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Diel vertical migrations of the marine dinoflagellates Gonyaulaxpolyedra Stein and Ceratium furca (Ehr.) Clap, et Lachm. werefollowed in a laboratory tube (2.02 m x 0.25 m) under a 12:12hlight:dark cycle. The effects of temperature stratification,two levels of surface irradiance and nitrogen depletion on patternsof vertical migrations were examined. At temperatures between22–26°C with small temperature gradients, both speciesmigrated at a rate of 0.7 –1.0 m h–1. Steeper thermoclines(ca. 0.8°C 0.1 m–1) with temperatures below ca. 20°Ccaused a marked decrease in swimming speed which resulted inaccumulations of cells in these thermocline regions. Under conditionsof nutrient sufficiency both algae migrated into the surfacelayers at irradiance values of over 1000 µE m–2s–1. Increasing nitrogen depletion caused the downwardmigration of both algae to commence progressively earlier inthe day and before the end of the light period. The earlierdownward migrations enabled a more complete descent throughthe thermocline. Nitrogen depleted cells of Gonyaulax continuedto undertake vertical migrations but avoided high irradiancesthus forming subsurface maxima at irradiance levels close to150 µE m–2 s–1. Ceratium cells which exhaustedboth inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus ceased to migrate accompaniedby a large change in cellular fluorescence.  相似文献   

The causes of interspecific differences in the µ-l relationshipare examined in the context of a mechanistic model which relatesµ to irradiance in terms of six factors:, kc photosyntheticquotient (PQ), Chl a:C, respiration and excretion. The effectof cell size on the light saturated growth rate is also considered.It is shown that photosynthetic efficiency and PQ exhibit remarkablylittle interspecific variability, and average 0.024 ±0.005 µg C(µg Chl a)–1 h–1 (µEm–2 s–1)–1 and 1.5 ± 0.2 mol 02 molC–1 (when NO3 is the nitrogen source) respectively.Two useful relationships were derived: (i) between growth efficiency,g and Chl a:C at µ. = 0; (ii) between the compensationintensity, Ic and the Chl a-specific maintenance respirationrate. Both relationships were independent of temperature anddaylength. Species best adapted to growth at low light werefound to exhibit high Chl a:C ratios and low maintenance respirationrates. As a group, diatoms were consistently the best adaptedfor growth at low irradiance. Chiorophytes, haptophytes, chrysophytesand cryptophytes were intermediate in their performance at lowirradiance. Dinoflagellates exhibited extreme diversity, withspecies spanning the spectrum from very good performance atlow irradiance to very poor. A new µmax-cell carbon relationshipis given based on growth rates normalized to 15°C. Evidenceis presented to show that noise in this relationship can besignificantly reduced by using only carbon-specific growth ratesand using only data for species grown at the same daylength.  相似文献   

The bloom-forming marine dinoflagellate Gyrodinium cf. aureolumwas grown in batch cultures over a range of irradiances (35–380µmolm–2 s–1 and growth, photosynthesis and respirationrates determined. Saturation of growth occurred at irradiancesof 100µmol m–2 s–1 Below this light level,decreases in growth rates and cell size, and a relative increasein carbon specific respiration rates, were observed. On theother hand, photosynthesis-irradiance relationships determinedfrom dissolved oxygen incubations showed that on a cellularand carbon basis, cultures grown at low irradiances had higherrates of light-limited and light-saturated photosynthesis, mainlyas a result of large increases in cell chlorophyll content.This adaptation strategy enables low-light-grown organisms toexploit available high irradiance through a relatively highphotosynthetic capacity. In cells grown at higher light levels(>100µmol m–2 s–1), excess photosynthatemay be diverted to storage rather than used for growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary productivity(PP) in the uppermost water layer and the water column-based(0–15 m) integral values of those variables were examinedusing measurements taken in Lake Kinneret (Israel) from 1990to 2003. In 81% of all Chl a profiles examined, the distributionwas fairly uniform within the entire 0–15 m water column,and 12.3% of instances showed a prominent subsurface maximum,when the lake phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellatePeridinium gatunense. Chl a can be reliably estimated by remotesensing techniques in the productive and turbid water of LakeKinneret, since Chl a concentration at surface layers can beextrapolated to the entire water column. Light vertical attenuationcoefficient average for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm, Kd,ranged from 0.203 to 1.954 m–1 and showed high degreeof temporal variation. The maximal rate of photosynthetic efficiency,PBopt [average 3.16 (±1.50)], ranged from 0.25 to 8.85mg C m–3 h–1 mg Chl a–1. Using measured dataof Chl a, PBopt, and light as an input, a simple depth-integratedPP model allowed plausible simulation of PP. However, a lackof correlation between photosynthetic activity and temperature(or other variable with remotely sensed potential) renders theuse of models that require input of photosynthetic efficiencyto calculate integrated PP of little value in the case of productiveand turbid Lake Kinneret.  相似文献   

