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At the end of summer, males of Polistes gallicusfly in swarms around vertical landmarks and land in clusters on their favorite perches, where they drag their legs and abdomen. Here males occasionally crowd around a perched female; they make no effort to defend an exclusive mating territory but instead attempt to copulate by displacing rivals from the female. In this work we describe this spatial-nuptial system, which entails site fidelity without territoriality, unisexual swarms, common patrol routes, collective sexual approaches, and scramble competition polygyny. Mating success is evaluated in relation to the familiarity with flight paths (routine patrollers versus newcomers), to the type of sexual approach (single males versus in- group males), and, in the laboratory, to the individual activity level.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) sequestered in dentine matrix has an important role in dental tissue repair after injury and its exposure at sites of injury may stimulate tertiary dentinogenesis. This study aimed to investigate the expression of TGF- isoforms in mature human dentine matrix and the ability of chemical treatments to expose TGF- on the cut surface of dentine using gold immunolabelling and subsequent scanning electron microscopy examination. TGF-1 was the only isoform that could be detected in human dentine and the nature of the chemical treatment of the tissue influenced its detection. EDTA treatment provided good exposure of TGF-1 on the dentine surface, whilst citric acid and sodium hypochlorite treatments revealed lesser amounts of this isoform. Only minimal staining for TGF-1 was observed in samples treated with phosphate-buffered saline. TGF-2 and -3 could not be detected in the specimens with any of the treatments. This study suggests that TGF-1 is the only TGF- isoform expressed by human odontoblasts to be sequestered in dentine implying that differences in isoform–extracellular matrix interactions may exist. Information on chemical treatment of tissue specimens for immunostaining may provide a useful basis for selection of tissue preparation techniques for clinical restorative treatment procedures to facilitate TGF- mediated reparative processes at sites of dental injury.  相似文献   

The extracellular -glucosidase from the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 is mainly bound to the cell wall of the fungus and only partially released into the medium. Isolation of the cell walls and its hydrolysis by enzymatic treatment with Aspergillus niger cellulase released -glucosidase, which appeared tightly associated with a cell wall polysaccharide. This polysaccharide was purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography and was shown to consist of mannose, galactose, glucose, galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid. It was devoid of protein and phosphate. It reassociated both with extracellular -glucosidase as well as -glucosidase released from the fungus' cell wall. Addition of the polysaccharide to the -glucosidase in vitro increased the enzyme's activity against 4-nitrophenyl--glucoside twofold. These findings suggest, that the isolated polysaccharide functions as an anchor glycan for the -glucosidase in Trichoderma reesei.  相似文献   

