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One hundred twenty-two fecal samples were collected from two troops of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus),living in montane and subalpine grassland, trespectively. These were examined for the presence of gastrointestinal parasites. Five protozoan, six nematode, and two cestode species were identified. Identifications were based on the morphology of cysts in the case of Protozoaand of eggs in the case of helminths. Strongyle nematodes were tentatively identified on egg size ranges and larval characteristics.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 526 baboons (Papio cynocephalus) from 10 troops from the Laikipia district of northern Kenya, from 60 baboons from two troops from the Awash National Park, central Ethiopia, and from 127 baboons from South Africa were tested for Gm and Inv allotypes. Four of the 10 troops from Kenya formed a western cluster and six formed an eastern cluster. The clusters were separated by approximately 10 miles. The samples were tested for Gm (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24) and for Inv (1, 2, 3). All samples were negative for Gm (2, 6, 14, 16, 24). All from Kenya and Ethiopia were negative for Inv (2), and all were positive for Gm (11, 17) and for Inv (3). The south African samples differed from the others in that 10 were negative for Gm (11) and four were positive for Inv (2). Taking all animals into account, polymorphism was present for Gm (1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 21) and for Inv (1, 2). No two Kenya troops had the same array of phenotypes or of haplotypes, but the four western troops were more similar to each other than to the six eastern troops. Three haplotypes were present in the eastern troops that were not present in the western troops and five were present in the western troops that were not present in the eastern troops. Five haplotypes appeared in at least some troops of each cluster of troops. The samples from each of the two troops from Ethiopia show the same three phenotypes but with significantly different frequencies. It is suggested that the variation in haplotype frequencies observed among the 10 troops from Kenya is the result of a founder effect deriving largely from fission of a large troop into two smaller troops. The data show that speculations about the evolutionary origin of the allotypes are premature. For most species, too few animals have been tested and except for those in this study their origins are not known. Finally, the samples have been from too restricted an area.  相似文献   

Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)were studied in a mountain habitat where the effects of high altitude and latitude combine to produce conditions as harsh as those experienced by the desert or hamadryas baboon (P. hamadryas).The population density was as low as that of hamadryas baboons. A survey of populations at altitudes between 1400 and 3000 m showed a strong negative correlation between altitude and group size, with the highest-living groups averaging just 13 individuals and, like hamadryas baboons, seasonally retreating from marginal habitat on the fringes of the range. Foraging activities in these groups relied heavily on the underground storage organs of plants and other items that were time-consuming to find, harvest, and process, placing severe constraints on the time budget. High-altitude and low-altitude groups were nevertheless able to maintain similar activity budgets. This is explicable through an interaction between the patterns of foraging and range usage and observed altitude differences in group size, population density, and home-range size. The behavior of mountain baboons provides insights into ecological effects on behavior both through local altitudinal variation and through similarities to other populations inhabiting marginal environments, notably P. hamadryas.Mountain baboons may represent a significant southern highland population which does not fit into the neat socioecological dichotomy of desert versus savannah baboons.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the sociospatial organization of baboon progressions has a protective function in which the most physically powerful troop members, the adult males, play a key role. This theory implies regularities in adult male progression order for different species of savannah baboons with similar social systems. Quantitative progression data are available from two such similar baboon species, olive and yellow, but not from the third, chacma. The order of movement of 15 adult male chacma baboons was determined from 40 progressions observed at the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana. The chacma males were most often found in the front sixth of progressions, next most often in the second sixth, and about equally often from there to the rear. As expected from the protection theory, this frontal positioning is consistent with available quantitative data from other species of savannah baboons.  相似文献   

The behavioral ecology of mountain baboons, Papio ursinus,cuts across the traditional dichotomy between savannah and desert baboons, providing fresh opportunities to examine socioecological relationships. Mountain baboons were studied at a site where covariation in altitude and group size helps to clarify the influence of ecology on social behavior. One-male groups and lone males were regularly found in the highest-altitude zones. In encounters with multimale groups, a one-male group retreated; the group’s single male attacked his females, herding them far away from the multimale group. The male himself then approached and watched (and often loud-called at) this group. In a two-male group, the younger male herded the females, while the older sometimes defended the group. One-male groups did not show regular, stable aggregations, but two such groups seasonally coordinated their ranging “in tandem.” Ecological explanations for these behaviors and their relationship to the behavior of hamadryas baboons are evaluated, and a new theory of the origin of one-male groups in baboons is developed.  相似文献   

