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The Adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most complex gene family among GPCRs with large genomic size, multiple introns, and a fascinating flora of functional domains, though the evolutionary origin of this family has been obscure. Here we studied the evolution of all class B (7tm2)-related genes, including the Adhesion, Secretin, and Methuselah families of GPCRs with a focus on nine genomes. We found that the cnidarian genome of Nematostella vectensis has a remarkably rich set of Adhesion GPCRs with a broad repertoire of N-terminal domains although this genome did not have any Secretin GPCRs. Moreover, the single-celled and colony-forming eukaryotes Monosiga brevicollis and Dictyostelium discoideum contain Adhesion-like GPCRs although these genomes do not have any Secretin GPCRs suggesting that the Adhesion types of GPCRs are the most ancient among class B GPCRs. Phylogenetic analysis found Adhesion group V (that contains GPR133 and GPR144) to be the closest relative to the Secretin family in the Adhesion family. Moreover, Adhesion group V sequences in N. vectensis share the same splice site setup as the Secretin GPCRs. Additionally, one of the most conserved motifs in the entire Secretin family is only found in group V of the Adhesion family. We suggest therefore that the Secretin family of GPCRs could have descended from group V Adhesion GPCRs. We found a set of unique Adhesion-like GPCRs in N. vectensis that have long N-termini containing one Somatomedin B domain each, which is a domain configuration similar to that of a set of Adhesion-like GPCRs found in Branchiostoma floridae. These sequences show slight similarities to Methuselah sequences found in insects. The extended class B GPCRs have a very complex evolutionary history with several species-specific expansions, and we identified at least 31 unique N-terminal domains originating from other protein classes. The overall N-terminal domain structure, however, concurs with the phylogenetic analysis of the transmembrane domains, thus enabling us to track the origin of most of the subgroups.  相似文献   

The missing chromosomal elements were cytologically identified in a primary monosomic (haplo-11) and 18 tertiary monosomics (lacking interchanged chromosomes) induced by radiation in the tomato. For the tertiary monosomics all interchanges occurred in the centromeres, and, as with single arms deficiencies in the same materials, deficiencies are tolerated for only 15 of the 24 arms of the complement. Non-homologous pairing was frequently observed in the univalent pachytene chromosomes. The monosomic condition was not transmitted to any of the 11,981 progeny of ten tested monosomics. Reproductive fertility and gross morphology were also studied.This research was supported in part by a grant (GM 06209) from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

We report nine new members of the Rhodopsin family of human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) found by searches in the genome databases. BLAST searches and phylogenetic analyses showed that only four of the receptors are closely related to previously characterised GPCRs, GPR150 and GPR154 to oxytocin/vasopressin receptors, GPR152 to CRTH2/FPRs and GPR165 to GPR72/NPYR. Four of the receptors, GPR139, GPR146, GPR153 and GPR162, have one other orphan GPCRs as close relative while GPR148 lacks close relatives. We have identified in total 37 orthologues for the new receptors, primarily from rat, mouse, chicken, fugu and zebrafish. GPR162 and GPR139 are remarkably well conserved while GPR148 seems to be evolving rapidly. Analyses using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) indicate that all the new receptors except GPR153 have the CNS as a major site of expression.  相似文献   

