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Peptides and proteins tend to aggregate under appropriate conditions. The amyloid fibrils that are ubiquitously found among these structures are associated with major human diseases like Alzheimer's disease, type II diabetes, and various prion diseases. Lately, it has been observed that even very short peptides like tetra and pentapeptides can form ordered amyloid structures. Here, we present aggregation studies of three such small polypeptide systems, namely, the two amyloidogenic peptides DFNKF and FF, and a control (nonamyloidogenic) one, the AGAIL. The respective aggregation process is studied by all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations, which allow to shed light on the fine details of the association and aggregation process. Our analysis suggests that naturally aggregating systems exhibit significantly diverse overall cluster shape properties and specific intermolecular interactions. Additional analysis was also performed on the previously studied NFGAIL system.  相似文献   

DNA bending plays an important role in many biological processes, but its molecular and energetic details as a function of base sequence remain to be fully understood. Using a recently developed restraint, we have studied the controlled bending of four different B-DNA oligomers using molecular dynamics simulations. Umbrella sampling with the AMBER program and the recent parmbsc0 force field yield free energy curves for bending. Bending 15-base pair oligomers by 90° requires roughly 5kcalmol−1, while reaching 150° requires of the order of 12kcalmol−1. Moderate bending occurs mainly through coupled base pair step rolls. Strong bending generally leads to local kinks. The kinks we observe all involve two consecutive base pair steps, with disruption of the central base pair (termed Type II kinks in earlier work). A detailed analysis of each oligomer shows that the free energy of bending only varies quadratically with the bending angle for moderate bending. Beyond this point, in agreement with recent experiments, the variation becomes linear. An harmonic analysis of each base step yields force constants that not only vary with sequence, but also with the degree of bending. Both these observations suggest that DNA is mechanically more complex than simple elastic rod models would imply.  相似文献   

The twist flexibility of DNA is central to its many biological functions. Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations in combination with an umbrella sampling restraining potential have been employed to study induced twist deformations in DNA. Simulations allowed us to extract free energy profiles for twist deformations and were performed on six DNA dodecamer duplexes to cover all 10 possible DNA basepair steps. The shape of the free energy curves was similar for all duplexes. The calculated twist deformability was in good agreement with experiment and showed only modest variation for the complete duplexes. However, the response of the various basepair steps on twist stress was highly nonuniform. In particular, pyrimidine/purine steps were much more flexible than purine/purine steps followed by purine/pyrimidine steps. It was also possible to extract correlations of twist changes and other helical as well as global parameters of the DNA molecules. Twist deformations were found to significantly alter the local as well as global shape of the DNA modulating the accessibility for proteins and other ligands. Severe untwisting of DNA below an average of 25 degrees per basepair step resulted in the onset of a global structural transition with a significantly smaller twist at one end of the DNA compared to the other.  相似文献   

