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Species can adapt to new environmental conditions either through individual phenotypic plasticity, intraspecific genetic differentiation in adaptive traits, or both. Wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, an annual grass with major distribution in Eastern Mediterranean region, is predicted to experience in the near future, as a result of global climate change, conditions more arid than in any part of the current species distribution. To understand the role of the above two means of adaptation, and the effect of population range position, we analyzed reaction norms, extent of plasticity, and phenotypic selection across two experimental environments of high and low water availability in two core and two peripheral populations of this species. We studied 12 quantitative traits, but focused primarily on the onset of reproduction and maternal investment, which are traits that are closely related to fitness and presumably involved in local adaptation in the studied species. We hypothesized that the population showing superior performance under novel environmental conditions will either be genetically differentiated in quantitative traits or exhibit higher phenotypic plasticity than the less successful populations. We found the core population K to be the most plastic in all three trait categories (phenology, reproductive traits, and fitness) and most successful among populations studied, in both experimental environments; at the same time, the core K population was clearly genetically differentiated from the two edge populations. Our results suggest that (1) two means of successful adaptation to new environmental conditions, phenotypic plasticity and adaptive genetic differentiation, are not mutually exclusive ways of achieving high adaptive ability; and (2) colonists from some core populations can be more successful in establishing beyond the current species range than colonists from the range extreme periphery with conditions seemingly closest to those in the new environment.  相似文献   

Environmental (i.e. non-genetic) maternal effects have the potential to associate the environmental conditions faced by mothers during gestation or before egg laying with the phenotype of their offspring. For this reason, maternal effects may play a major role in determining offspring phenotype independently of the genotype of the individuals, and can thus be considered a mechanistic basis of phenotypic plasticity. Despite the ecological and evolutionary implications of environmental maternal effects, few studies have experimentally investigated this phenomenon in reptiles. Here we report the results of an experimental laboratory study on the effects of maternal feeding rate and density on offspring locomotor performance in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). Lacerta vivipara is a viviparous lizard, and viviparity enhances the probability of a maternal influence on offspring phenotype. We focused on a particular phenotypic trait, maximal sprint running speed, because this trait is thought to be selectively important in squamates. Sprint speed was a repeatable trait, and it varied significantly among families. Maternal feeding rate significantly affected sprint speed, whereas density had no effect on this trait. The effect of maternal feeding rate differed according to the sex of the offspring and their body size, resulting in significant two-way and three-way interactions among these factors. In other words, the maternal feeding rate changed the shape of the allometric relationship between speed and size, but differently for males and females. The complexity of such effects makes it extremely difficult to offer an adaptive interpretation, but emphasizes the role played by the environment in shaping phenotypes among generations.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about whether and how nongenetic inheritance interacts with selection to impact the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Here, we empirically evaluated how stabilizing selection and a common form of nongenetic inheritance—maternal environmental effects—jointly influence the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in natural populations of spadefoot toads. We compared populations that previous fieldwork has shown to have evolved conspicuous plasticity in resource‐use phenotypes (“resource polyphenism”) with those that, owing to stabilizing selection favouring a narrower range of such phenotypes, appear to have lost this plasticity. We show that: (a) this apparent loss of plasticity in nature reflects a condition‐dependent maternal effect and not a genetic loss of plasticity, that is “genetic assimilation,” and (b) this plasticity is not costly. By shielding noncostly plasticity from selection, nongenetic inheritance generally, and maternal effects specifically, can preclude genetic assimilation from occurring and consequently impede adaptive (genetic) evolution.  相似文献   

In outcrossing plants, seed dispersal distance is often less than pollen movement. If the scale of environmental heterogeneity within a population is greater than typical seed dispersal distances but less than pollen movement, an individual's environment will be similar to that of its mother but not necessarily its father. Under these conditions, environmental maternal effects may evolve as a source of adaptive plasticity between generations, enhancing offspring fitness in the environment that they are likely to experience. This idea is illustrated using Campanula americana, an herb that grows in understory and light-gap habitats. Estimates of seed dispersal suggest that offspring typically experience the same light environment as their mother. In a field experiment testing the effect of open vs understory maternal light environments, maternal light directly influenced offspring germination rate and season, and indirectly affected germination season by altering maternal flowering time. Results to date indicate that these maternal effects are adaptive; further experimental tests are ongoing. Evaluating maternal environmental effects in an ecological context demonstrates that they may provide phenotypic adaptation to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

