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末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶(terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, TdT)是聚合酶X家族中的一员,与典型的DNA聚合酶不同,TdT以恒温的无模板依赖的方式催化脱氧核糖核苷三磷酸(dNTP)聚合到寡核苷酸的3'羟基端来合成DNA。并且TdT对底物的耐受性高具有聚合修饰型dNTP的能力,如荧光修饰的dNTP、生物素修饰的dNTP,甚至人工碱基均可作为其良好底物。TdT的这些生化特性使其被广泛的应用在生物传感和核酸合成领域中,促进了许多基于核酸的工具和方法的发展,并为酶促从头合成DNA技术的发展奠定基础。介绍了TdT的性质,重点总结了它在其介导的生物检测技术、核酸的修饰技术以及酶促合成DNA技术三个方面的核心作用、目前面临的挑战以及未来研究的方向,以期促进TdT在生物传感器和核酸合成中的进一步应用。  相似文献   

合成生物学作为一门新兴学科,其目标主要有两点:一是利用非天然的分子使其出现生命的现象,也就是―人造生命‖;二是―改造生命‖,比如利用一种生命体的元件(或经过人工改造),组装到另一个生命体中,使其产生特定功能。无论是哪种目的,对生命遗传物质DNA的操作都非常关键,其具体包括DNA的从头合成、组装和编辑等。同时,这些使能技术的进步也促进了合成生物学其他领域的发展。本文介绍了DNA操作相关的合成生物学使能技术的最新进展。  相似文献   

长片段DNA的组装及基于PCR的长片段DNA的精确合成(PAS)是基因异源表达时简单快速合成长片段DNA的方法,适于合成含有较高GC含量、重复序列和复杂二级结构的长片段DNA分子(5~6 kb)。简要综述了PAS技术用于长片段DNA序列精确合成的基本原理、操作步骤、常见问题和解决方法,以及该技术的应用。  相似文献   

生物大分子指生物体内存在的DNA、蛋白质、多糖等物质,其对生物体正常生命活动至关重要.从头合成和设计技术在生物大分子的合成和结构设计上具有自由度高、前体简单等特点,能够按照特定研究目的对生物大分子进行全新设计和高效合成.近年来,从头合成与设计技术在人造基因组合成、新型蛋白质类药物设计、糖缀合物合成等领域已开始受到重视.基于生物大分子从头合成和设计技术,可以定向制备全新设计的DNA或全新的基因表达产物,以及具有识别功能的糖链或糖缀合物,将大大推进诸如细胞因子模拟物、基因治疗递送载体等生物活性物质的开发,为人工生物系统的构建、罕见疾病的治疗等提供新的解决方法.本文就DNA、蛋白质和多糖的从头合成和设计进行了综述,阐述了相关方法及应用,最后概括分析了三者之间的关系.  相似文献   

代谢工程作为通过引入外源合成途径或改造优化代谢网络,进行高附加值的天然代谢产物生物合成的技术,已经得到广泛应用。但随着目标合成产物的结构日渐复杂,构建多基因的从头合成途径造成宿主生物代谢失衡与中间产物对宿主细胞产生毒害作用等一系列问题发生的可能性也随之增加。为解决这些问题合成支架策略应运而生,合成支架将途径酶共定位以提高局部酶和代谢物的浓度,来增强代谢通量并限制中间产物与宿主细胞环境间的相互作用,成为生物催化和合成生物学研究的热点之一。尽管由核酸、蛋白质构成的合成支架策略已经应用于多种代谢物的异源合成,并取得了不同程度的成功,但合成支架的精确组装仍然是一项艰巨的任务。文中详细介绍了合成支架技术的研究现状,详细阐述了合成支架技术的原理和实例,并初步探讨了其应用前景。  相似文献   

真菌天然产物异源生产研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
真菌天然产物是天然药物的重要来源之一,大规模真菌基因组序列测序的完成表明真菌具有产生丰富的次级代谢产物的潜能。然而,许多真菌或生长缓慢,或不适宜在实验室条件下培养,或难以进行遗传操作,或化合物产量极低等,这些因素导致大量有价值的真菌天然产物无法获得。利用异源表达系统对真菌天然产物进行生产是发现新天然产物及解析其生物合成途径的有效手段,并为定向的以合成生物学的手段去合成重要活性分子奠定基础。本文对目前用于真菌天然产物生产的各种异源表达系统进行了综述,并结合最新的DNA组装技术展望了异源表达系统在真菌天然产物研究中的应用价值和前景。  相似文献   