A -amylase (EC was identified in the outer pericarp (P) of developing seeds of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and compared with the well known -amylase which is synthesized during seed development in the starchy endosperm (E). The enzyme P already exists in the tissues before anthesis and vanishes at the time when E starts to accumulate. The isoelectric-focusing patterns of P and E are very similar. The relative molecular weight (Mr) of P is slightly higher than that of E (66 and 64.5 kDa, respectively). Both P and E exhibit common epitopes in addition to epitopes specific for each of them. The two enzymes were identified in small amounts in the green tissues of the developing seeds (inner pericarp and testa). No antigenic difference was detected between P and the -amylases of roots and leaves.Abbreviations P pericarp -amylase - E endosperm -amylase - IS1 anti--amylase immune serum - IS2 anti- and anti- amylase immune serum - IS3 anti- amylase immune serum - IEF isoelectric focusing - IgG immunoglobulin G The authors thank Dr. P. Ziegler (Universität Bayreuth, FRG) for stimulating discussion and for useful suggestions during the writing of the text. The authors thank Miss C. Mayer for her skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of these studies was to link together concepts related to attention/working memory and feedforward/feedback activity using MEG response profiles obtained in humans. Similar to recent studies of attention in monkeys, we show early spike-like activity (<200 ms poststimulus), most likely reflecting an early transient excitatory response mixed with feedback influences, followed by slow-wave activity (>200 ms poststimulus) in MEG cortical response profiles evoked by a visual working memory task. We experimentally dissociated the early transient activity from the later sustained activity (predominately feedback) by conducting an auditory size classification task. Words, representing common objects, evoked activity in occipital cortex (presumably due to imagery) even though visual stimuli were not present in this task. The initial spike was absent from the response profile obtained from occipital cortex, leaving only slow-wave activity, thereby allowing us to characterize or profile feedback activity in this situation. Attention or task relevance enhanced the initial spike and slow-wave activity in visually responsive areas. Prefrontal activity, along the superior frontal sulcus, evoked by the working memory task, was active later in time than initial activity in visual cortex and later than the earliest effect of attention modulation in visual cortex.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An Hand von 229 Brutbeginn-Daten von freilebenden Gänsen, die während der Jahre 1956–1966 in Seewiesen (Obb.) (48°N, 11°11E) brüteten, wurden die mittleren Brutbeginn-Daten von 5 Gänsearten und von Artbastarden bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, daß die untersuchten Arten unter diesen Bedingungen in derselben Reihenfolge brüteten, wie ihre Artgenossen in freier Wildbahn. Die mittleren Brutbeginn-Termine wurden allerdings um so mehr vorverlegt, je später die Art normalerweise brütet (Abb. 1). , die mit artfremden verpaart waren, brüteten zur selben Zeit wie ihre Artgenossen, die mit artgleichen verpaart waren (Abb. 1). GraugansxSchneegans-Bastard-, die mit Schneegantern verpaart waren, begannen meist nach den Graugänsen, aber stets vor den Schneegänsen zu brüten (Abb. 1, 2). Das intermediäre Brüten dieser wird als starkes Argument für die Richtigkeit der Hypothese gewertet, nach welcher die artspezifisch verschiedenen Brutzeiten wenigstens zum Teil genetisch bedingt sind. In der Diskussion wird die Frage kritisch erörtert, wie weit schon allein die Tatsache, daß die verschiedenen Arten über Generationen hinweg in derselben Reihenfolge wie ihre wildlebenden Artgenossen zu brüten beginnen, als Beweis für derartige genetische Unterschiede angesehen werden kann.
Summary In 229 cases onset of breeding was recorded from free-living geese of 5 species and of some hybrids of these species, kept in Seewiesen/Obb. (48° N, 11° 11E) from 1956 to 1966. It was found that the species under these conditions bred in the same seasonal sequence as did wild birds. The mean breeding times, however, were found to be advanced in relation to the onset of breeding in the wild (Fig. 1). This was especially evident in the case of late-breeding species. paired with of another species came into breeding condition at the same time as paired with of the same species (Fig. 1). GraylegxSnowgoose hybrid paired with Snowgoose in most cases started to breed later than Greyleg geese but always earlier than the mean breeding time for Snowgeese (Fig. 1, 2). This intermediate breeding time is taken as a strong argument for the hypothesis that the species specific differences in breeding times are, at least in part, genetic in origin. The question as to the extent to which the differences in breeding times alone, persisting for generations in the same sequence as those of wild birds, can be attributed to genetic differences between the species, is critically discussed.

Zusammenfassung Das Zetern der Amseln wurde von 1969 bis 1972 in einem sehr regelmäßig besetzten Revier automatisch registriert. Sowohl das Zetern sämtlicher registrierter Amseln, als auch das Zetern bestimmter Individuen gehorchen den meisten Aschoff'schen Regeln. Zwischen Individuen sind die Zeteranfänge äußerst unterschiedlich, die Zeterenden dagegen nicht. Die individuellen Zeteranfänge reichen in der Vergleichszeit von ca. 50 min bis 20 min vor Sonnenaufgang (Mittelwerte für 1/3 Monat).
The alarm-call activity of the Blackbird
Summary In a very regulary occupied district the alarm-call (Zetern) of blackbirds was automatically recorded from 1969 till 1972. The Zetern of all recorded blackbirds as well as the Zetern of single individuals obey to most of Aschoff's rules. Among the individuals the beginnings of the Zetern are extremly different, but not the endings of the Zetern.The interindividual beginnings of Zetern in the comparable time reach from about 50 min. to about 20 min. before sunrise (mean values for 1/3 of a month).

