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Food grade Lactococcus lactis has been widely used as an antigen and DNA delivery vehicle. We have previously reported the use of non‐invasive L. lactis to deliver the newly constructed immunostimulatory DNA vaccine reporter plasmid, pPERDBY. In the present report, construction of dual recombinant L. lactis expressing internalin A of Listeria monocytogenes and harboring pPERDBY (LL InlA + pPERDBY) to enhance the efficiency of delivery of DNA by L. lactis is outlined. After confirmation and validation of LL InlA + pPERDBY, its DNA delivery potential was compared with previously developed non‐invasive r‐ L. lactis::pPERDBY. The use of invasive L. lactis resulted in around threefold increases in the number of enhanced green fluorescent protein‐expressing Caco‐2 cells. These findings reinforce the prospective application of invasive strain of L. lactis for delivery of DNA/RNA and antigens.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the immune response elicited by a ubiquitin-fused ESAT-6 DNA vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with plasmid DNA encoding ESAT-6 protein, ubiquitin-fused ESAT-6 DNA vaccine (UbGR-ESAT-6), pcDNA3-ubiquitin and blank vector, respectively. ESAT-6 DNA vaccine immunization induced a Thl-polarized immune response. The production of Thl-type cytokine (IFN-γ) and proliferative T-cell responses was enhanced significantly in mice immunized with UbGR-ESAT-6 fusion DNA vaccine, compared to non-fusion DNA vaccine. This fusion DNA vaccine also resulted in an increased relative ratio of IgG2a to IgGl and the cytotoxicity of T cells. Thus, the present study demonstrated that the UbGR-ESAT-6 fusion DNA vaccine inoculation improved antigen-specific cellular immune responses, which is helpful for protection against tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Vaccine delivery systems based on display of antigens on bioengineered bacterial polyester inclusions can stimulate cellular immune responses. The food-grade Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis was engineered to produce spherical polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) inclusions which abundantly displayed the hepatitis C virus core (HCc) antigen. In mice, the immune response induced by this antigen delivery system was compared to that induced by vaccination with HCc antigen displayed on PHB beads produced in Escherichia coli, to PHB beads without antigen produced in L. lactis or E. coli, or directly to the recombinant HCc protein. Vaccination site lesions were minimal in all mice vaccinated with HCc PHB beads or recombinant protein, all mixed in the oil-in-water adjuvant Emulsigen, while vaccination with the recombinant protein in complete Freund's adjuvant produced a marked inflammatory reaction at the vaccination site. Vaccination with the PHB beads produced in L. lactis and displaying HCc antigen produced antigen-specific cellular immune responses with significant release of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and interleukin-17A (IL-17A) from splenocyte cultures and no significant antigen-specific serum antibody, while the PHB beads displaying HCc but produced in E. coli released IFN-γ and IL-17A as well as the proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and IL-6 and low levels of IgG2c antibody. In contrast, recombinant HCc antigen in Emulsigen produced a diverse cytokine response and a strong IgG1 antibody response. Overall it was shown that L. lactis can be used to produce immunogenic PHB beads displaying viral antigens, making the beads suitable for vaccination against viral infections.  相似文献   

Li  Chen  Dong  Hui  Lu  Haiqiang  Gu  Xinxi  Tian  Jingjing  Xu  Wentao  Tian  Hongtao 《Annals of microbiology》2015,65(2):1049-1055
Lactococcus lactis has become the best studied species of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) clade and an ideal cell factory for heterogenous proteins. We have constructed an antibiotic-free expression vector, pMG-thyA, using thymidine synthase gene thyA as the selection marker. The thyA gene was cloned from the food industry strain Streptococcus thermophilus St-JY and was used to replace the erythromycin resistance genes on L. lactis expression vector pMG36e in order to construct pMG-thyA. The construction of the new vector and thyA-null host L. lactis MG1363-TT yielded an antibiotic-free expression system. The α-amylase gene (amy) was cloned onto the multiple cloning site of the vector pMG-thyA as a reporter gene, yielding the recombinant plasmid pMGthyA-amy. This plasmid was electroporated into L. lactis MG1363-TT, and the recombinant strain grown on SA plates containing 0.5 % (w/v) soluble starch formed distinct bacterial colonies and clear zones (halo) around the colonies following the addition of iodine solution. These research findings lay the foundation for food-grade expression in L. lactis.  相似文献   