BackgroundNon-B DNA conformations are molecular structures that do not follow the canonical DNA double helix. Mutagenetic instability in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes has been associated with simple non-B DNA conformations, as hairpins or more complex structures, as G-quadruplexes. One of these structures is Structure A, a cloverleaf-like non-B conformation predicted for a 93-nt (nucleotide) stretch of the mtDNA control region 5′-peripheral domain. Structure A is embedded in a hot spot for the 3′ end of human mtDNA deletions revealing its importance in influencing the mutational instability of the mtDNA genome.MethodsTo better characterize Structure A, we predicted its 3D conformation using state-of-art methods and algorithms. The methodologic workflow consisted in the prediction of non-B conformations using molecular dynamics simulations. The conservation scores of alignments of the Structure A region in humans, primates, and mammals, was also calculated.ResultsOur results show that these computational methods are able to measure the stability of non-B conformations by using the level of base pairing during molecular dynamics. Structure A showed high stability and low flexibility correlated with high conservation scores in mammalian, more specifically in primate lineages.ConclusionsWe showed that 3D non-B conformations can be predicted and characterized by our methodology. This allowed the in-depth analysis of the structure A, and the main results showed the structure remains stable during the simulations.General significanceThe fine-scale atomic molecular determination of this type of non-B conformation opens the way to perform computational molecular studies that can show their involvement in mtDNA cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Proteins recognize specific DNA sequences not only through direct contact between amino acids and bases, but also indirectly based on the sequence-dependent conformation and deformability of the DNA (indirect readout). We used molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the sequence-dependent DNA conformations of all 136 possible tetrameric sequences sandwiched between CGCG sequences. The deformability of dimeric steps obtained by the simulations is consistent with that by the crystal structures. The simulation results further showed that the conformation and deformability of the tetramers can highly depend on the flanking base pairs. The conformations of xATx tetramers show the most rigidity and are not affected by the flanking base pairs and the xYRx show by contrast the greatest flexibility and change their conformations depending on the base pairs at both ends, suggesting tetramers with the same central dimer can show different deformabilities. These results suggest that analysis of dimeric steps alone may overlook some conformational features of DNA and provide insight into the mechanism of indirect readout during protein–DNA recognition. Moreover, the sequence dependence of DNA conformation and deformability may be used to estimate the contribution of indirect readout to the specificity of protein–DNA recognition as well as nucleosome positioning and large-scale behavior of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The sequence-dependent DNA deformability at the basepair step level was investigated using large-scale atomic resolution molecular dynamics simulation of two 18-bp DNA oligomers: d(GCCTATAAACGCCTATAA) and d(CTAGGTGGATGACTCATT). From an analysis of the structural fluctuations, the harmonic potential energy functions for all 10 unique steps with respect to the six step parameters have been evaluated. In the case of roll, three distinct groups of steps have been identified: the flexible pyrimidine-purine (YR) steps, intermediate purine-purine (RR), and stiff purine-pyrimidine (RY). The YR steps appear to be the most flexible in tilt and partially in twist. Increasing stiffness from YR through RR to RY was observed for rise, whereas shift and slide lack simple trends. A proposed measure of the relative importance of couplings identifies the slide-rise, twist-roll, and twist-slide couplings to play a major role. The force constants obtained are of similar magnitudes to those based on a crystallographic ensemble. However, the current data have a less complicated and less pronounced sequence dependence. A correlation analysis reveals concerted motions of neighboring steps and thus exposes limitations in the dinucleotide model. The comparison of DNA deformability from this and other studies with recent quantum-chemical stacking energy calculations suggests poor correlation between the stacking and flexibility.  相似文献   

Wong KY  Pettitt BM 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(12):5618-5626
Details of the reaction coordinate for DNA melting are fundamental to much of biology and biotechnology. Recently, it has been shown experimentally that there are at least three states involved. To clarify the reaction mechanism of the melting transition of DNA, we perform 100-ns molecular dynamics simulations of a homo-oligomeric, 12-basepair DNA duplex, d(A12)·d(T12), with explicit salt water at 400 K. Analysis of the trajectory reveals the various biochemically important processes that occur on different timescales. Peeling (including fraying from the ends), searching for Watson-Crick complements, and dissociation are recognizable processes. However, we find that basepair searching for Watson-Crick complements along a strand is not mechanistically tied to or directly accessible from the dissociation steps of strand melting. A three-step melting mechanism is proposed where the untwisting of the duplex is determined to be the major component of the reaction coordinate at the barrier. Though the observations are limited to the characteristics of the system being studied, they provide important insight into the mechanism of melting of other more biologically relevant forms of DNA, which will certainly differ in details from those here.  相似文献   

