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Since its introduction in 2003, DNA barcoding has proven to be a promising method for the identification of many taxa, including mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Many mosquito species are potential vectors of pathogens, and correct identification in all life stages is essential for effective mosquito monitoring and control. To use DNA barcoding for species identification, a reliable and comprehensive reference database of verified DNA sequences is required. Hence, DNA sequence diversity of mosquitoes in Belgium was assessed using a 658 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, and a reference data set was established. Most species appeared as well‐supported clusters. Intraspecific Kimura 2‐parameter (K2P) distances averaged 0.7%, and the maximum observed K2P distance was 6.2% for Aedes koreicus. A small overlap between intra‐ and interspecific K2P distances for congeneric sequences was observed. Overall, the identification success using best match and the best close match criteria were high, that is above 98%. No clear genetic division was found between the closely related species Aedes annulipes and Aedes cantans, which can be confused using morphological identification only. The members of the Anopheles maculipennis complex, that is Anopheles maculipennis s.s. and An. messeae, were weakly supported as monophyletic taxa. This study showed that DNA barcoding offers a reliable framework for mosquito species identification in Belgium except for some closely related species.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of ceratioid fishes is challenging and frequently based on a small number of female specimens described for each species. Twenty ceratioid specimens caught on Flemish Cap and Grand Bank (western North Atlantic), representing 12 species and six families: Ceratias holboelli and Cryptopsaras couesii (Ceratiidae); Himantolophus albinares (Himantolophidae); Melanocetus johnsonii (Melanocetidae); Lophodolos acanthognathus, Oneirodes eschrichtii, Dolopichthys karsteni, and Leptacanthichthys gracilispinis (Oneirodidae); Caulophryne polynema (Caulophrynidae); and Haplophryne mollis, Linophryne brevibarbata, and L. bicornis (Linophrynidae) were identified by examination of morphological characters. DNA barcode sequences, from the 5′ end of the COI mitochondrial gene, were developed for 18 specimens and compared with all ceratioid barcode sequences available in public repositories. The analyses extended the ranges of some quantitative traits for certain species, highlighted the possible existence of cryptic species in Ccouesii with distinct ranges in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and indicated a close relationship between Bertella and Dolopichthys meriting further attention. The authoritative identification of the 18 voucher specimens made possible detection of erroneous identifications of some sequences extracted from the repositories and highlighting of taxonomic conflicts that should be the subject of future studies.  相似文献   

A comprehensive DNA barcoding library is very useful for rapid identification and detection of invasive pest species. We tested the performance of species identification in the economically most damaging group of wood‐boring insects – the bark and ambrosia beetles – with particular focus on broad geographical sampling across the boreal Palearctic forests. Neighbour‐joining and Bayesian analyses of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences from 151 species in 40 genera revealed high congruence between morphology‐based identification and sequence clusters. Inconsistencies with morphological identifications included the discovery of a likely cryptic Nearctic species of Dryocoetes autographus, the possible hybrid origin of shared mitochondrial haplotypes in Pityophthorus micrographus and P. pityographus, and a possible paraphyletic Xyleborinus saxeseni. The first record of Orthotomicus suturalis in North America was confirmed by DNA barcoding. The mitochondrial data also revealed consistent divergence across the Palearctic or Holarctic, confirmed in part by data from the large ribosomal subunit (28S). Some populations had considerable variation in the mitochondrial barcoding marker, but were invariant in the nuclear ribosomal marker. These findings must be viewed in light of the high number of nuclear insertions of mitochondrial DNA (NUMTs) detected in eight bark beetle species, suggesting the possible presence of additional cryptic NUMTs. The occurrence of paralogous COI copies, hybridization or cryptic speciation demands a stronger focus on data quality assessment in the construction of DNA barcoding databases.  相似文献   