Zusammenfassung 1. Es wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluß kurzfristige und langfristige Salzgehaltsveränderungen auf verschiedene Standortformen der RotalgeDelesseria sanguinea und der BraunalgeFucus serratus haben. Als Kriterium des Lebenszustandes wurde die photosynthetische Leistung gewählt. Die Algen wurden folgenden Salzgehaltskonzentrationen ausgesetzt: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 S.2. Die Versuche ergaben, daß kurzfristige Konzentrationsveränderungen (30 min) — sowohl Erniedrigung als auch Erhöhung des Salzgehaltes — die photosynthetische Leistung stimulieren. Ein langfristiger Aufenthalt (24 Std) unter den veränderten Bedingungen bewirkt, sofern diese innerhalb der Toleranzgrenzen der Algen liegen, einen Ausgleich der anfänglichen Stimulation. Außerhalb der Toleranzgrenzen liegende Konzentrationen rufen nach der Stimulation eine Leistungsdepression hervor. Bei Rückübertragung in den Ausgangssalzgehalt sind die Depressionen teilweise reversibel.3. Im hypotonischen Milieu verhalten sich die Delesserien der verschiedenen Standorte (Helgoland, Kattegat, Kieler Bucht) gleich: in 5 S treten starke Depressionen auf. Nordsee-Delesserien sind im hypertonischen Milieu weniger empfindlich, sie zeigen noch bei 50 S eine gesteigerte photosynthetische Leistung. In diesem Bereich sind die Ostseeformen schon schwer geschädigt. Am empfindlichsten gegenüber allen Konzentrationsänderungen ist die BrackwasserformDelesseria sanguinea formalanceolata aus der Kieler Bucht.4.Fucus serratus aus dem Litoral von Helgoland zeichnet sich im Gegensatz zu der submers lebenden Form der Ostsee, die sich ähnlich wieDelesseria verhält, in allen untersuchten Konzentrationsbereichen durch eine unveränderte photosynthetische Leistung aus. Die beiden Standortformen vonFucus entsprechen gemäß der Einteilung vonMontfort (1931) dem resistenten Typ und dem Stimulations-Depressionstyp.
On the influence of salinity on photosynthetic performance of various ecotypes ofDelesseria sanguinea andFucus serratus
The phaeophyceanF. serratus and the rhodophyceanD. sanguinea came from the North Sea (30 S) and the Baltic Sea (15 S). The activity of photosynthesis was taken as a criterion of algae vitality. Experiments were made in salinity concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 S. Thirty-minute exposures to sub- or supranormal salinities stimulate photosynthesis. Within their physiological salinity ranges the algae assume normal photosynthetic rates within 24 hours. Extreme salinities cause a reduction in photosynthetic activity; this reduction mostly disappears, however, after re-transfer into normal salinity conditions. At 5 S all test individuals ofDelesseria from different locations exhibit a reduction of photosynthetic rates. At 50 SDelesseria from the North Sea still show increased activity, whileDelesseria from the Baltic are already severely damaged. The brackish-water formD. sanguinea (formalanceolata) is most sensitive to salinity variations. The photosynthetic activity ofF. serratus from Helgoland does not vary in all salinities employed. The range of test salinities corresponds to that of the habitat in the littoral zone, where high salinities occur during air exposure, and low salinities, during rainfall. By contrast, inF. serratus from the Baltic Sea occurring only in the sublittoral zone, photosynthetic rates are similarly affected by salinity as inDelesseria.