The development of new starter culture of Lactococcus lactis for the manufacture of fermented dairy products with unique characteristics usually requires the isolation and identification of L. lactis up to subspecies level. Therefore, a rapid and specific PCR-RFLP assay has been developed. Forward and reverse primer sets were designed targeting the conserved house keeping gene htrA and yueF encoding a trypsin-like serine protease and a non-proteolytic protein from peptidase family M16, respectively, of L. lactis. Amplicons of 265 bp and 447 bp of htrA and yueF, respectively, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Restriction of the 265 bp amplicons with TaqI produced DNA bands of 90 bp and 175 bp with ssp. lactis, and 66 bp and 199 bp with ssp. cremoris. Similarly, restriction of PCR product of 447 bp size with AluI produced digested fragments of 125 bp and 322 bp with ssp. lactis, and 71 bp and 376 bp with ssp. cremoris. The designed primer sets were observed to be specific to L. lactis because other bacteria could not be amplified. The ssp. lactis and cremoris of L. lactis could be identified by restriction of PCR products of htrA and yueF with TaqI and AluI, respectively.  相似文献   

The 7.8-kb lactococcal plasmid pSRQ700 encodes the LlaII restriction/modification system which recognizes and cleaves the sequence 3(prm1)-GATC-5(prm1). When the plasmid pSRQ700 is introduced into a phage-sensitive Lactococcus lactis strain, strong phage resistance is conferred by the LlaII system. In this report, we show that pSRQ700 cannot replicate in Streptococcus thermophilus. However, if cloned into the vector pNZ123, the native LlaII system is expressed and strong phage resistance is conferred to various industrial S. thermophilus strains. Resistance against phages isolated from yogurt and mozzarella wheys was observed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of increased phage resistance in S. thermophilus.  相似文献   

Trehalose 6-phosphate phosphorylase (TrePP), a member of glycoside hydrolase family 65, catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of trehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P) with inversion of the anomeric configuration to produce β-d-glucose 1-phosphate (β-Glc1P) and d-glucose 6-phosphate (Glc6P). TrePP in Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (LlTrePP) is, alongside the phosphotransferase system, involved in the metabolism of trehalose. In this study, recombinant LlTrePP was produced and characterized. It showed its highest reverse phosphorolytic activity at pH 4.8 and 40°C, and was stable in the pH range 5.0–8.0 and at up to 30°C. Kinetic analyses indicated that reverse phosphorolysis of Tre6P proceeded through a sequential bi bi mechanism involving the formation of a ternary complex of the enzyme, β-Glc1P, and Glc6P. Suitable acceptor substrates were Glc6P, and, at a low level, d-mannose 6-phosphate (Man6P). From β-Glc1P and Man6P, a novel sugar phosphate, α-d-Glcp-(1?1)-α-d-Manp6P, was synthesized with 51% yield.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of the study is to evaluate whether xylanase can be used as a potential reporter gene for cloning and expression studies in Lactococcus. METHODS AND RESULTS: The 750 bp xylanase gene was amplified and subcloned into the unique NheI restriction enzyme site of pMG36e and subsequently transformed into competent Escherichia coli XLI-blue MRF cells and Lactococcus lactis cells. Bacterial culture containing pMG36e-Xy has an enzyme activity of 390 microg xylose ml(-1) culture 30 min(-1), respectively, when compared with 40 microg xylose ml(-1) culture 30 min(-1) for the negative control (plasmidless strain). CONCLUSIONS: The thermostable xylanase gene was successfully expressed in both E. coli and L. lactis. The activity of xylanase can be easily detected by the formation of visible clearing zones around the transformed colonies on Remazol Brilliant Blue-Xylan (RBB-Xylan) agar media. However, there were some significant differences in the optimum growth temperature and plasmid stability in the new clones. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The constructed reporter vector has the potential to be used as a reporter system for Lactococcus as well as E. coli, and it is an addition to the pool of lactococcal vector systems.  相似文献   