Adaptation to heterogeneous environments can occur via phenotypic plasticity, but how often this occurs is unknown. Reciprocal transplant studies provide a rich dataset to address this issue in plant populations because they allow for a determination of the prevalence of plastic versus canalized responses. From 31 reciprocal transplant studies, we quantified the frequency of five possible evolutionary patterns: (1) canalized response–no differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are not different; (2) canalized response–population differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are different; (3) perfect adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with similar reaction norms between populations; (4) adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with parallel, but not congruent reaction norms between populations; and (5) nonadaptive plasticity: plastic responses with differences in the slope of the reaction norms. The analysis included 362 records: 50.8% life‐history traits, 43.6% morphological traits, and 5.5% physiological traits. Across all traits, 52% of the trait records were not plastic, and either showed no difference in means across sites (17%) or differed among sites (83%). Among the 48% of trait records that showed some sort of plasticity, 49.4% showed perfect adaptive plasticity, 19.5% adaptive plasticity, and 31% nonadaptive plasticity. These results suggest that canalized responses are more common than adaptive plasticity as an evolutionary response to environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary Adaptive variation can exist at a variety of scales in biological systems, including among species, among local populations of a single species and among individuals within a single population. Trophic or resource polymorphisms in fishes are a good example of the lowest level of this hierarchy. In lakes without bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) can be trophically polymorphic, including a planktivorous limnetic form found in the pelagic habitat, in addition to the usual benthic form found in the littoral zone. In this paper we examine the degree to which morphological differences between the two forms are caused by genetic differences versus phenotypic plasticity. Adults from pelagic and littoral sites in Paradox Lake, NY, were bred separately and their progeny were raised in cages both in the open water and shallow water habitats of an artificial pond. The experimental design permitted two tests of genetic differences between the breeding stocks (in open and shallow water cages, respectively) and two tests of phenotypic plasticity (in the limnetic and benthic offspring, respectively). Limnetic progeny were more fusiform than benthic progeny raised in the same habitat. In addition, progeny of both stocks displayed limnetic-type characteristics when raised in the open water and benthic-type characteristics in the shallow water. Thus, genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity both contributed to the trophic polymorphism. Phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation accounted for 53 and 14%, respectively, of the variation in morphology. This study addresses the nature of subtle phenotypic differences among individuals from a single population that is embedded within a complex community, a condition that is likely to be the norm for most natural populations, as opposed to very large differences that have evolved in relatively few populations that reside in species-poor environments.  相似文献   

While recent experimental work on a variety of reptile species has demonstrated that incubation temperature influences hatchling phenotypes, the biological significance of such phenotypic variation remains unclear. Incubation temperature may exert significant long-term phenotypic effects. Alternatively, such influences may be temporary, or negligible relative to effects induced by genetic factors, or by the environmental conditions experienced after hatching. Even if incubation temperature exerts long-term effects on phenotype, this might occur indirectly (by influencing hatching dates) rather than by direct modifications of developmental processes. We quantified the influences of the source population, incubation temperature and rearing environment, on the phenotype of the Australian garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) from populations that differ in nest temperature and phenotype. Intcrpopulation differences in the phenotypes of young lizards were found to be a product of all three factors. However, the long-term effects of both population and incubation temperature operated indirectly (through variation in the date of hatching) rather than directly (through genetic or developmental factors). That is, once all temporal effects were removed, the only discernible influence on juvenile phenotypes was their rearing environment. Thus, some of the most important influences on lizard phenotypes may operate via modifications of hatching date.  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰是我国危害最严重的外来入侵物种之一,为探讨表型可塑性和局域适应在其入侵中的作用,在高、低海拔的两个样地内,测定了来自云南南部640~2450 m海拔范围的6个种源的紫茎泽兰种群的株高、冠宽、分枝数和高温半致死温度(HSLT).结果表明,在高海拔样地,各种群紫茎泽兰株高、冠宽、分枝数和HSLT(2130 m的哀牢山种群除外)均显著低于在低海拔样地,紫茎泽兰各种群的株高、冠宽和分枝数的可塑性指数(0.881~0.975)均较大,而HSLT的可塑性(0.052~0.200)较小.无论在高还是低海拔样地,紫茎泽兰的株高、冠宽和分枝数在种群间的差异均不显著,而HSLT在种群间的差异达极显著水平,表现出明显的遗传分化,但其在种群间的差异仍小于其在样地间的差异.在高海拔样地,紫茎泽兰各种群的分枝数与种源海拔呈显著正相关;在低海拔样地,紫茎泽兰的HSLT与种源海拔呈显著负相关,表现出明显的局域适应特征.表型可塑性和局域适应均与紫茎泽兰的入侵有关,但前者的作用可能更大.  相似文献   

