and were removed as a reusable product.  相似文献   

The continuous increase of human pressure on the environment and the concomitant pollution threat call for more complete and efficient environmental protection systems. Wastewater treatment plants are a technological response to the accumulation of pollution that occurs during the human-dominated phases of water cycle. In recent years, thanks to significant improvements in sewage treatment methodology, a number of upgrades have been assessed to improve the efficiency and functionality of treatment systems. Nonetheless, this activity requires large material and energy consumptions that have to be carefully accounted for when evaluating the efficiency of the process. In this work we present an emergy approach to the evaluation of a wastewater treatment plant located along the Ligurian coast (NW Mediterranean Sea). Besides the evaluation of the water treatment plant system, a preliminary assessment of the environmental costs in terms of natural fluxes required for the treatment process was performed. In fact, at the end of the treatment discharged water is still loaded with substances that have to be adsorbed by the receiving natural system. The work done by nature assimilating this load is generally considered as free while it is counted as a further cost in the total emergy budget of the water purification process.  相似文献   

Fuel ethanol production in corn dry milling plants is a rapidly expanding industrial sector. Whole stillage, the residue from the distillation of the fermented corn, is centrifuged and the concentrate, thin stillage, is found to have a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of approximately 75,000 mg/L. This thin stillage is partly recycled, but much of it needs to be evaporated to concentrate the solubles for addition to the animal feed coproduct from corn dry milling. This research is an exploration into lowering COD from thin stillage using ozonation as a simple single-step unit process to facilitate a larger reusable fraction. The ozonation would usually be a pretreatment before additional flocculation or biological treatment. Also, COD removal by ozonation with and without a catalyst has been studied. Three different application rates of ozone O(3,1)=7 mg/min, O(3,2)=21 mg/min, and O(3,3)=33 mg/min were used for 8h into samples of 2L each of three dilutions 20x, 30x and 40x. COD removal of 85% was observed with an ozone dosage of 4000 mg/L into a 40x-diluted sample. This would correspond to about 0.5 mg COD removed per mg ozone dosed. However, at lower dosages and smaller dilutions, more than 1mg COD removal was achieved per mg ozone dosed. Two different catalysts, Fe(II) and Fe(III), were used and the samples were ozonated for 4 h. Five different dosages of each of the two catalysts were used and better COD removal was observed compared to ozonation alone with all 5 dosages. COD removal rate was increased from 45% to 74% with Fe(III) and was increased to 77% with Fe(II). Up to 10mg/L COD was removed per mg O(3) dosed well below the maximum dosage. Both the catalysts resulted in almost the same improved COD removal rates when compared to ozonation alone.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of municipal waste water systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Life Cycle Assessment was applied to municipal planning in a study of waste water systems in Bergsjön, a Göteborg suburb, and Hamburgsund, a coastal village. Existing waste water treatment consists of mechanical, biological and chemical treatment. The heat in the waste water from Bergsjön is recovered for the district heating system. One alternative studied encompassed pretreatment, anaerobic digestion or drying of the solid fraction and treatment of the liquid fraction in sand filter beds. In another alternative, urine, faeces and grey water would separately be conducted out of the buildings. The urine would be used as fertilizer, whereas faeces would be digested or dried, before used in agriculture. The grey water would be treated in filter beds. Changes in the waste water system would affect surrounding technical systems (drinking water production, district heating and fertilizer production). This was approached through system enlargement. For Hamburgsund, both alternatives showed lower environmental impact than the existing system, and the urine separation system the lowest. Bergsjön results were more difficult to interpret. Energy consumption was lowest for the existing system, whereas air emissions were lower for the alternatives. Water emissions increased for some parameters and decreased for others. Phosphorous recovery was high for all three alternatives, whereas there was virtually no nitrogen recovery until urine separation was introduced.  相似文献   

Development of an improved reactor configuration of anaerobic filter was carried out for the elimination of clogging of filter media. The experiments over different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) indicated that the HRT of 12 h was the most appropriate one for the system studied while treating the municipal wastewater, which resulted 90% and 95% BOD and COD reduction, respectively. Reduction up to 95% in suspended solids concentration could be achieved without any pretreatment. The specific biogas yield obtained was 0.35 m(3) CH(4)/kgCODr with 70% of CH(4) content in the biogas generated from the system at the HRT of 12 h. Operational problems such as clogging of filter media were not observed throughout the period of study over 600 d.  相似文献   

Physiologically active bacteria in purified water used in the manufacturing process of pharmaceutical products were enumerated in situ. Bacteria with growth potential were enumerated using the micro-colony technique and direct viable counting (DVC), followed by 24 h of incubation in 100-fold diluted SCDB (Soybean Casein Digest Broth) at 30 degrees C. Respiring and esterase-active bacteria were detected by fluorescent staining with 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) and 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (6CFDA), respectively. A large number of bacteria in purified water retained physiological activity, while most could not form colonies on conventional media. The techniques applied in this study enabled bacteria to be counted within 24 h so results could be available within one working day. These rapid and convenient techniques should be useful for the systematic monitoring of bacteria in water used for pharmaceutical manufacturing.  相似文献   

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