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As part of a study sponsored by the Ministry of Health of Italy, a research program on pathogenic actinomycetes, keratinophilic and pathogenic fungi in soil was carried out. Two hundred soil samples, collected from different areas of the city of Rome, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Latium, Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany and Umbria, were examined by several techniques to detect the widest possible variety of pathogenic actinomycetes and fungi. Seven isolates ofNocardia asteroides, four ofActinomadura madurae and one ofNocardiopsis dassonvillei were isolated for the first time from soil in Italy. In addition, numerous isolates ofPetriellidium boydii, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger and keratinophilic fungi of the generaMicrosporum, Trichophyton andChrysosporium were also recovered.Presented at the VII Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, Jerusalem, Israel, 11–16 March, 1979.  相似文献   

Biological control of maize seed pathogenic fungi by use of actinomycetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effectiveness of twoStreptomyces spp. strains to controlpathogenic fungi was studied in stored maizegrain. The treatments included seeddisinfection and inoculation withStreptomyces spp. strains previously isolatedfrom maize rhizosphere. Actinomycete inoculumconsisted of filtered suspension and totalsuspension of fermentor-producedStreptomyces spp. strains biomass. Treatmentswith Streptomyces spp. strains aloneeffectively suppressed the development ofAspergillus spp., Curvularia lunata, andDrechslera maydis and significantly(p < 0,05) reduced the incidence ofFusarium subglutinans and Cephalosporiumacremonium. Among the inoculation treatments,nondisinfested seed inoculated with filteredsuspension was the only treatment that did notsuppress the development of Penicilliumspp. Maize seed inoculation with totalsuspension of strains was the most effectivetreatment to control the incidence of seedpathogenic fungi. The development of theDiplodia maydis was only suppressed by thecombination of seed disinfection andinoculation with total suspension of strains.Although, the strain DAUFPE 11470 showed thegreatest effectiveness for controlling thefungi pathogenic to seed, root and shootdevelopment was reduced by treatment with thisstrain.The results indicate thatStreptomyces spp. strains reduce the incidenceof seed pathogenic fungi and have potential asa biological control agent. However, an efficient methodof seed treatment with the biological controlagent must be developed before it can become anagricultural practice.  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation of two methods of isolating pathogenic aerobic actinomycetes from a group of Sudanese soils was undertaken. By one method,Nocardia asteroides was isolated from 3 out of 4 soils. By the second method, two strains ofN. brasiliensis and three ofActinomadura madurae were recovered from 4 out of 10 soils. Both procedures seem to be advantageous for isolating pathogenic aerobic actinomycetes from soils.  相似文献   

采用涂布法,从胶州湾海泥样品中分离到224株放线菌菌株,并且从海水样品中分离到32株放线菌菌株。根据形态学特性,菌株被分成了7个组。同时利用杯碟法测定了它们的抗菌活性,其中约7%对金黄色葡萄球菌有活性,11%对八叠球菌有效,10%对大肠杆菌有效,11%对绿脓杆菌有效,2%对白色念珠菌有效,5%对隐球菌有效,6%对绿色产色链霉菌有效和6%对米赫毛霉有效。分离到的22%放线菌对所测定的病原微生物有抗性作用。我们的结果表明胶州湾放线菌能够产生对病原微生物有抗性作用的不同代谢物,这些代谢物可以作为筛选新颖天然产物的独特和丰富的资源。  相似文献   

Summary A total of 94 actinomycete strains were isolated from the marine sediments of a shrimp farm, 87.2% belonged to the genus Streptomyces, others were Micromonospora spp. Fifty-one percent of the actinomycete strains showed activity against the pathogenic Vibrio spp. strains. Thirty-eight percent of marine Streptomyces strains produced siderophores on chrome azurol S (CAS) agar plates. Seven strains of Streptomyces were found to produce siderophores and to inhibit the growth of Vibrio spp. in vitro. Two of them belonged to the Cinerogriseus group, the most frequently isolated group of Streptomyces. The results showed that streptomycetes could be a promising source for biocontrol agents in aquaculture.  相似文献   

A new human pathogenic Phialophora   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Loss of neuronal proteostasis, a common feature of the aging brain, is accelerated in neurodegenerative disorders, including different types of tauopathies. Aberrant turnover of tau, a microtubule‐stabilizing protein, contributes to its accumulation and subsequent toxicity in tauopathy patients’ brains. A direct toxic effect of pathogenic forms of tau on the proteolytic systems that normally contribute to their turnover has been proposed. In this study, we analyzed the contribution of three different types of autophagy, macroautophagy, chaperone‐mediated autophagy, and endosomal microautophagy to the degradation of tau protein variants and tau mutations associated with this age‐related disease. We have found that the pathogenic P301L mutation inhibits degradation of tau by any of the three autophagic pathways, whereas the risk‐associated tau mutation A152T reroutes tau for degradation through a different autophagy pathway. We also found defective autophagic degradation of tau when using mutations that mimic common posttranslational modifications in tau or known to promote its aggregation. Interestingly, although most mutations markedly reduced degradation of tau through autophagy, the step of this process preferentially affected varies depending on the type of tau mutation. Overall, our studies unveil a complex interplay between the multiple modifications of tau and selective forms of autophagy that may determine its physiological degradation and its faulty clearance in the disease context.  相似文献   

Scuticociliatosis, which is caused by parasitic protistan pathogens known as scuticociliates, is one of the most serious diseases in marine aquaculture worldwide. Thus, elimination of these ciliates is a primary concern for scientists and managers in the aquaculture industry. To date, formalin and other toxic chemicals have been used as anti-scuticociliate agents, but issues regarding their secondary effects often arise. Consequently, development of safer methods is necessary. To find out a safe method of controlling scuticociliate populations in aqua-tanks or small-scale natural environments, cultures of 14 phototrophic dinoflagellates were tested to determine whether they were able to control populations of the common scuticociliates Miamiensis avidus and Miamiensis sp. isolated from Korean waters. Among the dinoflagellates tested, both cells and culture filtrates of Alexandrium andersonii effectively killed M. avidus and Miamiensis sp. The minimal concentration of cells and equivalent culture filtrates of A. andersonii to kill all M. avidus cells within 48 h of incubation was ca. 2500 and 4500 cells ml−1, respectively; whereas those needed to kill all Miamiensis sp. cells were ca. 1000 and 4500 cells ml−1, respectively. It was estimated that 1 m3 of the stock culture containing 20,000 A. andersonii cells ml−1 could eliminate all M. avidus cells in 7 m3 of waters within the aqua-tanks on land and all Miamiensis sp. cells in 19 m3 of waters within 48 h. None of the brine shrimp Artemia salina nauplii incubated with concentrations of 50–4500 A. andersonii cells ml−1 for 24 h was dead. Furthermore, none of the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus juveniles incubated with a mean concentration of ca. 2280 A. andersonii cells ml−1 for 96 h was dead. Therefore, A. andersonii cultures may be used as a safe biological method for controlling populations of scuticociliates and can replace toxic formalin. The results of this study provided the basis for developing the method to control scuticociliate populations and understanding interactions between scuticociliates and phototrophic dinoflagellates in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Actinomycosis has been rarely reported in patients with HIV/AIDS in contrast to other opportunistic and common pathogens. We report a case of esophageal ulcer disease, secondary to actinomycosis occurring in a patient with recurrent odynophagia. The diagnosis was made histologically only after repeated upper endoscopy with biopsies.  相似文献   

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