Primary production data measured by in situ (IS) and ‘simulated’in situ (SIS) incubations were compared. To minimize differencesbetween the two types of incubations, SIS experiments were conductedin temperature-controlled incubators in which the spectral distributionand irradiance were adjusted to approximate IS conditions. ISavailable irradiance (IIs) was computed from vertical attenuationof integrated surface irradiance. Vertical attenuation was estimatedusing a spectral irradiance model, validated by measured profilesof the vertical attenuation coefficient. IS incubations werecarried out using two methods. The first involved deploymentof bottles on a drifting array for whole-day (dawn to dusk)incubations. The second method employed an autonomous submersibleincubation device that performed short term (<1 h) incubationsat multiple depths. Differences between whole-day IS and SISincubation estimates were attributed partially to differencesbetween IIS and SIS-available irradiance (ISIS). Photosynthesis-irradiance(P-I) properties of IS and SIS populations from the whole-dayincubations were not significantly different. P-I propertiesof the short-term IS and SIS populations were significantlydifferent, although estimates of PB (mg C mg Chl–1 h–1)from contemporaneous IS and SIS incubations did not differ by>40%. Integrated water-column primary production (IPP) estimatedusing P-I models derived from SIS data were within 15% of ISestimates of IPP.  相似文献   

The photochemical apparatus organization in the thylakoid membraneof the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis was investigated in cellsgrown under high and low irradiance. High light (HL, 200µE.m–2.s–1)grown cells displayed a relatively low fucoxanthin to chlorophyll(Chl) ratio, a low photosystem (PS) stoichiometry (PSII/PS I=1.3/1.0)and a smaller photosynthetic unit size in both PS I and PS II.Low light (LL, 30µE.m–2.s–1) grown cells displayeda 30% elevated fucoxanthin content, elevated PS II/PS I=3.9/1.0and larger photosynthetic unit size for PS II (a change of about100%) and for PS I (by about 30%). In agreement, SDS polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis of thylakoid membrane polypeptides showedgreater abundance of PS I, RuBP carboxylase and ATP synthasepolypeptides in HL cells. In contrast, LL grown cells exhibitedgreater abundance of light-harvesting complex polypeptides.Assuming an efficiency of red (670 nm) light utilization of1.0, the measured efficiency of blue (481 nm) light utilizationwas 0.64 (HL cells) and 0.72 (LL cells). The lower efficiencyof blue versus red light utilization is attributed to the quenchingof absorbed energy by non-fucoxanthin carotenoids. Differencesin the efficiency of blue light utilization between HL and LLgrown cells are attributed to the variable content of fucoxanthin.The results support the hypothesis of a variable Chl a-Chl c-fucoxanthinlight-harvesting antenna associated with PS II and PS I in Cylindrotheca. (Received February 10, 1988; Accepted April 6, 1988)  相似文献   