Abasic (AP) sites constitute a common form of DNA damage, arising from the spontaneous or enzymatic breakage of the N-glycosyl bond and the loss of a nucleotide base. To examine the effects of such damage on DNA structure, especially in the vicinity of the abasic sugar, four 1.5 ns molecular dynamics simulations of double-helical DNA dodecamers with and without a single abasic (tetrahydrofuran, X) lesion in a 5′-d(CXT) context have been performed and analyzed. The results indicate that the abasic site does not maintain a hole or gap in the DNA, but instead perturbs the canonical structure and induces additional flexibility close to the abasic site. In the apurinic simulations (i.e., when a pyrimidine is opposite the AP site), the abasic sugar flipped in and out of the minor groove, and the gap was water filled, except during the occurrence of a novel non-Watson–Crick C-T base pair across the abasic site. The apyrimidinic gap was not penetrated by water until the abasic sugar flipped out and remained extrahelical. Both AP helices showed kinks of 20–30° at the abasic site. The Watson–Crick hydrogen bonds are more transient throughout the DNA double helices containing an abasic site. The abasic sugar displayed an unusually broad range of sugar puckers centered around the northern pucker. The increased motion of the bases and backbone near the abasic site appear to correlate with sequence-dependent helical stability. The data indicate that abasic DNA contorts more easily and in specific ways relative to unmodified DNA, an aspect likely to be important in abasic site recognition and hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Proteins recognize DNA sequences by two different mechanisms. The first is direct readout, in which recognition is mediated by direct interactions between the protein and the DNA bases. The second is indirect readout, which is caused by the dependence of conformation and the deformability of the DNA structure on the sequence. Various energy functions have been proposed to evaluate the contribution of indirect readout to the free-energy changes in complex formations. We developed a new generalized energy function to estimate the dependence of the deformability of DNA on the sequence. This function was derived from molecular dynamics simulations previously conducted on B-DNA dodecamers, each of which had one possible tetramer sequence embedded at its center. By taking the logarithm of the probability distribution function (PDF) for the base-step parameters of the central base-pair step of the tetramer, its ability to distinguish the native sequence from random ones was superior to that with the previous method that approximated the energy function in harmonic form. From a comparison of the energy profiles calculated with these two methods, we found that the harmonic approximation caused significant errors in the conformational energies of the tetramers that adopted multiple stable conformations.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genome and methylome encode DNA fragments’ propensity to form nucleosome particles. Although the mechanical properties of DNA possibly orchestrate such encoding, the definite link between ‘omics’ and DNA energetics has remained elusive. Here, we bridge the divide by examining the sequence-dependent energetics of highly bent DNA. Molecular dynamics simulations of 42 intact DNA minicircles reveal that each DNA minicircle undergoes inside-out conformational transitions with the most likely configuration uniquely prescribed by the nucleotide sequence and methylation of DNA. The minicircles’ local geometry consists of straight segments connected by sharp bends compressing the DNA’s inward-facing major groove. Such an uneven distribution of the bending stress favors minimum free energy configurations that avoid stiff base pair sequences at inward-facing major grooves. Analysis of the minicircles’ inside-out free energy landscapes yields a discrete worm-like chain model of bent DNA energetics that accurately account for its nucleotide sequence and methylation. Experimentally measuring the dependence of the DNA looping time on the DNA sequence validates the model. When applied to a nucleosome-like DNA configuration, the model quantitatively reproduces yeast and human genomes’ nucleosome occupancy. Further analyses of the genome-wide chromatin structure data suggest that DNA bending energetics is a fundamental determinant of genome architecture.  相似文献   

