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The relationship between cultural variation and biological variationamong natural populations has been the subject of both theoreticaland empirical study. Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis is oneof three subspecies of white-crowned sparrow known to form geographicalsong dialects. We investigated whether these dialects correspondto genetic differences among Z. l. pugetensis populations. Wecompared allele frequencies at four microsatellite loci in malesfrom 11 sites spanning six dialects over the subspecies' rangein Oregon and Washington. Cluster analysis and genotype assignmenttests indicated no tendency for sample sites within dialectareas to be genetically more similar than are sites from differentdialect areas. AMOVA tests revealed high within-site variationand low but significant cross-site and cross-dialect-area variation.Finally, genetic distance between sites was not correlated withdialect differences when the effect of geographic distance wascontrolled statistically. We compare our finding of low geneticdifferentiation among Z. l. pugetensis dialect populations toresults of previous studies on Z. l. nuttalli and Z. l. oriantha.Because genetic structuring appears weaker than cultural (songdialect) structure in this species, we discuss the behavioralmechanisms underlying dialect maintenance in the presence ofapparent gene flow.  相似文献   

GARRETT  S. D. 《Annals of botany》1960,24(2):275-285
Rhizomorphs put out by Armillaria mellea from small woody inoculain glass tubes of moist soil were tested for their ability tocolonize segments of willow shoots, previously killed by autoclavingand then buried for various periods in soil before inoculationwith A. mellea. The degree of saprophytic colonization of thesesubstrate segments by A. mellea was assessed by reburying themin fresh tubes of moist soil, and recording weekly growth incrementsof rhizomorphs put out from them over a period of 5 weeks. Aperiod of previous burial in soil up to 3 weeks was found notto diminish availability of the substrate segments to A. mellea,but with longer periods substrate value for A. mellea progressivelydeclined. Segments of living, green shoots of willow provideda consistently better substrate for A. mellea than did deadsegments, and these living segments maintained their substratevalue over periods (up to 7 weeks) of previous burial in soil.These results are interpreted in terms of competition betweenA. mellea and other soil fungi. In the infection of living tissues,A. mellea benefits from the exclusion of competitors by hostresistance. In the saprophytic colonization of dead tissues,A. mellea has the advantage of its capacity to decompose celluloseand lignin, which are substrates restricted to a minority ofsoil fungi.  相似文献   

The Ecology of Armillaria mellea in Britain Biological Control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
REDFERN  D. B. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(2):293-300
The first trial in Britain of a method developed and used inEast Africa to control Armillaria mellea is described. Contraryto experience in East Africa, colonization of hardwood rootsby A. mellea was not reduced either by ringbarking trees beforefelling, or by frill-girdling and poisoning. Five years afterfelling, roots of trees treated in this manner were found tobe fully colonized, while invasion of the roots of untreatedtrees appeared to be still in progress. However, the formerwere far less effective as food bases for A. mellea than thelatter. Further experimentation may-reveal whether the treatmentsdescribed are practical methods for reducing infection in plantationsestablished on infested hardwood sites. Stump poisoning (withno pre-felling treatment) may also prove effective.  相似文献   

Root colonization was studied in ten species of the Epacridaceaeat three sites in Victoria by morphological and cross-inoculationexperiments. The sites and genera chosen were Cranbourne [Epacrisimpressa Labill. andLeucopogon ericoides(Smith) R. Br.] andRye [L. parviflorus(Andrews) Lindley] on the Mornington Peninsula,and the Grampians[Astroloma conostephioides(Sond.) Benth.,A.humifusum(Cav.) R. Br.,A pinifolium(R. Br.) Benth,Brachylomadaphnoides(Smith) Benth.,E. impressa, E. impressavar.grandifloraBenth.andStyphelia adscendensR. Br.] in western Victoria. For morphologicalstudies, samples of roots from each species at each site werecleared and stained and examined microscopically. For cross-inoculationstudies, cuttings from each site were struck in potting mediuminoculated with soil from the same and other sites. The ericoidmycorrhizae in the roots of plants found at or grown in Cranbourneand Rye soils were similar. Both were significantly differentfrom the internal hyphae found in the roots of plants foundat or grown in Grampians soils, which were three times largerin diameter and formed dense coils which filled the host celland invaded adjacent epidermal cells. This suggests that morethan one fungus is involved in the relationships, that the MorningtonPeninsula sites had a different fungus from the Grampians siteand that host specificity is low. Vesicular structures werealso found commonly on plants at the Grampians site, in contrastwith other sites. Epacridaceae; root; fungus; mycorrhiza; morphology; inoculation  相似文献   