The seasonal time course of phytoplankton primary productivitywas studied weekly in a hypertrophic, gravel-pit lake closeto Madrid, Spain. Chlorophyll a ranged 22–445 mg m–2.Gross primary productivity attained 0.28±0.14 g C m–2h–1 (range: 0.06–0.60), its yearly value being 900g C m–2, but the shallow euphotic depths and the highplankton respiration ensured that net productivity was generallylow. Respiration losses amounted to 0.31±0.24 g O2 m–2h–1, with phytoplankton respiration roughly attainingone-half of overall plankton respiration. Areal phytoplanktonproductivity and plankton respiration followed a seasonal trendbut this was not the case for photosynthetic capacity. Surfacephotoinhibition was evenly distributed throughout the study.Quantum yields showed an increasing depth trend, but no seasonaltrend. Both Pmax and Ik were both temperature- and irradiance-dependent.As compared with lakes of lesser trophic degree, phytoplanktonprimary production in hypertrophic lakes might be increasednot only by higher nutrient contents but also by low chlorophyll-specificattenuation coefficients and low background, non-algal attenuation,thereby allowing for higher areal chlorophyll contents and hencehigher areal productivity. Our study suggests that physical(irradiance and water column stability) as well as chemicalfeatures (dissolved inorganic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorus)may control seasonality of phytoplankton primary productionin this lake despite recent claims that only physical factorsare of significance in hypertrophic lakes. However, this doesnot explain all the variability observed and so a food web controlis also likely to be operating.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of 14C-labelled metabolites were monitoredin Chlorella pyrenoidosa cells during a transition from highto low irradiance, i.e., from 700 to 430 µmol quanta (400–700nm) m–2 s–1. Chlorella cells assimilated 14CO2 photosynthetically(steady-state 14C-labelling) for 12 min at the high irradianceand then 10 min at the low irradiance. With the transition tolow light, the level of 14C-labelled ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate(RuBP) did not decrease, even though the rate of total 14C-incorporationdecreased by 80%. The data suggest that RuBP carboxylase deactivatesrapidly (within 1 or 2 min) on exposure to low light, causingRuBP pool sizes to be maintained (or even increased) in spiteof a decreased rate of RuBP regeneration. There was also evidenceof light modulation of other enzymes, including some enzymesinvolved in sucrose synthesis. The rate of sucrose synthesisdecreased with decrease in light intensity while the level ofuridine diphosphoglucose increased, but within a few minutes,both returned to their former levels. 1Present address: Chemical Biodynamics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,Building 3, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. (Received March 8, 1986; Accepted June 25, 1986)  相似文献   

The responses of net CO2 assimilation to sudden changes in irradiancewere studied in Phaseolus vulgaris L. in the laboratory andthe field. For irradiance changes between 50 µmol m–2s–1 to 350 µmol m–2 s–1 in the laboratory,assimilation rate increased with half-times of 2.7 and 4.1 minin well-watered and water-stressed plants, respectively. Ina field experiment with a change in irradiance from 400 to 1200µmol m–2 s–1 the response was faster (half-time=c.1.2 min). In all cases when irradiance was returned to a lowvalue, assimilation declined rapidly with a half-time of approximately1 min, which approached the time resolution of the gas-exchangesystem. The corresponding changes in stomatal conductance in responseto both increasing and decreasing irradiance were much slowerthan the assimilation responses, indicating that biochemicalprocesses, rather than CO2 supply, primarily determined theactual rate of assimilation in these experiments. The conceptof stomatal limitation to photosynthesis is discussed in relationto these results. A simple model for assimilation in a fluctuating light environmentis proposed that depends on a steadystate light response curve,an ‘induction lag’ on increasing irradiance, andan induction-state memory. The likely importance of taking accountof such induction lags in natural canopy microclimates is considered. Key words: Models, Phaseolus vulgaris, photosynthetic induction, CO2 assimilation, stomatal limitation, sunflecks, water stress  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that nitrogen-replete diatoms, butnot flagellates, may release NO2, NH4+ or dissolved organicnitrogen (DON) following rapid increases in irradiance (andconsequently an increase in cellular electron energy), as mightbe expected to occur in a vertically well mixed estuarine system.Just as the increase in irradiance leads to an increase in cellularenergy, so too would a decrease in temperature, due to the temperaturedependency of biosynthetic enzymes. This hypothesis was testedby comparing the response of nitrogen-replete diatoms (Skeletomenacostatum, Thalassiosira weissflogii and Chaetoceros sp.) andflagellates (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Pavlova lutheri and Prorocentrumminimum) to rapid increases in irradiance and decreases in temperature.Short-term (<3 h) changes in extracellular NO2 andNH4+ concentrations were measured in cultures following theseexperimental shifts, as well as in cultures retained at thegrowth irradiance. Net rates of NO2 and NH4+ releasewere calculated from the time course of extracellular nitrogenconcentrations. As a fraction of NO3 uptake, NO2release rates under the increased irradiance increased marginallyrelative to NO2 release rates under the growth irradiance.Release rates of NH4+ under the increased irradiance increasednearly fivefold over release rates at the growth irradiance,and accounted for 84% of the NO3 uptake rate. In directcontrast to the diatom species, the flagellate species releasedNO2 under the higher experimental irradiance at ratesone half those of the release rates under the growth irradiance,and continued to take up NH4+ under both irradiance conditions.Within the experimental boundaries, these findings have importantphysiological and ecological implications. The magnitude ofthe observed nitrogen release represents a significant physiologicalsink for electrons and, in fact, calculations suggest that upto 62% of the total electrons harvested could be consumed. Froman ecological perspective, these findings add to the body ofliterature which suggests that a significant fraction of thenitrogen that is taken up is ultimately released in dissolvedform. More importantly, these data suggest that DON is not theonly compound that phytoplankton may release in the aquaticenvironment.  相似文献   