Christian Lampei 《Oikos》2019,128(3):368-379
In general, studies on plant phenotypic plasticity concentrate on plant responses to different levels of a single environmental factor. Under natural conditions, however, multiple environmental factors often vary simultaneously. I studied the consequences for lifetime fitness caused by single treatments or treatment combinations by investigating patterns of phenotypic plasticity within and between generations. The parental plants (three genotypes of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana) received zero, one or two stress treatments at an early life‐stage. The treatments included wounding, shading, chilling, and their pairwise combinations. In the second generation, offspring of treated plants received either the parental or no treatment. Offspring of non‐treated plants were reared under all treatment conditions. Plants responded strongly to the treatments, especially through delayed reproduction, which positively affected lifetime fitness. Notably, treatment combinations triggered stronger plastic responses on average. Because the delay in reproduction was offset by a delay in senescence, the treatments resulted in a fitness gain instead of a loss. However, under adverse environmental conditions, this delay represents a potential fitness cost, especially when the time for reproduction is limited. The treatments ‘wounding’ and ‘shading’ triggered parental effects that increased fitness only in plants that themselves received the treatment. Untreated offspring of wounded or shaded parents performed like control plants. Also, these parental effects were not accompanied by potential fitness costs, such as delayed reproduction. Chilling triggered genotype‐specific parental effects that increased or reduced fitness. Of the treatment combinations only ‘wounding’ and ‘shading’ resulted in genotype‐specific parental effects that increased or reduced fitness independently of offspring treatment. These results suggest that the response of annual plants to treatment combinations triggers predominantly within‐generation plastic responses that include potential fitness costs, which cannot be inferred from studies that manipulate environmental factors individually. Therefore, single treatment studies likely underestimate the costs of plasticity in natural environments.  相似文献   

Promising directions in plant phenotypic plasticity   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A research agenda for the next phase of plasticity studies calls for contributions from a diverse group of biologists, working both independently and collaboratively, to pursue four promising directions: examining dynamic, anatomical/architectural, and cross-generational plasticity along with simpler growth traits; carefully assessing the adaptive significance of those plasticity patterns; investigating the intricate transduction pathways that lead from environmental signal to phenotypic response; and considering the rich environmental context of natural systems. Progress in these areas will allow us to address broad and timely questions regarding the ecological and evolutionary significance of plasticity and the nature of phenotypic determination.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Phenotypic plasticity, the potential of specific traits of a genotype to respond to different environmental conditions, is an important adaptive mechanism for minimizing potentially adverse effects of environmental fluctuations in space and time. Suaeda maritima shows morphologically different forms on high and low areas of the same salt marsh. Our aims were to examine whether these phenotypic differences occurred as a result of plastic responses to the environment. Soil redox state, indicative of oxygen supply, was examined as a factor causing the observed morphological and physiological differences.


Reciprocal transplantation of seedlings was carried out between high and low marsh sites on a salt marsh and in simulated tidal-flow tanks in a glasshouse. Plants from the same seed source were grown in aerated or hypoxic solution, and roots were assayed for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alcohol dehydrogenase, and changes in their proteome.

Key Results

Transplanted (away) seedlings and those that remained in their home position developed the morphology characteristic of the home or away site. Shoot Na+, Cl and K+ concentrations were significantly different in plants in the high and low marsh sites, but with no significant difference between home and away plants at each site. High LDH activity in roots of plants grown in aeration and in hypoxia indicated pre-adaptation to fluctuating root aeration and could be a factor in the phenotypic plasticity and growth of S. maritima over the full tidal range of the salt marsh environment. Twenty-six proteins were upregulated under hypoxic conditions.


Plasticity of morphological traits for growth form at extremes of the soil oxygenation spectrum of the tidal salt marsh did not correlate with the lack of physiological plasticity in the constitutively high LDH found in the roots.  相似文献   

We selected on phenotypic plasticity of thorax size in response to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster using a family selection scheme. The results were compared to those of lines selected directly on thorax size. We found that the plasticity of a character does respond to selection and this response is partially independent of the response to selection on the mean of the character. One puzzling result was that a selection limit of zero plasticity was reached in the lines selected for decreased plasticity yet additive genetic variation for plasticity still existed in the lines. We tested the predictions of three models of the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity: overdominance, pleiotropy, and epistasis. The results mostly support the epistasis model, that the plasticity of a character is determined by separate loci from those determining the mean of the character.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity can allow organisms to respond to environmental changes by producing better matching phenotypes without any genetic change. Because of this, plasticity is predicted to be a major mechanism by which a population can survive the initial stage of colonizing a novel environment. We tested this prediction by challenging wild Drosophila melanogaster with increasingly extreme larval environments and then examining expression of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and its relationship to larval survival in the first generation of encountering a novel environment. We found that most families responded in the adaptive direction of increased ADH activity in higher alcohol environments and families with higher plasticity were also more likely to survive in the highest alcohol environment. Thus, plasticity of ADH activity was positively selected in the most extreme environment and was a key trait influencing fitness. Furthermore, there was significant heritability of ADH plasticity that can allow plasticity to evolve in subsequent generations after initial colonization. The adaptive value of plasticity, however, was only evident in the most extreme environment and had little impact on fitness in less extreme environments. The results provide one of the first direct tests of the adaptive role of phenotypic plasticity in colonizing a novel environment.  相似文献   