1. The specific activity of the CO2 evolved by sunflower hypocotylsegments supplied with labelled glucose or glutamic acid isrelated to the external concentration by a rectangular hyperbolaover a concentration range of approx. 2–60 mM. The overallrespiration rate over this range is approximately 15 per cent.above that of a buffer control, and rises only slightly withincreasing external concentration. 2. The curve for total exogenous substrate respired is alsoclose to a rectangular hyperbola over this concentration range. 3. 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) reduces the slope of the hyperbolafor specific activity, but not its maximum value. Increasingthe glucose concentration while maintaining the DNP concentrationconstant reduces the degree of inhibition. 4. The effect of DNP on absolute amount of exogenous substraterespired depends on the external concentration of the substrate.At lower concentrations, absolute exogenous respiration is inhibited:at higher concentrations, it is stimulated. 5. The results have been analysed with the object of determiningwhether the respiratory sites lie in the ‘sugar free space’of the cell. Kinetic analysis indicates (a) that exogenous substratesdo not diffuse to these sites through an appreciable diffusionbarrier; (b) that there is no evidence for an active transportstep; and (c) that the data accord well with the view that exogenoussubstrates diffuse freely to the respiratory sites where theycompete on equal terms with endogenous substrates.  相似文献   

Pollination of Plantago species in the Extremadura Region (SWof the Iberian Peninsula) was studied using three volumetrictraps located in the cities of Badajoz, Mérida and Cáceresbetween 1994 and 1999. Variations in atmospheric concentrationof Plantago pollen were analysed between locations, and annual,daily, and hourly variations recorded for each location. Thehighest concentrations of pollen were recorded at Cáceres,while the Mérida and Badajoz values were similar. Thisis explained by the nature of the surroundings of each city.Interannual variations in pollination levels were significantlycorrelated with autumn rains, which determine the extent ofdevelopment of the populations. The hourly patterns of pollencapture were well-defined and similar for all three study sites.Maximum levels were reached between 1000 and 1200 h. Nocturnalconcentrations were very low. Furthermore, this pattern wasmaintained throughout the flowering period, impling a very closelink with the patterns of anthesis of the species. The threestations showed similar patterns of daily variation, which weresignificantly correlated with certain meteorological parameters.Pollen concentrations were affected positively by temperature,but negatively by relative humidity. The influence of wind directionalso seemed to be explicable in these terms since the easterlywinds, which are dry and hot in this region, had a positiveinfluence, and the westerly winds which are moist and cool hada negative effect. The most relevant factor influencing levelsofPlantago pollen in the atmosphere was wind speed, which wasnegatively correlated with pollen levels. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Plantago, aerobiology, reproduction, anemophily, pollen  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of self-fertilization on life-history traits and neutral genetic polymorphism in natural populations of three species of hermaphrodite freshwater snails: Biomphalaria straminea, Bulinus globosus, and the aphallic species Bulinus truncatus. Life-history traits (fecundity, growth, hatching rate, and survival of offspring) are compared under laboratory conditions between isolated (obligatory selfing) and paired (outcrossing possible) snails in one population of B. straminea and B. globosus and two populations of B. truncatus. The genetic polymorphism of the same four populations is analyzed using electrophoretic markers in B. straminea and B. globosus and microsatellite markers in B. truncatus. In B. truncatus and B. straminea, isolated snails have a higher fecundity than paired snails, whereas the contrary is observed in B. globosus. For all populations, no difference in hatching rate and offspring survival is detected between the two treatments. Genetic analyses using microsatellite markers conducted in B. truncatus on progeny of paired snails reveal a high selfing rate in spite of high copulation rates, highlighting the difficulties of obtaining outcrossing in highly selfing snails. The high survival of selfed offspring in B. truncatus and B. straminea indicates that inbreeding depression is limited. The extent of inbreeding depression in B. globosus is less clear. Overall, fitness decrease in this species is limited to fecundity. The extent of allozyme polymorphism is very limited whereas a much higher variability is observed with microsatellites. Biomphalaria straminea and B. truncatus populations are also characterized by very low observed heterozygosities and large heterozygote deficiencies, whereas the B. globosus population does not exhibit such a deficiency. Overall these results allow the definition of a self-fertilization syndrome in hermaphrodite freshwater snails: selfing populations (such as those of B. straminea and B. truncatus studied here) are characterized by high selfing rates in spite of copulations, limited deleterious effects of selfing, limited neutral genetic polymorphism, and large heterozygote deficiencies.  相似文献   