THOMPSON  K. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):159-162
Seeds of 19 native British herbaceous species (14 grasses andfive forbs) were exposed to white light at three photon fluencerates: high (19–2 mol m–2 d–1), medium (9·6mol m–1 d–1) and low (2·3 mol m–2 d–2) These photon doses have been found by previous workers to inhibitgermination in several species. High and low photon doses wereapplied only as continuous light, but the medium dose was appliedas both continuous light and as a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod.All four treatments, plus a dark control, were carried out at15 °C; the high and low doses were also applied with a dailyalternation of 10/20 °C. The majority of species (15) fell into one of two groups. Inseven species germination was relatively high and consistentacross all treatments, including darkness; in the other eightspp germination was inhibited only in darkness. Mostly thesedata confirmed published results for the same species In contrast in Agrostis capillaris and A. stolonifera germinationwas high only at alternating temperatures, irrespective of photondose, but was also slightly promoted by a constant temperaturecombined with light/dark alternations. Only in Bromus sterilisand B. ereclus was germination inhibited by light, in B. erectusat all photon doses and in B. sterilis only at the highest photondose These results suggest that inhibition of germination by highirradiance light is not widespread among native British species Aira caryophyllea, Arrenatherum elatius, Festuca ovina, F. rubra, Hordeum murinum, Milhim effusum, Silene dioica, Achillea millefolium, Brachypodium syhaticum, Digitalis purpurea, Holcus lanatus, Leucanlhemum vulgare, Phleum pratense, Poa trivialis, Taraxacum officinale, Agrostis capillaris, A. stolonifera, Bromus erectus, B. sterilis, seed, dormancy, germination, light, High irradiance reaction, alternating temperatures, photoperiod  相似文献   

Specific growth rates of Limnozhrix redekei, Planktothrix agardhii(cyanobacteria), Synedraacus, Stephanodiscus minutulus (diatoms),Scenedesmus acuminatus and Scenedesmus armatus (Chlorophyceae)were compared under different time structures of illumination,but the same daily light exposure, at 20C. Fluctuating irradiancesimulating a uniform rapid transport of the algal cells acrossthe aquatic light field on a cloudless day with Zeu/Zmix=1 wascompared with constant irradiance throughout the same photoperiodof 12 h length as well as a photoperiod of 6 h length. Fluctuatinglight (30 min for a cycle) resulted in a decrease in specificgrowth rates as compared with constant irradiance at the samephotoperiod length. This decrease amounts to 15–20% fordiatoms, 20–25% for Chlorophyceae and 35–40% forcyanobacteria, respectively. The decrease is somewhat lowerif the fluctuations simulating mixing are slower (60 min fora cycle). The specific growth rate is also decreased by a shorterphotoperiod, but this effect is more species specific. Regardingthe in vivo absorption spectra, fluctuating light or a shorterphotoperiod has little or no effect on the Chlorophyceae anddiatoms studied, whereas cyanobacteria show an increase in lightabsorption by chlorophyll a and phycobilins.  相似文献   

