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The European earwig (Forficula auricularia) was formerly thought to present a mosaic of populations differing in their reproductive biology. We show that it is comprised of two as yet unrecognized sibling species. The molecular divergence between the two species, for a 627-bp amplified fragment overlapping the COI and COII mitochondrial loci, is six times larger than intraspecific variation. A species with two clutches a year lives predominantly in lowland and oceanic European habitats. A species with one clutch a year—except in the Mediterranean area where it has two clutches—lives predominantly in highland and continental European habitats. They both invaded North America during the 20th century, respectively, from the west and the east coasts, with no apparent mixing of their populations. The two species can occur in sympatry in Europe and are reproductively isolated by nearly complete failure to produce F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

1936年Szent-Gyorgyi从柠檬中发现了维生素P,认为它能维持血管的正常透过性,并名之为柠檬素(citrin)。其後知道了柠檬素并非单一物质,而是桔皮苷(hesperidin)、聖草苷(eriodictin)、槲皮苷(quercitrin)等的混合物,其中以桔皮苷为最多,因此通常所谓维生素P即指桔皮苷而言。1944年Griffith发现了芸  相似文献   

本文就油菜菌核病病情、发病期及发病部位与油菜产量损失的相互关系进行了模似研究。结果表明:病斑绕茎度是影响产量的主要因素,其大小与产量损失成正相关,而病斑纵向长度与产量损失无明显相关性;发病期不同产量差异显著,以初花期发病产量损失最重,发病期与产量损失线性相关,可利用线性回归方程对产量损失进行预测;主茎发病部位愈近基部,枝条发病部位愈趋于主茎,单株产量损失率愈高。  相似文献   

During a 24-hr period (12-13 April, 1966) continuous records of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, salt spray, and evaporative power of the air were made at Nungua beach, Ghana. Water loss from emersed plants of Sargassum vulgare, Bryocladia thyrsigera, and Ulva fasciata was measured during the same period. The daily march of desiccation in these seaweeds follows the curve for evaporative power of the air. At night the 3 species lose relatively little water and very nearly the same percentage in each case. During the day Ulva is most resistant to water loss, Bryocladia next, and Sargassum is least resistant. This behavior is correlated with the upper limits of the zones they occupy on the shore.  相似文献   

油菜菌核病主茎上病斑长度和面积的扩展与时间间的关系极相关,同一植株上、下部病斑扩展动态无明显差异,中、高两种肥力条件对主茎同一部位病斑扩展动态无明显影响,相对较低的湿度与病斑扩展相关不显著.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Autoclaved sea water and water removed from the shell cavity of mussels supported the growth of coli-aerogenes bacteria. Attempts to reproduce conditions which had favored multiplication of coli-aerogenes bacteria in purified mussels failed.
'Enrichment' of sea water by repeated re-use for storage of successive lots of mussels, in conjunction with sand filtration and aeration under conditions equivalent to 60 weeks of approved purification, did not promote the growth of coli-aerogenes bacteria.
A culture of Salmonella typhi and Salm. paratyphi B survived for a few days only in sea water favourable to the slow multiplication of Bacterium coli type I.  相似文献   

When cabbage plants growing in artificially contaminated, heavily limed soil were maintained at greenhouse temperatures (mean about 23 C.) for periods of up to 12 days and then at shade temperatures in an open-air verandah (mean not exceeding 12.5 C.) for up to 21 days only slight attacks of club root developed. Exposure to greenhouse temperatures for at least 6 days and then in a verandah to a mean air temperature of about 16 C. permitted severe attacks to develop. A very severe attack occurred when plants remained in the greenhouse throughout an experiment, but all the plants were healthy when verandah temperatures only were employed.
It is suggested that exposure to favourable temperatures for infection and development of the disease for 12 hr. daily may permit the occurrence of a moderately severe attack.  相似文献   

褐稻虱取食试验及防治探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文用茚三酮法, 以褐稻虱Nilaparvata lugens(stal)排泄的蜜露面积来测定其相对取食量.试验表明:取食量随虫期增大, 逐日取食分布各虫期呈现明显的峰期(图3);发育历期与累积取食量成幂函数关系: N(t)=0.0531t2.298式中N(t)=累积取食量, t=发育历期(天);褐稻虱各虫期取食率的变化;若以一龄若虫为1计算, 一一四龄若虫取食量比分别为1:1.66:2.10:3.16:10.26, 成虫为73.19;羽化后8天, 短翅型雌虫日均取食量比长翅型雄虫大6.33倍;按褐稻虱的取食行为, 化学防治适期以世代成虫初见期为宜.  相似文献   

李继尧  王玲 《生理学报》1994,46(2):168-175
本工作观察了神经降压素对醋氨酚引起的小鼠在体肝脏和离体肝细胞损伤的保护作用及其与谷胱甘肽系统的关系,结果表明,NT在整体和离体肝细胞增能减轻醋氨酚诱导的转氨酶的漏出,且在离体肝细胞部分翻转了醋氨酚引起的DNA合成速率的下降,在离体肝细胞醋氨酚使细胞内还原谷胱甘肽,谷胱甘肽总含量和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性均降低,但氧化型谷胱甘肽含量无明显改变。NT预处理后再给予醋氨酚,则GSH含量和谷胱甘肽过氧化物醋  相似文献   

The time curve expressing the increase in the permeability of Nitella during the progress of death is practically the same whether derived from measurements of exosmosis or of electrical resistance.  相似文献   

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