The successional sequences of microbial colonization of Centrocerasclavulatum, Bryocladia cuspidata, and Gelidium crinale wereobserved by SEM. Colonization was initiated by filamentous andsmaller rod or coccoid bacteria, and these microbes were replacedby diatom populations in a successional pattern on Centrocerasand Bryocladia. Gelidium was colonized primarily by bacteria.The spatial fouling patterns on each host plant could be correlatedwith plant shape. Differences in epiphyte attachment morphologiescould be correlated in some species with the host plant or withthe position of the epiphyte on the host plant. Diatoms, epiphytes, fouling, microbial colonization, periphyton  相似文献   

Over a 16 month period, monthly net samples of aquatic snailswere collected from 30 sites within distributary canals anddrains in a newly-irrigated area of the South Chad IrrigationProject, Borno State, northern Nigeria. Initial colonizationin distributary canals was at the blind ends where bulrusheshad become established, the colonising species being Bulinusforskali and B. rohlfsi. These two species also invaded thedrains where B. senegalensis occurred during the rains. In aconcurrent study, weekly Typha-leaf mat samples of B. rohlfsiwere collected from three sites in a distributary canal anddata on changes in population structure, density and reproductiveactivity were obtained. Patterns of colonization are discussedin relation to the probable origins of the snails, their modesof dispersal and habitat preferences. Population changes inB. rohlfsi are considered in relation to environmental factors.The potential for other planorbids to eventually invade thearea is also considered. *Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, BayeroUniversity, P.M.B. 3011, Kano, Nigeria (Received 3 July 1983;  相似文献   

In populations subject to high tributyltin (TBT) pollution,females of the neogastropod Ocenebra ennacea exhibit a characteristicmalformation of the oviduct as an effect of advanced imposexThis abnormality is a longitudinal split of the oviduct wall,causing the bursa copulatnx and capsule gland to open directlyinto the pallial (mantle) cavity. When first discovered it wasassumed such a gross malformation would preclude sperm transferand capsule formation. Field evidence in terms of a generalpaucity of juveniles in affected populations supported thisidea but direct evidence of a sterilising effect was lacking.Laboratory spawning experiments using normal and affected femaleshave now been carried out. No capsule was produced by any femalehaving a split oviduct. Thus, it is concluded that the net effectof the condition is sterilisation. The larvae of O ennacea escape from capsules as veligers thatassume a planktonic existence lasting for up to 5 days The durationof this swimming phase is sufficient to permit extensive dispersionand subsequent colonisation over a wide area, including contaminatedlocalities Populations close to TBT sources could thereforebe sustained by a supply of recruits from less-contammated areasand their non-breeding status thus masked Juvenile females reared to one-year-old in water with a meanTBT concentration of 3 ng Sn 1–1 exhibited the split oviductcondition seen in adults at contaminated sites, whereas thosereared similarly at TBT levels of 0.2–03 ng Sn 1–1appeared normal The disruption of the early ontogeny of thefemale reproductive tract, which leads to adult sterility, canbe interpreted as an subtle effect of masculinization inducedby TBT exposure. (Received 12 December 1995; accepted 20 February 1996)  相似文献   