We investigated the usefulness of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COI) DNA barcoding of the genus Bradysia for the detection of immature stages and cryptic species complex. Although the larvae of some species in this genus are agricultural pests, immature stages are rarely identified due to the lack of key morphological characteristics. We constructed partial sequences of the COI gene for 25 species of Bradysia as a first step towards a DNA barcode. Using these data, Bradysia impatiens, B. procera and Bperaffinis were identified from larval specimens collected, respectively, from paprika, ginseng and oak sawdust beds used for cultivating shiitake. Our findings reveal a complex of three species within the Btilicola group. These species were all identified as important pest Bocellaris based on the morphology of male genital structures; however, the interspecific genetic divergence of the COI region was significantly greater (16.1–19.4%) than the intraspecific variation in each species. Therefore, Bocellaris may consist of at least three species. The results demonstrate that COI DNA barcodes are useful for Bradysia species identification.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding methods use a single locus (usually the mitochondrial COI gene) to assign unidentified specimens to known species in a library based on a genetic distance threshold that distinguishes between‐species divergence from within‐species diversity. Recently developed species delimitation methods based on the multispecies coalescent (MSC) model offer an alternative approach to individual assignment using either single‐locus or multiloci sequence data. Here, we use simulations to demonstrate three features of an MSC method implemented in the program bpp . First, we show that with one locus, MSC can accurately assign individuals to species without the need for arbitrarily determined distance thresholds (as required for barcoding methods). We provide an example in which no single threshold or barcoding gap exists that can be used to assign all specimens without incurring high error rates. Second, we show that bpp can identify cryptic species that may be misidentified as a single species within the library, potentially improving the accuracy of barcoding libraries. Third, we show that taxon rarity does not present any particular problems for species assignments using bpp and that accurate assignments can be achieved even when only one or a few loci are available. Thus, concerns that have been raised that MSC methods may have problems analysing rare taxa (singletons) are unfounded. Currently, barcoding methods enjoy a huge computational advantage over MSC methods and may be the only approach feasible for massively large data sets, but MSC methods may offer a more stringent test for species that are tentatively assigned by barcoding.  相似文献   

The genus Corydalis is recognized as one of the most taxonomically challenging plant taxa. It is mainly distributed in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains, a global biodiversity hotspot. To date, no effective solution for species discrimination and taxonomic assignment in Corydalis has been developed. In this study, five nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions, ITS, ITS2, matK, rbcL, and psbA‐trnH, were preliminarily assessed based on their ability to discriminate Corydalis to eliminate inefficient regions, and the three regions showing good performance (ITS, ITS2 and matK) were then evaluated in 131 samples representing 28 species of 11 sections of four subgenera in Corydalis using three analytical methods (NJ, ML, MP tree; K2P‐distance and BLAST). The results showed that the various approaches exhibit different species identification power and that BLAST shows the best performance among the tested approaches. A comparison of different barcodes indicated that among the single barcodes, ITS (65.2%) exhibited the highest identification success rate and that the combination of ITS + matK (69.6%) provided the highest species resolution among all single barcodes and their combinations. Three Pharmacopoeia‐recorded medicinal plants and their materia medica were identified successfully based on the ITS and ITS2 regions. In the phylogenetic analysis, the sections Thalictrifoliae, Sophorocapnos, Racemosae, Aulacostigma, and Corydalis formed well‐supported separate lineages. We thus hypothesize that the five sections should be classified as an independent subgenus and that the genus should be divided into three subgenera. In this study, DNA barcoding provided relatively high species discrimination power, indicating that it can be used for species discrimination in this taxonomically complicated genus and as a potential tool for the authentication of materia medica belonging to Corydalis.  相似文献   

准确鉴定毒品原植物大麻的种属及品种具有重要的理论和实践意义。为了探讨DNA条形码技术用于毒品原植物大麻种属鉴定及品种鉴定的可行性,该研究以60份大麻原植物(分别采自内蒙、黑龙江、陕西延安、陕西榆林4个地区的栽培大麻雌雄各6株及新疆玛纳斯地区的野生大麻雌雄各6株)为材料,通过从其叶片中提取的DNA为模版,利用核糖体DNA基因间隔区的通用引物ITS2和叶绿体DNA的通用引物psbAtrnH进行PCR扩增,对扩增片段进行双向测序,将测序结果进行人工矫正和比对。结果显示:所有大麻样本的ITS2扩增片段序列没有变异完全一致,但psbA-trnH扩增片段变异较大共检测出8种cpDNA单倍型,用MEGE5.1软件计算种间遗传距离,并构建NJ系统聚类树可以有效把这五个地区的大麻样本区别开来,因此证明DNA条形码技术在毒品原植物大麻的种属鉴定方面具有可行性,但其用于大麻的种属鉴定的准确性、可靠性及在其来源地鉴定及品种鉴定中的可能性还有待进一步深入地研究。  相似文献   

