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Mantis head grooming is a rhythmic behaviour pattern involving co-ordinated movements of head and foreleg. The probability of grooming is influenced by releaser concentration, while the number of cycles/episode is influenced by concentration and amount of releaser. Within a grooming episode (usually 4 to 6 cycles) successive cycles are longer in duration; this is primarily caused by an increase in the actual head cleaning phase, although all three phases increase in duration. The phase cleaning the femur brush is most sensitive to feedback effects from releaser substances. It is concluded that head grooming is a programmed, i.e. centrally organized, movement pattern responsive to peripheral feedback. First approximations to the model-equations and model-hypotheses are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Horizontal head movements of the praying mantis, Sphodromantis lineola Burm., were recorded continuously. They responded to the presence of a live blowfly prey in the antero-lateral visual field with a rapid saccadic head movement. The angular movement of a fixation saccade was correlated positively to the displacement of the prey from the prothoracic midline. Saccade magnitude and velocity are related. After the stimulus moved out of the visual field, the mantis made a second saccadic head movement, a return saccade towards the body midline. We observed return saccades in which the head overshot or undershot the body midline, as well as saccades which returned the head exactly to its initial position. In 92% of trials with intact mantids, the return movement succeeded eventually in rotating the head back to its initial position, whereas after removal of the neck hair plates this occurred in only 47% of trials. There is a consistent relation between saccade extent and velocity. Velocities of return saccades were slower than those of fixation saccades. It is suggested that sensory inputs from the neck hair plate proprioceptors modify both the magnitude and the angular velocity of fixation and return saccadic head movements.  相似文献   

The compound eye of the praying mantis is covered with approximately 600 bristles and campaniform sensilla. Their afferents project to the brain, and to the suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia. Cutting the eye branch of the dorsal tegumentary nerve (DTN), the peripheral nerve innervating the corneal sensilla, makes it impossible to initiate head grooming by tactile stimulation of the eye. This stimulus is a strong releaser of grooming behavior in normal animals. Head grooming can be initiated, after cutting the eye branch of the DTN, by stimulation of the frons (the operation leaves the sensory innervation of this part of the cuticle intact). Frame-by-frame analysis of films of head grooming after cutting the nerve reveals a reduction of the speed at which the forelimb is brushed across the surface of the head and eye. The significance of this finding is discussed in terms of a putative feedback loop from the corneal sensilla to the motor neurons controlling the grooming movements.  相似文献   

Bidimensional and unidimensional maps of amine-containing components extracted from brains of the praying mantis (Stagmatoptera biocellata) were obtained using high-voltage electrophoresis and chromatography, and high-voltage electrophoresis alone.Bidimensional maps from control insects, i.e. animals that did not receive training, showed four distinctive spots and one less intense spot (number 5). On the other hand, bidimensional maps from trained animals, i.e. mantids that were trained not to attack a moving star, showed the same spots 1–4, plus an intense spot (number 5) and an extra componet (number 6).Unidimensional maps from brains of mantids that were trained not to attack a moving star (‘star-group’) showed two extra components in comparison with maps from the control insects. On the other hand, when mantids received training similarto that of the star-group, but using a fly that could not be caught as a stimulus, instead of a mobile star, they did not learn and their maps were similar to those from control mantids.The techniques used in this paper to obtain the maps suggest that they are maps of peptides of low molecular weight. The possible correlation between the appearance of extra spots in the maps and a learning process is discussed.  相似文献   

Defence responses to approaching objects were observed in the mantis Tenodera aridifolia. The mantis showed three kinds of behaviour, fixation, evasion and cryptic reaction. The cryptic reaction consisted of rapid retraction of the forelegs under the prothorax or rapid extending of the forelegs in the forward direction. Obstructing the mantis’ sight decreased its response rates, suggesting that the visual stimuli generated by an approaching object elicited the cryptic reaction. The response rate of the cryptic reactions was highest for objects that approached on a direct collision course. Deviation in a horizontal direction from the direct collision course resulted in a reduced response. The response rate of the cryptic reaction increased as the approaching velocity of the object increased, and the rate decreased as the object ceased its approach at a greater distance from the mantis. These results suggest that the function of the observed cryptic reactions is defence against impending collisions. The possible role of the looming-sensitive neuron in the cryptic reaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Adult females of the praying mantisTenodera angustipennis were presented with computer-generated images, and the attractiveness of “non-locomotive” prey models was examined. Mantises fixated and struck the “body and leg” model (consisting of an immobile black square on a white background with 2 black lines oscillating randomly at its sides) more frequently than the “leg” model (only oscillating lines) or the “body” model (static square only). This indicates that the model consisting of a static object and moving lines effectively elicits mantis strike behavior, although it is “non-locomotive.”  相似文献   

Abstract. Virgin mantis females, Hierodula patellifera (Serville) (Dictyoptera: Mantidae), exhibit a characteristic calling posture. When holding the body below a branch or leaf, the female curls the abdomen ventrally, flexing it away from the wings and exposing its dorsal surface. The curling is accompanied by pumping movements. The average age at which females start adopting this calling posture is 14 days after adult moult, and it is related to their nutritional stage. Once initiated, females exhibit the posture everyday until they mate. After mating, the behaviour is completely suppressed. Males are attracted by virgin females adopting the calling posture but are not attracted to mated females. The characteristics of the posture and the responsive behaviour of the males indicate that this female calling involves the release of sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Visual deprivation and distance estimation in the praying mantis larva   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Young larvae of the praying mantis, Tenodera sinensis Saussure, were placed on an off-centre island surrounded by a round arena with six black bars painted on a white inner wall. In this situation, it was shown that the horizontal peering movements of the head often seen in mantids are in fact used to measure distances; motion parallax may be involved in this process. Aimed jumps that followed peering were taken to be the distinct result of an absolute distance measurement. Specific visual deprivation such as painting over of certain parts of the eye with opaque black varnish or degeneration of the fovea with sulforhodamine showed that: absolute evaluation of distance is only possible with two fully intact eyes; the peering mechanism is under visual control; and visual experience has a long-term effect on distance measurement involving peering movements.  相似文献   

Summary The praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, is unique in possessing a single, tympanal auditory organ located in the ventral midline of its body between the metathoracic coxae. The ear is in a deep groove and consists of two tympana facing each other and backed by large air sacs. Neural transduction takes place in a structure at the anterior end of the groove. This tympanal organ contains 32 chordotonal sensilla organized into three groups, two of which are 180° out of line with the one attaching directly to the tympanum. Innervation is provided by Nerve root 7 from the metathoracic ganglion. Cobalt backfills show that the auditory neuropile is a series of finger-like projections terminating ipsilaterally near the midline, primarily near DC III and SMC. The auditory neuropile thus differs from the pattern common to all other insects previously studied.  相似文献   

A praying mantis (Stagmatoptera biocellata) faced with a bird (Padda orzyvora) displays a frightening reaction called a deimatic reaction (DR). Habituation of this response takes place after repeated presentation of the bird (no-DR training). The purpose of the present paper is to: (a) attempt an analysis of the effect of anoxia at various times with different types of no-DR training; (b) study the dynamics of those types of training that cause habituation but not consolidation, in order to use these groups of animals as controls of groups that show both habituation and consolidation; and (c) test a correlation between the no-DR memory consolidation and the appearance of specific amine-containing components in high-voltage electrophoregrams obtained from brains of the mantids.  相似文献   

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