基因组大尺度遗传操纵是指对基因组大片段DNA的敲除、整合、易位等遗传改造。相较于小规模基因编辑,基因组大尺度遗传操纵可实现更多遗传信息的同步改造,对于探究多基因相互作用等复杂机制的理解有重要意义。同时,基因组大尺度遗传操纵技术可对基因组开展更大规模的设计重构,甚至创建全新的基因组,在复杂功能重塑方面具有重要创新潜力。酵母是一种重要的真核模式生物,因其安全性和易于操作而被广泛应用。本文系统总结了酵母基因组大尺度遗传操纵的工具包,包括重组酶介导的大尺度操纵、核酸酶介导的大尺度操纵、从头合成大片段DNA以及其他大尺度操纵工具,介绍了它们的基本工作原理与典型应用案例。最后,对大尺度遗传操纵面临的挑战和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

基因合成技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯淼  王璐  田敬东 《生物工程学报》2013,29(8):1075-1085
基因合成是生物学中一项最基本的、最常用的技术.对DNA调控元件、基因、途径乃至整个基因组的合成是验证生物学假设和利用生物学为人类服务的有力工具.合成生物学的快速发展对基因合成能力提出了日益迫切的需求.近年来,基于微芯片基因合成技术取得了很多令人振奋的新进展,正在向着高通量、高保真、自动化的方向发展.文中综述了DNA化学合成和基因组装及相关技术的最新研究进展和发展趋势,这些新技术正在推动着合成生物学向着更高的水平发展.  相似文献   

DNA合成是生命科学领域的共性支撑技术和合成生物学的关键使能技术。以合成生物学为基础的工业生物技术持续快速发展,迫切需要更加便捷、经济、安全的DNA来源以满足其日益增长的大规模DNA合成需求。工业化DNA合成在通量、成本、速度等方面的优势日益凸显,有力推动了工业生物技术研发效率的提升和研发成本的下降。但是现有技术在生产过程中还存在着使用大量有机试剂、资源浪费等问题。随着DNA合成规模的持续快速提升,有毒化学品危害、成本负担、环境负担等问题日益突出。本文结合我们的工作实践,对工业生物技术中DNA合成需求、合成策略以及可持续发展面临的问题和解决方案研究进展进行探讨。  相似文献   

DNA组装是合成生物学研究的核心技术。随着合成生物学的发展,研究者开发了依赖于DNA聚合酶或DNA连接酶的不同DNA组装技术;为了降低组装成本和便于实现DNA组装的自动化,也发展了一些非酶依赖的DNA组装技术;而几百kb到Mb的大片段DNA的组装则多数依赖于微生物体内重组。文中主要综述了酶依赖、非酶依赖和体内同源重组三类DNA组装技术及其发展情况。  相似文献   

Chemical synthesis of DNA sequences provides a powerful tool for modifying genes and for studying gene structure, expression and function. Modified genes and consequently protein/enzymes can bridge genomics and proteomics research or facilitate commercial applications of gene and protein technologies. In this review, we will summarize various strategies, designing softwares and error correction methods for chemical gene synthesis, particularly for the synthesis and assembly of long DNA molecules based on polymerase cycling assembly. Also, we will briefly discuss some of the major applications of chemical synthesis of DNA sequences in basic research and applied areas.  相似文献   

Chemical gene synthesis is a powerful tool for basic biological research and biotechnology applications. During the last 30 years, major advances have been made in the chemical synthesis of DNA sequences ranging from fragments of <1 kb to multi-gene sequences of >30 kb. There is a need for simple, reproducible, less error-prone and cost-effective methods that guarantee successful synthesis of the desired genes and are amenable to automation. Many polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based and non-polymerase-cycling-assembly (PCA)-based strategies have been developed for chemical gene synthesis. The PCR-based method has been the subject of several recent reviews. Here, we provide an overview of the progress in non-PCA-based chemical gene synthesis using different strategies and methods, including enzymatic gene synthesis, annealing and ligation reaction, simultaneous synthesis of two genes via a hybrid gene, shotgun ligation and co-ligation, insertion gene synthesis, gene synthesis via one strand of DNA, template-directed ligation, ligase chain reaction, microarray-mediated gene synthesis, Blue Heron solid support technology and Sloning building block technology. The fundamental principle underlying each strategy, an example where applicable, and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The emphasis is on discussion of the most recent technologies and their potential applications, particularly for microarray-based genomics research.  相似文献   