General patterns of organization in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been successfully explained by the model of birth-and-death evolution, but understanding why certain MHC genes are maintained together into specific haplotypes remains challenging. The haplotype configurations of the functionally important class II DR region have been described in few primates and display important interspecific variability with respect to the extent of allelic variation, the number of loci and/or combinations of loci present. Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms driving such variation is conditional upon characterizing haplotypes in new species and identifying the selective pressures acting on haplotypes. This study explores the variability of haplotype configurations in the Mhc-DRB region (exon 2) for the first time in wild non-human primates, chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). Paur-DRB haplotypes were characterized through segregation studies and linkage disequilibrium. 23 Paur-DRB sequences and 15 haplotype configurations were identified in 199 animals. The Paur-DRB exon 2 is shown to be subjected to intense positive selection and frequent recombination. An approach recently developed for human vaccine studies was used to classify Paur-DRB sequences into supertypes, based on the physico-chemical properties of amino acids that are positively selected, thus most probably involved in antigen recognition. Sequences grouped into the same supertype (thus presumably sharing antigen-binding affinities) are non-randomly distributed within haplotypes, leading to an increased individual diversity of supertypes. Our results suggest that selection favoring haplotypes with complementary sets of DRB supertypes shapes functionally tuned haplotypes in this natural baboon population.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study designed to test the hypothesis that a relationship exists among dominance rank, tension, and scratch behaviors in anubis baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis). Our study was conducted on two groups of male baboons, each containing eight unrelated individuals who were approximately 6 years of age and who shared common rearing histories. Focal animal sampling was used to collect behavioral data. Hand scratching, foot scratching, avoid, tension, allogrooming, autogrooming, and manipulation were measured as acts performed per hour of sampling. Dominance matrices were constructed based on net difference of avoid behavior performed and received (adjusted for time sampled). Individual status ranks were grouped into two status classes, high and low. Analysis of variance models demonstrated significant differences in the performance rate of scratching behaviors by dominance rank class, as well as differences in scratching performance by tension class. Individuals in the high status class had significantly higher rates of total scratching, hand scratching, foot scratching, and tension behavior performance than their counterparts in the low status class. No significant difference was found between status classes or tension classes for performance rate of allogrooming, autogrooming, or manipulation behavior. The frequency of scratching and general level of activity were not significantly correlated. The results are interpreted to indicate the possibility that scratching may function as a displacement behavior, which subjectively appears to communicate heightened frustration, anxiety, or arousal.  相似文献   

The genusPlectranthus (Lamiaceae) shows remarkable radiation on the sandstones of southern Natal and northern Transkei in South Africa, where six endemic species occur. Two of these endemic species,P. hilliardiae andP. oribiensis, are included in this study, as well asP. reflexus, for which only limited data are available. The other species that were studied areP. ambiguus, P. ciliatus, P. ecklonii, P. madagascariensis andP. zuluensis. Four of these taxa,P. ambiguus, P. hilliardiae, P. reflexus andP. saccatus var.longitubus, have uniquely long corolla-tubes (20–30mm) and this is related to pollination by nemestrinid flies of the genusStenobasipteron that have proboscides of similar length. Other nemestrinid species of the genusProsoeca have shorter proboscides and pollinate two species ofPlectranthus with shorter corolla-tube lengths (6–15mm). Acrocerid flies, tabanid flies and anthophorid bees are also important visitors to these species. This study on the pollination of seven species of varying corolla-tube lengths shows a correlation between floral tube length and proboscis length of insect visitors, many of which are recorded for the first time as pollinators ofPlectranthus.  相似文献   