Valid fish species identification is an essential step both for fundamental science and fisheries management. The traditional identification is mainly based on external morphological diagnostic characters, leading to inconsistent results in many cases. Here, we provide a sequence reference library based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) for a valid identification of 93 North Atlantic fish species originating from the North Sea and adjacent waters, including many commercially exploited species. Neighbour‐joining analysis based on K2P genetic distances formed nonoverlapping clusters for all species with a ≥99% bootstrap support each. Identification was successful for 100% of the species as the minimum genetic distance to the nearest neighbour always exceeded the maximum intraspecific distance. A barcoding gap was apparent for the whole data set. Within‐species distances ranged from 0 to 2.35%, while interspecific distances varied between 3.15 and 28.09%. Distances between congeners were on average 51‐fold higher than those within species. The validation of the sequence library by applying BOLDs barcode index number (BIN) analysis tool and a ranking system demonstrated high taxonomic reliability of the DNA barcodes for 85% of the investigated fish species. Thus, the sequence library presented here can be confidently used as a benchmark for identification of at least two‐thirds of the typical fish species recorded for the North Sea.  相似文献   

Natural history museums are vastly underutilized as a source of material for DNA analysis because of perceptions about the limitations of DNA degradation in older specimens. Despite very few exceptions, most DNA barcoding projects, which aim to obtain sequence data from all species, generally use specimens collected specifically for that purpose, instead of the wealth of identified material in museums, constrained by the lack of suitable PCR methods. Any techniques that extend the utility of museum specimens for DNA analysis therefore are highly valuable. This study first tested the effects of specimen age and PCR amplicon size on PCR success rates in pinned insect specimens, then developed a PCR primer set and amplification strategy allowing greatly increased utilization of older museum specimens for DNA barcoding. PCR success rates compare favourably with the few published studies utilizing similar aged specimens, and this new strategy has the advantage of being easily automated for high‐throughput laboratory workflows. The strategy uses hemi‐nested, degenerate, M13‐tailed PCR primers to amplify two overlapping amplicons, using two PCRs per amplicon (i.e. four PCRs per DNA sample). Initial PCR products are reamplified using an internal primer and a M13 primer. Together the two PCR amplicons yield 559 bp of the COI gene from Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Odonata and presumably also other insects. BARCODE standard‐compliant data were recovered from 67% (56 of 84) of specimens up to 25 years old, and 51% (102 of 197) of specimens up to 55 years old. Given the time, cost and specialist expertise required for fieldwork and identification, ‘collecting in collections’ is a viable alternative allowing researchers to capitalize on the knowledge captured by curation work in decades past.  相似文献   

Fishes of the genus Herichthys are the only representatives of the family Cichlidae to have colonized the Neartic region. In this study, we used DNA barcode of 64 individuals of the Herichthys bartoni species group to test the monophyly of the species and the efficiency of this tool to discriminate among species. The Bayesian phylogenetic tree and the neighbour joining (NJ) tree obtained from the Kimura two‐parameter model (K2P) give similar topologies. DNA barcoding resolution was very poor (25%). Additionally, the low levels of genetic divergence among taxa preclude the use of threshold values as has been suggested in earlier studies.  相似文献   

DNA条形码在鳞翅目昆虫中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年,Hebert等提出DNA条形码后,快速而精确的特点使它在物种鉴定中得到了广泛的应用。鳞翅目是昆虫纲中第二大目,其物种鉴定任务复杂而艰巨,因此DNA条形码具有广阔的应用前景。该文主要针对DNA条形码概况以及近年来它在鳞翅目昆虫中的研究情况予以综述。  相似文献   