Essentially we show recent data to shed new light on the thorny controversy of how teeth arose in evolution. Essentially we show (a) how teeth can form equally from any epithelium, be it endoderm, ectoderm or a combination of the two and (b) that the gene expression programs of oral versus pharyngeal teeth are remarkably similar. Classic theories suggest that (i) skin denticles evolved first and odontode‐inductive surface ectoderm merged inside the oral cavity to form teeth (the ‘outside‐in’ hypothesis) or that (ii) patterned odontodes evolved first from endoderm deep inside the pharyngeal cavity (the ‘inside‐out’ hypothesis). We propose a new perspective that views odontodes as structures sharing a deep molecular homology, united by sets of co‐expressed genes defining a competent thickened epithelium and a collaborative neural crest‐derived ectomesenchyme. Simply put, odontodes develop ‘inside and out’, wherever and whenever these co‐expressed gene sets signal to one another. Our perspective complements the classic theories and highlights an agenda for specific experimental manipulations in model and non‐model organisms.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin, the photoreceptor of rod cells, absorbs light to mediate the first step of vision by activating the G protein transducin (Gt). Several human diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa or congenital night blindness, are linked to rhodopsin malfunctions. Most of the corresponding in vivo studies and structure-function analyses (e.g. based on protein x-ray crystallography or spectroscopy) have been carried out on murine or bovine rhodopsin. Because these rhodopsins differ at several amino acid positions from human rhodopsin, we conducted a comprehensive spectroscopic characterization of human rhodopsin in combination with molecular dynamics simulations. We show by FTIR and UV-visible difference spectroscopy that the light-induced transformations of the early photointermediates are very similar. Significant differences between the pigments appear with formation of the still inactive Meta I state and the transition to active Meta II. However, the conformation of Meta II and its activity toward the G protein are essentially the same, presumably reflecting the evolutionary pressure under which the active state has developed. Altogether, our results show that although the basic activation pathways of human and bovine rhodopsin are similar, structural deviations exist in the inactive conformation and during receptor activation, even between closely related rhodopsins. These differences between the well studied bovine or murine rhodopsins and human rhodopsin have to be taken into account when the influence of point mutations on the activation pathway of human rhodopsin are investigated using the bovine or murine rhodopsin template sequences.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that regulate invertebrate visual pigment absorption are poorly understood. Studies of amphioxus Go-opsin have demonstrated that Glu-181 functions as the counterion in this pigment. This finding has led to the proposal that Glu-181 may function as the counterion in other invertebrate visual pigments as well. Here we describe a series of mutagenesis experiments to test this hypothesis and to also test whether other conserved acidic amino acids in Drosophila Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1) may serve as the counterion of this visual pigment. Of the 5 Glu and Asp residues replaced by Gln or Asn in our experiments, none of the mutant pigments shift the absorption of Rh1 by more than 6 nm. In combination with prior studies, these results suggest that the counterion in Drosophila Rh1 may not be located at Glu-181 as in amphioxus, or at Glu-113 as in bovine rhodopsin. Conversely, the extremely low steady state levels of the E194Q mutant pigment (bovine opsin site Glu-181), and the rhabdomere degeneration observed in flies expressing this mutant demonstrate that a negatively charged residueat this position is essential for normal rhodopsin function in vivo. This work also raises the possibility that another residue or physiologic anion may compensate for the missing counterion in the E194Q mutant.  相似文献   

Hoon MA  Adler E  Lindemeier J  Battey JF  Ryba NJ  Zuker CS 《Cell》1999,96(4):541-551
Taste represents a major form of sensory input in the animal kingdom. In mammals, taste perception begins with the recognition of tastant molecules by unknown membrane receptors localized on the apical surface of receptor cells of the tongue and palate epithelium. We report the cloning and characterization of two novel seven-transmembrane domain proteins expressed in topographically distinct subpopulations of taste receptor cells and taste buds. These proteins are specifically localized to the taste pore and are members of a new group of G protein-coupled receptors distantly related to putative mammalian pheromone receptors. We propose that these genes encode taste receptors.  相似文献   

T Takamatsu  W G Wier 《FASEB journal》1990,4(5):1519-1525
A dual, digital, indo-1 fluorescence imaging system was used to obtain high-speed ratiometric images of [Ca2+]i waves in single voltage-clamped mammalian cardiac cells. The spatiotemporal origin of [Ca2+]i waves in depolarized cells was detected as the spontaneous appearance, over 100-300 ms, of domelike regions of elevated [Ca2+]i, approximately 20 microns in diameter and 300 nM at the center. Images of [Ca2+]i taken at 67-ms intervals during propagation of [Ca2+]i waves revealed that the [Ca2+]i wave front was 1) constant in shape, 2) spatially steep, typically rising from 500 to 1200 nM in about 10 microns, and 3) propagating at constant velocity, typically 100 microns/s at 22 degrees C. The observed spatial and temporal patterns of origin and propagation of [Ca2+]i waves are consistent with the hypothesis that [Ca2+]i waves arise from propagating Ca2(+)-induced release of Ca2+ mediated by diffusion of cytosolic Ca2+. The [Ca2+]i waves are smaller in peak magnitude and can occupy a larger fraction of the cell than thought previously on the basis of indirect observations.  相似文献   