The øcmaeid limpet Lottia stipulata occurs in the midintertidal zone of rocky Pacific shores from Colombia to ElSalvador. It is regularly present but rare (<1 m–2)at wave-exposed to semi-protected sites in Panama. The verticaldistribution of Lottia overlaps that of a pulmonate limpet,Siphonaria gigas, the most abundant molluscan grazer in themid zone (28. m–2). Manipulations of the density of Siphonariasuggest the pulmonate negatively affects the recruitment, growth,and abundance of Lottia. Observations of populations of limpetsin an area undergoing succession support these results –Lottia recruits quickly and reaches high levels of abundance,but cannot maintain high densities as other benthic consumerslike S. gigas settle and increase in numbers over time. Paradoxically,examination of radulae suggests that if ability to use algalcrusts (the major available food) were of primary importance,Lottia would be the superior competitor. However, competitionneed not be invoked, and results can be explained by a one-wayrelationship between these two limpets. Lottia apparently hasno effect on Siphonaria, but the larger pulmonate probably actsas an agent of disturbance by interfering with foraging by Lottiaand by bulldozing or consuming newly-settled individuals. Predationon Lottia by a predaceous gastropod, Purpura columellaris, andby the American oystercatchcr, Haematopus palliatus, is insignificantat most sites, but may be important where these consumers areabundant. The abundance of Lottia appears to be controlled primarilyby disturbance by Siphonaria and by physical factors, not bypredation or competition. 1Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Massachusetts,Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 2Present address: Department of Zoology, University of RhodeIsland, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881 3Order of authorship determined by coin toss. (Received 31 July 1984;  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the influence of glyphosate[N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] on extractable nitrate reductaseactivity during light and dark growth of soybean (Glycine max)seedlings. Glyphosate (5?10–4 M), applied via root-feedingto three-day-old etiolated seedling, significantly reduced enzymeactivity in roots (48 to 96 h) and leaves (96 h) of seedlingsplaced in the light, but had little effect on enzyme activityin cotyledons compared to enzyme levels in tissues of untreatedseedlings. During dark-growth, nitrate reductase activity increasedwith time in cotyledons of untreated seedlings (activity about85-fold less than in cotyledons of light-grown plants) but muchlower enzyme levels were found in cotyledons of glyphosate-treatedseedlings after 72 and 96 h. In leaves of dark-grown seedlings,glyphosate reduced nitrate reductase levels by 95%. Most inhibitionof extractable enzyme activity occurred in newly developingorgans (leaves and roots) which correlates well with reportsthat glyphosate is rapidly translocated to these sites. However,the fact that glyphosate inhibits growth prior to lowering enzymeactivity levels indicates a secondary effect on nitrate reductase. (Received May 18, 1984; Accepted February 12, 1985)  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of the freshwater snail, Biomphalariaglabrata, was assessed in the municipality of Virgem das Graças(Minas Gerais, Brazil), a schistosomiasis-endemic area. Theseven microsatellite loci that were used to genotype 326 individualsfrom 17 collection sites within a 3-km radius revealed highgenetic variability. However, we found a deficit of heterozygotesrelative to Hardy–Weinberg expectations for most of theloci and in many collection sites, indicating a high level ofinbreeding. This may be the result of founder effects and sib-mating.A high level of overall population genetic differentiation amongB. glabrata collection sites suggested low gene flow at thisrelatively small spatial scale in this region. However, subsequentanalyses also indicated that these patterns may also resultfrom founder events and that an exchange of individuals betweenparticular collection sites does exist. The isolation-by-distancecorrelation between collection sites of B. glabrata was foundto be significant. However, only approximately 6% of the variancein FST was explained by geographic distances suggesting thatthere are other factors affecting genetic differentiation amongthese collection sites. It is likely that the current populationgenetic structure reflects patterns of both migration and founderevents. Results from this study are important for understandingthe potential for local adaptation between schistosomes andtheir snail hosts at this epidemiologically relevant scale.  相似文献   

Flowering of Pharbitis nil strain Violet is induced in continuouslight under poor nutritional conditions. High-performance liquidchromatography of extracts of the cotyledons revealed that twocompounds in addition to chlorogenic acid accumulate under suchconditions. The compounds were identified as pinoresinol glucosideand p-coumaroylquinic acid. The endogenous levels of these phenylpropanoidswere correlated with the flowering response when nutrition waspoor. However, activation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis seemednot to be essential for the induction of flowering. (Received May 17, 1993; Accepted July 26, 1993)  相似文献   

Light-initiated germination levels of Rumex crispus L. seedswere reduced equally by imbibition in mannitol or polyethyleneglycol 6000 (PEG 6000) solutions of the same w, indicating thatthe effects of each were through w. Reduction of the water contentof the seeds with these osmotica decreased the effectivenessof the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Ptr) in causinggermination. However, reduced water content had no effect onthe slopes or saturation points of fluence/response curves whichindicates that has no effect on the number of Ptr receptor sites.The time during which a portion of the seeds were still photoreversibleby far-red light was increased by imbibition in PEG 6000, indicatinga direct effect of w on a reaction involving phytochrome. Noqualitative effect of PEG 6000 on the Onset of secondary dormancywas seen; however, its effect on the relative rate of appearanceof secondary dormancy was equivocal. 1 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station cooperating. (Received February 23, 1978; )  相似文献   