We purified recombinant bovine -lactoglobulin (r-LG) from the culture supernatant of transformed yeast and investigated whether r-LG maintained the functional ability and antigenicity of native -LG. Immunostaining following gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography confirmed that r-LG was purified homogeneously. r-LG showed almost the same retinol-binding ability as native -LG purified from bovine milk. However, affinities of two anti--LG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to r-LG were different from those to native -LG, although three other mAbs bound these two proteins equally. Since our panel of five mAbs has been previously shown to be able to detect structural changes occurring in -LG, this variance in antigenicity can be attributed to conformational differences between r-LG and native -LG. Then, we studied which step in the production and purification procedure was responsible for altering the antigenicity of r-LG. Bovine milk native -LG was added to several steps in this procedure and purified in the same manner as r-LG. The results suggested that incubation in the yeast culture had adverse effects on maintaining the antigenicity of this recombinant protein. We conclude from these results that even if no difference between the native and recombinant proteins can be detected by functional analysis, some subtle conformational change which can be distinguished by mAbs may be incorporated into the recombinant protein during its production and ultimately cause a different immune reaction in vivo.Abbreviations -LG, -lactoglobulin; r-LG, recombinant -LG; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PBS-Tween, PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

Steryl glycosides are the predominant form of sterol at 88% of the total sterol in non-betalain producing calli of Beta vulgaris. The total sterol decreases and sterol form shifts from steryl glycosides to 97% free sterol upon the transition of non-betalain to betalain producing calli. A substantial decrease in stigmasterol (24--ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3-ol) and sitosterol (24-ethylcholest-5-en-3-ol) levels is observed during this transition, and alters the ratio of 7:5 sterols. Spinasterol (24- ethyl-5-cholesta-7,22E-dien-3-ol) is the dominant sterol at 43% and 95% of the total sterol in non-betalain producing and betalain producing calli. The level of 22-dihydrospinasterol (24-ethyl-5-cholest-7-en-3-ol) is reduced in both calli to 3% from 25% in leaves. Lanosterol (4,4,14-trimethyl-cholesta-8(9),24-dien-3-ol) and cycloartenol (9,19-cyclopropyl-4,4,14-trimethyl-cholest-24-en-3-ol) were identified in betalain and nonbetalain producing callus respectively.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopical investigation of the nucleolo-cytoplasmic pathway was carried out in pilocarpine-stimulated exocrine pancreatic acinar cells. About 200 nuclei with peripheral nucleoli were investigated. In previous experiments it has been shown by means of radioautography that these nucleoli release considerable amounts of RNA or RNA-containing substances directly into the cytoplasm.Only in a very few cases do the peripheral nucleoli touch the inner nuclear membrane. In general a narrow zone of chromatin seperates the nucleolus from the nuclear envelope. Frequently the peripheral nucleoli are in direct contact with the so-called intranuclear channels of the pore complex. Without exception the nuclear envelope is closed in the vicinity of peripheral nucleoli and shows its typical structure. An extrusion of nucleolar substances could not be demonstrated in electron micrographs. The functional significance of the displacement of the nucleolus from the center to the peripheral region of the nucleus is discussed.It is suggested that the homogeneous appearance of the karyoplasm, as usually obtained after osmium fixation, gives a very good image of the intravital situation in the normal interphase nucleus. Lack of homogeniety of the karyoplasm, found sometimes after osmium fixation and regularly after aldehyde fixation, seems to be due to the method of tissue preparation. Especially the appearance of nucleolus associated chromatin as commonly described seems to be the result of fixation procedure. The fact, that the so-called intranuclear channels of the pore complex become visible seems to be another consequence of the method of preparation.

Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Büchner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary Several different fixatives were used in order to obtain the best preservation of fine structure in the chromaffin cells of hamster adrenal medulla. The best fixative for both immersion-fixation and perfusion-fixation contained glutaraldehyde (2.5%) and formaldehyde (4%). After fixation by immersion of the gland, both dark and light cells are found, but glands fixed by perfusion contain a homogeneous population of light cells, which were very well preserved.The plasma membrane along the free surface of chromaffin cells showed a large number of omega-shaped invaginations that usually contained a dense core or fibre-like material; the extracellular dense cores were very similar to those of intact secretory granules. Rarely, the extracellular dense cores were very large and resembled the contents of a secondary lysosome. Several coated pits were found on the inner surface of each omega-shaped invagination.A prominent Golgi zone, containing many coated vesicles, is typical of these chromaffin cells. The coated vesicles are of two kinds, one with and one without electron-dense contents. Coated vesicles were frequently found in close contact with, or fused with, pro-secretory granules.Both authors are Wellcome Research Fellows. This work is supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council. We appreciate the technical assistance of Mr. P. T. Edwards.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates a procedure for the rapid development of a high number of somatic embryos from embryogenic suspension culture. This method might be efficient for mass propagation of Phnix dactylifera L. Embryogenic callus placed in liquid medium with 10–5M ABA yielded an average 72 embryos per 100ml of culture medium within 2months, while those placed on solid medium yielded an average of 33, 20 and 16 embryos per 100ml of culture medium respectively for 10–7, 10–6 and 10–5 M ABA after 4months. The combination of 2,4-DIchlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (4.5×10–7M), glutamine (6.7×10–4M), and ABA (10–5M) (L8 liquid medium) showed a beneficial effect on somatic embryos production compared to 2,4-D and glutamine alone, while this combination significantly (p<0.05) increased the accumulation of storage proteins (144 and 138mgg–1 DW respectively for Jihel and Bousthami noir cultivars) in somatic embryos. The somatic embryos which underwent maturation on medium containing only 4.5×10–7M 2,4-D and 10–5M ABA (L6 liquid medium) accumulated more sugars (292 and 265mgg–1 DW respectively for Jihel and Bousthami noir) than those matured on any other liquid medium. Histological studies revealed that somatic embryos (developed in L6 and L8 liquid media) accumulated less reserve compounds (proteins and sugars) than zygotic embryos. The addition of activated charcoal (0.25 and 0.5gl–1) and phytagel® (2.5gl–1) to the germination medium may be useful for enhancing the germination of Phnix dactyliferasomatic embryos.  相似文献   

Conformation of a nonhydrolyzable adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogue, adenylyl-(,-methylene)-diphosphonate (AMPPCP) bound at the active site of yeast hexokinase-PII was determined by proton two-dimensional transferred nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (TRNOESY) and molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of the glucose-induced domain closure on the conformation of the nucleotide was evaluated by making measurements on two different complexes: PIIAMPPCPMg(II) and PIIGlcAMPPCPMg(II). TRNOE measurements were made at 500 MHz, 10°C, as a function of several mixing times varying in the range of 40 to 200 ms. Interproton distances derived from the analysis of NOE buildup curves were used as restraints in molecular dynamics simulations to determine the conformation of the enzyme bound nucleotide. The adenosine moiety was found to bind in high anti conformation with a glycosidic torsion angle = 48 ± 5 degrees in both complexes. However, significant differences in the conformations of the ribose and triphosphoryl chain of the nucleotide are observed between the two complexes. The phase angles of pseudorotation P in PIIAMPPCPMg(II) and PIIGlcAMPPCPMg(II) are 87 degrees and 77 degrees, describing a OE and OT4 sugar pucker and the amplitudes of the sugar pucker () are 37 degrees and 61 degrees, respectively.  相似文献   

The action of thyroid hormones on the expression of the mitochondrial ATP synthase -subunit gene (ATPsyn) is controversial. We detected a binding site for the thyroid hormone receptor between-366 and-380 in the human ATPsyn gene by DNase I footprint analysis and band-shift assays. However, expression vectors in which the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene is driven by the 5 upstream region of ATPsyn gene were unresponsive to T3 when transiently transfected to HepG2 or GH4C1 cells. CAT constructs driven by the rat phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) or the growth hormone (GH) promoters were stimulated several fold by T3 in parallel experiments. It is proposed that the biological effects of thyroid hormones on the ATPsyn expression occur through indirect mechanisms.  相似文献   

