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Biochemical characterization of a trehalase, detected in the mid-exponential growth phase of Candida utilis NCIM Y500, has indicated that it was a neutral trehalase and possibly the only trehalase present in this strain. Unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other C. utilis strains, this strain without acid trehalase grew quite well in minimal or complete medium containing trehalose as the sole source of carbon. Both these observations were contradictory to the findings reported for acid trehalase mutants of S. cerevisiae and C. utilis. The trehalase system of the strain is suggested to be similar to that of fungi.  相似文献   

We investigated whether cellular responses to various stress conditions are regulated in synchronization with the ultradian rhythm of respiratory-fermentative metabolism which is coupled to the cell cycle rhythm in continuous cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cellular resistance to heat oscillated with a peak at the late respiro-fermentative phase, which approximately corresponds to the unbudding period of the cell cycle. Cellular resistance to H(2)O(2) and that to the superoxide-generating agent menadione oscillated in the same phase as that of heat resistance. The resistance to cadmium and that to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, an uncoupler of energy metabolism in mitochondria, both oscillated with a peak advanced by about 80 degrees relative to that of heat resistance, approximately covering the respiro-fermentative phase. Thus, cellular resistance to various stresses in S. cerevisiae oscillated in synchronization with the metabolic oscillation in the continuous culture.  相似文献   

Trehalose uptake at 65°C in Rhodothermus marinus was characterized. The profile of trehalose uptake as a function of concentration showed two distinct types of saturation kinetics, and the analysis of the data was complicated by the activity of a periplasmic trehalase. The kinetic parameters of this enzyme determined in whole cells were as follows: Km = 156 ± 11 μM and Vmax = 21.2 ± 0.4 nmol/min/mg of total protein. Therefore, trehalose could be acted upon by this periplasmic activity, yielding glucose that subsequently entered the cell via the glucose uptake system, which was also characterized. To distinguish the several contributions in this intricate system, a mathematical model was developed that took into account the experimental kinetic parameters for trehalase, trehalose transport, glucose transport, competition data with trehalose, glucose, and palatinose, and measurements of glucose diffusion out of the periplasm. It was concluded that R. marinus has distinct transport systems for trehalose and glucose; moreover, the experimental data fit perfectly with a model considering a high-affinity, low-capacity transport system for trehalose (Km = 0.11 ± 0.03 μM and Vmax = 0.39 ± 0.02 nmol/min/mg of protein) and a glucose transporter with moderate affinity and capacity (Km = 46 ± 3 μM and Vmax = 48 ± 1 nmol/min/mg of protein). The contribution of the trehalose transporter is important only in trehalose-poor environments (trehalose concentrations up to 6 μM); at higher concentrations trehalose is assimilated primarily via trehalase and the glucose transport system. Trehalose uptake was constitutive, but the activity decreased 60% in response to osmotic stress. The nature of the trehalose transporter and the physiological relevance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Two haploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viz. MATalpha and MATa were grown in glucose and trehalose medium and growth patterns were compared. Both strains show similar growth, except for an extended lag phase in trehalose grown cells. In both trehalose grown strains increase in activities of both extracellular trehalase activities and simultaneous decrease in extracellular trehalose level was seen. This coincided with a sharp increase in extracellular glucose level and beginning of log phase of growth. Alcohol production was also observed. Secreted trehalase activity was detected, in addition to periplasmic activity. It appeared that extracellular trehalose was hydrolyzed into glucose by extracellular trehalase activity. This glucose was utilized by the cells for growth. The alcohol formation was due to the fermentation of glucose. Addition of extracellular trehalase caused reduction in the lag phase when grown in trehalose medium, supporting our hypothesis of extracellular utilization of trehalose.  相似文献   

Tracy Nevitt 《Biometals》2011,24(3):547-558
Iron acquisition is a bona fide virulence determinant. The successful colonization of the mammalian host requires that microorganisms overcome the Fe aridity of this milieu in which the levels of circulating Fe are maintained exceedingly low both through the compartmentalization of this nutrient within cells as well as the tight binding of Fe to host circulating proteins and ligands. Microbes notoriously employ multiple strategies for high affinity Fe acquisition from the host that rely either on the expression of receptors for host Fe-binding proteins and ligands, its reduction by cell surface reductases or the utilization of siderophores, small organic molecules with very high affinity for Fe3+. This review will discuss the multiple mechanisms deployed by fungal pathogens in Fe acquisition focusing on the role of siderophore utilization in virulence as well as host immune strategies of iron withholding and emerging clinical evidence that human disorders of Fe homeostasis can act as modifiers of infectious disease.  相似文献   