Reconstruction and interpretation of lipid bilayer structure from X-ray scattering often rely on assumptions regarding the molecular distributions across the bilayer. It is usually assumed that changes in head-head spacings across the bilayer, as measured from electron density profiles, equal the variations in hydrocarbon thicknesses. One can then determine the structure of a bilayer by comparison to the known structure of a lipid with the same headgroup. Here we examine this procedure using simulated electron density profiles for the benchmark lipids DMPC and DPPC. We compare simulation and experiment in both real and Fourier space to address two main aspects: (i) the measurement of head-head spacings from relative electron density profiles, and (ii) the determination of the absolute scale for these profiles. We find supporting evidence for the experimental procedure, thus explaining the robustness and consistency of experimental structural results derived from electron density profiles. However, we also expose potential pitfalls in the Fourier reconstruction that are due to the limited number of scattering peaks. Volumetric analysis of simulated bilayers allows us to propose an improved, yet simple method for scale determination. In this way we are able to remove some of the restrictions imposed by limited scattering data in constructing reliable electron density profiles.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins are making rapid progress, because of new high-resolution structures, advances in computer hardware and atomistic simulation algorithms, and the recent introduction of coarse-grained models for membranes and proteins. In addition to several large ion channel simulations, recent studies have explored how individual amino acids interact with the bilayer or snorkel/anchor to the headgroup region, and it has been possible to calculate water/membrane partition free energies. This has resulted in a view of bilayers as being adaptive rather than purely hydrophobic solvents, with important implications, for example, for interaction between lipids and arginines in the charged S4 helix of voltage-gated ion channels. However, several studies indicate that the typical current simulations fall short of exhaustive sampling, and that even simple protein-membrane interactions require at least ca. 1mus to fully sample their dynamics. One new way this is being addressed is coarse-grained models that enable mesoscopic simulations on multi-mus scale. These have been used to model interactions, self-assembly and membrane perturbations induced by proteins. While they cannot replace all-atom simulations, they are a potentially useful technique for initial insertion, placement, and low-resolution refinement.  相似文献   

The nucleosome complex of DNA wrapped around a histone protein octamer organizes the genome of eukaryotes and regulates the access of protein factors to the DNA. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleosome in explicit water to study the dynamics of its histone-DNA interactions. A high-resolution histone-DNA interaction map was derived that revealed a five-nucleotide periodicity, in which the two DNA strands of the double helix made alternating contacts. On the 100-ns timescale, the histone tails mostly maintained their initial positions relative to the DNA, and the spontaneous unwrapping of DNA was limited to 1–2 basepairs. In steered molecular dynamics simulations, external forces were applied to the linker DNA to investigate the unwrapping pathway of the nucleosomal DNA. In comparison with a nucleosome without the unstructured N-terminal histone tails, the following findings were obtained: 1), Two main barriers during unwrapping were identified at DNA position ±70 and ±45 basepairs relative to the central DNA basepair at the dyad axis. 2), DNA interactions of the histone H3 N-terminus and the histone H2A C-terminus opposed the initiation of unwrapping. 3), The N-terminal tails of H2A, H2B, and H4 counteracted the unwrapping process at later stages and were essential determinants of nucleosome dynamics. Our detailed analysis of DNA-histone interactions revealed molecular mechanisms for modulating access to nucleosomal DNA via conformational rearrangements of its structure.  相似文献   

Polycations with varying chemistries and architectures have been synthesized and used in DNA transfection. In this paper we connect poly-L-lysine (PLL) architecture to DNA-binding strength, and in turn transfection efficiency, since experiments have shown that graft-type oligolysine architectures [e.g., poly(cyclooctene-g-oligolysine)] exhibit higher transfection efficiency than linear PLL. We use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study structural and thermodynamic effects of polycation-DNA binding for linear PLL and grafted oligolysines of varying graft lengths. Structurally, linear PLL binds in a concerted manner, while each oligolysine graft binds independently of its neighbors in the grafted architecture. Additionally, the presence of a hydrophobic backbone in the grafted architecture weakens binding to DNA compared to linear PLL. The binding free energy varies nonmonotonically with the graft length primarily due to entropic contributions. The binding free energy normalized to the number of bound amines is similar between the grafted and linear architectures at the largest (Poly5) and smallest (Poly2) graft length and stronger than the intermediate graft lengths (Poly3 and Poly4). These trends agree with experimental results that show higher transfection efficiency for Poly3 and Poly4 grafted oligolysines than for Poly5, Poly2, and linear PLL.  相似文献   