The parasitoid nanoflagellate (PNF) Pirsonia diadema is hostspecific for the marine centric diatom Coscinodiscus spp. Experimentsshowed that flagellates significantly prefer C. wailesii overC.granii as host species (interspecific selectivity). This preferencewas independent of light conditions (dark, irradiance of 10and 70 µmol m–2 s–1) and temperature (10 and15C). Among unicellular host diatoms, the infection behaviourwas selective for individual cells: already infected C.graniicells were more attractive for further flagellate attachmentthan non-infected cells (intraspecific selectivity). Individualcells (  相似文献   

For Gyrodinium aureolum significant irradiance and daylengtheffects were found on the division rate and on the growth-relevantChla-normalized photosynthetic rate (gPB). Optimum conditionsof irradiance and daylength were found at 230 µmol m–2s–1 and 14 h for the division rate, and at >260 µmolm–2 s–1 and <6 h for gPB.gPB showed no photoinhibition,while the division rate decreased markedly at irradiances abovesaturation. This difference and the difference in optimum irradiancebetween the division rate and gPB are explained by a decreasein cellular Chla/carbon ratio with increasing irradiance. Thecellular content of carbon and nitrogen decreased significantlywith increasing irradiance. Total phosphorus was independentof irradiance and daylength. Below the saturation irradiancefor gPB the daily Chla-normalized carbon yield may be describedas an exponential function of the daily irradiance (irradiancex daylength).  相似文献   

The maximum excretion rate of NH4 (39 nmol mg dry wt–1h–1) was directly measured for Daphnia pulex by measuringNH4 accumulation in bottles containing D. pulex and dense, satiatingsuspensions of heat-killed algae. Ammonium release rates inthe algal suspensions were compared to those of individual animalsremoved from the suspension and placed in flow cells. Ammoniumrelease rate, R (nmol mg dry wt–1 h–1). in the flowcell decreased very rapidly with time, t (min), after removalaccording to the relation R = 26 + 25e–0.16t. Ammoniumexcretion obtained by the flow cell method after extrapolationto time zero was not significantly different from that obtainedin the bottles. The considerable experiment-to-experiment variationin NH4 excretion was in large part correlated (r2 = 0.73) withthe feeding rate on the algae.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing cultures of the chlorophyta Tetraedronminimum were allowed to photoadapt to low (50µmole quantam–2s–1) and high (500µmole quanta m–2–1)irradiance levels. In these cultures, various aspects of theorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus and related differencesin its performance were studied. In this organism, the observed five-fold increase in pigmentationof low-light adapted cells was due to increases in the numbersof PSU's, while their sizes remained constant. Using radioimmunoassay technique, we found that high-light adaptedalgae had over five times more Rubisco per PSU than their low-lightadapted counterparts. The high-light adapted algae also exhibited far higher (x2.3)light saturated photosynthetic rates per chl a. This increasewas the result of a reduction of tau, , the turnover time ofPS II reaction centers. We propose that the increase in Rubisco per PSU in high-lightadapted algae explains the reduction in , which results in thehigher Pmax rates per chl a in these algae. The relationship is non linear, since the increase in Rubiscoper PSU was x5.3 whereas that in PmM per chl a was only x2.3. (Received July 30, 1988; Accepted December 2, 1988)  相似文献   

A study into the photophysiology, growth and migration of Ceratiumhirundinella in Chaffey Reservoir in subtropical northern NewSouth Wales, Australia, revealed that a proportion of cellsformed subsurface accumulations at depths that optimized lightintensity (212–552 µmol photons m–2 s–1)for photosynthesis and cell growth. At high incident irradiance,Ceratium migrated downwards from the near-surface waters, avoidinghigh-light-induced, slow-recovering non-photochemical quenchingof photosystem II. Overnight deepening of the surface mixedlayer by convective cooling produced homogeneous distributionsof Ceratium with a significant proportion of the populationbelow the depth where light saturation of photosynthesis occurred.Ceratium migrated towards the surface from suboptimal lightintensities, at a velocity of 1.6–2.7 x 10–4 m s–1.Subsurface accumulations occurred under a variety of turbulenceintensities; however, accumulation was significantly reducedwhen the turbulent velocity scale in the mixed layer was >5x 10–3 m s–1, beyond which turbulent diffusion dominatedadvection by swimming. The formation of subsurface accumulationswith increased computed water column integral photosynthesisby 35% compared to a uniform cell distribution.  相似文献   