This study examined whether increased antigen expression resulted in enhanced antigen-specific immune responses in the context of DNA vaccines. To increase antigen expression, two copies of antigen expression cassettes were arranged in a plasmid pDX. BALB/c mice were intramuscularly immunized with various constructs that express influenza antigens and analysed for DNA-raised immunity. The plasmid pDX that expresses two copies of the antigen gene induced stronger antigen-specific immune responses than the plasmid pGA which expresses single antigen gene. To explore the in vivo transgene expression by pDX and pGA, luciferase activity was measured in the muscles transduced with luciferase expression plasmids. The pDX expressing two copies of luciferase induced the highest luciferase activity, which corresponded to the results from vaccination. We concluded that increasing the number of antigen expression cassettes in a vaccine construct improved antigen expression in the transduced tissue, which induced stronger DNA-raised immune responses.  相似文献   

The recF gene of Lactococcus lactis ATCC 7962 is located 3 kb downstream from the lacZ gene and is transcribed in the opposite orientation. The recF gene is immediately preceded by a 121-codon ORF, and both recF and orf121 may be transcribed from the same promoter. The deduced RecF amino-acid sequence shows high homology to that of the Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pyogenes RecF proteins  相似文献   

A method was developed to screen and isolate mutagenized Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis strains accumulating (alpha)-acetolactate. This compound is accumulated by (alpha)-acetolactate decarboxylase-deficient strains and undergoes spontaneous degradation into diacetyl on agar plates. The diacetyl produced is detected by a colorimetric reaction yielding a red halo around the colonies.  相似文献   

Abstract A plasmid-based food-grade vector system was developed for Lactococcus lactis by exploiting the genes for lactose metabolism. L. lactis MGS267 is a plasmid-free strain containing the entire lactose operon as a chromosomal insertion. The lacF gene was deleted from this strain by a double cross-over homologous recombination event. The lacF -deficient strain produced a Lac phenotype on indicator agar. A cloned copy of the lacF gene expressed on a plasmid was capable of complementing the lacF -deficient strain resulting in a Lac+ phenotype. This stably maintained system fits the requirements of a self-selecting vector system and has the potential to be exploited in the food industry.  相似文献   

Integration of pCI192, a pBR322-derived vector plasmid containing homology to the chromosomally located conjugative transposon Tn919 was observed in two strains that harbor Tn919, namely, Enterococcus faecalis GF590 and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CH919. Hybridization analysis indicated that single-copy integration of the plasmid had occurred at low frequency. The Tn919::plasmid structure was conjugated from an E. faecalis donor to a L. lactis recipient, although at lower frequencies than was Tn919. Segregation of the tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance markers during conjugation was observed. The integration strategy described allows for DNA manipulations to be performed in an easily manipulated model host strain with the subsequent transfer of integrated structures by conjugation to any strain capable of receiving Tn919. The results indicate that homologous recombination events may be used to introduce plasmid-encoded genes to the lactococcal chromosome.  相似文献   

A new lanthionine-containing bacteriocin, variacin, displaying a broad host range of inhibition against gram-positive food spoilage bacteria, has been identified from two strains of Micrococcus varians isolated from meat fermentations. The new bacteriocin was purified, and its amino-terminal end and total amino acid composition were determined. The structural gene was isolated and analyzed. Variacin is resistant to heat and pH conditions from 2 to 10. Its primary sequence shows significant homology to lacticin 481 to Lactococcus lactis, which is more pronounced for the probacteriocin than for the leader sequence. Variacin, like lacticin 481, contains lanthionine and beta-methyllanthionine residues, but its leader sequence clearly resembles nonlantibiotic leader sequences. In particular, the prepeptide contains glycine residues at positions -1 and -2 of the processing site.  相似文献   