2010年,蕈状支原体Mycoplasma mycoides的人工合成,迎来了合成生物学的崭新时代.这种突破性的进展主要得益于酵母自身强大的DNA体内重组能力.近几年来,除了利用体内重组的DNA大片段拼接技术,基于连接或聚合思想的不同尺度的DNA体外组装方法也相继出现,如Biobrick\Bglbrick、SLIC与Gibson等温一步法等,这些方法的应用加快了合成生物学功能元件库、生物合成途径乃至微生物染色体的人工构建.事实上,目前所建立的各种DNA组装方法,均是由DNA分子拼接理念(包括两分子衔接思想与多片段组装模式)衍生而来.文中将在介绍DNA组装基本理念的基础上,对体内、体外主要的DNA组装方法进行简要梳理,希望为不同类型的合成生物学功能器件及生物合成途径的构造提供参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

DNA is a promising construction material for the supramolecular 'bottom-up' engineering of artificial nanostructured devices. The use of DNA for the selective positioning of macromolecular components, the fabrication of nanostructured DNA scaffolds, as well as the DNA-templated synthesis of nanometer-sized and mesoscopic complexes, consisting of inorganic and bioorganic compounds, are exciting areas of current research.  相似文献   

The antibiotic, aphidicolin, is a potent inhibitor of DNA polymerase α and consequently of de novo DNA synthesis in human cells. We report here that in γ-irradiated normal human cells, aphidicolin (at 5 μg/ml and less) had no significant effect on the rate of the rejoining of DNA single strand breaks or rate of removal of DNA lesions assayed as sites sensitive to incising activities present in crude protein extracts of Micrococcus luteus cells. γ-irradiated human ataxia telangiectasia cells are known to demonstrate enhanced cell killing and exhibit resistance to the inhibiting effects of radiation on DNA synthesis. Under conditions of minimal aphidicolin cytotoxicity but extensive inhibition of de novo DNA synthesis, the radiation responses of neither normal nor ataxia telangiectasia cells were significantly modified by aphidicolin. Firstly, we conclude that human DNA polymerase α is not primarily involved in the repair of the two classes of radiogenic DNA lesions examined. Secondly, the radiation hypersensitivity of ataxia telangiectasia cells cannot be explained on the basis of premature replication of damaged cellular DNA resulting from the resistance of de novo DNA synthesis to inhibition by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Insertion of a loxP site in a size-reduced human accessory chromosome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The generation in vitro of mammalian artificial chromosomes, in view of the possibility of developing new technologies for gene therapy, is still an ambitious goal. Mammalian artificial chromosomes, to be used as cloning and expression vectors, have been constructed either by de novo synthesis or by reduction of pre-existing chromosomes. In the work here reported, we introduced a loxP sequence into the pericentromeric region of a chromosome 9-derived X-ray-reduced minichromosome, with the purpose of generating a human chromosome vector (HCV). The modified accessory chromosome is linear and mitotically stable, has lost at least 1400 kb of alpha satellite DNA and normally binds CENP-B, CENP-C and CENP-E. The efficiency of gene targeting via loxP mediated homologous recombination was tested using the histone H2B-Green Fluorescent Protein chimaeric gene as a reporter. The frequency of site-specific insertion of the exogenous sequence was found to be about 50% and to occur in a controlled way with regard to the number of copies. The expression level of the fusion protein was stable over prolonged time in culture.  相似文献   

人工方法合成基因可通过DNA化学合成,这也是基因获取的手段之一,是密码子优化、蛋白质工程、代谢工程及基因组工程等方面不可缺少的技术。本文从寡核苷酸的合成开始,对短片段DNA的合成、基因长度的DNA合成、基因组长度的DNA合成、长片段及基因组水平的DNA组装、基因组DNA的移植等方面的技术和问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

DNA synthesis has become one of the technological bases of a new concept in biology: synthetic biology. The vision of synthetic biology is a systematic, hierarchical design of artificial, biology-inspired systems using robust, standardized, and well-characterized building blocks. The design concept and examples from four fields of application (genetic circuits, protein design, platform technologies, and pathway engineering) are discussed, which demonstrate the usefulness and the promises of synthetic biology. The vision of synthetic biology is to develop complex systems by simplified solutions using available material and knowledge. Synthetic biology also opens a door toward new biomaterials that do not occur in nature.  相似文献   

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