Peanut worm (Sipunculus nudus) is a cosmopolitan species mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical coastal waters. Analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences among S. nudus from GenBank revealed high genetic variation (p‐distance, 0.115–0.235; k2p, 0.128–0.297) and paraphyletic relationships. These indicated misidentification and/or cryptic diversity may be present in the genus Sipunculus. To understand the genetic diversity and to manage the recourse of S. nudus, we collected specimens from coastal waters of southern China and Taiwan. In the phylogenetic topology, specimens can be separated into four distinct clades; three of these clades (clade A, B and C) were only represented from this region (southern China and Taiwan), but the clade D grouped with individuals from Central America (Atlantic coast). Furthermore, individuals of clades A and D were collected at the same location, which does not support the hypothesis that this genetic break reflects contemporary geographical isolation. The four distinct clades observed among coastal waters of southern China and Taiwan indicated underestimated diversity. It is noteworthy that the cryptic diversity is vulnerable under high pressure of human activity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that rbcL and matK are the core barcodes in plants, but they are not powerful enough to distinguish between closely related plant groups. Additional barcodes need to be evaluated to improve the level of discrimination between plant species. Because of their well-studied taxonomy and extreme diversity, we used Chinese Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) species to test the performance of core barcodes (rbcL and matK) and two additional candidate barcodes (trnH-psbA and the nuclear ribosomal ITS); 97 accessions from four subgenus representing 34 putative Lysimachia species were included in this study. And many closely related species pairs in subgen. Lysimachia were covered to detect their discriminatory power. The inefficiency of rbcL and matK alone or combined in closely related plant groups was validated in this study. TrnH-psbA combined with rbcL + matK did not yet perform well in Lysimachia groups. In contrast, ITS, alone or combined with rbcL and/or matK, revealed high resolving ability in Lysimachia. We support ITS as a supplementary barcode on the basis of core barcode rbcL and matK. Besides, this study also illustrates several mistakes or underlying evolutionary events in Lysimachia detected by DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

Four DNA barcoding loci,chloroplast loci rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,and nuclear locus internal transcribed spacer (ITS),were tested for the accurate discrimination of the Chinese species of Gaultheria by using intraspecific and interspecific pairwise P-distance,Wilcoxon signed rank test,and tree-based analyses.This study included 186 individuals from 89 populations representing 30 species.For all individuals,single locus markers showed high levels of sequencing universality but were ineffective for species resolvability.Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing were successful for all four loci.Both ITS and matK showed significantly higher levels of interspecific species delimitation than rbcL and trnH-psbA.A combination ofmatK and ITS was the most efficient DNA barcode among all studied regions,however,they do not represent an appropriate candidate barcode for Chinese Gaultheria,by which only 11 out of 30 species can be separated.Loci rbcL,matK,and trnH-psbA,which were recently proposed as universal plant barcodes,have a very poor capacity for species separation for Chinese Gaultheria.DNA barcodes may be reliable tools to identify the evolutionary units of this group,so further studies are needed to develop more efficient DNA barcodes for Gaultheria and other genera with complicated evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Fruit flies in the family Tephritidae are the economically important pests that have many species complexes. DNA barcoding has gradually been verified as an effective tool for identifying species in a wide range of taxonomic groups, and there are several publications on rapid and accurate identification of fruit flies based on this technique; however, comprehensive analyses of large and new taxa for the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for fruit flies identification have been rare. In this study, we evaluated the COI barcode sequences for the diagnosis of fruit flies using 1426 sequences for 73 species of Bactrocera distributed worldwide. Tree‐based [neighbour‐joining (NJ)]; distance‐based, such as Best Match (BM), Best Close Match (BCM) and Minimum Distance (MD); and character‐based methods were used to evaluate the barcoding success rates obtained with maintaining the species complex in the data set, treating a species complex as a single taxon unit, and removing the species complex. Our results indicate that the average divergence between species was 14.04% (0.00–25.16%), whereas within a species this was 0.81% (0.00–9.71%); the existence of species complexes largely reduced the barcoding success for Tephritidae, for example relatively low success rates (74.4% based on BM and BCM and 84.8% based on MD) were obtained when the sequences from species complexes were included in the analysis, whereas significantly higher success rates were achieved if the species complexes were treated as a single taxon or removed from the data set – BM (98.9%), BCM (98.5%) and MD (97.5%), or BM (98.1%), BCM (97.4%) and MD (98.2%).  相似文献   