Non-mammalian hosts have been used to study host-fungal interactions. Hosts such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Acathamoeba castellanii, Dictyostelium discoideum, and Galleria mellonella have provided means to examine the physical barriers, cellular mechanisms and molecular elements of the host response. The Drosophila host-response to fungi is mediated through the Toll pathway, whereas in C. elegans the host-response is TIR-1-dependent. Virulence traits that are involved in mammalian infection are important for the interaction of fungi with these hosts. Screening of fungal virulence traits using mutagenized fungi to determine changes in fungal infectivity of non-mammalian hosts has been used to identify novel virulence proteins used to infect C. elegans such as Kin1 (a serine/threonine protein kinase) and Rom2 (a Rho1 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor) from Cryptococcus neoformans. These heterologous non-mammalian hosts highlight the similarities and differences between different hosts in fungal pathogenesis and they complement studies in mammalian systems and those using other genetic approaches.  相似文献   

A three step purification procedure for trehalase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a recovery of 76% of the original activity is presented. The enzyme was activated by a heat shock treatment prior to homogenization of the cells. A mutant strain deleted in SUC genes was used to avoid contamination by invertase. The lyophylized enzyme was stable for, at least, 5 months and could be used to determine trehalose in the range 25 to 500 nmol. The preparation was free of inspecific phosphatases allowing for trehalose determinations in yeast cell free extracts and in insect hemolymph.  相似文献   

Trehalase (EC, an important glycosidase involved in regulating trehalose levels and metabolic energy in insects, was measured in cell lines from fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda and salt marsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea, treated with either glucose or trehalose in the presence or absence of Tipula Iridescent Virus (TIV), a cytoplasmic deoxyribovirus. In medium containing 15-35 mM trehalose, both of these cells increased their trehalase activities by 4.5 to 8x the basal levels from cells in glucose medium. Trehalase activity was rapidly reduced after cells were exposed to TIV. Maximum loss in activity (70-90%), occurring about the same time as peak viral DNA synthesis, was significantly delayed when cells were pre-incubated with 30 mM trehalose. These experiments demonstrate the potential utility of trehalase as a marker for monitoring stresses induced by viral infection and changes in nutrition.  相似文献   

In the cockroaches Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta australasiae, Leucophaea maderae, and Nauphoeta cinerea, undiluted haemolymph, undiluted haemolymph to which 10% solid trehalose was added, and haemolymph diluted 100 or more times with 1% trehalose solution showed approximately equal trehalase activities (3 to 8 mg/ml per hr). No evidence for the presence of a trehalase inhibitor was found.Freshly drawn haemolymph of Periplaneta americana contained 14 to 16 mg trehalose/ml, which on standing was hydrolyzed to glucose at a rate of 4 to 8 mg/ml per hr. In this cockroach, the rate of haemolymph trehalose turnover was only 1.3 mg/ml per hr. This means that in vitro trehalose is hydrolyzed by undiluted haemolymph at several times the rate at which it is replaced in the haemolymph of the intact insect. The mechanism through which trehalose and trehalase can coexist in the haemolymph of the intact cockroach remains therefore unexplained.  相似文献   

An association between morphogenesis and virulence has long been presumed for dimorphic fungi that are pathogenic to humans, as one morphotype exists in the environment or during commensalism, and another within the host during the disease process. For Candida albicans, putative virulence factors include the ability to switch between saprophytic yeast and pathogenic, filamentous forms of the fungus. Dendritic cells sense either form in a specific way, resulting in distinct, T-helper-cell-dependent protective and non-protective immunities. Recent evidence suggests that the use of distinct recognition receptors contributes to the disparate patterns of reactivity observed locally in response to challenge with C. albicans. These findings offer new interpretive clues to the mechanisms of fungal virulence: rather than dimorphism per se, the engagement of different recognition receptors on dendritic cells might select the mode of fungal internalization and antigen presentation, condition the nature of the T-helper response and, ultimately, favor saprophytism or infection.  相似文献   

Two haploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viz. MATα and MATa were grown in glucose and trehalose medium and growth patterns were compared. Both strains show similar growth, except for an extended lag phase in trehalose grown cells. In both trehalose grown strains increase in activities of both extracellular trehalase activities and simultaneous decrease in extracellular trehalose level was seen. This coincided with a sharp increase in extracellular glucose level and beginning of log phase of growth. Alcohol production was also observed. Secreted trehalase activity was detected, in addition to periplasmic activity. It appeared that extracellular trehalose was hydrolyzed into glucose by extracellular trehalase activity. This glucose was utilized by the cells for growth. The alcohol formation was due to the fermentation of glucose. Addition of extracellular trehalase caused reduction in the lag phase when grown in trehalose medium, supporting our hypothesis of extracellular utilization of trehalose.  相似文献   