The puhrinule of the terminal leaflet in the trifoliate leafof bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) responds to its continuous exposureto directional overhead light by increasing the elevation ofits attached lamina. Blue light drives this response, but theeffectiveness of unfiltered white light equalled, or exceededthe effectiveness of blue light at equivalent irradiances (200–800µmol m–2 s–1). Adding red light to blue lightenhanced the initial rate of response, and increased its steady-state.These effects of red light increased with irradiance. Adding200–800 µmol m–2 s–1 red light to 50µmol m–2 s–1 blue light was more effectivein enhancing the initial rate of response than adding blue lightat equivalent irradiances, whereas added blue light was moreeffective in increasing the steady-state. In continuous bluelight the initial (maximal) angular velocity of laminar reorientation,as well as the eventual steady-state of the response increasedlinearly with log PFD (up to 800 µmol m–2s–2).Laminar reorientation also took place in continuous red lightby itself, and the angular velocity of the response was initiallyhigh, then became considerably slower. The initial phase wasapparently independent of irradiance up to PFD 100 µmolm–2 s–1 but increased progressively with log PFDat higher irradiances. During the second phase, the rate increasedlinearly with irradiance, becoming saturated at PFD 200 µmolm–2 s–1. Key words: Phaseolus, phototropism, pulvinule, spectral dependence, trifoliate leaf movements  相似文献   

In situ light measurements were used to obtain information oninherent and apparent optical properties. The average verticalattenuation coefficient Kd(ave) varied from 1.1 to 4.6 In unitsm–1 During three periods the variation in Kd(ave) correlatedwith changes in chlorophyll a concentration and specific attenuationcoefficients Ks, of 0.013, 0.014 and 0.022 m2 mg Chl a–1were calculated. Chlorophyll-specific diffuse absorption coefficients(A,) for these periods were 0.012. 0.013 and 0.017 m2 mg Chla–1 and only varied significantly from estimates of Ksin the period when scattering was intense. Absorption coefficientsa(zmid) and scattering coefficients b(zmid) calculated for themid-point of the euphotic zone ranged between 0.45 and 2.9 mand 3.5–52.0 m respectively. Chlorophyll-specific absorptioncoefficients Ka, of 0.005, 0.006 and 0.007 m2 mg Chl a–1and scattering coefficients Kb of 0.05. 0.09 and 0.191 m2 mgChl a–1 were measured during the three periods. The highKb value occurred when gas-vacuolate cyanobactena were dominant.Algal photosynthesis and light absorption were related throughthe maximum quantum yield m which varied between 0.019 and 0.11mol C Einstein–1 while average quantum yields a, variedbetween 0.006 and 0.024 with a mean of 0.013 mol C Einstein–1A comparison of changes in the mean irradiance of the mixedzone and chlorophyll concentration indicated that growth waslight limited below 0.04–0.05 Einsteins absorbed mg Chla–1 day–1.  相似文献   

A comparison of photosynthesis-irradiance response curves (PEresponse curves) obtained through fast repetition rate (FRR)fluorometry and radiocarbon (14C) tracer method was made inthe chlorophyte, Dunaliella tertiolecta, grown under differentirradiance conditions. In FRR-based PE response curveexperiments, actinic light provided by white light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) was increased gradually from 0 to 1500 µmolquanta m–2 s–1 and the rate of photosyntheticelectron transport was determined at each light level. Short-termexperiments (20 min) of 14C-based PE response curvewere carried out with an improved photosynthetron, which containswhite LEDs as the light source. Irrespective of growth irradiance,the ratios of FRR to 14C-based initial slopes were almost uniform.The ratios of FRR- to 14C-based maximum rates were 25–36%higher than those of FRR- to 14C-based initial slopes. The relationshipbetween electron transport and carbon assimilation was non-linearwith increasing discrepancy towards high actinic light. Thisnon-linear relationship between FRR- and 14C-based estimatesis primarily due to the effect of physiological processes stimulatedat high levels of light, such as cyclic electron flow and theMehler reaction. The results of this study indicate that theFRR fluorometry can be used as a good indicator of photosyntheticrates from low to middle light levels, but becomes increasinglyquestionable as the maximum photosynthetic rate is approached.The degree to which this relationship is further affected bynutrient-status warrants investigation.  相似文献   

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