The distribution of secondary myotubes and undifferentiated mononucleated cells (presumed to be myoblasts) within foetal IVth lumbrical muscles of the rat was analyzed with serial section electron microscopy. In all myotube clusters for which the innervation zone was located, every secondary myotube overlapped the end-plate region of the primary myotube. No secondary myotubes were ever demonstrated to occur at a distance from the primary myotube innervation zone. This indicates that new secondary myotubes begin to form only in the innervation zone of the muscle. Some young secondary myotubes made direct contact with a nerve terminal, but we cannot say if this is true for all developing secondary myotubes. Myoblasts were not clustered near the innervation zone, but were uniformly distributed throughout the muscle. Myoblasts were frequently interposed between a primary and a secondary myotube, in equally close proximity to both cell membranes. We conclude that specificity in myoblast-myotube fusion does not depend on restrictions in the physical distribution of myoblasts within the muscle, and therefore must reflect more subtle mechanisms for intercellular recognition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of Candida spp. strains in specimens obtained from surgically treated patients as well as to analyze the accompanying bacterial flora, both aerobic and anaerobic. The material came from two groups of patients. In the first group consisting of patients operated for colon and rectum carcinoma, the samples included peritoneal fluid, colon or rectum bioptates, pus, blood, and wound swabs. In the other group, biopsy material and smears from post operation wounds were taken from patients who underwent a surgical treatment of larynx carcinoma. Altogether, 282 various clinical specimens from 165 patients were analysed, and 41 Candida spp. strains were isolated: 39 strains of C. albicans and 2 strains of C. tropicalis. In 20 out of 41 specimens infected with Candida spp. (48.8%) the co-infection with bacterial aerobic flora was found. In 10 cases (24.4%), the fungi were isolated together with aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora, whereas in 2 specimens (4.9%) the anaerobes and Candida albicans were diagnosed. The remaining 9 samples showed only the presence of Candida spp. (21.9%). From among aerobic bacterial flora Enterococcus spp. strains (n = 17) and Gram negative rods from Enterobacteriaceae family (n = 13) were the most frequently isolated. The bacterial strains of Streptococcus spp. (n = 5), Pseudomonas spp. (n = 3), Staphylococcus spp. and Corynebacterium spp. (2 strains, both) were identified more rarely. Bacteroides spp. were the most frequent members of bacterial anaerobic flora (n = 10). Other isolated anaerobic bacteria were classified as Fusobacterium spp. or Peptostreptococcus spp. (1 strain each). E. coli and Enterococcus spp. strains of aerobic bacterial flora were more frequently isolated together with Candida spp. CONCLUSIONS: (i) Mixed bacterial flora was found to predominate in the clinical material from the patients after surgery. (ii) Candida spp. were most frequently found together with aerobic bacterial flora.  相似文献   

The transport of the photopigment rhodopsin from the inner segment to the photosensitive outer segment of vertebrate photoreceptor cells has been one of the main remaining mysteries in photoreceptor cell biology. Because of the lack of any direct evidence for the pathway through the photoreceptor cilium, alternative extracellular pathways have been proposed. Our primary aim in the present study was to resolve rhodopsin trafficking from the inner to the outer segment. We demonstrate, predominantly by high-sensitive immunoelectron microscopy, that rhodopsin is also densely packed in the membrane of the photoreceptor connecting cilium. Present prominent labeling of rhodopsin in the ciliary membrane provides the first striking evidence that rhodopsin is translocated from the inner segment to the outer segment of wild type photoreceptors via the ciliary membrane. At the ciliary membrane rhodopsin co-localizes with the unconventional myosin VIIa, the product of human Usher syndrome 1B gene. Furthermore, axonemal actin was identified in the photoreceptor cilium, which is spatially co-localized with myosin VIIa and opsin. This actin cytoskeleton of the cilium may provide the structural bases for myosin VIIa-linked ciliary trafficking of membrane components, including rhodopsin.  相似文献   