Abstract Four DNA barcoding loci, chloroplast loci rbcL, matK, trnH‐psbA, and nuclear locus internal transcribed spacer (ITS), were tested for the accurate discrimination of the Chinese species of Gaultheria by using intraspecific and interspecific pairwise P‐distance, Wilcoxon signed rank test, and tree‐based analyses. This study included 186 individuals from 89 populations representing 30 species. For all individuals, single locus markers showed high levels of sequencing universality but were ineffective for species resolvability. Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing were successful for all four loci. Both ITS and matK showed significantly higher levels of interspecific species delimitation than rbcL and trnH‐psbA. A combination of matK and ITS was the most efficient DNA barcode among all studied regions, however, they do not represent an appropriate candidate barcode for Chinese Gaultheria, by which only 11 out of 30 species can be separated. Loci rbcL, matK, and trnH‐psbA, which were recently proposed as universal plant barcodes, have a very poor capacity for species separation for Chinese Gaultheria. DNA barcodes may be reliable tools to identify the evolutionary units of this group, so further studies are needed to develop more efficient DNA barcodes for Gaultheria and other genera with complicated evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Tubers of terrestrial orchids are harvested and traded from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea for the traditional product Salep. Overexploitation of wild populations and increased middle‐class prosperity have escalated prices for Salep, causing overharvesting, depletion of native populations and providing an incentive to expand harvesting to untapped areas in Iran. Limited morphological distinctiveness among traded Salep tubers renders species identification impossible, making it difficult to establish which species are targeted and affected the most. In this study, a reference database of 490 nrITS, trnL‐F spacer and matK sequences of 133 taxa was used to identify 150 individual tubers from 31 batches purchased in 12 cities in Iran to assess species diversity in commerce. The sequence reference database consisted of 211 nrITS, 158 trnL‐F and 121 matK sequences, including 238 new sequences from collections made for this study. The markers enabled unambiguous species identification with tree‐based methods for nrITS in 67% of the tested tubers, 58% for trnL‐F and 59% for matK. Species in the genera Orchis (34%), Anacamptis (27%) and Dactylorhiza (19%) were the most common in Salep. Our study shows that all tuberous orchid species in this area are threatened by this trade, and further stresses the urgency of controlling illegal harvesting and cross‐border trade of Salep tubers.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the suitability of selected DNA regions in the barcoding of plants, based on the species belonging to the genus Lamium (Lamiaceae). For this purpose, nine chloroplast barcodes, that is, accD, matK, rbcL, rpoA, rpoB, rpoC1, rpoC2, trnH‐psbA, trnL‐trnF, as well as ITS nuclear region, and intron of mitochondrial nad5 gene were tested. Among the single‐locus barcodes, most effective in the identification of Lamium species was the trnH‐psbA spacer and matK gene. The high level of variability and resolving power was also observed in the case of rpoA and rpoC2 genes. Despite the high interspecies variability of ITS region, it turned out to be inapplicable in Lamium identification. An important disadvantage of ITS as a barcode is a limitation of its use in polyploid plants, samples contaminated with fungal material or samples with partially degraded DNA. We have also evaluated five‐two‐locus and two‐three‐locus barcode regions created from a combination of most effective single loci. The best‐performing barcode combinations were matK + trnH‐psbA and matK + rpoA. Both of them had equally high discriminative power to identify Lamium species.  相似文献   

Many species of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) have long been used as medicinal plants in China, and some are endangered due to overexploitation. Although adulterants are often added to traditional Chinese medicines, there is no reliable or practical method for identifying them. In this study, we used four markers (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and internal transcribed spacer [ITS]) as DNA barcodes to test their ability to distinguish species of Tetrastigma. The results indicated that the best barcode was ITS, which showed significant inter-specific genetic variability, and thus its potential as a DNA barcode for identifying Tetrastigma. Multiple loci provided a greater ability to distinguish species than single loci. We recommend using the combined rbcL+matK+ITS barcode for the genus. Phylogenetic trees from each barcode were compared. Analyses using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean discriminated an equal or greater percentage of resolvable species than did neighbor joining, maximum likelihood, or maximum parsimony analyses. Additionally, five medicinal species of Tetrastigma, especially T. Hemsleyanum, could be identified precisely using DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Apsiphortica are described from China: A. orthophallos n. sp. and A. sinuatipenis n. sp. Species delimitations are improved by integrating morphological and DNA barcoding information. The intra- and interspecific pairwise p-distances (proportional distance) are summarized for five Apsiphortica species from China. Furthermore, nucleotide sites with fixed status in the alignment of the COI sequences (639 nucleotide sites in length) are used as “pure” molecular diagnostic characters to delineate the five species. A key to all the Chinese species of the genus Apsiphortica is provided.  相似文献   

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