Vitamin A metabolites are potent teratogens in a wide variety of species, including man. Transforming growth factor betas (TGF-s) are involved in several mammalian prenatal developmental processes. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous and excessive all-trans retinoic acid on TGF2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex of the rat. Many of the malformations including exencephaly, exophtalmus, abdominal wall defects, extremity reduction defects observed in this study were dependent on the time of administration of retinoic acid. TGF-2 was diversely expressed, as revealed immunohistochemically, in the cerebral cortex and plexus choroideus. The diversity depended on the gestational day and the was affected by the administration of retinoic acid. In the 15-day-old fetus from mothers who had been fed by gavage a single dose of 60mg/kg body weight of all-trans retinoic acid on the 8th day of gestation, TGF-2 immunoreactivity in the brain was decreased. However, by the 18th day of gestation, TGF-2 expression increased. The expression of TGF-2 in fetuses whose mothers had been given all-trans retinoic acid after the neurulation period (on day 12 of gestation) was generally similar to that in a control group. We conclude that all-trans retinoic acid leads to severe congenital malformations if administered before neurulation whereas if given after neurulation, it is not so teratogenic. Further, retinoic acid has a variable effect on the expression of TGF-2.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated HLA-DR antigens from eight homozygous typing cells (HTC) expressing the HLA-DRw8 specificity revealed a clustering of polymorphic chain patterns into distinct electrophoretic variants. The variant patterns correlate with three discrete HLA-D clusters that are defined in the mixed leukocyte culture reaction (MLR) using DRw8-positive HTC. These HLA-D clusters have been provisionally designated Dw8.1, detected primarily in Caucasoids, Dw8.2, detected primarily in American Indians, and Dw8.3, detected predominantly in Orientals. All three HLA-Dw8.1 cell lines express a single DR-locus product as defined by immunoprecipitation with a DR-specific monoclonal antibody, P4.1. This DR chain is identical among the Dw8.1 cell lines and different from the DR chains of the Dw8.2 and Dw8.3 cell lines. Two separate Dw8.2 HTC express a shared DR chain that is slightly more basic than the 8.1 DR molecule; interestingly, one of these lines also expresses an additional DR-like chain not found in the other cells. Thus, the two lines defining the Dw8.2 cluster share one distinct class 11 molecule, but differ in another and therefore are not biochemically HLA-identical. Cells from the Dw8.3 cluster are likewise distinct from all other Dw8 clusters. One additional DRw8-positive HTC has been analyzed and found to be distinct from the Dw8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 clusters by both MLR and 2D gels. lmmunoprecipitates using monoclonal antibody 1B5 [anti-DR and anti-DQ(DS)] identify additional polymorphic class II variants among the cell lines tested. These data indicate that HLA-DRw8 is a public serologic specificity present on class II molecules expressed on multiple distinct haplotypes. These haplotypes differ from each other in expression of polymorphic class II molecules encoded by at least two HLA loci. They also differ in HLA-D, even though they all type as HLA-DRw8 homozygous. In Dw8.2, variation in expressed chains is not reflected in variation in HLA-D, indicating that MLR, as well as serologic typing, does not detect the full degree of allelic polymorphism within HLA.  相似文献   