胡雪嫣  张赟  杨恩策  杜明昊 《菌物学报》2021,40(9):2215-2222
环状RNA是一类具有丰富调节潜力的闭合环状单链RNA,其可以通过竞争性结合内源RNA、充当蛋白质支架以及翻译模板等方式,从而参与基因表达调控。本文综述了真菌环状RNA的鉴定流程和难点,为后续解析环状RNA在真菌发育与代谢等过程中的调节作用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Rhodopsin was the first G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) for which a high-resolution crystal structure was obtained. Several crystal structures have now been solved representing different activation states of the receptor. These structures, together with those from lower resolution techniques (e.g. electron microscopy), shed light on the stepwise process by which energy from an extracellular photon is transduced across the membrane to the intracellular compartment thereby activating signalling mechanisms responsible for very low-level light detection. Controversy remains in several areas including: (i) transmembrane helix movements responsible for the transduction process, (ii) the stoichiometry of coupling to G proteins and their mode of activation, (iii) the role, if any, of receptor oligomerisation and (iv) the suitability of using structures of this GPCR as templates for modelling the structures of other GPCRs, and their mechanisms of activation.  相似文献   

The existence and quantification of non-polar conjugates of pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) and androstenediol in human plasma is described. The plasma level of non-polar pregnenolone conjugate is 200% higher than that of pregnenolone but the conjugates of DHA and androstenediol are 10 and 5-10% respectively of the plasma levels of the unconjugated steroid. Non-polar pregnenolone conjugate concentrations were found to be highly elevated in the plasma of one pregnant subject, and elevated in the plasma of patients with acne and breast cancer. Non-polar DHA conjugate levels were significantly elevated in hirsute patients and were approaching significance for patients with acne. A subject taking the combined oral contraceptive pill had very low plasma DHA conjugate levels. No significant alterations in the plasma levels of the androstenediol conjugates were found. A role for the non-polar conjugates in the aetiology of hirsutism and acne is proposed.  相似文献   

溶磷真菌的筛选及耐盐特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】土壤盐渍化已成为影响土壤质量和作物产量的重要因素之一,利用微生物改良盐渍化土壤是既经济又环保的方法。【目的】从不同土壤样品和生物肥料中筛选溶磷能力较强的真菌并讨论其耐盐能力,为盐渍化土壤改良提供菌种资源。【方法】采用平板培养法筛选有一定溶磷能力的真菌,经ITS序列分析初步确定菌株的分类地位。以溶磷能力为考察指标,以NaCl梯度和磷酸钙梯度为考察因素,分析不同菌株利用无机磷源的能力,以及溶磷能力与pH的关系。【结果】共筛选得到16株具有较强溶磷能力的真菌,其中4株真菌对水稻发芽有显著的促进作用,它们是1株长枝木霉(MF-1)和3株踝节菌属菌株(SD-2、XJ-7和HLJ-3)。菌株SD-2和XJ-7生长的耐盐能力显著好于菌株MF-1和HLJ-3。当NaCl浓度为5%时,菌株XJ-7的溶磷能力最好,溶磷率可达9.50%;当NaCl浓度为1%时,菌株HLJ-3的溶磷能力较好,溶磷率为6.93%;当NaCl浓度为0时,菌株SD-2和MF-1的溶磷能力较强,溶磷率分别为9.07%和3.73%。进一步研究发现踝节菌属真菌的溶磷能力与菌液pH呈显著负相关关系。【结论】筛选获得的4株真菌其溶磷能力在不同盐环境中有显著差异,为今后土壤改良和生物肥料中菌种的选择提供理论依据和试验基础。  相似文献   

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