The rapidity of the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis (IC) is crucial to allow the early introduction of antifungal therapy that dramatically increases the survival rate of patients. Early diagnosis is unfortunately often delayed because Candida blood culture, the gold standard diagnostic test, is positive in only 50% of cases of IC and takes several days to obtain this result. Complementary non-culture-based methods relying on the detection of Candida cell wall polysaccharides in the serum, β-glucans and mannans, by enzymatic and immunological reagents have been successfully developed to allow a more efficient patients care. We have previously demonstrated that detection of circulating glycans by mass spectrometry could provide a reliable and cost-effective early diagnosis method called MS-DS for Mass Spectrometry of Di-Saccharide. Here, by comparing patient's sera and Candida albicans strains deficient in carbohydrates synthesis, we demonstrate that trehalose derived from fungal metabolism can be specifically targeted by MS-DS to allow early diagnosis. In particular, the use of C. albicans strains deficient in the synthesis of trehalose synthesizing enzymes Tps1 and Tps2 show that MS-DS results were correlated to the metabolism of trehalose. Finally, we demonstrate that the performance of the IC diagnosis can be significantly improved by using high resolution mass spectrometry, which opens new perspectives in the management of the disease.  相似文献   

Trehalase, which hydrolyzes the disaccharide trehalose to -d-glucose was isolated and partially purified (124-fold) from the phototrophic halo-alkaliphilic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halochloris. The molecular mass was determined to be 480,000 and the isoelectric point pH 5.6. Temperature optimum was found to be 40°C and the pH-optimum 7.8–8.1. In spite of its high K m-value of 0.5 M, trehalase of E. halochloris was shown to be specific for trehalose. Trehalase is activated by phosphate which is, however, not involved in the reaction mechanism. The enzyme is activated by the compatible solute betaine and inhibited by salts. In the presence of betaine the K m-value is lowered from 0.5 M to 0.16 M; moreover, betaine partially protects enzymatic activity from salt inhibition. The findings indicate that betaine might regulate the trehalose level in the cells by affecting trehalase activity.  相似文献   

Intracellular trehalose improves the survival of cryopreserved mammalian cells   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
We report that the introduction of low concentrations of intracellular trehalose can greatly improve the survival of mammalian cells during cryopreservation. Using a genetically engineered mutant of Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin to create pores in the cellular membrane, we were able to load trehalose into cells. Low concentrations (0.2 M) of trehalose permitted long-term post-thaw survival of more than 80% of 3T3 fibroblasts and 70% of human keratinocytes. These results indicate that simplified and widely applicable freezing protocols may be possible using sugars as intracellular cryoprotective additives.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes replicates within the cytosol of mammalian cells. Mechanisms by which the bacterium exploits the host cytosolic environment for essential nutrients are poorly defined. L. monocytogenes is a lipoate auxotroph and must scavenge this critical cofactor, using lipoate ligases to facilitate attachment of the lipoyl moiety to metabolic enzyme complexes. Although the L. monocytogenes genome encodes two putative lipoate ligases, LplA1 and LplA2, intracellular replication and virulence require only LplA1. Here we show that LplA1 enables utilization of host-derived lipoyl peptides by L. monocytogenes. LplA1 is dispensable for growth in the presence of free lipoate, but necessary for growth on low concentrations of mammalian lipoyl peptides. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the intracellular growth defect of the DeltalplA1 mutant is rescued by addition of exogenous lipoic acid to host cells, suggesting that L. monocytogenes dependence on LplA1 is dictated by limiting concentrations of available host lipoyl substrates. Thus, the ability of L. monocytogenes and other intracellular pathogens to efficiently use host lipoyl peptides as a source of lipoate may be a requisite adaptation for life within the mammalian cell.  相似文献   

The mating-type locus (MAT) orchestrates sexual reproduction in fungi. Sexual reproduction is related not only to fitness of an organism, but also correlated with virulence in certain pathogens. In the dandruff-associated fungus Malassesia globosa, although the sexual cycle remains to be discovered, whole genome analysis has led to the hypothesis that mating may occur on host skin. Furthermore, the MAT locus of M. globosa and U. hordei provides evidence that transitions between tetrapolar and bipolar systems have independently occurred. These results, together with studies recapitulating the ancestral tetrapolar mating system in Cryptococcus and the structure of MAT in related smut fungi, have furthered understanding on transitions between different mating systems and the evolution of MAT in the Basidiomycota.  相似文献   

The trehalose biosynthesis pathway is critical for virulence in human and plant fungal pathogens. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that trehalose 6‐phosphate phosphatase (T6PP) is required for Aspergillus fumigatus virulence. A mutant of the A. fumigatus T6PP, OrlA, displayed severe morphological defects related to asexual reproduction when grown on glucose (1%) minimal media. These defects could be rescued by addition of osmotic stabilizers, reduction in incubation temperature or increase in glucose levels (> 4%). Subsequent examination of the mutant with cell wall perturbing agents revealed a link between cell wall biosynthesis and trehalose 6‐phosphate (T6P) levels. As expected, high levels of T6P accumulated in the absence of OrlA resulting in depletion of free inorganic phosphate and inhibition of hexokinase activity. Surprisingly, trehalose production persisted in the absence of OrlA. Further analyses revealed that A. fumigatus contains two trehalose phosphorylases that may be responsible for trehalose production in the absence of OrlA. Despite a normal growth rate under in vitro growth conditions, the orlA mutant was virtually avirulent in two distinct murine models of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Our results suggest that further study of this pathway will lead to new insights into regulation of fungal cell wall biosynthesis and virulence.  相似文献   

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