J Hermans  A G Anderson  R H Yun 《Biochemistry》1992,31(24):5646-5653
A series of oligoalanine molecules with single amino acid replacements in the middle of the chain has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Differences in stability of the alpha-helix (as free energies delta delta G degrees) were estimated for the following series of residues: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, alanine, alpha-amino-n-butyric acid, valine, glycine, D-alanine, t-leucine (= alpha-amino-beta,beta-dimethyl-n- butyric acid), and proline, arranged here in decreasing order of helix-forming potential. (The results for proline and valine had been reported earlier.) No experimental results were available for alpha-amino-n-butyric acid, D-alanine, and t-leucine at the time these calculations were done. The values of delta delta G degrees, including the three predictions, are in striking agreement with recent experimental results. A combination of free dynamics, dynamics with forced conformational change, and dynamics with forced molecular replacement was used. Conformational distributions were calculated for the peptide backbone of the dipeptides and, where appropriate, for the side chains of the dipeptide and the alpha-helix. The results demonstrate an unexpected level of accuracy for the all-atom model used to represent atomic interactions in the simulations. The simulations permit a detailed analysis of different factors responsible for conformational preferences and differences in stability. These conclusions drawn from this analysis agree with accepted qualitative explanations and allow these explanations to be quantitated to an extent not heretofore possible.  相似文献   

Transcription of kinetoplast DNA minicircles   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Qi W  Song B  Lei X  Wang C  Fang H 《Biochemistry》2011,50(44):9628-9632
The base pair hybridization of a DNA segment was studied using molecular dynamics simulation. The results show the obvious correlation between the probability of successful hybridization and the accessible surface area to water of two successive base pairs, including the unpaired base pair adjacent to paired base pair and this adjacent paired base pair. Importantly, two metastable structures in an A-T base pair were discovered by the analysis of the free energy landscape. Both structures involved addition of a water molecule to the linkage between the two nucleobases in one base pair. The existence of the metastable structures provide potential barriers to the Watson-Crick base pair, and numerical simulations show that those potential barriers can be surmounted by thermal fluctuations at higher temperatures. These studies contribute an important step toward the understanding of the mechanism in DNA hybridization, particularly the effect of temperature on DNA hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. These observations are expected to be helpful for facilitating experimental bio/nanotechnology designs involving fast hybridization.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram-negative bacteria have a variety of functions including passive transport, active transport, catalysis, pathogenesis and signal transduction. Whilst the structures of ∼ 25 OMPs are currently known, there is relatively little known about their dynamics in different environments. The outer membrane protein, OmpA from Escherichia coli has been studied extensively in different environments both experimentally and computationally, and thus provides an ideal test case for the study of the dynamics and environmental interactions of outer membrane proteins. We review molecular dynamics simulations of OmpA and its homologues in a variety of different environments and discuss possible mechanisms of pore gating. The transmembrane domain of E. coli OmpA shows subtle differences in dynamics and interactions between a detergent micelle and a lipid bilayer environment. Simulations of the crystallographic unit cell reveal a micelle-like network of detergent molecules interacting with the protein monomers. Simulation and modelling studies emphasise the role of an electrostatic-switch mechanism in the pore-gating mechanism. Simulation studies have been extended to comparative models of OmpA homologues from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (OprF) and Pasteurella multocida (PmOmpA), the latter model including the periplasmic C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Five long-timescale (10 ns) explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA tetradecanucleotide dimer are performed using the GROMOS 45A4 force field and the simple-point-charge water model, in order to investigate the effect of the treatment of long-range electrostatic interactions as well as of the box shape and size on the structure and dynamics of the molecule (starting from an idealised B-DNA conformation). Long-range electrostatic interactions are handled using either a lattice-sum (LS) method (particle–particle–particle–mesh; one simulation performed within a cubic box) or a cutoff-based reaction-field (RF) method (four simulations, with long-range cutoff distances of 1.4 or 2.0 nm and performed within cubic or truncated octahedral periodic boxes). The overall double-helical structure, including Watson–Crick (WC) base-pairing, is well conserved in the simulation employing the LS scheme. In contrast, the WC base-pairing is nearly completely disrupted in the four simulations employing the RF scheme. These four simulations result in highly distorted compact (cutoff distance of 1.4 nm) or extended (cutoff distance of 2 nm) structures, irrespective of the shape and size of the computational box. These differences observed between the two schemes seem correlated with large differences in the radial distribution function between charged entities (backbone phosphate groups and sodium counterions) within the system.  相似文献   

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