Many organisms exhibit phenotypic plasticity; producing alternate phenotypes depending on the environment. Individuals can be plastic (intragenerational or direct plasticity), wherein individuals of the same genotype produce different phenotypes in response to the environments they experience. Alternatively, an individual's phenotype may be under the control of its parents, usually the mother (transgenerational or indirect plasticity), so that mother's genotype determines the phenotype produced by a given genotype of her offspring. Under what conditions does plasticity evolve to have intragenerational as opposed to transgenerational genetic control? To explore this question, we present a population genetic model for the evolution of transgenerational and intragenerational plasticity. We hypothesize that the capacity for plasticity incurs a fitness cost, which is borne either by the individual developing the plastic phenotype or by its mother. We also hypothesize that individuals are imperfect predictors of future environments and their capacity for plasticity can lead them occasionally to make a low‐fitness phenotype for a particular environment. When the cost, benefit and error parameters are equal, we show that there is no evolutionary advantage to intragenerational over transgenerational plasticity, although the rate of evolution of transgenerational plasticity is half the rate for intragenerational plasticity, as predicted by theory on indirect genetic effects. We find that transgenerational plasticity evolves when mothers are better predictors of future environments than offspring or when the fitness cost of the capacity for plasticity is more readily borne by a mother than by her developing offspring. We discuss different natural systems with either direct intragenerational plasticity or indirect transgenerational plasticity and find a pattern qualitatively in accord with the predictions of our model.  相似文献   

In a spatially heterogeneous environment, the rate at which individuals move among habitats affects whether selection favors phenotypic plasticity or genetic differentiation, with high dispersal rates favoring trait plasticity. Until now, in theoretical explorations of plasticity evolution, dispersal rate has been treated as a fixed, albeit probabilistic, characteristic of a population, raising the question of what happens when the propensity to disperse and trait plasticity are allowed to evolve jointly. We examined the effects of their joint evolution on selection for plasticity using an individual-based computer simulation model. In the model, the environment consisted of a linear gradient of 50 demes with dispersal occurring either before or after selection. Individuals consisted of loci whose phenotypic expression either are affected by the environment (plastic) or are not affected (nonplastic), plus a locus determining the propensity to disperse. When dispersal rate and trait plasticity evolve jointly, the system tends to dichotomous outcomes of either high trait plasticity and high dispersal, or low trait plasticity and low dispersal. The outcome strongly depended on starting conditions, with high trait plasticity and dispersal favored when the system started at high values for either trait plasticity or dispersal rate (or both). Adding a cost of plasticity tended to drive the system to genetic differentiation, although this effect also depended on initial conditions. Genetic linkage between trait plasticity loci and dispersal loci further enhanced this strong dichotomy in evolutionary outcomes. All of these effects depended on organismal life history pattern, and in particular whether selection occurred before or after dispersal. These results can explain why adaptive trait plasticity is less common than might be expected.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine life history flexibility arising from phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature and from maternal effects in response to reproductive diapause in a temperate zone population of the milkweek bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). We employed a split-family, first-cousin, full-sib design with siblings reared at different temperatures in order to quantify phenotypic plasticity, maternal effects, and variation for each. The following traits were analyzed: development time, age at first reproduction, longevity, early-life fecundity, and wing length. We found both life history plasticity and maternal effects on life history traits which tend to enhance the colonizing ability of offspring born to mothers that have undergone reproductive diapause. We were unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for plasticity for any of the traits, while for development time and wing length we found variation due to non-additive genetic or common-environmental sources. We were also unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for maternal effects, although variation may exist at low levels that are difficult to detect using cousin-families. The apparent lack of variation in this population would constrain evolution of life history flexibility even though considerable flexibility exists in the phenotype.  相似文献   

We studied the phenotypic plasticity of shoot-to-root ratio with a model of plant growth in different availabilities of light and nutrients. Optimal shoot-to-root ratio was defined as the equal limitation of growth by light and nutrients. An optimally growing plant had a curved relative growth rate (RGR) isoclines and a faster growth rate than a fixed-allocation plant having right-angled RGR isoclines. We assumed the plant be exposed to a unit standard deviation of bivariate normally distributed resources. Plants were more plastic in a low than in a high resource availability. Negative correlation between resources increased and positive correlation decreased plasticity. Plasticity was high in plants that saturate at low resource availabilities but independent of maximum growth rate. A trade-off between the maximum growth rate and plasticity of shoot-to-root allocation may rise indirectly from the tendency of fast-growing plants to have high resource requirements.  相似文献   

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