Mauritania: A neocolonial desert   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conclusion The Mauritanian ruling class, imposed upon the masses in 1960, continued to be assisted and advised by French cooperants techniques in the post-colonial period working closely with international finance capital, and have been promising their subjects that the construction of their society depended on the successful operation of multinational cooperation, represented in the country by MIFERMA and SOMIMA. By the 1970's it became clear to the majority of the Mauritanian people that these foreign firms were carrying out the systematic pillage of their resources rather than stimulating the development of their country; and that the rapid growth of the extractive sector was part of a radical process of peripherization, which has woven the Mauritanian economy and society into the capitalist center. Moreover, external economic aid pushed the neo-colonial state into the debt trap. Accordingly, Bonte observed that while production apparently increased and while private capital certainly flowed into the country, it flowed out in even larger quantities. These flows led to a persistent deficit in the balance of payment and to a growing debt [95]. This trend has been worsening in recent years. Without loans from European, American, and conservative Arab regimes, the neo-colonial state would have collapsed financially. Indeed, from 1970 to 1975, foreign loans provided between 75 and 90 percent of the funds for the governmental development programs [96].The social conditions of the people drastically worsened in the 1970's. For instance, in 1976 a government official admitted that only 15 percent of the total population received medical attention. Moreover, the activities of the multinational corporations have destroyed the supportive communal structures of the rural masses which, in the past, have minimized the consequences of drought and other economic crises. When the 1969–74 drought occurred, innumerable droughtstricken nomads and subsistence agriculturalists found themselves helpless and completely destitute. Confronted with such as state of affairs, they had no alternative but to flee to the mushrooming slums surrounding the urban centers, there to lead mutilated and mutilating lives.For these masses neither Mauritanianization nor nationalization have prevented their growing immiseration. The extractive activities, whether under the aegis of multinational corporations or state-owned companies, which remain dependent on finance capital and its market, cannot resolve the fundamental problems of the Mauritanian people. On the contrary, the operations of these foreigndominated companies negate the possibility of a liberating, diversified industrial process that relies on, assesses and takes into account the primary needs of the people. Only an industry that results in large employment effects generated in proportion to the amount of capital invested and whose management is assumed to a large degree by the producers themselves, can achieve deep development of a country like Mauritania. Extractive industry controlled by multinational corporations cannot generate positive linkage effects [97] to the local economic sectors powerful enough to effectuate their development within a well-planned, culturally integrated, and economically fruitful national social economy. A neo-colonial state of the Mauritanian type — ruled by a class that owes its ascension to power to a retreating colonialism — formed as a mediating mechanism for prolonging the foreign exploitation of its own resources — cannot resolve the basic problems of the people. In short, when the iron ore of Mauritania is worked out, that country will go back to the desert [98]. However, this observation by Amin is apocalyptic, pessimistic, and dangerously deterministic. Another, more viable, more human, alternative is for the northwestern African peoples to extricate themselves from the world capitalist system, and its local comprador bourgeois allies. They must find a way to dis-establish the neo-colonial, inviable statelets and replace them with a confederation of socialist republics devoted to the elimination of exploitation and the construction of authentic national cultures.Mahfoud Bennoune is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey.  相似文献   

Molecular and biochemical techniques have been used to explore the reasons behind low E chain expression in the E + E I-region recombinant strain, A.TFR5. A.TFR5 (A f E k, ap5), a recombinant between A.CA (A f E f) and A.TL (A k E k), carries the E k subregion. Previous results have shown that it expresses the E chain, but at reduced levels relative to E + E + strains. No E chains were detected, which is consistent with the A.TFR5E gene being derived from the A.CA parent, which carries the null E f allele. In this paper, the defect in E-chain expression is explored. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis has localized the recombination event in A.TFR5 approximately 30 kb upstream of E, in the region of the large intervening sequence of E. Northern blot analysis of total RNA from A.TFR5 shows normal amounts of the E message, but no E message. Two-dimensional gel analysis of 15 min pulse-labeled A.TFR5, A.CA, and A.TL E immunoprecipitates shows decreased levels of the intracellular E chain in A.TFR5 relative to A.TL. However, analysis of total cell extracts shows normal levels of this protein. A glycoprotein fraction isolated from total cell extracts of 5 h labeled cells contains normal amounts of intracellular E, but decreased amounts of the mature cell-surface protein. These data suggest that in the absence of E, the E chain (1) takes on an altered conformation that is not as efficiently recognized by alloantibodies, and (2) is found in normal levels as the partially glycosylated intracellular precursor, but is not processed and/or transported efficiently to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts to measure the nesting density or territory size of bald eagles led to a fundamental difficulty, inherent in all such measurements on organisms which are distributed along an irregular boundary, such as a coastline. The length of such a boundary is not a meaningful measure, and neither can a meaningful area be associated with each nest. Mandelbrot's (1983) fractal geometry applies to the problem, but has not previously supplied practical units of measurement for fractals such as coastlines or rugged surfaces. A practical method is given for measuring the extent of such fractals, introducing a unit of variable dimension, the metron, which includes the existing SI units of length, area and volume as special cases. A linear measure, the spacing allows densities on fractals of different dimensions to be compared directly. The method is applied to the distribution of bald eagle nests along the coastlines of two islands in the Aleutians, and an extension of the method to handle distributions on mountainsides and island surfaces is indicated.  相似文献   

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