A recombinant strain of Listeria monocytogenes that stably and constitutively expresses Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase was used as a live vaccine vector. BALB/c mice were immunized orally or parenterally with the recombinant L. monocytogenes, and their cellular and humoral immune responses to beta-galactosidase were measured. Spleen cells taken 1 week after oral inoculation or 5 weeks after oral or parenteral inoculation (with a boost at 4 weeks) showed beta-galactosidase-specific CTL responses. The CTL line derived from mice immunized i.p. was also shown to be class I restricted and Thy-1.2+, CD8+, and TCR alpha beta+. All mice immunized with the recombinant L. monocytogenes had positive delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to heat-killed L. monocytogenes, but only 15% had a positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to beta-galactosidase. Individual serum samples from mice immunized i.p. or i.v. were tested for antibody to beta-galactosidase. Approximately 11% had low positive titers for beta-galactosidase antibodies. These results demonstrate that both oral and parenteral immunization with recombinant L. monocytogenes results in a cellular immune response to the foreign protein, which is primarily a specific CD8+ CTL response.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV), particularly type 16 (HPV-16), is present in more than 99% of cervical cancers. The HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7 are constantly expressed and therefore represent ideal targets for HPV vaccine development. We previously developed DNA vaccines encoding calreticulin (CRT) linked to HPV-16 E7 and generated potent E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses and antitumor effects against an E7-expressing tumor. Since vaccines targeting E6 also represent an important strategy for controlling HPV-associated lesions, we developed a DNA vaccine encoding CRT linked to E6 (CRT/E6). Our results indicated that the CRT/E6 DNA vaccine, but not a wild-type E6 DNA vaccine, generated significant E6-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses in vaccinated mice. Mapping of the immunodominant epitope of E6 revealed that an E6 peptide comprising amino acids (aa) 48 to 57 (E6 aa48-57), presented by H-2K(b), is the optimal peptide and that the region of E6 comprising aa 50 to 57 represents the minimal core sequence required for activating E6-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes. We also demonstrated that E6 aa48-57 contains cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes naturally presented by E6-expressing TC-1 cells. Vaccination with a CRT/E6 but not a CRT/mtE6 (lacking aa 50 to 57 of E6) DNA vaccine could protect vaccinated mice from challenge with E6-expressing TC-1 tumors. Thus, our data indicate that E6 aa48-57 contains the immunodominant epitope and that a CRT/E6 DNA vaccine may be useful for control of HPV infection and HPV-associated lesions.  相似文献   

Key Ags of Mycobacterium tuberculosis initially identified in the context of host responses in healthy purified protein derivative-positive donors and infected C57BL/6 mice were prioritized for the development of a subunit vaccine against tuberculosis. Our lead construct, Mtb72F, codes for a 72-kDa polyprotein genetically linked in tandem in the linear order Mtb32(C)-Mtb39-Mtb32(N). Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with Mtb72F DNA resulted in the generation of IFN-gamma responses directed against the first two components of the polyprotein and a strong CD8(+) T cell response directed exclusively against Mtb32(C). In contrast, immunization of mice with Mtb72F protein formulated in the adjuvant AS02A resulted in the elicitation of a moderate IFN-gamma response and a weak CD8(+) T cell response to Mtb32c. However, immunization with a formulation of Mtb72F protein in AS01B adjuvant generated a comprehensive and robust immune response, resulting in the elicitation of strong IFN-gamma and Ab responses encompassing all three components of the polyprotein vaccine and a strong CD8(+) response directed against the same Mtb32(C) epitope identified by DNA immunization. All three forms of Mtb72F immunization resulted in the protection of C57BL/6 mice against aerosol challenge with a virulent strain of M. tuberculosis. Most importantly, immunization of guinea pigs with Mtb72F, delivered either as DNA or as a rAg-based vaccine, resulted in prolonged survival (>1 year) after aerosol challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis comparable to bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunization. Mtb72F in AS02A formulation is currently in phase I clinical trial, making it the first recombinant tuberculosis vaccine to be tested in humans.  相似文献   

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