Maternal condition during pregnancy is known to influence fetal viability. Recently, primatologists have suggested that certain characteristics of the fetus may influence maternal condition as well. For example, among captive pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) mothers of female infants may be at greater risk of injury during their pregnancies than mothers of male infants. Analysis of the rates of aggression, submission, competition, and wounding among free-ranging pregnant baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park generally fail to support these findings, but several other factors such as maternal dominance rank, environmental conditions during pregnancy, maternal parity, and fetal age correlate with aggression, submission, competition, and injuries sustained by pregnant female baboons.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that juvenile baboons are less efficient foragers than adult baboons owing to their small size, lower level of knowledge and skill, and/or lesser ability to maintain access to resources. We predict that as resources are more difficult to extract, juvenile baboons will demonstrate lower efficiency than adults will because of their lower levels of experience. In addition, we hypothesize that juvenile baboons will be more likely to allocate foraging time to easier-to-extract resources owing to their greater efficiency in acquiring those resources. We use feeding efficiency and time allocation data collected on a wild, free-ranging, non-provisioned population of chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Okavango Delta, Botswana to test these hypotheses. The major findings of this study are: 1. Juvenile baboons are significantly less efficient foragers than adult baboons primarily for difficult-to-extract resources. We propose that this age-dependent variation in efficiency is due to differences in memory and other cognitive functions related to locating food resources, as is indicated by the greater amount of time juvenile baboons spend searching for food. There is no evidence that smaller body size or competitive disruption influences the differences in return rates found between adult and juvenile baboons in this study. 2. An individual baboon’s feeding efficiency for a given resource can be used to predict the duration of its foraging bouts for that resource. These results contribute both to our understanding of the ontogeny of behavioral development in nonhuman primates, especially regarding foraging ability, and to current debate within the field of human behavioral ecology regarding the evolution of the juvenile period in primates and humans. Sara E. Johnson is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at California State University, Fullerton. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology (Human Evolutionary Ecology) from the University of New Mexico in 2001. She uses behavioral ecology and life history theory to address her research interests in the evolution of primate and human growth; ecological variation and phenotypic plasticity in growth and development; ecological variation in life course trajectories, including fertility, health, morbidity, and mortality differentials; food acquisition and production related to nutrition; societal transofmration and roles of the elderly among indigenous peoples; and women’s reproductive and productive roles in both traditional and nontraditional societies. For the past decade she has conducted research on these issues in several different populations, including chacma baboons in the Okavango Delta of Botswana, two multiethnic communities of forager/agropastoralists in the Okavango Delta of Botswana, and among New Mexican men. John Bock is Associate Professor of Anthropology at California State University at Fullerton and is Associate Editor of Human Nature. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology (Human Evolutionary EcologY) from the University of New Mexico in 1995, and from 1995 to 1998 was an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation postdoctoral fellow in demography and epidemiology at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at Australian National University. His recent research has focused on applying life history theory to understanding the evolution of the primate and human juvenile period. Bock has been conducting research among the Okavango Delta peoples of Botswana since 1992, and his current research there is an examination of child development and family demography in relation to socioecology and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Other research is focused on health disparties among minorities and indigenous peoples in Botswana and the United States related to differential access to health care.  相似文献   

A theoretical and illustrative analysis of sequences of actions between pairs of olive baboons (Papio cynocephals anubis) is carried out using the social contingency model originally suggested by Jones and Gerard (1967) in social psychology. The model provides the basis for a step-by-step analysis and a typology. Signals from body postures, facial expressions, and vocalizations are subject to close study by using the model, in a similar fashion to its use in social skills analysis (Argyle, 1988). Sequences are categorized according to individual and joint strategies. Examples are given of three categories of contingency, reactive, mutual, and asymmetrical, which are adapted from their social psychological usage. The model is extended by a new category for competitive relationships between baboons: a conflictive category. The contingencies, as they are shown graphically, have a superficial resemblance to Tinbergen's (1951) zigzag diagrams, but their purpose is distinct in focusing on the detail of both infrequent and repeated interactions. The overall aim of the contingencies is to improve the analysis of social behavior at the proximate level and the model is potentially applicable to observation records at a level of detail that is often not utilized in reporting field studies.  相似文献   