林氏果蝇线粒体DNA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温硕洋  谢力 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):225-230
本文对Tamura(1988)提纯mtDNA的方法进行改进,建立了林氏果蝇Drosophila lini 线粒体DNA大量制备的方法;对采自原产地台湾省的单雌晶系TAW3146.1的线粒体DNA用10种限制性内切酶进行了酶切,得出了林氏果蝇mtDNA的分子量大小为16.3kb;用双酶切法制作了林氏果蝇线粒体DNA酶切图谱,并与属于同一复合种组的D.Kikkawai的酶切图谱进行比较。所用的内切酶有XbaI、AvaI、EcoRV、ScaI、SacI、EcoR I、HindIII、PvuⅡ、BamHI、PstⅡ。  相似文献   

This is the first report of the mycorrhizal status of Welwitschia mirabilis, a gymnosperm endemic to the Namib Desert. Like all other gymnosperms except the Pinaceae and Gnetaceae, W. mirabilis is associated with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. Mycorrhizal colonization of roots and the diversity and abundance of VAM species were determined at seven sites. Six sites received annual rainfall of 0–100 mm, varying widely from year to year. The seventh site experienced more predictable annual rainfall of 150–200 mm. Perennial vegetation was sparse at the six low-rainfall sites. Dry annual grasses from previous rain events were present at only three of these six sites and mean mycorrhizal colonization levels of W. mirabilis at these three sites were as high as 18%. W. mirabilis was not mycorrhizal at sites where grasses were absent. The seventh site, receiving higher rainfall, supported small trees and annual grasses in addition to W. mirabilis. Mycorrhizal colonization levels of W. mirabilis at this site were significantly higher than at the other six sites, closely paralleling those of the surrounding annual grasses. The mycorrhizal flora of W. mirabilis consisted of four Glomus species. These taxa were not unique to W. mirabilis, having been found with Stipagrostis and Cladoraphis grasses throughout the Namib and Kalahari deserts.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) nucleoids were isolated with a high degreeof purity from the yeast Pichia jadinii, in which the mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) is linear. Field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE)revealed that significant amounts of mtDNA could be isolatedintact, as linear molecules of 41 kbp, from the isolated mt-nucleoids.Fifteen different proteins were detected in the mt-nucleoidfraction and, eight of these proteins bound to DNA. The patternsof mt-nucleoid proteins and of the DNA-binding proteins aftergel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS were somewhat differentfrom those of such proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thecorresponding proteins isolated from the mt-nucleoids of fourother species of yeast in the genera Pichia and Williopsis alsodiffered from one another in terms of electrophoretic mobilityin the presence of SDS. In immunoblotting experiments, antibodiesthat had been raised against the 67-kDa protein of mt-nucleoidsfrom S. cerevisiae and the YMN-1 monoclonal antibody that isspecific for a 48-kDa protein in the mt-nucleoids from S. cerevisiaedid not recognize any proteins in the mt-nucleoids from Pichiajadinii and four other species of yeast. The results suggestthe considerable diversity of the proteins in the mt-nucleoidsof yeasts. (Received March 28, 1996; Accepted June 19, 1996)  相似文献   

The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) low temperature responsive geneblt14 was used as a probe, to isolate two different cognateclones (rlt1412; rlt1421) from a rye (Secale cereale L.) cDNAlibrary prepared from low temperature-treated (6°C day/2°C night) shoot meristems of the cultivar, Puma. Northernblot analysis revealed that low temperature expression of rlt1412is highest in root tissues whereas, rlt1421 shows greatest mRNAaccumulation in mature leaf tissues. There is a relationshipbetween the steady-state levels of these mRNA species and thefrost hardiness of Puma (North American cultivar) and Rhayader(UK cultivar) such that the expression ofboth genes is higherin the more frost hardy cultivar, Puma, compared with Rhayader. DNA and predicted amino acid sequence analysis indicated thatthe rye and barley clones encode small proteins with consensusN-terminal signal sequences whose biological function is atpresent unknown. The relevant sequences are lodged in the EMBL data base. Key words: Rye, cold, cDNA, organ specificity, low temperature genes  相似文献   

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