Haasgat is a fossil-bearing cave site that has yielded 83 craniodental fossils of early Papio.All of the Haasgat cave baboon fossil collection may be identified as Papio angusticeps.The Haasgat fossils of P. angusticepsextend the previously known size range of the species as identified at other sites. The concordance of this and other fauna with that of Kromdraai suggest that Haasgat probably dates to the terminal Pliocene. We hypothesize that the Haasgat baboons and associated fauna were accumulated by versatile predators operating in a cave in a montane forest environment with savannah or open woodland nearby.  相似文献   

This study investigated the demographic consequences of fungal infection of a perennial grass, Stipa leucotricha. The rate of parasitism of this grass by the host-specific, systemic fungus Atkinsonella texensis varies over short distances. Infection was frequent (57% of plants) in mottes (clusters of woody plants) but rarer in adjacent open grasslands (9%). To test the hypothesis that the relative performance of infected and uninfected plants differed in the two habitats, infected and uninfected genotypes were collected from mottes in a central Texas population, propagated in the green-house and then transplanted into the same site in replicate plots within mottes, at the edges of mottes, and in open grassy areas. Demographic data were recorded for 30 months over three growing seasons. Plants were observed to lose and gain infection. Infection had no significant effect on plant survival, tiller number or dry mass although infected plants tended to be larger. Uninfected plants had a significantly higher probability of setting seed but there were no differences in seed production by reproductive plants. There were significant effects of planting environment on all of these measures. Motte edges were most favorable for S. leucotricha transplants while motte interiors were least favorable and open areas were intermediate. There was no evidence of habitat x infection interactions; therefore the fungal infection had similar effects in different habitats. The high frequency of infection in motte habitats is best explained by more efficient contagious spread there. The favorability of motte edges for plant growth is substantially offset by higher infection rates at the edges of mottes.  相似文献   

The 1982 observation of the immigration of an adult male olive baboon, Papio anubis,into a group of yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus,in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, constitutes the first confirmed report of interbreeding between the two species within the Amboseli baboon population. We document the social aspects of the immigration and describe subsequent sightings of anubisbaboons in Amboseli that confirm the existence of a previously unrecognized hybrid zone in Kenya.  相似文献   

Eight gastro-intestinal tracts of Cercopithecus mitis labiatus from Karkloof, Natal, and 121 fecal samples from C. m. erythrarchus from Cape Vidal, Natal, were examined for helminth parasites and/or their eggs. Fecal samples from six of the C. m. labiatus were examined for protozoan cysts. Five protozoon and six helminth species were identified from C.m labiatus. Most adult worms occurred in the caecum and colon, gut regions which also contained the highest volatile fatty acid levels. The eggs of nine helminth species were recovered from C. m. erythrarchus fecal samples; protozoans were not looked for in these samples.  相似文献   

Baboons (Papio cynocephalus) imported from Ethiopia were screened for antibodies to various primate retroviruses by immunoblotting. Antibodies that cross-reacted with SIV/Mne or with type D viral antigens were detected in approximately one-third of these animals. In addition, 20% of these baboons had antibodies that cross-reacted with HTLV-I viral antigens. These data suggest that wild-caught baboons are infected with retroviruses only partially related to known primate viral isolates.  相似文献   

The distributions of alleles at the carbonic anhydrase I (CA I = CA B) and carbonic anhydrase II (CA II = CA C) loci in nine troops of Papio cynocephalus were determined. Two alleles were found at the CA I locus, and three at the CA II locus; the frequencies were: CA Ia = 0.856; CA Ib = 0.144; CA IIa = 0.784; CA IIb = 0.209; CA IIc = 0.007. Results of tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, homogeneity tests, and calculations of migration rates were used in support of the interpretation that migration and genetic drift may affect the distribution of alleles at the CA I locus and that selection is the process responsible for the distribution of alleles at the CA II locus.  相似文献   

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